Should have seen the giga in Dino crisis 2. The Giga picked up the TRex as if it was a chew toy. Literally the only way to kill that gigantic beast was to shoot a laser from a satellite that was probably 40 meters in diameter.
I remember in Kindergarten we would roleplay as our dream job, my friends became doctor, Soldier, Pilot, I become a dinosaur and won the costume Contest
The issue with pitting these two super therapods against each other is simply the fact that whoever bites the other one first wins. Or they both die. Taking infection and bloodloss into account it only really takes one well placed bite from either of them to get the kill. And they could very well both die.
yeah people often overlook that. even if one of them manages to win, if the victor suffered from heavy damage post fight then he too will also die. honestly it really depends on the situation and who bites first.
Yes, and if they are as smart as claimed, they know that, and avoid fighting, just like usually two apex predators avoid serious fighting (or engage in ritual fighting, like two rams butting heads, though stags are known to sometimes fight to the death).
@@raylopez99 Some theories claim the tyrannosaurus head was shaped in a way to allow it to headbutt things very effectively. So, I think we all know how that fight would end.........
So I have to through something in here. The Trex although power had 1 single way of attacking and it was its powerful jaw strength, this is a heavy disadvantage because the giga wasn’t only bigger but faster also having 3 separate ways of attack. It’s very hard for me to believe a trex can win this battle because of how many weaknesses it has that the giga doesn’t need to mess with. Also gigas prey of choice was giant sauropods so it is used to battling bigger prey than itself while the trex was thought to be a ambushed or scavenger because of its slow speed. In this video he said the trex could run up to 17miles per hour. If they reach 15-17 mph it is thought it’s body would physically be able to support it and could fall and risk the winning factor in this fight as well. I believe about 70% of the time the giga would win, but the Rex is still a super powerful creature. Also sue the largest trex ever studied was 40 feet long and estimated 9 tonnes ( I’ve seen sue in real life so ik its size like the back of my hand) and the largest giga was about 42.5 feet and 8 tonnes so overall size they were very close but I still think the giganotosaur is just a way more we’ll adapt predator in this fight
@@aressoukup1103 lol no, that speed isn't enough to make Rex slow enough to not counter it. In fact, Trex would detect the Giga even before it can detect the Rex. It can hunt bigger prey because giga goes in packs and attack whilst withdrawing at the same time to make the sauropod die of bloodloss. It by no means it has the ability and power to kill a fully grown Rex who has bigger brain, vision more advanced than a hawk, smell as strong as 1000 blood hounds and experience to kill other Trex by proof of infighting and cannibalism of other huge Trexes.
I adore how this isnt just some fan piece only pointing out the rexes strengths and the gigas weaknesses only, Both dinosaurs are perfectly evened out in their pros and cons, This is fantastic.
Literally every other channel: REX VS SPINO Well spino is big target and it is super dumb so it’s not very affective, and it’s an amphibian ugh ew NOW FOR THE REX! Woah woah super strong big fast and smart strong jaw and strong arm! Can run and is durable
@@crunchybro123 spino fans only think the spino would win because of its size and claws, I mean the t-Rex might not approach it because it could think it’s not a match but it’s all looks a Rex is a lot stronger than a spino, the tail is fit for swimming and it’s claws were to grip its prey and I believe it’s jaw is meant to chew fish literally in every factor the t-Rex is better if they were to fight. Rex could tank probably over 40 hits
Good luck sneaking up on the Rex though since it had also had arguably the best sense of smell of any dinosaur, and despite what Jurassic Park lead many to believe, the Rex had insanely good binocular vision too. The Rex would smell the Giga long before the Giga realized the Rex was there and probably would have gotten spotted sooner too as the Giga also seems to have not had nearly as good vision. Since Giga also (according to some scientists) hunted by sheering off flesh from large sauropods, likely didn't need that good of vision anyway since the prey was so big. What it did need was to be speedy enough to run up to them, attack by biting off some flesh, and then retreating before the sauropod retaliated. Hence also the more cut oriented teeth. T-rex on the otherhand had some of the best sense of any therapod ever. Better vision and sense of smell than other tyrannosaurs even, couple that with it's larger brain and stronger bite, well, you get the idea.
They were also known to hunt in groups its the orca vs shark debate all over again. Its just too powerful and clever. Imagine chilling having a drink and 3 of those fuckers run at you
The giga's jaws are designed the bite through thick skin and the giga also has a good sense of smell. Also the giga at least weighed 8-15 tons while t-rex weighed 5- 9 tons which means the giga wins 8 out of 10 times.
The problem is that people who say the Rex can kill everything. Kind of give the Rex the best possible situation and then don't for the other guy. The T-Rex, to make use of is full bite force, needs to have its mouth entirely around another dino. Its not the kind of grip you get in the middle of a fight really. Giga's just need to inflict a bite, they slice off a slab of flesh and the dino bleeds. The other is that people who take up this argument forget how bleeding works. A T-Rex that has a hole in its side from a Giga tearing off a chunk is gonna bleed out, gonna get an infection, and gonna quickly find other dinos are stalking it too. We have this notion that Dinos didn't bleed like modern animals do but we know if you cut a croc it still bleeds and lets face it we eat Dinos (Chickens) all the time and they certainly bleed. So Dinos likely pumped out a lot of blood with their massive hearts so a bleeding predator would be highly effective.
@@neerdowell6687 No it’s just regarded as being the most evolved theropod ever.Like for instance even though trex was larger than giga it was still more agile,along with a whole lot of other advantages.It has the advantage of millions of more years of evolution.It was basically the ultimate predator.Truly a king
@@neerdowell6687 Also T. rex could open its mouth up to 80 degrees according to new studies so it wouldn’t have a problem get those jaws around an opposer!
@@kawhibrayant1553 @Kawhi Brayant What does evolved more even mean? Sure Giganotosaurus' family was a basal offshoot, but that does not mean Tyrannosaurus Rex has more "evolved." It still doesn't matter how wide a Rex can open its jaw, because in the end Giganotosaurus has a much longer jaw
Even 3 years ago this channel was years ahead of it's time in quality and consistency, I remember watching you guys back during KOTM truly a goated channel.
@@UtterNoobness they also lived in verry different ecosystems gigas liked the forest and foliage mainly coming out only to find food and water while the tyrannosaurus would nest near the edge of small groups of trees and the rest of its territory would be grassland or somewhere near a large body of water like a lake or river
I think run speed and body density clearly shows that they preyed on different prey types. T-Rex may not have been the fastest dinosaur, it doesn't have to be. It only has to be faster than the main prey species.
@@shanehouse7451 That is an absurd conclusion that was speculated on with ZERO evidence to back it up. T-Rex was probably like most Apex predators in that it hunted but it would also drive smaller weaker predators off their kills. I will also point out that there are dinosaurs that have T-Rex bites in them that healed so it is clear they were alive when attacked by the T-Rex and somehow managed to escape.
Real world: "Rex wins" Ark: "Used totally hundred of predator such like dilophosaurus, raptors, carnotaurus, allosaurus, and rexs but still can't kill a single wild giga"
Some of Arks dinos are related to real ones but are made up subspecies. Helena Walker complains in the explorer note that it isn't a Rex but gave up correcting the other survivors. She called the species Tyrannosaurus Dominun probably explains why a triceratops is pathetically small compared to it in the game and that their version of a Giga is ridiculous.
@@vn9574 would maybe win I think you mean everyone seems to forget 8000psi being put behind a blade is still a LOT of pressure, more than enough pressure to puncture arteries windpipe etc so really the extra bite force is not necessary anyway not to mention the trex falling over being fatal is a rather large Achilles heel when going against another large theropod
So t rex just stomps. I mean, yeah giganotosaurus can take out sauropods. But that's basically a war of who will survive the longest. But t-rex can probably one shot heavies like giganotosaurus.
@@diakounknown1225 it was also like 1.5x the Giggas weight in muscles and bone. They’re built like bears- while Giggas are built like jaguars- agile, light but decently sized.
@goro boi yeah exactly. The fused nasals and wide skull of tyrannosaurus made it such a solid creature and could kill almost every carnivore out there.
@@ethoraptor9479 from what I remember the rex's bite force is the strongest ever on land. A good strike anywhere on the body of Giganotosaurus would either incapacitate it, or outright kill it.
@@bobplisskenNYLA it's not dead though, there are legit more players today than ever before... the game is only growing, and recently the devs have been making great progress on Evrima. The future is finally bright for the game.
@@bobplisskenNYLA First of all, the Allosaurus could also break bones and second of all, The Isle is not dead because new updates were added and now you can play as pterosaurs and crocodile
One thing you have to take into account is the T. Rex’s eyes. They were thought to be very powerful and were positioned on the front of its face, which would give it an advantage in going face to face with another predator like the Giga, whos eyes faced sideways due to the Rex having many Millions of years more of evolution.
@@marcusjal8798 The fight could be easy for T-Rex since Giga is really no where close to 13 tons like the video claims and more like 7 tons and T-Rex was around 9.5 tons for Sue and Scotty. I have seen T-Rex and the Giga display and I seen no way that Giga was even 8 tons when claim was at the time 12 tons. Whoever came up with that needs to go back to math class. As fare as any predator goes they have all adapted to holding up to their own kinds bite force witch means Giga is a walk in the park for the king. With those forward facing eyes of T-Rex will allow it to get in a quick first and last bite. This is like a Gray Hound fighting a Rott and we all know how that would end up. Plus if T-Rex fill it could get it's self up fast like any other Bird could and they have no arms at all.
Alright i have a story So my dad was playing ark.he had a long neck(idk how to spell the name of it)and a dodo.out of the both the long neck died and the dodo lived from smth i dont remember. So yea the dodo is unkillable
Also another important point is the difference in vision between the two. The Giga has eyes on both sides giving it a blind spot in the middle. It would constantly have to turn his head to get eyes on the Rex. The Rex (like humans and eagles) have eyes facing forward, despite the “they don’t see you if you don’t move” JP myth. The Tyrannosaurus Rex ironically had one of the greatest eyesights in the history of the animal kingdom.
Exactly. It could see 12 times better than a human and discern objects up to 6 km away. Also Tyrannosaurus had an excellent sense of smell and hearing and, when it comes to locomotion, it could pivot on one leg to make tight turns (tyrannosaurids in general were quite agile, despite their large size). And the 50 km/h top speed for Giganotosaurus is a severe overestimate. It's from a paper published back in 2001 and nobody has bothered to recalculate its possible running speed since; given how things have changed when it comes to Tyrannosaurus' top speed (which was though to be about 40 km/h a few years back) it is safe to assume Giganotosaurus would not have been as fast as it was once thought.
Ugh... that myth isn't even because of JP... it's because of one line that NO ONE seems to bother remembering. It's because of the gene splicing!! The frog DNA they had to use. They mention how when they filled in the missing DNA for the Rex with frog DNA, the vision problem of the frog was transferred. Meaning that because the frog's vision is based on movement, the Rex inherited that fault in it's own DNA... Yet NO ONE REMEMBERS THAT!!! y'all only remember the line "it's vision is based on movement So don't move and it can't see you" and EVERYONE takes that as meaning ALL TREX HAVE MOVEMENT BASED VISION... Fing hell... I'm so sick of this myth about a myth being spread around when it's literally just ignorant people not paying attention to dialogue in the film and taking ONE SINGLE LINE of dialogue and basing the entire movie around it... Just... makes me so mad..
The comparison of rex and giga is stupid to begin with, they were both apex predators in their area the highest tier you can be in the food chain so they are practically equal(also spino in egipt was the apex predator). Fun fact both of them went extinct because they couldn't evolve so in comparison to the microraptor you could say they were shit.
On the subject of T-rex's speed. I learnt from a recent video seminar that it was capable of running speeds comparable to an olympic sprinter. However, the animal was seemingly built more for endurance, meaning that it could maintain that speed for an extended period of time. Quite terrifying.
You also need to account for thermoregulation and endurance. I've heard (although that might not be 100% true) that big theropods would not be great runners because of overheating
@@grandmacrinkle8094 let me see Real Life Giga: Can make animals bleed with it’s sharp teeth Real Life Rex:Can crush bone Ark Giga: Can crush stones Ark Rex: Can barely do 1/4 of a human’s health.
@@mrpopcornsalt557gamez2 nope. A freshly tamed giga is always better than freshly tamed rex. But gigas get little increases per level so maxed giga vz maxed rex is gonna be close though rex will probably win, you only wanna upgarde melee on gigas, everything else is useless because you barely increase the stats per level. But imprinted and maxed giga> imprinted and maxed rex every time. Gigas are not worth getting if you don't mutate or imprint them. If you do its the most powerful mount in the game. Even more so than a titano due to ignoring natural dino armor (doesnt do reduced damage against rock elementals, titanos, etc) and having very high damage
@Felis Skalkotris Sorabjitus in this case hello there, long time no see, you must have a very good memory. Its very much possible, have been playing and watching ark content for years. Internet is a small place for people with similar Interests it seems.
Well to be fair The Isle is a shit "game". It's just a tech demo that'll never be completed. Do yourself a favor and switch to Path of Titans, those devs have come even further than The Isle has and in 1/10th of a time.
The last lecture on T. rex I watched went into great detail about her feet, hind limbs, and pelvis. T. rex’s walking stride was as fast as Usain bolt at full sprint. She used her fused bottom three toes like a spring, enhancing her ability to withstand the shock of her frame running, and making her strides longer for faster locomotion. T. rex could run faster than you, see better than you, turn quicker than you, and smell you before you even knew she was around. T. rex is the most impressive land predator ever, except for us.
Well no crap lol, it's much bigger than us. But you're not taking into account our brains, we have tools. A Trex could not outrun us, we would use bikes/cars. It wouldn't see better than us, we would use visual enhancements like thermal/night vision and zooming lenses. Turning is irrelevant when when no turning is needed to escape since most vehicles could outrun a rex in 1st gear alone. Smelling? Probably the one thing it has on us, but that's when we either run, or fight back, which we could also easily do an win. I mean the options are endless really, minigun, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, .50 cal sniper, tank, jet, the list goes on
@@jackcurtin5427 Rex only has to get one bite and spino is crippled or killed. Not to mention, spinos are much more suited for aquatic environments than terrestrial ones. Spino also had a fairly weak bite in comparison to many terrestrial dinosaurs at the time. But you are right, spinos did have pretty powerful claws.
@@sevoquii JPs dinosaurs are literally all genetically modified by INGEN, even the JP Trex wasn’t made for scientific accuracy but that s what make it so unique.
I feel like the T-Rex would be a close combat expert. All it would need to do is simply change the momentum of the high speed opponent by side stepping or using his body weight to force his opponent to the ground(even though he clearly got wrecked in the intro). You can’t make my childhood dream die, I won’t let you.
If you watch your dinosaurs are wrong the Giganotosaurus wasn't as fast as originally thought,if that's the case the Gig would have to go toe to toe with the T-rex.Lotsa luck!
I dont know who you are and how you got in my recommendation but what i watch was complete magic. The editing skills and narrating is top teir . Would give a 9/10 for effort and dedication put in this video
2 more points in favor of t rex. It was able to pick up scents at incredible distances, but im not sure how accurate jurrasic park 2 was when it said the vulture was the only one better. 2 its eyes were highly developed in stereo. It could see better than a modern day eagle.
1 second ago T. rex from USA so should be the winner talking senseless Bite of hyena stronger then the lion but lion in all stronger and can kill hyena easily this is how it’s calculated.
@@yasser6333 boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo giga fanboy just sit back and realize to your despair that rex would win because it is the undisputed kind or queen of the carnivorous dinosaurs because it has the size, the strength, and the amazingly adapted senses it needs to destroy anything
@@yasser6333 Well the Rex is larger in mass which really only matters and had the strongest bite force of ANY land animal. Also Binocular vision which the Giga did not have AND the Rex was smarter and could process things quicker. Not much of a debate
@AL The T-Rex was smarter lmao, it was as smart as a chimpanzee (literally had problem solving abilities). The giganotosaurus just like every allosauridae had very restricted binocular vision, so it's still not as good as the Rex which is superior to that of a modern day eagle. Same goes for the other senses. The giganotosaurus most likely hunted sauropods, but in packs of 4-5 lmao. A pack of T-Rex would have probably been able to do the same lol. The weight of a giga went from 6.5 to 8 tons while the Rex from 8 to 10 tons, so it's not a one ton difference. It had absolutely no advantage over the Rex due to millions of years of improvement in favor of the latter. It was faster but not more agile: new studies of its hips joints suggest that it could brake or turn like skaters can, not to mention that other studies suggest that the Rex's feet were made for long distance chasing. So, it may have not been as fast but it would have not given up on eating you very easily, so even your point of the Rex not being resistant flopped lol. The hadrosaurus surviving the Rex? You've taken it completely out of context and even lied on some things to fit your agenda. First of all, it's reported to be an adult edmontosaurus; second of all, it is suggested that the Rex most likely only briefly hit the other dino and since the edmontosaurus is faster it just escaped probably with the help of its herd. Luck hits everyone once in while, yk? I'm still trying to understand what you were trying to do. Since a dino survived a Rex bite it means that it's not as strong as every paleontologist claim it to be after studying it for years? Why? Because you said so? 💀💀💀 Pls, get a degree first and than argue about it. By your logic, if a sauropod survived an attack from a pack of gigas it means that gigas weren't actually able to hunt them down? Embarrassing tbh.
Man oh man u guys have never disappointed me in literally any of ur videos I mean were u born for this or some jeez your just too good at the edition and Animation
Please dont,jp doesnt had epic dinosaur fight and its the best on the franchise.i hope its focused more on the dinosaur beauty rther than the terror they spread.
Giganotosaurus was a lighter built animal than T. rex and not as tall. It was only slightly longer than T. rex in real life, that’s the only size advantage it has.
More like In the real times/prehistoric era: Giganotosaurus: Tf's a t rex? T Rex: Tf's a giganotosaurus? Giganotosurus and Tyrannosaurus lived like 7 million years apart
@@willvipperman8685 they did that too, but the very last giga died about 7M years before the very first rex was born IDK I just used Google, if you look it up those are the temporal ranges they have
The Rex is like the Mountain from GOT. You may be able to out-maneuver it, but all it really takes is one good bite, and you’re in serious trouble. I think the damage the Rex would do with its bite is just too devastating compared to what the Giga would do. It’d be a terrible sight to behold though, the Giga is still a massive and agile predator. It’d be close, but I think the Rex edges it out.
Yeah bro I totally agree as if the giga met with t Rex in real life giga would've run for it's life instead of getting involved in a fight that will mostly cause it to die if it didn't escape with dangerous wounds
Facts, people just REALLY want there to be a dinosaur more badass then rex so they're willing to forego the facts and just take anything as long as its big, but sadly Spinosaurus and giga would easily lose in a battle with T.rex over 60% of the time.
There's one more aspect to this: sight. Tyrannosaurus had bigger eyes and more overlapping field of vision, giving it superior eyesight and depth perception, and that means more precise bites and better judgment of distance. T. Rex was the pitbull terrier of the dinosaur kingdom, it had so many advantages over Giga, I'm not sure it would be able to compensate with speed and agility alone. But you never know, some very surprising fights can happen in nature.
I agree. The way the eyes sit in the T-Rex may have been it's biggest asset and my have still won the fight with half the jaw power it had. Plus the T-Rex was believed to have used it's head to ram pray down and bite it's underbelly. Gigs head could not handle doing that because of it's head being thin.
Well, in nature there's a lot of variables like a juvenile, old, sick, weak (due hungriness) individual and etc. But in that comparisions we consider both individuals in their prime, and its hard to give Giga a chance to win a T-rex in a prime scenario. Plus: T-rex was used to fight others T-rexes, since it was a cannibal, so he knew how to fight others Theropods. Giga dont.
This is amazing editing! Thank you for pin pointing the spots like a video game!! That is so eye catching and fact driven I love this channel. New sub!
"Stop being a ******* dinosaur and get a job!" - Step Brothers Seriously though, I hope you never lost your dinosaur. 💙 Love that my seven asterisk were censored to five, TH-cam.
@@90skidcultist Maybe, but not really.... There is documentary about T-rex named "Wyrex", that who was able to survive after it tail get cut due to another T-rex bite. If I remember correctly, the document film was "T-rex : Ultimate Survivor" by National Geographic.
@@shinig_c I can work with maybe, but "not really"? Your an odd, man. Okay, your one POSSIBLE example is the norm for ALL T-rexes. They are immune to infections and bleeding out to death. Even as WARM BLOODED reptiles, like birds. This means that their heart`s pump a lot faster, & they get sick more often, than things like... crocodiles. Blood loss & infection is more common in warm blooded animals than traditional reptiles. Althought cold blooded animals don`t get sick often, they don`t fight it off too well when they actually do get sick, but now I`m off topic. Nah, you name one questionable example, so that means it is 100% true. You should be a Paleontologist.
You do know that a gigas bite force is 14,000 pounds per square inch that's more than enough to do the same damage as a rex would so your argument is invalid its a matter of who bites who first
You realise that you're a true dino-geek when you know every single documentary that goji used in this amazing video:) Btw,one of them was about carcharodontosaurus,but I'll pretend I don't remember this,because goji already made great work doing this content,that i can't believe i don't have to pay for;D
I've been wanting to say this all day but the giganotosaurus and the gigantosaurus are two completely different dinosaurs It is sad I know Unless of course I am wrong in which case sorry
I just finished watching 2 videos on this channel, and boy it was worth it I mean I love dinos, and this channel is all about dinosaurs so I subscribe so I wont miss anything great.
I remember when I was a kid in Dino Crisis 2 the Giganotosaurus was much bigger than the T-Rex and after overcoming the nightmares I had about it I truly thought Giganotosaurus was just a made up dinosaur. Now seeing this 20 years later, thanks.
Personally, I think that the Giganotosaurus has a much better chance of winning then people say it does, but at the same time, you did it SO much justice here. The Giga is perfectly described in this video. Legitimately, it's description MADE, the video for me: An Agile Heavyweight. This was a fantastic video to watch, I really enjoyed it, and I think it's safe to say that everyone else did. If in the future, you ever decide to do a Rex vs Spino debate, I actually think you'll be the only channel that handles it well. A lot of people say stuff like "Spinosaurus stands no chance against T rex", when in reality, it kind of does. (People, if you are going to argue with me in the comments about this, I'm not gonna respond. Too easily aggravating myself these days). One last note: I don't think that in the final Jurassic world film, it'll just be the Giga vs rex. After all, you can't have a royal fight without the King of the Dinosaurs, The Flesh Lord of the South, and the Empress of Aquatic combat. Nice job guys, keep the good work up :)
@@Idonttolerateracism Well, they did the Flesh Lord some justice here. This is a single scenario in the context of the video. Just because they said T rex wins in this one, doesn't mean they discounted the Giganotosaurus winning in a different one. Both are fairly powerful animals, and to say one will always definitively win isn't really what they did here.
@@tybowen1223 You've definitely got a point here. In swampy regions, (Since if we were in open water, T rex would be out of the picture in general), Spinosaurus certainly has the upper hand in surprise attacks, agility, and the ability to drown her opponent. That's not to say that it couldn't win on land. It's claws are extremely powerful, and no doubt it would be an excellent grappler. Not to mention those extremely long jaws, and conical teeth. While they can't crush bone, they can still inflict violent injuries, and best of all, it's like a crocodile, very difficult to get out of them. My point is here, no scenario is definitive. For all we know, Tyrannosaurus could potentially see a water ambush coming, or a Spinosaurus could perhaps simply outlast the Rex with it's tremendous length, bulk and those huge claws.
I remember at grade 2, one kid thinks hes a dinosaur and he'd bite other kids, the sad part was.... That was me
In nursery I used to beat my classmates up
@@prayingmantis4948 HOLY SHI-
@@mattfproductions3651 nice
the bad thing for me is that it wasn't in 2nd grade it was in 4th so my memory is sadly intact
Ark Players: "We've been tricked. We've been backstabbed and we've been quite possibly, bamboozled"
Dino Crisis 2: I am your daddy.
U just spoiled the fight
@@fishchicken2487 Sorry man, it's best not to look at the comments before you watch a video
Well i watched it anyway
You've been smeckledorfed!
Ark devs with their Gigas being almost 4 times bigger than the rexs, “Impossible”
😂😂 exactly
Rex bites 300 Times giga takes 2k dmg, giga bites dingdong Rex is gone
Should have seen the giga in Dino crisis 2. The Giga picked up the TRex as if it was a chew toy. Literally the only way to kill that gigantic beast was to shoot a laser from a satellite that was probably 40 meters in diameter.
Giga is bigger than rex anyway
Dino Crisis 2: I am your daddy.
" I fear not the theropod who has practiced 10,000 bites once, but I fear the theropod who has practiced one bite at 10,000 psi." - Bruce Carolinii
People who play Ark: "is that even a question?"
Gigas are depicted as MUCH bigger in ARK, with far higher stats
Dude your editing skills are flawless, it''s feels like watching some high-budget National Geography mockmentary, well done!
The constant shake when JWE/movie/documentary footage is shown gets disorienting very quickly
@@skiwee2092 They have to do that so they dont get a copyright strike.
Almost like what they used to do
@@YaBoiDREX I don't think you'd get a copyright strike for showing footage from Jurassic World Evolution.
He Used vids from the j park and world movies and clips from j world ev
I remember in Kindergarten we would roleplay as our dream job, my friends became doctor, Soldier, Pilot, I become a dinosaur and won the costume Contest
What dinosaur?
Idk why. Dinosaurs are kindergarten-elementary kid's wet dreams
Man I remember showing my dinosaurs toy at show and tell
@@irsdeathsquadvictim5160 i had at least 50 by kindergarten
The issue with pitting these two super therapods against each other is simply the fact that whoever bites the other one first wins. Or they both die. Taking infection and bloodloss into account it only really takes one well placed bite from either of them to get the kill. And they could very well both die.
yeah people often overlook that. even if one of them manages to win, if the victor suffered from heavy damage post fight then he too will also die. honestly it really depends on the situation and who bites first.
Yes, and if they are as smart as claimed, they know that, and avoid fighting, just like usually two apex predators avoid serious fighting (or engage in ritual fighting, like two rams butting heads, though stags are known to sometimes fight to the death).
@@raylopez99 Some theories claim the tyrannosaurus head was shaped in a way to allow it to headbutt things very effectively.
So, I think we all know how that fight would end.........
So I have to through something in here. The Trex although power had 1 single way of attacking and it was its powerful jaw strength, this is a heavy disadvantage because the giga wasn’t only bigger but faster also having 3 separate ways of attack. It’s very hard for me to believe a trex can win this battle because of how many weaknesses it has that the giga doesn’t need to mess with. Also gigas prey of choice was giant sauropods so it is used to battling bigger prey than itself while the trex was thought to be a ambushed or scavenger because of its slow speed. In this video he said the trex could run up to 17miles per hour. If they reach 15-17 mph it is thought it’s body would physically be able to support it and could fall and risk the winning factor in this fight as well. I believe about 70% of the time the giga would win, but the Rex is still a super powerful creature. Also sue the largest trex ever studied was 40 feet long and estimated 9 tonnes ( I’ve seen sue in real life so ik its size like the back of my hand) and the largest giga was about 42.5 feet and 8 tonnes so overall size they were very close but I still think the giganotosaur is just a way more we’ll adapt predator in this fight
@@aressoukup1103 lol no, that speed isn't enough to make Rex slow enough to not counter it. In fact, Trex would detect the Giga even before it can detect the Rex. It can hunt bigger prey because giga goes in packs and attack whilst withdrawing at the same time to make the sauropod die of bloodloss. It by no means it has the ability and power to kill a fully grown Rex who has bigger brain, vision more advanced than a hawk, smell as strong as 1000 blood hounds and experience to kill other Trex by proof of infighting and cannibalism of other huge Trexes.
I adore how this isnt just some fan piece only pointing out the rexes strengths and the gigas weaknesses only, Both dinosaurs are perfectly evened out in their pros and cons, This is fantastic.
Who remembers ollirockon
@@spacetacos7574 I do
Literally every other channel: REX VS SPINO
Well spino is big target and it is super dumb so it’s not very affective, and it’s an amphibian ugh ew
Woah woah super strong big fast and smart strong jaw and strong arm! Can run and is durable
@@crunchybro123 spino fans only think the spino would win because of its size and claws, I mean the t-Rex might not approach it because it could think it’s not a match but it’s all looks a Rex is a lot stronger than a spino, the tail is fit for swimming and it’s claws were to grip its prey and I believe it’s jaw is meant to chew fish literally in every factor the t-Rex is better if they were to fight. Rex could tank probably over 40 hits
@@cbmcglynn3110 behold, the Rex doesn’t survive they both die then because of blood loss
For all ark players we been lied to or we are just midgets in game
Lied but i already knew the fact before i played ark
@@Rick-3107 well in ark but not irl
I think its funny ppl are trying to say he's wrong bc they play Ark 😂
@@Rick-3107 in ark in real life the rex has much more bite power
miggits llf were al smal as fk
while Giga and rex were fighting Spino's just chilling in the water in a flotie with a sandwich
Tuna sandwich
*waiting to get his ass Handed to him by the winner
Imagine me watching from a distance, in a chair, eating a whole Thanksgiving dinner meal
Good luck to the flotie though, it would have to hold 10-12 metric tons, although I like the idea
Good luck sneaking up on the Rex though since it had also had arguably the best sense of smell of any dinosaur, and despite what Jurassic Park lead many to believe, the Rex had insanely good binocular vision too. The Rex would smell the Giga long before the Giga realized the Rex was there and probably would have gotten spotted sooner too as the Giga also seems to have not had nearly as good vision. Since Giga also (according to some scientists) hunted by sheering off flesh from large sauropods, likely didn't need that good of vision anyway since the prey was so big. What it did need was to be speedy enough to run up to them, attack by biting off some flesh, and then retreating before the sauropod retaliated. Hence also the more cut oriented teeth. T-rex on the otherhand had some of the best sense of any therapod ever. Better vision and sense of smell than other tyrannosaurs even, couple that with it's larger brain and stronger bite, well, you get the idea.
They were also known to hunt in groups its the orca vs shark debate all over again. Its just too powerful and clever. Imagine chilling having a drink and 3 of those fuckers run at you
@@robertfranklin4838 Both ran in packs. It would be a war or more likely they would stay far from each other.
The giga is stronger faster smarter bigger best
Giga is most likely in bigger groups since it something that hunts saurapods
The giga's jaws are designed the bite through thick skin and the giga also has a good sense of smell. Also the giga at least weighed 8-15 tons while t-rex weighed 5- 9 tons which means the giga wins 8 out of 10 times.
Paleontologists: You cant argue with us just because you play a game
Ark players: Hold my giganotosaurus pet
Exactly, they can't
The problem is that people who say the Rex can kill everything. Kind of give the Rex the best possible situation and then don't for the other guy. The T-Rex, to make use of is full bite force, needs to have its mouth entirely around another dino. Its not the kind of grip you get in the middle of a fight really. Giga's just need to inflict a bite, they slice off a slab of flesh and the dino bleeds.
The other is that people who take up this argument forget how bleeding works. A T-Rex that has a hole in its side from a Giga tearing off a chunk is gonna bleed out, gonna get an infection, and gonna quickly find other dinos are stalking it too. We have this notion that Dinos didn't bleed like modern animals do but we know if you cut a croc it still bleeds and lets face it we eat Dinos (Chickens) all the time and they certainly bleed. So Dinos likely pumped out a lot of blood with their massive hearts so a bleeding predator would be highly effective.
@@neerdowell6687 No it’s just regarded as being the most evolved theropod ever.Like for instance even though trex was larger than giga it was still more agile,along with a whole lot of other advantages.It has the advantage of millions of more years of evolution.It was basically the ultimate predator.Truly a king
@@neerdowell6687 Also T. rex could open its mouth up to 80 degrees according to new studies so it wouldn’t have a problem get those jaws around an opposer!
@@kawhibrayant1553 @Kawhi Brayant What does evolved more even mean? Sure Giganotosaurus' family was a basal offshoot, but that does not mean Tyrannosaurus Rex has more "evolved." It still doesn't matter how wide a Rex can open its jaw, because in the end Giganotosaurus has a much longer jaw
So thats why Giga has a bleeding damage on ARK.
No its cap the rax is on lvl 542 and giga is on 1 so yea scam
@@elvisouo6731 yeah I hate being attacked by a rax in ark
A Rax😂
T-rex should've had the bone crushed effect on ARK. Both on the dinosaurs and on the players.
@@elvisouo6731 lvl 542 rax?😂😂😂😂
I've played enough ark to safely say that giga one shots a rex
Me too🤣
No cap lmaoo
Even 3 years ago this channel was years ahead of it's time in quality and consistency, I remember watching you guys back during KOTM truly a goated channel.
This is one of the best editing i have ever seen
True!👌 Im agree 👍
My eyes hurt
This video has parkinsons.
I think the fight between them is from the game jurassic world evolution
@@sparta__gaming310 it is
Real life: t-rex win 🕶️👍
Ark: XD
the isle: only if you know how to use it :)
What’s ark?
@@H_savv4848 a video game
Giga wins.
What would actually happen: *Yeah, not going over there*
@J.E.M As James Edward McDonald stop promoting your channel
@Troodon formosus . Plz do enlighten us about the consequences of rex vs giga. After all ur the smartest dinosaur.
@@UtterNoobness Idk they probably wouldn't want to fight another large predator and just avoid each other
@@monkeytime3169 wise answer
@@UtterNoobness they also lived in verry different ecosystems gigas liked the forest and foliage mainly coming out only to find food and water while the tyrannosaurus would nest near the edge of small groups of trees and the rest of its territory would be grassland or somewhere near a large body of water like a lake or river
I think run speed and body density clearly shows that they preyed on different prey types. T-Rex may not have been the fastest dinosaur, it doesn't have to be. It only has to be faster than the main prey species.
I think the Rex relied on at least 50% of it's food being carrion.
Hadrosaurs and trikes couldn't run fast either
trex was not a hunter it was a scavanger
@@shanehouse7451 That is an absurd conclusion that was speculated on with ZERO evidence to back it up. T-Rex was probably like most Apex predators in that it hunted but it would also drive smaller weaker predators off their kills.
I will also point out that there are dinosaurs that have T-Rex bites in them that healed so it is clear they were alive when attacked by the T-Rex and somehow managed to escape.
@@Bellthorian you clearly have not looked at jack horners research lmao
Real world: "Rex wins"
Ark: "Used totally hundred of predator such like dilophosaurus, raptors, carnotaurus, allosaurus, and rexs but still can't kill a single wild giga"
i almost killed one with a carno lvl like 200 3250% damage 14000 health still died tho :c
1:43 isn't that the Mapusaueus from planet dinosaur?
Reality: yes but actually no
Some of Arks dinos are related to real ones but are made up subspecies. Helena Walker complains in the explorer note that it isn't a Rex but gave up correcting the other survivors. She called the species Tyrannosaurus Dominun probably explains why a triceratops is pathetically small compared to it in the game and that their version of a Giga is ridiculous.
Giga would win i know what am saying i have studied for 2 years in ark university
LOL same tho, unless its a tech rex and a captive giga than it might be close lol
@@learydenn1s a tamed giga thats max lvl and a tek rex max lvl it will be close
@@yousifsultan628 thats unless the Tek Rex causes too much damage too fast and triggers the "Killer Mode" of the Giga
Oh I thought you were fr but yeah I get it
Ark logic: Higi is much much much bigger than t rex
@@yousifsultan628 no way lmao
Gojicenter: T rex would most likely win in a fight.
Universal Studios: I beg to differ
goji was basing off a 1v1 in real life. And in real life t rex would win.
@@vn9574 would maybe win I think you mean everyone seems to forget 8000psi being put behind a blade is still a LOT of pressure, more than enough pressure to puncture arteries windpipe etc so really the extra bite force is not necessary anyway not to mention the trex falling over being fatal is a rather large Achilles heel when going against another large theropod
@@wonkyorc9403 yeah there is a chance for giga, but t rex has a better chance.
@@vn9574 I’d disagree I’d say they’re pretty much equal they would each fight differently and to their advantages so I’d say it’s pretty much 50/50
wow this is a lot of replies for a simple joke
Gigas in real life: no bigger than a Rex
Gigas in Ark: *Boy, i KNOW you didnt just roar at me*
Bruh maybe the rex wins cuz the giga isn’t imprint maybe 🤔
True man
I think the Rex was just high lvl and the giga was tamed and low lvl. A wild giga would easily win
the rex also needs perfect stats
With a capped saddle
@@andreasw9522 u have a good opinion
You forgot about one thing: T rex had binocular vision, Giga did not! A sense of depth is pretty handy in a fight and a huge advantage.
So t rex just stomps. I mean, yeah giganotosaurus can take out sauropods. But that's basically a war of who will survive the longest. But t-rex can probably one shot heavies like giganotosaurus.
@@diakounknown1225 it was also like 1.5x the Giggas weight in muscles and bone. They’re built like bears- while Giggas are built like jaguars- agile, light but decently sized.
Exactly. Not to mention that T. rex is way faster than what he said in the video
@goro boi yeah exactly. The fused nasals and wide skull of tyrannosaurus made it such a solid creature and could kill almost every carnivore out there.
@@ethoraptor9479 from what I remember the rex's bite force is the strongest ever on land. A good strike anywhere on the body of Giganotosaurus would either incapacitate it, or outright kill it.
Playing Rex on The isle. The only Dino that breaks bones
A lot of dinos in the isle broke bones since the beginning, even the Maia and Pachy, the game turned shit and dead end long time ago
@@bobplisskenNYLA it's not dead though, there are legit more players today than ever before... the game is only growing, and recently the devs have been making great progress on Evrima. The future is finally bright for the game.
@@bobplisskenNYLA First of all, the Allosaurus could also break bones and second of all, The Isle is not dead because new updates were added and now you can play as pterosaurs and crocodile
@@Misty_-yt5xd if only it was free for me and my intergalactic brethren
@@Empty-ov3on their progress is what’s shit, recode was promised over a year ago, and even now legacy is much better than the shit they call evrima
One thing you have to take into account is the T. Rex’s eyes. They were thought to be very powerful and were positioned on the front of its face, which would give it an advantage in going face to face with another predator like the Giga, whos eyes faced sideways due to the Rex having many Millions of years more of evolution.
the trex would still have a good fight with the giga tho, were it so easy
T . Rex vs t . Red 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@marcusjal8798 The fight could be easy for T-Rex since Giga is really no where close to 13 tons like the video claims and more like 7 tons and T-Rex was around 9.5 tons for Sue and Scotty. I have seen T-Rex and the Giga display and I seen no way that Giga was even 8 tons when claim was at the time 12 tons. Whoever came up with that needs to go back to math class. As fare as any predator goes they have all adapted to holding up to their own kinds bite force witch means Giga is a walk in the park for the king. With those forward facing eyes of T-Rex will allow it to get in a quick first and last bite. This is like a Gray Hound fighting a Rott and we all know how that would end up. Plus if T-Rex fill it could get it's self up fast like any other Bird could and they have no arms at all.
Very true. T-Rex would make fast work of anything dug up so fare in a one on one. This is a bad mismatch.
@@neganrex5693 yeah the gig dead
To the people who play ark a dodo is the most powerful being and no one cant tell me no.
Edit:Im very proud about you, unknown people
Alright i have a story
So my dad was playing ark.he had a long neck(idk how to spell the name of it)and a dodo.out of the both the long neck died and the dodo lived from smth i dont remember.
So yea the dodo is unkillable
Can it feel you yes
@Fleckypoole6 that is just a form of dodo that appears to be superior. But the best isnt a trex bird it's a good old ground burb dodo
Also another important point is the difference in vision between the two. The Giga has eyes on both sides giving it a blind spot in the middle. It would constantly have to turn his head to get eyes on the Rex. The Rex (like humans and eagles) have eyes facing forward, despite the “they don’t see you if you don’t move” JP myth. The Tyrannosaurus Rex ironically had one of the greatest eyesights in the history of the animal kingdom.
Facts bro
Exactly. It could see 12 times better than a human and discern objects up to 6 km away. Also Tyrannosaurus had an excellent sense of smell and hearing and, when it comes to locomotion, it could pivot on one leg to make tight turns (tyrannosaurids in general were quite agile, despite their large size).
And the 50 km/h top speed for Giganotosaurus is a severe overestimate. It's from a paper published back in 2001 and nobody has bothered to recalculate its possible running speed since; given how things have changed when it comes to Tyrannosaurus' top speed (which was though to be about 40 km/h a few years back) it is safe to assume Giganotosaurus would not have been as fast as it was once thought.
@@necrogenisis trex is slow
@@ApexClanDS So is Giganotosaurus.
Ugh... that myth isn't even because of JP... it's because of one line that NO ONE seems to bother remembering. It's because of the gene splicing!! The frog DNA they had to use. They mention how when they filled in the missing DNA for the Rex with frog DNA, the vision problem of the frog was transferred. Meaning that because the frog's vision is based on movement, the Rex inherited that fault in it's own DNA...
Yet NO ONE REMEMBERS THAT!!! y'all only remember the line "it's vision is based on movement So don't move and it can't see you" and EVERYONE takes that as meaning ALL TREX HAVE MOVEMENT BASED VISION...
Fing hell... I'm so sick of this myth about a myth being spread around when it's literally just ignorant people not paying attention to dialogue in the film and taking ONE SINGLE LINE of dialogue and basing the entire movie around it...
Just... makes me so mad..
Goji: "finding real life fact to prof rex would win"
Ark kid: *NO*
You mean: Alpha Ark Chad
Remenber it's just a game
In game the giga is a bronken boss
It's a game leave it be
No rex doesnt win that doesn’t even happened and you’re talking like if rex wins 100/100 times
The comparison of rex and giga is stupid to begin with, they were both apex predators in their area the highest tier you can be in the food chain so they are practically equal(also spino in egipt was the apex predator). Fun fact both of them went extinct because they couldn't evolve so in comparison to the microraptor you could say they were shit.
This is the first video Steve has voiced
And the later videos his voice become more and more apparent to what we are used too
anyone remember Jurassic Park 3 when the t-rex bite down on the Spinosaurus's neck ? well the fight should have been over there
remember in jwfk that the carnotaur should have been crushed or decapitated from that bite force but it didn't.
Can’t remember I’d need to watch the movie again
@@JosephMcEwan u can find the clip on TH-cam lol, yes it died but it didn't get crushed or decapitated tho.
@@Black_Wolf1357 okay your one step ahead of me
@@JosephMcEwan all dinosaurs in Jurassic franchise are inaccurate including the trexes, if it's reality then it would be a different story lol.
My Ark experiences on foot.....
T-Rex: Hmm, I could maybe run past that.
Giga: Let me save you the trouble. *yeets off cliff*
Yeah and from my experience a TRex can not kill a Giga even with support from Rifle Fire.
He always sounds like he’s voicing a blockbuster movie lol
It makes the video all the more engaging
Well, it's like news headlines -- whatever you can do to get viewers.
On the subject of T-rex's speed. I learnt from a recent video seminar that it was capable of running speeds comparable to an olympic sprinter. However, the animal was seemingly built more for endurance, meaning that it could maintain that speed for an extended period of time. Quite terrifying.
@@donalddonald348 Tomato preferably
You also need to account for thermoregulation and endurance. I've heard (although that might not be 100% true) that big theropods would not be great runners because of overheating
The T. Rex= max 27 km/h
The Giga= max 50km/h
@@Rubzi1077 Rexes max speed was 48 kmph dude
Me:T-rex is gonna win
My mind:**Thinks about that Giga will win in ark**
Oh yeah no doubt there
Ark giga will take down the US military in a second
@@grandmacrinkle8094 a wild one of corse. Like come on 80,000 health vs 18,000 health
Ivan Phyo Lwin yeah and a tamed one does so little damage
@@grandmacrinkle8094 let me see
Real Life Giga: Can make animals bleed with it’s sharp teeth
Real Life Rex:Can crush bone
Ark Giga: Can crush stones
Ark Rex: Can barely do 1/4 of a human’s health.
" The giga was agile " Me that has to cross half of the map to make my giga turn. Yea right
Edit: Thank you guys for all the likes :)
Love that
well you can clearly see that their version of the giga was way different from the one in ark. you cannot compare lol.
Fucking ark in a nutshell
@@davenadeau8671 he was just joking
I see your a man of culture as well pc or console
My giga on ark fighting 10 rexes be like: how am I alive
Love this comment
@Jaskarman singh Dhaliwal wild
@Jaskarman singh Dhaliwal yea if its tamed it would get destroyed
@@mrpopcornsalt557gamez2 nope. A freshly tamed giga is always better than freshly tamed rex. But gigas get little increases per level so maxed giga vz maxed rex is gonna be close though rex will probably win, you only wanna upgarde melee on gigas, everything else is useless because you barely increase the stats per level.
But imprinted and maxed giga> imprinted and maxed rex every time. Gigas are not worth getting if you don't mutate or imprint them. If you do its the most powerful mount in the game. Even more so than a titano due to ignoring natural dino armor (doesnt do reduced damage against rock elementals, titanos, etc) and having very high damage
@Felis Skalkotris Sorabjitus in this case hello there, long time no see, you must have a very good memory.
Its very much possible, have been playing and watching ark content for years. Internet is a small place for people with similar Interests it seems.
If this was in ark :
Gigas in the isle : ah shit I’m slow as fuck
Still faster than a rex
@@11Survivor less agile though
Giga in the Isle seems to run in slow motion XD
Sub Giga is even worst, which makes no sense...
Well to be fair The Isle is a shit "game". It's just a tech demo that'll never be completed. Do yourself a favor and switch to Path of Titans, those devs have come even further than The Isle has and in 1/10th of a time.
trex=quick bite to end life
giga=tortures you until you bleed out
edit:WOAH 130 likes???? wtf
I love gigas they’re so cool, they were like Triassic blitzkrieg they bit retreated and striked again when you weren’t looking
@@themanofglue620 okay
Maybe to a dino, to a human being you'd split in half with either one.
@@themanofglue620 Triassic? Giganotosaurus lived in the Cretaceous period same as the T-Rex.
sounds like the game the isle lol
The last lecture on T. rex I watched went into great detail about her feet, hind limbs, and pelvis. T. rex’s walking stride was as fast as Usain bolt at full sprint. She used her fused bottom three toes like a spring, enhancing her ability to withstand the shock of her frame running, and making her strides longer for faster locomotion. T. rex could run faster than you, see better than you, turn quicker than you, and smell you before you even knew she was around. T. rex is the most impressive land predator ever, except for us.
Probably the most successful besides us too.
I totally agree I've not seen another Dino killing machine as good as the Rex yet.
Honestly, T. rex would be my favorite dinosaur if people wouldn’t just overrate rex because it’s bite force.
Well no crap lol, it's much bigger than us. But you're not taking into account our brains, we have tools. A Trex could not outrun us, we would use bikes/cars. It wouldn't see better than us, we would use visual enhancements like thermal/night vision and zooming lenses. Turning is irrelevant when when no turning is needed to escape since most vehicles could outrun a rex in 1st gear alone. Smelling? Probably the one thing it has on us, but that's when we either run, or fight back, which we could also easily do an win. I mean the options are endless really, minigun, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, .50 cal sniper, tank, jet, the list goes on
I don’t think a T. Rex is going to handle very well when talking corners.
Man I have been binging this guy lately. Started off with his Godzilla videos and now here. Damn. Editing is also spot on!
Funny how in ark, Gigas and Spinos demolish rexes but in reality, a rex could take on both of them at once and still come out on top.
Irl a spino could possibly take a rex as it was larger and had very powerful claws along with a decently strong bite
@@jackcurtin5427 Rex only has to get one bite and spino is crippled or killed. Not to mention, spinos are much more suited for aquatic environments than terrestrial ones. Spino also had a fairly weak bite in comparison to many terrestrial dinosaurs at the time. But you are right, spinos did have pretty powerful claws.
@@BaneofBots spinosaurus was likely a horrible swimmer. Main reason is the tail and sail.
@@BaneofBots google
@Domino Gaming (epic battle music)
Godzilla:your small
I play ark and honestly I already knew ark was lying to me😂😂😂
How smart
It always has been...
Well it’s part of the lore that the Dinos are not accurate
@@Noone-dg8io God was probably drunk when making the dinosaurs
Same however I did not realise was that inaccurate.
Oh my ark survival evolved mind can’t think about a giga losinh
that's cuz ark is sometimes 0% accurate. no offense, I like playin' ark too but that's the truth.
Bruh the giganoto size on ark is ridiciulous
@@Afuwwa ikr, but i's not all science lol. Ark has like, aliens and high tech structures. And the titanosaur is massive.
@@sevoquii JPs dinosaurs are literally all genetically modified by INGEN, even the JP Trex wasn’t made for scientific accuracy but that s what make it so unique.
I feel like the T-Rex would be a close combat expert. All it would need to do is simply change the momentum of the high speed opponent by side stepping or using his body weight to force his opponent to the ground(even though he clearly got wrecked in the intro). You can’t make my childhood dream die, I won’t let you.
If you watch your dinosaurs are wrong the Giganotosaurus wasn't as fast as originally thought,if that's the case the Gig would have to go toe to toe with the T-rex.Lotsa luck!
“Goji center does not recommend evading any dinosaur while equipped with heels or any similar footwear” 😂😂😂😂😂
U know it's possible to out run an T Rex in high heels
@@ussrsniper1877 it's very hard but not impossible 😏😉
@@ussrsniper1877 Clare did
@@angelthebudgie4148 that was a movie
i love when it says "goji center does not recommend evading any dinosaur while equipped with heels or any similar footwear"
I dont know who you are and how you got in my recommendation but what i watch was complete magic. The editing skills and narrating is top teir . Would give a 9/10 for effort and dedication put in this video
Glad you enjoyed!
@@GojiCenteryour welcome
Real life rex: I am the most powerful dinosaur ever to exist
Ark giga: am I a joke to you?
2nd ark meme
Goji center: it'll take one rex to kill a giga
Ark players: are you sure about that?
Giganotosaurus has been my favorite Dino ever since I was a kid! I can’t wait to see it in the next Jurassic World.
He is probably gonna be exageratted. But then again is a movie !
@@MadGamer_666 just like how every dino is exaggerated even the rex
I’m excited too! I just hope they also have the carno again too.
I've said it once and I'll say it again this is just like animal face-off and I freaking love it!
You're probably the Best editor EVER
@@leandroc.856 Why,i dont find something funny about it
Kiddo, there are way better editors
@@Lalaloopsies_United i said probably not the best editor ever
@@Lalaloopsies_United and look at your pfp and say who is the kiddo
2 more points in favor of t rex. It was able to pick up scents at incredible distances, but im not sure how accurate jurrasic park 2 was when it said the vulture was the only one better. 2 its eyes were highly developed in stereo. It could see better than a modern day eagle.
1 second ago
T. rex from USA so should be the winner talking senseless
Bite of hyena stronger then the lion but lion in all stronger and can kill hyena easily this is how it’s calculated.
@@yasser6333 boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo giga fanboy just sit back and realize to your despair that rex would win because it is the undisputed kind or queen of the carnivorous dinosaurs because it has the size, the strength, and the amazingly adapted senses it needs to destroy anything
@@vessymink imaging fanboying over a dinosaur lmao get a life
@@yasser6333 Well the Rex is larger in mass which really only matters and had the strongest bite force of ANY land animal. Also Binocular vision which the Giga did not have AND the Rex was smarter and could process things quicker. Not much of a debate
@AL The T-Rex was smarter lmao, it was as smart as a chimpanzee (literally had problem solving abilities). The giganotosaurus just like every allosauridae had very restricted binocular vision, so it's still not as good as the Rex which is superior to that of a modern day eagle. Same goes for the other senses. The giganotosaurus most likely hunted sauropods, but in packs of 4-5 lmao. A pack of T-Rex would have probably been able to do the same lol. The weight of a giga went from 6.5 to 8 tons while the Rex from 8 to 10 tons, so it's not a one ton difference. It had absolutely no advantage over the Rex due to millions of years of improvement in favor of the latter. It was faster but not more agile: new studies of its hips joints suggest that it could brake or turn like skaters can, not to mention that other studies suggest that the Rex's feet were made for long distance chasing. So, it may have not been as fast but it would have not given up on eating you very easily, so even your point of the Rex not being resistant flopped lol. The hadrosaurus surviving the Rex? You've taken it completely out of context and even lied on some things to fit your agenda. First of all, it's reported to be an adult edmontosaurus; second of all, it is suggested that the Rex most likely only briefly hit the other dino and since the edmontosaurus is faster it just escaped probably with the help of its herd. Luck hits everyone once in while, yk? I'm still trying to understand what you were trying to do. Since a dino survived a Rex bite it means that it's not as strong as every paleontologist claim it to be after studying it for years? Why? Because you said so? 💀💀💀 Pls, get a degree first and than argue about it. By your logic, if a sauropod survived an attack from a pack of gigas it means that gigas weren't actually able to hunt them down? Embarrassing tbh.
Nice correction in the description - Giga was much more streamlined, around 6-8 metric tonnes as you note. T-Rex 8-11 tonnes
Trex Never Weighed 10+ Tons you idiot
@@lordsinister5662 It did
@@lordsinister5662 According to the most recent estimations (Larramendi et al), only one theropod had managed to reach 10 tons: Scotty, the T-Rex!
@@mstr293 I meant the max is 10
This vid is insane the editing is god tier and the topic is interesting
The production quality is insane!
@J.E.M As James Edward McDonald fuck off
If only the information was accurate
@@Loris71734 they were accurate😂
Man oh man u guys have never disappointed me in literally any of ur videos I mean were u born for this or some jeez your just too good at the edition and Animation
Imagine T-rex vs Giganotasaurus as the final battle in Jurassic world dominion
You know what maybe they added Giganotosaurus to Jurassic World Dominion because he will fight Rexy?
@Leighton Da Costa why a pack?
Please dont,jp doesnt had epic dinosaur fight and its the best on the franchise.i hope its focused more on the dinosaur beauty rther than the terror they spread.
@@anakinskywalker2707 dat wut we like to see the terror
Honestly.... everyone just wants to see the spino vs rex rematch
Godzilla2014: let them fight
JWD: let them fight 65 million years ago
You would have to have a perfect tamed 150 imprinted Rex to even stand a chance against a level 1 Giga
In ARK at least
that’s a video game….
not even you would need a mutated t rex with 20 stacked mutations and makeing sure is stacked in melee
@@dudeman1221 wait really I'm sure they didnt know that thanks for pointing it out
@@adamholt929 they’re acting like a video game determines an irl fight so clearly they’re not that smart just like you can’t understand context! :)
“The T-Rex is the most power predatory dinosaur ever discovered.”
Giga from Ark: *you’re not that guy pal, you’re not that guy.*
@@TheMenace2004 womp womp it's a game, irl T rex is greater
6:52 me playing ark: impossible
@Apex Orca It's a joke m8.
@Apex Orca Says the one with a pfp of a f*cking orca😂😂😂
My fully mutated Rex: haha bite Giga goes brrr....
Giganotosaurus was a lighter built animal than T. rex and not as tall. It was only slightly longer than T. rex in real life, that’s the only size advantage it has.
what an original joke
Ark players: we don’t need a rex tame a giga
69 likes nice
@@startraveler249 damn bro it’s not 69 no more😔
Try that on a boss and watch ur giga rage and eat u alive
@@fefek1 lol
Giga's are worthless as tames. No stamina, no speed. All they are good for is serving as a stationary damage sponge to defend your tribe's base.
The movie : rexy vs giga
In the real times/prehistoric era:
Triceratops: why u kill him
Trex: I was hungry
More like
In the real times/prehistoric era:
Giganotosaurus: Tf's a t rex?
T Rex: Tf's a giganotosaurus?
Giganotosurus and Tyrannosaurus lived like 7 million years apart
@@xiphactinusaudax1045 yes lol
@@xiphactinusaudax1045 actually they lived around 30 million years apart
@@willvipperman8685 they did that too, but the very last giga died about 7M years before the very first rex was born
IDK I just used Google, if you look it up those are the temporal ranges they have
@@xiphactinusaudax1045 oh well tbh i always thought giga died and mapusaurus took its place
Me: playing Ark
My Giga: one hitting a Rex
Trex just needs one bite and it's game over
Your editing style is so smooth. Love it!
Didn’t expect you to be here but you never know
The Rex is like the Mountain from GOT. You may be able to out-maneuver it, but all it really takes is one good bite, and you’re in serious trouble. I think the damage the Rex would do with its bite is just too devastating compared to what the Giga would do. It’d be a terrible sight to behold though, the Giga is still a massive and agile predator. It’d be close, but I think the Rex edges it out.
Yeah bro I totally agree as if the giga met with t Rex in real life giga would've run for it's life instead of getting involved in a fight that will mostly cause it to die if it didn't escape with dangerous wounds
Goes to show that bigger isn't always better.
If the Rex were to bite full strength on the neck of the Giga it's over
Facts, people just REALLY want there to be a dinosaur more badass then rex so they're willing to forego the facts and just take anything as long as its big, but sadly Spinosaurus and giga would easily lose in a battle with T.rex over 60% of the time.
@Rage Pvps It really wouldn’t though. Rex bite was far more demonstrably powerful.
should of put an ascendant saddle on the giga for that extra protection
6:50, the legendary t rex scene.
This guy's content and editing style is just the best
@J.E.M As James Edward McDonald Nice job getting reported.
In a nutshell, picture the Giganotosaurus as a tall muscular athlete, and the Rex as a tall bodybuilder.
Wrong, the Rex would be a powerlifter. Bodybuilders lift weights to sculpt their bodies, not for practicality.
@@christianh4723 oh thx for the info.
@@christianh4723 No, the Trex is a fucking Strongman
i am speed
i am stronk
@@christianh4723 Better comparison. Bodybuilders stand no chance against athletes but powerlifters have their advantages
There's one more aspect to this: sight. Tyrannosaurus had bigger eyes and more overlapping field of vision, giving it superior eyesight and depth perception, and that means more precise bites and better judgment of distance. T. Rex was the pitbull terrier of the dinosaur kingdom, it had so many advantages over Giga, I'm not sure it would be able to compensate with speed and agility alone. But you never know, some very surprising fights can happen in nature.
I agree. The way the eyes sit in the T-Rex may have been it's biggest asset and my have still won the fight with half the jaw power it had. Plus the T-Rex was believed to have used it's head to ram pray down and bite it's underbelly. Gigs head could not handle doing that because of it's head being thin.
Well, in nature there's a lot of variables like a juvenile, old, sick, weak (due hungriness) individual and etc. But in that comparisions we consider both individuals in their prime, and its hard to give Giga a chance to win a T-rex in a prime scenario.
Plus: T-rex was used to fight others T-rexes, since it was a cannibal, so he knew how to fight others Theropods. Giga dont.
This is amazing editing! Thank you for pin pointing the spots like a video game!! That is so eye catching and fact driven I love this channel. New sub!
Glad you enjoyed!
Coolest thing about "Giganotosaurus" is that it's not pronounced "Giganto-saurus" but drawn out as "Jigga-naut-o-saurus." Thanks, Dinosaur Train!
its pronounced jye ga no toe saur us
@@peabrain6872 it's same m8
@@schlong3394 its not
@@schlong3394 jye-ga is not jigga
I pronounced it as jigenatasaurus
Rex: haha I'm better then you noob
Giga: 1v1 in ark
Rex: oh shi-
giga isn’t that noob i think its faster more agile
@@harviyssibayan9183 in ark giga has like 80k hit points and dose like 500 damage and rex has 1000 hit points and dose like 80 damage
Wild giga tho tamed has 17k hit points and like 200 damage
Oh man this video is so awesome
Despite just being a small channel their professionalism is beyond bounds
I remember when I was 5 years old and pretended to be a trex lol
"Stop being a ******* dinosaur and get a job!" - Step Brothers
Seriously though, I hope you never lost your dinosaur. 💙
Love that my seven asterisk were censored to five, TH-cam.
Realistically the rex's jaws are too powerful. The rex would just need to get his jaws around the neck of the gigga and it's game over
Rex can still bleed out or die from infection. They both need only one good bite.
@@90skidcultist Maybe, but not really.... There is documentary about T-rex named "Wyrex", that who was able to survive after it tail get cut due to another T-rex bite. If I remember correctly, the document film was "T-rex : Ultimate Survivor" by National Geographic.
@@shinig_c I can work with maybe, but "not really"? Your an odd, man.
Okay, your one POSSIBLE example is the norm for ALL T-rexes. They are immune to infections and bleeding out to death. Even as WARM BLOODED reptiles, like birds. This means that their heart`s pump a lot faster, & they get sick more often, than things like... crocodiles. Blood loss & infection is more common in warm blooded animals than traditional reptiles. Althought cold blooded animals don`t get sick often, they don`t fight it off too well when they actually do get sick, but now I`m off topic.
Nah, you name one questionable example, so that means it is 100% true. You should be a Paleontologist.
@@90skidcultist Sorry, I'm not good at English
. I just trying to tell something I know, but ... look like it's not going that well. (/._.)/
You do know that a gigas bite force is 14,000 pounds per square inch that's more than enough to do the same damage as a rex would so your argument is invalid its a matter of who bites who first
can't believe that goij center predicted the final battle in jurassic world dominion
You realise that you're a true dino-geek when you know every single documentary that goji used in this amazing video:)
Btw,one of them was about carcharodontosaurus,but I'll pretend I don't remember this,because goji already made great work doing this content,that i can't believe i don't have to pay for;D
Other was Mapusaurus too
I'd love to see more like this :D Never seen a death battle style thing with Dinos or even real animals sounds like it would be amazing :D
How does this channel doesn’t have 1M subs?
What? More like 1oc
It just started
This vidoe is fantastic, and I want to see giga vs spino, or spino vs indo rex, or giga vs indo rex.
This Channel has the content and editing at the legendary level!🔥🔥🔥🔥 Keep it up guys!👍👍
Lots of love and respect all the way from India!!!
Thank you so much 😀
@@GojiCenter yeah, I think you should make more dino battle.
Best editing also t rex time never gonna end
Ark giga be like: hey! I’m not that small!
*Laughs in Dino Crisis 2 Giganotosaurus*
I've been wanting to say this all day but the giganotosaurus and the gigantosaurus are two completely different dinosaurs
It is sad I know
Unless of course I am wrong in which case sorry
No, you are right
Giganotosaurus is the infamous megatheropod from South America
Gigantosaurus is a massive sauropod
@@zacksefchick9535 oh wow I never knew that. No cap. Thx for the info!
@@zacksefchick9535 how is it sad?
I really like your old vids when I see the difference between now and then I become really happy
Unfortunately, Giga killed a rex in the JWD 5 minute teaser.
It wasn't the real trailer
Lol Rexy lives idiot ur facts are wrong
@@ROYBGP yes it was
that was a flashback or something
Well I said A rex, not our beloved Roberta
It would be so cool to see a giga vs spino fight in the next movie
OOHOHOHO That will be amazing, but if that happens I will pretend it was a Carcharodontosaurus.
Oh my god that editing! Also, Dinosaurs don't fight to the death, they fight until someone is injured and they run away, especially predators.
No in these types of videos it would be s fight to the death no matter what
@@Chris-H02 I meant non avian Dinosaurs.
I just finished watching 2 videos on this channel, and boy it was worth it
I mean I love dinos, and this channel is all about dinosaurs so I subscribe so I wont miss anything great.
Dude your like a computer this is so cool and pretty helpfull for some peeps :)
I remember when I was a kid in Dino Crisis 2 the Giganotosaurus was much bigger than the T-Rex and after overcoming the nightmares I had about it I truly thought Giganotosaurus was just a made up dinosaur. Now seeing this 20 years later, thanks.
I mean it's a real animal...just extinct and not overlysized like dino crisis 2's incarnation
What a game!!
The Giganotosaurus is Dino Crisis 2 is actually a Mutant.
Personally, I think that the Giganotosaurus has a much better chance of winning then people say it does, but at the same time, you did it SO much justice here. The Giga is perfectly described in this video. Legitimately, it's description MADE, the video for me: An Agile Heavyweight. This was a fantastic video to watch, I really enjoyed it, and I think it's safe to say that everyone else did.
If in the future, you ever decide to do a Rex vs Spino debate, I actually think you'll be the only channel that handles it well. A lot of people say stuff like "Spinosaurus stands no chance against T rex", when in reality, it kind of does. (People, if you are going to argue with me in the comments about this, I'm not gonna respond. Too easily aggravating myself these days).
One last note: I don't think that in the final Jurassic world film, it'll just be the Giga vs rex.
After all, you can't have a royal fight without the King of the Dinosaurs, The Flesh Lord of the South, and the Empress of Aquatic combat.
Nice job guys, keep the good work up :)
Ikr its giga win
It depend where they are water spino land Rex
@@Idonttolerateracism Well, they did the Flesh Lord some justice here. This is a single scenario in the context of the video. Just because they said T rex wins in this one, doesn't mean they discounted the Giganotosaurus winning in a different one. Both are fairly powerful animals, and to say one will always definitively win isn't really what they did here.
@@tybowen1223 You've definitely got a point here. In swampy regions, (Since if we were in open water, T rex would be out of the picture in general), Spinosaurus certainly has the upper hand in surprise attacks, agility, and the ability to drown her opponent. That's not to say that it couldn't win on land. It's claws are extremely powerful, and no doubt it would be an excellent grappler. Not to mention those extremely long jaws, and conical teeth. While they can't crush bone, they can still inflict violent injuries, and best of all, it's like a crocodile, very difficult to get out of them.
My point is here, no scenario is definitive. For all we know, Tyrannosaurus could potentially see a water ambush coming, or a Spinosaurus could perhaps simply outlast the Rex with it's tremendous length, bulk and those huge claws.
@@luchinosalvieri6832 totally wrong...t-rex vs giga...rex win 70%, t.rex vs spino on the land rex win 95% in the water spino maybe more advantages.
Oh shit. Intense stuff. Someone give me some popcorn and I'll gladly watch... at a distance.