Your horse needs an in crease in food way more!!! If she is a senior there is senior food , we are always learning about them so it’s not your fault but she could stand to eat hay all day long won’t hurt her Try round bails they able to go longer just put it inter a structure to stay as dry as it can. Try hay cubes as well and beat pulp there are also other options but I’ve had horses increase weight just with an increase in hay in two months so try a few options I know it can be expensive how ever try the option you can afford. So just a suggestion you will see her strength increase as well Her eyes look a bit duke to me so just try that. Your a good girl to and we can see you love her !!
Kimanie is so lucky to have a responsible owner 💜😉
Thank you
Your horse needs an in crease in food way more!!! If she is a senior there is senior food , we are always learning about them so it’s not your fault but she could stand to eat hay all day long won’t hurt her Try round bails they able to go longer just put it inter a structure to stay as dry as it can. Try hay cubes as well and beat pulp there are also other options but I’ve had horses increase weight just with an increase in hay in two months so try a few options I know it can be expensive how ever try the option you can afford. So just a suggestion you will see her strength increase as well Her eyes look a bit duke to me so just try that. Your a good girl to and we can see you love her !!
She's only 5yrs old in this video she's younger but now there on completely free feeding have been for 2yrs