You all probably dont give a damn but does someone know of a way to get back into an Instagram account..? I was dumb lost my account password. I appreciate any assistance you can offer me!
Thank you pastor 🙏, bless you, a lot more churches should do this more often. This message is not only for young generation, parents need to know, so they can teach their children.
Haha yehan kerstan wendoch mesmat albet azabuna kerstyan and eyhonbn techgerna ega set cerstaynoch wendoch please hiwotachn atblashu benant meknayt ke geta bet atwtun
ፓስተር ቻሬ እግዚአብሔር አብዝቶ ይባርክህ በትምህርትህ በጣም እየተለወጥኩ ነው ፀጋው ይብዛልህ።
You all probably dont give a damn but does someone know of a way to get back into an Instagram account..?
I was dumb lost my account password. I appreciate any assistance you can offer me!
Thank you pastor 🙏, bless you, a lot more churches should do this more often. This message is not only for young generation, parents need to know, so they can teach their children.
በጣም ተጠቅመናል ፓስቴር ቸር ፀጋ ይብዛልኝ 🙏🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
thanks for sharing......this is basic thing for young christian....God bless you more!!!
አሜን ጌታ ኢየሱስ ይባርክ ተባረክ ፓስተር💌✅
ተባረክ ፓስተር ዘመንህ ይባረረክ
Bless you more.... very important teaching... for this generation... keep going...the grace and the sprit be up on you.
Wow tebarek paster gerami Mkrna tmhrt newu God bless you. I accept your advice
Thank you for sharing our problem, and teaching us
Paster chere agelegeloteh yebarek,geta tsegawen yabezalen
ቸርዬ ዘመንህ ይባረጥ በጣም ደስ የምል ትምህርት ወስጃለው
እግዚአብሔር ይባርክ ዘመንህ ይባረክ
I am vey challenged by this teaching. Still struggling to do my best.
ተባረክ ቸርዬ ❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Tebareki cheriye geta sbizitoki yebarikiki
tikikil nawu kezii belayi afisito yibarek geta iyesusi♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
pastre tbarki tegaw yebizalhi eni kahun fita alkihim naber gen ebes laye kal metyki semchi tebarki ejige dese alge sayehi sesemshi geta bzemnat mekakel geta kiretawochi alu abo tebarki leberkit hun
Paseter chare tebarek betimaret betam tamerabetalew kezi belayi tsegawuna yabezalek
God bless you pastor
ዋውውውው ተባረክ በብዙ ፀጋ ፓስተር ቸሬ
Wawoooo geta yibrk tebarek🙏
Pastor chere Egziyabher be Eyesues kiristos Abezeto Abezeto yebarkhe
አለ ግን ይኼ የጠቀስከው ሰውዬ ፓስተር??? እሺ የት እንፈልጋቸው?🤔🙄🤔🙄
Betikklegnaw seat mirt timhrt geta abzto ybark ewunet pastor
Bexam new mamsgni bexam eytetkmku new geta abzeto yebarki phastreye
Enamsgnaln tbarch pastor chernt❤🙏
Amen Amen
በትክክል ነው ተባረክ
ፓሰተርዬ ተባረክ 🙏
Thank you cheri
Kifil 5 begugut etbikalhu pasetr tebarki
Yeminagebawin sew lemaweq metseley inna ye IGIZIABIHERIN fiqaad mexeyeq naw.Fiqaaduun mexeyeq bexam meseretawi guday naw.Fiqaaduu yaalhonew sew wede hiyiwetachin indayimexa inixenqeq.Fiqaaduun lemeleyet gin tiliq menfesawinetin yixeyiqaal.Hullum sew Ayileyim. Thanks
Thank you for sharing
ምናለ ቀድሜ ባውቅህ ኡፍፍፍፍፍ አንተ ራስህ ሰላምምምም ነክ ፈጣሪ ይጠብቅልኝ♥♥♥♥♥
ጌታ ይባርክ👉❤ውድድድድበጌታ
Wow tebrk
Tikikl Geta abzito yibarkih
ፓስተር ቼሬ ተባረክ ያንተ ትምህርት በዙ ለውጦኛል እናም እኔ ጥያቄ አለኝ በጌታ ፍቅር እንድትመልስልኝ እጠይቃለሁ ሌሎቻችሁም መልሱልኝ እኔ በ16 አመቴ ያለፍላጎቴ ነው ያገባሁት እሱ እንጂ እኔ አላፈቅረውም እናም 1 ልጅ ከወለድኩለት በኋላ ትቼው ወጥቻለሁ እኔ ክርስቲያን ነኝ እሱ እምነት የለውም ግን የሚወደው እምነት እስልምናን ነው ይጠጣል ይቅማል በብዙ አገልጋዮች አስመክሬው አልመለስ ሲለኝ የራሴን ህይወት ቀጠልኩኝ አሁን ዱባይ 5ኛ አመቴ ነው 2007 ነው ከቤቱ ጠፍቼ የወጣሁት አሁንም አላገባም እና እኔ ላገባ እያሰብኩ ነው ችግር አለው ወይ እሱ ግን ወደርሱ እንድመለስ ይፈልጋል ምን ትመክረኛለህ/ትመክሩኛላችሁ/???
ካልተ መለሰ ተይዮ ጌታ ይበልጣል
ጌታ እየሱስ የበልጥብሻል ወደ አንቺ አምነት ካልመጣ 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Kemaymechu gar atixameru yilal qalu teyiwu geta yibelxal
ፓስተርዬ ስልክህን ከየት ላግኝ አንድ ጉዳይ ነበረኝ
ውስብስብ ያለ ጉዳይ ነበረኝ በስልክ ባናግርህ ደስ ይለኛል
Facebook laye alehleshi
Haha yehan kerstan wendoch mesmat albet azabuna kerstyan and eyhonbn techgerna ega set cerstaynoch wendoch please hiwotachn atblashu benant meknayt ke geta bet atwtun
Amen Ameeeeeeeeeeen uuuuuuuuuuuffffffffeeeeee Geta ybarkii Tbarkuu
ፐሰተርዬ ሰልክህን ከየት ላግኝ አንድ ጉዳይ ነበረኝ ዉሰብሰብ ያለ ጉዳይ አለ
በዚህ Facebook አካውንት INBOX ያድርጉልን
Ewent nawe tebarke
ቸርችህ የት ነዉ ብመጣ ደስ ይለኛል
ኤጳፍራ የክርስቶስ ቤተ ክርስቲያን
አድራሻ: ሳር ቤት ፔፕሲ (ግደይ ህንፃ) ጋር 50ሜትር ገባ ብሎ
Turu timert new
Mech ena yet new temhertesetew
ኤጳፍራ የክርስቶስ ቤተ ክርስቲያ
ዘወትር ዕሮብ ምሽት ከ12:00-1:30
እሁድ ማለዳ ከ3:00-5:00
እሁድ ረፋድ ከ5:30-7:30
አድራሻ: ሳር ቤት ፔፕሲ(ግደይ ህንፃ ጋር) 50ሜትር ገባ ብሎ
እንዳትሰጪ ...... በቃ!
The small wasp clinically mine because sundial logically marry mid a romantic market. second, rambunctious board