I’m getting ready to start cold calling and honestly your script feels the most authentic to me. I don’t know if it’s my ‘chutzpah’ or working with biz owners who never have more than 60 seconds to be on the phone… all the extra questions on the phone seems redundant. I’m going to use your straight shooter script for expired/fsbo and I’m excited! Thank you!
How do you answer an objection as a brand new realtor who has had 0 closed transactions and the seller doesn't feel its worth to sign a contract with an agent with zero closed transactions?
If you’re with a team, try leveraging your team’s experience and resources! If you haven’t had any experience, it’s probably best to keep it to yourself.
If you are looking for a paid service, Espresso Agent and Vulcan7 will give you the most accurate phone numbers. You can get more information here www.salesxtraining.com/espressoagent. You can also find free resources online.
Hey Jackie, I just got my license. I'm starting next week and joined Keller Williams. I have limited funds do you have any advice on getting leads? I have a limited schedule due to a part time job from 4am - 11 am. I know you mentioned before to call expireds at 8 am but due to my schedule that's hard. do you have any advice for organizing the best times for cold calling expireds and fsbo's? I've been studying your videos, printed your scripts and would really like to get 1 listing a week. Thanks!
Call expired & fsbo and circle prospect whenever you have a chance to call. (Other best time 3pm to 6pm) also do open houses one a week or more also a golden letter that you can hand deliver on people's doors in neighborhoods you like. all these are cost-effective for a newer agent and of course take Jackie's course and have her coach you to be the best. good luck
Prospecting is the most cost effective activity to generate business, it's free. Spend your afternoon, early evenings and weekends prospecting and you will succeed.
Not sure if you made a video on this, but can you tell how you get the expired’s phone numbers? I find it very time-consuming trying to do Internet research on the homeowners. Is there a particular service or method that realtors use?
Espresso Agent and Vulcan7 are the best services that provide the highest quality phone numbers. You can get more information here www.salesxtraining.com/espressoagent
I love watching your videos, however, which service are you using to find out Expired listing contact number? I live in Canada and I cant seem to find out any phone services here. Any idea?
If you are looking for a paid service, Espresso Agent and Vulcan7 will give you the most accurate phone numbers. You can get more information here www.salesxtraining.com/espressoagent. You can also find free resources online.
I’m getting ready to start cold calling and honestly your script feels the most authentic to me. I don’t know if it’s my ‘chutzpah’ or working with biz owners who never have more than 60 seconds to be on the phone… all the extra questions on the phone seems redundant. I’m going to use your straight shooter script for expired/fsbo and I’m excited! Thank you!
You're very welcome!
How do you answer an objection as a brand new realtor who has had 0 closed transactions and the seller doesn't feel its worth to sign a contract with an agent with zero closed transactions?
If you’re with a team, try leveraging your team’s experience and resources! If you haven’t had any experience, it’s probably best to keep it to yourself.
common sense conversation!! Confidence!!
That's it!
Love this approach yet how do we get the phone numbers for expired listings
If you are looking for a paid service, Espresso Agent and Vulcan7 will give you the most accurate phone numbers. You can get more information here www.salesxtraining.com/espressoagent. You can also find free resources online.
Hey Jackie, I just got my license. I'm starting next week and joined Keller Williams. I have limited funds do you have any advice on getting leads? I have a limited schedule due to a part time job from 4am - 11 am. I know you mentioned before to call expireds at 8 am but due to my schedule that's hard. do you have any advice for organizing the best times for cold calling expireds and fsbo's? I've been studying your videos, printed your scripts and would really like to get 1 listing a week. Thanks!
Call expired & fsbo and circle prospect whenever you have a chance to call. (Other best time 3pm to 6pm) also do open houses one a week or more also a golden letter that you can hand deliver on people's doors in neighborhoods you like.
all these are cost-effective for a newer agent and of course take Jackie's course and have her coach you to be the best.
good luck
@@fabianbartolini7197 what do you mean by “golden letter”? I’m confused??
Prospecting is the most cost effective activity to generate business, it's free. Spend your afternoon, early evenings and weekends prospecting and you will succeed.
When you get to the appointment what are you telling the seller exactly to separate you from other real estate agents?
There are a few videos on my. channel on the listing presentation that will answer your question.
How can I get the scripts?
Not sure if you made a video on this, but can you tell how you get the expired’s phone numbers? I find it very time-consuming trying to do Internet research on the homeowners. Is there a particular service or method that realtors use?
Espresso Agent and Vulcan7 are the best services that provide the highest quality phone numbers. You can get more information here www.salesxtraining.com/espressoagent
I love watching your videos, however, which service are you using to find out Expired listing contact number? I live in Canada and I cant seem to find out any phone services here. Any idea?
If you are looking for a paid service, Espresso Agent and Vulcan7 will give you the most accurate phone numbers. You can get more information here www.salesxtraining.com/espressoagent. You can also find free resources online.
Great review for discovering past mistakes made 👏👏
Glad it was helpful!
Thanks Jackie!!!
You’re welcome!
Is everyone spending $200-300 monthly on auto dialers?? Which one is most cost effective for our profession?
Yes, that’s about right. I use Redx. It’s 99/month for single line dialer, or $149 for triple line, plus $69/mo for the expired leads
Espresso Agent and Vulcan7 are the best services. You can get more information here www.salesxtraining.com/espressoagent
My brokerage provides that luckily
@@FinesseSoCockywhat Brokerage are you with
Who has had succes with this script?
My clients :)
I have and I have been using her scripts over all the others and it has given me the best results.