Officer, Am I Free to Go?
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
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How this happens in real life:
"YOU ARE BEING HOSTILE AND UNCOOPERATIVE! Take your hands from behind your back!"
"Officer, are you detaini--wait*slammed to the ground*
"Stop resisting! Stop resisting!"
that's just ridiculous we all know he would have been shot before completing a sentence
True story bro
My first genuine lol of the day
Nice work OP
Don't complain, in Africa they shoot then talk.
It's kinda sad how we have to be taught how to defend ourselves from what's supposed to be protecting us.
Arthur Kirkland It is sad.... and its a testament to the fact that we now live in a nation that is so far removed from its original intent as to be a completely different animal altogether... Not a single founding father would recognize this grotesque abomination of their Creation... This Frankenstein.
Arthur Kirkland so true how unfortunate :(
You ever notice how police act like we are something for them to criticize at there leisure just a bunch of hypocrites.
Regardless, most US Police 👮 👮♀️ 🚔 men do a great job throughout communities everyday risking their lives for our safety.
@@omarrochet U.S supreme court already ruled that officers are not responsible protect individual persons safety only the general public so please go spread your propaganda somewhere else.
I bet that attorney wins all his cases because of his ponytail.
Rat tail
0:28 His spinal cord to the motor cortex before abiding the order to move the right hand forward:
"This little maneuver is gonna cost us 51 years in life expectancy"
This is not going to stop a wild beast in a uniform
+Terror Squad how would this work if the cop was accusing the person of hiding something, being aggressive or drunk/on drugs or whatever, with suspicion police can hold people there.
+xenomicx that is effed up! Update?
He in jail and can't respond right now. He will get back to you with his BS story when he gets out lol ;)
Free World227
Agreed. An animal in uniform, is still an animal.
Not saying all cops are bad, but the bad ones are enough to make good ones pay the price. I've dealt with both, and all I can say is, God bless all good cops. They are twice worth their weight in gold!!
Free World227 It may not stop the nazi cop, but combined with YOUR dashcam (with audio always in the ON mode) it can help you should your encounter turn out badly. Not in a vehicle? Always have your video or audio recording app on the home screen of your phone. Randomly practice activating at unusual times so you are used to it. I don't give a damn what laws prevent certain recordings. When my safety is threatened, I figure the threat just drew first blood.
when he pulled his hand out while asking the question, the officer would have shot him
never move your hands in front of a cop
Interlace your fingers in front of your so that they can see your hands AT ALL TIMES. Speak in a very calm, deliberate manner.
We drifted so far away from the Constitution that we have to do this.
True, yet the Constitution when it was written it was not "all inclusive" and excluded melainated people.
@@khalilminorel747 Where does the constitution exclude POC?
@@voidedspace5510 It allowed the states to set their own voting rights, which promptly set it to be white land owning males over 21. And that black slaves would be counted as 3/5 of a representation in congress, in order to give slave states more power.
@@warweasel2832 Funny how people are so uninformed about the US history and our constitution. And right now, states like Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi et al are trying to prevent the teaching of things like extra judicial killings in the South during the civil right movement, Jim Crow laws, the forcible removal and sale of children born to slaves from their mothers, rape of slave women by their owners etc. These states don't want people knowing the ugly truth of US mistreatment of its own people and of course of the slaughter of the indigenous people.
correct we have not only drifted so far away but you can literally lose your life for sipping a starbucks in your car at the beach but so called trusted officials and as crazy as the man it alex jones called all this bs would be happening about 10 years ago and sure enough now its coming to pass.
very good now repeat after me, "no justice, no peace"
"know justice, know peace"
no woman no cry
@@joemiranda1404 Damn... You look like a fucking moron.
@@leepeffers9331 but who watches the watchers and what kind of people wielding that power of justice.
@@stevenw4334 The people.
I've got to remember if I ever get stopped by one of "these guys" to make sure I have a bright LED flashlight to shine in HIS face while he's talking to me.
Another good one to know is that you have to state that you want a lawyer, and you can't put any pleases, may I, or could I haves in it. It should be 'Get me a lawyer so I can answer your questions officer. I will not answer them without a lawyer present'. Then shut your gob.
They're successfully argued that some saying 'I think I should have lawyer to help me answer these questions. Can you please get me one of those?' didn't count because the first part was thinking out loud. And the second part was a question about if they were allowed to get them one, not a real request for them to do so.
Don't say you using your right silence, or that 'you don't want to incriminate your self'. Both of these have been used to prove someone must be guilty, why else would they want to keep quiet.
You also can't just keep quiet without saying to get a lawyer first, because they're argued that they could misunderstand and perhaps you did really want to talk to them. Police have also used the silence to show you're being aggressive to the officer.
Never do voluntary interviews, because you don't have a right to a lawyer in these cases.
true silence is acquiesces you have to demand you want a lawyer or a supervisor verbally. to stay silent can be an admission of guilt is rather ironic when you have a right to remain silent to protect yourself at the same time also admitting guilt is bs
the police are supposed to be on our side, people going about their business usually get left alone, at least police here in Australia generally just have a chat then leave you alone, America seems to all kinds of fucked up.
These videos that are going viral on youtube do not accurately portray the police in America in my opinion. I have found the police around where I live to be nothing but helpful in my experience. As long as you're not breaking laws and have nothing to hide I don't understand the purpose of behaving like this video suggests. Why aggravate the officer by refusing to allow him to search and asking if you can leave? All this does in my opinion is make you look suspicious and make the officer's job harder in which he's not going to be kind to you like the video says. However, the police are humans too and I'm sure there are a lot of shitty officers out there, I just haven't had to interact with them.
Moonbadgers oh no, you got it wrong. Do you understand your rights as citizen? how about right of free passage? The police need to have credible reason to search your car inside out, they can't do it as they like it.
Yep "america seems fucked up". I'm an American and I do agree that majority of our shit is fucked up but guess what? Do we pull over people for slamming our cars and swapping the engines? No. Unlike Australia cops waste their time to pull over car enthusiasts for little things like that. How is that protecting the citizens?
u got that right
Love your Misfits avatar! Danzig's my favourite.
"speech increased to 39"
3 years ago, this would've gotten more likes
I'll add to it.
"Officer, I did not steal a sweetroll, am I being detained or am I free to go?"
1blackone ima add to it too... "I also didn't commit a hate crime against a nightkin"
Honas Cardona skyrim mafaka
Am I free to go or you want a donut.??
Had a probation officer in Georgia try to cite me for aggressive driving. All I did was speed up next to someone and flick them off. Then he followed me flashing his high beams. I pulled over at a well lit gas station in case of a confrontation. Once he let me know he was only a probation officer, I got back in my car and left. He followed me to my house, then I pulled out my .45 and told him he was trespassing to get off my property. Never heard from him again.
I was in southern Missouri and was stopped for speeding 10 over. That wasn't true, because I was watching my speed. Officer said he caught me several miles back, but couldn't catch up with me due to the dense traffic. He asked me to get into his police vehicle and the drug dog in the back seat no doubt sniffed me down. I was detained for nearly on hour because they did a verification of registration, license and background check in linear sequence. It was difficult being in his car that long because of the fecal smell coming from the dog. Officer was intimidating by asking questions as, "had I ever been arrested", or "have you ever been in jail" as if they were threats. I was just an out of towner passing through. When he asked my occupation, I told him I was a graduate student and he laughed at me.
These kinds of experiences do little to encourage me to believe that the police exist for good in these communities, but that they are in fact young, uneducated men whom are paid very little to wield authority without accountability. There really needs to be a standard of hygiene, respectful interaction, education and professionalism. I've lived in Europe and know that what I see in the US isn't normal. My car was a lightly-dinged, 15 year old model with 320K miles on it, but it is very well kept, clean and maintained. It only made me look like an easy target because of the illusion that I lack resources for legal defense. I have no idea why I was targeted because I passed enough for him to describe me on radio as a white male, and I didn't correct him.
On here: Officer, am I free to go?
Am I free to go, or we do the mannequin challenge?
Very true. It's sad that we live in a system where protecting our rights costs us so much time and money. And unfortunately, most people don't have the time and or money to fight bullshit charges in court. This leaves the door wide open to further abuse and right's violations.
We gotta fight back
Surely if you ask that question, and the cop believes you have something to hide, he will detain/arrest you until they find / don't find anything
And if you decide to go to court, call and get the court day changed to a different day of the week. Makes it less likely that the officer will be there to give his/her side of the story, so it'll be easier to argue your case. Plus some states will dismiss the ticket entirely if the officer isn't present. But make sure you have a good reason for the change, since they don't like spurious requests.
Yall laugh, but that attorney did keep Clay Davis from being convicted.
A ticket for excessive lane changing? Still bullshit. #BulliesWithBadges
Dude, that was staged for demonstrative purposes or don't you know bad acting when you see it?
Smh I wish right. These Mfs have a law that they actually count the times that makes it a traffic infraction. Which whether it be 3 or 5 lane changes within whatever increment time. That’s why we as people have to stand up and vote for the ones who will make it 5 lane chances to 10. Such bullshit. Or they win everytime
Why would anyone say "Thank you" to a cop?
For not killing them them.
@@flatlineoptimism2600 or the other way lately
If you are trying to overturn any type of citation or ticket, remember, it is NOT illegal to call the sheriffs department to ask for his days off, and then schedule the date for that day. If he knows it's not worth it he'll likely overturn it.
You should not have to ask a cop if you are free to go. Unless the cop specifically states that you are being detained or under arrest, you can just walk off.
It’s always a bad idea to allow a cop to dictate proceedings you should always assert your legal and civil rights and be in control of any police encounters.
So let me put that together: people in the US need actually legal and behavioral training in order to deal with a police the majority of officers of which are out of control and have forgotten that they have to obey law and constitution. That is very interesting. Where I am from and where I live actually police officers are trained to know the law and how to deal with the people and how to deescalate. But in the US people are trained to know the law, how to deal with police and how to deescalate. Wow!
Johnny, here in America there are good police officers. However, the majority of officers are thugs, thieves, and whores. If either of my daughters were dating a cop, I would be very concerned. America is in its final phase of destruction. In fact President Barack Ebola is our final President - however, most Americans don't realize this yet.
***** Are you high?
***** solution: stop hiring school bullies as police officers!
I didn't know there was a cap on the amount of lane changes you are allowed. And just how many lane changes are we allocated anyway? Also, you are sure to run into problems if you piss a cop off by being uncooperative. Sure, know your rights but be civil to cops. Makes the encounter much more pleasant. There is no reason to be a jerk especially if the cop is respectful with you.
Is this a joke? They're FUCKING ACTORS! The video is trying to pass a message and the only thing you can think of is excessive lane changing? LOLOLOLOLOL
Rich Green It's one thing to ask a question. But when something like this is so blatantly obvious it almost becomes painful to read. I'm still getting a chuckle about the lane change comment when this vidoe was a PSA.
airbrat Guess I didn't know it was a PSA. Sorry.
***** Yeah Gabe, agreed. I have always said that the cops are NOT your friends and the least you say the better.
venom400 Oh, I hear that Venom, you are so right. Here in Fairfax, Virginia officers drive with the wheel in one hand and ticket quotas in the other. "Police State" here is a catch phrase.
ROFLMAO "Thank you officer."
Yes, even the fight for your rights people demand proper sheep etiquette.
I came upon a check piont.they said stop.they said this is a check piont.i I free to go.......they said pull over....step 9ut.....and was arrested
This is, roughly, how all arguments should be made. You weren't rude in your message, but you were blunt and to the point. Good on you, Shelly!
The question is? Are the police themselves aware of the rights of citizens?
that pony tail though
WTF? excessive lane changes = changing lanes without reasonable cause. LoL that's easy in court GPS continuously kept re directing itself LOL
thats right depending on the state laws, also be sure not to touch the lines in your lane if you do that twice while they are following you they can pull you over for reckless driving or swerving. BUT under the rule of probable cause and or Public safety they can pull you over for just about any reason they care to.
i love how it ended in a ticket really made the video
depends if that ticket is warranted.
While I agree with asserting YOUR RIGHTS I think it prudent to NOT do this ALONE at night WITHOUT WITNESSES.You do not want to catch a cop on a bad day and have it escalate to a shooting because the cop power tripped.
repeat after me.... the cheese is old and moldy....
where is the bathroom
sherby dooling sometimes i wear shoes
Mami pupu
can you really get a ticket for obsessive lane changing? sounds absurd to me. i think if a cop has nothing on you for what he wishes he could get you on, they shouldn't be obligated to cite you for a small thing
TECHNICALLY it is actually a thing but can be easily disputed in a court. However the point is to show that after the man tried to assert his rights the cop tried to bully him with an unnecessary ticket. It happens quite often and is used as a way for the cop to feel like he is still in the right for pulling you over, and to try and scare you. Thats why if at all possible depending on your state you should record your police interactions.
It's excessive lane-changing. And no, I never heard of that. The usual in that case would be reckless driving. I agree with Austin in that, if at all possible, record your police interactions. They will try to pin something on you. These days, very few cops let you get away with a warning.
yeah, I've been pulled over twice for speeding. once at 9 am my first time, and it was a state cop, and he had no mercy of giving me the littlest break by lowering the ticket, he just gave me the ticket straight up of how fast i was going, 72 in a 55. the second time was by a county deputy at 2 in the morning, where nobody is on the road and I'm just cruising and i shouldn't have been pulled over. but he was nice enough to lower m ticket so i didn't get any point taken from my license. and another time where i should've gotten pulled over is when i was going almost 90 on the same road at about 9 pm passing a cop and the cop was just sleeping I'm guessing cuz i flew by him. but idk, i was in front of a friend who was keeping up with me. i my self have never had a problem with a cop, any cop I've met I've had a wonderful experience with. which I've notice are usually ex military or degree wielding cops. and any cop with out a degree are usually the ones that are corrupt because they abuse their badge and think they are the law book.
YES, you can get pulled over for excessive lane-changing, especially when you are a black driver, and a cop wants to make an excuse to search your car. Perfect example above, with about as trivial a moving violation as you will ever see. ONLY a black teenager would get handcuffed, pulled from the car, and searched, over a chickenshit violation like that.
Everyone repeat after me: “ARE YOU DETAINING ME? OR AM I FREE TO GO?
I’ve played enough GTA to know what comes next..........
Many times when you ask an officer if you are free to go, they won't answer and will instead ask you their questions. We need a law that requires officers to answer the question or alternatively, if they refuse to confirm that you are being detained, one should be able to simply leave without facing a resisting charge.
Am I the only one who thinks that instruct people how to defend from police is absurd ?
Said Bouziane
I think it is absurd on both sides. It is unbeliavable that you need to be ready to protect yourself from someone who is ment to protect you.
***** asking to exercise your rights does not mean you have something to hide. refusing a search is exercising your 4th amendment rights. i did not know that made you a criminal. besides, there have been plenty of stories about police illegally searching and detaining people.
where is the exaggeration?
***** LOL thats fucking hilarious
If an officer of the law approached me in a public place and asked if he/she could search my car, bag, pockets ect, I would say be my guest. I would have absolutley no problem with it. You know why? Because I'm not a scum bag low life with something to hide. I would also say thank you at the end and tell him/her they're doing a great job. Well done for providing such an invaluable public service officer and for upholding in law breaker's minds that they may be searched and if found to be breaking the law will be arrested.
You're missing the point.
Daphne P Never given them cause to. I have been stopped by police a couple of times but as I was courteous and I didn't have anything to hide, there was no problem and went on my way. Police 'harass' when they know someone's up to no good.
are you intentionally being stupid to get reactions?
dahmeredsback Seeing as how you replied, the answer is yes.
It's now illegal to be of a certain race. May I see your papers Mr. Harry Jones? This may not seem familiar as I did not type it in German.
Mike Applin
To police world wide. I am a supporter, I donate to the Fraternal Order of Police, and believe deeply in the work you do. BUT! When are you gonna learn that that kind of behavior breeds violent reactions, especially if the person is fully aware of their rights, (And possibly armed). Officers that make up laws are guilty of gross negligence and that is an egregious breach of the oath they ALL take to be police in the first place. Police that behave this way have fouled their badges, and DO NOT deserve any respect or consideration, and in fact deserve to be removed from authority as soon as possible, by any citizen that cares, and by any means neccessary (they are a danger to society). Breach the sanctity of your position of trust and you have given up any right to safety or security. Think about your actions, everyday, every time you put on that badge, or step into your squad car. Your behavior may result in you not returning home safely at the end of your shift, you are not untouchable, you are not infallible. To bully the people is to breach the trust of the people, and we've never trusted you less. You have earned ALL of your problems. Maybe this will hit you where it counts, and tomorrow, you'll approach your job differently. Js.
2 weeks ago12
Now I'm ready to take on da po-po!
Unless there is a specific ordinance against the number of time you can change lanes there is no limitation to the number of times you can change lanes as long as you signal your lane changes, do not cause traffic to swerve or cut off vehicles.
Damm! So many memories! I watched this a lot when I was younger, but now I am a police explorer.
Those who enforce the law should obey the law.
they are above them
That's very good information about asking if one is being detained or if they're free to go. Just because the U.S. Constitution guarantees our rights, does not mean we don't have to exercise them.
Exercising one's rights should be applauded not demeaned.
I love how it went from "the dogs will tear up your car," (assuming they're talking about finding drugs) to, a citation for excessive lane changing.
Another "excessive lane changer" cited... great job hero's.
-Officer, are you detaining me or am I fr..
1:12 the red car also has a frame around the license plate ("license plate obstruction" ticket in most states). Remove any and all frames around license plates, especially dealer frames.
in my country you just ask if your under arrest.
if answer is "no" you can leave immediately.
no detention allowable unless you are drunk or drunk or drugged drivi g and they clearly state testing procedures.
have to show driver license for inspection.
can leave after 15mins elapsed time regardless if cop is finished(must be able to prove 15 mins elapsed time-thank god for smartphones)
cant leave for driving related alcohol testing or drug testing but as soon as you pass you can leave with no further detainment
Cynical people think cop will just ignore this, but the truth is that it actually works. I've used it. What people don't realize is that in most states, the moment an officer flashes their lights to initiate a stop, a camera is automatically activated and what transpires is recorded. Most police vehicles these days record audio too. So, it's not going to be a simple hearsay scenario. Mot cops don't want to get into trouble for making an illegal detention, so if you ask to leave and they have nothing on you, they are very likely to let you go.
not sure if its mentioned in your videos, but a good trick is asking them to see the radar, one time my friend was pulled over for speeding, there were about 4-5 of us (teens) in the car, along with having some bud and shit on us. the cop at the driver window said we were speeding at 50mph, the passenger window cop said they didnt have to check our speed cause it was obvious we wer speeding, so i asked to see the radar. they said i got my friend in a lot more trouble, but ended up giving nothing
The way he was holding that flashlight was hilarious
thank you, out of hundreds of people who would rather see cops stomped into the ground for doing their job there are at least a few who can recognize they are really here to protect us.
I totally agree with you, it is completely nuts!
When you make a statement like that it will surprise most of them because they assume that you are intimidated. Knowing your rights can never hurt you only save you...
This was a good presentation. Despite the responses, people in the US ignoring this right are bound to loose it.
I like your statement about making money off of fear, but it's also incumbent upon us to know as much as we can about the law so any possible police state has the rug jerked out from under it before it has time to stand. I applaud the lesson as it is non-violent and is asking nothing but mindful concern.
I did'nt know that-over here-uk- now more people are being dealt with "on the spot fines" usually £80.people with small amounts of weed,traffic violation's,etc, it must make so much money?Thats a good point!
Better form:
"Officer, correct me if I'm wrong, but it is my understanding that this is consentual encounter, so unless you say you are detaining me, I am going to be on my way" - followed by 5 sec pause, and then actually leaving - unless he actually says you are not free to go.
Because as we saw in numerous videos, asking "am I free to go?" _always_ results only in more aggressive questioning and threatening, never in straight answer, and never backing up like in this video.
The Intro police voice is an effect that I keep finding everywhere in Tv shows, games and here!
It's like the Wilhelm scream effect but I didn't understand where it comes from!
very educational, thank you for putting out there.
It's much the same when they knock at the door, opening it for them will show them that you voluntarily let them in.
You drove through a toll booth.
You were also driving 20mph over the speed limit.
Okay, wait here sir.
Yep, pretty much. But you know what? YOU are the Cop that has an opportunity to change someone's perspective of LEO's everyday. There's not a whole lot more that feels better than watching someone's opinion of Police Officer's go from negative to positive. Here's something to remember, "hate the crime, not the criminal." and "You never get a second chance to make your first impression."
Do you job well, make a positive difference, and stay safe brother!
Agreed. Everyone is affected by the law, therefore everyone should be educated about it.
Shakespeare was famous for his misspellings. He often misspelled words as literary devices and for the effect of inference (e.g. double entendres). In fact, according to modern English, he misspelled a total of 12,582 times. One could argue that he had some reason for doing these things, as well as for signing his name in truncated or hyphenated versions. However, one cannot argue that in correspondences with royalty and in his freehold estate deeds, that he did not sign them "Shakespeare".
How come we're not taught this in school?
"Thank you Officer"
"AH HA! So you waiver your right to silence! Now confess to being a Chinese spy!"
Yes you're right, arguing about it on youtube is the ultimate show of braveness.
You also can't have more than .5 candlepower in your car, or so i've been told by a cop. The factory navigation was too bright for the officers liking. I've heard them all, trust me they have crazier ones.
I'm pretty sure the lawyer at the beginning is Clay Davis' defense attorney in The Wire
Actually it's about knowing your rights and showing the police that you are not ignorant of the law. This will in turn help create a police force that acts within the law and treats civilians with respect.
It's like they say, "You are what you eat!" So you must be right.
Are you detaining me or am I Free to Go....Okay thank you officer!
In their eyes you asking "why am I being detained" becomes reasonable suspicion. I have seen it.
"If you don't have anything to hold me on, then I'd like to be on my way. Have a nice evening. Goodbye."
Haha. Interestingly enough, you are sort of correct. However, in this video he is not suspected of having anything in his car and the cop definitely didnt use his senses to detect anything wrong...
"Are you detaining me or am I free to g--"
bro walks in and just stares at me lol
Logically this should work but lets be realistic. It depends on many things like your race, the cops race, the neighborhood, the mood of the cop, etc. I can imagine (from all of the horror stories I've heard about) how this can go very wrong. The truth of the matter is that a lot of cops have "god complexes" and do not take kindly to being questioned.
Finally, something useful on TH-cam
Haha I know right!
"Everyone lets practice that line..."
As if it's hard to remember. :)
to expand on the video: if you're asked to step out of your vehicle roll up your windows and lock the doors when exiting, always.
Exactly what did you do and what did they say you did. EXACTLY. This isn't court. So the events here will not be incriminating.
Also, if you genuinely do nothing wrong, and choose your words carefully, there's a chance that the dash cam can be used as evidence in your favor.
Again, this doesn't always work, but every little bit that you can do to boost your chances is always a god thing.
Atta'boy! It's that easy, if we were up-tight, rude, cocky and took everything personally in a 12hr shift... Woah. That'd be a long 12hrs. -Stay Safe Brother!
Yeeaaahhhhh...... That's exactly how that situation would've played out in real life.
This video is beneficial to minorities here in America.
It's extremely important to be courteous during any police encounter. Having a belligerent attitude will likely do nothing but draw the ire of the officer(s)
This is a fine example of why you don't use Wikipedia as a scholarly reference, something that I learned studying for my Bachelor's in English Lit. Here's a link to a scholarly resource that should sufficiently explain why "Shakespeare" is the accepted version of his name, including a tabulation of the amount of handwritten and published signatures and their variants. Again, thanks for playing.
I had a a couple QP's on me and this kind of shit is why i am considered a legal abiding citizen and why i am now in law school at the University of Lincoln.
I will be using this from now on
You are right about all cops are not bad. Also, it seems like the guy with a DVD "Know your rights" isn't giving away his CD's. The best thing from this You Tube is "Know your rights" and it is a click away on the internet for us to know unless someone has the money for a DVD? Wish you the best in your career. Take care