Been out for years! Found faith in Jesus Christ our saviour. I do not attend a church but read my bible allowing the Word and holly spirit guid me. My life is so wonderful now❤ 😊
@@billyd5317 According to South Park, the Mormons 😆 🤣 Seriously, I don't believe anyone has it. Human brains aren't meant to know it all, or understand it all. Even when I was a JW, I've always thought God/Jesus wasn't a religion. Didn't care what religion you were in, or not in.
@@exjwdiaries Mocking apostates as shown in this video also publish literature that resorts to distortions, half-truths, and outright falsehood. They even picket Witness conventions, trying to trap the unwary. Hence, it would be a dangerous thing to allow our curiosity to move us to feed on such writings or to listen to their abusive speech! While we might not think it a risk for us personally, the hazard remains. Why? For one thing, some of the apostate literature presents falsehoods by means of “smooth talk” and “counterfeit words.” (Romans 16:17, 18; 2 Peter 2:3) What would you expect from the table of demons? And while the apostates may also present certain facts, these are usually taken out of context with the goal of drawing others away from the table of Jehovah. All their writings simply criticize and tear down! Nothing is up building. “Avoid them,” says God’s Word. Other translations render that phrase “turn away from them,” “keep away from them,” and “stay away from them!” There is nothing ambiguous about that inspired counsel. Suppose that a doctor told you to avoid contact with someone who is infected with a contagious, deadly disease. You would know what the doctor means, and you would strictly heed his warning. Well, apostates are “mentally diseased,” and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings. (1 Tim. 6:3, 4) Jehovah, the Great Physician, tells us to avoid contact with them. We know what he means, but are we determined to heed his warning in all respects? Apostates “quietly bring in” corruptive ideas. Like smugglers, they operate in a clandestine manner, subtly introducing apostate views. And just as a clever forger tries to pass phony documents, so apostates use “counterfeit words,” or false arguments, trying to pass their fabricated views as if they were true. They spread “deceptive teachings,” “twisting . . . the Scriptures” to fit their own ideas.
Wow! Right on! Raised JW, but out for last 30 years. With over 4 years of Religion & Philosophy classes and discussing JW doctrines/thought with my professors, I'm geeking out over this video 😊 Thank you for making me realize I still have a critical, philosophical mind 🥰
@@exjwdiaries Thinking about one of my old favorite shows, Sliders, parallel universes! That's one way of going beyond 3D, or time travel 🤗 Being out of "the truth" (uncapitalized for a reason) it opened me up to not having to believe when you die, nothing. My opinion is that there is so much more out there, don't know what, but know it is. That's my Truth, doesn't need me to believe, but know. 🥰
Brilliant information as always. The real truth is that they are being exposed un unprecedented numbers all over the world. It is going to be a matter of time before everything for them comes to an end. God bless social media and people like you who really help put things into proper perspective. These unprecedented news of the cults kingdom will spreed to the entire earth and then their end will come. FANTASTIC WORK HERE.
_"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful."_ -Lucius Annaeus Seneca Excellent presentation, EXJW Diaries. The convenience of being a JW in "the Truth" is, if you don't like WT's *current* "truth", just give it some time. Soon it won't be true any more and the new "truth", which also has an expiration date, will hopefully suit your personal feelings and biases.
OMG, that is so true! The WT's current truth isn't ANYTHING like it was 30 yrs ago when I left the org. Will be interesting what "new light" is coming up now that the GB is cleaning house. I really hope it turns in a more lenient direction, as I still have family & friends in. Keep trying to get them out, but pretty much decided not to talk about religion when we're together.
I left this organization Quietly years ago. I still have family members asking me, "Are you going to come back to the truth?" That is how brained wash they are, and I was once. Thank you for taking the time to make this video, I will use your words of common sense, and your angle of looking at things.
@@johnnycroat Look up who first used the name, Jehovah. A monk in the 12 century used it first. I could not be so presumptuous about the correct pronunciation of All Mighty Gods name. Perhaps,) "I Am" is more appropriate.
Great video and so erudite in your presentation. You are so right that relative truth is really just an opinion and nothing more, and as you say the Watchtower`s opinions have constantly changed since it`s inception but have demanded it`s followers believe whatever they say at the time even when flip flopping backwards and forwards with these opinions. It`s also interesting that not one thing that they have predicted with dates and events have come true and when these failed have actually blamed the followers for believing them, eg 1975. Such falsehoods cannot be further from the "truth" that they claim to have. The saddest thing of all is that believing such lies have cost lots of people their lives.
_"Watchtower`s opinions have constantly changed since it`s inception but have demanded it`s followers believe whatever they say"_ The absurdity of WT's totalitarian approach was revealed in the 1954 Douglas-Walsh trial. When testifying under oath, WT leaders admitted that all JWs _must_ be "unified" in their beliefs- even if they are wrong. They must be wrong as a group.
WOW!!!♥️ Justin, this video is so informative and amazing! If I had seen this in 1991, I would NEVER have started a Bible study with JWs. I do hope thousands+ see this and are saved from joining this publishing/real estate company posing as a religion; If they are already in, PLEASE get out! I am looking forward to your next video.
"...whatever the real truth is, it is unchanging. It does not need you to believe in it..." nor to worship it? Your words hit me. Keep talking. Uncovering the mental psychosis of the JWs, is killing all such birds with one stone.
Excellent presentation you made here. It really helps us to understand what truth means and does it mean. Thank you so much and I’m gonna listen to this over again. It’s very very useful information in helping others to get out of this crazy organization/ cult!
you know what , this video in itself is actually the real truth …hope it gets out there to many people , especially those trapped in the jehovah witness organization…
@@toddhayes3506 That's your religious belief. However, it must be recognised that if your were brought with parents who are Muslim. You'd probably be writing something very different. And not everyone would agree with you. Just as millions do not agree with your view of Jesus. Whereas as mentioned in the video. If you jump up. You'll come back down. Due to the undeniable law of gravity.
@@billyroland2758 I have No Religion... the Holy Scriptures is my Authority... *Yeshua (YAHSHUA) is the only Way! Truth! Life! Unconditional Love! FREEDOM!... I wish you Many Blessings on your Spiritual journey in this life!
That question of what reality is can keep us going for decades. Whenever/ if ever we do find the answer, it will change both science and religion forever.
Your best video man,,,, this one along with your video of love bombing is totally awesome, I love how you explicit clearly the factors, awesome video again.
Yes, Justin, Our Messiah said you Will know the truth and it Will set you free. For me this means I must continue to search for it in order to obtain freedom. Because I also need to know The Father and His Son, being unable to have full association with them yet. We need to keep examining the writing they have made available for us. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 😊
You nailed it right. Real truth does not mind being questioned, and it does not care how you feel bout it. A lie, on the other hand, does noe like to be questioned.
Hey ! Justin , EXCELLENT video my Brother ! ! ! Pretty much my way of thinking now, equal and or similar to what you are saying in this video . What you just explain right here, reinforce : FREEDOM ! ! ! from this horrendous cult . I was a JW for many years too. I'm helping my Mom to coming out of it, and with some of the things you explained here, I am very sure she will listen, because I already been exposing to her with evidence that other ex- JW's show on other videos and my own experiences; that this is not the truth as the governing Gubbers force and claim their members to have. Thank you, Thank you; brother for your video . . . . . . Pablo, from Cudahy , California . . . . . . Two Thumbs Up ! ! ! !
I wish I was as intelligent as you are my brother. I'm glad I just woke up, I would've never found this wealth of knowledge. I feel like in 1 video, you answered what 35 years of being a Witness never answered
PROVE IT! Anybody can call themselves "The Truth" but the word TRUTH means what can be objectively verified, proven. You're promoting a religion you have no proof of, and that is immoral. You need to only use the word Truth in reference to what can be proven. Otherwise it's only your BELIEF. Not FACT.
W. O. W !!! This is My first time seeing you , and I was waiting for you to go into how the actual truth is some other “ higher power “ crap , or we gotta believe in something ! Thanks for shining the light on S C I E N C E ! Science is a rational critical examination of evidence.It’s a method, that’s basically it , it’s the only game in town. Big thanks again !!!
Absolutely! I do have my own beliefs but my goal for this channel has always been to keep things as neutral as possible. That way it’s as comfortable for as many people as possible. Especially those just waking up.
Our world is four dimensional , x,,y,z, and time, taking time in consideration makes it even more complicated, not just standing outside the perspective of three dime sons and also looking at it time independent. I like your Video very much!
Do ya'll remember when you was a witness that kingdom song entitled; ("make the truth your own") actually we always made the truth the governing body's and the congregation until we "REALLY" started making the truth our own, then we get shunned for it, after being found out!🤪😎😏❤️
While I'm not a JW, I actually take a liking to someone who's strongly within the organization, and when she and I first had our little exchange upon her finding out about my atheism did I listen to quite a bit of what was said; the primary being her confidence in where she stood as a witness. And while it's a pretty sad thing with that knowledge, there's just even as an atheist in which you can tell that it'd be a serious surprise if that escape is actually made. Because anyone with some common sense should know that you can't survive inside of a giant fish for three days and survive the outcome.
Anybody can claim that, but you have NO PROOF JESUS EVEN SAID THAT!!!!!!!! The gospel of John was written a rather long time after Jesus supposedly walked the earth. Truth is what the facts are, what can be proven. Authentic Truth is discussed in my videos.
Not doing nothing for the truth, out of the truth, not in the truth all these expressions are lies, 1st Corinthians chapter 13 at the end nobody will have the truth, until the Lord comes first Corinthians 4 verse 5
Deuteronomy 18:22 if the prophet speaks in the lords name but his prediction does not happen or come true. You will know that the lord did not give this message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared. Jehovah witnesses need to read the Bible, not watch towers mantra.
1st Corinthians 13 at the end also 1st Corinthians 4 verse 5 don't judge nothing until he comes Jesus will bring the darkness things hidden, read it thanks good comment
The Bible itself literally says you can tell the true religion by the fruitage that they produce. We know what kind of fruitage they produce and is not good at all.They can’t be the truth !!!!!!!!!
The congregation is a pillar and support of the Truth. In itself the congregation is not the truth. God is truth, the word of God is truth, Jesus is the truth but no body of people are called the truth in the bible.
The message is simple! Jesus said! I’am the way, truth, life and only way to the FATHER! No one goes to the Father but except through ME! Gravity Ex Bro? Seek and ye shall find!
Jesua said....I am the way THE TRUTH and the life Jws reject Jesus as God which all Christians know He is. So how can JWS have THE TRUTH if they reject the one who is THE TRUTH MEDITATE ON THAT
Excellent vidéo ! Humans have always failed with humility …even Moises … When you take into account aspects such as ego, duality, power, perception , consciousness etc… clearly we all better dig deeper into humility and for believers such as tought in the Bible in YHWH , Jesus , His upcoming Kingdom, Love and Justice principles this at least the TRUTH is all about. Period. Once you start a religion around it , actually powerful religions around it comes inevitably Hypocrisy, injustice and darkness. Period
I realized the repetition of God’s name is also controlling them. Just in ONE of their videos the name of God will be repeated several times. It’s actually horrific listening that repetition. Even extremist religion does it. I truly thought God shouldn’t have a name, people might be peaceful without specific God’s name, is my truth.
1st off "repetition" is biblical...its a memory aid... Deuteronomy 6:6,7 New Living Translation 6And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. *7Repeat them again and again to your children.* Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Deuteronomy 11:19 Living Translation Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. The book Deuteronomy literally means something like "second time". The 1st time the Israelites were barred from entering the land of Canaan due to lack of faith in God, 40 years later a new generation were reminded of how to worship God acceptably. Deuteronomy 1:2,3,34,35 *2Normally it takes only eleven days to travel* from Mount Sinaib to Kadesh-barnea, going by way of Mount Seir. *3But forty years after the Israelites left Egypt,* on the first day of the eleventh month,c Moses addressed the people of Israel, telling them everything the LORD had commanded him to say. 34“When the LORD heard your complaining, he became very angry. So he solemnly swore, *35‘Not one of you from this wicked generation will live to see the good land I swore to give your ancestors,* So repetition is consistent with the bible, so that a person never forgets in knowledge and action God's ways. Second, the best way to understand truth is to look at it biblically. Why? Because truth comes from the TRUE God... 1 John 5:20 New Living Translation And we know that the Son of God has come, and *he has given us understanding so that we can know the true God.* And now we live in fellowship with *the true God* because we live in fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ. *He is the only true God, and he is eternal life.* John 18:37 New Living Translation Pilate said, “So you are a king?” Jesus responded, “You say I am a king. *Actually, I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.”* Do Jehovah's Witnesses allow questioning? Yes, but with the right mindset. *Questioning should be to confirm not criticise...* Acts 17:11 New Living Translation *And the people of Berea were more open-minded* than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. *They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth.* Jehovah's Witnesses publicly go out and defend their beliefs. They do not mind being questioned genuinely... 1 Peter 3:15 New International Version But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. *Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.* But do this with gentleness and respect, I have a very questioning mind by nature. I was brought up as a Jehovah's Witness and they are taught to study. *They are trained to support their beliefs from within the bible and from reputable external sources.* Jehovah's Witnesses based their beliefs on the bible. They will support any and every belief/doctrine from there. **The question therefore is not whether Jehovah's Witnesses have truth, but if you believe the bible/God's word is truth...** Psalms 119:160 New International Version *All your words are true;* all your righteous laws are eternal. John 17:17 New Living Translation *Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth.* Jehovah's Witnesses are students of the bible. In fact, they were originally known as "bible students". Students learn over time. And the teacher will teach over time. It is to be expected then that knowledge of the bible will increase and adjust over time... Daniel 12:4 Amplified Bible But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the scroll until the end of time. *Many will go back and forth and search anxiously [through the scroll], and knowledge [of the purpose of God as revealed by His prophets] will [greatly] increase.”* 1 Corinthians 13:12 New Living Translation Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. *All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely,* just as God now knows me completely. *Real truth makes us love more.* But that love has to be guided by God, not by our own perception of love. God determines what's right and wrong/true and false. Jesus is the perfect human example of love... Ephesians 4:11-15 New Living Translation 11Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. 13This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ. *14Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. 15Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ,* who is the head of his body, the church. ***So the true religion is the one who helps us become most like Jesus who is like his Father. Therefore, you have to analyse Jesus life to know which religion has the truth. Like a shepherd leads sheep, Jesus leads us to God...*** John 14:6 New Living Translation *Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,* and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. 1 Peter 2:21,25 New Living Translation 21For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ sufferedl for you. *He is your example, and you must follow in his steps.* *25Once you were like sheep who wandered away. But now you have turned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls.*
Of course the BIBLE was written by charlatans, so repetition would be used to brainwash you. You cannot analyze Jesus' life using the Bible because it is not a credible source of information about him.
The true fact of the Matter is that there was Never anyone named "Jesus" born some 2,000 years ago- and He was Never called by that name by anyone in Scripture because HIs true name is Hebrew, Not English; however, there was a man named Yeshua (Yahweh is salvation) it was He who healed Lepers, walked on water and performed countless miracles. (See the very last verse in the book of John) He certainly was Not a "Christian" nor did he come to invent or Start Any form or Denomination of Modern Mainstream Sunday Church "Christianity" and None of His Disciples/Talmadim did, either! Yeshua and His Disciples/Talmadim NEVER went to church on Sunday,in fact EVERYONE in all of scripture kept the Sabbath from Genesis to Revelation and they kept and observed all of the feast days in Leviticus 23; Yeshua was a Torah-observant Jew who practiced the faith of Biblical Judaism throughout His lifetime. He looked like a Jew, acted like a Jew, and worshipped like a Jew. He kept the Sabbath, was in the Temple teaching from the Torah on the Sabbath, and He kept ALL Of the Biblical Feast days of Leviticus 23, he ate under the Dietary laws of Deut 14 and Lev. 11, He wore Tallits and Tzitzits/Tzitzyiot, and NEVER did away with the law/Torah, changed the Sabbath and Never Said to go to church on Sunday instead of keeping The Sabbath!! Failure to understand these facts have robbed Jews and so-called "Christians" alike of spiritual and Proper understanding of who Yeshua really was, how he lived and what he Really did teach us in Scripture. Furthermore; Modern Mainstream Sunday Church Christianity looks NOTHING like how our Messiah lived and walked. He did not come to start a New Lawless religion (the law is no longer valid, it was nailed to the cross/tree/stake) If the law was abolished then what do you have to repent from? If there is no law, there is no sin and no need for repentance. (See the biblical definition of sin) Instead He came to show us How to Perfectly KEEP His father’s commandments and in doing so He became the perfect sacrifice for our sins and our rebellion against the father for us NOT keeping the fathers commandments. See Deut 28 and Leviticus 26. When you read the Bible in full context of Scripture you wouldn't believe the spiritual slop and complete Theological Junk Food that's being dished out from behind most of the pulpits in the Sunday Churches . The time is Now for All sincere believers to hold their most prized beliefs up to the light of the Scriptures from the WHOLE Word and be willing to toss the lies once they are exposed in order to embrace the TRUTH according to what is Really taught in Scripture!! One Example of what Yeshua Taught is that The Believers in Colossae obeyed God’s commandments. They kept His Sabbath and Holy Days, and they rejoiced on them, following biblical instruction (Deuteronomy 16:10-11, Deuteronomy 16:13-14). The heretics condemned the Colossian church for the manner in which the Colossians observed the Holy Days. Notice that they didn’t challenge the days themselves. It was the physical enjoyment of them-rejoicing and feasting-that provoked the objections of these false teachers. Notice Paul’s words again: “So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding [Greek meros, meaning ‘part,’ or ‘regarding any portion of’] a festival or a new moon or Sabbath” (Colossians 2:16). Paul was telling the Colossians to ignore these heretics’ judgments and criticisms about their enjoyment of the eating and drinking aspects of God’s Appointed festivals (Leviticus 23). Paul was Not telling them Not to keep them. Rather than showing disregard for the days God established as holy, Paul’s comments in this passage actually confirm that the Colossian Christians-who were primarily gentiles/Goyim (Colossians 2:13)-were observing the weekly Sabbath and Holy Days of God more than 300 years after Yeshua's death and resurrection, so clearly they did not consider them Void, Abolished, or obsolete or changed to another day, Nor did they observe Easter, Halloween, X-Mas or any other So-called Holiday that is endorsed or supported by Modern Mainstream Sunday Church “Christianity” because Yahweh Almighty considers them Disgusting and Pagan. ******************* Furthermore; There is No Scripture that says that Yeshua would endorse some Satan Worshipping men in the late 1800’s to create or invent some “New Religion” and then claim that it and it alone is “The Truth” and everyone else is deceived and will be destroyed by an evil, hateful, vengeful, wrathful j- god who does Not exist in scripture!!!! And Especially when this Religion has invented it’s own completely Non-scriptural Doctrines such as this thing called the “Watchtower Bible and Tract Society” and going to a “Kingdom Hall” (Synagogue of Satan) on Sunday which is largely the Most Unscriptural thing they have invented and then claim that they follow Yeshua Christ exactly as the First century believers did!! The Truth is that NOTHING could be further from the Truth!! The Warning to the JW”s is this: You are in Babylon the Great, GET OUT!!! Read all of Revelation 18; This Religious organization is Sinking like the Titanic!!! GET THIS!! Yahweh chose the Nation of Y'Isra'el THOUSANDS of years ago as HIS People whom he made an EVERLASTING covenant with and he does not lie and he did NOT change his mind and choose a Religion invented by Satan worshipping Men!! GET IT!!! you are DELUSIONAL and Highly Deceived If you think this Religion is "God's people"!! it IS NOT AND NEVER WILL BE!!!
And how do you think the Bible came into existence… History shows us that Jesus didn't leave us a bible, the apostles didn't tell us which books belong in the bible, the church fathers never agreed on the 27 books of the NT through the 4th century, not only did they not agree but their list of would-be NT canons were GROWING during this time. So, if it wasn't the Catholic/Orthodox church that compiled the 27 books of the NT in the 5th century, just 75 years AFTER the council of Nicaea which began the Trinitarian docrtine, and then with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and preserved these scriptures by laboriously hand copying them over and over throughout the centuries before the invention of the printing press, the “rule of faith” for many, please tell us, show us, who did? And if this church no longer exists today, what good is the text which came forth from her if she couldn't sustain herself?
Been out for years! Found faith in Jesus Christ our saviour. I do not attend a church but read my bible allowing the Word and holly spirit guid me. My life is so wonderful now❤ 😊
Great points!!! After leaving the borg, the first thing I started doing was to stop calling this cult “the truth!” Look forward to your next video!
Yes! That is such an important step in de-programming yourself. Gotta disconnect that word truth from this man made organization.
Thanks for the video. When someone wants to double check if JWs have the truth, the more they investigate, the more everything turns out to be untrue.
So who has it?
@@billyd5317 According to South Park, the Mormons 😆 🤣 Seriously, I don't believe anyone has it. Human brains aren't meant to know it all, or understand it all. Even when I was a JW, I've always thought God/Jesus wasn't a religion. Didn't care what religion you were in, or not in.
What a relief to know that there is no "truth❤
@@exjwdiaries Mocking apostates as shown in this video also publish literature that resorts to distortions, half-truths, and outright falsehood. They even picket Witness conventions, trying to trap the unwary. Hence, it would be a dangerous thing to allow our curiosity to move us to feed on such writings or to listen to their abusive speech! While we might not think it a risk for us personally, the hazard remains. Why? For one thing, some of the apostate literature presents falsehoods by means of “smooth talk” and “counterfeit words.” (Romans 16:17, 18; 2 Peter 2:3) What would you expect from the table of demons? And while the apostates may also present certain facts, these are usually taken out of context with the goal of drawing others away from the table of Jehovah. All their writings simply criticize and tear down! Nothing is up building. “Avoid them,” says God’s Word. Other translations render that phrase “turn away from them,” “keep away from them,” and “stay away from them!” There is nothing ambiguous about that inspired counsel. Suppose that a doctor told you to avoid contact with someone who is infected with a contagious, deadly disease. You would know what the doctor means, and you would strictly heed his warning. Well, apostates are “mentally diseased,” and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings. (1 Tim. 6:3, 4) Jehovah, the Great Physician, tells us to avoid contact with them. We know what he means, but are we determined to heed his warning in all respects? Apostates “quietly bring in” corruptive ideas. Like smugglers, they operate in a clandestine manner, subtly introducing apostate views. And just as a clever forger tries to pass phony documents, so apostates use “counterfeit words,” or false arguments, trying to pass their fabricated views as if they were true. They spread “deceptive teachings,” “twisting . . . the Scriptures” to fit their own ideas.
Wow! Right on! Raised JW, but out for last 30 years. With over 4 years of Religion & Philosophy classes and discussing JW doctrines/thought with my professors, I'm geeking out over this video 😊 Thank you for making me realize I still have a critical, philosophical mind 🥰
😂😂😂 glad you liked it! It definitely takes a philosophical turn! Especially towards the end. What would we see if we could leave the 3D…?
@@exjwdiaries Thinking about one of my old favorite shows, Sliders, parallel universes! That's one way of going beyond 3D, or time travel 🤗 Being out of "the truth" (uncapitalized for a reason) it opened me up to not having to believe when you die, nothing. My opinion is that there is so much more out there, don't know what, but know it is. That's my Truth, doesn't need me to believe, but know. 🥰
Brilliant information as always. The real truth is that they are being exposed un unprecedented numbers all over the world. It is going to be a matter of time before everything for them comes to an end. God bless social media and people like you who really help put things into proper perspective. These unprecedented news of the cults kingdom will spreed to the entire earth and then their end will come. FANTASTIC WORK HERE.
I love that line at the end!! 😂
If time traveling were a reality, it would be condemned by Jehovah’s Witnesses as apostasy.
😂 so true! Or they would say “Time travel exposes you to demons” that would scare any JW away.
@@exjwdiaries They’d say anything or misquote anyone to promote their doctrine.
What an intelligent masterpiece! This video must be shared far and wide. Thanks Justin!
Wow thank you!!
Agree! 💯 Percent!
_"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful."_ -Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Excellent presentation, EXJW Diaries.
The convenience of being a JW in "the Truth" is, if you don't like WT's *current* "truth", just give it some time. Soon it won't be true any more and the new "truth", which also has an expiration date, will hopefully suit your personal feelings and biases.
Dang that’s a powerful quote! Thank you!
OMG, that is so true! The WT's current truth isn't ANYTHING like it was 30 yrs ago when I left the org. Will be interesting what "new light" is coming up now that the GB is cleaning house. I really hope it turns in a more lenient direction, as I still have family & friends in. Keep trying to get them out, but pretty much decided not to talk about religion when we're together.
Philosophy, questions that may never be answered. Religion, answers that may never be questioned.
For an organization that considers its "the truth," they haven't managed to get one thing right so far...
Now that’s some real truth 😂
I left this organization Quietly years ago. I still have family members asking me, "Are you going to come back to the truth?" That is how brained wash they are, and I was once. Thank you for taking the time to make this video, I will use your words of common sense, and your angle of looking at things.
or better yet. will you ever return to Jehovah
The Watchtower keeps them tied down with words. Don’t give up hope though. If I can make it out, anyone can!
That’s what’s coming next 😉
@@johnnycroat Look up who first used the name, Jehovah. A monk in the 12 century used it first. I could not be so presumptuous about the correct pronunciation of All Mighty Gods name. Perhaps,) "I Am" is more appropriate.
@@exjwdiaries Out and Happy, over a long period of time.
Thank you!! Really shows the power of words. They can be used to control or used to set you free.
When truth speaks, the lie trembles!
It sure does!!
My brother, you made excellent sense. Thank you, for all you do.
Much love my brother ❤️
Brian Gibbs
Much love brother 🙏
So many great points!! You are absolutely right. There is a lot to ponder on!!
Thank you!
Yes! This touches on the parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant! Check that out. Its the same concept as your cube analogy! And its so accurate
Yes I love the blind men and the elephant example!
@@exjwdiaries My husband talks about it in his first philosophy book! He is currently working on his second one. 😄
Great video and so erudite in your presentation. You are so right that relative truth is really just an opinion and nothing more, and as you say the Watchtower`s opinions have constantly changed since it`s inception but have demanded it`s followers believe whatever they say at the time even when flip flopping backwards and forwards with these opinions. It`s also interesting that not one thing that they have predicted with dates and events have come true and when these failed have actually blamed the followers for believing them, eg 1975. Such falsehoods cannot be further from the "truth" that they claim to have. The saddest thing of all is that believing such lies have cost lots of people their lives.
Thank you! Great point about all the false predictions too! Just more proof that they are not a source of truth.
_"Watchtower`s opinions have constantly changed since it`s inception but have demanded it`s followers believe whatever they say"_
The absurdity of WT's totalitarian approach was revealed in the 1954 Douglas-Walsh trial. When testifying under oath, WT leaders admitted that all JWs _must_ be "unified" in their beliefs- even if they are wrong. They must be wrong as a group.
WOW!!!♥️ Justin, this video is so informative and amazing! If I had seen this in 1991, I would NEVER have started a Bible study with JWs. I do hope thousands+ see this and are saved from joining this publishing/real estate company posing as a religion; If they are already in, PLEASE get out! I am looking forward to your next video.
What a powerful video! I enjoy all of your videos.
Thank you! Glad you like them!
i enjoyed this video. lately i been thinking about forever, forever is so long that we really dont understand the posibilities
So true. The concept of forever can never be fully grasped with a mind that perceives time as linear 😉
The first step to wisdom is realizing that you can't know anything for sure.
Brilliant video! One if the best freee analysis of truth I have seen to date
Wow, thank you!
"...whatever the real truth is, it is unchanging. It does not need you to believe in it..." nor to worship it? Your words hit me. Keep talking. Uncovering the mental psychosis of the JWs, is killing all such birds with one stone.
I was born in and stayed for 25 years and I've been out for 23 years now.....Ive enjoyed the 2nd half of my life far better than the 1st half😂❤
I've only been out 6 years. But I can already tell that your words are true😅. These last 6 years have been better than my 28 years in!
Excellent presentation you made here. It really helps us to understand what truth means and does it mean. Thank you so much and I’m gonna listen to this over again. It’s very very useful information in helping others to get out of this crazy organization/ cult!
Outstanding explanation
Glad you liked it
The "truth" couldn't have been the truth 100 year's ago, and be the "truth" now with all the changes over time!
Awesome thanks for sharing.
You bet
Love your channel.
You have brought together a number of concepts and tied them all together, thank you 👍
Glad you like them!
And also, the "truth" never changes!!
Fabulous illustration! 😊
Thank you so much 😀
Great Job
Thank you!
@@exjwdiaries Blessed 💯
One simple word describes this dynamic podcast: AWESOME!!!
you know what , this video in itself is actually the real truth …hope it gets out there to many people , especially those trapped in the jehovah witness organization…
Thank you! I hope so too!
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to quote that verse. 😏,
Jesus is the Word of God Truth!
That's your religious belief.
However, it must be recognised that if your were brought with parents who are Muslim.
You'd probably be writing something very different.
And not everyone would agree with you.
Just as millions do not agree with your view of Jesus.
Whereas as mentioned in the video.
If you jump up.
You'll come back down.
Due to the undeniable law of gravity.
@@billyroland2758 I have No Religion... the Holy Scriptures is my Authority... *Yeshua (YAHSHUA) is the only Way! Truth! Life! Unconditional Love! FREEDOM!...
I wish you Many Blessings on your Spiritual journey in this life!
Yes but the faithful and discreet slave overruled Him.
You want the truth, you cant handle the truth. The true, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Yep, what is reality a good one.
That question of what reality is can keep us going for decades. Whenever/ if ever we do find the answer, it will change both science and religion forever.
Your best video man,,,, this one along with your video of love bombing is totally awesome, I love how you explicit clearly the factors, awesome video again.
Wow! I appreciate that! I’m still just getting started ⚡️
@@exjwdiaries oh I bet, I also liked the one where you interviewed that pimo dude that was incognito,,,,love your work
Yes, Justin, Our Messiah said you Will know the truth and it Will set you free. For me this means I must continue to search for it in order to obtain freedom. Because I also need to know The Father and His Son, being unable to have full association with them yet. We need to keep examining the writing they have made available for us. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 😊
Brilliant, the logic in this video is off the charts 💯
Thank you!!
You nailed it right. Real truth does not mind being questioned, and it does not care how you feel bout it. A lie, on the other hand, does noe like to be questioned.
Great video! Lots of food for thought. Thank you Justin!
Glad it was helpful!
Wow!! This video is brilliant! I never thought of it this way before!! 😮
Glad you liked it!!
Thanks, I think that was the most comprehensive description of truth that I have heard. Great job!
Just reach I will watch this on my lunch break
Enjoy your lunch 👍
VERY . . Well Done , Young Brother !!
Keep up the Research and Activism !!
Logic always helps and gets people thinking good video
Logic is what The Watchtower fears most!
Excellent video, I couldn't agree with you more.
Thank you!
How true. 🙂
The truth is that they don't have the truth PS nobody has it
They sure don’t
@@nestorlozada8441 : may be for you - but sure not for everybody.
Thank you wonderful video! Extremely informative
Hey ! Justin , EXCELLENT video my Brother ! ! ! Pretty much my way of thinking now, equal and or similar to what you are saying in this video . What you just explain right here, reinforce : FREEDOM ! ! ! from this horrendous cult . I was a JW for many years too. I'm helping my Mom to coming out of it, and with some of the things you explained here, I am very sure she will
listen, because I already been exposing to her with evidence that other ex- JW's show on other videos and my own experiences; that this is not the truth as the governing Gubbers force and claim
their members to have. Thank you, Thank you; brother for your video . . . . . .
Pablo, from Cudahy , California . . . . . . Two Thumbs Up ! ! ! !
This is excellent
Thank you!
Your logic is undeniable, as always. Thank you!
Excellent work
Thank you!!
I wish I was as intelligent as you are my brother. I'm glad I just woke up, I would've never found this wealth of knowledge. I feel like in 1 video, you answered what 35 years of being a Witness never answered
Wow!!! So TRUE all you said
The Truth is in Jesus Christ 🙏
He said...." I am the way the truth and the life.
We gain Salvation through Jesus.
PROVE IT! Anybody can call themselves "The Truth" but the word TRUTH means what can be objectively verified, proven.
You're promoting a religion you have no proof of, and that is immoral. You need to only use the word Truth in reference to what can be proven.
Otherwise it's only your BELIEF. Not FACT.
W. O. W !!!
This is My first time seeing you , and I was waiting for you to go into how the actual truth is some other
“ higher power “ crap ,
or we gotta believe in something !
Thanks for shining the light on S C I E N C E !
Science is a rational critical examination of evidence.It’s a method, that’s basically it ,
it’s the only game in town.
Big thanks again !!!
Absolutely! I do have my own beliefs but my goal for this channel has always been to keep things as neutral as possible. That way it’s as comfortable for as many people as possible. Especially those just waking up.
Our world is four dimensional , x,,y,z, and time, taking time in consideration makes it even more complicated, not just standing outside the perspective of three dime sons and also looking at it time independent. I like your Video very much!
Very good point. Imagine standing outside of time itself! Very hard to imagine. Especially for humans minds that perceive time as linear
@@exjwdiaries Yes, very hard to imagine, but only within imagination it is possible to think this trough to some extent.
very good analysis 🙂
Who is organizing the march on washington in october 2023, also do you have to notify anyone that you're planning to attend
Peaked my interest on this one.
😂 just shows how much power there are in words and the JW leaders how to take advantage of that!
Thank you!
You bet!
Well said, Sir! ON POINT!
Do ya'll remember when you was a witness that kingdom song entitled; ("make the truth your own")
actually we always made the truth the governing body's and the congregation until we "REALLY" started making the truth our own, then we get shunned for it, after being found out!🤪😎😏❤️
Thank you! Jesus, I am the way the truth an the life he who believes n me will never die.
While I'm not a JW, I actually take a liking to someone who's strongly within the organization, and when she and I first had our little exchange upon her finding out about my atheism did I listen to quite a bit of what was said; the primary being her confidence in where she stood as a witness. And while it's a pretty sad thing with that knowledge, there's just even as an atheist in which you can tell that it'd be a serious surprise if that escape is actually made. Because anyone with some common sense should know that you can't survive inside of a giant fish for three days and survive the outcome.,which%20was%20dead%20from%20harpooning.
Many thanks!
You are an amazing guy!
Never had it,hahaha! never will!😅, great video btw!
John 14:6
“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
Anybody can claim that, but you have NO PROOF JESUS EVEN SAID THAT!!!!!!!!
The gospel of John was written a rather long time after Jesus supposedly walked the earth.
Truth is what the facts are, what can be proven. Authentic Truth is discussed in my videos.
Not doing nothing for the truth, out of the truth, not in the truth all these expressions are lies, 1st Corinthians chapter 13 at the end nobody will have the truth, until the Lord comes first Corinthians 4 verse 5
The real truth hurts them
Exactly! That’s why they want it hidden
Deuteronomy 18:22 if the prophet speaks in the lords name but his prediction does not happen or come true. You will know that the lord did not give this message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared. Jehovah witnesses need to read the Bible, not watch towers mantra.
The quotes at the beginning about the truth and a lie, where do those quotes come from?
Why this weather if scripture is not being fulfilled ?
Ezek 38:20-22
What.. !!?
God doesn't act in behalf of his people ?!!
Hi Justin, this video is too deep for most Jehovah witnesses. 😁😁😁
😂😂😂 they gotta start thinking deeper
They claimed to BE the truth
The real Truth is unknown. Plan and simple.
Exactly 👍
1st Corinthians 13 at the end also 1st Corinthians 4 verse 5 don't judge nothing until he comes Jesus will bring the darkness things hidden, read it thanks good comment
@Anonymous I hope he brings Leviathan the dragon and unicorns with him.
@@randyg.7940 only the light is going to bring, cancel the kegs of beer and dancing girls?
@@Anonymous-ez6cz OH ok. I'm glad you were able to provide such an intelligent response.
If you don't know what it is, how do you know who has it?
Only christ Jesus is " the way ,Truth , and life "
....but only in your opinion - fact.
The Bible itself literally says you can tell the true religion by the fruitage that they produce. We know what kind of fruitage they produce and is not good at all.They can’t be the truth !!!!!!!!!
No absolute truth of nothing since this paradigm is a DREAM, AN ILLUSION...
All experience is in the mind 😉
@@exjwdiaries exactly
The congregation is a pillar and support of the Truth. In itself the congregation is not the truth. God is truth, the word of God is truth, Jesus is the truth but no body of people are called the truth in the bible.
Yes! No body of people were called the truth. Very well said!
Now i like yhis video😊
Another home run justin😊
Thank you!!
The message is simple!
Jesus said! I’am the way, truth, life and only way to the FATHER! No one goes to the Father but except through ME!
Gravity Ex Bro? Seek and ye shall find!
Jesua said....I am the way THE TRUTH and the life
Jws reject Jesus as God which all Christians know He is.
So how can JWS have THE TRUTH if they reject the one who is THE TRUTH
Excellent vidéo ! Humans have always failed with humility …even Moises … When you take into account aspects such as ego, duality, power, perception , consciousness etc… clearly we all better dig deeper into humility and for believers such as tought in the Bible in YHWH , Jesus , His upcoming Kingdom, Love and Justice principles this at least the TRUTH is all about. Period. Once you start a religion around it , actually powerful religions around it comes inevitably Hypocrisy, injustice and darkness. Period
The Bible is so full of contradictions, barbaric practices and make believe that it cancels itself out.
Trust me. I read it.
What! You mean like waters above and waters below?
@LEAPmenber - so you really believe Jesus was literal when he said he was the vine and we were the branches? Jon 15:5 🤷🏽♂
@@srich7503 Really? Lol! Even the ones who ones in power flaunted it right front of our eyes ! But the indoctrination has been great!
@@unclesalty7778 sorry i dont get your point. 🤷🏽♂️
@@srich7503 Forward to the 1:50 mark.
The TRUTH is there Doctrin😅Amen to that, how long u been in the TRUTH ooooo she's in the TRUTH too😅 Pontius Pilate sayed to Jesus " what is TRUTH?"
I realized the repetition of God’s name is also controlling them. Just in ONE of their videos the name of God will be repeated several times. It’s actually horrific listening that repetition. Even extremist religion does it. I truly thought God shouldn’t have a name, people might be peaceful without specific God’s name, is my truth.
That’s coming up next 👍
Exjw diaries, Appreciate your logical points.
1st off "repetition" is biblical...its a memory aid...
Deuteronomy 6:6,7 New Living Translation
6And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. *7Repeat them again and again to your children.* Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.
Deuteronomy 11:19 Living Translation
Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.
The book Deuteronomy literally means something like "second time". The 1st time the Israelites were barred from entering the land of Canaan due to lack of faith in God, 40 years later a new generation were reminded of how to worship God acceptably.
Deuteronomy 1:2,3,34,35
*2Normally it takes only eleven days to travel* from Mount Sinaib to Kadesh-barnea, going by way of Mount Seir. *3But forty years after the Israelites left Egypt,* on the first day of the eleventh month,c Moses addressed the people of Israel, telling them everything the LORD had commanded him to say.
34“When the LORD heard your complaining, he became very angry. So he solemnly swore, *35‘Not one of you from this wicked generation will live to see the good land I swore to give your ancestors,*
So repetition is consistent with the bible, so that a person never forgets in knowledge and action God's ways.
Second, the best way to understand truth is to look at it biblically. Why? Because truth comes from the TRUE God...
1 John 5:20 New Living Translation
And we know that the Son of God has come, and *he has given us understanding so that we can know the true God.* And now we live in fellowship with *the true God* because we live in fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ. *He is the only true God, and he is eternal life.*
John 18:37 New Living Translation
Pilate said, “So you are a king?” Jesus responded, “You say I am a king. *Actually, I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.”*
Do Jehovah's Witnesses allow questioning? Yes, but with the right mindset. *Questioning should be to confirm not criticise...*
Acts 17:11 New Living Translation
*And the people of Berea were more open-minded* than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. *They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth.*
Jehovah's Witnesses publicly go out and defend their beliefs. They do not mind being questioned genuinely...
1 Peter 3:15 New International Version
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. *Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.* But do this with gentleness and respect,
I have a very questioning mind by nature. I was brought up as a Jehovah's Witness and they are taught to study. *They are trained to support their beliefs from within the bible and from reputable external sources.*
Jehovah's Witnesses based their beliefs on the bible. They will support any and every belief/doctrine from there. **The question therefore is not whether Jehovah's Witnesses have truth, but if you believe the bible/God's word is truth...**
Psalms 119:160 New International Version
*All your words are true;* all your righteous laws are eternal.
John 17:17 New Living Translation
*Make them holy by your truth; teach them your word, which is truth.*
Jehovah's Witnesses are students of the bible. In fact, they were originally known as "bible students". Students learn over time. And the teacher will teach over time. It is to be expected then that knowledge of the bible will increase and adjust over time...
Daniel 12:4 Amplified Bible
But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the scroll until the end of time. *Many will go back and forth and search anxiously [through the scroll], and knowledge [of the purpose of God as revealed by His prophets] will [greatly] increase.”*
1 Corinthians 13:12 New Living Translation
Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. *All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely,* just as God now knows me completely.
*Real truth makes us love more.* But that love has to be guided by God, not by our own perception of love. God determines what's right and wrong/true and false. Jesus is the perfect human example of love...
Ephesians 4:11-15 New Living Translation
11Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. 12Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. 13This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ.
*14Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. 15Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ,* who is the head of his body, the church.
***So the true religion is the one who helps us become most like Jesus who is like his Father. Therefore, you have to analyse Jesus life to know which religion has the truth. Like a shepherd leads sheep, Jesus leads us to God...***
John 14:6 New Living Translation
*Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth,* and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.
1 Peter 2:21,25 New Living Translation
21For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ sufferedl for you. *He is your example, and you must follow in his steps.*
*25Once you were like sheep who wandered away. But now you have turned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls.*
Of course the BIBLE was written by charlatans, so repetition would be used to brainwash you.
You cannot analyze Jesus' life using the Bible because it is not a credible source of information about him.
Tetragrammaton is Egyptian meaning FOUR LETTERS of aton atum adam electron and the SUN or jehovah is atum in Greek
JESUS is the way, the TRUTH, and the life.
Go over to myth Vision podcast & talk to that content creator 😊 he's always seeking the TRUTH
Jesus said it clearly. John 14:6; 17:17
PROVE Jesus said that! You can't! Anybody can write something putting words in Jesus' mouth.
@@TruthSpeaker. If you don't believe what the Bible says then that's a completely different ball game, dude.
The true fact of the Matter is that there was Never anyone named "Jesus" born some 2,000 years ago- and He was Never called by that name by anyone in Scripture because HIs true name is Hebrew, Not English; however, there was a man named Yeshua (Yahweh is salvation) it was He who healed Lepers, walked on water and performed countless miracles. (See the very last verse in the book of John) He certainly was Not a "Christian" nor did he come to invent or Start Any form or Denomination of Modern Mainstream Sunday Church "Christianity" and None of His Disciples/Talmadim did, either!
Yeshua and His Disciples/Talmadim NEVER went to church on Sunday,in fact EVERYONE in all of scripture kept the Sabbath from Genesis to Revelation and they kept and observed all of the feast days in Leviticus 23;
Yeshua was a Torah-observant Jew who practiced the faith of Biblical Judaism throughout His lifetime. He looked like a Jew, acted like a Jew, and worshipped like a Jew. He kept the Sabbath, was in the Temple teaching from the Torah on the Sabbath, and He kept ALL Of the Biblical Feast days of Leviticus 23, he ate under the Dietary laws of Deut 14 and Lev. 11, He wore Tallits and Tzitzits/Tzitzyiot, and NEVER did away with the law/Torah, changed the Sabbath and Never Said to go to church on Sunday instead of keeping The Sabbath!!
Failure to understand these facts have robbed Jews and so-called "Christians" alike of spiritual and Proper understanding of who Yeshua really was, how he lived and what he Really did teach us in Scripture.
Furthermore; Modern Mainstream Sunday Church Christianity looks NOTHING like how our Messiah lived and walked. He did not come to start a New Lawless religion (the law is no longer valid, it was nailed to the cross/tree/stake) If the law was abolished then what do you have to repent from? If there is no law, there is no sin and no need for repentance. (See the biblical definition of sin)
Instead He came to show us How to Perfectly KEEP His father’s commandments and in doing so He became the perfect sacrifice for our sins and our rebellion against the father for us NOT keeping the fathers commandments. See Deut 28 and Leviticus 26.
When you read the Bible in full context of Scripture you wouldn't believe the spiritual slop and complete Theological Junk Food that's being dished out from behind most of the pulpits in the Sunday Churches .
The time is Now for All sincere believers to hold their most prized beliefs up to the light of the Scriptures from the WHOLE Word and be willing to toss the lies once they are exposed in order to embrace the TRUTH according to what is Really taught in Scripture!!
One Example of what Yeshua Taught is that The Believers in Colossae obeyed God’s commandments. They kept His Sabbath and Holy Days, and they rejoiced on them, following biblical instruction (Deuteronomy 16:10-11, Deuteronomy 16:13-14).
The heretics condemned the Colossian church for the manner in which the Colossians observed the Holy Days.
Notice that they didn’t challenge the days themselves. It was the physical enjoyment of them-rejoicing and feasting-that provoked the objections of these false teachers.
Notice Paul’s words again: “So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding [Greek meros, meaning ‘part,’ or ‘regarding any portion of’] a festival or a new moon or Sabbath” (Colossians 2:16).
Paul was telling the Colossians to ignore these heretics’ judgments and criticisms about their enjoyment of the eating and drinking aspects of God’s Appointed festivals (Leviticus 23). Paul was Not telling them Not to keep them.
Rather than showing disregard for the days God established as holy, Paul’s comments in this passage actually confirm that the Colossian Christians-who were primarily gentiles/Goyim (Colossians 2:13)-were observing the weekly Sabbath and Holy Days of God more than 300 years after Yeshua's death and resurrection, so clearly they did not consider them Void, Abolished, or obsolete or changed to another day, Nor did they observe Easter, Halloween, X-Mas or any other So-called Holiday that is endorsed or supported by Modern Mainstream Sunday Church “Christianity” because Yahweh Almighty considers them Disgusting and Pagan.
There is No Scripture that says that Yeshua would endorse some Satan Worshipping men in the late 1800’s to create or invent some “New Religion” and then claim that it and it alone is “The Truth” and everyone else is deceived and will be destroyed by an evil, hateful, vengeful, wrathful j- god who does Not exist in scripture!!!! And Especially when this Religion has invented it’s own completely Non-scriptural Doctrines such as this thing called the “Watchtower Bible and Tract Society” and going to a “Kingdom Hall” (Synagogue of Satan) on Sunday which is largely the Most Unscriptural thing they have invented and then claim that they follow Yeshua Christ exactly as the First century believers did!! The Truth is that NOTHING could be further from the Truth!!
The Warning to the JW”s is this: You are in Babylon the Great, GET OUT!!! Read all of Revelation 18; This Religious organization is Sinking like the Titanic!!!
GET THIS!! Yahweh chose the Nation of Y'Isra'el THOUSANDS of years ago as HIS People whom he made an EVERLASTING covenant with and he does not lie and he did NOT change his mind and choose a Religion invented by Satan worshipping Men!! GET IT!!! you are DELUSIONAL and Highly Deceived If you think this Religion is "God's people"!! it IS NOT AND NEVER WILL BE!!!
Just keep on studying the Bible. It's not the organization. There is only one God.
And how do you think the Bible came into existence…
History shows us that Jesus didn't leave us a bible, the apostles didn't tell us which books belong in the bible, the church fathers never agreed on the 27 books of the NT through the 4th century, not only did they not agree but their list of would-be NT canons were GROWING during this time. So, if it wasn't the Catholic/Orthodox church that compiled the 27 books of the NT in the 5th century, just 75 years AFTER the council of Nicaea which began the Trinitarian docrtine, and then with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and preserved these scriptures by laboriously hand copying them over and over throughout the centuries before the invention of the printing press, the “rule of faith” for many, please tell us, show us, who did? And if this church no longer exists today, what good is the text which came forth from her if she couldn't sustain herself?
Did Jesus and disciples ever say Jehovah or Jehovah god like the watchtower?