I got Covid at the beginning of the pandemic and developed long covid before anyone knew what it was. Talk about fear! At one point, I had about 40 different symptoms. Scary symptoms. I cured myself with mind/body techniques, including your videos. Once I realized, and truly believed, that I had the power to cure myself, my symptoms started to melt away. It wasn’t overnight, but I’m fully back to normal. Even better. I feel like this work is a superpower. Thanks you for everything you do!! Your work is so very valuable.
I really didn’t at first. I was convinced that medical intervention was the only thing that would help. But it didn’t. After tons of doctors and tests, I wasn’t getting better. I was hearing tons of success stories for other chronic illnesses through Dan and other practitioners doing similar work. At that point, I said to myself, what do I have to lose by trying this? So I just started doing the work. Calming my nervous system, and slowly seeing the work pay off. I was patient because trying to force it reinforces the fear and anxiety. It took time.
Feel like I could have wrote this. I had 50-60 symptoms. Scariest symptoms ever. Extreme fear. Began in 2022. Thought I was dying. I'm almost fully recovered from mind/body work. Had to fully understand and then apply mind/body work. In doing so, my symptoms finally began fading away, thank God and thank people like Dan for sharing their knowledge. I'm so glad you are recovered, nobody deserves to experience long covid torment.
You're the best Dan ❤. Bringing me hope in my TMS/long covid journey. Slowly getting there bit by bit. Your videos always help me to focus and carry on!
Your videos are amazing and the change you are providing cannot be fully expressed in words. I started getting brain fog and blackouts in Jan. 2020 which scared me so bad I thought I had a brain tumor. I went to the doctor but all results came back negative. In March 2020 covid hit and the stress of everything shutting down put my symptoms over the top and I had a panic attack, which I've never had before. Fast forward to now and years of supplements and treatments had no significant impact until I started watching yours and Raelan Agle's videos. I also read books by Joe Dispneza and use his meditations. I am now reading Dr. Sarno's book and am learning even more about your minds ability to create symptoms and the impact of trauma. Staying out of the long covid chats and calming the nervous system is the key. I literally tried everything you could think of and spent thousands of dollars needlessly. Thank you so so much.
I agree 100%. August 2022 I got cvid for about 3 weeks... I was fine for about a month. Things changed in October when I started getting weird symptoms (long Covid) what was debilitating was the extremely crazy anxiety. As you mentioned, I started Googling long Covid and saw all the terrible stories. I joined a long Covid group and made things worse. During the summer, I noticed the symptoms diminished because I was spending more time outdoors doing things I enjoy. Fast forward to 2024, debilitating anxiety and fatigue is back. I believe because I got flashbacks of what I was going through last year during winter. I know it's all fear what's causing this because I have been going through stressful events. I appreciate your videos because they help a lot. I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Don't give up people! God bless 🙏
Me to a T. Covid 2 yrs ago! Joined Dan s zoom group. All symptoms gone in 3 mo. Except 1. Numb buring feet legs thats worse sice my father died 5 wks ago. Ive blamed it on covid. Ive worried thought read researched etc. making it worse. I know better but im still doing it. I definitely have health anxiety yet im fit lift weights walk alot despite the feet. Symptoms are there but im feeling a chg on the way. Its now too ridiculous its too obvious as to what it is: FEAR Thankyou Dan
Your videos, especially the success stories, were hugely helpful for me. I used to watch one of them over and over. Another helpful thing was to simply make myself do low heart rate exercise every day no matter how my body responded. Eventually I think my lizard brain figured out that it might as well just accept it because it's happening every day regardless of what symptoms it protested with. Eventually it just gave up.
I got all sorts of neurological problems after my first bout of Covid and still have one of the symptoms that is the worst one, bladder pain syndrome/CPPS. Ironically I had Covid again and didn't develop any other issues. Really thinking about joining the group. Been struggling with This symptom for 3 years now and have really began the journey of TMS about 6-7 months ago.
Wow inner tremors his home. I have thought it could be tms or pdp but now I can be rest assured it is. I’ll be so glad to see that fade away as one of my many sensations. 🎉
I was scared out of my wits for 2 yrs OF covid, before I actually GOT covid, so that fear, I’m sure, is what gave me “long covid”. Working on that now, with your help, Dan.👍
Hi Dan, your videos and a video visit with your friend Jim Prussack (the Pain PT) got me out of 7 months of persistent fatigue last year. I was terrified of The Virus, and the fear convinced me I had Long Covid after my first infection in August '22. I joined an online fatigue management "pacing" group -- a mistake. The concept of pacing (lots of rest with only small amounts of activity) sounds sensible, but if you're willing to read medical journal articles about it, you'll find it really isn't scientifically supported as a recovery strategy. I think it held me back, just like it did for Rachel who recovered and ran in the London Marathon. Your videos gave me invaluable hope, and Jim convinced me it was safe to get back into life. Within 3 weeks I was back to gardening for 2+ hours a day and getting back to living life even more fully than before. I'm very grateful to you, Jim, Dr. Howard Schubiner and the other professionals who teach us how to step out of TMS and get our lives back. Thank you Dan!
Thanks Dan!! This is my situation. I had a virus (I did not know it was COVID at the time). After watching you and some others I know even the first symptoms, were from a fear fight or flight response. After getting over the virus (a week or more later) I woke up with vertigo and a migraine. Those first symptoms may have started because of the virus but fear has kept them coming. I’m still working through this. I really need to find what works for calming my anxiety because I think the rest will calm if I can master that. I found you from watching Raelan and your explanation in that interview was perfect! It really resonated with me. Thanks again!
Thanks. I’ve been working through these videos. I would like to know your thoughts on vaccine “injury”. In 2021 after the second vax I had the same symptoms I have had this time and I really had no fear of getting vaccinated. I’m still puzzled.
Have the symptoms that began after the 2nd vax gone away and now they are back? Or have they stayed? One way to know is the assessments. My take is that if it was the jab, symptoms would behave differently than the brain perceiving danger. Assessments are here: IsThisPDP.com There is really no way to know with 100% certainty, but I can assure you that there is only benefit and no downside to the approach I teach daily. @@KaliyahAnn123
They did go away! Looking back I am fascinated. I literally woke up with vertigo, a migraine and heart palpitations (I know now that was panic) and then the migraines/headaches persisted for 5-6 weeks but went away as quickly as the symptoms came on. I have been perfect for the last 2 1/2 years. Then I got a virus in Sept and like I said above got all the same symptoms but this time it’s lasted much longer and unfortunately got so fearful new symptoms have come! I love your no nonsense approach. I’ll continue to listen to the quick start and calming myself!! I know this works!! I have had great days and looking back over the past several months my best days were when I was happy doing what I loved!
@painfreeyou I have vaccine injury that recently rendered me bed bound with muscle breakdown and nervous system overload. For two years, my doctors have gaslight me with different diagnoses and avoided blaming the vaccine. Through EMG It was finally a diagnosis that pointed to the vaccine. I started ivermectin and homeopathy last week and things have started to improve but I’m sure the work you do plays a role in it as well. I’m being told I’ll have to treat this the rest of my life or the symptoms will return as the spike protein is now part of my dna. That’s not an easy one to process.
Yes, I had 50-60 symptoms from Long Covid. Almost fully recovered after finally understanding its TMS. Dan, thank you for sharing your knowledge! I think covid ramps up the nervous system. I didn't know about long covid when I got it. But long covid for me caused a few foreign symptoms i had never felt. Numb arms, throat, racing heart. The perceived danger really came when doctors couldnt find out what was wrong. And speculated MS, where I was then told I needed to wait 4 months to see a specialist. The fear snowballed my symptoms, and at first, I didn't realize my fear was creating it. Then one day I was reading other peoples symptoms on long covid and I began getting those symptoms too! But at the time I just thought it confirmed I had long covid, not realizing exposing myself to those "support groups" was causing more fear and therefore my body responding with the same symptoms. Its incredible the amount of symptoms the body produces when the brain perceives danger! The world needs to know about TMS. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do Dan!
this is a wonderful story that proves that Perceived Danger is the cause way more than the virus. It's a fear virus. If you get to the point that you want to share your success, get on my calendar at: TalkWithDan.com
Many people with actual long covid have endothelial damage to their veins which is affecting multiple organ systems. I've developed bulging blue veins all over my body and venous insufficiency in my legs. Actual long covid is not TMS.
I had the post covid condition. Severe neurological symptoms. The key is understanding what Dan is saying. Don't be on the goofy forums. Don't be looking up media accounts. Get the all clear from your doc so you are re-assured, and then understand you are fine. The symptoms will go away. Stop worrying about them. Stop paying attention to them. Itll pass soon.
I’m 4 years in with debilitating brain fog that comes with gait change, motor skill issues, cognitive impairment, derealization, etc. No end in sight. How is this not a physiological mechanism causing this?
It’s not a perceived danger response caused by fear, it’s a post viral chronic illness similar to ME/CFS. People have been dealing with these symptoms for years before there was a fear of covid, just now on a much bigger scale. Mind body connection, positivity, all of that helps, but for most people these symptoms are caused by physical damage to their nervous system due to a virus (or in some cases v*cc*ne), so just saying that people’s symptoms are caused by fear is a huge misdiagnosis and misunderstanding of the problem.
Did anyone else experience a sudden onset of bulging veins? About 3 months ago, I suddenly developed varicose veins in my legs and my veins are continuing to bulge in my arms, hands, fingers, hips, lower abdomen, and of course in my legs. The doctors are clueless. I have no idea what to do and I don't understand how THIS could be TMS/PDP. Btw, this is coming from someone who wasn't the least bit afraid of covid and didn't buy into the long covid narrative. It wasn't until my veins started doing this and reading about it happening to others with long covid that I started to believe that there's something going on here.
Hi Dan, i didn't know about long covid before being brought to the emergency room and doctors diagnosing me with Long Covid / CFS. How do you explain people like me developing Symptoms without having been afraid in the first place? :) Would greatly appreciate your input.
Did you have Covid prior to the emergency room? If yes, how long prior? And like I said - it's possible the actual virus did cause symptoms, but in my experience, much of it is based on the brains perception of danger. The other thing to factor in is that not all fear is conscious. The subconscious is in charge of symptoms. We don't have to be fearful of long covid. How much fear was there over catching THE pandemic virus? There are a lot of factors at play. Bottom line - regardless of how it started, teaching your brain you are safe NOW can only provide benefit. There is no downside.
@@PainFreeYou Thanks for taking the time to answer. I appreciate it. Yes, i had Covid 1-2 weeks prior to the hospital visit. I wasn't really afraid of catching the virus because i have been vaccinated 3 times. But yeah I guess once symptoms started - while not knowing what the cause was - I got more and more anxious. Because the fatigue and shortness of breath can be quite frightening. However, that was 9 months ago. I am watching your videos daily and have noticed that the response to symptoms is a key factor in recovery. Thanks for pointing that one thing out consistently! It helped me a lot. Your effort really makes a difference in peoples lives. If you ever come to Austria, Europe It would be my pleasure to show you around! Best regards, Niko
hi, thought i'd add something in case its helpful :) the body is able to stay functioning healthily but as stressors add up- these can be emotional- (work related, relationships, financial)physical- things like exercise, eating habits)environmental things such as viruses or mold etc and once the body hits a certain point it tips it into dysfunction. Everyones threshold will be slightly different, there's an article explaining it here, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allostatic_load but this is essentially what seems to start things off in my experience, so it's possible that maybe there were other factors originally which tipped the body into long covid, and then once we start getting symptoms the fear like dan teaches then perpetuates it, hope that helps :)
I wasn’t scared of Covid but the symptoms scared me brain fog and my vision went worse maybe Covid makes your nervous system heightened and you got to calm it down
You don't have to be consciously afraid of it for the brain to create symptoms in response to the danger. Much of this happens out of conscious awareness in the subconscious.
Hey Dan!! im suffering from Long Covid and developed Automatic small fiber neuropathy. Im trying to use mind and body its just not working!!! Had Drs appointment last week and told me have severe nerve damage!!! Is this cause by fear. Any suggestions how to treat this!!! Thanks 🙏
What is the evidence of the nerve damage? Did they do nerve conduction tests? Also, have you taken the assessments to see if your symptoms are behaving like TMS/PDP? IsThisTMS.com - take them. What is your score on the pain test. How many of the FIT assessment questions did you answer TRUE? That will tell you if it's TMS. If it's TMS, the concepts I teach daily will work. My fast start will get you going. DansFastStart.com
Hey Dan !! Yes had nerve conduction test and also skin biopsy!! both are positive for nerve damage!!! Going on 2 years suffering with this nightmare had no fear of covid and had no symptoms!!! The only Fear i have is living like this with this debilitating and painful disease. Thanks for reaching out!!!
And did they blame the Long Covid on the nerve damage? Just know that the fear of the symptoms creates a strong perception of danger which can keep them going. There is no downside at all in deciding that this process can help you. The intensity of the pain is based on the severity of the brains perception of danger. Focus on safety so you can try to minimize the intensity. Again, there is no downside. DansFastStart.com @@sergiobarajas1893
Got long covid for 3 years, started with POTS and now I got 20+ other symptoms. I have dry eyes/eye strain from long covid. Got it suddenly from gaming many months ago and since then I cannot spent any time on PC or even on phone for too much before my eyes get bloodshot and red as well as getting eye pressure. Could this also be percieved danger pain? I tried going back on phone/PC for the last few weeks as well as being indifferent but I did not make any progress. Why is it?
Your brain believes you are sick and that screens are the danger. See if you can apply the concepts in my fast start playlist. You can get well. DansfastStart.com
Hello, Dan! I have a difficult question...while I can totally belive LC that's TMS can be cured, I am so afraid I am not amongst those lucky ones...i had over 30 symptoms ( actually triggered by vaccine and the infection just added more ) .... many have resolved with time but I still experience the autoimmune-like ones, not as bad as in the beginning...joint pain, dry eyes/mouth/mild dysautonomia...and even though this stuff is described as Long Covid, it can also simply be an autoimmune disease...i had some light elevated markers for autoimmune disease and of course different medical opinions...so i feel just stuck with my desperation, anxiety and depression because I thought and hoped and tried to convince myself that is just TMS but those stupid markers changed everything, took the hope from me...like I can't deal with it if is called autoimmune disease, is game over...but I would have gladly dived into the TMS world...thank you! Sorry for the long post! I just hate being in the gray zone ( but better than being in the autoimmune disease one ).
No - not at all. Subconscious fear along with tons of misinformation and terrifying information in the media about Covid created this. That's not your fault.
@@PainFreeYou my problem was that I didn’t have enough fear. I got mostly better. Had nothing but hope and optimism as I rejoined life. Then i crashed back to 10x worse then ever and have been so for 18 months. I wish i had more fear that prevented me from over exercising.
More fear doesn’t keep you safe. Resuming activity in a gradual way is the way to go. You can reset and get out of this crash. Recovery FROM fear is the way to go moving forward. Watch my fast start playlist to learn more. Check out the 6 steps to resuming activity video in that playlist. @@Wds__99
I got Covid at the beginning of the pandemic and developed long covid before anyone knew what it was. Talk about fear! At one point, I had about 40 different symptoms. Scary symptoms. I cured myself with mind/body techniques, including your videos. Once I realized, and truly believed, that I had the power to cure myself, my symptoms started to melt away. It wasn’t overnight, but I’m fully back to normal. Even better. I feel like this work is a superpower. Thanks you for everything you do!! Your work is so very valuable.
I really didn’t at first. I was convinced that medical intervention was the only thing that would help. But it didn’t. After tons of doctors and tests, I wasn’t getting better. I was hearing tons of success stories for other chronic illnesses through Dan and other practitioners doing similar work. At that point, I said to myself, what do I have to lose by trying this? So I just started doing the work. Calming my nervous system, and slowly seeing the work pay off. I was patient because trying to force it reinforces the fear and anxiety. It took time.
@@stephanyrogers3144thanks so much for your encouragement. ❤
Feel like I could have wrote this. I had 50-60 symptoms. Scariest symptoms ever. Extreme fear. Began in 2022. Thought I was dying. I'm almost fully recovered from mind/body work. Had to fully understand and then apply mind/body work. In doing so, my symptoms finally began fading away, thank God and thank people like Dan for sharing their knowledge. I'm so glad you are recovered, nobody deserves to experience long covid torment.
@@kaykay6618i hope i get better soon. I got Long covid for 6 months. Somehow im not able to calm my nervous system
@@stephanyrogers3144how did you calm your nervous system ? Did you experience insomnia at all ?
Yessss it is. 🎉🎉Thanks to mind body i got from being in bed to functioning again. Almost 3 years on this Journey.
I cant wait to be another success story when I'm completely out of the long covid perceived danger response. ❤
You're the best Dan ❤. Bringing me hope in my TMS/long covid journey. Slowly getting there bit by bit. Your videos always help me to focus and carry on!
Your videos are amazing and the change you are providing cannot be fully expressed in words. I started getting brain fog and blackouts in Jan. 2020 which scared me so bad I thought I had a brain tumor. I went to the doctor but all results came back negative. In March 2020 covid hit and the stress of everything shutting down put my symptoms over the top and I had a panic attack, which I've never had before. Fast forward to now and years of supplements and treatments had no significant impact until I started watching yours and Raelan Agle's videos. I also read books by Joe Dispneza and use his meditations. I am now reading Dr. Sarno's book and am learning even more about your minds ability to create symptoms and the impact of trauma. Staying out of the long covid chats and calming the nervous system is the key. I literally tried everything you could think of and spent thousands of dollars needlessly. Thank you so so much.
I agree 100%. August 2022 I got cvid for about 3 weeks... I was fine for about a month. Things changed in October when I started getting weird symptoms (long Covid) what was debilitating was the extremely crazy anxiety. As you mentioned, I started Googling long Covid and saw all the terrible stories. I joined a long Covid group and made things worse. During the summer, I noticed the symptoms diminished because I was spending more time outdoors doing things I enjoy. Fast forward to 2024, debilitating anxiety and fatigue is back. I believe because I got flashbacks of what I was going through last year during winter. I know it's all fear what's causing this because I have been going through stressful events. I appreciate your videos because they help a lot. I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Don't give up people! God bless 🙏
Chest pains too ? I had that on and off since 2021
Same here as soon as I started looking at positive stories and not the negative crap I started getting better
Yes it is. What happens is the cytocines cause inflammation. I think over time the inflammation calms down if we relax a little.
Thanks, been wanting this vid to send to people I know with long covid
Me to a T. Covid 2 yrs ago! Joined Dan s zoom group. All symptoms gone in 3 mo. Except 1. Numb buring feet legs thats worse sice my father died 5 wks ago. Ive blamed it on covid. Ive worried thought read researched etc. making it worse. I know better but im still doing it. I definitely have health anxiety yet im fit lift weights walk alot despite the feet. Symptoms are there but im feeling a chg on the way. Its now too ridiculous its too obvious as to what it is: FEAR
Thankyou Dan
Your videos, especially the success stories, were hugely helpful for me. I used to watch one of them over and over. Another helpful thing was to simply make myself do low heart rate exercise every day no matter how my body responded. Eventually I think my lizard brain figured out that it might as well just accept it because it's happening every day regardless of what symptoms it protested with. Eventually it just gave up.
This is so nice to read. All I hear is “pace! Don’t overdo it or it’ll last even longer!” And it has made me afraid of exercise. Thanks for sharing
It all makes 100% sense. Truly
Appreciate your messages. They all ring so true♥️
Awesome - thank you.
I got all sorts of neurological problems after my first bout of Covid and still have one of the symptoms that is the worst one, bladder pain syndrome/CPPS. Ironically I had Covid again and didn't develop any other issues. Really thinking about joining the group. Been struggling with This symptom for 3 years now and have really began the journey of TMS about 6-7 months ago.
Thanks Dan the mindset man ❤❤❤
Wow inner tremors his home. I have thought it could be tms or pdp but now I can be rest assured it is. I’ll be so glad to see that fade away as one of my many sensations. 🎉
How? My inner tremors are horrible
I was scared out of my wits for 2 yrs OF covid, before I actually GOT covid, so that fear, I’m sure, is what gave me “long covid”. Working on that now, with your help, Dan.👍
Hi Dan, your videos and a video visit with your friend Jim Prussack (the Pain PT) got me out of 7 months of persistent fatigue last year. I was terrified of The Virus, and the fear convinced me I had Long Covid after my first infection in August '22. I joined an online fatigue management "pacing" group -- a mistake. The concept of pacing (lots of rest with only small amounts of activity) sounds sensible, but if you're willing to read medical journal articles about it, you'll find it really isn't scientifically supported as a recovery strategy. I think it held me back, just like it did for Rachel who recovered and ran in the London Marathon. Your videos gave me invaluable hope, and Jim convinced me it was safe to get back into life. Within 3 weeks I was back to gardening for 2+ hours a day and getting back to living life even more fully than before. I'm very grateful to you, Jim, Dr. Howard Schubiner and the other professionals who teach us how to step out of TMS and get our lives back. Thank you Dan!
Thanks Dan!! This is my situation. I had a virus (I did not know it was COVID at the time). After watching you and some others I know even the first symptoms, were from a fear fight or flight response. After getting over the virus (a week or more later) I woke up with vertigo and a migraine. Those first symptoms may have started because of the virus but fear has kept them coming. I’m still working through this. I really need to find what works for calming my anxiety because I think the rest will calm if I can master that. I found you from watching Raelan and your explanation in that interview was perfect! It really resonated with me. Thanks again!
Watch my fast start playlist. DansFastStart.com - this lays out the process. It works on anxiety too
Thanks. I’ve been working through these videos. I would like to know your thoughts on vaccine “injury”. In 2021 after the second vax I had the same symptoms I have had this time and I really had no fear of getting vaccinated. I’m still puzzled.
Have the symptoms that began after the 2nd vax gone away and now they are back? Or have they stayed? One way to know is the assessments. My take is that if it was the jab, symptoms would behave differently than the brain perceiving danger. Assessments are here: IsThisPDP.com
There is really no way to know with 100% certainty, but I can assure you that there is only benefit and no downside to the approach I teach daily. @@KaliyahAnn123
They did go away! Looking back I am fascinated. I literally woke up with vertigo, a migraine and heart palpitations (I know now that was panic) and then the migraines/headaches persisted for 5-6 weeks but went away as quickly as the symptoms came on. I have been perfect for the last 2 1/2 years. Then I got a virus in Sept and like I said above got all the same symptoms but this time it’s lasted much longer and unfortunately got so fearful new symptoms have come! I love your no nonsense approach. I’ll continue to listen to the quick start and calming myself!! I know this works!! I have had great days and looking back over the past several months my best days were when I was happy doing what I loved!
@painfreeyou I have vaccine injury that recently rendered me bed bound with muscle breakdown and nervous system overload. For two years, my doctors have gaslight me with different diagnoses and avoided blaming the vaccine. Through EMG It was finally a diagnosis that pointed to the vaccine. I started ivermectin and homeopathy last week and things have started to improve but I’m sure the work you do plays a role in it as well. I’m being told I’ll have to treat this the rest of my life or the symptoms will return as the spike protein is now part of my dna. That’s not an easy one to process.
Yes, I had 50-60 symptoms from Long Covid. Almost fully recovered after finally understanding its TMS. Dan, thank you for sharing your knowledge!
I think covid ramps up the nervous system. I didn't know about long covid when I got it. But long covid for me caused a few foreign symptoms i had never felt. Numb arms, throat, racing heart. The perceived danger really came when doctors couldnt find out what was wrong. And speculated MS, where I was then told I needed to wait 4 months to see a specialist. The fear snowballed my symptoms, and at first, I didn't realize my fear was creating it.
Then one day I was reading other peoples symptoms on long covid and I began getting those symptoms too! But at the time I just thought it confirmed I had long covid, not realizing exposing myself to those "support groups" was causing more fear and therefore my body responding with the same symptoms.
Its incredible the amount of symptoms the body produces when the brain perceives danger! The world needs to know about TMS. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do Dan!
this is a wonderful story that proves that Perceived Danger is the cause way more than the virus. It's a fear virus. If you get to the point that you want to share your success, get on my calendar at: TalkWithDan.com
@@kaykay6618 Did you develop vein issues; varicose veins or bulging veins?
@IndialienJones not varicose veins, but I had bulging veins on and off in my feet and hands/ arms.
Many people with actual long covid have endothelial damage to their veins which is affecting multiple organ systems. I've developed bulging blue veins all over my body and venous insufficiency in my legs. Actual long covid is not TMS.
I had the post covid condition. Severe neurological symptoms. The key is understanding what Dan is saying. Don't be on the goofy forums. Don't be looking up media accounts. Get the all clear from your doc so you are re-assured, and then understand you are fine. The symptoms will go away. Stop worrying about them. Stop paying attention to them. Itll pass soon.
Wonderful. Thank you for sharing.
Can you tell me the neurological symptoms you experienced please ?
My dr gaslights me, I had covid 2 years ago still suffering, so afraid to get it again
@@Karen-wo2ykI have had it twice…once in 2020 and once in 2023. The second time was way less severe because the virus has weakened.
I’m 4 years in with debilitating brain fog that comes with gait change, motor skill issues, cognitive impairment, derealization, etc. No end in sight. How is this not a physiological mechanism causing this?
It’s not a perceived danger response caused by fear, it’s a post viral chronic illness similar to ME/CFS. People have been dealing with these symptoms for years before there was a fear of covid, just now on a much bigger scale.
Mind body connection, positivity, all of that helps, but for most people these symptoms are caused by physical damage to their nervous system due to a virus (or in some cases v*cc*ne), so just saying that people’s symptoms are caused by fear is a huge misdiagnosis and misunderstanding of the problem.
Did anyone else experience a sudden onset of bulging veins? About 3 months ago, I suddenly developed varicose veins in my legs and my veins are continuing to bulge in my arms, hands, fingers, hips, lower abdomen, and of course in my legs. The doctors are clueless. I have no idea what to do and I don't understand how THIS could be TMS/PDP.
Btw, this is coming from someone who wasn't the least bit afraid of covid and didn't buy into the long covid narrative. It wasn't until my veins started doing this and reading about it happening to others with long covid that I started to believe that there's something going on here.
Yup my veins were Bulging really bad since covid
@@MrBeatleslennon Had this symptom gone away for you, or are the veins still bulging? Is it worse now? Any answers from doctors?
@@MrBeatleslennon Have your veins gone back to normal? Do you also have brain fog?
I had it before covid. Now long covid and chenged dieet and it is gone. No sugar processed food and low histamine dieet. Omad.
Hi Dan, i didn't know about long covid before being brought to the emergency room and doctors diagnosing me with Long Covid / CFS. How do you explain people like me developing Symptoms without having been afraid in the first place? :) Would greatly appreciate your input.
Did you have Covid prior to the emergency room? If yes, how long prior? And like I said - it's possible the actual virus did cause symptoms, but in my experience, much of it is based on the brains perception of danger. The other thing to factor in is that not all fear is conscious. The subconscious is in charge of symptoms. We don't have to be fearful of long covid. How much fear was there over catching THE pandemic virus? There are a lot of factors at play. Bottom line - regardless of how it started, teaching your brain you are safe NOW can only provide benefit. There is no downside.
@@PainFreeYoualso the shit they used in the hospital, toxic remdesevir and the jabs are toxic crap
Thanks for taking the time to answer. I appreciate it.
Yes, i had Covid 1-2 weeks prior to the hospital visit. I wasn't really afraid of catching the virus because i have been vaccinated 3 times. But yeah I guess once symptoms started - while not knowing what the cause was - I got more and more anxious. Because the fatigue and shortness of breath can be quite frightening.
However, that was 9 months ago. I am watching your videos daily and have noticed that the response to symptoms is a key factor in recovery. Thanks for pointing that one thing out consistently! It helped me a lot.
Your effort really makes a difference in peoples lives.
If you ever come to Austria, Europe It would be my pleasure to show you around!
Best regards,
Yes they are toxic!@@skynet4496
hi, thought i'd add something in case its helpful :) the body is able to stay functioning healthily but as stressors add up- these can be emotional- (work related, relationships, financial)physical- things like exercise, eating habits)environmental things such as viruses or mold etc and once the body hits a certain point it tips it into dysfunction. Everyones threshold will be slightly different, there's an article explaining it here, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allostatic_load but this is essentially what seems to start things off in my experience, so it's possible that maybe there were other factors originally which tipped the body into long covid, and then once we start getting symptoms the fear like dan teaches then perpetuates it, hope that helps :)
I wasn’t scared of Covid but the symptoms scared me brain fog and my vision went worse maybe Covid makes your nervous system heightened and you got to calm it down
You don't have to be consciously afraid of it for the brain to create symptoms in response to the danger. Much of this happens out of conscious awareness in the subconscious.
I had not even heard of long covid and got it. I think the fear kicked in when my symptoms just keep coming. Anxiety and panic kicked in first.
Same for me.
But i always was scared about crovid itself
This was me ❤
Hey Dan!! im suffering from Long Covid and developed Automatic small fiber neuropathy. Im trying to use mind and body its just not working!!! Had Drs appointment last week and told me have severe nerve damage!!! Is this cause by fear. Any suggestions how to treat this!!! Thanks 🙏
What is the evidence of the nerve damage? Did they do nerve conduction tests?
Also, have you taken the assessments to see if your symptoms are behaving like TMS/PDP? IsThisTMS.com - take them. What is your score on the pain test. How many of the FIT assessment questions did you answer TRUE? That will tell you if it's TMS. If it's TMS, the concepts I teach daily will work. My fast start will get you going. DansFastStart.com
Hey Dan !! Yes had nerve conduction test and also skin biopsy!! both are positive for nerve damage!!! Going on 2 years suffering with this nightmare had no fear of covid and had no symptoms!!! The only Fear i have is living like this with this debilitating and painful disease. Thanks for reaching out!!!
And did they blame the Long Covid on the nerve damage? Just know that the fear of the symptoms creates a strong perception of danger which can keep them going. There is no downside at all in deciding that this process can help you. The intensity of the pain is based on the severity of the brains perception of danger. Focus on safety so you can try to minimize the intensity. Again, there is no downside. DansFastStart.com @@sergiobarajas1893
Thank you x
Got long covid for 3 years, started with POTS and now I got 20+ other symptoms. I have dry eyes/eye strain from long covid. Got it suddenly from gaming many months ago and since then I cannot spent any time on PC or even on phone for too much before my eyes get bloodshot and red as well as getting eye pressure. Could this also be percieved danger pain? I tried going back on phone/PC for the last few weeks as well as being indifferent but I did not make any progress. Why is it?
Your brain believes you are sick and that screens are the danger. See if you can apply the concepts in my fast start playlist. You can get well. DansfastStart.com
Hello, Dan! I have a difficult question...while I can totally belive LC that's TMS can be cured, I am so afraid I am not amongst those lucky ones...i had over 30 symptoms ( actually triggered by vaccine and the infection just added more ) .... many have resolved with time but I still experience the autoimmune-like ones, not as bad as in the beginning...joint pain, dry eyes/mouth/mild dysautonomia...and even though this stuff is described as Long Covid, it can also simply be an autoimmune disease...i had some light elevated markers for autoimmune disease and of course different medical opinions...so i feel just stuck with my desperation, anxiety and depression because I thought and hoped and tried to convince myself that is just TMS but those stupid markers changed everything, took the hope from me...like I can't deal with it if is called autoimmune disease, is game over...but I would have gladly dived into the TMS world...thank you! Sorry for the long post! I just hate being in the gray zone ( but better than being in the autoimmune disease one ).
Autoimmune is also TMS. Dont be discouraged by the slightly elevated markers. You can heal.
So it’s all my fault?
No - not at all. Subconscious fear along with tons of misinformation and terrifying information in the media about Covid created this. That's not your fault.
@@PainFreeYou my problem was that I didn’t have enough fear. I got mostly better. Had nothing but hope and optimism as I rejoined life. Then i crashed back to 10x worse then ever and have been so for 18 months. I wish i had more fear that prevented me from over exercising.
More fear doesn’t keep you safe. Resuming activity in a gradual way is the way to go. You can reset and get out of this crash.
Recovery FROM fear is the way to go moving forward. Watch my fast start playlist to learn more. Check out the 6 steps to resuming activity video in that playlist. @@Wds__99