I have travelled all across Guatemala and prayed wherever I could. Many people asked me about Islam so I got a chance to tell them a little bit about it. I have also prayed at Mezquita De AlDaawa Islamica. Now a second small masjid has also opened recently. May Allah bless you sister for you persistence and strength, and keep you steadfast on the deen. I found it tough since I come from Canada, where there is a huge muslim community. Regardless, if Allah is our Helper then He can make all things easy. I applaud your efforts. He viajado por toda Guatemala y oré donde pude. Mucha gente me preguntó sobre el Islam, así que tuve la oportunidad de contarles un poco sobre el tema. También he orado en la Mezquita De AlDaawa Islamica. Ahora un segundo mezquita pequeño también se ha abierto recientemente. Que Allah te bendiga hermana por tu persistencia y fortaleza, y te mantenga firme en el Islam. Me resultó difícil ya que vivir en Canadá, donde hay una gran comunidad musulmana. En cualquier caso, si Alá es nuestro Ayudante, entonces Él puede facilitar todas las cosas. Aplaudo sus esfuerzos!
but unfortunately for you, the day will come when you will see this religion will cover the whole earth, not just guatemala, that's what all predictions predict, and you know why? ..... answer: because it's the true religion that preaches the right path, all human beings whatever their race, or their nationalities will have to follow ..... read only the Koran and you will perceive it ...
@@spondivitslancaster4456 he cabron you and your satanic religion of vatican will perish as soon as possible and all your falsifications has been discovered
Bismillahirrohmaanirrohiim Masya Alloh Subhanalloh Alhamdulillah laa ilaa ha illalloh Allohu Akbar laa haula wa laa quwwata illa billaahi Allohumma sholli alaa Muhammad wa alaa ali Muhammad wa Insya Alloh Barokallohumma Romadhon within incoming jannah together all good Muslim with umah Nabi Muhammad Allohumma amin yaa Kariim yaa Robbal Alamiin
Sie do you know what ALLAH means ?????? I don't think you even understand what ALLAH means. Otherwise you would not be saying the most silly thing ever I wish he belief in ALLAH. ALLAH means god it actually means THE GOD. I BET YOU DON'T EVEN BELIEF IN YOURSELF OR YOUR OWN RELIGION BECAUSE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT GOD IS OR WHAT RELIGION MEANS PERIOD. I just cant stand people that say I believe in ALLAH just from their tongue to their lips. And you sound exactly like that or just a wanting to make a comment for no apparent reason 🙄🙄🙄🙄🥺🥺🥺🥺
@@carlosvega4704 Amarás tu señor Dios sobre todas las cosas ( profetas, santos, vírgenes, Jesús, María, Muhadmad, etc) Dios es UNO= Mandamiento número 1 Una señal tan clara como el agua 💧
@@carlosvega4704 1️⃣ El Cristo es hombre(humano) 🟢Hechos 2:22 [22]Varones israelitas, escuchad estas palabras: Jesús el Nazareno, varón confirmado por Dios entre vosotros con milagros, prodigios y señales que Dios hizo en medio vuestro a través de El, tal como vosotros mismos sabéis, 🟢 Juan 8:40 [40] Pero ahora procuráis matarme a mí, hombre que os he hablado la verdad, la cual he oído de Dios; no hizo esto Abraham.RVR60 Es el hijo del hombre 🟢Lucas 9:22 [22]diciendo: El Hijo del Hombre debe padecer mucho, y ser rechazado por los ancianos,....... 2️⃣ El Cristo es un maestro 🟢Mateo 19:16 [16]Y he aquí se le acercó uno y dijo: Maestro, ¿qué bien haré para obtener la vida eterna? 3⃣ El Cristo es un profeta 🟢Mateo 13:57 [57]Y se escandalizaban a causa de El. Pero Jesús les dijo: No hay profeta sin honra, sino en su propia tierra y en su casa. 🟢Juan 6:14 [14]La gente entonces, al ver la señal que Jesús había hecho, decía: Verdaderamente este es el Profeta que había de venir al mundo. 🟢Juan 4:19 [19]La mujer le dijo: Señor, me parece que tú eres profeta. 🟢Juan 9:17 [17]Entonces dijeron otra vez al ciego: ¿Qué dices tú de El, ya que te abrió los ojos? Y él dijo: Es un profeta. 🟢Mateo 21:11 [11]Y las multitudes contestaban: Este es el profeta Jesús, de Nazaret de Galilea. 🟢Lucas 24:19 [19]Entonces El les dijo: ¿Qué cosas? Y ellos le dijeron: Las referentes a Jesús el Nazareno, que fue un profeta poderoso en obra y en palabra delante de Dios y de todo el pueblo 4️⃣ El Cristo es el mensajero del Dios Padre 🟢Juan 11:42 [42]Yo sabía que siempre me oyes; pero lo dije por causa de la multitud que me rodea, para que crean que tú me has enviado. 🟢Juan 14:24 [24]El que no me ama, no guarda mis palabras; y la palabra que oís no es mía, sino del Padre que me envió. 🟢Juan 7:16 [16]Jesús entonces les respondió y dijo: Mi enseñanza no es mía, sino del que me envió. 🟢 Juan 12:49-50 [49]Porque yo no he hablado por mi propia cuenta, sino que el Padre mismo que me ha enviado me ha dado mandamiento sobre lo que he de decir y lo que he de hablar. [50]Y sé que su mandamiento es vida eterna; por eso lo que hablo, lo hablo tal como el Padre me lo ha dicho. 🟢Juan 17:3 [3]Y esta es la vida eterna: que te conozcan a ti, el único Dios verdadero, y a Jesucristo, a quien has enviado. 5⃣ El Cristo es solo un ser humano 🟢Mateo 21:18 [18]Por la mañana, cuando regresaba a la ciudad, tuvo hambre. 🟢Lucas 24:42-43 [42]Entonces ellos le presentaron parte de un pescado asado. [43]Y El lo tomó y comió delante de ellos. 🟢Juan 4:6 [6]y allí estaba el pozo de Jacob. Entonces Jesús, cansado del camino, se sentó junto al pozo. Era como la hora sexta. 🟢Mateo 8:24 [24]Y de pronto se desató una gran tormenta en el mar, de modo que las olas cubrían la barca; pero Jesús estaba dormido. 🟢Juan 11:35 [35]Jesús lloró. 🟢Marcos 14:33 [33]Y tomó consigo a Pedro, a Jacobo y a Juan, y comenzó a afligirse y a angustiarse mucho.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يأمر أصحابه بأن يسألوا الله الجنة ويتعوذوا بالله من النار ،،، اللهم إنا نسألك الجنة ونعوذ بك من النار ،،، وصايا الرسول الخاتم مهمة لكل البشرية ،،، العمل بوصايا وسنة الرسول يرفع مستويات الطاقة الإيجابية في كل العالم ويقلل المخاطر ،،، لرفع مستويات الطاقة الإيجابية في أي مكان علينا أن نذكر الله ونصلي في المكان ولا نؤذي المخلوقات الأخرى . نرجوا السلامة للجميع ونرجوا توخي الحذر قلوبنا دائما معكم . نسأل الله الواحد العظيم الكبير أن يوجد الحلول الدائمة والحقيقية لكل مشاكل البشرية ومشاكل المخلوقات الأخرى .
Masha allah,,, sister,,,may Allah bless you and your family and here and after,,,,and ! May Allah grant you everything in this life and the next.Respect and Peace from Pakistan and USA.
Masha Allah. My sister in Islam, always “Seek help in patience and prayer.” May Allah strengthen your faith, accept your deeds and reward you in goodness both in this world and the hereafter. Greetings from Somalia.
Allah o Akbar Alhamdulila Alhamdulila Alhamdulila lots of respect love prays and salam to our sister in Islam from Pakistan May Allah reward you the best in the both worlds with immense blessings of his mercy and grace ameen
Con un gusto profundo te digo lo siguiente...listo,no?Ala ala ala..........a la mierda con el Islam🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣!!!...
@sobantuy The compiler of the famous Hadith collection Mishkat al-Masabih, Imam Wali-ud-Din Muhammad ibn Abdullah Al-Khatib, who died 700 years ago, has also written brief biographical notes on the narrators of Hadith reports. He writes under Asma, the older daughter of Abu Bakr: “She was the sister of Aisha Siddiqa, wife of the Holy Prophet, and was ten years older than her. … In 73 A.H. … Asma died at the age of one hundred years.” [6] (Go here to see an image of the full entry in Urdu.) This would make Asma 28 years of age in 1 A.H., the year of the Hijra, thus making Aisha 18 years old in 1 A.H. So Aisha would be 19 years old at the time of the consummation of her marriage, and 14 or 15 years old at the time of her nikah. It would place her year of birth at four or five years before the Call.
@sobantuy Maulana Muhammad Ali writes in a footnote under this report: “It should also be noted that Aisha joined the Holy Prophet’s household only one year before the battle of Uhud. According to the common view she would be only ten years of age at this time, which is certainly not a suitable age for the work she did on this occasion. This also shows that she was not so young at this time.” [12] If, as shown in the previous section above, Aisha was nineteen at the time of the consummation of her marriage, then she would be twenty years old at the time of the battle of Uhud. It may be added that on the earlier occasion of the battle of Badr when some Muslim youths tried, out of eagerness, to go along with the Muslim army to the field of battle, the Holy Prophet Muhammad sent them back on account of their young age (allowing only one such youngster, Umair ibn Abi Waqqas, to accompany his older brother the famous Companion Sa‘d ibn Abi Waqqas). It seems, therefore, highly unlikely that if Aisha was ten years old the Holy Prophet would have allowed her to accompany the army to the field of battle. We conclude from all the evidence cited above that Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was nineteen years old when she joined the Holy Prophet as his wife in the year 2 A.H., the nikah or betrothal having taken place five years previously
@sobantuy Mary and Joseph The most famous marriage in Christianity is no doubt that of Mary, Jesus’ mother, with Joseph. While the following details are not in the canonical Gospels in the Bible, it appears from other early Christian writings (known as apocryphal writings) that Mary was twelve years old when the temple elders decided to find a husband for her. They selected the husband by drawing lots, and Joseph whom they chose was an elderly man, being according to some accounts ninety years old. The husband was selected and Mary was handed over to him, and she played no part in his selection. These accounts are summed up in the Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913 edition, which is available online, as follows: “It will not be without interest to recall here, unreliable though they are, the lengthy stories concerning St. Joseph’s marriage contained in the apocryphal writings. When forty years of age, Joseph married a woman called Melcha or Escha by some, Salome by others; they lived forty-nine years together and had six children … A year after his wife’s death, as the priests announced through Judea that they wished to find in the tribe of Juda a respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age, Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old, went up to Jerusalem among the candidates; a miracle manifested the choice God had made of Joseph …” [13] (Bolding is mine.)
@sobantuy We don't worship Muhammad(SAW)😂he was our prophet ,we worship Allah and Allah isn't a man and MUHAMMAD (SAW) Married Ayesha when she was 9 but he never married her for any sexual reason but if it still disgusts you let me tell you that Mary was 12 when she married a 90 year old uncle Joseph
Alhamdulillah n inshallah may Islam spread widely throughout South America the day will come Islam will enter every house globally as mentioned in the Quran.
@ALLAH IS SATAN😊Just another idiot making clueless, baseless n senseless claims, u are no value to me we'll see when the time comes I'll promise u I'll be the first soul to look u in the eye laughing at u begging for mercy😆😂😂😂😂
Assalamu alikum. Contáctate a "Islam en Guatemala" vía FB y te podrán dar más información sobre el Islam. Recién se estuvo haciendo una campaña de ayuda con alimentos para las familias más necesitadas aquí en GT por parte de la Mezquita Aldaawa Islámica. Bienvenido.
mein herz erwärmt sich jedes mal, wenn ich muslime höre, die in solche situationen ihre religion standhaft ausüben. allah akbar wa salam alaikum rahmatullah wa barakatu
Mashaallah, ovais ahmad qadry mujadidi qadiree walieee welcome you from india. Allah give you long life and peaceful life. And jannt after death. Aamin Wassalam
So nice to hear 👂 and see Guatemalan Muslim
صبرا جميلا اختي إن الله مع الصابرين.
I am from Pakistan and i have friend she is from Guatemala hope she embrace Islam
Islam is demonic
ماشاء الله
I am half Guatemalan and half Dominican, I live in the u.s and I also converted to Islam and I love it! This video makes me so happy!! Allahuakbar!!
Allahu Akbar
Salte corriendo de Esa religion!!! Corre corre
ماشاء الله
get out of that religion of hate asap !!!
Eid Mubarak 2022
mashaaLlah. alhamdulillah. astaghfirullah
Ма Ша Аллах😊
Love ❤️ from uganda east africa may Allah continue keeping you steadfast in prayer
No thanks. We are Christians your country was conquered by the sword.
@@arafatkibirige8716 get out of that religion of hate!!
Alhamdulillah. Salam and love from Bangladesh.🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
I have travelled all across Guatemala and prayed wherever I could. Many people asked me about Islam so I got a chance to tell them a little bit about it. I have also prayed at Mezquita De AlDaawa Islamica. Now a second small masjid has also opened recently. May Allah bless you sister for you persistence and strength, and keep you steadfast on the deen. I found it tough since I come from Canada, where there is a huge muslim community. Regardless, if Allah is our Helper then He can make all things easy. I applaud your efforts.
He viajado por toda Guatemala y oré donde pude. Mucha gente me preguntó sobre el Islam, así que tuve la oportunidad de contarles un poco sobre el tema. También he orado en la Mezquita De AlDaawa Islamica. Ahora un segundo mezquita pequeño también se ha abierto recientemente. Que Allah te bendiga hermana por tu persistencia y fortaleza, y te mantenga firme en el Islam. Me resultó difícil ya que vivir en Canadá, donde hay una gran comunidad musulmana. En cualquier caso, si Alá es nuestro Ayudante, entonces Él puede facilitar todas las cosas. Aplaudo sus esfuerzos!
Assalomu alaykum Iam from Uzbekistan 🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿 Central Asia
Islam 🕋🕋
May Almighty Allah make it easy for you and your mom. From Nigeria
allahuakbar..may Allah Bles you sister
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ from malaysia
You are my sister in Dean and I am crying and preying for you from Pakistan
Love U bro from India 👍
Prayiny not preying
Preying is a bad word 😀😃
Wa g zaberdast Pakistan se bhi koi Guatemala ko dekh raha hai
Preying sounds like you are hunting something.
May Allah bless and help you
May Allah bless you sister 😊 ♥️
Ya allah rahmati mereka
Salam u Alakum I love that you came to Islam and don't worry we will be everywhere soon Islam is the truth
Free Palestine m
@@eliv.o7105 Pues yo como Estadounidense ódio al islam pero amo un monton a Guatemala❤️🇬🇹!!!
but unfortunately for you, the day will come when you will see this religion will cover the whole earth, not just guatemala, that's what all predictions predict, and you know why? ..... answer: because it's the true religion that preaches the right path, all human beings whatever their race, or their nationalities will have to follow ..... read only the Koran and you will perceive it ...
@@LaBucci whats wrong with you if you dont like leave
@@spondivitslancaster4456 he cabron you and your satanic religion of vatican will perish as soon as possible and all your falsifications has been discovered
Bismillahirrohmaanirrohiim Masya Alloh Subhanalloh Alhamdulillah laa ilaa ha illalloh Allohu Akbar laa haula wa laa quwwata illa billaahi Allohumma sholli alaa Muhammad wa alaa ali Muhammad wa Insya Alloh Barokallohumma Romadhon within incoming jannah together all good Muslim with umah Nabi Muhammad Allohumma amin yaa Kariim yaa Robbal Alamiin
Salamun alaykum. From sumatera island. Indonesia
Masha Allah.. beautiful azaan.
Maa sha Allah
I have a friend from Guatemala but he is Christian i wish one day He will worship Allah 🙂
He worships the true Allah
I am from Guatemala, I am a christian but irespect peopel regaldless of religion
Sie do you know what ALLAH means ?????? I don't think you even understand what ALLAH means. Otherwise you would not be saying the most silly thing ever I wish he belief in ALLAH. ALLAH means god it actually means THE GOD. I BET YOU DON'T EVEN BELIEF IN YOURSELF OR YOUR OWN RELIGION BECAUSE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT GOD IS OR WHAT RELIGION MEANS PERIOD. I just cant stand people that say I believe in ALLAH just from their tongue to their lips. And you sound exactly like that or just a wanting to make a comment for no apparent reason 🙄🙄🙄🙄🥺🥺🥺🥺
@Philly CART 🤍nice
@Philly CART oh really 😃wow i am very happy. Ramadan Mubarak for u bro❤how is fasting with u
Que la paz y bendiciones de Allah estén con los hermanos guatemaltecos, saludos desde Acapulco 🌊🌴🇲🇽🖐️
Solo Jesus salva!! El el Senor!!
Amarás tu señor Dios sobre todas las cosas ( profetas, santos, vírgenes, Jesús, María, Muhadmad, etc)
Dios es UNO= Mandamiento número 1
Una señal tan clara como el agua 💧
No gracias.. aqi creemos en Jesus. El Senor!!
1️⃣ El Cristo es hombre(humano)
🟢Hechos 2:22
[22]Varones israelitas, escuchad estas palabras: Jesús el Nazareno, varón confirmado por Dios entre vosotros con milagros, prodigios y señales que Dios hizo en medio vuestro a través de El, tal como vosotros mismos sabéis,
🟢 Juan 8:40
[40] Pero ahora procuráis matarme a mí, hombre que os he hablado la verdad, la cual he oído de Dios; no hizo esto Abraham.RVR60
Es el hijo del hombre
🟢Lucas 9:22
[22]diciendo: El Hijo del Hombre debe padecer mucho, y ser rechazado por los ancianos,.......
2️⃣ El Cristo es un maestro
🟢Mateo 19:16
[16]Y he aquí se le acercó uno y dijo: Maestro, ¿qué bien haré para obtener la vida eterna?
3⃣ El Cristo es un profeta
🟢Mateo 13:57
[57]Y se escandalizaban a causa de El. Pero Jesús les dijo: No hay profeta sin honra, sino en su propia tierra y en su casa.
🟢Juan 6:14
[14]La gente entonces, al ver la señal que Jesús había hecho, decía: Verdaderamente este es el Profeta que había de venir al mundo.
🟢Juan 4:19
[19]La mujer le dijo: Señor, me parece que tú eres profeta.
🟢Juan 9:17
[17]Entonces dijeron otra vez al ciego: ¿Qué dices tú de El, ya que te abrió los ojos? Y él dijo: Es un profeta.
🟢Mateo 21:11
[11]Y las multitudes contestaban: Este es el profeta Jesús, de Nazaret de Galilea.
🟢Lucas 24:19
[19]Entonces El les dijo: ¿Qué cosas? Y ellos le dijeron: Las referentes a Jesús el Nazareno, que fue un profeta poderoso en obra y en palabra delante de Dios y de todo el pueblo
4️⃣ El Cristo es el mensajero del Dios Padre
🟢Juan 11:42
[42]Yo sabía que siempre me oyes; pero lo dije por causa de la multitud que me rodea, para que crean que tú me has enviado.
🟢Juan 14:24
[24]El que no me ama, no guarda mis palabras; y la palabra que oís no es mía, sino del Padre que me envió.
🟢Juan 7:16
[16]Jesús entonces les respondió y dijo: Mi enseñanza no es mía, sino del que me envió.
🟢 Juan 12:49-50
[49]Porque yo no he hablado por mi propia cuenta, sino que el Padre mismo que me ha enviado me ha dado mandamiento sobre lo que he de decir y lo que he de hablar.
[50]Y sé que su mandamiento es vida eterna; por eso lo que hablo, lo hablo tal como el Padre me lo ha dicho.
🟢Juan 17:3
[3]Y esta es la vida eterna: que te conozcan a ti, el único Dios verdadero, y a Jesucristo, a quien has enviado.
5⃣ El Cristo es solo un ser humano
🟢Mateo 21:18
[18]Por la mañana, cuando regresaba a la ciudad, tuvo hambre.
🟢Lucas 24:42-43
[42]Entonces ellos le presentaron parte de un pescado asado.
[43]Y El lo tomó y comió delante de ellos.
🟢Juan 4:6
[6]y allí estaba el pozo de Jacob. Entonces Jesús, cansado del camino, se sentó junto al pozo. Era como la hora sexta.
🟢Mateo 8:24
[24]Y de pronto se desató una gran tormenta en el mar, de modo que las olas cubrían la barca; pero Jesús estaba dormido.
🟢Juan 11:35
[35]Jesús lloró.
🟢Marcos 14:33
[33]Y tomó consigo a Pedro, a Jacobo y a Juan, y comenzó a afligirse y a angustiarse mucho.
ماشاء الله
Saludos de Argelia! Qu'Allah te bendiga que te ayude en tu vida. Tu eres mi hermana en fe.
MashAllah welcome to the family of 2 billion Muslims. Go to Hajj and meet them
Salam to this Sister from India...
Sister Salam and love to you and to your family from Pakistan.
May Allah bless you and your family.
Excelente! El Islam es disciplina, amor y Progreso
Subhanallah! May Allah grant you everything in this life and the next.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يأمر أصحابه بأن يسألوا الله الجنة ويتعوذوا بالله من النار ،،، اللهم إنا نسألك الجنة ونعوذ بك من النار ،،، وصايا الرسول الخاتم مهمة لكل البشرية ،،، العمل بوصايا وسنة الرسول يرفع مستويات الطاقة الإيجابية في كل العالم ويقلل المخاطر ،،، لرفع مستويات الطاقة الإيجابية في أي مكان علينا أن نذكر الله ونصلي في المكان ولا نؤذي المخلوقات الأخرى .
نرجوا السلامة للجميع ونرجوا توخي الحذر قلوبنا دائما معكم .
نسأل الله الواحد العظيم الكبير أن يوجد الحلول الدائمة والحقيقية لكل مشاكل البشرية ومشاكل المخلوقات الأخرى .
Estoy muy feliz por esa chica y espero que muchas más personas abrazen el Islam en Guatemala.
Saludos cordiales desde Arabia Saudí🇸🇦🙏
Masha allah,,, sister,,,may Allah bless you and your family and here and after,,,,and ! May Allah grant you everything in this life and the next.Respect and Peace from Pakistan and USA.
Ma shaa ALLAH big proof that ALLAH guides whom ALLAH wants❤
Masha Allah. My sister in Islam, always “Seek help in patience and prayer.” May Allah strengthen your faith, accept your deeds and reward you in goodness both in this world and the hereafter. Greetings from Somalia.
You will always be in our heart.. may allah bless you and all muslims in yr country every second till jannah..
Love from Indian Muslim
May Allah give you the strength and happiness. MashAllah
Allah o Akbar Alhamdulila Alhamdulila Alhamdulila lots of respect love prays and salam to our sister in Islam from Pakistan May Allah reward you the best in the both worlds with immense blessings of his mercy and grace ameen
Masha Allah thanks Muslim sister
From Bangladesh
Suhanaallah, hermana. Que Allah este complacido por tan importante decision de seguir el Camino del Islam.
Love from 🇮🇳🇮🇳
Subhan Allah.. How deen Islam spreading ..Allah bless u
Machaa lah un saldo des de Marruecos 🇲🇦 💓💓💓💓💓
Con un gusto profundo te digo lo siguiente...listo,no?Ala ala ala..........a la mierda con el Islam🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣!!!...
Masha Allah
Allah show her straight path.
Assalam alaikom
Quiero casarme con una mujer musulmana whatsapp 0602917255 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
God always bless those who are on right path , god bless you my sister
Subhana llah
JazakallAllahu khair 🤲🤲🤲
All love 💚 from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
جزاك اللهُ،اللّٰہ ربّ العزت اپنے حفظ و امان میں لے لے۔
Masallah sister.. welcome to our global family..!!! Assalam-alykum
@@arabiclive007 religion of hate!!!
Ya Allah protect and bless our brother and sister there ya Allah..amien
Amazing story. May more people follow in your footsteps InshahAllah
They won't because islam sucks!!!
الله اكبر والحمد الله على إخواننا في اسلام 👍👏👏👏❤❤❤🤩🤩🤩☝️☝️☝️☝️
Greetings n love from pakistan ❣️❤️🇵🇰❤️🇵🇰🇵🇰
.....best wishes for Guatemalans from Bangladesh...
Amazing I am so happy for you and your family.
She is wearing a moroccan dress thats beautiful
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
From Malaysia support u
Que bueno hermana/ no olvide que tiene 1.5 billion de familia que te quiere mucho. Somos legos pero muy cerquita Inshallah.
Masya Allah. Thanks for sharing. Indeed, Muslims love Ramadhan.
Alhamdullilah from the Philippines
Bendiciones hermana yo amo al Islam también ahora mi vida tiene sentido y soy muy feliz
Carmen Paredes hola, can we have a conversation?
It is beautiful to see Islam all over the world..
@sobantuy some book also tell that her age was nearly 17- 20 and thats was God order to marry her, so Prophet did...
@sobantuy The compiler of the famous Hadith collection Mishkat al-Masabih, Imam Wali-ud-Din Muhammad ibn Abdullah Al-Khatib, who died 700 years ago, has also written brief biographical notes on the narrators of Hadith reports. He writes under Asma, the older daughter of Abu Bakr:
“She was the sister of Aisha Siddiqa, wife of the Holy Prophet, and was ten years older than her. … In 73 A.H. … Asma died at the age of one hundred years.” [6]
(Go here to see an image of the full entry in Urdu.)
This would make Asma 28 years of age in 1 A.H., the year of the Hijra, thus making Aisha 18 years old in 1 A.H. So Aisha would be 19 years old at the time of the consummation of her marriage, and 14 or 15 years old at the time of her nikah. It would place her year of birth at four or five years before the Call.
@sobantuy Maulana Muhammad Ali writes in a footnote under this report:
“It should also be noted that Aisha joined the Holy Prophet’s household only one year before the battle of Uhud. According to the common view she would be only ten years of age at this time, which is certainly not a suitable age for the work she did on this occasion. This also shows that she was not so young at this time.” [12]
If, as shown in the previous section above, Aisha was nineteen at the time of the consummation of her marriage, then she would be twenty years old at the time of the battle of Uhud. It may be added that on the earlier occasion of the battle of Badr when some Muslim youths tried, out of eagerness, to go along with the Muslim army to the field of battle, the Holy Prophet Muhammad sent them back on account of their young age (allowing only one such youngster, Umair ibn Abi Waqqas, to accompany his older brother the famous Companion Sa‘d ibn Abi Waqqas). It seems, therefore, highly unlikely that if Aisha was ten years old the Holy Prophet would have allowed her to accompany the army to the field of battle.
We conclude from all the evidence cited above that Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was nineteen years old when she joined the Holy Prophet as his wife in the year 2 A.H., the nikah or betrothal having taken place five years previously
@sobantuy Mary and Joseph
The most famous marriage in Christianity is no doubt that of Mary, Jesus’ mother, with Joseph. While the following details are not in the canonical Gospels in the Bible, it appears from other early Christian writings (known as apocryphal writings) that Mary was twelve years old when the temple elders decided to find a husband for her. They selected the husband by drawing lots, and Joseph whom they chose was an elderly man, being according to some accounts ninety years old. The husband was selected and Mary was handed over to him, and she played no part in his selection.
These accounts are summed up in the Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913 edition, which is available online, as follows:
“It will not be without interest to recall here, unreliable though they are, the lengthy stories concerning St. Joseph’s marriage contained in the apocryphal writings. When forty years of age, Joseph married a woman called Melcha or Escha by some, Salome by others; they lived forty-nine years together and had six children … A year after his wife’s death, as the priests announced through Judea that they wished to find in the tribe of Juda a respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age, Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old, went up to Jerusalem among the candidates; a miracle manifested the choice God had made of Joseph …” [13] (Bolding is mine.)
@sobantuy We don't worship Muhammad(SAW)😂he was our prophet ,we worship Allah and Allah isn't a man and MUHAMMAD (SAW) Married Ayesha when she was 9 but he never married her for any sexual reason but if it still disgusts you let me tell you that Mary was 12 when she married a 90 year old uncle Joseph
Manshallh nice brother and sister
Good video sir
Masha Allah
My Allah almighty bless you sister. Peace and love from USA
My sister May Allah reward you for that in this life and life hereafter ameen.
I belive the fragnance of islam is every where around the world.you will fell it
Allah is very kind to u God bless you and ur family
ما شاء الله اللهم ثبت قلبك للاسلام حفضك الله
Masha Allah.
Am really criying, dua for us sisters.....From India
Alhamdulillah n inshallah may Islam spread widely throughout South America the day will come Islam will enter every house globally as mentioned in the Quran.
@Kenneth Kuehnle we'll c bout it when the time comes
@ALLAH IS SATAN😊Just another idiot making clueless, baseless n senseless claims, u are no value to me we'll see when the time comes I'll promise u I'll be the first soul to look u in the eye laughing at u begging for mercy😆😂😂😂😂
Mashaallah sister.Allah bless you
Recién cerré leyes en la USAC, me llama mucho la atención el Islam, he leído el Corán en su traducción al Español y es súper interesante
Assalamu alikum. Contáctate a "Islam en Guatemala" vía FB y te podrán dar más información sobre el Islam. Recién se estuvo haciendo una campaña de ayuda con alimentos para las familias más necesitadas aquí en GT por parte de la Mezquita Aldaawa Islámica. Bienvenido.
Islamdan nefret ediyorum!!!
MashAllah, que Allah te bendiga !
mein herz erwärmt sich jedes mal, wenn ich muslime höre, die in solche situationen ihre religion standhaft ausüben.
allah akbar wa salam alaikum rahmatullah wa barakatu
Que Allah Os Bendiga . Queridas Hermanas ☝️☝️
Salam my sister love from Bangladesh.
Masha Allah I'm Indian Muslim
Your sister in allah god bless you
Masha Allah sister allah bless you
Love from Bangladesh
Mashaallah, ovais ahmad qadry mujadidi qadiree walieee welcome you from india. Allah give you long life and peaceful life. And jannt after death. Aamin Wassalam
Allah bless you
Macha alalh