Food and eating patterns shift. It will change again with time. Rueben is food preferences will mature. Seasonal variations happen. So what works for a long time will slowly change. Or perhaps it a temporary thing. Either way,don't fight it. Go with the flow. Have a good weekend!
I always think it is so amusing how in Britain the apple sauce is sold in little jars as though it were a delicacy rather than an ordinary basic pantry staple. Real butter is where it's at. Rueben is smart.
Food and eating patterns shift. It will change again with time. Rueben is food preferences will mature. Seasonal variations happen. So what works for a long time will slowly change. Or perhaps it a temporary thing. Either way,don't fight it. Go with the flow. Have a good weekend!
I always think it is so amusing how in Britain the apple sauce is sold in little jars as though it were a delicacy rather than an ordinary basic pantry staple. Real butter is where it's at. Rueben is smart.
Ruben has it sussed real.butter is life 🤗 and it is soooo much more natural and better for him px