Was ist doch Tano ein hübscher Gorillajunge und schön, wie gut gesorgt wird für ihn! Trotzdem ist es traurig, daß ihn seine Mama nicht angenommen hat, die nun in Prag lebt! Ich wünsche dem süßen Baby immer das Beste für sein Leben!🍀
If a. Garrillas is depressed in captivity. She won't except her baby that means she's sad and is being miss treated in the zoo she's in not being fed right in a small locked place and don't want. The same for her baby she won't except the infant if she's not happy we're. She's living and. Very skinny they don't except they infant when they are depressed and are being. Neglected in the zoo they live in that's why she didn't except her baby those garrillas in this zoo are sad and depressed and they don't feed them enough umus other cruel things that's being. Done in. This zoo. They. Need. To. Take. All. The. Garrillas out this zoo and sin. Them. Back to Africa were. They. Will. Be treated better japan is not the right. Zoo for garrillas they neglect they garrillas badly
Whoever his Mommy is in this video, I am addicted to watching primates on you tube and I have tine because I dont work. This is the first time, out of almost ALL of the baby gorillas I have seen, that I saw one smile and laugh. Just one of the most beautiful videos ever Human Gorilla Mom!
Tano is more cute because of his resemblance to his mommy Bikira. It hurts me to watch this precious baby because Biki would have been so in love with him if she hadn’t had to live with those two demons Shinda and Kijivu.
When I see these videos where the humans have stepped in to care for a baby gorilla I just know that all the caregivers have to love the baby like their own, and when it comes time to reunite the baby back into the group that it has to be so hard for them to hand him back over to the group. They are such spec
Lexi Stapleton It is extremely hard but for most it is also a good thing. Though they will definitely miss the daily interaction with them they love them so much that they are excited to see them have the ability to go back into a group with others of their own kind. Sort of like when your kids start growing up and you dont want to let them go but you know it is best for them so you are also happy for it
I would love to meet a gorilla baby and a bonobo baby, look into their eyes and say “Hello, cousin-I hope we can consistently treat you like family one day.”
Oh how lovely. It's amazing how all the great apes act like human babies. The eye contact during bottle time. He didn't take his precious eyes off her for a second that's one reason he needs a gorilla surrogate mother. It's beautiful and I'm sure it sends chills down the woman's back to do it. It would for me for sure. Nothing against the woman, but he needs to be looking into the eyes of a gorilla.They're all so beautiful. One of God's sweetest creations. Amazing when they get grown up not so cute sometimes. Some end up with attitudes lol. All in all, magnificent!!!
Who love to raise a baby gorilla and keep it for all its life? I know i would, but i would get a female and a male so they can make cute little babies like this guy. 60 years ago people could do that if they so chose and they bred them a lot so they were not even close to being endangered. it was not until they made it illegal to have until they went endangered. they are a antidepressant for people. feeling a little depressed go hang out with the gorillas and your depression will disappear!
Never... they dont have mothers cause they died or they didnt wanted them. If the babies are big enough, they will be integrate to other gorilla families (in another zoo) step by step.
T Sommers I think it may not be a "sure thang" that there's a surrogate Ape Mom. If you watch 5he series on Verdes they have a system of intros with all prooven foster Moms. And one zoo flew their baby to be with s surrogate.
There's another video I think with same baby, and theres I think 2 others, and she focuses on laughter. I have it because it inspired me to start a "laughing primates " collection. Of course I have no idea how to post it, but that's cool.
T Sommers It is because even if the intention is to have them be with a surrogate mother eventually almost always in the beginning they will still be cared for by humans until they get just a little bit older..usually at least 6 months or more. The reason is there is almost never a situation where there is a lactating female captive gorilla that does not have a baby already to feed and care for and it would be rare (and unfair to expect) for a mother to accept a second baby that was not hers and for her to raise and care for both babies. Because an infant this young would definitely have to either be with a lactating mother or receive bottles around the clock they have to be reared by humans. Once they are a little older so that they can be taught how to drink a bottle through a window or a doorway or a fence or whatever and old enough to understand to come to the staff when called so that they can examine him if there is a problem and such they then can be placed with a surrogate mom. I am not so sure if that is how they do it at this particular facility but that is the policy and procedure at most major, reputable zoos in the United States.
@@PrimateProductionsEncouraging the babies to laugh. Stuttgart had a dedicated gorilla nursery for years. Captive gorilla mothers don’t always have the drive/desire to care for their babies and someone else has to raise them.
Destinee Mitchell I get it that they are very cute and it looks so sweet and to be able to interact with one would be very cool but if that is how you feel then get an education and go work with the little guys....but to say that you want one is ridiculous and cruel..it would almost be like owning a human as a pet.
Where is this little baby?at home? It is so annoying listening to children talking on the background.Is this gorilla baby at home, or is it at the zoo?
Also, fur jackets are needed.. they're taking care of them like they were human, they're not.. they need to be taken care of like they would be if they had ape mom there.
The Goof research has shown it does not make that much of a difference if they do not wear the fur suit for him to cling to..he is strengthened and it is made up for in other ways.
I remember him being born the mom was scared of the other female's and wouldn't touch him if it's the same baby? I believe it is he was sent to another zoo.
the carer should wear a kind of fur jacket so the baby can make use of its instinct and climb up and cling on to it like he would do with its mother. this is unnatural
jessie james research has shown it does not make that much of a difference if they do not wear the fur suit for him to cling to..he is strengthened and it is made up for in other ways. As far as your comment that by them not wearing the fur that it is unnatural...well fur or no fur the whole thing is unnatural if you want to look at it that way..but sometimes necessary for their survival
If she is to return to the herd or have a surrogate mother what is the best alternative to raising this child and if you want to preserve natural instincts. Of course, the baby should be carried as if it were carried by mom and these toys, teethers are also nature itself! mom gorilla runs to the store to buy a baby teether, or maybe give him a twig?! I know this movie is old, I know that the guardians are saving his life, but he's not a man, he's a gorilla, so if he spends the rest of his life in prison, create natural conditions for him!
QuiekerKanal maybe you're right. But I've read so many different things on it and I don't know. I guess we will never know. I probably shouldn't have stuck my nose in. I do that sometimes when I get emotional. It wasn't nice the way I put that. I'm sure they probably did the best they could. Again I don't know. But I appreciate you're opinion.
Louise Kurtz I seen his birth the mom was introduced into a troop she was hand raised and basically the lowest ranking the other female's beat her up and she was scared to death of them, she got pregnant had the baby the other female's came to her and she was scared just left the baby laying there in the hay, of course not her fault she had zero experience and even though around the other female's with baby's she wasn't allowed to touch the baby's or learn how to be a mother actually the zoo shouldn't of let her get pregnant being so new in the troop back then, idk how she is now as this video is 5 year's ago? But I know the baby did well they sent him to these people and they kept him healthy and I believe was given a step MoMA later. They did a beautiful job as gorillas are endangered so ever baby count's 😁
Louise Kurtz Wow..for someone who claims to not really understand to know what happened and from someone who obviously has ZERO experience with primates you sure are judgemental and bitchy!! Maybe calm down and ask about the facts first before being so nasty and rude. He would be dead if the nasty stupid humans had not interfered. Now possibly things could have been handled differently along the way and he should have maybe eventually been returned to his mother if they had done things differently but regardless of that they still had to take him and care for this fragile creature during the first part of his life or he would 100 percent be dead now.
Louise Kurtz also..i have no idea what you mean that they did not let the mother "deliver by herself"..she most certainly did deliver this baby by herself and as the footage will show they kept hoping she would pick him up and care for him and eventually after many hours when it was obvious that his life was was on the line they finally interfered and took him..even then his body temperature was dangerously low and he had received no care whatsoever that whole time since being born.
And to think this baby will grow to approximately 300 Kg (or 700 pounds) 1.8 m tall silverback. This thing can tear the arms right off a human if they wanted to, but they don't want to. This gentle giant, who munches leaves and fruit for half a day and sleep the other half doesn't attack unless provoked and will happily ignore any other species that roam in its territory as long as they let them be and don't pose a threat. These are critically endangered creatures whose numbers are dwindling due to poaching and habitat depletion but also from human diseases like Ebola as well as attacks by other great apes (chimpanzees), who have been seen attacking gorillas unprovoked and driving them off their territory.
Bonnie Moore you are very welcome...its so heartbreaking sometimes isnt it and that comment was one of the most ridiculous things i have ever heard..to comment that the gorilla mother "did the right thing by having the humans rear her baby"..geez...like a gorilla would ever choose to have her baby removed from her. I realize that she would not pick him up or care for him but that was not because she was choosing to NOT be a mother it was because she herself was hand reared by humans and had never had any experience in seeing a baby being raised and all and had no idea whatsoever as to what to do. I think if things had been handled a bit differently then she might have been able to raise him with help and guidance from the staff...maybe they should have removed her from the enclosure with all of the others for awhile and did some one on one with her and the baby and see how it went..or at least kept him nearby so that they could gradually work on interactions between her and him and eventually he could have been put back with her and like so many other hand reared baby primates he could have been taught to return to the door to receive his bottle feedings through it. I also realize that mom received some abuse from the rest of the group and all but things were getting much better...obviously she was interacting with the male or she would not have ended up pregnant and some of the other group members had been warming up to her and even making a show of protecting her from the abuse of some of the others..regardless of whether her and the baby could have remained in that group I think more might have been done to allow her to end up being with this baby...but of course what do i know?? 😉
@@PrimateProductionsWhat was done to Bikira by forcing her to live with the troop in Prague was a crime. It should not have happened. I am very emotional about this situation with Biki and Tano…he’s obviously the sweetest boy ever and her life would have been better if he had been in it. ❤❤❤
Mach mal halblang, wenn du keine Ahnung hast. Die Gorillababys sind nur ddeshalb in der Aufzuchtstation, weil sie entweder ihre Mutter verloren haben (=Muttertier verstorben) oder weil die Mutter sich aus unterschiedlichen Gründen nicht um die Jungtiere gekümmert haben, sprich sie hatten einfach kein Interesse daran und legten es zur Seite oder sie hatten keine Milch etc. und konnten die Jungtiere nicht versorgen, ohne dass sie gestorben wären. Die Pfleger greifen NUR in solchen Fällen ein, wenn das Jungtier anders keine Chance hat und wird dann per Hand aufgezogen, dass es nicht stirbt! Wenn sie alt genug sind, werden sie mit Artgenossen zusammengewöhnt und können ein selbständiges Gorillaleben führen und sogar zum Arterhalt beitragen.
Los cuidadores deben ser muy bien entrenados pero me llama la atención que en su cuidado no imiten a la natural crianza de los bebes, es decir junto al cuerpo de la mama gorila y bien abrazados todo el día….
Thank you to the human Mom who is speaking softly with her child. That’s very nice indeed.
This gorilla baby is so lovely.
Prettier than a baby?
Главное, что-бы это ,не была показуха на камеру, а то люди зачастую лицемерны.
Bello ..bello ..bello Bebe me gusta
Siempre veo estos videos de bebes.
Was ist doch Tano ein hübscher Gorillajunge und schön, wie gut gesorgt wird für ihn! Trotzdem ist es traurig, daß ihn seine Mama nicht angenommen hat, die nun in Prag lebt! Ich wünsche dem süßen Baby immer das Beste für sein Leben!🍀
Вот и оставался бы на всю жизнь таким милым и маленьким!
Гориллы вырастают громадными и бывают агрессивны.
@@zlajsobaka9253 There are a great many gorillas who are peaceful, non-aggressive as adults.
If a. Garrillas is depressed in captivity. She won't except her baby that means she's sad and is being miss treated in the zoo she's in not being fed right in a small locked place and don't want. The same for her baby she won't except the infant if she's not happy we're. She's living and. Very skinny they don't except they infant when they are depressed and are being. Neglected in the zoo they live in that's why she didn't except her baby those garrillas in this zoo are sad and depressed and they don't feed them enough umus other cruel things that's being. Done in. This zoo. They. Need. To. Take. All. The. Garrillas out this zoo and sin. Them. Back to Africa were. They. Will. Be treated better japan is not the right. Zoo for garrillas they neglect they garrillas badly
Garrillas. Are gentle giants they are not aggressive only when they feel threatened that's so Un ture
You are so lucky that you can hug kiss and take care of the cute baby
That is just the most beautiful thing! Man I would love to care for these gorillas!! 🦍🦍
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤soooo süß ❤
🙏🏽🍼💞Truly Adorable baby💞🙏🏽
Such a cutie.🥰🥰♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
The eye contact while feeding
God bless 😘
So cute baby playing on the bed .thank you very much for up date. Bless all of you thanks .
Anne Corey Qq
Whoever his Mommy is in this video, I am addicted to watching primates on you tube and I have tine because I dont work. This is the first time, out of almost ALL of the baby gorillas I have seen, that I saw one smile and laugh. Just one of the most beautiful videos ever Human Gorilla Mom!
Lisa Epperson all baby gorillas smile and laugh..im sorry you haven't seen them but there are others on some of these videos!😉
@@PrimateProductions they cry too if you snack their ugly faces hard enough
Tano is very cute he love to play and huge I love this little guy he soo cute the staffs here is very good to him Bless them all,
Omg he's adorable !!
He is sucking his finger just like a human baby!! ♥
He is smiling at being tickled. What a special darling!
His Smiles & Laughs are Adorable! 😍🐵 Just like Human babies. ☺
I am soo jealous of that carer.. I want to do that!
Tano is more cute because of his resemblance to his mommy Bikira. It hurts me to watch this precious baby because Biki would have been so in love with him if she hadn’t had to live with those two demons Shinda and Kijivu.
Unglaublich niedlich! ❤🤗🥰
Coj tatlı bir goril yavrusu ve çok.akilli zeki
When I see these videos where the humans have stepped in to care for a baby gorilla I just know that all the caregivers have to love the baby like their own, and when it comes time to reunite the baby back into the group that it has to be so hard for them to hand him back over to the group. They are such spec
Lexi Stapleton It is extremely hard but for most it is also a good thing. Though they will definitely miss the daily interaction with them they love them so much that they are excited to see them have the ability to go back into a group with others of their own kind. Sort of like when your kids start growing up and you dont want to let them go but you know it is best for them so you are also happy for it
beautiful video on a baby gorilla,thanks for sharing
Sounds like someone's home. I hear a child in the background. I feel sorry for the baby guerilla. It should be in a sanctuary.
Hermoso bebé!!
I was glad when they picked him up. These babies are held by their mothers in the wild.
Such a cute little thing. Wish I could just hold it and pet it.
귀요미 참예쁘고 건강해보여요
I would love to meet a gorilla baby and a bonobo baby, look into their eyes and say “Hello, cousin-I hope we can consistently treat you like family one day.”
So cute
Preciosidad 😍🤗🤗💝💝
Igual um bebe humano muito fofo❤
Oh how lovely. It's amazing how all the great apes act like human babies. The eye contact during bottle time. He didn't take his precious eyes off her for a second that's one reason he needs a gorilla surrogate mother. It's beautiful and I'm sure it sends chills down the woman's back to do it. It would for me for sure. Nothing against the woman, but he needs to be looking into the eyes of a gorilla.They're all so beautiful. One of God's sweetest creations. Amazing when they get grown up not so cute sometimes. Some end up with attitudes lol. All in all, magnificent!!!
Ist der aber Süss!!!!.🙊💞💞😺😺💌💗💗💖🤗🤗🤗🌝😃😂😍😘🤭💛❤️💗💕💘💕💯😇🌞🌹💕 von dem Süssen kleinen Zwerg Begeistert !!!!!.. y Love you kleiner.mann!!!💞❤️💛🌝🤗🙊💋💯💯💯🌹🐒🐒🐒🐒
Who love to raise a baby gorilla and keep it for all its life? I know i would, but i would get a female and a male so they can make cute little babies like this guy. 60 years ago people could do that if they so chose and they bred them a lot so they were not even close to being endangered. it was not until they made it illegal to have until they went endangered. they are a antidepressant for people. feeling a little depressed go hang out with the gorillas and your depression will disappear!
These babies are so fragile at this age.. If they are not happy, they can Deteriorate very quickly and die. They are very sensitive.
Please feed him he's hungry may God continue to be with you all
I wish I could hear the sounds they make.
I have tremendous admiration for you. thank you for sharing.
When and how are they returned to their mothers or troops?
Never... they dont have mothers cause they died or they didnt wanted them.
If the babies are big enough, they will be integrate to other gorilla families (in another zoo) step by step.
Amazing so much like a human baby just hairy.
wo ist die Mutter des Kindes? Where's the baby's mother? Thanks for posting these wonderful videos.
What a cutie ❤️😘
happy baby.
MUITO LINDO😘😘😘😘😘😘😘!!
Did something happen to his real family? Is he sick? Just wondering why he isn't with them is all?
Yes, his mother wasn't interested in her baby and doesn't take care of him, so they took him out to save his life.
beautiful baby
so adorable
he is perfect
Coisa mais fofa! 😍
As incredibly beautiful these animals are and as tempting as it would be to care for her, why doesn't the infant gorilla have a surrogate mother?
T Sommers I think it may not be a "sure thang" that there's a surrogate Ape Mom. If you watch 5he series on Verdes they have a system of intros with all prooven foster Moms. And one zoo flew their baby to be with s surrogate.
There's another video I think with same baby, and theres I think 2 others, and she focuses on laughter. I have it because it inspired me to start a "laughing primates " collection. Of course I have no idea how to post it, but that's cool.
T Sommers It is because even if the intention is to have them be with a surrogate mother eventually almost always in the beginning they will still be cared for by humans until they get just a little bit older..usually at least 6 months or more. The reason is there is almost never a situation where there is a lactating female captive gorilla that does not have a baby already to feed and care for and it would be rare (and unfair to expect) for a mother to accept a second baby that was not hers and for her to raise and care for both babies. Because an infant this young would definitely have to either be with a lactating mother or receive bottles around the clock they have to be reared by humans. Once they are a little older so that they can be taught how to drink a bottle through a window or a doorway or a fence or whatever and old enough to understand to come to the staff when called so that they can examine him if there is a problem and such they then can be placed with a surrogate mom. I am not so sure if that is how they do it at this particular facility but that is the policy and procedure at most major, reputable zoos in the United States.
Lisa Epperson i dont understand what you are tslking about? Who/what focuses on laughter?? Laughter done by what?
@@PrimateProductionsEncouraging the babies to laugh. Stuttgart had a dedicated gorilla nursery for years. Captive gorilla mothers don’t always have the drive/desire to care for their babies and someone else has to raise them.
What Awesome job that would be 😍
Does Tano sleep much?
Nana Marion the babies sleep a lot at that age almost exactly like newborn human infants
She so cute
Schöne Video-und lang. Danke.
Lindo demais parabens
What happened to the mother? Is she still alive or there?
She is still alive at Prague Zoo.
Now she died in April 😥😥😥 Also a very sad story about her death 😥😥🦍💕
I'd give anything to pick-up Tano and play with it for a day.
John Echterhoff he is a doll that is for sure!!
😍😂😁 So cut I wish I had one
Destinee Mitchell what? Why?
Destinee Mitchell I get it that they are very cute and it looks so sweet and to be able to interact with one would be very cool but if that is how you feel then get an education and go work with the little guys....but to say that you want one is ridiculous and cruel..it would almost be like owning a human as a pet.
Da vontade de ter um desse amo tudo que bebe
Where is this little baby?at home? It is so annoying listening to children talking on the background.Is this gorilla baby at home, or is it at the zoo?
Its in a zoo. This gorillababys are orphans from european zoos - they collected them in Stuttgart so they can raise up together with other gorillas.
Also, fur jackets are needed.. they're taking care of them like they were human, they're not.. they need to be taken care of like they would be if they had ape mom there.
The Goof research has shown it does not make that much of a difference if they do not wear the fur suit for him to cling to..he is strengthened and it is made up for in other ways.
I feel like it’s like 3 chromosomes away from being a human baby
Caregivers want to treat as human lol
Is so cuteeee
He grows into that nose,
Dave Howe I suppose you mean noise ?
Michelle GRUBER not at all
Seine Mutter "Bikira" ist in Prag und hat ihn nicht angenommen.
Ugh... every time.. always some kids in the background being noisy...
The Goof well on the side of the glass that the gorillas and carevivers are on there is very little of the visitors noise that can be heard
Do you have any kids? If you do they must live a miserable life.
I agree.
I remember him being born the mom was scared of the other female's and wouldn't touch him if it's the same baby? I believe it is he was sent to another zoo.
This is the same guy. Bikira is his mom.
wishing it might be with me as my son.....
the carer should wear a kind of fur jacket so the baby can make use of its instinct and climb up and cling on to it like he would do with its mother. this is unnatural
jessie james research has shown it does not make that much of a difference if they do not wear the fur suit for him to cling to..he is strengthened and it is made up for in other ways. As far as your comment that by them not wearing the fur that it is unnatural...well fur or no fur the whole thing is unnatural if you want to look at it that way..but sometimes necessary for their survival
If she is to return to the herd or have a surrogate mother what is the best alternative to raising this child and if you want to preserve natural instincts. Of course, the baby should be carried as if it were carried by mom and these toys, teethers are also nature itself! mom gorilla runs to the store to buy a baby teether, or maybe give him a twig?! I know this movie is old, I know that the guardians are saving his life, but he's not a man, he's a gorilla, so if he spends the rest of his life in prison, create natural conditions for him!
To bad you stole him from his mom. Instead of letting her deliver by herself. That was wrong! But I see the humans get to hold him. How sweet for you.
His mom didn't care about him, Tano would have died if humans wouldn't took him away of his mom.
QuiekerKanal maybe you're right. But I've read so many different things on it and I don't know. I guess we will never know. I probably shouldn't have stuck my nose in. I do that sometimes when I get emotional. It wasn't nice the way I put that. I'm sure they probably did the best they could. Again I don't know. But I appreciate you're opinion.
Louise Kurtz I seen his birth the mom was introduced into a troop she was hand raised and basically the lowest ranking the other female's beat her up and she was scared to death of them, she got pregnant had the baby the other female's came to her and she was scared just left the baby laying there in the hay, of course not her fault she had zero experience and even though around the other female's with baby's she wasn't allowed to touch the baby's or learn how to be a mother actually the zoo shouldn't of let her get pregnant being so new in the troop back then, idk how she is now as this video is 5 year's ago? But I know the baby did well they sent him to these people and they kept him healthy and I believe was given a step MoMA later. They did a beautiful job as gorillas are endangered so ever baby count's 😁
Louise Kurtz Wow..for someone who claims to not really understand to know what happened and from someone who obviously has ZERO experience with primates you sure are judgemental and bitchy!! Maybe calm down and ask about the facts first before being so nasty and rude. He would be dead if the nasty stupid humans had not interfered. Now possibly things could have been handled differently along the way and he should have maybe eventually been returned to his mother if they had done things differently but regardless of that they still had to take him and care for this fragile creature during the first part of his life or he would 100 percent be dead now.
Louise Kurtz also..i have no idea what you mean that they did not let the mother "deliver by herself"..she most certainly did deliver this baby by herself and as the footage will show they kept hoping she would pick him up and care for him and eventually after many hours when it was obvious that his life was was on the line they finally interfered and took him..even then his body temperature was dangerously low and he had received no care whatsoever that whole time since being born.
Lasciatelo ogni po tranquillo !
And to think this baby will grow to approximately 300 Kg (or 700 pounds) 1.8 m tall silverback.
This thing can tear the arms right off a human if they wanted to, but they don't want to. This gentle giant, who munches leaves and fruit for half a day and sleep the other half doesn't attack unless provoked and will happily ignore any other species that roam in its territory as long as they let them be and don't pose a threat.
These are critically endangered creatures whose numbers are dwindling due to poaching and habitat depletion but also from human diseases like Ebola as well as attacks by other great apes (chimpanzees), who have been seen attacking gorillas unprovoked and driving them off their territory.
The way the other gorillas treated his mom. They probably would have killed him. So she did the right thing by letting him be human reared.
Linda Moses she didn't let them..she had no choice in the matter
Gina Powell Thank You! She didn't !
Bonnie Moore you are very welcome...its so heartbreaking sometimes isnt it and that comment was one of the most ridiculous things i have ever heard..to comment that the gorilla mother "did the right thing by having the humans rear her baby"..geez...like a gorilla would ever choose to have her baby removed from her. I realize that she would not pick him up or care for him but that was not because she was choosing to NOT be a mother it was because she herself was hand reared by humans and had never had any experience in seeing a baby being raised and all and had no idea whatsoever as to what to do. I think if things had been handled a bit differently then she might have been able to raise him with help and guidance from the staff...maybe they should have removed her from the enclosure with all of the others for awhile and did some one on one with her and the baby and see how it went..or at least kept him nearby so that they could gradually work on interactions between her and him and eventually he could have been put back with her and like so many other hand reared baby primates he could have been taught to return to the door to receive his bottle feedings through it. I also realize that mom received some abuse from the rest of the group and all but things were getting much better...obviously she was interacting with the male or she would not have ended up pregnant and some of the other group members had been warming up to her and even making a show of protecting her from the abuse of some of the others..regardless of whether her and the baby could have remained in that group I think more might have been done to allow her to end up being with this baby...but of course what do i know?? 😉
@@PrimateProductionsWhat was done to Bikira by forcing her to live with the troop in Prague was a crime. It should not have happened. I am very emotional about this situation with Biki and Tano…he’s obviously the sweetest boy ever and her life would have been better if he had been in it. ❤❤❤
.. das sind keine Spielzeuge für Menschen !!!! was zum Teufel macht IHR ?
Mach mal halblang, wenn du keine Ahnung hast. Die Gorillababys sind nur ddeshalb in der Aufzuchtstation, weil sie entweder ihre Mutter verloren haben (=Muttertier verstorben) oder weil die Mutter sich aus unterschiedlichen Gründen nicht um die Jungtiere gekümmert haben, sprich sie hatten einfach kein Interesse daran und legten es zur Seite oder sie hatten keine Milch etc. und konnten die Jungtiere nicht versorgen, ohne dass sie gestorben wären. Die Pfleger greifen NUR in solchen Fällen ein, wenn das Jungtier anders keine Chance hat und wird dann per Hand aufgezogen, dass es nicht stirbt! Wenn sie alt genug sind, werden sie mit Artgenossen zusammengewöhnt und können ein selbständiges Gorillaleben führen und sogar zum Arterhalt beitragen.
Los cuidadores deben ser muy bien entrenados pero me llama la atención que en su cuidado no imiten a la natural crianza de los bebes, es decir junto al cuerpo de la mama gorila y bien abrazados todo el día….
Ну/и/куда/его/потом.. Когда/выростит..?! В/джунгли?