0:20 How convenient for him that he has a comically inferior body but a soul superior to almost everybody in history. It's almost like the latter is a compensation for the embarrassment of the former. A look at his biography shows a long line of cousin-marriages. He married his cousin yet no children. He and his cousin wife were both descendants of the third rebbe, who married his first cousin. Also that's the most insane clapping I've ever seen.
@wyverntheterrible Apparently it was started by rabbi Nachman. If the idea is to be joyful while praying then Schneerson doesn't do a very good job of it. He made the external gestures of joy but he was a joyless depressive type, like Doooovid.
Genesis 16:12 “He (Ishmael) will be a wild donkey of a man; His hand will be against every man [continually fighting] And every man's hand against him; And he will dwell in defiance of all his brothers.”
@@Buz-Lunch-Punx Lol, Putin literally has a Jabushka from the Maternal Line! As for Trump, i'm of the opinion that he's one of the few private converts that the likes of Chabad accept, even if he has no blood. His kids certainly have converted, and who knows what his wife really is.
@@Dafydd.Bovril he has doubles that do public apps for sure. Not that uncommon tbh. IRL Putin is a hypochondriac bed wetter, he's not doing meet and greets with the hoi polloi. With likes of Chabad and Lazar likely bio Putin.
0:20 How convenient for him that he has a comically inferior body but a soul superior to almost everybody in history. It's almost like the latter is a compensation for the embarrassment of the former. A look at his biography shows a long line of cousin-marriages. He married his cousin yet no children. He and his cousin wife were both descendants of the third rebbe, who married his first cousin.
Also that's the most insane clapping I've ever seen.
The clapping is likely some sort of Kabalahist ceremonial thing.
@wyverntheterrible Apparently it was started by rabbi Nachman. If the idea is to be joyful while praying then Schneerson doesn't do a very good job of it. He made the external gestures of joy but he was a joyless depressive type, like Doooovid.
Ben gurion wasn’t human. Prove me wrong. The question is what was he? Goblin? Hobgoblin.
Genesis 16:12 “He (Ishmael) will be a wild donkey of a man; His hand will be against every man [continually fighting] And every man's hand against him; And he will dwell in defiance of all his brothers.”
I don't think Yuze should have any political power outside of Israel. Is it anti-semitic of me to say this?
Of course not, you speak truth
I don't think they should have power over there, either.
All truth is.
Another commonality, Trump has a serious admiration for / involvement in that faith.
Politically, he doesn't have a choice
@@Buz-Lunch-Punx Does Vlad P? So you've seen the videos of his doing rituals?
@@SpiritGirlSF What videos of which rituals?
The international Yuze has so much power Trump and Vlad P can't take them on. They have to kiss the ring
Trump liiterally prays to Rebbe Schneerson, the dead Chabad false messiah. There's video on this channel showing it.
@@Buz-Lunch-Punx Lol, Putin literally has a Jabushka from the Maternal Line! As for Trump, i'm of the opinion that he's one of the few private converts that the likes of Chabad accept, even if he has no blood. His kids certainly have converted, and who knows what his wife really is.
gud vıd
What tv show was this music used on in the 70s/80s? All I get is Romeo & Juliet. Is it Prokofiev?
There appear to be two Putins - the lean original, and the swollen, ridiculously rubbery replacement.
@@Dafydd.Bovril he has doubles that do public apps for sure. Not that uncommon tbh. IRL Putin is a hypochondriac bed wetter, he's not doing meet and greets with the hoi polloi. With likes of Chabad and Lazar likely bio Putin.
@@Dafydd.Bovril I hope there are not two Parvinis too.
It's entirely possible the swelling is due to illness.
What a cheap fake😂
what a cope.
@wyverntheterrible OK glowy
@@metalurgov4943 low iq alert
Corrupt flesh embodies a wicked spirit.
The bastard is forever the enemy of the true born.