Hi +Canadian Bearded wow, that is awesome :D Yes, it is G-shock btw :P The thing is some of my friends that also using this watch feel so uneasy when bring it to hardcore place, come on you bought this watch for this abusement, no? lols
I wash all of my G-Shock watches with soap once a month and till now all OK... yes, can see the resins gradually dull, but it happens after few years... G-Shocks rock
I just bought this watch but the G9000-8v which is a Desert Tan version and its really rare. They're selling G9000-8v for almost $300 online. Very hard to find. But I have one and its amazing. They call it the stormtrooper Mudman. Ill probably end up selling it for maybe $150 on ebay because I want the DW-8700c. :)
Hi, thank you for watching. Oh my, that was a very beautiful beast. I never saw it as well here in my local stores. You really want to sell it? Wow, that was super amazing looks gshock
Hazel Señoron hi, yes it can be seen clearly except on the dark or on the night. But no worries we have auto LED light feature that just perfect. Instead with negative display, it is even clearer when turn LED on. I can show you some photos to show how it is looks without the light on :)
Om kris, saya baru pake g shock lagi ini beberapa tahun yg lalu g shock hilang waktu camping..Mau tanya, apa ada komunitas g shock di surabaya..?? Kalo ada kumpul2 nya dimana dan kapan? Makasih sebelumnya
Halo om galih wah pakai GShock apa ini? Untuk komunitas di Surabaya sih belum pernah cari ane, hanya biasanya kadang nimbrung di forum kaskus atau forum resmi nya casio gshock itu aja sih hehe..
Halo, thank you for watching. Hmm, sebenernya kalau mnurut ane tetep worth it aja sih gan. Karena modelnya G-Shock juga ga terlalu "berubah" banget kan, dalam artian sampe kita bisa bilang oh ini model kuno banget, ini model baru. Dan kembali lagi ke selera, ane pake ini sampe sekarang pun tetap keren maksimal gan hehe. Cuman, mungkin parameter nya bisa coba gini, kalau agan cari di toko toko uda pada sulit bangrt stock-nya berarti G-Shock uda ga ngelanjutin seri ini kan, itu mungkin bisa dibilang sudah ga terlalu worth it. Itu menurut pandangan ane sebagai orang awam yaa 😁✌️
Thanks gan, masih ada yang jual gan seri ini di maghtwatch sma di indowatch,, ane tdiny pgn seri yang Square gshock dw 5600hr, cuman fitur nya kalah sma seri ini g shock 9000
@@bonyhardian7 I see, sebenarnya kalau dibilang nyaman, nyaman, enak kok. Tapi tidak senyaman model jam yang lebih kecil (contoh Amazfit Bip, ini jauh lebih nyaman, dari sisi model strap dan bahan strap juga). Mudman ini tergolong G-Shock yang ukuran nya kecil, tetapi karena model strap G-Shock yang kaku jadi yang paling menekan pergelangan tangan kita adalah bagian bawah jam, yang dimana ada bagian yang kasar (apalagi jam ini spesial offroad banget kan, supaya tidak mudah goyang), bagian yang kasar itu kadang agak kurang nyaman. Tapi overall masih sangat oke dari sisi ukuran dan kenyamanan.
Kalau saran saya, bisa coba ke toko fisik, coba coba deh, itu paling sip, nanti perkara beli finalnya mau online gapapa kan. Yang penting sudah tahu feeling dan model nya kalau sudah di tangan, hehe
@@KristonoSugiarto Iya, dulu pernah pake G-6900, masih agak kebesaran di satu sisi, jadinya kaya kurang pas gitu. Sekarang saya pakai W-S200H tough solar dan itu nyaman banget. Sekarang incarannya antara Mudman ini dan SGW-100B. Males mau ke toko fisik hehehe Saya liat backlight nya Mudman ini keren banget, tapi masih kuatir kegedean di tangan aja. Ada 1 lagi yg jadi incaran DW-290-1VS.
Hi +j3o300 thank you for watching, yes actually I did asked Casio's technician a while ago and he told not too, but not because it may dulling the appearance and damaging the resin. He is told me that the soap's bubble may came in to the machine, a bit hard to believe (I mean like come on it withstand water, mud, and dust, but can't withstand bubble) but then he came with a solution. The solution is cleaning with hot water, using brush still okay, gently. But yes thank you for the information, right now I am occasionally wash with soap except after doing something that make the smell tied on the resin :) I will update the video to inform people. Thanks! Btw, what is your G-Shock?
+Kris Sugiarto I have plenty of g shocks 9400bj 1jf, dw5600bb 1jf, ga1001a4, g6900, ga 110rg and g7900a4. I rarely clean my watches lol. I'm too lazy..
woow, you are a collector then, awesome. aha lols you have too much watch to be clean up, send me some I help you to clean lols :P Anw, with your collection, did you change watch everyday or what? I always wondering about that haha
Well, I don't really baby my watches hahaha but I do cycle wear my watch. Like, I prefer wearing my dw5600 at work because it's small and I wear my g6900 if I'm in the gym. During winter I find the ABC feature of the rangeman useful.
+Ameen Sha hi, thank you for watching this video. Yes, you will get 3 years plus. But that always depend on how we take care of it. This would be your first G-shock?
+Ameen Sha I see. That would be awesome. This version also have the black one. Me personally like that one, but in the end of the day I didn't get any stock for the black. So sad
Wah sorry kelamaan ya balasnya? Haha, iya yang itu juga keren kok waktu beli yang hitam itu nda ada soalnya, akirnya dapat yang military edition ini hehe. Tapi memang untuk yang 3VDR ini kan memang adiknya dari yang MS1, dan yang paling membedakan dari sisi teknologinya adalah reverse LED (jadi backgroundnya hitam, teksnya yang putih). Hanya itu rasanya haha, suami memang suka jam sport gini ya?
Yeah, the military kind of olive green. It's a mixed feeling for me, to be honest, I like the black one more than this one. But unfortunately, they don't have the black one at that moment. Do you like the color?
Hi, for the G-Shock itself should be can withstand cold and ice, you can check on G-Shock official test (th-cam.com/video/hsIHW1ZEk_M/w-d-xo.html) But for this type, I don't really know how long or how cold this one can take, sorry :(
epic watch, its the toughest of the tough. check out g shock destruction videos and you will see what i mean. regarding cleaning, i use toothpaste on my watches, and an electric toothbrush, these are $5k, $10k and $20k+ watches, and never any harm done. when you finish scrubbing, rinse very well, like repeat rinsing at least 3 times to ensure all toothpaste is removed.
Hi, thank you for watching! What G-Shock that you used? If what you meant by blue light is the autoEL. Then for series G9000, you can press the [Reset/Split] button, the top right button for about 3 secs. Until you have an "AUTO EL" indicator turn on located on your top right watch. Above your date information. For complete reference, you can look on to the official manual here: mygshock.com/casio-manual/3031/3 :D
Halo, thank you for watching. Sorry, ini pertanyaan karena ngeliat saya pencet waktu di video atau agan punya dan kaget karena kerasnya? Anw, iya keras memang ini gan, soalnya yang versi mudman alias mud resist. Setahu saya begitu. Jadi memang lebih keras dari versi GShock biasanya.
+Dicky Arodi Iya memang bener, soalnya kadang ada beberapa tipe yang engga masuk ke indo, untuk tipe mudman setau saya juga hanya ini salah satu yang masuk ke Indo, selain ini hanya tipe MudMaster yang ada yang notabene fitur dan harga di atas G9000 ini. Coba lihat-lihat di Webnya G-Shock dulu yang kira-kira2 demen mana, trus langsung ke toko fisik buat cari yang model itu :)
Hai +Luffman Luffman seharusnya masih cocok kok, dulu ane berencana beli yang GA110MB (itu ukurannya more or less hampir sama dengan GX56) memang besar sih tapi akhirnya jadi ambil yang G9000 ini karena anti lumpur dan debunya. Waktu ane coba itu di tangan masih looks good kok. Temen ane juga ada yg pake GA110 itu, perawakannya dia agak tinggi dan agak bidang, bagus banget kok dipake dia :) ini kalau dari G-Shock nya uda agak sold out ya?
Mas maap mo nanya, untuk seri mudman military series (ms, ms1 sama 3vdr) dgn negative display susah ga bacanya kalo tanpa el? Misal dipake siang2 yg terik gt? Pertimbangan kalo di lapangan gan hehe Ohya bisikin harga barunya dong gan hehe
Halo Bang Rizki. Oh engga susah sama sekali kok, sangat readable banget. Cuman mungkin karena negative gitu kalau di matahari yang terik banget kadang kayak "terasa" bergaris-garis di mata, tapi tetap ga ada masalah sama sekali. Wah maaf bang, kalau untuk harga terbaru ane belum update nih hehe, tapi karena ini seri lawas harusnya tidak terlalu ada banyak perubahan harga atau bahkan kenaikan, cheers. Pilihan yang ada sekarang seri apa aja nih?
Hi Richky Hamdani, my wrist size is 17cm (6.7"). 5cm x 3,5cm (1.9" x 1.3"). 1.9" is the size right below the watch. Yes mudman is one of the small series. Don't go for GA series, it is big. So which one that you already try?
Kris Sugiarto i doubt it will look good on my wrist, because mine only 14,5cm i think. Nope i just interested with g shock recently, and especially this mudman. Any other type for my small wrist that still in the market?
Ho I see. In my personal opinion, this watch on my hand sometimes looks too small but still okay. Anw why you don't just go some shop then try some g-shocks? Just research for some size comparison: - G9000 (this video): 52×46.3×16.3mm - GA series: 55.0 x 51.2 x 16.9mm - DW5600 (shape: rectangular): 48.9 x 42.8 x 13.4m So maybe you can try on the rectangular g-shock area :). For which one still in the market, to be honest I don't know plus inventory on some shops n countries are different.
Hi my friend. I want to ask you something. I heard a lot of people complaining about the fog this watch gets. Till now your watch got any foggy screen when you took it in the shower or a cold weather?
Hi buddy, thank you for watching. I'm not really aware of that issue, but as long as I wear it the whole time, it is either doesn't foggy or even it is foggy but not for long. So foggy is never been my issue. Hope this answer helps you.
For me, it's perfect. I can go to anywhere with this beast. The thing is, my unit device seems like have a failure in production so somehow it has a short circuit issue which draining the battery. I have been replaced the battery twice in this last 2 years. This case is not happening on my 2 friends' very similar watch, their battery lasts 3+ years.
Halo bro, thank you for watching. Wah kalau masalah baterai G-Shock jangan ditanya lah haha. Tapi gini, punyaku sedihnya ada cacat masalah baterai, cuman punyaku temenku yang sama (ada 2 orang), itu bisa sampai 3 tahun baterainya. Ini ceritanya mau beli atau sudah punya bro?
Hi +trivian saputra sering hilang nya gimana ya maksudnya? Kalau seri yang pake batre Auto Light nya hanya menyala selama 6 jam setelah kita aktifkan. Kecuali untuk seri yang Solar Cell kalau kita aktifkan dia akan selalu aktif. Oh ikon "SIG" atau Signal, jadi kalau dinyalakan Gshocknya setiap jam kan beeping sekali untuk kasih tanda kalau uda ganti jam, cara aktifinnya: tekan "Mode" sampe ke menuju Menu Alarm, lalu tekan tombol "Start/Stop" sampe menuju menu "SIG', lalu tekan tombol "Adjust" untuk on atau off :)
cuma 6 jam doank y,hehee..kirain sya hidup terus stelah diaktifin..sya make seri ini jga mas,masih bingung seting dan fungsinya..kalo dst fungsinya buat apa mas,kenapa klo di on kan lebih satu jam waktu nya,trus ada lagi utc ada plus minus nya fungsinya jga apa..maaf mas bnyak tanya
Engga masalah bang +trivian saputra seneng bisa bantu temen sesama perjuangan :D Iya hanya 6 jam soalnya kalo engga ntar batrenya cepet abis, bisa gawat haha. Kecuali untuk seri G-Shock yang solar cell jadi tinggal kita panas-panasan aja dia cas trus energinya hehe.
+trivian saputra DST itu singkatan dari Daylight Saving Time. Jadi di beberapa negara kayak North America, Brazil, dsb ada waktu di musim tertentu yang siangnya lebih lama atau gimana gitu kalo engga salah, jadi kalau ini diaktifkan gshock nya bisa otomatis sesuai in waktunya sendiri. Tapi kalau kita di Indonesia engga pake DST, jadi di off kan saja
Eri Vodica hi Eri, thank you for watching. This G is not solar rechargeable. That's why the auto turn light will turn off automatically after 6 hours after it is activated (assuming it is already in the morning or not been using anymore)
well right now i'm kinda deciding from the beautiful G-Shock G100-1BV , to the tough solar GWM5610-1 variant and yours! I'm kinda really in question though! Right now I'm not going for more than a 100 $ for the moment. What about the alarm is it fine and loud in your g9000, and does that affect the battery ! Any suggestions!
Awesome video brother Pushing people to use their G's for what theyre meant to be used For use on the sea, as I'm a surfer i'm in the sea more often than not, and I prefer the G-lide models cause they're made with materials to resist corrosion from salt water like titanium, the Gulfman and Fisherman for example 👍
My beautiful and amazing Princess hi thanks for watching, and thanks for the kind words! Yes! That was my first thought when bought this watch. I'm gonna push this one to the level how it meant to be used. (Since most of my friends who use this very same watch just wear it like a casual watch, oh maan haha). I do agree, me myself, I'm not a sea guy, go to the ocean like once a year haha. But I really like most of the ocean's model of G. They are very beautiful. My next G would be the Frogman 😁
Hahaha tapi jangan terlalu sering bang, sekali-sekali masih oke kok. Sampe sekarang masih sangat oke. Pastikan ketika di air atau dicuci tombol ga dipencet-pencet haha.
Hi +roger surez thank you for your nice words. That washing scene actually was a mistake, I will post another video apologizing to that. The wash is okay, the toothbrush is okay, the soap is mistake! LOLS lately I know that for the long run the soap will break the bolt and the resin :) The most perfect media to wash it is using hot water ("hot boiling water is just fine", that what the G-Shock mechanic says). If we brush it gently, it will be fine, it is G-Shock btw :) May I know what is your G-Shock?
Halo +Rudy Setiawan untuk seri G9000 ini tekan tombol yang kanan atas (Reset/Split button) selama sekitar 3 detik sampe indikator bertuliskan 'AUTO EL' menyala di pojok kanan jam (di atas indikator bulan dan tanggal). Untuk lebih jelas dan lengkapnya dapat dilihat di manualnya: mygshock.com/casio-manual/3031/3 :D
Rudy Setiawan memang kalau tipe yang Mudman ini kan tombolnya agak keras, jadi coba lagi dengan tekanan yg lebih keras (atau pakai kuku jari kalau mau, tapi ini bisa ngerusak tombolnya untuk jangka panjang). Kalau masih engga bisa, coba di bawa ke Service Centrenya. Posisi di kota mana? :)
halo Rizqi, thank you for watching. Seharusnya bisa, tapi kalau untuk kedalaman yang lebih dalam dan lebih aman mungkin bisa pakai yang Frogman bro, karena Frogman itu juga sudah ISO based untuk diving, itu sih setauku bro, anw kalau boleh tau pakai jam ini juga, atau mau beli baru nih bro?
Hi +Doddy Rinaldi thanks for watching. Cukup tekan tombol kanan bawah [Stop Start button] sekali saja untuk ganti antara 24 hours mode or 12 hours mode. Lengkap nya bisa dilihat langsung di manual booknya: mygshock.com/casio-manual/3031/ :) Tapi pastiin cobanya di atas jam 12 siang supaya kelihatan kalau ganti :) Btw, kalau boleh tau pakai seri apa? Ini juga?
Learning Guitar haha lols never really use them in the long run though. But the watch is tough! I need to hit it with everything I got. Haha. Yeaah, anw, dont use soap, it was a mistake. I think my video note is disappeared becase of TH-cam new overlay system. Washing the watch could make the color of resin gone over time. But I still wash it with soap sometimes, its not a problem at all, as long we dont press any buttons during the process. Thank you! Glad you liked it.
+Dicky Arodi makasih gan, ayo segera bergabung jadi pasukan G-Shock haha, tapi juga ada temen ku yang takut rusak juga, jadi ke pantai dilepas dsb. Malah aku beli dengan harga yang tidak terlalu murah, harus digunakan dengan maksimal donk haha
Emonicon I barely use that feature now since my watch have an battery issue. I dont know why, the technician found no issue, but the battery drains so fast. I'm still using this watch on many extreme condition though. I hope it give you the excitement like when you bought it the first time. It is a very good watch. I love it
Kris Sugiarto yeah it's very nice watch, and I gonna change my watch soon :( cause my band almost broken.. (And I have been using this watch 5 years and I don't have any battery issue)
Hi Dafuq, haha lols! Yes it is my first G ever, that watch is my initial journey on wristwatch lols. Btw thank you for watching :D And let me answer your question, I am who washed it lols. And it feels good! XD
This watch withstood my 3 tours in Afghanistan. I'm sure a pool, hot tub or sauna won't kill it. LoL
Hi +Canadian Bearded wow, that is awesome :D Yes, it is G-shock btw :P
The thing is some of my friends that also using this watch feel so uneasy when bring it to hardcore place, come on you bought this watch for this abusement, no? lols
I wash all of my G-Shock watches with soap once a month and till now all OK... yes, can see the resins gradually dull, but it happens after few years... G-Shocks rock
What an encouraging message. Awesome. What G-Shocks that you have? Thank you for watching btw :D
Got this watch it's like bomb proof great watch and good price
Mantab mas buat di proyek.. Anti lumpur & debu
Comes after 2 years this video posted. This will be my 7th gshock on monday. Waiting it to be post tomorrow 😉
Wow amazing. How do you decide which one to use every single day? Amazing
I just bought this watch but the G9000-8v which is a Desert Tan version and its really rare. They're selling G9000-8v for almost $300 online. Very hard to find. But I have one and its amazing. They call it the stormtrooper Mudman. Ill probably end up selling it for maybe $150 on ebay because I want the DW-8700c. :)
Hi, thank you for watching. Oh my, that was a very beautiful beast. I never saw it as well here in my local stores. You really want to sell it? Wow, that was super amazing looks gshock
That's why I bought a Casio watch. You don't have to worry about them at all unlike with other watches. Nice video btw
Gimana mas kondisi jam nya sekarang.
Masih awet kah?
Niat mau beli yg type ini...
Nice review. Is it quite tedious to change the battery?
hi just want to know if still you can see the time clearly bcoz of its negative display? Thanks
Hazel Señoron hi, yes it can be seen clearly except on the dark or on the night. But no worries we have auto LED light feature that just perfect. Instead with negative display, it is even clearer when turn LED on. I can show you some photos to show how it is looks without the light on :)
+Kris Sugiarto thank you so much with your reply now I can choose which one to buy. :)
Hazel Señoron hi alright, it's my pleasure. What option did you have?
Om kris, saya baru pake g shock lagi ini beberapa tahun yg lalu g shock hilang waktu camping..Mau tanya, apa ada komunitas g shock di surabaya..?? Kalo ada kumpul2 nya dimana dan kapan? Makasih sebelumnya
Halo om galih wah pakai GShock apa ini? Untuk komunitas di Surabaya sih belum pernah cari ane, hanya biasanya kadang nimbrung di forum kaskus atau forum resmi nya casio gshock itu aja sih hehe..
Hai bro saya mau nanyak G-Shock nya Made in China atw Thailand..mksh bro
Saya subscribe kamu end kamu subscribe balik ya..
One tough watch u got there
Gan seri g shock ini masih worth it gak klo di beli tahun 2018??
Halo, thank you for watching. Hmm, sebenernya kalau mnurut ane tetep worth it aja sih gan. Karena modelnya G-Shock juga ga terlalu "berubah" banget kan, dalam artian sampe kita bisa bilang oh ini model kuno banget, ini model baru. Dan kembali lagi ke selera, ane pake ini sampe sekarang pun tetap keren maksimal gan hehe. Cuman, mungkin parameter nya bisa coba gini, kalau agan cari di toko toko uda pada sulit bangrt stock-nya berarti G-Shock uda ga ngelanjutin seri ini kan, itu mungkin bisa dibilang sudah ga terlalu worth it. Itu menurut pandangan ane sebagai orang awam yaa 😁✌️
Thanks gan, masih ada yang jual gan seri ini di maghtwatch sma di indowatch,, ane tdiny pgn seri yang Square gshock dw 5600hr, cuman fitur nya kalah sma seri ini g shock 9000
@@jundiassegaf9960 sorry baru balas gan. Wah mantul juga itu gan DW 5600HR, mantap betul. Memang fitur apa yang paling dicari dari Mudman ini gan?
Untuk pergelangan tangan yg kecil, nyaman gak?
Halo, thank you for watching. Pergelangannya ukuran berapa?
@@KristonoSugiarto Sebesar punya masnya deh kayaknya hehe
@@bonyhardian7 I see, sebenarnya kalau dibilang nyaman, nyaman, enak kok. Tapi tidak senyaman model jam yang lebih kecil (contoh Amazfit Bip, ini jauh lebih nyaman, dari sisi model strap dan bahan strap juga).
Mudman ini tergolong G-Shock yang ukuran nya kecil, tetapi karena model strap G-Shock yang kaku jadi yang paling menekan pergelangan tangan kita adalah bagian bawah jam, yang dimana ada bagian yang kasar (apalagi jam ini spesial offroad banget kan, supaya tidak mudah goyang), bagian yang kasar itu kadang agak kurang nyaman.
Tapi overall masih sangat oke dari sisi ukuran dan kenyamanan.
Kalau saran saya, bisa coba ke toko fisik, coba coba deh, itu paling sip, nanti perkara beli finalnya mau online gapapa kan. Yang penting sudah tahu feeling dan model nya kalau sudah di tangan, hehe
@@KristonoSugiarto Iya, dulu pernah pake G-6900, masih agak kebesaran di satu sisi, jadinya kaya kurang pas gitu.
Sekarang saya pakai W-S200H tough solar dan itu nyaman banget.
Sekarang incarannya antara Mudman ini dan SGW-100B.
Males mau ke toko fisik hehehe
Saya liat backlight nya Mudman ini keren banget, tapi masih kuatir kegedean di tangan aja.
Ada 1 lagi yg jadi incaran DW-290-1VS.
Buddy, try not to use soaps and detergents when cleaning your G Shock. It can dull the appearance and damage the resin/polyurethane. Good video, btw!
Hi +j3o300 thank you for watching, yes actually I did asked Casio's technician a while ago and he told not too, but not because it may dulling the appearance and damaging the resin. He is told me that the soap's bubble may came in to the machine, a bit hard to believe (I mean like come on it withstand water, mud, and dust, but can't withstand bubble) but then he came with a solution.
The solution is cleaning with hot water, using brush still okay, gently. But yes thank you for the information, right now I am occasionally wash with soap except after doing something that make the smell tied on the resin :) I will update the video to inform people. Thanks!
Btw, what is your G-Shock?
+Kris Sugiarto I have plenty of g shocks 9400bj 1jf, dw5600bb 1jf, ga1001a4, g6900, ga 110rg and g7900a4.
I rarely clean my watches lol. I'm too lazy..
woow, you are a collector then, awesome. aha lols you have too much watch to be clean up, send me some I help you to clean lols :P
Anw, with your collection, did you change watch everyday or what? I always wondering about that haha
Well, I don't really baby my watches hahaha but I do cycle wear my watch. Like, I prefer wearing my dw5600 at work because it's small and I wear my g6900 if I'm in the gym. During winter I find the ABC feature of the rangeman useful.
I see... wow that is awesome why don't you make video of it? I would really love to see it :)
modul ke angkat skrg tombol Mode ga nekan, gimana ya... 😅
ใฃ่สบุ่ได้รึคับนั้น. ยางไม่เสื่อมไวรึคับ
Diggin the music!
Kris how long will be this watch strap last . will I get 3+ years? plz reply I like to buy this watch
+Ameen Sha hi, thank you for watching this video. Yes, you will get 3 years plus. But that always depend on how we take care of it. This would be your first G-shock?
Kris Sugiarto yes it is
+Ameen Sha I see. That would be awesome. This version also have the black one. Me personally like that one, but in the end of the day I didn't get any stock for the black. So sad
Kris Sugiarto I brought a red and black colour. actually I like the black model but it's not available
Ameen Sha I have mine 10 years now, Strap is still perfect
hai, ini seri yang G9000-ms1 atau G9000-3vdr ya? Thanks for sharing :)
halo halo, ini yang seri G9000-3VDR :) Wah sampai tahu serinya, pakai seri apa ini?
+Kris Sugiarto lg nyari buat kado suami,akhirnya pilih MS1 soalnya all black :) thx for reply
Wah sorry kelamaan ya balasnya? Haha, iya yang itu juga keren kok waktu beli yang hitam itu nda ada soalnya, akirnya dapat yang military edition ini hehe. Tapi memang untuk yang 3VDR ini kan memang adiknya dari yang MS1, dan yang paling membedakan dari sisi teknologinya adalah reverse LED (jadi backgroundnya hitam, teksnya yang putih). Hanya itu rasanya haha, suami memang suka jam sport gini ya?
First thing you should do is throw that shirt in the garbage
This the Olive green? Hard to tell also how you like the color?
Yeah, the military kind of olive green. It's a mixed feeling for me, to be honest, I like the black one more than this one. But unfortunately, they don't have the black one at that moment. Do you like the color?
@@KristonoSugiarto hi where you change your battery you do it yourself thanks
@@eddiego5920 Hi, I usually change my battery at the Casio Service Center. Or you can actually change in any street watch stall though 😁
What about cold?
Hi, for the G-Shock itself should be can withstand cold and ice, you can check on G-Shock official test (th-cam.com/video/hsIHW1ZEk_M/w-d-xo.html) But for this type, I don't really know how long or how cold this one can take, sorry :(
epic watch, its the toughest of the tough. check out g shock destruction videos and you will see what i mean. regarding cleaning, i use toothpaste on my watches, and an electric toothbrush, these are $5k, $10k and $20k+ watches, and never any harm done. when you finish scrubbing, rinse very well, like repeat rinsing at least 3 times to ensure all toothpaste is removed.
How do you have a blue light.?
Hi, thank you for watching! What G-Shock that you used?
If what you meant by blue light is the autoEL. Then for series G9000, you can press the [Reset/Split] button, the top right button for about 3 secs. Until you have an "AUTO EL" indicator turn on located on your top right watch. Above your date information. For complete reference, you can look on to the official manual here: mygshock.com/casio-manual/3031/3 :D
Gan.. Tombol nya emang keras banget ya?
Halo, thank you for watching. Sorry, ini pertanyaan karena ngeliat saya pencet waktu di video atau agan punya dan kaget karena kerasnya? Anw, iya keras memang ini gan, soalnya yang versi mudman alias mud resist. Setahu saya begitu. Jadi memang lebih keras dari versi GShock biasanya.
Memang keras sebab mud resist
hahaha. bngung cr gshock yg model apa gan? pngen ketoko lngsung blom sempet juga.
+Dicky Arodi Iya memang bener, soalnya kadang ada beberapa tipe yang engga masuk ke indo, untuk tipe mudman setau saya juga hanya ini salah satu yang masuk ke Indo, selain ini hanya tipe MudMaster yang ada yang notabene fitur dan harga di atas G9000 ini. Coba lihat-lihat di Webnya G-Shock dulu yang kira-kira2 demen mana, trus langsung ke toko fisik buat cari yang model itu :)
+Kristono Sugiarto oke mksih sarannya gan! mmbantu sekali 😀
seri GX 56 ukurannya cocok ngak untuk rata rata tangan asia ? :)
Hai +Luffman Luffman seharusnya masih cocok kok, dulu ane berencana beli yang GA110MB (itu ukurannya more or less hampir sama dengan GX56) memang besar sih tapi akhirnya jadi ambil yang G9000 ini karena anti lumpur dan debunya. Waktu ane coba itu di tangan masih looks good kok. Temen ane juga ada yg pake GA110 itu, perawakannya dia agak tinggi dan agak bidang, bagus banget kok dipake dia :) ini kalau dari G-Shock nya uda agak sold out ya?
+Kristono Sugiarto thank you ya review nya..
Luffman Luffman you are most welcome :)
Mas maap mo nanya, untuk seri mudman military series (ms, ms1 sama 3vdr) dgn negative display susah ga bacanya kalo tanpa el? Misal dipake siang2 yg terik gt? Pertimbangan kalo di lapangan gan hehe
Ohya bisikin harga barunya dong gan hehe
Halo Bang Rizki. Oh engga susah sama sekali kok, sangat readable banget. Cuman mungkin karena negative gitu kalau di matahari yang terik banget kadang kayak "terasa" bergaris-garis di mata, tapi tetap ga ada masalah sama sekali. Wah maaf bang, kalau untuk harga terbaru ane belum update nih hehe, tapi karena ini seri lawas harusnya tidak terlalu ada banyak perubahan harga atau bahkan kenaikan, cheers. Pilihan yang ada sekarang seri apa aja nih?
Kris Sugiarto Pilihan sekarang masih antara ini, mudman seri 9300, sama seri 8900 gan
I see, wah pilihan keren bro. 8900 itu gede ya diameternya?
Kris what's your wrist size? Im searching for g shock for small wrist and i heard one of them is mudman series.
Hi Richky Hamdani, my wrist size is 17cm (6.7"). 5cm x 3,5cm (1.9" x 1.3"). 1.9" is the size right below the watch. Yes mudman is one of the small series. Don't go for GA series, it is big. So which one that you already try?
Kris Sugiarto i doubt it will look good on my wrist, because mine only 14,5cm i think. Nope i just interested with g shock recently, and especially this mudman. Any other type for my small wrist that still in the market?
Ho I see. In my personal opinion, this watch on my hand sometimes looks too small but still okay. Anw why you don't just go some shop then try some g-shocks?
Just research for some size comparison:
- G9000 (this video): 52×46.3×16.3mm
- GA series: 55.0 x 51.2 x 16.9mm
- DW5600 (shape: rectangular): 48.9 x 42.8 x 13.4m
So maybe you can try on the rectangular g-shock area :). For which one still in the market, to be honest I don't know plus inventory on some shops n countries are different.
Thx for your suggestion kris i will look into it. Anyway i think we live in the same country though 😁 lol
Okay roger, as I thought too lols, What city?
Hi my friend. I want to ask you something. I heard a lot of people complaining about the fog this watch gets. Till now your watch got any foggy screen when you took it in the shower or a cold weather?
Hi buddy, thank you for watching. I'm not really aware of that issue, but as long as I wear it the whole time, it is either doesn't foggy or even it is foggy but not for long. So foggy is never been my issue. Hope this answer helps you.
And what is the main problem of this watch? Honestly is it a good purchase?
For me, it's perfect. I can go to anywhere with this beast. The thing is, my unit device seems like have a failure in production so somehow it has a short circuit issue which draining the battery. I have been replaced the battery twice in this last 2 years. This case is not happening on my 2 friends' very similar watch, their battery lasts 3+ years.
Baterai lifenya gmn bro? Berapa tahun kira2 hehe
Halo bro, thank you for watching. Wah kalau masalah baterai G-Shock jangan ditanya lah haha. Tapi gini, punyaku sedihnya ada cacat masalah baterai, cuman punyaku temenku yang sama (ada 2 orang), itu bisa sampai 3 tahun baterainya. Ini ceritanya mau beli atau sudah punya bro?
@@KristonoSugiarto haha iya nih, rencana pingin punya yang Mudman ini, karena kayanya tahan banting banget. Berarti kira2 3 taunan aman ya baterainya
@@Blumencomusic kalau tahan banting nya jelas banget haha. Anti air anti lumpur. Mantaap, haha. Sudah pake GShock apa bro?
mas kenapa autolightnya sering hilang ya?kepaksa mencet lagi.trus yg diatas hari yg mas itu tulisan apa?kok yg saya ga ada..trims
Hi +trivian saputra sering hilang nya gimana ya maksudnya? Kalau seri yang pake batre Auto Light nya hanya menyala selama 6 jam setelah kita aktifkan. Kecuali untuk seri yang Solar Cell kalau kita aktifkan dia akan selalu aktif.
Oh ikon "SIG" atau Signal, jadi kalau dinyalakan Gshocknya setiap jam kan beeping sekali untuk kasih tanda kalau uda ganti jam, cara aktifinnya: tekan "Mode" sampe ke menuju Menu Alarm, lalu tekan tombol "Start/Stop" sampe menuju menu "SIG', lalu tekan tombol "Adjust" untuk on atau off :)
+trivian saputra kalau boleh tau pakai seri GShock ini? :)
cuma 6 jam doank y,hehee..kirain sya hidup terus stelah diaktifin..sya make seri ini jga mas,masih bingung seting dan fungsinya..kalo dst fungsinya buat apa mas,kenapa klo di on kan lebih satu jam waktu nya,trus ada lagi utc ada plus minus nya fungsinya jga apa..maaf mas bnyak tanya
Engga masalah bang +trivian saputra seneng bisa bantu temen sesama perjuangan :D
Iya hanya 6 jam soalnya kalo engga ntar batrenya cepet abis, bisa gawat haha. Kecuali untuk seri G-Shock yang solar cell jadi tinggal kita panas-panasan aja dia cas trus energinya hehe.
+trivian saputra DST itu singkatan dari Daylight Saving Time. Jadi di beberapa negara kayak North America, Brazil, dsb ada waktu di musim tertentu yang siangnya lebih lama atau gimana gitu kalo engga salah, jadi kalau ini diaktifkan gshock nya bisa otomatis sesuai in waktunya sendiri. Tapi kalau kita di Indonesia engga pake DST, jadi di off kan saja
Is this tough solar rechargeable!
Eri Vodica hi Eri, thank you for watching. This G is not solar rechargeable. That's why the auto turn light will turn off automatically after 6 hours after it is activated (assuming it is already in the morning or not been using anymore)
if only this could be tough solar , then it would be complete sort of for it's price!
Eri Vodica yeah, I do agree. What kind of G that you are aiming?
well right now i'm kinda deciding from the beautiful G-Shock G100-1BV , to the tough solar GWM5610-1 variant and yours! I'm kinda really in question though! Right now I'm not going for more than a 100 $ for the moment. What about the alarm is it fine and loud in your g9000, and does that affect the battery ! Any suggestions!
Eri Vodica I see, what a difficult choice you had there. Thats really difficult 😂 Anw, why you do want tough solar system?
I have this watch is the best
Awesome video brother
Pushing people to use their G's for what theyre meant to be used
For use on the sea, as I'm a surfer i'm in the sea more often than not, and I prefer the G-lide models cause they're made with materials to resist corrosion from salt water like titanium, the Gulfman and Fisherman for example 👍
My beautiful and amazing Princess hi thanks for watching, and thanks for the kind words! Yes! That was my first thought when bought this watch. I'm gonna push this one to the level how it meant to be used. (Since most of my friends who use this very same watch just wear it like a casual watch, oh maan haha).
I do agree, me myself, I'm not a sea guy, go to the ocean like once a year haha. But I really like most of the ocean's model of G. They are very beautiful. My next G would be the Frogman 😁
Haha, itu dicuci pake sabun, fix gw bakal beli seri ini
Hahaha tapi jangan terlalu sering bang, sekali-sekali masih oke kok. Sampe sekarang masih sangat oke. Pastikan ketika di air atau dicuci tombol ga dipencet-pencet haha.
Nice vid, dude i think you overwhelmed washing that like it was seriously dirty haha, did the toothbrush resulting scratches?
Hi +roger surez thank you for your nice words. That washing scene actually was a mistake, I will post another video apologizing to that. The wash is okay, the toothbrush is okay, the soap is mistake! LOLS lately I know that for the long run the soap will break the bolt and the resin :) The most perfect media to wash it is using hot water ("hot boiling water is just fine", that what the G-Shock mechanic says).
If we brush it gently, it will be fine, it is G-Shock btw :) May I know what is your G-Shock?
Im using casio protek, but im considering to buy g shocks, been thinking about g shock gulfmaster model, also like the mudman series
+roger surez I see.. That gulfmaster is very nice. Did you check on mudmaster?
yes, so know im confuse to choose between gulfmaster and mudmaster, maybe ill get them both lol
LOL that a good decision! sweet haha
gmn cara setting auto lightnya ya?
Halo +Rudy Setiawan untuk seri G9000 ini tekan tombol yang kanan atas (Reset/Split button) selama sekitar 3 detik sampe indikator bertuliskan 'AUTO EL' menyala di pojok kanan jam (di atas indikator bulan dan tanggal). Untuk lebih jelas dan lengkapnya dapat dilihat di manualnya: mygshock.com/casio-manual/3031/3 :D
+Rudy Setiawan Kalau boleh tahu pake seri ini juga atau seri G-shock yang lain ya? :)
seri ini mas , tp kok tetep ga bisa ya
Rudy Setiawan memang kalau tipe yang Mudman ini kan tombolnya agak keras, jadi coba lagi dengan tekanan yg lebih keras (atau pakai kuku jari kalau mau, tapi ini bisa ngerusak tombolnya untuk jangka panjang). Kalau masih engga bisa, coba di bawa ke Service Centrenya. Posisi di kota mana? :)
Buat nyelam tahan gak bro
halo Rizqi, thank you for watching. Seharusnya bisa, tapi kalau untuk kedalaman yang lebih dalam dan lebih aman mungkin bisa pakai yang Frogman bro, karena Frogman itu juga sudah ISO based untuk diving, itu sih setauku bro, anw kalau boleh tau pakai jam ini juga, atau mau beli baru nih bro?
Noooo l had this watch but not light in degree ???
Hi, thank you for watching! Wait, whaat? How come? Lols
cara ganti ke format 24 hour gimana sih? ane kok ga bisa2 ya
Hi +Doddy Rinaldi thanks for watching. Cukup tekan tombol kanan bawah [Stop Start button] sekali saja untuk ganti antara 24 hours mode or 12 hours mode. Lengkap nya bisa dilihat langsung di manual booknya: mygshock.com/casio-manual/3031/ :) Tapi pastiin cobanya di atas jam 12 siang supaya kelihatan kalau ganti :)
Btw, kalau boleh tau pakai seri apa? Ini juga?
that watch had a real schvitz!
Learning Guitar hi, thank you for watching. Nicee! How long you have been using the watch under schvitz?
haha no I meant yours! I use mine in the shower, but I dont use hot water or soap. Great video, mate!
Learning Guitar haha lols never really use them in the long run though. But the watch is tough! I need to hit it with everything I got. Haha. Yeaah, anw, dont use soap, it was a mistake. I think my video note is disappeared becase of TH-cam new overlay system. Washing the watch could make the color of resin gone over time. But I still wash it with soap sometimes, its not a problem at all, as long we dont press any buttons during the process. Thank you! Glad you liked it.
you forget to put toothpaste
Mr. YoLo Jr. aha lols some mint toothpaste would be good. Lols just kidding, don't do that haha
what a beast
keren gan 👍👍👍👍 hehe
+Dicky Arodi makasih gan, ayo segera bergabung jadi pasukan G-Shock haha, tapi juga ada temen ku yang takut rusak juga, jadi ke pantai dilepas dsb. Malah aku beli dengan harga yang tidak terlalu murah, harus digunakan dengan maksimal donk haha
Auto light?! Whatttt.. I have been using for 4years I don't know that and how
Emonicon hi, thank you for watching. Now you know 😁
Kris Sugiarto xD
Emonicon I barely use that feature now since my watch have an battery issue. I dont know why, the technician found no issue, but the battery drains so fast. I'm still using this watch on many extreme condition though. I hope it give you the excitement like when you bought it the first time. It is a very good watch. I love it
Kris Sugiarto yeah it's very nice watch, and I gonna change my watch soon :( cause my band almost broken.. (And I have been using this watch 5 years and I don't have any battery issue)
By the way ,it's my first gshock and I love it sooooooooooooooo damn much ..
Looool! Who washes a watch with soap? this guy's hilarious. Bet first time owning a watch in his entire life. >_
Hi Dafuq, haha lols! Yes it is my first G ever, that watch is my initial journey on wristwatch lols. Btw thank you for watching :D And let me answer your question, I am who washed it lols. And it feels good! XD
Tuu Rask Hi! Thanks for watching. Oh you find it creepy? How come?