High amplitude Greco throws are 4-5 points, feet to back takedown moves 3 points, feet to stomach take downs are 2 points. Both feet to back and feet to stomach take downs are only awarded when you control your opponent, allowing scrambles. High amplitude Greco throws are automatically awarded points, no need to control. Push Outs are awarded regardless of grounding or not.
Doing a league of duals all year would be sick! Then having a tournament with the best dual performers in each weight at the end of the season would be fire
I’ve always wanted a professional wrestling league and for it to be successful there needs to be a really good marketing team behind it. People obviously care about combat sports, the ufc is a prime example, and if you can get people to care about it like how ufc fans do then you have something cooking. The teams could be formed like how overtime elite does it and they were able to have a crazy amount of success within 5 years of formation. For the point system there could be some sort of compromise where the league has its own rules but I’ve always thought it would be interesting to have the style change between periods. If the point system is customized throws have to be valued because that’s what will get the public watching
RPW came out around 2003-2005 and was single tournament. They broadcoast the episodes once a week showing a single weight. Would have been better if it was a dual season, with a championship tournament at the end of the season.
While i think its a great ideal,theres alot of things to maneuver thru,as you stated,worlds,qualifying,Olympics etc as you stated.Also think its a tough sell to college coaches our teams.Before the season,coaches wouldnt want guys to participate ,because of the chance of guy's getting injured! Off season would probably be better,providing guys arent to banged up! For sure going to need different levels, so its superior competition. Probably alot of guys that are out of eligibility,but still have that desire to compete! IMO,you could get some great wrestlers without all the stipulations as to when they can compete!Perhaps guys that have there own clubs,rtc etc! Be on board to help in anyway,definitely have some things to get thru before it will be possible. Best reguards! Money will drive guys more than trophies!
Always had the idea of a grappling league similarly to One championship having muay thai ,jiu jitsu and mma It could have Greco roman , folkstyle and free style as well as jiu jitsu and maybe sambo Also teams of people and wins/losses add to see how teams rank and tournaments and shit hosted at colleges and universities like how some PLL games are
@@StevanMicicSRB The only reason I wouldnt do this is cause Having a league with so many diff sports AND teams would be a pain cause now im managing like 10 teams per sport as well or would it be 10 teams and they switch sport per event which would be a struggle for athletes to switch
I had an idea for a league that is a Folkstyle world championship where it's all open tournaments where a week before the championship, we have the unranked or the glass bracket half of the tournament compete in 1 minute 1 round, and the top 4 or 10 moves to the main tournament. I would set it up more like golf or boxing, where there are no coaches, and the athletes themselves make their own calls, and it really reinforces that these guys are the top level of folkstyle. weigh-ins would be the morning before, and it would make it an untested league. I would make the mats bigger and more square style and give a 30-second break in between each of the 2-minute 3 rounds. And I would also let the athletes choose their own gear.
Has to be focused on being entertaining, simple to understand & team/character/storyline oriented where the team & match outcomes are either highly competitive or highly entertaining. Fast stall calls and incentives for risk taking/ scoring points. Focused more on freestyle but allows funk & scrambles. I like the guys idea of high amplitude throws 5 pts, feet to back 3 pts and feet to stomach 2 pts. No points unless controlled. Push outs 1 point. 1 stall warning and then a point for stalling. Refs must not be afraid to call stalls and take points. Up by 10 ends match so turns are incentivized. Two 3 min rounds or three 2 min rounds so pace can be pushed and breaks are limited. 10 weights. Wrestlers are paid by sponors but compete for win and performance bonuses similar to UFC. So it's not just about winning but winning dominantly and putting on a show. Payper view must be priced right so all ages can support. Team uniforms but wrestlers can have let's say 5 sponsors on their unifroms. Sponsors just can't be x rated or illegal. Sponsors cover the salary but the owners of the league write out win bonuses as well as 3 larger performance bonuses. Reruns with adds are put out on TH-cam after the fact so people can learn about the sport, teams and competitors and money can be recovered. Interviews, storylines, character building and entertainment must be a priority so people actually care and have a reason to be invested in the matches and outcomes. Break the USA into regions so fans from each area can root locally for their team and guys. Hold events in the areas where wrestling is already supported before branching out where it's not as strong but population &/or financial abundance is more plentiful. The competitions must be routined but not too frequent or too distant in between. Biggest obstacles are when to hold the league so it'll have the best guys, not interfere with NCAA & worlds/olympics, how many teams to have and how often they should compete and at what price points so that it can actually be profitable and they will truly want to compete and entertain rather than just win. More wrestlers will have to learn how to be entertainers on top of just competitors. The build up and shows themselves must be more professionally done so it's more than just a match but an actual event that people care about. If it were easy to do it'd have already been done. I just think we need someone like Chael Sonnen to help organzie it and for some big investors to back it as the NIL and social media world of today will allow it to actually succeed if it is done right.
Hey stevan, love your content! I know its kind of off topic but I always notice the one piece figurines in the background of your vids... any chance you drop a vid talking about one piece/ your nerdy interests? Thanks!
Interesting concept, so team are not stacked(i need to think about the team system). Though I think it should be a simpler point system. Rules: The folkstyle rules seem simplest to build on. (greco throws) The throws plus exposure to back gives extra points, including the take down points. The free style leg lacing turns might be potentially dangerous for wrestlers that are continuously wrestling throughout the year without a break also confusing to score for refs with all the turns and exposures. How to design teams. Example: USA: 50 states/50 teams. Like in youth, how wrestlers grow with their state team: ex: team ohio. Tho within that state team, possibly going off a challenge base system where the challenger has to win 3 full matches in order to take take the "holders" spot. Tho the "holder " must have sufficient time between matches to eat, sleep, train, live a healthy life. Tho the "holder" can be challenged by anyone trying to wrestle at that weight in that teams' program. If a "wrestler is on injured or on injury time from wrestler offs or competition. There will be a hold on that wrestler weight to determine if there is foul play. If there is a member or member of a team that is hurt or is hurting teammates. Possible a point system that does not fall off. TBD if they are kicked from the team or even allowed to be a part of the entire organization at all. While there is a hold on that person's weight, a temporary substitute may be called in for a limited amount of time for competitions, the leadership can forfeit if there is possible foul play. (Funding) who funds every other professional and college sports team in every other state. Example to build on 🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷
Take my money if this happens!!!! The problem with college sports is no parity, and the rich just get richer, so to speak. There's lots of logic in a points/draft system, and I love the TEAM aspect
I really like the ideas you’ve put forward here. However, I’m a bit apprehensive about the rule changes you mentioned. I understand where you’re coming from with this suggestion-international fans and competitors might be completely unfamiliar with folkstyle, while American college wrestling fans might be equally unfamiliar with freestyle. Neither style, as it currently stands, seems tailored to fully maximize excitement and engagement from the audience. That said, I worry that creating a new set of rules for this proposed pro wrestling league could increase unfamiliarity among potential fans. Both folkstyle and freestyle audiences would need to find resources to learn the new rules, which could create a significant barrier to growing the sport and may demand too much from viewers. Additionally, I’m concerned that international competitors might feel at a disadvantage if matches included folkstyle par terre and could opt out of the league for that reason. While I understand that American wrestlers often transition between styles without complaint, I’m unsure if this precedent would apply in this context. Nevertheless, this video got me excited! You’re putting out great content, and I hope you keep it up.
@@StevanMicicSRB bad idea. Folkstyle rules are waaaay superior. Do folkstyle rules but remove the escape point and riding time. Make turns worth up to 5. That way tds and nearfall are greatly incentivized but riding to ride is a tactic to exaughst only. Also cutting a guy is free so may as well if you cant turn. Ending the period on top can be a point.
I wonder if that were to be a thing would there be teams and there would be duals and tournaments? Would you be signed to a pro wrestling team and have teammates? Would be very interesting
Russia already has a league, called PWL and they hosted a series just a few weeks ago (Russia vs Iran) and the venue was PACKED. If Russia is doing it right now and they can bring guys like Sidakov, Amouzad, Ghasempour, Zhamalov, Tumur Ochir, Tevanyan, Aliyev and so many more, i don't understand why USA can't do the same
I’ll donate $50 to get this started. 😂 Let me know if you need someone to source funding my dude because wrestling needs to continue to grow in this country!
I’m not so sure it “has to be freestyle”. I think it’s better for building a wrestling “culture” that it be local or regional for people to participate. There are many more Americans familiar with folk style than freestyle. Consider the popularity of sambo in Russia. Much like a marketing perspective hit a nitch no one else is hitting outside the cultural area. How bout this model: have local regional tournaments in the off season to generate profits and give small purses to the place winners. As revenue builds (I’m thinking years) have these tournaments be qualifiers to larger region tournaments or to be on a regional team to wrestle other regional teams.
It would def have to be freestyle since that’s professional level of sport that’s in world and Olympics and no one else would compete in this while trying to make world and Olympic teams, including Americans
My bad. I thought this was about a new professional wrestling league like the WWE or WWF. Not that I watch the WWE or WWF. Too much fake moves trying to give high entertainment. Please don't make the sport try to please fans. Make the sport be true to itself. I believe you will be surprised how you get fans when a sport is true to itself. I remember my father dragging me to old professional wrestling matches in the 1960s when professional wrestling came to town. I can't imagine going to any wrestling, professional or amateur, in town, these days. I won't say all that I think is wrong with professional wrestling. If you don't mind, I will say what I think is wrong with amateur wrestling. Amateur wrestling has no understandable goal. You worry about scoring points, but every move scores points. Name another sport where every move scores points that got fans. I don't mean fans that are friends and family members of the competitors. I mean the sport has fans that have never met the competitors. When you have fans that are friends and family members of the competitors, they stop going to matches when their friends and family members stop competing. The professional wrestling matches, of the 1960s had an understandable goal. It was to get a three second pin. I could understand that. The matches weren't interrupted. The action was continuous. There was almost always enough time for a match for there to be a pin. You could hear the boos when a wrestler decided to delay pinning an opponent he had defeated and could have pinned. You could hear the regret when a match didn't end by pin. Amateur wrestling has much going for it, but also much going against it. For it, 1) your athletes are in great condition. It's all the training you do. I believe you could be in great condition with all the training you do even if you did not wrestle. 2) your athletes have some great moves. You practice take-downs and escapes and other moves. 3) your athletes have a great understanding of applying body position and leverage and who knows what else. Against it, 1) your sport has no goal. Scoring points, as a goal, just doesn't work for wrestling. Scoring points works for basketball because the point scoring is back and forth and is like a horse race. Scoring points in wrestling is not like a horse race. A wrestler gets ahead and stays ahead and keeps adding to the lead. Wrestling is not a horse race. 2) your sport has too many interruptions. How many times, during a match, is the wrestling interrupted? 3) your sport doesn't allow enough time for a match to actually achieve an understandable goal. 4) you give points with arbitrary values for everything. You might as well give a point to the wrestlers when they shake hands. It's arbitrary is a take-down is two points or three points or one point. They don't give points for every action in football. They only give points for important actions like the touchdown. When you give points for everything, nothing is important. In wrestling, nothing is the culmination of actions (I take this back. A pin is a culmination of actions, but a pin happens so rarely). I can cheer when a touchdown happens. I can cheer when a goal is scored in soccer. What is there in wrestling? So what, if the person scored a few more points than his opponent. So what, if a person got an arbitrary lead (is it a 10 point lead or a 12 point lead or a 15 point lead, who cares) causing the match to be over. 5) your rules try to enforce certain sets of actions and prevent other sets of actions. You say your sport is like chess; it is NOT. The rules of chess are NOT designed to pick winning styles and losing styles. Your rules pick winners and losers. You should learn from chess and have a basic set of rules and then let the wrestlers wrestle. What do I mean when I say your rules pick winners and losers? Go back to professional wrestling from the distant past. Go back to amateur wrestling from the distant past. Amateur wrestling from the distant past was like chess. Amateur wrestling had rules to prevent injury, incredibly long time limits (90 minute time limits were possible in the early 1900s), and the scoring was get pins (two out of three falls), forfeit, or draw. Wrestlers had different strategies. You had the take-down phase, the riding phase where you tried to weaken your strong opponent, and then the pinning phase. If you just rode your opponent, and didn't get the three second pin, you didn't win. Your rules don't allow riding. Your rules try to hurry up action because you believe that's what fans want (but this is not working out because you don't have enough fans). Your rules don't have a goal (the pin). You are missing the checkmate in chess or the touchdown in football or the goal in soccer or the goal in hockey. What should your sport do, 1) get rid of the point system. You tried it for 85 years. That's long enough to see how many fans you truly get. 2) have all matches be dual meets between teams. We can identify better with a team than a lone individual. It's hard to follow ten or fifteen or whatever lone individuals. 3) have long, uninterrupted matches. Have each match last 20 to 30 minutes. 4) impossible, you say, to have matches last that long? Have a three ring circus. Have three matches going on simultaneously on three mats. 5) have the rules prevent injurious moves and nothing else. There will be no rules about stalling. Riding your opponent to exhaustion so it's easier to pin your opponent becomes a viable strategy again. 6) have three second pins with the referee making a hand single for each second. Why three second pins? A three second pin with a referee hand signal gives the fans a chance to see what's going on. A three second pin gives wrestler in danger of being pinned a chance to fight out of it. A three second pin builds up the emotions of the fans. 7) have the scoring be, win by pin, lose by forfeit (or disqualification), or draw. Having draws is very important. In a team dual, some matches may end in a draw. What's important: some matches will end in a pin. 8) if you want to try something really crazy, when a three second pin occurs before the twenty or thirty minute time limit is up, have the wrestlers wrestle some more for another pin. 9) the team with the most pins wins. If a wrestler manages to pin his opponent more than once in a match, each pin counts towards the team score. If both teams have the same number of pins. it's a draw. 10) a forfeit (or disqualification) can count as either losing by pin or a draw depending on the circumstances. Will you try this, of course not. 1) You are too in love with your point scoring system and all that action that doesn't lead to a goal. 2) Your coaches would have to teach riding again. Your wrestlers would have to learn how to ride to tire an opponent without getting tired themselves. 3) Getting a three second pin is harder than scoring a few points and winning. Getting a three second pin is harder than racking up points to get technical superiority. 4) You would need three referees, three mats, three setups, on the gym floor. having three referees cost money. Setups probably cost money. I really thought you were going to talk about a new professional wrestling league instead of another amateur wrestling league. Good luck. I hope you have better success. I won't be watching.
@@floridafan561 LOL. These are short posts. A few decades ago, my nephew expressed an interest in wrestling. He joined a middle school team. He quit the team after a few months. I tried to talk him into staying. An uncle, on the other side of the family, tried to talk him into staying. That uncle, on the other side of the family, coached high school wrestling. I wanted my nephew to learn self discipline. I wanted him to learn to work hard for a goal. I wanted him to learn motivation. I wanted him to become more mature. Wrestling, in my mind, could teach much more than just doing take-downs. Instead, he learned to quit. He said he quit because his teammates teased him for getting pinned. The final straw, he got teased for getting pinned by a girl. Research happens when I become curious about something. Right now, I'm curious about astronomy. A certain astronomy club is learning about my curiosity. I know of only one other person in your wrestling community with the stamina to read my emails and posts and respond. He understands wrestling from the ground up. I understand only what I learn doing research. Art Griffith posted articles in the Athletic Journal back in the 1940s that are as true today as they were then about what is wrong with amateur wrestling. He objected to what he called "refereeosis". I don't agree with Griffith's solutions, but his analysis of some of the problems seem spot on. When the point system was first introduced, Dr. Clapp, Chairman of the NCAA Rules Committee, posted an opinion in the 1942 Official Wrestling Guide, titled, "The Point System", on pages vi and vii. Read Dr Clapp's opinion. His criticisms of the point system are as true today as they were back then and he and his Rules Committee are the ones who introduced the point system. He held the view the point system can be fixed. You've spent 85 years fixing the point system. How's your fan count in our capitalist society where you live and die based on having paying fans in the stands? Why do people do the same things over and over and expect different results? Why do people think they can patch something after a 100 years of patching? Why do people not rethink things from the ground up instead of putting one band-aid after another band-aid on problems? Question your fundamental beliefs. Question everything.
Hypothetically you have 10 weight classes. Every competition has 4 folkstyle matches, 4 freestyle matches, and 2 greco matches. The two wrestlers enter the wrestling mat and report to the head table like always. The away wrestler has to put his hand in the "hat" and draw the "wrestling style." So, every competitor had better learn every style of wrestling to become the complete wrestling athlete. NOTE: inside the draw hat kit will obviously be 4 folk, 4 free, and 2 greco ballots. This would bring such a huge element of uncertainty and excitement.
High amplitude Greco throws are 4-5 points, feet to back takedown moves 3 points, feet to stomach take downs are 2 points. Both feet to back and feet to stomach take downs are only awarded when you control your opponent, allowing scrambles. High amplitude Greco throws are automatically awarded points, no need to control. Push Outs are awarded regardless of grounding or not.
Love this!
Dana should do something like that. Would be awesome
I hope he invests in something like this
Doing a league of duals all year would be sick! Then having a tournament with the best dual performers in each weight at the end of the season would be fire
You have a ton of good ideas bro, and I'm excited to see where this goes. A pro wrestling league would be great.
Fingers crossed! That would be a blessing forsure
@@StevanMicicSRBHope we will see you on PWL when you get healthy bro ;)))
Stevan do you think College wrestling could benefit from having a playoff (dual) bracket, like the new college football playoffs.
I def want to do another video on the college season in the future! Will be an interesting talking point
I’ve always wanted a professional wrestling league and for it to be successful there needs to be a really good marketing team behind it. People obviously care about combat sports, the ufc is a prime example, and if you can get people to care about it like how ufc fans do then you have something cooking. The teams could be formed like how overtime elite does it and they were able to have a crazy amount of success within 5 years of formation. For the point system there could be some sort of compromise where the league has its own rules but I’ve always thought it would be interesting to have the style change between periods. If the point system is customized throws have to be valued because that’s what will get the public watching
Not sure what to offer as an idea but thankful you’re being proactive with the sport. Thank you! !
Hahaha thank you
RTC Cup was fire! Would have to maneuver around those freestyle qualification/rankings tournaments.
Yes agreed!
This would be a smart move because the NIL stuff is going to close a lot of smaller programs
Another great video! Thanks!
RPW came out around 2003-2005 and was single tournament. They broadcoast the episodes once a week showing a single weight. Would have been better if it was a dual season, with a championship tournament at the end of the season.
While i think its a great ideal,theres alot of things to maneuver thru,as you stated,worlds,qualifying,Olympics etc as you stated.Also think its a tough sell to college coaches our teams.Before the season,coaches wouldnt want guys to participate ,because of the chance of guy's getting injured! Off season would probably be better,providing guys arent to banged up! For sure going to need different levels, so its superior competition. Probably alot of guys that are out of eligibility,but still have that desire to compete! IMO,you could get some great wrestlers without all the stipulations as to when they can compete!Perhaps guys that have there own clubs,rtc etc! Be on board to help in anyway,definitely have some things to get thru before it will be possible. Best reguards! Money will drive guys more than trophies!
Always had the idea of a grappling league similarly to One championship having muay thai ,jiu jitsu and mma
It could have
Greco roman , folkstyle and free style as well as jiu jitsu and maybe sambo
Also teams of people and wins/losses add to see how teams rank and tournaments and shit hosted at colleges and universities like how some PLL games are
@@StevanMicicSRB The only reason I wouldnt do this is cause
Having a league with so many diff sports AND teams would be a pain cause now im managing like 10 teams per sport as well or would it be 10 teams and they switch sport per event which would be a struggle for athletes to switch
I had an idea for a league that is a Folkstyle world championship where it's all open tournaments where a week before the championship, we have the unranked or the glass bracket half of the tournament compete in 1 minute 1 round, and the top 4 or 10 moves to the main tournament. I would set it up more like golf or boxing, where there are no coaches, and the athletes themselves make their own calls, and it really reinforces that these guys are the top level of folkstyle. weigh-ins would be the morning before, and it would make it an untested league. I would make the mats bigger and more square style and give a 30-second break in between each of the 2-minute 3 rounds. And I would also let the athletes choose their own gear.
cool thought!
Has to be focused on being entertaining, simple to understand & team/character/storyline oriented where the team & match outcomes are either highly competitive or highly entertaining.
Fast stall calls and incentives for risk taking/ scoring points. Focused more on freestyle but allows funk & scrambles.
I like the guys idea of high amplitude throws 5 pts, feet to back 3 pts and feet to stomach 2 pts. No points unless controlled.
Push outs 1 point. 1 stall warning and then a point for stalling. Refs must not be afraid to call stalls and take points.
Up by 10 ends match so turns are incentivized.
Two 3 min rounds or three 2 min rounds so pace can be pushed and breaks are limited.
10 weights.
Wrestlers are paid by sponors but compete for win and performance bonuses similar to UFC.
So it's not just about winning but winning dominantly and putting on a show.
Payper view must be priced right so all ages can support.
Team uniforms but wrestlers can have let's say 5 sponsors on their unifroms. Sponsors just can't be x rated or illegal.
Sponsors cover the salary but the owners of the league write out win bonuses as well as 3 larger performance bonuses.
Reruns with adds are put out on TH-cam after the fact so people can learn about the sport, teams and competitors and money can be recovered.
Interviews, storylines, character building and entertainment must be a priority so people actually care and have a reason to be invested in the matches and outcomes.
Break the USA into regions so fans from each area can root locally for their team and guys.
Hold events in the areas where wrestling is already supported before branching out where it's not as strong but population &/or financial abundance is more plentiful.
The competitions must be routined but not too frequent or too distant in between.
Biggest obstacles are when to hold the league so it'll have the best guys, not interfere with NCAA & worlds/olympics, how many teams to have and how often they should compete and at what price points so that it can actually be profitable and they will truly want to compete and entertain rather than just win.
More wrestlers will have to learn how to be entertainers on top of just competitors. The build up and shows themselves must be more professionally done so it's more than just a match but an actual event that people care about.
If it were easy to do it'd have already been done. I just think we need someone like Chael Sonnen to help organzie it and for some big investors to back it as the NIL and social media world of today will allow it to actually succeed if it is done right.
CJI and Karate Combat walls are mandatory
Hey stevan, love your content! I know its kind of off topic but I always notice the one piece figurines in the background of your vids... any chance you drop a vid talking about one piece/ your nerdy interests? Thanks!
Interesting concept, so team are not stacked(i need to think about the team system). Though I think it should be a simpler point system. Rules: The folkstyle rules seem simplest to build on. (greco throws) The throws plus exposure to back gives extra points, including the take down points. The free style leg lacing turns might be potentially dangerous for wrestlers that are continuously wrestling throughout the year without a break also confusing to score for refs with all the turns and exposures. How to design teams. Example: USA: 50 states/50 teams. Like in youth, how wrestlers grow with their state team: ex: team ohio. Tho within that state team, possibly going off a challenge base system where the challenger has to win 3 full matches in order to take take the "holders" spot. Tho the "holder " must have sufficient time between matches to eat, sleep, train, live a healthy life. Tho the "holder" can be challenged by anyone trying to wrestle at that weight in that teams' program. If a "wrestler is on injured or on injury time from wrestler offs or competition. There will be a hold on that wrestler weight to determine if there is foul play. If there is a member or member of a team that is hurt or is hurting teammates. Possible a point system that does not fall off. TBD if they are kicked from the team or even allowed to be a part of the entire organization at all. While there is a hold on that person's weight, a temporary substitute may be called in for a limited amount of time for competitions, the leadership can forfeit if there is possible foul play. (Funding) who funds every other professional and college sports team in every other state. Example to build on 🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷
Great concept !
Yeah there's a lot to add to the base concept though hopefully it gets figured out
Take my money if this happens!!!! The problem with college sports is no parity, and the rich just get richer, so to speak. There's lots of logic in a points/draft system, and I love the TEAM aspect
Love your content and wrestling Stevan! You are a very nice and smart man. Hope I get to meet you some day. I will. 🙂↕️📈
I think from watching the recent national duala between Russia and Iran I think it would work wonders to have a league like that
Someone from wrestling family that's connected a little
I really like the ideas you’ve put forward here. However, I’m a bit apprehensive about the rule changes you mentioned. I understand where you’re coming from with this suggestion-international fans and competitors might be completely unfamiliar with folkstyle, while American college wrestling fans might be equally unfamiliar with freestyle. Neither style, as it currently stands, seems tailored to fully maximize excitement and engagement from the audience.
That said, I worry that creating a new set of rules for this proposed pro wrestling league could increase unfamiliarity among potential fans. Both folkstyle and freestyle audiences would need to find resources to learn the new rules, which could create a significant barrier to growing the sport and may demand too much from viewers.
Additionally, I’m concerned that international competitors might feel at a disadvantage if matches included folkstyle par terre and could opt out of the league for that reason. While I understand that American wrestlers often transition between styles without complaint, I’m unsure if this precedent would apply in this context.
Nevertheless, this video got me excited! You’re putting out great content, and I hope you keep it up.
I think it would be freestyle still but just modified rules that are very slightly different
@@StevanMicicSRB bad idea. Folkstyle rules are waaaay superior. Do folkstyle rules but remove the escape point and riding time. Make turns worth up to 5. That way tds and nearfall are greatly incentivized but riding to ride is a tactic to exaughst only. Also cutting a guy is free so may as well if you cant turn. Ending the period on top can be a point.
I honestly want more Folkstyle. I would pay to watch it.
Russia and Iran already have leagues though and titan mercury wrestled Iranian clubs in 2015
Yes but I want one in US! More people will watch
I wonder if that were to be a thing would there be teams and there would be duals and tournaments? Would you be signed to a pro wrestling team and have teammates? Would be very interesting
I think it should be a form of a base of Folk and Greco awarding for slams
Russia already has a league, called PWL and they hosted a series just a few weeks ago (Russia vs Iran) and the venue was PACKED. If Russia is doing it right now and they can bring guys like Sidakov, Amouzad, Ghasempour, Zhamalov, Tumur Ochir, Tevanyan, Aliyev and so many more, i don't understand why USA can't do the same
Exactly!! I love the PWL! It’s more match card oriented so I didn’t speak on it much but this would also be wonderful
Like 24.99 PPV and it could work
I’ll donate $50 to get this started. 😂
Let me know if you need someone to source funding my dude because wrestling needs to continue to grow in this country!
Yes bro email me
India had a league called pro wrestling league
Stefan would you ever consider someone with no accolades and wrestling history if they were to prove their skill on the mat
I understand how insane this sounds. But injury derails the best and they learn from it
I’m not so sure it “has to be freestyle”. I think it’s better for building a wrestling “culture” that it be local or regional for people to participate. There are many more Americans familiar with folk style than freestyle. Consider the popularity of sambo in Russia. Much like a marketing perspective hit a nitch no one else is hitting outside the cultural area.
How bout this model: have local regional tournaments in the off season to generate profits and give small purses to the place winners.
As revenue builds (I’m thinking years) have these tournaments be qualifiers to larger region tournaments or to be on a regional team to wrestle other regional teams.
It would def have to be freestyle since that’s professional level of sport that’s in world and Olympics and no one else would compete in this while trying to make world and Olympic teams, including Americans
Non way Dana White somebody from the day with a financier and make PPV 8 match card
My bad. I thought this was about a new professional wrestling league like the WWE or WWF.
Not that I watch the WWE or WWF. Too much fake moves trying to give high entertainment.
Please don't make the sport try to please fans. Make the sport be true to itself. I believe you will be surprised how you get fans when a sport is true to itself.
I remember my father dragging me to old professional wrestling matches in the 1960s when professional wrestling came to town.
I can't imagine going to any wrestling, professional or amateur, in town, these days.
I won't say all that I think is wrong with professional wrestling.
If you don't mind, I will say what I think is wrong with amateur wrestling.
Amateur wrestling has no understandable goal.
You worry about scoring points, but every move scores points.
Name another sport where every move scores points that got fans.
I don't mean fans that are friends and family members of the competitors. I mean the sport has fans that have never met the competitors. When you have fans that are friends and family members of the competitors, they stop going to matches when their friends and family members stop competing.
The professional wrestling matches, of the 1960s had an understandable goal. It was to get a three second pin. I could understand that. The matches weren't interrupted. The action was continuous. There was almost always enough time for a match for there to be a pin. You could hear the boos when a wrestler decided to delay pinning an opponent he had defeated and could have pinned. You could hear the regret when a match didn't end by pin.
Amateur wrestling has much going for it, but also much going against it.
For it,
1) your athletes are in great condition. It's all the training you do. I believe you could be in great condition with all the training you do even if you did not wrestle.
2) your athletes have some great moves. You practice take-downs and escapes and other moves.
3) your athletes have a great understanding of applying body position and leverage and who knows what else.
Against it,
1) your sport has no goal. Scoring points, as a goal, just doesn't work for wrestling. Scoring points works for basketball because the point scoring is back and forth and is like a horse race. Scoring points in wrestling is not like a horse race. A wrestler gets ahead and stays ahead and keeps adding to the lead. Wrestling is not a horse race.
2) your sport has too many interruptions. How many times, during a match, is the wrestling interrupted?
3) your sport doesn't allow enough time for a match to actually achieve an understandable goal.
4) you give points with arbitrary values for everything. You might as well give a point to the wrestlers when they shake hands. It's arbitrary is a take-down is two points or three points or one point. They don't give points for every action in football. They only give points for important actions like the touchdown. When you give points for everything, nothing is important. In wrestling, nothing is the culmination of actions (I take this back. A pin is a culmination of actions, but a pin happens so rarely). I can cheer when a touchdown happens. I can cheer when a goal is scored in soccer. What is there in wrestling? So what, if the person scored a few more points than his opponent. So what, if a person got an arbitrary lead (is it a 10 point lead or a 12 point lead or a 15 point lead, who cares) causing the match to be over.
5) your rules try to enforce certain sets of actions and prevent other sets of actions. You say your sport is like chess; it is NOT. The rules of chess are NOT designed to pick winning styles and losing styles. Your rules pick winners and losers. You should learn from chess and have a basic set of rules and then let the wrestlers wrestle.
What do I mean when I say your rules pick winners and losers? Go back to professional wrestling from the distant past. Go back to amateur wrestling from the distant past. Amateur wrestling from the distant past was like chess. Amateur wrestling had rules to prevent injury, incredibly long time limits (90 minute time limits were possible in the early 1900s), and the scoring was get pins (two out of three falls), forfeit, or draw. Wrestlers had different strategies. You had the take-down phase, the riding phase where you tried to weaken your strong opponent, and then the pinning phase. If you just rode your opponent, and didn't get the three second pin, you didn't win.
Your rules don't allow riding. Your rules try to hurry up action because you believe that's what fans want (but this is not working out because you don't have enough fans). Your rules don't have a goal (the pin). You are missing the checkmate in chess or the touchdown in football or the goal in soccer or the goal in hockey.
What should your sport do,
1) get rid of the point system. You tried it for 85 years. That's long enough to see how many fans you truly get.
2) have all matches be dual meets between teams. We can identify better with a team than a lone individual. It's hard to follow ten or fifteen or whatever lone individuals.
3) have long, uninterrupted matches. Have each match last 20 to 30 minutes.
4) impossible, you say, to have matches last that long? Have a three ring circus. Have three matches going on simultaneously on three mats.
5) have the rules prevent injurious moves and nothing else. There will be no rules about stalling. Riding your opponent to exhaustion so it's easier to pin your opponent becomes a viable strategy again.
6) have three second pins with the referee making a hand single for each second. Why three second pins? A three second pin with a referee hand signal gives the fans a chance to see what's going on. A three second pin gives wrestler in danger of being pinned a chance to fight out of it. A three second pin builds up the emotions of the fans.
7) have the scoring be, win by pin, lose by forfeit (or disqualification), or draw. Having draws is very important. In a team dual, some matches may end in a draw. What's important: some matches will end in a pin.
8) if you want to try something really crazy, when a three second pin occurs before the twenty or thirty minute time limit is up, have the wrestlers wrestle some more for another pin.
9) the team with the most pins wins. If a wrestler manages to pin his opponent more than once in a match, each pin counts towards the team score. If both teams have the same number of pins. it's a draw.
10) a forfeit (or disqualification) can count as either losing by pin or a draw depending on the circumstances.
Will you try this, of course not.
1) You are too in love with your point scoring system and all that action that doesn't lead to a goal.
2) Your coaches would have to teach riding again. Your wrestlers would have to learn how to ride to tire an opponent without getting tired themselves.
3) Getting a three second pin is harder than scoring a few points and winning. Getting a three second pin is harder than racking up points to get technical superiority.
4) You would need three referees, three mats, three setups, on the gym floor. having three referees cost money. Setups probably cost money.
I really thought you were going to talk about a new professional wrestling league instead of another amateur wrestling league. Good luck. I hope you have better success. I won't be watching.
No way you read all that!
@@floridafan561 LOL. These are short posts.
A few decades ago, my nephew expressed an interest in wrestling.
He joined a middle school team. He quit the team after a few months.
I tried to talk him into staying.
An uncle, on the other side of the family, tried to talk him into staying.
That uncle, on the other side of the family, coached high school wrestling.
I wanted my nephew to learn self discipline.
I wanted him to learn to work hard for a goal.
I wanted him to learn motivation.
I wanted him to become more mature.
Wrestling, in my mind, could teach much more than just doing take-downs.
Instead, he learned to quit.
He said he quit because his teammates teased him for getting pinned.
The final straw, he got teased for getting pinned by a girl.
Research happens when I become curious about something.
Right now, I'm curious about astronomy.
A certain astronomy club is learning about my curiosity.
I know of only one other person in your wrestling community with the stamina to read my emails and posts and respond. He understands wrestling from the ground up. I understand only what I learn doing research.
Art Griffith posted articles in the Athletic Journal back in the 1940s that are as true today as they were then about what is wrong with amateur wrestling. He objected to what he called "refereeosis". I don't agree with Griffith's solutions, but his analysis of some of the problems seem spot on.
When the point system was first introduced, Dr. Clapp, Chairman of the NCAA Rules Committee, posted an opinion in the 1942 Official Wrestling Guide, titled, "The Point System", on pages vi and vii. Read Dr Clapp's opinion. His criticisms of the point system are as true today as they were back then and he and his Rules Committee are the ones who introduced the point system. He held the view the point system can be fixed. You've spent 85 years fixing the point system. How's your fan count in our capitalist society where you live and die based on having paying fans in the stands?
Why do people do the same things over and over and expect different results? Why do people think they can patch something after a 100 years of patching? Why do people not rethink things from the ground up instead of putting one band-aid after another band-aid on problems? Question your fundamental beliefs. Question everything.
Hypothetically you have 10 weight classes. Every competition has 4 folkstyle matches, 4 freestyle matches, and 2 greco matches. The two wrestlers enter the wrestling mat and report to the head table like always. The away wrestler has to put his hand in the "hat" and draw the "wrestling style." So, every competitor had better learn every style of wrestling to become the complete wrestling athlete.
NOTE: inside the draw hat kit will obviously be 4 folk, 4 free, and 2 greco ballots. This would bring such a huge element of uncertainty and excitement.
That would be crazy! 🔥 might be too confusing for fans to follow which styles tho
Way too confusing AND styles are too different.
Real pro wrestling was awful. The rules were awful. The production was awful. Its on youtube.
so terrible smh
@StevanMicicSRB great wrestlers, terrible production choices. Easy fix in my opinion. But man was it baaaad