Remember fellow Christian’s, when you are sharing the gospel with Muslims do so with love and not hate. There is a lot of souls that need to be saved but this is amazing progress for Iran!
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ahmedkamel7065 God came to this world in Human form , that's Jesus Christ...He came to this world FOR YOU TOO....HE dies on the cross for you tooo.....Then HE rose from death....ONLY GOD CAN DOO THAT ..if He was just a human do you think He can do this??? We only Have One God , that's JESUS CHRIST not allah.....try to understand
I am an Ex-Muslim from Iran. We Iranians have never really accepted Islam as a religion. Islam was imposed on us by the Arabs. Our original religion is the Zoroastrian, the religion of love, not a cult of terror and killing. Zoroastrians are very close to Jesus teaching, in loving all people regardless of their religion and beliefs, as well as loving and respecting animals, trees and plants.
well you say Zoroastrianism is 'close' to Jesus' teachings but it was directly related to Jesus. The "3 wise men" who visited Jesus were Zoroastrian magi's. They came from the East!
Give your life to Jesus. Accept Jesus As your Lord and Savior. Romans 10:13 "For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." John 14:6 "Jesus replied, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Only Jesus leads to Eternal life because He paid off the penalty for our sins. You can be forgiven and saved if you give your life to Him. God bless Parallel plus the Bible app you need only
@khubayebalmujahid236 my Jesus is alive, so even if I die I know I'm going to the one who has defeated the death. No one has ever found His garve and no DNA because He rules the universe!
@@julia2k8Jesus is not a religion. He is a free, living God. That’s it. Christians may be dying “at an unprecedented rate” but that’s nothing compared to the true judgement my King will bring around quickly
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ahmedkamel7065 Please read your own book Koran and see these verses how they talk who is Jesus the real God who died and is alive now. Mohamed died and he is still dead. Sura 3 :144, Sura 3 : 55, Sura 19: 33/34. In all 114 Sura of Koran no sin is attributed to Jesus. Please read the Bible of Christians if u want to prove something, just like i gave u scriptures from your own book in order that i would have reasonable discussion.
@@julia2k8 what is your prove? There is no evidence of that and on top of that i can tell you that Christianity is growing like never since Jesus death and resurrection. As soon as the leadership changes in Iran there will be no more Islam. Christians are not forced to believe in Jesus, but Islam kills people if they want to believe in something else. That is the only reason why there are lot of believers of Islam. Our God is love, He doesn't force anyone to believe, but the god of islam has no love.
as far as i know, most of the provinces in northwestern India (excluding Assam, which is 50% Hindu and 50% muslim) are Christian due to British influence
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ARBIH79Jesus is the Son of God, equal to Him. We can pray to both Jesus, God the father, and even to the Holy Spirit, yet we are not polytheists. This is the trinity.
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ahmedkamel7065- When the disciple Thomas called Jesus Christ God in John 20: 28, Thomas the Jew was referring to Isaiah 9: 6 where God spoke by prophet Isaiah that the Son born will be called the Everlasting Father, The Mighty God pointing to Jesus Christ in the future that happened 650-750 years later.
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ahmedkamel7065give your life to Christ , Christ is not Almighty God as you said and he is a servant of God. No one is claiming he is supreme God.but mind you, he has all authority over earth, power over earth and heaven, he is coming back to judge the entire world 🌎.
Always blessed to hear news like this from Iran. Before the pandemic, I committed to pray for Iran when I attended an IDOP for the Persecuted Church event in our church. They asked us to choose a country to commit to pray for and I've prayed for Iran almost daily ever since, by GOD's grace. Hoping that this growth will spread to neighboring countries and bring more people to Christ!
I pray for these people to come to Jesus and for peace among the world that we may all seek the kingdom of heaven together and worship him. Turn away from sin and death and seek eternal life in Jesus name. Amen!
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
When she said we're in spiritual w@r everything hit home😢 We're truly in end times and with everything going on in the world rn it cant be anymore clearer that we need Jesus Christ☦. God bless you brothers and sisters
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ahmedkamel7065 No thank you. I would much rather prefer a religion that values human life and doesn’t execute people for expressing any kind of free will and autonomy. 👍
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
A fire 🔥has been lit by the Holy Spirit in Persia!!! all the descendents of Cyrus the great are recieving graces from Heaven, they’re eyes are being opened to truth.
Wow I'm so glad to see this. I was just seeing videos about the underground church in China. I had no idea there was one there and the stories of the things done to those people breaks my heart. But the love and drive they have for Christ has really humbled me 😢❤
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
Jesus works in beautiful ways ❤....PS: Pray for discernment when it comes to the broad and varying church denomination game. It's a very narrow path, but if you really pay attention, God will guide you away from deception. And, I completely agree that we are in spiritual warfare..without a doubt. I don't miss prayer, even on the good days, I say prayers about gratitude and grace ..its a habit to pray. I just dodged a hurricane that would have been my 5th hit in 14 years, I'm grateful to be spared this time🙏🏻 So much LOVE FOR IRAN❤, I will pray you guys up, please be safe, may God be with all of you❤
@@CBNnewsonlineGood luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ahmedkamel7065Read about the Quran. Seen countries like Saudi and Iran where churches are not allowed. Whereas there is a Muslim Country like Pakistan where you can't build a new church and cannot repair the already existing one. One of the lamest book to have ever been written. I mean it's a book for which you need 2 or 3 more books to understand. In translation non-arabic terms are supplanted to contextualize. Read half of it, got bored.
What a great contribution to gain insight into Iran. We fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in the heavens. Jesus teaches us how to live and thrive.
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
As a Bangladeshi ex muslim I left islam and converted to Buddhism for a peace and I respect Christians also because both are give peace to humanity I love Jesus and I love doing meditation. Hope one day islam end .
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
The people of Iran are amazing, praying for the wonderful people and for peace and safety. Hopefully they can overthrow their corrupt government one day.
I follow a beautiful Iranian family who are making their life in the mountains. They are Luri people and their family is so full of love and respect for each other its a joy to watch. But it so sad too as the government has destroyed 2 of their homes they built by hand claiming they didn't have a permit to build on their land. It was heartbreaking to watch them destroy all their hard work and then leaving the family with no shelter to sleep under or in. Since then they have sold that land and moved to another piece of land and are waiting for permits to build a home. In the meantime they are living in tents and caring for their goats chickens and two dogs. I truly admire this loving family and I am sad that they have to endure such a dreadful government who have forced the people of Iran to do whatever is told to them or else including embracing the harshest form of Islam.
The Lord is working! My prayers are working too! I pray every night for Jesus to reach touch the hearts of non-believers and worldly souls. Hallelujah brothers!
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
She's Right it's a Spiritual War We Must Pray' 🙌 ✝️ For Our Brethrens With Full of Spirit 🕊️ love And Dedication constantly 📖 Christ' Is Lord' ✝️🙌🤎📖 Hallelujah 🙌
God bless you all my brothers and sisters. Jesus Christ alone is Lord! Accepting Him as your lord and savior is the best decision you will EVER make. You shall have a blessed life filled with peace and joy while on earth and your eternity is secure with Christ Jesus. I love you all and will pray for you, your people and your land.
Iran and Armenia were 2 of the first Christian nations, Iran for a brief stint and Armenia to this day, but this relationship is the reason why we love each other!
Be strong on Your faith. I am praying for You I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day He rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
Iranians are waking up to the truth that there is no healing and salvation in Islam. That truth and healing only come from Jesus Christ. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” - Acts 4:12
I'm not religious ( at least not into any religious practice like attending church services etc but more about trying my best to live a decent life i.e avoiding wrong and sinful things as much as possible although I've been shown otherwise by many church-goers around me here in Europe ) but I would like to say that 👍🏼 such verses are among the most crystal clear for a person to understand which one to choose to be close to God , especially one born into a background closer to Christianity . After having unpleasantly experienced the human nature or its darker side at 23 , I prefer to put my trust in God only instead of any human being whether it be a preacher or anyone else .
@@SetoraiJynaairespect for seeking to be a good person! James 1:17 shows us the nature of God, by seeking to be a good person, you are, consequentially seeking Christ one way or another. Walk on your own pace, and things will be better! God bless
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments... sure 😊 our God not like us. our God never die. our God nobody can't kill him. our God isn't Jesus. Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah). our God is the Greatest our God is Allah 💓. you can read and learn about islam religion.
Islam was forced on Iranians by the invasion of muslim Arab armies around 1400 years ago. If the force and the cruel apostasy law is officially lifted, scores of Iranians will leave Islam for other religions or simply atheism.
Remember fellow Christian’s, when you are sharing the gospel with Muslims do so with love and not hate. There is a lot of souls that need to be saved but this is amazing progress for Iran!
Amen and just keep on praying.
Definetly and please lets all intercede for them coz its a spiritual battle
Christians destroyed middle east for their zionist jewish friends
Most Muslims are blind and will make up lies when you try to share the truth.
I will no longer even try, they are not worth it.
✝️umor 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
turning to Jesus is embracing one’s own freedom and peace
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ahmedkamel7065Bilmediğin konu hakkında konuşuyorsun İnandigin yalanlar seni tutsak eder
@@ahmedkamel7065 Your “God” needs you to fight for him. Our God fights for us.
Much love, God Bless ❤️✝️
@@ahmedkamel7065 God came to this world in Human form , that's Jesus Christ...He came to this world FOR YOU TOO....HE dies on the cross for you tooo.....Then HE rose from death....ONLY GOD CAN DOO THAT ..if He was just a human do you think He can do this??? We only Have One God , that's JESUS CHRIST not allah.....try to understand
@@ahmedkamel7065I can't serve a god who can't fight for himself but rather want me to bomb my fellow human with any slight provocation 😆
I am an Ex-Muslim from Iran. We Iranians have never really accepted Islam as a religion. Islam was imposed on us by the Arabs. Our original religion is the Zoroastrian, the religion of love, not a cult of terror and killing. Zoroastrians are very close to Jesus teaching, in loving all people regardless of their religion and beliefs, as well as loving and respecting animals, trees and plants.
Now you should believe in true, living, and loving God Jesus christ.
What was before Zoroastrian religion, the first religion of Indo-europeans?
well you say Zoroastrianism is 'close' to Jesus' teachings but it was directly related to Jesus. The "3 wise men" who visited Jesus were Zoroastrian magi's. They came from the East!
You are not ex Muslim because you were never Muslim you were SHIA so your an ex SHIA !
Give your life to Jesus. Accept Jesus As your Lord and Savior.
Romans 10:13
"For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
John 14:6
"Jesus replied, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Only Jesus leads to Eternal life because He paid off the penalty for our sins. You can be forgiven and saved if you give your life to Him. God bless
Parallel plus the Bible app you need only
I am converted from islam and this is the best decision any muslim can make to invite Christ in their life.
Alleluia my brother.
God bless you
God bless you
You're still alive?
Glad to hear that man
@khubayebalmujahid236 my Jesus is alive, so even if I die I know I'm going to the one who has defeated the death. No one has ever found His garve and no DNA because He rules the universe!
I speak Farsi (Persian), I was born into a Muslim family but I converted to Roman Catholicism! ❤☦✝✡❤
Amen thank you Jesus is God
You believe and trust in true and living God Jesus Christ, not his mother.
Don't pray to Mary it's nothing she can do for you matter of fact she can't even hear you
Pray for IRAN 🇮🇷. HOLY SPIRIT please continue to REVEAL who JESUS CHRIST is and how to receive him AS LORD AND SAVIOR. IJN NAME .. AMEN ❤️🔥🙏🏽🕊️
In the nicest way possible. You're participating in a mass cultural delusion that makes about as much sense as flat earth.
Keep dreaming . ✝️umor "religion" is dying at an unprecedented rate 😂😂😂
@@julia2k8Jesus is not a religion. He is a free, living God. That’s it. Christians may be dying “at an unprecedented rate” but that’s nothing compared to the true judgement my King will bring around quickly
@@Unicysis Jesus is God? How can a human being be God? You're so lost it's actually sad
@@Unicysis He can’t read. Don’t bother. He has no interest in Heaven I already asked him.
Hallelujah, what great news. Praise God, i love Iranian people. Blessings from a Serbian Christian.
Christianity is dying lol 😂😂😂😂😂
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ahmedkamel7065 Please read your own book Koran and see these verses how they talk who is Jesus the real God who died and is alive now. Mohamed died and he is still dead. Sura 3 :144, Sura 3 : 55,
Sura 19: 33/34. In all 114 Sura of Koran no sin is attributed to Jesus. Please read the Bible of Christians if u want to prove something, just like i gave u scriptures from your own book in order that i would have reasonable discussion.
@@julia2k8 what is your prove? There is no evidence of that and on top of that i can tell you that Christianity is growing like never since Jesus death and resurrection. As soon as the leadership changes in Iran there will be no more Islam. Christians are not forced to believe in Jesus, but Islam kills people if they want to believe in something else. That is the only reason why there are lot of believers of Islam. Our God is love, He doesn't force anyone to believe, but the god of islam has no love.
@@julia2k8 that's what they've been saying for hundreds of years.
My niece married a fellow from Iran who converted to Christianity. They’re very happy and have nice kids.
I'm from North India we in north India also all are Christian.... Let's turn to Jesus who is the real God Amen 🙏🙏🙏💕
No...not even the second popular religion
From north india proud sikh....
North india or Northeast India?
We love our religion please dont spread fake messages we know how your retreats works..spreading fake
as far as i know, most of the provinces in northwestern India (excluding Assam, which is 50% Hindu and 50% muslim) are Christian due to British influence
God Bless Iran. In Jesus name. From Philippines. May God protect you and the whole world. Amen
😢 This is amazing news keep them in prayer
Always praying! Such amazing news. Halleluajah
Thanks. We need your prayers. ❤
Jesus himself will fellow Islam latest religion for human mankind
Always praying for our fellow brothers and sisters ❤God bless
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡😂😂😂😂😂😂😂ok pedophile lover @@ahmedkamel7065
@@ahmedkamel7065keep your filth to yourself
The Iranians see the truth, turning towards God and his Begotten Son. May God bless and protect these people who had seen the light from darkness.
so jesus is not God
@@ARBIH79Jesus is the Son of God, equal to Him. We can pray to both Jesus, God the father, and even to the Holy Spirit, yet we are not polytheists. This is the trinity.
@IDontBuyIt50 praying to the Holy Trinity costs you nothing.. His grace, love and salvation are all free
This story is bogus. Iranians aren’t converting to Christianity in masses.
@@Youcancallmeal4They are both black
God bless Iran and Iranians who are seeking the truth in Christ Jesus 🙌🏻🙌🏻
Through this conflict between Iran and Israel, I have been praying for people to come to Christ. This is wonderful to hear.
Oh so is that gonna save Palestinians lives? People converting to Christianity? You are focusing on the wrong things dude
Gods Word will always win over evil. His way is the only way
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ahmedkamel7065Christ Is the Son Of God And Ineed A god he never sasaid He is God Because He Humble himself not be Equal With His Father Which God.
@@ahmedkamel7065you should go read about it and it's horrible history instead of being brain washed by your local imam.
Gospel/Salvation Verses:
Acts 16:30-31
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT
John 3:16
John 5:24
John 6:28-29
John 14:6
Colossians 1:12-14
1 John 1:9
Romans 3:22-28
Romans 5:8-9
Romans 10:9-13
Ephesians 1:7-8
Ephesians 2:8-9
Hebrews 9:28
1 John 5:13
Praying for the harvest to come in globally 🙏🏻
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ahmedkamel7065- When the disciple Thomas called Jesus Christ God in John 20: 28, Thomas the Jew was referring to Isaiah 9: 6 where God spoke by prophet Isaiah that the Son born will be called the Everlasting Father, The Mighty God pointing to Jesus Christ in the future that happened 650-750 years later.
May Truth continue to prevail!
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
She is not muslim
Gospel/Salvation Verses:
Acts 16:30-31
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT
John 3:16
John 5:24
John 6:28-29
John 14:6
Colossians 1:12-14
1 John 1:9
Romans 3:22-28
Romans 5:8-9
Romans 10:9-13
Ephesians 1:7-8
Ephesians 2:8-9
Hebrews 9:28
1 John 5:13
"Religion all around Iran is at a crisis point, but truth prevails". Very well said.
Praise God , spiritual awakening is happening in Iran!!❤❤❤❤
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
Praise the Lord🙌... praying for all brothers and sisters in Christ in Iran.
Gospel/Salvation Verses:
Acts 16:30-31
1 Corinthians 15:1-4
2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT
John 3:16
John 5:24
John 6:28-29
John 14:6
Colossians 1:12-14
1 John 1:9
Romans 3:22-28
Romans 5:8-9
Romans 10:9-13
Ephesians 1:7-8
Ephesians 2:8-9
Hebrews 9:28
1 John 5:13
Amen, God Bless Iranian people who are accepting Jesus as their personal saviour ....
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
Papağan gibi aynı yalanları söyleyip durma Dua et İSA MESİH seni tanımak istiyorum bana kendini açıkla dediğinde osana gözükecektir@@ahmedkamel7065
@@ahmedkamel7065give your life to Christ , Christ is not Almighty God as you said and he is a servant of God. No one is claiming he is supreme God.but mind you, he has all authority over earth, power over earth and heaven, he is coming back to judge the entire world 🌎.
Amazing work Lana and everyone who’s praying for Iran and all the lost .
Always blessed to hear news like this from Iran. Before the pandemic, I committed to pray for Iran when I attended an IDOP for the Persecuted Church event in our church. They asked us to choose a country to commit to pray for and I've prayed for Iran almost daily ever since, by GOD's grace. Hoping that this growth will spread to neighboring countries and bring more people to Christ!
now in germany , lebanon , england , sweden too
And Portugal
Please let it come to america as well😊
We need this movement worldwide.
How are the mosques closing ?
I pray for these people to come to Jesus and for peace among the world that we may all seek the kingdom of heaven together and worship him. Turn away from sin and death and seek eternal life in Jesus name. Amen!
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ahmedkamel7065 Christ is peace, your god's followers such as you are all about madness and war.
All glory be to Jesus, hallelujah
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ahmedkamel7065 hell nah
Wishing those Iranians who are converting the very best. God bless 🙏
When she said we're in spiritual w@r everything hit home😢
We're truly in end times and with everything going on in the world rn it cant be anymore clearer that we need Jesus Christ☦.
God bless you brothers and sisters
God bless the people of Iran in Jesus Christ Mighty name I pray 🙏🏻
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
No thank you. I would much rather prefer a religion that values human life and doesn’t execute people for expressing any kind of free will and autonomy. 👍
Praise God for he is good.
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ahmedkamel7065licking of black stone at Mecca 🕋 does not safe your soul
@@ahmedkamel7065Jesus Christ rised from death ✝️ ❤🕊
A fire 🔥has been lit by the Holy Spirit in Persia!!! all the descendents of Cyrus the great are recieving graces from Heaven, they’re eyes are being opened to truth.
May God bless the Iranian Christians as well as the people living in Iran.❤️
Wow I'm so glad to see this. I was just seeing videos about the underground church in China. I had no idea there was one there and the stories of the things done to those people breaks my heart. But the love and drive they have for Christ has really humbled me 😢❤
Thank you JESUS 😊
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ahmedkamel7065Jesus rised from death, Mohammed is dead.
@@ahmedkamel7065 Our God is not a deceiver🙏
@@ahmedkamel7065 Allah is just a lustful man JESUS IS GOD the Alpha, the Omega, The Beginning and the End.
Amen. Very refreshing to hear
Jesus works in beautiful ways ❤....PS: Pray for discernment when it comes to the broad and varying church denomination game. It's a very narrow path, but if you really pay attention, God will guide you away from deception. And, I completely agree that we are in spiritual warfare..without a doubt. I don't miss prayer, even on the good days, I say prayers about gratitude and grace ..its a habit to pray. I just dodged a hurricane that would have been my 5th hit in 14 years, I'm grateful to be spared this time🙏🏻 So much LOVE FOR IRAN❤, I will pray you guys up, please be safe, may God be with all of you❤
Thank you so much for the encouragement and prayers. May the Lord protect our brothers and sisters in faith in the nation of Iran. }
@@CBNnewsonlineGood luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
@@ahmedkamel7065Read about the Quran. Seen countries like Saudi and Iran where churches are not allowed. Whereas there is a Muslim Country like Pakistan where you can't build a new church and cannot repair the already existing one. One of the lamest book to have ever been written. I mean it's a book for which you need 2 or 3 more books to understand. In translation non-arabic terms are supplanted to contextualize. Read half of it, got bored.
Praying for the conversion & safety of our Iranian Catholic Brothers from the Philippines.
Praise The Lord Almighty God, for continuing to call everyone to Christ, Amen!!!
What a great contribution to gain insight into Iran. We fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in the heavens. Jesus teaches us how to live and thrive.
"Let's pray that they continue to find Jesus". Love to hear that. ❤❤❤❤
Greetings from India!!!!
In agreement 🙏
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
Glory to God, Amen 🙏🙏
As a Bangladeshi ex muslim I left islam and converted to Buddhism for a peace and I respect Christians also because both are give peace to humanity I love Jesus and I love doing meditation. Hope one day islam end .
Praying for the people of Iran. May the light of Christ shine upon them. May those walking in darkness see His light.
Iran is Waking up! ✝️
Praise God
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
The people of Iran are amazing, praying for the wonderful people and for peace and safety. Hopefully they can overthrow their corrupt government one day.
This is Awesome. God is good.
Trust Lord Jesus Forever thanks
From East Timor 🇹🇱
Great great news..we welcome our Iranian brothers with much Love in Jesus Christ!!!!
Wonderful to hear.
God bless Iran 💪😎✝️🇮🇩
I never Heard of Christian Kshatriya . Rice Bag Convert don't you feel Shame by Turning away from your Proud Rajput Ancestral Faith
wow, really impressed by this interview. this Lana is very charismatic - she has charisma, she speaks well, and accurately. Well done.
Lovely moment.❤😍. May hope more and more converts in the world and the world must be free.
God bless you all hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah❤❤❤❤❤
Hallelujah! Praise God!!!
The kindness of Jesus Christ will feel Iran so soon ✝️☝🏼❤️
I follow a beautiful Iranian family who are making their life in the mountains. They are Luri people and their family is so full of love and respect for each other its a joy to watch. But it so sad too as the government has destroyed 2 of their homes they built by hand claiming they didn't have a permit to build on their land. It was heartbreaking to watch them destroy all their hard work and then leaving the family with no shelter to sleep under or in. Since then they have sold that land and moved to another piece of land and are waiting for permits to build a home. In the meantime they are living in tents and caring for their goats chickens and two dogs. I truly admire this loving family and I am sad that they have to endure such a dreadful government who have forced the people of Iran to do whatever is told to them or else including embracing the harshest form of Islam.
Absolutely beautiful…
Jesus is showing the light and pouring love and hope to the needy!!!
Hoping and praying for all Christians in Iran❤❤❤ for your safety..May the Almighty God will always Protect you❤❤
I was in Iran rasht and I know how much the people love Jesus .
God Bless all the Iranian Christians!
Thank you Jesus ❤ Be with the people of Iran
Wonderful! Praise the LORD.
Pray for our Iranian brothers. May light find them.
Praise be His Name
The Lord is working! My prayers are working too! I pray every night for Jesus to reach touch the hearts of non-believers and worldly souls. Hallelujah brothers!
I rediscovered my faith this year and its been the best, least stressful year I've had in a long looong time. 🙏
Smart people ❤
God loves Iranians
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
Islam is the greatest lie in history@@ahmedkamel7065
@@ahmedkamel7065Christ loves you and forgives you. He will lead you to the one true God. I pray for you.
Hello to you from Iran ❤
@@Armanjamshidi-q1r thanks for you ☺️
Jesus is the Truth The Way and the Life.
Praise God. I pray they truly find Jesus and put their trust in Him.
She's Right it's a Spiritual War We Must Pray' 🙌 ✝️ For Our Brethrens With Full of Spirit 🕊️ love And Dedication constantly 📖
Christ' Is Lord' ✝️🙌🤎📖
Hallelujah 🙌
Yes.. Iranians please come the Catholic Church to experience true JOY!
God bless you all my brothers and sisters. Jesus Christ alone is Lord! Accepting Him as your lord and savior is the best decision you will EVER make. You shall have a blessed life filled with peace and joy while on earth and your eternity is secure with Christ Jesus. I love you all and will pray for you, your people and your land.
God working his magic …. Thank you dad xx
Iran and Armenia were 2 of the first Christian nations, Iran for a brief stint and Armenia to this day, but this relationship is the reason why we love each other!
All hail to our Lord Jesus Christ!
Jesus I need you..we need you ❤
Love from Indonesia 🇮🇩
Be strong on Your faith. I am praying for You
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day He rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
Thrilled to hear that 😊😊😊
Praise Jesus forever for more souls coming to Christ!! 🤍🙏🏼🕊️🙌🏼
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
Cope harder 😂@@ahmedkamel7065
love jesus ❤ ❤ ❤ 🙏 🙏 🙏
Great news
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
Iranians are waking up to the truth that there is no healing and salvation in Islam. That truth and healing only come from Jesus Christ.
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
- Acts 4:12
I'm not religious ( at least not into any religious practice like attending church services etc but more about trying my best to live a decent life i.e avoiding wrong and sinful things as much as possible although I've been shown otherwise by many church-goers around me here in Europe ) but I would like to say that 👍🏼 such verses are among the most crystal clear for a person to understand which one to choose to be close to God , especially one born into a background closer to Christianity . After having unpleasantly experienced the human nature or its darker side at 23 , I prefer to put my trust in God only instead of any human being whether it be a preacher or anyone else .
@@SetoraiJynaairespect for seeking to be a good person! James 1:17 shows us the nature of God, by seeking to be a good person, you are, consequentially seeking Christ one way or another. Walk on your own pace, and things will be better! God bless
Praise the lord 🙏
All Glory to Jesus Christ
Praise be to God Almighty , every knee shall bow ever tongue proclaim Jesus Christ is lord .❤❤❤
Welcome Iranians 🎉🎉🎉
May God Bless You All in Many Ways in the Awesome Name of Jesus Amen
Lord Jesus Amen
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
Hallelujah ❤🎉God bless Iran's people.🎉❤
They are very much welcome❤.God Bless
Praying for everyone across the world may you find peace in Jesus's arms. Stay strong Christian Brothers and Sisters. 🙏❤
Good luck 👍 in your life 🧬but some comments...
sure 😊
our God not like us.
our God never die.
our God nobody can't kill him.
our God isn't Jesus.
Jesus is a messenger from our God (Allah).
our God is the Greatest
our God is Allah 💓.
you can read and learn about islam religion.
John 14:6
"I am the way, the truth and the life,.." ❤😊
Islam was forced on Iranians by the invasion of muslim Arab armies around 1400 years ago.
If the force and the cruel apostasy law is officially lifted, scores of Iranians will leave Islam for other religions or simply atheism.
Yes! Thank you and I love you Jesus.
finally after 45 years they are awake
as iranian i agree with this lady
leaving ALLAH becaus the ministers of iran forced hijab on you?
Right you are sister, may God use you as a mighty vessel of God
Praising the Lord