Yes, and amazingly one of his direct descendants still survives! His name is Donald Trump, and is clearly a direct descendant because he is orange, just like cheddar cheese! Anyone can clearly see this. Isn't this amazing? DNA is a wonderful thing. Who would have guessed that orange could actually be inherited. I'll never see a cheese sandwich the same way.
@awardwinningcritique6895 in school in the U. K. we were told that Dutch people were 'so' honest that, they left their shoes outside overnight. I told my Dutch friend this story in later life, and asked him if it was true. He replied that it wasn't but, he'd been told the same story about the Brits, when he was a child too 😆😅🤣😂🕊️👍
Mainlands have shores, and waterways generally connects cultures rather than land, we know this from studies of traded language and culture. So I guess maybe it all depends on where those first humans were supposed to come from and how they got there. Then again - how seafaring they actually were at the time, I have no idea, but humans always did crazy, desperate or plain stupid stuff and sometimes it pays off.
Oxford University scientists announced Friday 9 Mar 1997 that Adrian Targett, 42, a history teacher in the large Village (pop of 5500) of Cheddar in southwest England, shares a common ancestor with Cheddar Man. It is the longest human lineage ever traced, the team of scientists from the university's Institute of Molecular Medicine said.
@@luizcsevero That's true. Cheddar man had the mtdna haplogroup U5, which the teacher also had. This is the connection which people are misinterpreting to mean that the teacher was a direct descendant. What it actually means is both Cheddar man and the teacher were both descended from the woman in which U5 originated.
Strange calling the The Oldest Englishman. English or England did not exit ten thousand years ago. The oldest Britain would be a more accurate title for this.
Britain has always been a land where people come and go, except, Cheddar man's people, the Western-Hunter-Gatherers, went nowhere. Rather they were replaced by the farming population. This doesn't mean they all decided to just leave the land to the farmers, this meant they were taken over by the farmers. Interestingly, we see in Britain and Ireland that phenotypes associated with these Western hunter-gatherers remained amongst the ruling elite of the later farming societies. This is in contrast to the typical continental setting where we see the farmers actively waging war against the Western hunter-gatherer populations during the neolithic. Yet then again, the farmers that replaced Cheddar man's people, were then replaced, by force, by the Bell Beaker people as this video mentions, but the farmers did not leave peacefully. We see instead up to 90% of the farming society's people disappear, with an almost complete and significant population replacement, by a society that was notorious for it's warrior-graves. However, British people are essentially still Bell Beakers. In Ireland and Wales, most of their ancestors and paternal lineages are of indigenous beaker origin. In Scotland, most of their ancestry and paternal lineages are also of Beaker origin. In England, they have less native Beaker ancestry, but the ancestors of the English from the continent, e.g. the various Germanic tribes, were ultimately also of Beaker origin, however they were continental beaker people. 4,500 years of a relatively stable population of Beaker-descendent people. Beaker people themselves being descendants of both Western-Hunter-Gatherers and the farmers. It's not really comparable to modern migration.
Regarding the bell beaker culture, due to their lack of any records or dna evidence, we don’t know for sure whether they were a cohesive ethnicity or were merely a very loosely similar group of people, we have to remember just how wide their range was. We also don’t know whether they were pre indo European or an early form of their European migrations. Assuming they were pre indo European, this would mean that the Celtic cultural shift and later Germanic migrations were quite unrelated indeed, contrary to what you said. If they were indo European, then that would mean that the point you made regarding the dissimilarity between the cultures migrating is only one step removed from the dissimilarity of any indo European culture (almost all of europe, Persians, most indians/Pakistanis) The bottom line is that the line being drawn is necessarily rather arbitrary as the native peoples at the time always identified the incoming culture as foreign, be it the through the assimilation of foreign culture for the benefit of trade like with the celts, or the violent replacement turning to assimilation of the Anglo Saxon migrations
Just to add on the point claiming the beaker people are descended from western hunter gatherers, this may be true, but cannot be simultaneously with the idea that they also spawned the Germanic people, who most certainly were indo European in nature, who migrated into Europe after the original farmers in Western Europe had established themselves
@@just.some.things3945 Beaker people descend from Western Hunter Gatherers in two distinct ways. Beakers paternal ancestry (western steppe herder, indo-european) consisted mostly of Eastern Hunter-Gatherers who themselves were a hybrid between a early Western Hunter-Gatherer population (maternally) and an Ancient North Eurasian population paternally, with early Eastern Hunter-Gatherers having up to 90% ANE ancestry, and a smaller part WSG ancestry... Beakers also descend from WSH by way of the Early European Farmers who consisted partially of Anatolian Farmer ancestry and Western Hunter-Gatherer ancestry. Anatolian farmers also being ultimately derived from a South-Eastern population of Western Hunter-Gatherers. Bell-Beaker people were Indo-European, they were the predecessors of Germanic culture, as well as Celtic, and Latin cultures. They derived from the Single-Grave Corded Ware culture, who were also Indo-European. The Corded Ware's earliest individuals we know of were up to 90% Western-Steppe-Herder in origin (Sredny Stog, e.g. the Proto-Indo-Europeans.) Germanic culture was actually birthed out of the Nordic Bronze Age, where we have in the Scandinavian context a ruling elite of males who were paternal descendants of Western Hunter-Gatherers as we can tell by their haplogroups. However their ancestral population was known as Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherers who were roughly half Western Hunter-Gatherer through their paternal lines, and half Eastern Hunter-Gatherer by their maternal lines. Germanic culture was then a combination of the various branches of Corded Ware, including the Beakers in a West-Germanic context, as well as a combining with the native culture of the Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherers known in the Bronze-Age context as the Pitted Ware Culture (a deeply war-like, maritime culture, similar to later Germanic culture).
@@just.some.things3945 We know the Bell Beaker Culture was not nessercerily a singular ethnic group, we do know however that a population of Bell Beaker culture people from the mouth of the Rhine were a singular ethnic group who were responsible for the birth of pre-celtic British cultures, and Celtic cultures. It is possible to see this both by examining autosomal DNA of the early samples but also by the spread of a specific subclade of R1B at the time which seemed to originate in this area of the Netherlands.
I once read they did a DNA comparison on Cheddar Man with local people, and they found one gentleman who was a descendant of Cheddar Man. His wife remarked her husband was rather fond of rare meat.
Yes. Adrian Targett...a retired history teacher from Cheddar itself. His mitochondrial DNA shows a direct link via his mother's side. I believe that was established by a sample taken from a molar, not from the ear bone mentioned in this clip.
Yes. The late Bryan Sykes did the early DNA research on Cheddar Man and wrote about it in his wonderful book on the genetic roots of Brits and Irish. He tracked down the chap you mention, who lived near the gorge. Astonishing when you think about it.
Well done! But I do have a bone to pick: early remains are labeled "cannibals" when there is actually only evidence of de-fleshing of bones, not what was done with that flesh. Many people groups de-flesh bones in order to release the spirit.
She's trying to make out that Cheddar man was more advanced, less barbaric, than the earlier inhabitants and must be of more recent African descent etc. Despite the fact that it's complete nonsense. Cannibalism has in fact been reported in several African regions as recently as 2007.
They found his distance relative through a DNA through his mother side he was shocked and he said that it's a interesting thing to be apart of a family older than the current monarch. He had black hair and blue eyes.
@@DaveSCameron Separated by 10,000 years but linked by DNA! A 9,000 year old skeleton’s DNA was tested and it was concluded that a living relative was teaching history about a half mile away, tracing back nearly 300 generations! Four years before, when Adrian Targett, a retired history teacher from Somerset, walked into his local news-agent’s, he was startled to see a familiar face staring up at him. That face, appearing on the front page of several newspapers, belonged to a distant relative of his - around 10,000 years distant, actually - known as Cheddar Man. Ancient DNA from Cheddar Man, a Mesolithic skeleton discovered in 1903 at Gough’s Cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, has helped Museum scientists paint a portrait of one of the oldest modern humans in Britain. This discovery is consistent with a number of other Mesolithic human remains discovered throughout Europe. Cheddar Man is the oldest complete skeleton to be discovered in the UK and has long been hailed as the first modern Briton who lived around 7,150 BC. His remains are kept by London’s Natural History Museum, in the Human Evolution gallery.
@@PeteV80 Not if current "right-think" has its way. The department of truth is trying to educate us on all the history people "forgot" to write down, LOL!
@@PeteV80 Did you not watch this to the end 😂 I don’t know why you assume that as that’s not true, less than 10% have DNA related to ‘Cheddar man’, most ethnic English are descendants of the Bell-Beaker people 5000 years ago, the last study put the figure at 90%, Estonians have more in common with WHG (cheddar man) than you do, the whole story has been twisted by people with a political agenda
Poor explanation of whether he’s a direct ancestor. Yes, he is, if he left descendants, because he lived before the Identical Ancestors Point. He is a member of the WHG population, Western Hunter Gatherers. From Wikipedia “This population forms about 10%, on average , of the ancestry of Britons without a recent family history of immigration.” So yes, he (or his contemporaries who left descendants) make up 10% of the typical British ancestry, and a smaller proportion of the ancestry of everybody else.
But his WHG ancestors might have moved to the Isles 9000 years ago, while the ancestors of another person descended from WHG people didn't come until 5000 or 1000 years ago. There are a lot of people in the British Isles who would share a common ancestor with Cheddar Man, yes, but that alone doesn't make him or a contemporary living in Cheddar at that time, ancestral. The IAP for Cheddar Man and any other person would have to be at least dated to his 'age', but it could be 5000 years or 50,000 years before he lived.
Neanderthals are not "our" relatives, Homo sapiens (Africans) are not related to Neanderthals. Neanderthal are the relatives of Europeans, Chinese, Indians and the rest of mankind!
I was totally captivated by this show, I live very close to Cheddar gorges, and when it all closes at about 5.30pm, I have been in the Gorges for a late picnic with family and friends, and the mountain Goats that still climb wildly upwards on what look like a giant stairway, you cant help but feel you are trapped in time. In an age that could of been 10,000 years ago or 100,000 years ago, until a car or motorbike brings you back to today.
@20:19, "...people coming into the UK..." A common mistake among many people, calling ancient Briton the UK (United Kingdom), which only came into existence, somewhat recently, with the Act of Union in 1801 as a political entity.
Good point. There is the tricky matter of the ancient greeks calling us something like Bretannikē and the ancient celts called it Pretani which give credence to the name being older but the Act of Union is a good official rubber stamp we can all point to.
This is true Doggerland about 8000 years ago. Thousands of mammoth tusks lay on the bottom of the North sea today, spearheads & neanderthal remains. The British isles were once the western highest points of that one land mass. Perhaps humans in these higher areas after the flooding remained here. There seems to have been different sea levels at different times around these isles & in humanities time. The Isle of Wright for instance was according to the Romans, waded out to knee deep from what is now southern England. Then ancient tin mines in Cornwall are now at the bottom of the channel. Northern Ireland's Giants causeway is written in myth as being a bridge across to Scotland. In Scotland the same rock formations can be found. Did it once form a stretch across the Irish sea, now deep below the waters & ancients witnessed it? We were Britons before the Romans, the Greeks more or less called us that. Did we call us that or was that their name for us? Stonehenge was seen as sacred to peoples from the Scottish isles to mainland Europe long before the Romans & Greeks. Perhaps we had a national identity going very far back?
WTF do you expect people to call it in order to identify the area they are speaking of so that laymen can understand? I assure you, the scientists, archeologists, and presenters are well aware that it wasn't Britain, UK, England, or the village of Cheddar back then. Referring to the area as those simply allows Joe Schmoe to figure out where they are talking about 🙄 They also mention that it wasn't an island. They are simply using evocative phrases to illustrate a point. If you have a problem with these amazing people excitedly explaining and sharing knowledge with ordinary people, read peer reviewed journals and leave the engaging documentaries to those of us who enjoy fun. 🤪
@@stevethomas5849 Following your logic, Africans didn't exist until the continent of Africa was described by the Greeks, which of course only applied to North Africa anyway, and was absolutely distinct from Sub-Saharan Africa civilisations.
Some pretty basic errors in this, for instance Doggerland didn't disappear 125.000!!!, years ago. It was in fact less than 10.000 years ago, how can such a basic error be made unless there is some propaganda element to this program.
The general story appears to have been told reasonably, though with massive simplifications to cut it down to this brief video. You're correct about Doggerland, but I don't see propaganda here, I see information. Of course some would say that the presenter talking about us all originating in Africa is 'propaganda' or lies, and I would say that's just what the evidence shows, so you might view something as propaganda that I don't.
@@jeanineadele We'll have to agree to disagree. I've only ever come across evidence that supports it, which is why it is the currently accepted theory (not hypothesis).
Well established populations of africa have European dna, no European population has african dna. What evidence do you have for out of Africa nonsense besides some cartoon drawings?
Geneticist Susan Walsh at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, says "we simply don't know his skin colour". this video claims the NHM own Geneticist did the research, are they saying 'Susan Walsh' was not involved?
I’m far from an expert, but from what I understand the reason genetics concludes that his skin was dark is that he lacks the gene that is universally found in subsequent populations of Europeans that have pale skin. This allele was present in the Anatolian farmers who replaced (?) cheddar’s people and also later groups. So they theorized a darker skin tone. How dark? We can’t really be sure. Could be that the reconstructed picture of him is accurate, or it could be that he was closer to, say, Inuit. Was def politicized by both right and left. To them I would say, get over it. He’s been dead 10,000 years!
@@jamessarsgard1342 No, they didn't find the marker that determines skin colour, what matters is the truth, there should be no room for ideological activism within academia, I'm afraid it appears to be endemic, reality doesn't appear to be important.
@@hetrodoxly1203 why do you asume that her conclusions are ideological and not scientific? I mean do you have enough knowledge of genetics to refute her conclusions? What is the issue if the cheddar man had dark skin?
@@rob8856 I'm not assuming anything, geneticist working on the sample said they couldn't tell the colour of his skin from the results, New Scientist magazine retracted it's article, stating his skin colour hadn't been found from the sample, the issue is facts, this is the most worrying part, the truth should be paramount.
My irish father has quite a bit of DNA from Cheddar nan. I have confirmed it through about 6 other DNA sites and they all come back to him. He also has DNA from that part of England and lots of DNA matches from the South West..
I’m apparently 31% Irish and mostly English and some Northern European, the Irish family originated in Waterford Southern Ireland and many of the people there mixed with the Basque, these people have there own language and apparently the Persian farmers from the Fertile Crescent moved there and mixed with the local hunter gatherers. That’s the problem with dna it’s throws up all sorts of things but interesting.
For some reason, I feel like I was supposed to learn more than the story of cheddar man from this video. Was this about history or some kind of social message that I'm not understanding?
On a scale of one to five, five being darkest, Cheddar man scores five for the genes that give dark skin. Same for Mesolithic people all over Europe. It’s a fact, get over it. His eyes were light, either greenish or blue. A combination not frequently found in Europe nowadays, so people find it hard to believe. Not unusual as such though. A lot of Afghans, Pakistanis and northern Indians have it. Western Hunter Gatherers did not need light skin in the cloudy British Isles because they had a forager diet very rich in plants with vitamin C (which supports the processing of “sunshine vitamin D) and fish with plenty of Vitamin D. Neolithic arrivals had lighter brown skin and frequently suffered Vit C & D & iron deficiency because they were farmers, and were bringing with them crops like wheat, and they seemed to not eat fish much. A more restricted diet. Other common crops on the continent could not cope with the climate if the British Isles.
@@eh1702 I'm aware of almost all of that info. Could you please explain why you are going over this and what should I be getting over? I honestly don't understand the point that is being made by both you and the show.
I think it's worth keeping in mind that the Cheddar Man sample had been in storage for decades before the Natural History Museum commissioned the analysis. The study and genome were never published, and years later have still not been despite the Museum's half-hearted insistence that they were going to be. Considering samples for DNA analysis are supposed to be extracted during excavation, and not after decades sitting in the archives, alongside the fact that almost no information about any of this has been published or peer-reviewed, I would take all of this with a rather large pinch of salt. The findings are rather convenient in today's social climate, but the science is hardly watertight.
@@andrewmcneil6668 The sample is so old and poorly maintained that we can never trust the data entirely, but I do believe it's possible they used real science and their best efforts in conducting the actual examination. That being said, I do think it's obvious that current politics played a major role in how they chose to interpret those findings and present them to the public. It's most likely their analysis told them that Cheddar Man would have had a skin tone between 'Italian' and 'Sub-Saharan African', and they decided to run with that in a very particular way...
@@GreyHunter88 Separated by 10,000 years but linked by DNA! A 9,000 year old skeleton’s DNA was tested and it was concluded that a living relative was teaching history about a half mile away, tracing back nearly 300 generations! Four years before, when Adrian Targett, a retired history teacher from Somerset, walked into his local news-agent’s, he was startled to see a familiar face staring up at him. That face, appearing on the front page of several newspapers, belonged to a distant relative of his - around 10,000 years distant, actually - known as Cheddar Man. Ancient DNA from Cheddar Man, a Mesolithic skeleton discovered in 1903 at Gough’s Cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, has helped Museum scientists paint a portrait of one of the oldest modern humans in Britain. This discovery is consistent with a number of other Mesolithic human remains discovered throughout Europe. Cheddar Man is the oldest complete skeleton to be discovered in the UK and has long been hailed as the first modern Briton who lived around 7,150 BC. His remains are kept by London’s Natural History Museum, in the Human Evolution gallery.
it has nothing to do with the quality of the sample. a dna sample cannot determine the skin color of an ancient person. it is literally impossible to know with modern technology and any geneticist knows this.
Already been done, over twenty years ago! Separated by 10,000 years but linked by DNA! A 9,000 year old skeleton’s DNA was tested and it was concluded that a living relative was teaching history about a half mile away, tracing back nearly 300 generations! Four years before, when Adrian Targett, a retired history teacher from Somerset, walked into his local news-agent’s, he was startled to see a familiar face staring up at him. That face, appearing on the front page of several newspapers, belonged to a distant relative of his - around 10,000 years distant, actually - known as Cheddar Man. Ancient DNA from Cheddar Man, a Mesolithic skeleton discovered in 1903 at Gough’s Cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, has helped Museum scientists paint a portrait of one of the oldest modern humans in Britain. This discovery is consistent with a number of other Mesolithic human remains discovered throughout Europe. Cheddar Man is the oldest complete skeleton to be discovered in the UK and has long been hailed as the first modern Briton who lived around 7,150 BC. His remains are kept by London’s Natural History Museum, in the Human Evolution gallery.
@@ronnietexan I said upload his DNA to GEDMatch. You wont find a 300 generation ancestor on that site, but you can find out how much you match his DNA. Along with over 100 other samples from deep in the past.
@@Knards If, as you say it goes back 20,000+ years and "Cheddar man" is a little over 10,000 years old, what has that to do with the fact I told you that they have matched his DNA with a resident of Cheddar who is alive today? are you a salesman for that company?
This non historian presenter of 'history' is apparently (and perhaps unwittingly) part of a wider 'multicultural' campaign which argues that early Britons were 'black' and that Celts, Saxons and Vikings were 'migrants', no different at all from the tens of thousands of young Middle Eastern men who are crossing the English Channel this year. The best part of this video is the brilliant scientific input from a highly intellectual Dr Selina Brace at the Natural History Museum. She could have presented the entire programme. However, the general presenter (herself of a recent migrant background) mused, no doubt correctly, that, over millennia and centuries, many populations change their ethnic content or are replaced completely by other peoples and belief systems. Therefore folks, I am now convinced that there is really no such thing as a native culture in the UK and even if there is, it has no particular value so let it be replaced. Preferably as soon as possible. Furthermore, do not worry if there is a collapse in Western liberal values in the UK due to mass migration from, for example the Islamic world, or if this leads to the kind of 'multicultural' paradise-on-earth that has torn places like Syria, Palestine, Kurdistan, Bosnia and Lebanon apart with tit for tat atrocities from different ethnic and religious groups. You see, migration and population changes and replacement are 'natural' and have been happening for millennia. So there is no need to worry about (actually very swift) mass migration into the UK and Europe. Clearly, ancient population changes too would have led to countless incidents of violence, rape, slavery, forced conversion, family breakup, abject misery, tribal conflict and many other kinds of trauma. It might actually be more useful if History Hit programmes are presented by qualified historians/archaeologists/DNA scientists (rather than generalised 'hobby' presenters) ie by specialist presenters who know their history, stick to it, and allow the channel's overwhelmingly well educated viewers to draw their own conclusions.
We were never replaced. Cheddar man's descendant was found in the exact same town where his remains we're discovered. These people are sinister for making this
This is not a new position though. David Mac Ritchie at the turn of the last century argued that the original Britons were Black in his book "Ancient and Modern Britons". Blacks are the original humans of the planet: Whites are mutations. So it makes sense that the first inhabitants of Europe were Black. Those knee-grows are everywhere you look in history whether anyone likes it or not 🤷🏿♂️😬
@@shaunwild8797 Britain is a geographical term. I think it's reasonable to call him British. The programme does a good job of explaining what he was. It is ridiculous to call him English
Funny concept, not leaving "by choice," as if people back then could have sat down, discussed the matter, decided their best chance after looking at their options, packed up what they thought they would need where they were going, and set off. :)
@@trikepilot101the caladoinans had bigger invaders than the red coats, the dalrida were far worse. Our native tounge was not gaelic, the dalrida brought that when the invaded us, they took our culture and our relgion, and had the cheek to call caladonia after them. So please do tell me what invaders were worse.
Party political broadcast on behalf of the African diaspora! Nevertheless, a good whistle-stop tour of a million years' of history. Enjoyed it. Personally I don't care where the UK population originates, I just don't want it growing too big. It's hard enough to accommodate, educate and medicate the 65 or so millions we've got now! And I'd prefer not to be obliged to turn a predominantly "green and pleasant land" into an endless concrete & asphalt jungle. If the trendy lefties have got answers to these issues I'd like to hear them.
If we hadn't allowed positive net migration our population would have stalled at around 45m i once read - which was probably a much more manageable amount
The current population of the United Kingdom is 68,819,507 as of Thursday, February 16, 2023, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data ...
What did Nick Griffin say that was wrong? The indigenous Britons almost all identify as English, Scots, Welsh or Irish. And why is he being quoted in the first 5 minutes of a history vid on the first humans in Britain? And who on earth thinks "British history" then thinks of Mary Seacole over the likes of Henry VIII, Victoria, Drake, Raleigh, Churchill, Locke, Washington, Wellington, Newton, Alfred the Great, in fact FFS tens of thousands of others? I get the distinct feeling I am about to be subjected to a half hour of bollocks.
It’s just a feminised version of history/ex wife’s version of the truth.. . ya know to use ancient history to manipulate the current narrative & actual truth. I’m just surprised there wasn’t gaslighting like BBC. (another feminist trait, ya know like we’re all “far right for wanting to protect our children from grape gangs”). Very toxic, I had to unsubscribe
Mary seacole was a nothing in history it’s called clutching at straws to make her out to be something she wasn’t as they are hell bent on changing British history
well interestingly, the English are immigrants and not in Britain as long as the only peoples who in trun emigrated from mainland Europe at earlier periods. Again English whitewashing of their immigrant Germanic history..We could turn the racist chant into English go home (to Germany) :-)
@@DaithiKerr68 what ? English is a term used to describe the Germanic tribes that came to Britain there was already people living on these islands and they interbred with the Germanic tribes but the celts had been here for a long time already we are native to these islands
I've found over the years, meeting British white folks that some are VERY white and pale, they sunburn really easily, etc, and others who have an almost olive skin and tan very easily and are pretty much unaffected by the sun. It's just interesting to me because I used to see it all the time and often wondered about it.
@@henrikbunkenborg6743 That's possible but I'd have expected a helluva lot more ethnic mixing over the centuries. To the point where everyone would pretty much look the same.
We're quite a large mix genetically and this can vary across the country and between individual families. For example, I'm very pale skinned and burn easily, but I attribute this largely to ancestors who came to the UK from Ukraine a little over one hundred years ago (especially as the other side of my family tans fairly easily). Others will probably have Scandinavian roots (possibly myself included), either directly from Vikings or perhaps from the Normans or even more recently. Then, on the flipside, there'll be Brits with Mediterranean, Indian, sub-Saharan African, Arab, etc ancestors. Genetics are also quite complex in terms of which genes get inherited and then which of those actually get expressed. Being an island nation with a long history of different groups visiting or settling here, I'd actually be surprised if we didn't have those differences! Even looking at hair colour or eye colour or height, we have quite a lot of variation compared to some other countries.
Interesting video i thought they did find a relative of Cheddar Man. Living in a Village not far from where Cheddar Man's remains were found? I am sure I recall seeing that on the news? I did enjoy this video as I was born in Cheltenham , England. Now I reside in Ontario , Canada. 💪🏻🙏🏻✨
They did, his name is Adrian Targett. He is surprisingly not black, as are non of his maternal family. His family has lived in the area since Cheddar man, well his maternal side definitely.
@@ronnietexan thank you for the Intel. I knew I heard correctly about a School Teacher i believe he is ? Who has a DNA link to the famous Cheddar Man. 💪🏻🙏🏻✨
@@thomasgumersell9607 Here is some more info. He taught history to Richard Herring, from the comedy duo, Lee & Herring. He was a guest on their show, This morning with Richard but not Judy not long after he found out. It is on TH-cam somewhere.
@elizabethford7263 You are presenting a strawman. Nobody thinks things have always been the same. As far as I can see the controversy around cheddar man largely derives from attempts by modern liberals to associate the supposedly dark skin (which is debated about) of Western Hunter Gatherers with the dark skin of modern africans. The truth is that the closest living descendents of Cheddar Man are the pre-1950s white population of britain. Which is rather ironic considering the political hay people like Afua Hirsch are making about dark skin. Aboriginal Australians and Africans both have dark skin. It doesnt mean they were closely related populations or have any interest in merging as peoples
But it's a hoax - and has been exposed as a hoax. Genuine DNA experts have witnesses you cannot determine skin colour from ancient DNA - this is woke propaganda, designed to erase the idea of a British people.
@@TmanRock9 No it cannot -- if you have a good sample it can give you a range of possibilities from lighter to darker. It cannot give you a definitive colour - what the Cheddar hoaxers did is pick the darkest part of the suggested spectrum. And - the researchers here only had a tiny, degraded sample to work on. What this bollox is obviously about is the woke re-writing of our history as witnessed by the BBC's even more disreputable attempt to pretend Britain has a black history of any significance or age - their "Been here from the Start" bollox pop promo. The irony is - even if Cheddar man had darker skin than we Brits today - that was because he may have been from a line of Eastern Europeans - nothing to do with Africa as the wokesters are implying.
@@GozzillaciaI have a question for you, Do you believe global warming is a hoax, the covid pandemic was planned and 9/11 was organised? I noticed people who believe Cheddar Man was white tend to say yes to the questions I just asked
I paused about halfway through when I realized this wasn't about Cheddar Man or any native Europeans. I read a few of the comments and it confirmed the reason I didn't watch this when it came out.
I was interested till I was told that the symbol of the 'English Lion' was pilfered from Africa. Why do the people who write these things use language like that? I was hoping for scientific information but got this instead 🙄
@@peterlaustra2892 I honestly dont know the answer to that. I do know, however, that the Lion was on the royal standard of the Plantagenate kings from the 12th century onwards though.
The whole point of this video is to show that actually, there are no "indigenous" people of the British Isles, therefore we should not protest about being invaded by ten million immigrants in the last 25 years. But if you are Maori, Aborigine, Native American then it is just fine to make a big issue about your lands being overrun by white settlers.
@@sidilicious11 What Africans? The Bantu race (that the presenter of this show is from) genocided most other Sub Saharan African races 12’000 years ago. Now she’s here advocating for the genocide of the British.
History hit are scum. Every land on earth had subsequent ppl come in. They're still their own ethnic groups with their own distinct history, just like us Britons. We know all our history and ancestry is from these isles. We're Britons and these modern non Europeans will never be. All they do with this crap is divide and make us even more resentful
@@sidilicious11 f£%k indigenous. We're ethnic Britons. Everything this country is and was has been created by Britons, OUR ancestors. We have a moral right to these isles.
Note: Cheddar Man was not as dark as he has been depicted in the media. The guy who oversaw his "rendering", Tom Booth, has stated that he made Cheddar Man that dark because of "The white supremacists", and that the image is based on nothing more than that. Not facts, not science, but rather opinion and politics.
This statement is false and harming. Please provide a legitimate source for your information Edit: There is no evidence that suggests what you say is true and to spout such harmful information in todays day and age and on an informational TH-cam video no less is foolish and immature
@@chrisstrider There are GINGER people in the Middle East , you know a DESERT with tons of Sunlight and you plan to tell me that the cheddar man is real what's next Polar Bears are actually native to Congo ? 😂🤣
One thing I love about these islands we call home is that despite what the Nick Griffin's of the world say, being British is defined by an attitude, an accent and most of all a particular sharpness of wit and sense of humour rather than skin colour etc. One of our greatest strengths has always been the knowledge that reason trumps emotion. I'm proud to live in a country that says, "As long as we can laugh together, we can live together."
Hahahahahaha! What absolute nonsense. Of course nationality isn't defined by attitude and wit or it wouldn't exist to begin with. A quick witted Frenchman doesn't suddenly become English. A laconic Japanese doesn't suddenly become Australian. The attempt to divorce an ethnic identity from anything actually related to ethnicity is just the latest in a long line of mental gymnastics being used to try and redefine some very basic facts to suit a globalist agenda.
Being British is defined by nothing anymore. Some Britons foolishly believe that Britain is still defined by liberal principles and a shared commitment to personal freedoms, to individual rights and to democracy. Unfortunately such societies do not survive without a firm belief in the virtue of those principles and a commitment to protect them. Masses of immigrants who do not share those values undermine the society. You can see the process happening in major cities where personal freedoms become restricted because they're offensive to large immigrant demographics. It is hard to be welcoming and tolerant of newcomers when they form voting blocks and insert themselves into governing bodies to impose their own values on your society. It doesn't matter when the bulk of Britons arrived here or what race they were, they have formed a society with values and that's what defines them. The current process of destroying any vestige of healthy and tolerant nationalism is turning Britain into a foreign country for many.
@@nerdyali4154 I've seen this happen a few times now, and I'll grant you things do change somewhat, for a while, but mostly the country just swallows everyone up within a couple of generations. That Britishness generally takes over in the end. And to be fair, after that the only things we tend to mutually keep are the things that are mutually beneficial, or at least that's been my experience.
@@blue_tree_meadow No, it doesn't. Not since the norman conquest (which brought profound cultural changes) has this country been subject to any sort of mass immigration. And now that it's underway the idea that there's gonna be any sort of successful absorption is a fantasy used to keep people happy. British people are being replaced in cities across the country, and the culture they built is going with them.
The people who reconstructed Cheddar Man said they had darkend his skin as an experiment. Its taken on a political thing. Cheddar Man probably looked like Tom Jones, Catherine Zeta Jones or Luke Evans. Within the zone of Britishness.
Do you believe global warming is a hoax, the covid pandemic was planned and 9/11 was organised? I noticed people who believe Cheddar Man was white tend to believe in the three things I just mentioned
Not even close. This is wishful thinking. Western Hunter Gatherers possessed NONE of the mutated genes related to light skin pigmentation. Therefore, they had dark brown-to-black skin. Which exact shade of dark brown to black? They don't know, but rest assured, he had ancestral skin tone. As did the Magdalenian and Aurignacian people that lived in Europe 10-30 thousand years before Cheddar Man.
The tectonic plates brought Scotland and England together, and once upon a time we were merged in with the main continent of Europe. How long has a kind of human being have to be in a land, before it is regarded as native. Anglo Saxon, Jutes and Danes and Normans for that matter have been in the UK for over a thousand years. How long were the Maoris in New Zealand there, or the Native American in the US? About a thousand years perhaps.
Apparently the people came and went, replaced by different ones who came and went, over and over, as the climate changed, and invaders came and interbred over and over, so the concept of a native in the UK doesn't apply the same way it does in, say, the Americas.
They discovered that our beloved Phil Harding had some connection with Cheddar Man as well. Phil was delighted. Have you seen some of Phil's flint work? Absolutely beautiful.
The first peoples of North America crossed the Bering land bridge and are accepted as the first people. The Aborigines in Australia are that continent’s first peoples. History accepts this. Any where Caucasian people go are considered interlopers and colonizers. Seems a woke double standard.
It's even worse than that. 'White' people are not from the Caucasus, they are from the central Asian steppe, and those in Britain came from the region of Khan Tengri. Three ethnic groups who were the first ancient Britons came from the region of Belukha, and the steppe people arrived more recently, but the various groups are now all integrated British people. Fast tracking back to Africa is an attempt to erase from record their presence in Britain, and the reality of the culture they forged. It is really sinister; it indicates an unwillingness to acknowledge that culture, which is an attempt at cultural genocide.
I'm a normally educated 70yr old Brit, I know about RNA/DNA and also the difference of tracing the Mother gene as opposed to the father gene, I do not understand, humans capacity, to deny proof that "most" homo sapiens came out of North West Africa, and as a white git with freckles as a child, I already know that fact, the History between me and the boy living on a beach in todays Morocco, that fascinates me
The thing is homosapien is a wanderer. Always moving, some of us have made incredible efforts to travel others "settle down". Our monogamy makes moving a lot easier than for a polygamous communities who would have to have a planning committee meeting b4 they could do anything
What a fascinating video wow how Interesting, I remember hearing about Cheddar Man, many years ago. But this video was put together and explained In the perfect way. I loved It
He died in his 20s and he was male. The more things change the more they stay the same. Alternate theory: he was schizophrenic or bipolar and the local shaman thought that knocking a hole in his head would let the bad spirits out. Sometimes the cure is worse. 🤷🏼♀️
I have have only just found her, but I love this woman, she speaks with the confidence of knowledge gained. A word to the wise: ' It is only when you realize you know absolutely nothing, that you become open to learning something. ' Words from my father to me. He was a very successful research chemist, and a borderline genius who, in retirement, lectured internationally.
With a doubling of ancestors every generation back, the number of possible ancestors at the time of 'Cheddar Man' is extremely large. Geography would have imposed a very large 'pedigree collapse", but we can not rule out connections to every part of the globe. Cousins everywhere, just everywhere!
Therefore, she shares ancestors with everybody on earth 🌎 🙄 Racism is obviously still rampant. We share more DNA with Asians because we evolved closer in time to them. But, we all evolved from the original population in Africa. I really don't get the issue with who we descended from. Every one of us will obviously share a set of ancestors based upon evolution. Technically speaking, every living creature on earth is descended from the first living organism. So, add your goldfish and mosquitoes into the family tree. Let's see you all go ape shit about that next 😂
Eh. Poorly written and presented. There are far more serious documentaries on the cheddar man that *don't* go off topic to "racism", modern immigration and/or "colonialism".
You seem to have a deficit in listening and comprehension, because there is no racism as far as I can see.... and the methods in cross-referencing seemingly off-topic and modern immigration/colonialism are all and methods of story-telling to help most of us be able to understand. You seem to take issue with the fact that the presenter has black skin, what is wrong with that? There's a big difference between 'description' and 'prescription' about how our ancestors were.... Dr Brace explains the DNA role researched in that to support it all. Is there an issue with accepting that our ancestors were black? If you have your DNA done, you will be surprised at just how widespread our ancestors were, because as you know, every generation you go back, doubles the amount of grand/great grandparents we have. The presenter states she is a travel writer... writers research and consult with experts in order to tell stories that often more academic people have trouble connecting with others over. Perhaps you need to present your own TH-cam show about it with all the knowledge you have on the topic? I enjoy seeing everyones interpretations etc.
@Paula Cunniffe There was a slight bias as there is in nearly all entertainment today. I imagine being black does shape the way you think,the same way being white or whatever, so it's fair to say everyone has bias and it was displayed here
@@paulacunniffe4123 They purposely gave him the wrong colour skin to push a narrative that black people have always been in Europe, and to promote the mass immigration is good narrative. It's a joke
This programme is suggestively narrated by a black travel writer, not a historian or an archaeologist. However, there is no proof that Cheddar man was black as depicted in the model shown. In fact the leading geneticists on the research even said so herself and went on to say the colour chosen was more political, than factual. Even the esteemed 'New Scientist' had to back track and write a disclaimer after finding out they had been mislead. Yet this is a reoccurring theme here in the UK with other examples like a femail Viking skeleton discovered at York also portrayed as a black African. Another example is Beachyhead Lady circa 125- 245 AD also portrayed as a black woman and also like Cheddar man a black bust was produced depicting her. Many of these findings interestingly have Dr Tom Booth if the Natural History Museum involved, who actually is an expert but one with a stated political agenda to disprove 'white supremacists'????? Yet Beachyhead lady was also debunked after her dna was finally tested and it revealed she was actualy born locally in Britain and was not Africa at all but European. Later the carefully crafted black bust had to be removed quietly from display. Though if you Google her it still comes up despite it too being yet another 'mistake'.
The constant propaganda to undermine native Europeans is disgusting. We don't have homelands or cultures anymore, or at least we won't soon. A British-Nigerian can always go to Nigeria to be immersed in their own culture and history and people. Where can a native Briton go...? All there is here is a total mix of people (who ironically refuse to actually mix) and copied and pasted chain businesses everywhere.
hey mate, do you have any patriotic history channels / podcasts you can recommend for somebody who genuinely is interested in the true history free of modern propaganda? I am not British but love the isles!
She doesn't answer the question about who is indigenous here. If you look at peoples we consider indigenous like Native Americans, Aborigines and Maori we'll find the same story of movement. So is she suggesting there is no such thing as indigenous peoples and it doesn't matter?
@@petergaskin1811 Unless you are Maori, Aborigine, Native American... the whole point of this video is to show that actually, there are no "indigenous" people of the British Isles, therefore we should not protest about being invaded by ten million immigrants in the last 25 years.
@@DerekGM6 I see that is what she seems to be getting at but its not like Britain was the only place where people were moving about prehistorically. If we want to use examples of nomad cultures as she does there is no such thing as any indigenous peoples. The argument does not stack up.
This turned into too much of a political statement/ opinion. I'm a paid subscriber to history hit and love the channel, but we don't need presenters to implant their own opinions into the documentaries. Comparing free movement of people 10,000 years ago to now and using that to suggest that anybody and everybody should be able to come and go to the UK freely is just absurd / baseless. Back then, they were not impacting a society of people by coming and going. The country wasn't full to the brim. Infrastructure was not overly stretched because there was not infrastructure, no buildings, no nothing. It was a wild country and early humans were just a part of that wilderness. Many reasons we do not allow for just anybody to come and stay here and why we vet people first - such as welfare system being stretched completely out of control, dilution of public assets, potential for increased crime, potential overpopulation for the land size etc etc.
@@twonumber22 And look, the little troll came back with his blanket "strawman" phrase that he's so pathetically proud to know. Your parents must be proud - I'm sure that you refer to them as strawmen also... "Little Timmy - go tidy your room"....... "Oh god, your both such strawmen...." You've never slam dunked a thing in your pathetic little life have you? Don't think History documentaries are for - maybe get back to Jungle book?
@@CyberUK You should probably just look the term up since you're struggling with it so much. Anyways, let me know if you ever manage to conceive any argument whatsoever.
What a refreshing approach to explaining our history, real and relatable. A stark contrast to previous pompous pedagogory we are usually confronted with. Well done ladies we need more of this.
The eye color surprises me because I've heard that everyone with blue eyes are descendents of this one blue eye man long long ago, so having 2 people from different places both with that eye color is strange to me. My family almost all of them had very blue eyes that is on my mothers side but on my dad's side they also had blue eyes just not this blue. Only my dad and I have green eyes. The eyes on these 2 men is a wonderful color.
"Politics ruins everything" That's funny because I would suggest that you are the one that introduced politics, white Europeans didn't basically exist during the Ice Age, because so much of Europe was covered in a thick ice sheet and therefore uninhabitable, quite obviously the ancestors of Northern Europeans, came from outside of the region, and all modern humans, ultimately came out of Africa and were thus dark skins, I have absolutely no idea why it makes any difference to anyone, what colour skin their distant ancestors had and why they get so exercised but the fact that it was dark and theirs isn't. Skin colour is a triviality, and there is nothing political, about suggesting that ancient Europeans had dark skin.
@@inyathi academia brought politics into the science with their unhealthy obsession with colour. one of the geneticists who performed the research says the conclusion is less certain, and according to others we are not even close to knowing the skin colour of any ancient human.
Why has this left wing historian felt the need to politicise this video. She's made it all about race and immigration and has been very dismissive of modern British history. "pilferred lions from Africa" We all know humans derive from Africa, but you can see this being turned into a black history lesson in schools and being favoured over our modern history, which in my opinion is far more important to us. Historians should remain impartial when presenting our British history.
I thought she had an interest from a travel and personal POV. When it comes down to it, there are only a couple of code changes that make the difference between dark and light skin. If we come from the British isles or anywhere in north west Europe, we had dark skinned ancestors. It’s interesting. That’s all.
@@kimhaas7586 Some people over the years have claimed him to be a sub Saharan African which is pushing it a bit. lol. Dark skinned doesn't mean African.
@@shaunwild8797 We all originated from Africa. Everyone alive everywhere in the world did. And skin pigmentation is a selective advantage depending on the amount of direct sunlight you are getting in the place where you live. That’s why most Northern Europeans are fair skinned. But going from dark skin to light skin took a very long time. Cheddar man suggests it took at least 10,000 years. There’s nothing bad about coming from Africa. Read Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond to get a better idea why geography matters in the development of civilization.
@@kimhaas7586 I think the issue is people pushing a narrative that "black Africans" have actually been here, there, and everywhere at all times when science and history seem to show otherwise. Separated by 10,000 years but linked by DNA! A 9,000 year old skeleton’s DNA was tested and it was concluded that a living relative was teaching history about a half mile away, tracing back nearly 300 generations! Four years before, when Adrian Targett, a retired history teacher from Somerset, walked into his local newsagent, he was startled to see a familiar face staring up at him. That face, appearing on the front page of several newspapers, belonged to a distant relative of his - around 10,000 years distant, actually - known as Cheddar Man. Ancient DNA from Cheddar Man, a Mesolithic skeleton discovered in 1903 at Gough’s Cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, has helped Museum scientists paint a portrait of one of the oldest modern humans in Britain. This discovery is consistent with a number of other Mesolithic human remains discovered throughout Europe. Cheddar Man is the oldest complete skeleton to be discovered in the UK and has long been hailed as the first modern Briton who lived around 7,150 BC. His remains are kept by London’s Natural History Museum, in the Human Evolution gallery.
4:23 Yeah that's his left eye, unless you have flipped the video. I appreciate the lack of stock video, but the images could have followed the narrative a lot better. So many shots that were not of the thing being described.
amazing and wonderfully filmed. it is so interesting to find out that early humans like cheddar man had quite dark complextion but pale eyes. were the british isles that warm at that time? we are all related in some way and i appreciate the film ending on this notion
I love these kinds of videos. Great video, great content, and it's so interesting to listen to people who are really passionate about their job and can at the same time explain things in a way others, non professionnals can understand. Thank you so much. Cheers from France.
You pretty well answered my question (thought). It would be interesting to put Cheddar Man's DNA into the genealogy DBs and see if there are any matches with anyone alive today.
Any person alive that far back in history is related to all of us alive today, not just the chap still living nr Cheddar. However, this programme is nothing less than racist propaganda.
They did and through genealogy they found a match, and through the female side of a man there in Cheddar. I watched a show about this and did an interview with him it was very good.
I know a coastal cave in Ayrshire, Scotland, with a little wasterfall of very variable flow, which hist the rocks halfway down the cliff, which themselves are petrified mud. And on thst 'mud', if you climb up to nearly the top of it, has a human footprint on it. I don't think it has at all been offically recorded or studied at all. The caves in the area, especially the one under/beside the waterfdall, has been used for millenia. And evfen has what appear to be very eroded steps up to it. I guess made by members of the Kennedy fanmily whose land it has mainly been for centuries. And no doubt was where they stored their contraband. These steps take you around 10ft up to the flat floor of the main cave. Beside and below to thr left, is a smaller cave, a convenient ''toilet''. It lies quite a way from Greenan castle (another kennedy one) at the southern end of Alloway, and almost 3/4 of the way from there to Dunure, another Kennedy castle there too. (a littler farther South where orange manbaby trump has his golf course, is Bruce land (Robert the Bruce's family holdings.) Around 100 yards South of the cave there is a fresh water spring. Useable to this day. Great camping and party spot between the main cave and there.
the we're unlikely to find anyone related to him, didn't age well did it. They found his distant descendant still living in the area, and still looking the spit of his ancestor. It's amazing how close they look.
The man they found is almost certainly not descended directly from 'Cheddar Man' and that match was from years before the research into Cheddar Man's DNA. The likely darker skin tones match other research into skeletons from Europe in that timeframe (circa 10k years ago)
@@cardroid8615 The analysis of Cheddar Man's mitochondrial DNA by Bryan Sykes in 1996 was broadcast on a regional television programme in the UK, Once Upon a Time in the West. The programme emphasised the connection between Cheddar Man and a history teacher from a local school, both of whom belonged to mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U5, although this cannot demonstrate a direct connection between Cheddar Man and this individual, and many people with the same mtDNA haplogroup could probably be found even within the local area. (wikipedia) Still looks like him though/ enough to convince me
"... and of course his skin pigmentation would have been dark or dark-brown to black in colour" Can someone explain how he was blacker than some Africans when his ancestors have been from Europe for tens of thousands of years?
To bad most people with the latest skin model dont even like it. Most of them get sun tans to add color 😂. Everyone knows light skin is the right skin 😉.
It sounds like you're comparing him to modern populations in Africa rather than his contemporaries who lived there. Europe wouldn't have been as white as it is today in the time of his ancestors, so he probably didn't have parents with the lighter tones even if there were lighter tones starting to spread in parts of Europe.
They are always trying to imply that the first Britons were blacks and they populated and made this country what it is, if so where did they all disappear to??
Well, not to take away from this amazing find, but it's the same for every other country. Even the Asian populations at a certain point have the same ancestor as the Caucasian.
My grandmother told me it doesn't matter what they tell you at school Chedder man was not made of cheese
Yes, and amazingly one of his direct descendants still survives! His name is Donald Trump, and is clearly a direct descendant because he is orange, just like cheddar cheese! Anyone can clearly see this. Isn't this amazing? DNA is a wonderful thing. Who would have guessed that orange could actually be inherited. I'll never see a cheese sandwich the same way.
Mint 😆👍
@@melissapinol7279Wtf? We're all descended from WHG in Europe.
@awardwinningcritique6895 in school in the U. K. we were told that Dutch people were 'so' honest that, they left their shoes outside overnight. I told my Dutch friend this story in later life, and asked him if it was true. He replied that it wasn't but, he'd been told the same story about the Brits, when he was a child too 😆😅🤣😂🕊️👍
Maybe the hole in his head signifies that he is actually Swiss, not Cheddar?! 🤔 Either way, this story sounds a bit cheesy to me! 🤷♀️
Ok dad
"First humans on British shores" implies an island. Britain was still joined to mainland Europe when humans first came.
Mainlands have shores, and waterways generally connects cultures rather than land, we know this from studies of traded language and culture. So I guess maybe it all depends on where those first humans were supposed to come from and how they got there. Then again - how seafaring they actually were at the time, I have no idea, but humans always did crazy, desperate or plain stupid stuff and sometimes it pays off.
Britain was an island before the more recent glacial advances too, it is mentioned about 12 minutes in.
@@4wdflying They never could make up their mind about their connection with the rest of Europe 😂
She said "these shores". Placing her in present tense. Implying anything but the current island status would be incorrect.
Benmacdui9328....You didn't listen to the entire video....
Oxford University scientists announced Friday 9 Mar 1997 that Adrian Targett, 42, a history teacher in the large Village (pop of 5500) of Cheddar in southwest England, shares a common ancestor with Cheddar Man.
It is the longest human lineage ever traced, the team of scientists from the university's Institute of Molecular Medicine said.
Wow. Pretty amazing! Thanks!🎉😊❤
They shared the same mitochondrial haplogroup, which isn't quite the same as being directly related.
rubbish just because he has dna related dosnt mean he related from him
Technically, anyone on earth shares a common ancestor with Cheddar man, or with anyone else for that matter.
@@luizcsevero That's true. Cheddar man had the mtdna haplogroup U5, which the teacher also had. This is the connection which people are misinterpreting to mean that the teacher was a direct descendant. What it actually means is both Cheddar man and the teacher were both descended from the woman in which U5 originated.
Strange calling the The Oldest Englishman. English or England did not exit ten thousand years ago. The oldest Britain would be a more accurate title for this.
I agree, for a more accurate identification. The individual should be identified an a Briton.
The oldest Briton, would be an even more accurate description. This skeleton has no connection to the English of the later Anglo-Saxons!
The Celts did live in Britain before the Saxons came from Germany.
Briton, but they are recent arrivals too.
Briton is the singular.
Britain has always been a land where people come and go, except, Cheddar man's people, the Western-Hunter-Gatherers, went nowhere. Rather they were replaced by the farming population. This doesn't mean they all decided to just leave the land to the farmers, this meant they were taken over by the farmers. Interestingly, we see in Britain and Ireland that phenotypes associated with these Western hunter-gatherers remained amongst the ruling elite of the later farming societies. This is in contrast to the typical continental setting where we see the farmers actively waging war against the Western hunter-gatherer populations during the neolithic.
Yet then again, the farmers that replaced Cheddar man's people, were then replaced, by force, by the Bell Beaker people as this video mentions, but the farmers did not leave peacefully. We see instead up to 90% of the farming society's people disappear, with an almost complete and significant population replacement, by a society that was notorious for it's warrior-graves.
However, British people are essentially still Bell Beakers. In Ireland and Wales, most of their ancestors and paternal lineages are of indigenous beaker origin. In Scotland, most of their ancestry and paternal lineages are also of Beaker origin. In England, they have less native Beaker ancestry, but the ancestors of the English from the continent, e.g. the various Germanic tribes, were ultimately also of Beaker origin, however they were continental beaker people.
4,500 years of a relatively stable population of Beaker-descendent people. Beaker people themselves being descendants of both Western-Hunter-Gatherers and the farmers. It's not really comparable to modern migration.
Regarding the bell beaker culture, due to their lack of any records or dna evidence, we don’t know for sure whether they were a cohesive ethnicity or were merely a very loosely similar group of people, we have to remember just how wide their range was. We also don’t know whether they were pre indo European or an early form of their European migrations.
Assuming they were pre indo European, this would mean that the Celtic cultural shift and later Germanic migrations were quite unrelated indeed, contrary to what you said. If they were indo European, then that would mean that the point you made regarding the dissimilarity between the cultures migrating is only one step removed from the dissimilarity of any indo European culture (almost all of europe, Persians, most indians/Pakistanis)
The bottom line is that the line being drawn is necessarily rather arbitrary as the native peoples at the time always identified the incoming culture as foreign, be it the through the assimilation of foreign culture for the benefit of trade like with the celts, or the violent replacement turning to assimilation of the Anglo Saxon migrations
Just to add on the point claiming the beaker people are descended from western hunter gatherers, this may be true, but cannot be simultaneously with the idea that they also spawned the Germanic people, who most certainly were indo European in nature, who migrated into Europe after the original farmers in Western Europe had established themselves
@@just.some.things3945 Beaker people descend from Western Hunter Gatherers in two distinct ways.
Beakers paternal ancestry (western steppe herder, indo-european) consisted mostly of Eastern Hunter-Gatherers who themselves were a hybrid between a early Western Hunter-Gatherer population (maternally) and an Ancient North Eurasian population paternally, with early Eastern Hunter-Gatherers having up to 90% ANE ancestry, and a smaller part WSG ancestry...
Beakers also descend from WSH by way of the Early European Farmers who consisted partially of Anatolian Farmer ancestry and Western Hunter-Gatherer ancestry. Anatolian farmers also being ultimately derived from a South-Eastern population of Western Hunter-Gatherers.
Bell-Beaker people were Indo-European, they were the predecessors of Germanic culture, as well as Celtic, and Latin cultures. They derived from the Single-Grave Corded Ware culture, who were also Indo-European. The Corded Ware's earliest individuals we know of were up to 90% Western-Steppe-Herder in origin (Sredny Stog, e.g. the Proto-Indo-Europeans.)
Germanic culture was actually birthed out of the Nordic Bronze Age, where we have in the Scandinavian context a ruling elite of males who were paternal descendants of Western Hunter-Gatherers as we can tell by their haplogroups. However their ancestral population was known as Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherers who were roughly half Western Hunter-Gatherer through their paternal lines, and half Eastern Hunter-Gatherer by their maternal lines.
Germanic culture was then a combination of the various branches of Corded Ware, including the Beakers in a West-Germanic context, as well as a combining with the native culture of the Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherers known in the Bronze-Age context as the Pitted Ware Culture (a deeply war-like, maritime culture, similar to later Germanic culture).
@@just.some.things3945 We know the Bell Beaker Culture was not nessercerily a singular ethnic group, we do know however that a population of Bell Beaker culture people from the mouth of the Rhine were a singular ethnic group who were responsible for the birth of pre-celtic British cultures, and Celtic cultures. It is possible to see this both by examining autosomal DNA of the early samples but also by the spread of a specific subclade of R1B at the time which seemed to originate in this area of the Netherlands.
I have heard that Bell Ends are an ancient offshoot of the Bell Beakers.
Why mention Ms Seacoal?
She was a trader !
Because she black, and we all have to admire black people nowadays...
Too right fella, they have to crowbar them in at every opportunity ! Would have liked to watch the whole vid. but i couldn't take anymore !
A load of Leftist propaganda. I nearly threw up watching it.
History with bias is not history. I could not watch the whole thing either, pure cringe.
And she wasn't British either.
I once read they did a DNA comparison on Cheddar Man with local people, and they found one gentleman who was a descendant of Cheddar Man. His wife remarked her husband was rather fond of rare meat.
Yes. Adrian Targett...a retired history teacher from Cheddar itself. His mitochondrial DNA shows a direct link via his mother's side. I believe that was established by a sample taken from a molar, not from the ear bone mentioned in this clip.
Yes. The late Bryan Sykes did the early DNA research on Cheddar Man and wrote about it in his wonderful book on the genetic roots of Brits and Irish. He tracked down the chap you mention, who lived near the gorge. Astonishing when you think about it.
His name is Adrian Targett.
About all who have U mithocondrial DNA are related to him. That's about 10-15% of all Europeans.
@@Alejojojo6 Ever heard of Adrian Targett? 😆
Well done! But I do have a bone to pick: early remains are labeled "cannibals" when there is actually only evidence of de-fleshing of bones, not what was done with that flesh. Many people groups de-flesh bones in order to release the spirit.
She's trying to make out that Cheddar man was more advanced, less barbaric, than the earlier inhabitants and must be of more recent African descent etc. Despite the fact that it's complete nonsense. Cannibalism has in fact been reported in several African regions as recently as 2007.
@@JP-hr7ch Nice strawman.
@@JP-hr7ch And you didn't even watch the video the first time you made a nonsense comment. Lmao, a completely head-empty reactionary review, my guy.
These are experts and this is their day to day job, they know more than you and I !
I didn't say the documentary is wrong, just leaping to a conclusion. All they needed to do was insert the word "possibly".
They found his distance relative through a DNA through his mother side he was shocked and he said that it's a interesting thing to be apart of a family older than the current monarch. He had black hair and blue eyes.
And how big was his ****
Separated by 10,000 years but linked by DNA! A 9,000 year old skeleton’s DNA was tested and it was concluded that a living relative was teaching history about a half mile away, tracing back nearly 300 generations!
Four years before, when Adrian Targett, a retired history teacher from Somerset, walked into his local news-agent’s, he was startled to see a familiar face staring up at him. That face, appearing on the front page of several newspapers, belonged to a distant relative of his - around 10,000 years distant, actually - known as Cheddar Man.
Ancient DNA from Cheddar Man, a Mesolithic skeleton discovered in 1903 at Gough’s Cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, has helped Museum scientists paint a portrait of one of the oldest modern humans in Britain.
This discovery is consistent with a number of other Mesolithic human remains discovered throughout Europe. Cheddar Man is the oldest complete skeleton to be discovered in the UK and has long been hailed as the first modern Briton who lived around 7,150 BC. His remains are kept by London’s Natural History Museum, in the Human Evolution gallery.
I'm related to Cheddar Man. So is nearly every Native Brit
@@PeteV80 Not if current "right-think" has its way. The department of truth is trying to educate us on all the history people "forgot" to write down, LOL!
@@PeteV80 Did you not watch this to the end 😂 I don’t know why you assume that as that’s not true, less than 10% have DNA related to ‘Cheddar man’, most ethnic English are descendants of the Bell-Beaker people 5000 years ago, the last study put the figure at 90%, Estonians have more in common with WHG (cheddar man) than you do, the whole story has been twisted by people with a political agenda
Poor explanation of whether he’s a direct ancestor. Yes, he is, if he left descendants, because he lived before the Identical Ancestors Point. He is a member of the WHG population, Western Hunter Gatherers. From Wikipedia “This population forms about 10%, on average , of the ancestry of Britons without a recent family history of immigration.” So yes, he (or his contemporaries who left descendants) make up 10% of the typical British ancestry, and a smaller proportion of the ancestry of everybody else.
rubbish we have none of his dna and even if that was true it would be less then 5%
But his WHG ancestors might have moved to the Isles 9000 years ago, while the ancestors of another person descended from WHG people didn't come until 5000 or 1000 years ago. There are a lot of people in the British Isles who would share a common ancestor with Cheddar Man, yes, but that alone doesn't make him or a contemporary living in Cheddar at that time, ancestral. The IAP for Cheddar Man and any other person would have to be at least dated to his 'age', but it could be 5000 years or 50,000 years before he lived.
they exaggerated these few 'dark skinned' ancestor stories .. its worth checking the actual facts, sadly.
Neanderthals are not "our" relatives, Homo sapiens (Africans) are not related to Neanderthals. Neanderthal are the relatives of Europeans, Chinese, Indians and the rest of mankind!
@@mythtree6348 point us to some of these 'actual facts'
I was totally captivated by this show, I live very close to Cheddar gorges, and when it all closes at about 5.30pm, I have been in the Gorges for a late picnic with family and friends, and the mountain Goats that still climb wildly upwards on what look like a giant stairway, you cant help but feel you are trapped in time. In an age that could of been 10,000 years ago or 100,000 years ago, until a car or motorbike brings you back to today.
Have a mushroom.
"....In an age that could of been 10,000 years ago" *....could have been 10,000 years ago. (Not of.)
@20:19, "...people coming into the UK..." A common mistake among many people, calling ancient Briton the UK (United Kingdom), which only came into existence, somewhat recently, with the Act of Union in 1801 as a political entity.
Good point. There is the tricky matter of the ancient greeks calling us something like Bretannikē and the ancient celts called it Pretani which give credence to the name being older but the Act of Union is a good official rubber stamp we can all point to.
This is true Doggerland about 8000 years ago. Thousands of mammoth tusks lay on the bottom of the North sea today, spearheads & neanderthal remains. The British isles were once the western highest points of that one land mass. Perhaps humans in these higher areas after the flooding remained here. There seems to have been different sea levels at different times around these isles & in humanities time. The Isle of Wright for instance was according to the Romans, waded out to knee deep from what is now southern England. Then ancient tin mines in Cornwall are now at the bottom of the channel. Northern Ireland's Giants causeway is written in myth as being a bridge across to Scotland. In Scotland the same rock formations can be found. Did it once form a stretch across the Irish sea, now deep below the waters & ancients witnessed it? We were Britons before the Romans, the Greeks more or less called us that. Did we call us that or was that their name for us? Stonehenge was seen as sacred to peoples from the Scottish isles to mainland Europe long before the Romans & Greeks. Perhaps we had a national identity going very far back?
So fkn what splitting hairs you know what they mean the land ffs😂😂
No matter what you call it you’re wrong because it certainly didn’t have any name at the time this chap lived and died.
WTF do you expect people to call it in order to identify the area they are speaking of so that laymen can understand? I assure you, the scientists, archeologists, and presenters are well aware that it wasn't Britain, UK, England, or the village of Cheddar back then. Referring to the area as those simply allows Joe Schmoe to figure out where they are talking about 🙄 They also mention that it wasn't an island. They are simply using evocative phrases to illustrate a point. If you have a problem with these amazing people excitedly explaining and sharing knowledge with ordinary people, read peer reviewed journals and leave the engaging documentaries to those of us who enjoy fun. 🤪
Not an "Englishman". A Briton.
not even a Briton or even early Celtic this predates these civilisation.
@@stevethomas5849 Following your logic, Africans didn't exist until the continent of Africa was described by the Greeks, which of course only applied to North Africa anyway, and was absolutely distinct from Sub-Saharan Africa civilisations.
@@stevethomas5849 yes he is, he has european DNA.
@@eadweardwoden7309 you didn't think that through.
@@ianmcsherry5254 i did. please prove me wrong.
Some pretty basic errors in this, for instance Doggerland didn't disappear 125.000!!!, years ago. It was in fact less than 10.000 years ago, how can such a basic error be made unless there is some propaganda element to this program.
The general story appears to have been told reasonably, though with massive simplifications to cut it down to this brief video. You're correct about Doggerland, but I don't see propaganda here, I see information. Of course some would say that the presenter talking about us all originating in Africa is 'propaganda' or lies, and I would say that's just what the evidence shows, so you might view something as propaganda that I don't.
@@jeanineadele We'll have to agree to disagree. I've only ever come across evidence that supports it, which is why it is the currently accepted theory (not hypothesis).
Well established populations of africa have European dna, no European population has african dna. What evidence do you have for out of Africa nonsense besides some cartoon drawings?
@@jeanineadele , by who and why. Did the polar bear evolve in the Arctic or did it evolve in a warmer climate and change over time walking north.
I think you need to watch the video again, more carefully. It doesn't say doggerland disappeared 125k years ago, at all.
Geneticist Susan Walsh at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, says "we simply don't know his skin colour". this video claims the NHM own Geneticist did the research, are they saying 'Susan Walsh' was not involved?
I htink they don't know. The problem with this programme is when it was produced and the political agenda behind the programme makers.
I’m far from an expert, but from what I understand the reason genetics concludes that his skin was dark is that he lacks the gene that is universally found in subsequent populations of Europeans that have pale skin. This allele was present in the Anatolian farmers who replaced (?) cheddar’s people and also later groups. So they theorized a darker skin tone. How dark? We can’t really be sure. Could be that the reconstructed picture of him is accurate, or it could be that he was closer to, say, Inuit. Was def politicized by both right and left. To them I would say, get over it. He’s been dead 10,000 years!
@@jamessarsgard1342 No, they didn't find the marker that determines skin colour, what matters is the truth, there should be no room for ideological activism within academia, I'm afraid it appears to be endemic, reality doesn't appear to be important.
@@hetrodoxly1203 why do you asume that her conclusions are ideological and not scientific? I mean do you have enough knowledge of genetics to refute her conclusions? What is the issue if the cheddar man had dark skin?
@@rob8856 I'm not assuming anything, geneticist working on the sample said they couldn't tell the colour of his skin from the results, New Scientist magazine retracted it's article, stating his skin colour hadn't been found from the sample, the issue is facts, this is the most worrying part, the truth should be paramount.
Really enjoyed this 🙌
My irish father has quite a bit of DNA from Cheddar nan. I have confirmed it through about 6 other DNA sites and they all come back to him. He also has DNA from that part of England and lots of DNA matches from the South West..
Cheddar nan - bet she made great scones.
Irish are celts they have none of cheddar mans dna
@@eggymixes cheddar nan is a speciality in my local Indian.
I’m apparently 31% Irish and mostly English and some Northern European, the Irish family originated in Waterford Southern Ireland and many of the people there mixed with the Basque, these people have there own language and apparently the Persian farmers from the Fertile Crescent moved there and mixed with the local hunter gatherers. That’s the problem with dna it’s throws up all sorts of things but interesting.
@@eggymixes yoooo I hate you bro 😂😂😂
For some reason, I feel like I was supposed to learn more than the story of cheddar man from this video. Was this about history or some kind of social message that I'm not understanding?
Was a bit weird wasn’t it. Like some kind of forced agenda
On a scale of one to five, five being darkest, Cheddar man scores five for the genes that give dark skin. Same for Mesolithic people all over Europe. It’s a fact, get over it. His eyes were light, either greenish or blue. A combination not frequently found in Europe nowadays, so people find it hard to believe. Not unusual as such though. A lot of Afghans, Pakistanis and northern Indians have it. Western Hunter Gatherers did not need light skin in the cloudy British Isles because they had a forager diet very rich in plants with vitamin C (which supports the processing of “sunshine vitamin D) and fish with plenty of Vitamin D. Neolithic arrivals had lighter brown skin and frequently suffered Vit C & D & iron deficiency because they were farmers, and were bringing with them crops like wheat, and they seemed to not eat fish much. A more restricted diet. Other common crops on the continent could not cope with the climate if the British Isles.
@@eh1702 I’ve got absolutely no problem with the dark skin it’s just the language used in the video suggests nobody is native to Briton.
@@eh1702 I'm aware of almost all of that info. Could you please explain why you are going over this and what should I be getting over? I honestly don't understand the point that is being made by both you and the show.
@@sandman8920 Yes trying to reinforce that we are all immigrants,and should welcome the new ones. and not resent being over run again.
I think it's worth keeping in mind that the Cheddar Man sample had been in storage for decades before the Natural History Museum commissioned the analysis. The study and genome were never published, and years later have still not been despite the Museum's half-hearted insistence that they were going to be.
Considering samples for DNA analysis are supposed to be extracted during excavation, and not after decades sitting in the archives, alongside the fact that almost no information about any of this has been published or peer-reviewed, I would take all of this with a rather large pinch of salt.
The findings are rather convenient in today's social climate, but the science is hardly watertight.
Not only is it "not watertight" it's absolutely full of huge holes and is driven by current politics rather than real science.
@@andrewmcneil6668 The sample is so old and poorly maintained that we can never trust the data entirely, but I do believe it's possible they used real science and their best efforts in conducting the actual examination.
That being said, I do think it's obvious that current politics played a major role in how they chose to interpret those findings and present them to the public. It's most likely their analysis told them that Cheddar Man would have had a skin tone between 'Italian' and 'Sub-Saharan African', and they decided to run with that in a very particular way...
Time for me to move on from such pithy channels...
Separated by 10,000 years but linked by DNA! A 9,000 year old skeleton’s DNA was tested and it was concluded that a living relative was teaching history about a half mile away, tracing back nearly 300 generations!
Four years before, when Adrian Targett, a retired history teacher from Somerset, walked into his local news-agent’s, he was startled to see a familiar face staring up at him. That face, appearing on the front page of several newspapers, belonged to a distant relative of his - around 10,000 years distant, actually - known as Cheddar Man.
Ancient DNA from Cheddar Man, a Mesolithic skeleton discovered in 1903 at Gough’s Cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, has helped Museum scientists paint a portrait of one of the oldest modern humans in Britain.
This discovery is consistent with a number of other Mesolithic human remains discovered throughout Europe. Cheddar Man is the oldest complete skeleton to be discovered in the UK and has long been hailed as the first modern Briton who lived around 7,150 BC. His remains are kept by London’s Natural History Museum, in the Human Evolution gallery.
it has nothing to do with the quality of the sample. a dna sample cannot determine the skin color of an ancient person. it is literally impossible to know with modern technology and any geneticist knows this.
Didn't Adrian Targett from Cheddar link his mitochondrial DNA back to Cheddar Man? I believe it happened back twenty-five years ago or so..
Whitewashed history
I myself are also descendant of the Cheddar man. I have the same mitochondrial DNA as well.
He was African.
@@Solid800 No he wasn't.
Why not upload his DNA to GEDMatch? They have an Archaic Matches table there that you can match your DNA to known DNA samples up to 20,000+ years ago
Already been done, over twenty years ago!
Separated by 10,000 years but linked by DNA! A 9,000 year old skeleton’s DNA was tested and it was concluded that a living relative was teaching history about a half mile away, tracing back nearly 300 generations!
Four years before, when Adrian Targett, a retired history teacher from Somerset, walked into his local news-agent’s, he was startled to see a familiar face staring up at him. That face, appearing on the front page of several newspapers, belonged to a distant relative of his - around 10,000 years distant, actually - known as Cheddar Man.
Ancient DNA from Cheddar Man, a Mesolithic skeleton discovered in 1903 at Gough’s Cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, has helped Museum scientists paint a portrait of one of the oldest modern humans in Britain.
This discovery is consistent with a number of other Mesolithic human remains discovered throughout Europe. Cheddar Man is the oldest complete skeleton to be discovered in the UK and has long been hailed as the first modern Briton who lived around 7,150 BC. His remains are kept by London’s Natural History Museum, in the Human Evolution gallery.
@@ronnietexan I refer to the GEDMatch website, where anyone who uploads his DNA can compare to archaic DNA.
@@Knards You said "upload his DNA", and I replied that they have and they found an ancestor called Adrian Targett.
@@ronnietexan I said upload his DNA to GEDMatch. You wont find a 300 generation ancestor on that site, but you can find out how much you match his DNA. Along with over 100 other samples from deep in the past.
@@Knards If, as you say it goes back 20,000+ years and "Cheddar man" is a little over 10,000 years old, what has that to do with the fact I told you that they have matched his DNA with a resident of Cheddar who is alive today? are you a salesman for that company?
This non historian presenter of 'history' is apparently (and perhaps unwittingly) part of a wider 'multicultural' campaign which argues that early Britons were 'black' and that Celts, Saxons and Vikings were 'migrants', no different at all from the tens of thousands of young Middle Eastern men who are crossing the English Channel this year.
The best part of this video is the brilliant scientific input from a highly intellectual Dr Selina Brace at the Natural History Museum. She could have presented the entire programme.
However, the general presenter (herself of a recent migrant background) mused, no doubt correctly, that, over millennia and centuries, many populations change their ethnic content or are replaced completely by other peoples and belief systems.
Therefore folks, I am now convinced that there is really no such thing as a native culture in the UK and even if there is, it has no particular value so let it be replaced. Preferably as soon as possible. Furthermore, do not worry if there is a collapse in Western liberal values in the UK due to mass migration from, for example the Islamic world, or if this leads to the kind of 'multicultural' paradise-on-earth that has torn places like Syria, Palestine, Kurdistan, Bosnia and Lebanon apart with tit for tat atrocities from different ethnic and religious groups. You see, migration and population changes and replacement are 'natural' and have been happening for millennia. So there is no need to worry about (actually very swift) mass migration into the UK and Europe.
Clearly, ancient population changes too would have led to countless incidents of violence, rape, slavery, forced conversion, family breakup, abject misery, tribal conflict and many other kinds of trauma.
It might actually be more useful if History Hit programmes are presented by qualified historians/archaeologists/DNA scientists (rather than generalised 'hobby' presenters) ie by specialist presenters who know their history, stick to it, and allow the channel's overwhelmingly well educated viewers to draw their own conclusions.
We were never replaced. Cheddar man's descendant was found in the exact same town where his remains we're discovered. These people are sinister for making this
yep it more far left sjw pedo commie crappy propaganda
No he wasn't.
This is not a new position though. David Mac Ritchie at the turn of the last century argued that the original Britons were Black in his book "Ancient and Modern Britons". Blacks are the original humans of the planet: Whites are mutations. So it makes sense that the first inhabitants of Europe were Black. Those knee-grows are everywhere you look in history whether anyone likes it or not 🤷🏿♂️😬
@@corvusglaive4804 we know how uneducated people are when they say a process of evolution is a mutation.
He wasn’t an Englishman. English is a 9th century identity. That is well after this man lived.
He wasn't a Briton either. These people just talk bollocks on these shows.
@@shaunwild8797 Britain is a geographical term. I think it's reasonable to call him British. The programme does a good job of explaining what he was. It is ridiculous to call him English
@@timflatus He walked here from Doggerland so maybe they should be calling him Doggerman who died in Britain.
@@shaunwild8797 there is no evidence for that. He may have.
In the opening she states "was once thought to be".
People have only left the islands of Great Britain and Ireland due to the advance of ice sheets - driven out by nature, not choice.
Funny concept, not leaving "by choice," as if people back then could have sat down, discussed the matter, decided their best chance after looking at their options, packed up what they thought they would need where they were going, and set off. :)
Some highlanders were driven off by red-coats, not nature.
Australia and New Zealand beg to differ.
@@trikepilot101the caladoinans had bigger invaders than the red coats, the dalrida were far worse. Our native tounge was not gaelic, the dalrida brought that when the invaded us, they took our culture and our relgion, and had the cheek to call caladonia after them. So please do tell me what invaders were worse.
Party political broadcast on behalf of the African diaspora! Nevertheless, a good whistle-stop tour of a million years' of history. Enjoyed it. Personally I don't care where the UK population originates, I just don't want it growing too big. It's hard enough to accommodate, educate and medicate the 65 or so millions we've got now! And I'd prefer not to be obliged to turn a predominantly "green and pleasant land" into an endless concrete & asphalt jungle. If the trendy lefties have got answers to these issues I'd like to hear them.
If we hadn't allowed positive net migration our population would have stalled at around 45m i once read - which was probably a much more manageable amount
The current population of the United Kingdom is 68,819,507 as of Thursday, February 16, 2023, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data ...
@@denz8261Worse than I thought. It's no wonder youngsters can't get on the housing ladder.
@@trailingarm63 , no, the reason for that is almost permanent Conservative rule.
@@vespa81 Can you explain the mechanism of how extended C. rule has created these problems?
Really interesting. Thanks for posting.
Surely he should be called Cheddar George !
"Cheddar Man" is the ancestor of Nigerian cheese that migrated to a northern area in Somerset.
Correction: Ethiopian cheese.
I would have presumed cheddar man's ancestor would have been a Kurd?..
@@peterflynn9123 What? That’s crackers!
@@peterflynn9123 Get a whey with ya.
What did Nick Griffin say that was wrong? The indigenous Britons almost all identify as English, Scots, Welsh or Irish. And why is he being quoted in the first 5 minutes of a history vid on the first humans in Britain? And who on earth thinks "British history" then thinks of Mary Seacole over the likes of Henry VIII, Victoria, Drake, Raleigh, Churchill, Locke, Washington, Wellington, Newton, Alfred the Great, in fact FFS tens of thousands of others? I get the distinct feeling I am about to be subjected to a half hour of bollocks.
It’s just a feminised version of history/ex wife’s version of the truth.. . ya know to use ancient history to manipulate the current narrative & actual truth. I’m just surprised there wasn’t gaslighting like BBC. (another feminist trait, ya know like we’re all “far right for wanting to protect our children from grape gangs”). Very toxic, I had to unsubscribe
Mary seacole was a nothing in history it’s called clutching at straws to make her out to be something she wasn’t as they are hell bent on changing British history
well interestingly, the English are immigrants and not in Britain as long as the only peoples who in trun emigrated from mainland Europe at earlier periods. Again English whitewashing of their immigrant Germanic history..We could turn the racist chant into English go home (to Germany) :-)
@@DaithiKerr68 what ? English is a term used to describe the Germanic tribes that came to Britain there was already people living on these islands and they interbred with the Germanic tribes but the celts had been here for a long time already we are native to these islands
@@DaithiKerr68 Yeah that's right, the English whitewashing their Germanic history by calling themselves Anglo-Saxons...
I've found over the years, meeting British white folks that some are VERY white and pale, they sunburn really easily, etc, and others who have an almost olive skin and tan very easily and are pretty much unaffected by the sun.
It's just interesting to me because I used to see it all the time and often wondered about it.
Me too ! I always wondered about that .
Well the Romans must have left some Italian genes.
@@henrikbunkenborg6743 That's possible but I'd have expected a helluva lot more ethnic mixing over the centuries.
To the point where everyone would pretty much look the same.
Hi Chris. Genetics works in a different way.
We're quite a large mix genetically and this can vary across the country and between individual families. For example, I'm very pale skinned and burn easily, but I attribute this largely to ancestors who came to the UK from Ukraine a little over one hundred years ago (especially as the other side of my family tans fairly easily).
Others will probably have Scandinavian roots (possibly myself included), either directly from Vikings or perhaps from the Normans or even more recently.
Then, on the flipside, there'll be Brits with Mediterranean, Indian, sub-Saharan African, Arab, etc ancestors. Genetics are also quite complex in terms of which genes get inherited and then which of those actually get expressed.
Being an island nation with a long history of different groups visiting or settling here, I'd actually be surprised if we didn't have those differences! Even looking at hair colour or eye colour or height, we have quite a lot of variation compared to some other countries.
Interesting video i thought they did find a relative of Cheddar Man. Living in a Village not far from where Cheddar Man's remains were found? I am sure I recall seeing that on the news? I did enjoy this video as I was born in Cheltenham , England. Now I reside in Ontario , Canada. 💪🏻🙏🏻✨
They did, his name is Adrian Targett. He is surprisingly not black, as are non of his maternal family. His family has lived in the area since Cheddar man, well his maternal side definitely.
@@ronnietexan thank you for the Intel. I knew I heard correctly about a School Teacher i believe he is ? Who has a DNA link to the famous Cheddar Man. 💪🏻🙏🏻✨
@@thomasgumersell9607 Here is some more info. He taught history to Richard Herring, from the comedy duo, Lee & Herring. He was a guest on their show, This morning with Richard but not Judy not long after he found out. It is on TH-cam somewhere.
@@ronnietexan thank you for your info. 💪🏻🙏🏻✨
Not a relative, they just shared the same mtDNA haplogroup...why do people insist on believing the media instead of scientists?!
We need more of this kind of program! One that doesn't assume we are as we have always been. We need new perspectives in Anthropology.
@elizabethford7263 You are presenting a strawman. Nobody thinks things have always been the same. As far as I can see the controversy around cheddar man largely derives from attempts by modern liberals to associate the supposedly dark skin (which is debated about) of Western Hunter Gatherers with the dark skin of modern africans. The truth is that the closest living descendents of Cheddar Man are the pre-1950s white population of britain. Which is rather ironic considering the political hay people like Afua Hirsch are making about dark skin. Aboriginal Australians and Africans both have dark skin. It doesnt mean they were closely related populations or have any interest in merging as peoples
But it's a hoax - and has been exposed as a hoax. Genuine DNA experts have witnesses you cannot determine skin colour from ancient DNA - this is woke propaganda, designed to erase the idea of a British people.
@@Gozzillaciano serious geneticist will say such a thing, dna very obviously can tell you the skin color of a person.
@@TmanRock9 No it cannot -- if you have a good sample it can give you a range of possibilities from lighter to darker. It cannot give you a definitive colour - what the Cheddar hoaxers did is pick the darkest part of the suggested spectrum. And - the researchers here only had a tiny, degraded sample to work on.
What this bollox is obviously about is the woke re-writing of our history as witnessed by the BBC's even more disreputable attempt to pretend Britain has a black history of any significance or age - their "Been here from the Start" bollox pop promo.
The irony is - even if Cheddar man had darker skin than we Brits today - that was because he may have been from a line of Eastern Europeans - nothing to do with Africa as the wokesters are implying.
@@GozzillaciaI have a question for you, Do you believe global warming is a hoax, the covid pandemic was planned and 9/11 was organised? I noticed people who believe Cheddar Man was white tend to say yes to the questions I just asked
Africa was not the only place humans emerged from. Now we know of at least 3 more species that developed.
Yeah look up the yamna if you don't already have, that's where the male population of europe comes from
on the news today in Lancashire they discovered a cave with remains over 11000 years old
Did it have dreads?
No ginger pubes
Lol, nah.. probably a West African pygmy
It was actually found in Cumbria by Lancashire Uni archaeologists, not far from the human remains found near Kents Bank in 2013.
Northern Ibera has cave-paintings as old as 39 000 years old.
23:31 I guess we can’t have a history lesson without a lesson in modern racial politics 🤦🏻♀️
I paused about halfway through when I realized this wasn't about Cheddar Man or any native Europeans. I read a few of the comments and it confirmed the reason I didn't watch this when it came out.
Why are you so mad about that? she’s just telling her story and how it connects to human migration. Ur just mad cheddar man had black skin 😂😂
I was interested till I was told that the symbol of the 'English Lion' was pilfered from Africa. Why do the people who write these things use language like that? I was hoping for scientific information but got this instead 🙄
The message is that Huwite people are bad because they steal everything.
I noticed that too. Everything is political now including a bloody lion.
DId the Romans ever bring lions in Brittania, fighting gladiators or devouring Christians in the various amphitheatres around Roman Brttania?
@@peterlaustra2892 I honestly dont know the answer to that. I do know, however, that the Lion was on the royal standard of the Plantagenate kings from the 12th century onwards though.
Chip on her shoulder
The whole point of this video is to show that actually, there are no "indigenous" people of the British Isles, therefore we should not protest about being invaded by ten million immigrants in the last 25 years. But if you are Maori, Aborigine, Native American then it is just fine to make a big issue about your lands being overrun by white settlers.
Wouldn’t Africans be the only true indigenous people?
What Africans?
The Bantu race (that the presenter of this show is from) genocided most other Sub Saharan African races 12’000 years ago.
Now she’s here advocating for the genocide of the British.
Don't tell Brexiters that!!!!. They think they were the first born!!!.
History hit are scum. Every land on earth had subsequent ppl come in. They're still their own ethnic groups with their own distinct history, just like us Britons. We know all our history and ancestry is from these isles. We're Britons and these modern non Europeans will never be. All they do with this crap is divide and make us even more resentful
@@sidilicious11 f£%k indigenous. We're ethnic Britons. Everything this country is and was has been created by Britons, OUR ancestors. We have a moral right to these isles.
Fascinating. Thank you. Currently reading a brief history of sapiens
What I was looking for was an interesting history lesson, what I got was an attempt at self validation.
what you really want here, is to invalidate her
@@jamescat2386 What I may or may not want, is irrelevant. I didn't make the film.
Note: Cheddar Man was not as dark as he has been depicted in the media. The guy who oversaw his "rendering", Tom Booth, has stated that he made Cheddar Man that dark because of "The white supremacists", and that the image is based on nothing more than that. Not facts, not science, but rather opinion and politics.
This statement is false and harming. Please provide a legitimate source for your information
Edit: There is no evidence that suggests what you say is true and to spout such harmful information in todays day and age and on an informational TH-cam video no less is foolish and immature
DNA suggests that his skin was darker
We wuz Celts and Saxons and sheeit
@@chrisstrider There are GINGER people in the Middle East , you know a DESERT with tons of Sunlight and you plan to tell me that the cheddar man is real what's next Polar Bears are actually native to Congo ? 😂🤣
@@Cmillzzzz Here you go:
One thing I love about these islands we call home is that despite what the Nick Griffin's of the world say, being British is defined by an attitude, an accent and most of all a particular sharpness of wit and sense of humour rather than skin colour etc. One of our greatest strengths has always been the knowledge that reason trumps emotion. I'm proud to live in a country that says, "As long as we can laugh together, we can live together."
Hahahahahaha! What absolute nonsense. Of course nationality isn't defined by attitude and wit or it wouldn't exist to begin with. A quick witted Frenchman doesn't suddenly become English. A laconic Japanese doesn't suddenly become Australian. The attempt to divorce an ethnic identity from anything actually related to ethnicity is just the latest in a long line of mental gymnastics being used to try and redefine some very basic facts to suit a globalist agenda.
@@Matt_Alaric ok
Being British is defined by nothing anymore. Some Britons foolishly believe that Britain is still defined by liberal principles and a shared commitment to personal freedoms, to individual rights and to democracy. Unfortunately such societies do not survive without a firm belief in the virtue of those principles and a commitment to protect them. Masses of immigrants who do not share those values undermine the society. You can see the process happening in major cities where personal freedoms become restricted because they're offensive to large immigrant demographics. It is hard to be welcoming and tolerant of newcomers when they form voting blocks and insert themselves into governing bodies to impose their own values on your society. It doesn't matter when the bulk of Britons arrived here or what race they were, they have formed a society with values and that's what defines them. The current process of destroying any vestige of healthy and tolerant nationalism is turning Britain into a foreign country for many.
@@nerdyali4154 I've seen this happen a few times now, and I'll grant you things do change somewhat, for a while, but mostly the country just swallows everyone up within a couple of generations. That Britishness generally takes over in the end. And to be fair, after that the only things we tend to mutually keep are the things that are mutually beneficial, or at least that's been my experience.
@@blue_tree_meadow No, it doesn't. Not since the norman conquest (which brought profound cultural changes) has this country been subject to any sort of mass immigration. And now that it's underway the idea that there's gonna be any sort of successful absorption is a fantasy used to keep people happy. British people are being replaced in cities across the country, and the culture they built is going with them.
The people who reconstructed Cheddar Man said they had darkend his skin as an experiment. Its taken on a political thing. Cheddar Man probably looked like Tom Jones, Catherine Zeta Jones or Luke Evans. Within the zone of Britishness.
Do you believe global warming is a hoax, the covid pandemic was planned and 9/11 was organised?
I noticed people who believe Cheddar Man was white tend to believe in the three things I just mentioned
its a Boasian anthropology scam
Not even close. This is wishful thinking. Western Hunter Gatherers possessed NONE of the mutated genes related to light skin pigmentation. Therefore, they had dark brown-to-black skin. Which exact shade of dark brown to black? They don't know, but rest assured, he had ancestral skin tone. As did the Magdalenian and Aurignacian people that lived in Europe 10-30 thousand years before Cheddar Man.
The western hunter gathers did also come from Middle East but earlier than the Anatolian or middle Easter farmers who had lighter skin.
@@tonyturntable8025thank you for explaining that so well!
I can't wait to see the episode on gorgonzola man!
Vitamin D is correct, is one answer to why the pigmentation is different, and it became dominant in the European countries over thousands of years.
The claim he had black or brown skin got retracted years ago. This entire video is based on a lie at this point.
@@Matt_Alaric Female Science.
The tectonic plates brought Scotland and England together, and once upon a time we were merged in with the main continent of Europe. How long has a kind of human being have to be in a land, before it is regarded as native. Anglo Saxon, Jutes and Danes and Normans for that matter have been in the UK for over a thousand years. How long were the Maoris in New Zealand there, or the Native American in the US? About a thousand years perhaps.
Much longer.
Apparently the people came and went, replaced by different ones who came and went, over and over, as the climate changed, and invaders came and interbred over and over, so the concept of a native in the UK doesn't apply the same way it does in, say, the Americas.
They have found human footprints in New Mexico from 30,000 years ago.
what about that DNA test years ago in which they found he was related to a local history teacher? Mick Aston was involved...
it dosnt mean he is a direct relative it distancs most moden europens inculding us brits have Eastern hunter gather what we call the Steppe peoples
Then the BBC said he was black.
They discovered that our beloved Phil Harding had some connection with Cheddar Man as well. Phil was delighted. Have you seen some of Phil's flint work? Absolutely beautiful.
@@SandraNelson063 🙄🤣🤡
Excellent presentation, was hooked from the start
The first peoples of North America crossed the Bering land bridge and are accepted as the first people.
The Aborigines in Australia are that continent’s first peoples.
History accepts this.
Any where Caucasian people go are considered interlopers and colonizers.
Seems a woke double standard.
It's even worse than that. 'White' people are not from the Caucasus, they are from the central Asian steppe, and those in Britain came from the region of Khan Tengri. Three ethnic groups who were the first ancient Britons came from the region of Belukha, and the steppe people arrived more recently, but the various groups are now all integrated British people. Fast tracking back to Africa is an attempt to erase from record their presence in Britain, and the reality of the culture they forged. It is really sinister; it indicates an unwillingness to acknowledge that culture, which is an attempt at cultural genocide.
"The Oldest Englishman who ever lived"? What utter nonsense.
yep he never was English the oldest Englishman was when the anglo saxons arrived
@@thelink4492 The concept of England was even later than that.
@@Britonbear true i guess because the Danes that arrived to became English along with the normans but all three are gentility similar anyways
Erm... Nobody is claiming that. In any case, the concept of an oldest Englishman is totally irrelevant to the science behind this research.
How so?
Very disappointed History Hit, history should not be influenced by current political agendas. Unsubscribed.
Excellent and fascinating; thank you for putting in the time and expense to produce the awesome video.
I'm a normally educated 70yr old Brit, I know about RNA/DNA and also the difference of tracing the Mother gene as opposed to the father gene, I do not understand, humans capacity, to deny proof that "most" homo sapiens came out of North West Africa, and as a white git with freckles as a child, I already know that fact, the History between me and the boy living on a beach in todays Morocco, that fascinates me
The thing is homosapien is a wanderer. Always moving, some of us have made incredible efforts to travel others "settle down". Our monogamy makes moving a lot easier than for a polygamous communities who would have to have a planning committee meeting b4 they could do anything
What a fascinating video wow how Interesting, I remember hearing about Cheddar Man, many years ago. But this video was put together and explained In the perfect way. I loved It
Why is it that almost every human remain appears to have been murdered? Were we just really good at hiding bodies in the past?
He died in his 20s and he was male. The more things change the more they stay the same.
Alternate theory: he was schizophrenic or bipolar and the local shaman thought that knocking a hole in his head would let the bad spirits out.
Sometimes the cure is worse. 🤷🏼♀️
Sometimes what appears as wounds is actually damage that occurred long after death
Because those bodies were hidden away, where regular deaths were cremated or buried deeply.
Because anthropologists want to get their names in the news. A boring old 'unknown fatality' doesn't bait the click.
I have have only just found her, but I love this woman, she speaks with the confidence of knowledge gained. A word to the wise: ' It is only when you realize you know absolutely nothing, that you become open to learning something. ' Words from my father to me. He was a very successful research chemist, and a borderline genius who, in retirement, lectured internationally.
I think she didn't do the research, she's a narrator ...
Of course you love her, she's black and you're likely a virtue signaling white liberal.
Yes oh wise one 😂 but this lady is a narrator and facts regarding Chester man are not set in stone , his skin colour is certainly not verified
Our ancestors !!!! She is from Africa
With a doubling of ancestors every generation back, the number of possible ancestors at the time of 'Cheddar Man' is extremely large. Geography would have imposed a very large 'pedigree collapse", but we can not rule out connections to every part of the globe. Cousins everywhere, just everywhere!
And so are u dont be a hateful racist bigot
We all are from Africa.
@@margiewinslow872prove it. Europeans have more DNA connections with Asia than they do Africa.
Therefore, she shares ancestors with everybody on earth 🌎 🙄 Racism is obviously still rampant.
We share more DNA with Asians because we evolved closer in time to them. But, we all evolved from the original population in Africa.
I really don't get the issue with who we descended from. Every one of us will obviously share a set of ancestors based upon evolution. Technically speaking, every living creature on earth is descended from the first living organism. So, add your goldfish and mosquitoes into the family tree. Let's see you all go ape shit about that next 😂
Eh. Poorly written and presented.
There are far more serious documentaries on the cheddar man that *don't* go off topic to "racism", modern immigration and/or "colonialism".
But getting fewer by the day.
You seem to have a deficit in listening and comprehension, because there is no racism as far as I can see.... and the methods in cross-referencing seemingly off-topic and modern immigration/colonialism are all and methods of story-telling to help most of us be able to understand. You seem to take issue with the fact that the presenter has black skin, what is wrong with that? There's a big difference between 'description' and 'prescription' about how our ancestors were.... Dr Brace explains the DNA role researched in that to support it all. Is there an issue with accepting that our ancestors were black? If you have your DNA done, you will be surprised at just how widespread our ancestors were, because as you know, every generation you go back, doubles the amount of grand/great grandparents we have.
The presenter states she is a travel writer... writers research and consult with experts in order to tell stories that often more academic people have trouble connecting with others over.
Perhaps you need to present your own TH-cam show about it with all the knowledge you have on the topic? I enjoy seeing everyones interpretations etc.
@Paula Cunniffe There was a slight bias as there is in nearly all entertainment today. I imagine being black does shape the way you think,the same way being white or whatever, so it's fair to say everyone has bias and it was displayed here
@@the_inconvenient_trucel8912 Yes, good point... everyone who tells a story will tell it from their experience
@@paulacunniffe4123 They purposely gave him the wrong colour skin to push a narrative that black people have always been in Europe, and to promote the mass immigration is good narrative. It's a joke
This programme is suggestively narrated by a black travel writer, not a historian or an archaeologist. However, there is no proof that Cheddar man was black as depicted in the model shown. In fact the leading geneticists on the research even said so herself and went on to say the colour chosen was more political, than factual. Even the esteemed 'New Scientist' had to back track and write a disclaimer after finding out they had been mislead. Yet this is a reoccurring theme here in the UK with other examples like a femail Viking skeleton discovered at York also portrayed as a black African. Another example is Beachyhead Lady circa 125- 245 AD also portrayed as a black woman and also like Cheddar man a black bust was produced depicting her. Many of these findings interestingly have Dr Tom Booth if the Natural History Museum involved, who actually is an expert but one with a stated political agenda to disprove 'white supremacists'?????
Yet Beachyhead lady was also debunked after her dna was finally tested and it revealed she was actualy born locally in Britain and was not Africa at all but European. Later the carefully crafted black bust had to be removed quietly from display. Though if you Google her it still comes up despite it too being yet another 'mistake'.
It's more propaganda , I'm done with this channel 👎🏻
Of course she wasn't "Africa". These are all Europeans who have ancestors going back to Africa, just like everyone else. Lmao, what a stupid point.
The constant propaganda to undermine native Europeans is disgusting. We don't have homelands or cultures anymore, or at least we won't soon.
A British-Nigerian can always go to Nigeria to be immersed in their own culture and history and people. Where can a native Briton go...? All there is here is a total mix of people (who ironically refuse to actually mix) and copied and pasted chain businesses everywhere.
@@manfrombritain6816 What was propaganda?
@@manfrombritain6816 Having read your comment again, it's even dumber than I originally thought.
They want you to feel rootless. That's all this is about.
Or you need to have a better understanding of what your roots actually are
hey mate, do you have any patriotic history channels / podcasts you can recommend for somebody who genuinely is interested in the true history free of modern propaganda? I am not British but love the isles!
And yet another strawman argument.
@@peterwalker7761 Thanks mate!
Well presented and informative. Thank you!
Very interesting. Thank you
Just inaccurate.
She doesn't answer the question about who is indigenous here. If you look at peoples we consider indigenous like Native Americans, Aborigines and Maori we'll find the same story of movement. So is she suggesting there is no such thing as indigenous peoples and it doesn't matter?
Given that we all (and I mean ALL) originated in Africa, who gives a toss. We all came from somewhere else, so being indigenous is moot.
@@petergaskin1811 Unless you are Maori, Aborigine, Native American... the whole point of this video is to show that actually, there are no "indigenous" people of the British Isles, therefore we should not protest about being invaded by ten million immigrants in the last 25 years.
Exactly !
No just white people. That's all these marxists mean. Do a early life search on all producers and writers of the show
@@DerekGM6 I see that is what she seems to be getting at but its not like Britain was the only place where people were moving about prehistorically. If we want to use examples of nomad cultures as she does there is no such thing as any indigenous peoples. The argument does not stack up.
An interesting subject and well presented , thank you !
08:40 "Almost half a million years later ..." Imagine half a million years on from now, the year 502023. That would be something, wouldn't it?
Good to ponder on - will we be out in the stars - will there be any humans alive, will we be just fossils - did we destroy the planet..
Will the sun have swallowed us up by then
@@ingridgallagher1029 'They say' we have a few billion years to go before that.
Hope I'm dead by then.
@@seerstone8982 As half a million years is over 6000 (long) lifetimes, chances are you will have been dead for almost half a million years by then!
Enjoyed that. Thank you.
Funny but Mary Secole is not one that springs to mind when I think of british history no matter how much the lefties want it to.
This was amazing. Thank you!
This turned into too much of a political statement/ opinion.
I'm a paid subscriber to history hit and love the channel, but we don't need presenters to implant their own opinions into the documentaries.
Comparing free movement of people 10,000 years ago to now and using that to suggest that anybody and everybody should be able to come and go to the UK freely is just absurd / baseless. Back then, they were not impacting a society of people by coming and going. The country wasn't full to the brim. Infrastructure was not overly stretched because there was not infrastructure, no buildings, no nothing. It was a wild country and early humans were just a part of that wilderness.
Many reasons we do not allow for just anybody to come and stay here and why we vet people first - such as welfare system being stretched completely out of control, dilution of public assets, potential for increased crime, potential overpopulation for the land size etc etc.
100% I subscribed to see historical documentaries not to get bombarded with elitist far left politics
Oh look, another strawman. A nice long-winded one, too. And I really love the additional touch with the blatant hypocrisy.
@@twonumber22 And look, the little troll came back with his blanket "strawman" phrase that he's so pathetically proud to know. Your parents must be proud - I'm sure that you refer to them as strawmen also... "Little Timmy - go tidy your room"....... "Oh god, your both such strawmen...."
You've never slam dunked a thing in your pathetic little life have you? Don't think History documentaries are for - maybe get back to Jungle book?
@@CyberUK You should probably just look the term up since you're struggling with it so much. Anyways, let me know if you ever manage to conceive any argument whatsoever.
@@twonumber22 Yeah, not going to retort, we'll leave it there.
I’m confused why the living descendant of Cheddar Man, Adrian Targett, was not included in this documentary.
About 10-15% of Europeans are related to Cheddar Man, in fact all with a Haplogroup U because is the common amongs Western european Hunter Gatherers.
What a refreshing approach to explaining our history, real and relatable. A stark contrast to previous pompous pedagogory we are usually confronted with. Well done ladies we need more of this.
But these cavemen are not Britons. They predate us by anout 7,000 years.
The eye color surprises me because I've heard that everyone with blue eyes are descendents of this one blue eye man long long ago, so having 2 people from different places both with that eye color is strange to me. My family almost all of them had very blue eyes that is on my mothers side but on my dad's side they also had blue eyes just not this blue. Only my dad and I have green eyes. The eyes on these 2 men is a wonderful color.
How can people not see their connection to aboriginal Australians 🤷🏾♂️
Strange that they made him that colour despite them having no idea. Politics ruins everything
They extracted DNA and the genome indicates dark skin. So saying they have no idea is not accurate.
"Politics ruins everything" That's funny because I would suggest that you are the one that introduced politics, white Europeans didn't basically exist during the Ice Age, because so much of Europe was covered in a thick ice sheet and therefore uninhabitable, quite obviously the ancestors of Northern Europeans, came from outside of the region, and all modern humans, ultimately came out of Africa and were thus dark skins, I have absolutely no idea why it makes any difference to anyone, what colour skin their distant ancestors had and why they get so exercised but the fact that it was dark and theirs isn't. Skin colour is a triviality, and there is nothing political, about suggesting that ancient Europeans had dark skin.
@@inyathi academia brought politics into the science with their unhealthy obsession with colour.
one of the geneticists who performed the research says the conclusion is less certain, and according to others we are not even close to knowing the skin colour of any ancient human.
Why has this left wing historian felt the need to politicise this video. She's made it all about race and immigration and has been very dismissive of modern British history. "pilferred lions from Africa" We all know humans derive from Africa, but you can see this being turned into a black history lesson in schools and being favoured over our modern history, which in my opinion is far more important to us. Historians should remain impartial when presenting our British history.
Well she would make it about race and immigration. I can't think for the life of me why though. lol.
I thought she had an interest from a travel and personal POV. When it comes down to it, there are only a couple of code changes that make the difference between dark and light skin. If we come from the British isles or anywhere in north west Europe, we had dark skinned ancestors. It’s interesting. That’s all.
@@kimhaas7586 Some people over the years have claimed him to be a sub Saharan African which is pushing it a bit. lol. Dark skinned doesn't mean African.
@@shaunwild8797 We all originated from Africa. Everyone alive everywhere in the world did. And skin pigmentation is a selective advantage depending on the amount of direct sunlight you are getting in the place where you live. That’s why most Northern Europeans are fair skinned. But going from dark skin to light skin took a very long time. Cheddar man suggests it took at least 10,000 years.
There’s nothing bad about coming from Africa. Read Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond to get a better idea why geography matters in the development of civilization.
@@kimhaas7586 I think the issue is people pushing a narrative that "black Africans" have actually been here, there, and everywhere at all times when science and history seem to show otherwise.
Separated by 10,000 years but linked by DNA! A 9,000 year old skeleton’s DNA was tested and it was concluded that a living relative was teaching history about a half mile away, tracing back nearly 300 generations!
Four years before, when Adrian Targett, a retired history teacher from Somerset, walked into his local newsagent, he was startled to see a familiar face staring up at him. That face, appearing on the front page of several newspapers, belonged to a distant relative of his - around 10,000 years distant, actually - known as Cheddar Man.
Ancient DNA from Cheddar Man, a Mesolithic skeleton discovered in 1903 at Gough’s Cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, has helped Museum scientists paint a portrait of one of the oldest modern humans in Britain.
This discovery is consistent with a number of other Mesolithic human remains discovered throughout Europe. Cheddar Man is the oldest complete skeleton to be discovered in the UK and has long been hailed as the first modern Briton who lived around 7,150 BC. His remains are kept by London’s Natural History Museum, in the Human Evolution gallery.
4:23 Yeah that's his left eye, unless you have flipped the video.
I appreciate the lack of stock video, but the images could have followed the narrative a lot better. So many shots that were not of the thing being described.
amazing and wonderfully filmed. it is so interesting to find out that early humans like cheddar man had quite dark complextion but pale eyes. were the british isles that warm at that time? we are all related in some way and i appreciate the film ending on this notion
I really enjoyed this, thank you!
So massive fluctuations in the climate is normal for Britain ?
Yes but now it’s man made apparently 😂…..
Over 10,000s of years...
And much more severe than the difference between modern summer and winter
The weather gives us something to talk about when we bump into strangers.
Cataclysmic events have punctuated man's existence with profound effects.
I love these kinds of videos. Great video, great content, and it's so interesting to listen to people who are really passionate about their job and can at the same time explain things in a way others, non professionnals can understand. Thank you so much. Cheers from France.
This really makes me quite in awe of our species' wonderful diversity. Truly something worth celebrating.
I love how the rendition of him has this little smirk and a twinkle in his eye
23:46 : So Cute . Could murder and the charges be dropped 😂
don`t some of us have a tiny amount of Neandethal dna?
Not some, but everyone whose ancestry isn’t solely Sub-Saharan African.
I have some, did my test with 23andMe....
1-3% in Europe.
Predominantly in Banbury.
You pretty well answered my question (thought). It would be interesting to put Cheddar Man's DNA into the genealogy DBs and see if there are any matches with anyone alive today.
The cool thing is if you see a picture of the common descendant they found of him in Cheddar recently, they do share a resembalnce.
Any person alive that far back in history is related to all of us alive today, not just the chap still living nr Cheddar. However, this programme is nothing less than racist propaganda.
They did and through genealogy they found a match, and through the female side of a man there in Cheddar. I watched a show about this and did an interview with him it was very good.
@@johnbrereton5229 Complete bullsht from you yet again.
Unsubscribed, absolutely scurrilous program. Deliberately deceptive and manipulative
@@twonumber22 It weaponizes unreliable data in support of a pro mass-immigration political agenda.
@@joewinderinfo When? Did you even watch it?
Where was the deception and manipulation? Looks to me like you're a coward and a snowflake, change my mind.
Can you not defend your garbage review at all?
I am in the same haplogroup of Cheddar man
I know a coastal cave in Ayrshire, Scotland, with a little wasterfall of very variable flow, which hist the rocks halfway down the cliff, which themselves are petrified mud. And on thst 'mud', if you climb up to nearly the top of it, has a human footprint on it.
I don't think it has at all been offically recorded or studied at all.
The caves in the area, especially the one under/beside the waterfdall, has been used for millenia. And evfen has what appear to be very eroded steps up to it. I guess made by members of the Kennedy fanmily whose land it has mainly been for centuries. And no doubt was where they stored their contraband.
These steps take you around 10ft up to the flat floor of the main cave. Beside and below to thr left, is a smaller cave, a convenient ''toilet''.
It lies quite a way from Greenan castle (another kennedy one) at the southern end of Alloway, and almost 3/4 of the way from there to Dunure, another Kennedy castle there too. (a littler farther South where orange manbaby trump has his golf course, is Bruce land (Robert the Bruce's family holdings.)
Around 100 yards South of the cave there is a fresh water spring. Useable to this day.
Great camping and party spot between the main cave and there.
The only thing we know for sure is that Cheddar Gorge is really fuxxing cool
History Miss
the we're unlikely to find anyone related to him, didn't age well did it. They found his distant descendant still living in the area, and still looking the spit of his ancestor. It's amazing how close they look.
@@Ma1q444 Google it!
The man they found is almost certainly not descended directly from 'Cheddar Man' and that match was from years before the research into Cheddar Man's DNA. The likely darker skin tones match other research into skeletons from Europe in that timeframe (circa 10k years ago)
@@secrethousemate they are both directly related from the cheddars maternal line
@@cardroid8615 The analysis of Cheddar Man's mitochondrial DNA by Bryan Sykes in 1996 was broadcast on a regional television programme in the UK, Once Upon a Time in the West. The programme emphasised the connection between Cheddar Man and a history teacher from a local school, both of whom belonged to mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U5, although this cannot demonstrate a direct connection between Cheddar Man and this individual, and many people with the same mtDNA haplogroup could probably be found even within the local area. (wikipedia) Still looks like him though/ enough to convince me
"... and of course his skin pigmentation would have been dark or dark-brown to black in colour" Can someone explain how he was blacker than some Africans when his ancestors have been from Europe for tens of thousands of years?
Maybe we evolved our white skin in the last few tens of thousands of years. Nice to have the latest model skin.
To bad most people with the latest skin model dont even like it. Most of them get sun tans to add color 😂. Everyone knows light skin is the right skin 😉.
It sounds like you're comparing him to modern populations in Africa rather than his contemporaries who lived there. Europe wouldn't have been as white as it is today in the time of his ancestors, so he probably didn't have parents with the lighter tones even if there were lighter tones starting to spread in parts of Europe.
They are always trying to imply that the first Britons were blacks and they populated and made this country what it is, if so where did they all disappear to??
Dark skin mutated into lighter skin
I don't think people of 10,000 years ago really made the country what it is today. It took their descendants 10,000 years to do that.
What age group is this chanel aimed at? 10-12 yr olds.
ones who dont know how to fact check elsewhere i'm afraid .
Nicely done. Thank you!
When I saw who the presenter was I knew where this was heading already!
Hilarious isn't it.
Well, not to take away from this amazing find, but it's the same for every other country. Even the Asian populations at a certain point have the same ancestor as the Caucasian.
Must we squabble? Can't we simply enjoy these marvelous discoveries? Grow up.
Sounds like you want to argue if you ask me (which you did).
Is that Leonardo DiCaprio with a really bad fake tan ?!?!! 😳