Automated Running using Train Tech TTSC100 signal controller & SC100 Relay combined with ABC braking control using LaiseDCC Asymmetric DCC generator. Plus 2 new Metcalf buildings.
Thank you for the subscription Roy. I’ve returned the favour 👍. Looks like a great layout. In work at the mo but will have a proper look through your videos later
Hi Roy, A sort of easy way instead of iTrains and it did work so well done and the new buildings with the lights also are looking good. Aways nice to see your trains running after all thats why we do all the work I would think. Cheers Robert.
A simplified way to train automation but had me swearing at it a few times before I got it running right. I think it adds some more interest to maximise the amount of trains running on the layout. Thanks again for your welcome comments, keeping a watchfull eye out for your next video. Stay safe and well.
Thank you for the subscription Roy. I’ve returned the favour 👍. Looks like a great layout. In work at the mo but will have a proper look through your videos later
Thanks for the Sub, look forward to seeing more updates from yourself.
Wonderful to see another upload from ya Roy! brilliant video i put this on while repairing my class 37
Glad you enjoyed it, hope your class 37 repair was successful and thanks for commenting.
Very interesting that Roy, food for thought, could do with something like that on my layout.
Thanks for your positive comment.
Hi Roy,
A sort of easy way instead of iTrains and it did work so well done and the new buildings with the lights also are looking good. Aways nice to see your trains running after all thats why we do all the work I would think.
Cheers Robert.
A simplified way to train automation but had me swearing at it a few times before I got it running right. I think it adds some more interest to maximise the amount of trains running on the layout. Thanks again for your welcome comments, keeping a watchfull eye out for your next video. Stay safe and well.
Hello Roy, nice video. What do you use for your shuttle system that runs your class 122?
Block signalling SS1 DC Shuttle :
It probably has a waiver written by Oceangate lol.
Don't leek it out.
@@roystrains Letchworth Model Railway Club Exhibition at Priory Sch, Bedford Rd, Hitchin, 22nd July opens 10am Adm £5 If you're in the locality.