EXAMPLE -. An industrial machine costing $14,000 will produce net cash savings of $5,000 per year. The machine has a five-year useful life but must be returned to the factory for major repairs after three years of operation. These repairs cost $5,000. The company’s MARR is 10% per year. What IRR will be earned on the purchase of this machine? Analyze the sensitivity of IRR to ± $2,000 changes in the repair cost.
جزاك الله كل خير
بارك الله بيك ياطيب والله يوفقك ومبيزان حسناتك
جزاكم الله خيراً ابدعت🙏✅
الشكر والتقدير والاحترام جزاكم الله خير تحياتي
اكو خطا في احتساب pv المبلغ 5000$ وليس 20$ ومع هذا بارك الله في شرحك الوافي
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
استاذ براء بلا زحمة الFv ليش 20 ؟
وال 5000 شتمثل؟
استاذ القيمة المستقبلية بالسؤال الثاني 5000 وليس 20 اعتقد
EXAMPLE -. An industrial machine costing $14,000 will
produce net cash savings of $5,000 per year. The
machine has a five-year useful life but must be returned
to the factory for major repairs after three years of
operation. These repairs cost $5,000. The company’s
MARR is 10% per year. What IRR will be earned on
the purchase of this machine? Analyze the sensitivity of
IRR to ± $2,000 changes in the repair cost.