One of the problems with chess 960 is that there’s a 1/960 chance that you can just get the normal starting position which defeats the purpose of chess 960. This is why I propose chess 959
I propose chess 958. Because there are actually two positions where it's exactly the same as regular chess. The one where it actually is the same as regular chess and the one where queen and king are flipped both for black and for white
@@jacobstevens7046: It was at that moment the bishop realized it was not in a kind universe ruled by a benevolent creator deity, but in a chaotic void of Lovecraftian horrors.
@@rahilarious It's when a player has no legal moves, not just king moves. In this case since the bishop could dance around forever there was no danger of stalemate.
@@rahilarious It's not stalemate because Black could still move the the Bishop. Stalemate occurs when a player cannot make any move except into a check. So even if Black could not move the King, it could still move the Bishop hence there was no stalemate.
Levy when doing a 300 guess the elo: "You could give me 10 guesses and I could not predict the next move." Levy when analyzing a 3600 cyborg match: "You could give me 10 guesses and I could not predict the next move."
I genuinely thought Levy was going somewhere else with that first analogy: - low rated play is like watching pigs mud-wrestling - 3600 ELO engines battling AI is like watching beautiful…….
The first 2 moves were made by humans tho. After the first 2 moves, both engines gave a large advantage to white. When they swapped roles, stockfish managed to beat Leela as well.
In this specific case piece setup, could one make the argument that white has a built in advantage being able to make the first move, because there is such a quick built in mate just a few moves later with the knight by itself? I mean, as soon as the white king's knight moves out, black basically has no choice but to defend in a very specific way or else it's over.
@@dominiccanis406 Based on what I read from others apparently they still draw if black is allowed to respond however it wants (though I'm not sure what move they recommend). It is after C5 where the evaluations go from sub 1 to 1.5ish
White has an advantage in all of these games. These openings were specifically chosen to make the final more exciting. SF is currently beating Leela 23.5-19.5 (all 22 wins with white)
These computer matches are my favorite to watch because it’s so fun observing how differently and optimally they play, with your explanation on why it’s so sick. Would love to see more!
I’m really glad Levy is covering awesome TCEC engine games. By the way, the first two moves are automatically chosen. So Stockfish was ‘forced’ to play c5.
Yeah its crazy, but it makes sense. Engines don't learn chess like we do, they are similar to Hikaru in that they literally don't care about lines, theory, space, material. It learns how each piece can move and what the objective of the game is (checkmate if possible, tie as a LAST resort only, never lose), and then it uses that info and the current position to evaluate the next best move. Think of it like if you and your opponent were to somehow play a number of turns at the start of the game doing nothing but rearranging pieces and get this position (impossible because of the pawns, but let's just imagine) and then plugging that position into an engine. Its a weird position to be in yeah, but the key point is that all of the rules of the game are exactly the same (except maybe castling, I don't understand how that works in Chess960) so the engine can still do its thing.
Like I said levy is always advancing in his studies because he even analyse stock fish's and lela's game.he is close to become a grandmother .like always don't give up in your dreams levy.
What a beatdown! Leela walking away from this game muttering: "Puny Demigod!" It's surreal watching these engine games. Without Levy's analysis, their moves and plans would make no sense. Crazy stuff!!
What a fascinating game! These engines are so good at figuring out how to essentially remove an opponent's pieces from the game without capturing them. The ending where the bishop helplessly moves back and forth stuck behind its own pawn while you march a pawn up the board was amazing, and if white was really cruel it could have even marched the d-pawn up the board, which would have been funny! If the King moves to try to stop it, Ra8 is mate. Incredible stuff, Levy. Thanks for sharing.
The first two plies (1 move for white, 1 for black) are not engine moves. They are forced by TCEC (where this game was played), to ensure an unbalanced opening.
I feel like Leela, being more heavily reliant on neural networks, is a bit better at 960 because it has more of an "intuition" than engines that are less reliant on neural networks
I think that moves like a4 b4 g4 h4 are simply way better moves in the mid game that people gave it credit for because after the fight for the middle is done, its good to start pushing on either side and chose your oponent in the corner and beat them down in it.
Levy: "And here, Leela Chess Zero, the 3600 ELO CPU engine, plays an absolutely brilliant, devastating move. You can pause and see if you can find it" Me, a 700 ELO player: "Hm yes I can definitely find it"
Top engines are built on algorithms, they get stronger over time. While not specified in this video, and according to the rating in the Chess Computer Championship shown on Chesscom, Stockfish is currently rated 3862, and growing as I speak. By contrast, Leela is rated 3822 and is still (mildy) outperformed by Dragon, which is rated 3832
@@mikejameson7678 and to clarify, those are ratings at very specific conditions. Hardware makes such a massive difference that it could give an edge to an engine just because they happen to hit an optimal sweet spot. I'm pretty sure leela continues to outperform dragon at TCEC
I have not finished the video but a shocking coincidence is that I watched this game TODAY on Agadmators channel Beautiful game recognised it from the starting position
In case people are confused about castling, in Chess 960 the king and rook land on the same squares as they would in normal chess regardless of the king and rook starting position. All other rules about castling apply.
@@wenhanzhou5826 yeah there are some really funky castling in chess 960, where castling kingside sees the king jump all the way across the board because it was sitting on b1 to start with and ends on g1. Or where the king starts on g1 and castling just sees the rook jump from h1 to f1.
Oh yes, Chess960! This interests me so much more than 'normal' Chess, the opening memorization honestly sucks IMO. I wish this was played at the world-class level more often.
This is absolutely fucking insane. Leela absolutely locking two whole pieces while stockfish never saw that coming in the middle game and just allowing Leela to unwrap this masterpiece. Thanks levy for also making this insanely fun to watch because I've never really liked this mixed version of chess and no other video or shorts or any content I've consumed on this format has entertained and grabbed my attention like this video did. Truly incredible what you're doing for chess.
These computer lines are legendary i mean how the fuck they sees that far, They won't let your pieces move and participate if you done a single mistake or an 0.01 inaccuracy 😬
As a computer programmer, I can tell you this. Computers don't get distracted, they never lose their train of thoughts, (Because they don't have one, not like us anyway,) as a result, they can just keep calculating as long as they don't overheat and shut down.
@@maalikserebryakov I know. But what can you do about those idiots who beat computers on an easy setting, and then claim it is easy to beat computers in chess? (This happened on discord few months ago. I was needed in that group to clarify the situation.)
I paused and calculated for 3 mins and I did see h4 and then calculated for 10 mins and saw it worked. Of course it is easier when you know something crazy is possible but I'm still proud that I can still calculate stuff after not playing chess actively for 15 years. Thanks Gotham for this vid. Never seen 960 chess with engines. What a dominant performance!
One thing I always see in engine chess is just how powerful sacrificing material for an open file near the enemy king can be. It isn't always mate, but it can put an insane amount of pressure on the opponent, especially if they don't have all their pieces developed. I borrow the tactic against the Pirc, Sicilian, French, and even the Caro sometimes. Usually if I don't checkmate black, I at least win my material back with a huge spacial advantage
That is the one thing that consistently scares me as a Caro player, honestly - although at this point I’ve gotten good at developing my pieces in such a way that the power of such an attack is minimized. I’ve also won games where my opponents *tried* to do that to me, but their attacks ended up fizzling and they didn’t get sufficient compensation.
@@Pablo360able That's actually really good advice for playing against it. Sacrificial attacks rely on momentum to win. If the attack moves too slowly, it fizzles out. For example, if you have an open king, you can build a little fortress for it or move it toward your other pieces. Sure, that might not stop the attack for good. But, it will make you a lot harder to kill. And every extra move you get gives you extra time to develop your own attack on the other side of the board. That's why a6 + b5 is so important in positions like the Sicilian Dragon or the Pirc. Without that queenside pressure, I can just massacre your kingside without worrying about my own king.
@@vhsquid Recently, I won a game because my opponent had just sacrificed a bishop for two pawns to open up my king… so over the course of five turns I walked it from one side of the board to the other, pursued by a queen. When my opponent ran out of checks, they immediately resigned.
TCEC is using a "FRC (or Chess 960) book" to insure imbalanced positions and lower draw rates, So the opening moves are not the ones that Stockfish would play without this opening book.
This is a great and very classy win by Leela, but Stockfish is reliably stronger, won the 50 game Chess960 match against Leela with three games to spare (match finished 27 vs 23 in Stockfish's favour). I hope Gotham will cover some of Stockfish's many victories. I appreciate that Stockfish is often less flashy than Leela, because it wins games by outcalculating its opponents and it wins matches by defending losing positions better than its opponents. Nonetheless, Stockfish remains the strongest chess entity known to man. For TCEC watchers like myself its interesting to see where and how the engines' evaluations diverge. For instance, in game 30 of the current series (YT deletes my comment if I put in a link) Stockfish starts a plan on move 8 which it takes till move 17 for Leela to realise it's losing and till move 24 to realise the extent to which Stockfish has beaten it. Leela wasn't able to win the reverse. I'm not sure if that's the best game to show, but an example of how the computers haven't got chess solved either.
@@mukundakrishna3940 By now both SF and Lc0 are both far stronger than AlphaZero. AlphaZero doesn't take part in these tournaments and never has, and the company behind it doesn't allow anybody to test its strength. The Stockfish of today is far, far stronger than the SF that AlphaZero beat. Leela is the closest thing we have to AlphaZero, as it works on the same principles, but is far stronger as far as anyone can tell. As impressive as AlphaZero was, by now it's just a publicity stunt.
@@irontide That Deep mind doesn't allow testing of its strength doesn't mean it gets reduced to a publicity stunt though, right? If SF has increased in strength, arguably AlphaZero has as well. The better conclusion i feel is to say we don't know, rather than decide SF is the best
@@mukundakrishna3940 We have no reason to think AZ got any stronger, and the only things AZ have been involved with recently have been publicity stunts (like the No Castling championship). In the meantime engines have improved a lot, including Leela becoming mature and Stockfish introducing some neural networking into its analysis. AZ was a revelation, but by now it's old hat. We have every reason to think that both Stockfish and Leela are stronger (probably some of the other engines as well, such as KomodoDragon), because they have learnt the lessons from AlphaZero but AZ has done nothing since. We can be confident AZ hasn't gotten any stronger because DeepMind haven't had any reason to work on AZ since because it was only ever a stepping stone (and publicity stunt) for them, and they especially have no reason to make AZ stronger but not tell anyone. As impressive as AZ was, it's now a relic of the past. Things move *very* fast in computer chess!
Since each color had the same position, white had the advantage. We're talking like Leela is this unbeatable dominant engine, but if Stockfish had the same setup as white, it would have won the same way.
Yes and no. They do play the same setup reversed in this tournament and Stockfish did win with white, although it was in 98 moves, not 47... and not nearly as pretty.
This is my favorite game of all of your coverage. Yeah, I know that you've done a lot of stuff and it is all very good. This game was just really interesting due mostly to the surprises that turn out to be brilliant. We people have a long way to go...
This is probably the best video on youtube. not best chess video only but all time the most amazing video…you gotta love Levy’s energy, sense of humor and chess knowledge and how he explains everything so well to lowe rated players like me! and i encourage everyone who didn’t watch the championship coverage to go see it now i watched many and gotham is simply the best
yup that makes sense since stockfish is developed with the helps of many GMs which explain the ideas of certain positions and how to evaluate positions and then it just gets one of the best (if not the best) calculation machine added. whilst Leela is an AI which fine-tunes the given parameters by itself to analyse positions. Just like any other player (except that leela can play more games without getting tired and can better remember them all)
Are the games where lc0 wins just more interesting than the ones it loses? Stockfish also won with the white pieces from this starting position, and at the time of writing, stockfish is up 21-18 in the match.
In a way yes: Stockfish's wins tend to be more tactical ones, and Leela's ones tend to be on the strategical side. Now, from the point of view of puny human players, we can not hope to match the computing power of a computer, so the tactical ones are fun to watch but useless in learning, like watching a bird fly: you'll never learn to fly like that, we just don't have the right equipment. However, a strategical win is completely different: there are profound ideas/themes behind this, and those we can grasp and then use as tools.
when he said "if you danger levels like this then your danger gets leveled" i burst out laughing.. it may not be funny but with seriousness i had this just blew me off
Man, I love how Levy describes the blatant mechanical disrespect of a machine's diss about telling his opponent to respec his mother(board). At this point Magnus just looks like the big kid at a playground making fun of other kids building sandcastles with a single bucketful of sand, looking down at them while having 3 buckets' of towers compared to their single tower. Meanwhile Papa Stockfish and Mama Leela are discussing world politics and bitcoin on the park bench probably, while watching the adorable behavior of toddlers in sandpit.
StockFish is winning the match 23.5-19.5 though. The starting positions chosen for this match put black at a huge disadvantage, and it's a matter of whether or not white can convert. So far, all 22 decisive results were white wins
wow, the position at the end - who would have thought such powerful engines could land themselves in that hole! Incredibly entertaining video, thanks Gotham!
the most irelevant chess video of all time if fischer and ypu hate chess that doesnt mean we all have to
Pin of Shame
Pin of shame
this guy is simply confused about everything and will remain so......
pin of MaximalUndergroundElectronics
One of the problems with chess 960 is that there’s a 1/960 chance that you can just get the normal starting position which defeats the purpose of chess 960. This is why I propose chess 959
This made me laugh lmao
I propose increasing the board size to 9x9 and just adding a knight piece that would look dope.
A knight between King and Queen 🐴
I propose chess 958. Because there are actually two positions where it's exactly the same as regular chess. The one where it actually is the same as regular chess and the one where queen and king are flipped both for black and for white
Leela not only had the win set up, but also managed to stalemate-proof it by leaving that poor bishop room to pace back and forth in the corner.
Pace? Bro, the bishop was barely crawling! This game was so savage.
@@siddhantshelar Bishop robes two sizes too large :D
@@vedranb87 You know that bishop was questioning God in that moment 😂
It was at that moment the bishop realized it was not in a kind universe ruled by a benevolent creator deity, but in a chaotic void of Lovecraftian horrors.
@@jacobstevens7046 In that moment the bishop knew God is real. And that he was not on God's side.
Leela: "imma put this knight here"
46 moves later
Leela: "I forgot I had that knight, I might as well move it"
oh god the replies…
@@aljd5600 what replies?
@@dgdgdggdg3463 most likely it was filled with bots and thankfully it has now been removed.
I don't think Leela forgot she had a knight, it just wasn't the optimal time to move it until now.
I played the Sicilian once as a non titled player and Levy Rozman came to my house and took my kneecaps out with a pipe
Once I played Sicilian and he stole my chessboard 😭
you should have done the caro kann
I played sicillian once and he calls me everyday morning to call me a "Bozo Indian" and then hangs up.
The ending where stockfish could only move the bishop was hilarious!
Such a briliant thing. You can't even blunder stalemate
i'm new chess enthusiast... stalemate is where king cant move anywhere and it's not a check. right?
if so then how pawn b7 in the end not stalemate?
@@rahilarious It's when a player has no legal moves, not just king moves. In this case since the bishop could dance around forever there was no danger of stalemate.
@@rahilarious a stalemate happens when you can't move any piece not just your king, in this case stockfish can move the bishop
@@rahilarious It's not stalemate because Black could still move the the Bishop.
Stalemate occurs when a player cannot make any move except into a check. So even if Black could not move the King, it could still move the Bishop hence there was no stalemate.
Queen : I got bullied 😭
Bishop on g8: I got stuck 😞
Knight on h8 : You guys moved ?🤔
Underrated comment
Bishop:step Bishop I'm stuck
Hey! Don’t slander my knight pal.
@@egg.007 Chess anime
Leela really turned one of her knights into a prison warden for half the game smh
@Kadita Jupe can you not
I love that Stockfish and Leela have acquired the GM title, congratulations to both
They really worked hard for this
Considering that they could both make any GM run back to mommy crying… “GM” is probably an insult to them
imagine putting them in the same league as GMs actually...
@@Pjx1989 GM probably stands for God Mode for them
@@Urza26 6 months late, ill zfill use that one
I'd love to see more of these Levy, computer chess is so interesting to watch
I wanna see Levy play against Stockfish
Suree , same here haha
@@matthewviramontes3131 you want to see levy get creamed in 20 moves? Why?
@@misourfluffyface1417 20, that's optimistic 😂😂
You should check out the "Silicon Road" channel by GM Matthew Saddler, he does a fantastic job of keeping up with insane computer games.
Levy when doing a 300 guess the elo: "You could give me 10 guesses and I could not predict the next move."
Levy when analyzing a 3600 cyborg match: "You could give me 10 guesses and I could not predict the next move."
If you see weird position on move three, it's either top computers or 400s
I genuinely thought Levy was going somewhere else with that first analogy:
- low rated play is like watching pigs mud-wrestling
- 3600 ELO engines battling AI is like watching beautiful…….
like watching beautiful pigs passionately mud-wrestling
@Kiara______🍅 sussy baka
@@maxbrown8109 like watching passionate mud pig-wrestling.
Literally how did you get that to something bad
The first 2 moves were made by humans tho. After the first 2 moves, both engines gave a large advantage to white. When they swapped roles, stockfish managed to beat Leela as well.
This. Both @GothamChess and Agadmator missed that fact.
In this specific case piece setup, could one make the argument that white has a built in advantage being able to make the first move, because there is such a quick built in mate just a few moves later with the knight by itself?
I mean, as soon as the white king's knight moves out, black basically has no choice but to defend in a very specific way or else it's over.
That's not the point. Everybody knows SF is stronger. But Leela has more beautiful wins.
@@dominiccanis406 Based on what I read from others apparently they still draw if black is allowed to respond however it wants (though I'm not sure what move they recommend). It is after C5 where the evaluations go from sub 1 to 1.5ish
White has an advantage in all of these games. These openings were specifically chosen to make the final more exciting. SF is currently beating Leela 23.5-19.5 (all 22 wins with white)
These computer matches are my favorite to watch because it’s so fun observing how differently and optimally they play, with your explanation on why it’s so sick. Would love to see more!
The Black bishop be like "Help me Steprook I'm stuck!" And the Rook proceeds to mate the king 🤣🤣
This comment made me audibly laugh. Well done sir.
Your mind is something else...😂😂
This comment got me at "Steprook"... smh...
Oddly accurate....
This made me wheeze
I’m really glad Levy is covering awesome TCEC engine games. By the way, the first two moves are automatically chosen. So Stockfish was ‘forced’ to play c5.
Wow, I never knew that, now I read a bit more about it, thanks for informing me! :)
They probably never expected Nh5 to be an immediate death sentence
That actually makes sense. I was wondering why stockfish would play c5
it kinda blows my mind that computers are still so good at chess even in different variants.
Does it blow your mind that calculators can multiply fractions?
Yeah its crazy, but it makes sense. Engines don't learn chess like we do, they are similar to Hikaru in that they literally don't care about lines, theory, space, material. It learns how each piece can move and what the objective of the game is (checkmate if possible, tie as a LAST resort only, never lose), and then it uses that info and the current position to evaluate the next best move. Think of it like if you and your opponent were to somehow play a number of turns at the start of the game doing nothing but rearranging pieces and get this position (impossible because of the pawns, but let's just imagine) and then plugging that position into an engine. Its a weird position to be in yeah, but the key point is that all of the rules of the game are exactly the same (except maybe castling, I don't understand how that works in Chess960) so the engine can still do its thing.
@@david6426 castling works the same, just the rooks are in weird spots, they end up at the correct square after castling tho.
You know, they don’t know theory, they literally don’t care how to play, they just calculate extreme amount of moves
@@patstaysuckafreeboss8006 No, but does it blow your mind that calculators can graph every value of most functions?
It's crazy how many different ideas are being played out simultaneously and so flawlessly
That knight on h8 is probably the single worst piece in any game of chess ever.
You haven't seen my queens
*plays a weird move*
People: Lol what’s that move
Chess engines when chess engine plays a weird move: WOW THATS BRILLIANT
Chess engines when we play a weird move: Lol what's that move
@@JimmyBoosterCrate oh yes in the world of computers Rook B1 is completely winning
@Kiara______🍅 Welcome to a new world of comment spammers: Reply Bots that Girls and sometimes men if they have a girlfriend operate!
@@0RatedChess I don't think girls operate those bots (they'd rather advertise their actual selves)
@@JimmyBoosterCrate I was joking but yeah I get your point these bots are very random
Like I said levy is always advancing in his studies because he even analyse stock fish's and lela's game.he is close to become a grandmother .like always don't give up in your dreams levy.
Grandmother 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
You again
Thinks this is the hallmark of a GM.....let me guess 150 elo rating.
Also Agadmator beat him to the punch by almost 24hrs
Overused joke, stop it.
How is this not pinned
I accidentally had my volume on full blast for “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN-“
What a beatdown! Leela walking away from this game muttering: "Puny Demigod!" It's surreal watching these engine games. Without Levy's analysis, their moves and plans would make no sense. Crazy stuff!!
then u realize that sf is actually up a lot of point in this tourney, this is the only game where lc win, meanwhile sf have 4-5 more win
I love how the same move can be blunder and brilliant based on who's playing
no it can't
@@96merluzzo yeah, a brilliant move reamins brilliant. The only problem is that if you aren't good enough you won't responde correctly after that
What a fascinating game! These engines are so good at figuring out how to essentially remove an opponent's pieces from the game without capturing them. The ending where the bishop helplessly moves back and forth stuck behind its own pawn while you march a pawn up the board was amazing, and if white was really cruel it could have even marched the d-pawn up the board, which would have been funny! If the King moves to try to stop it, Ra8 is mate. Incredible stuff, Levy. Thanks for sharing.
The first two plies (1 move for white, 1 for black) are not engine moves. They are forced by TCEC (where this game was played), to ensure an unbalanced opening.
i’m get crushed by stockfish (cheaters) so many times it’s satisfying to see finally someone crushed stockfish
Stockfish would have crushed Leela in this same starting position playing white.
@@Sifo_Dyas true
@@Sifo_Dyas Probably. I put this in and let SF12 play some moves - it’s about +0.8 at the start.
Alphazero once got 155 wins against stockfish
@@triangle3037 how many playing black?
*This* is why we *probably* shouldn't let machines become sentient.
I have never seen pieces actually being in lockdown, you can't even stalemate because of your bishop.
15:38 "Ghoda is a respectable animal"
These chess bots are beyond Grandmothers. I would call them Universal masters.
"If you go danger levels like this, your dangers get leveled" has to be the greatest sentence in the video
Seeing leela and stockfish's game is like attending physics lecture in my highschool
I feel like Leela, being more heavily reliant on neural networks, is a bit better at 960 because it has more of an "intuition" than engines that are less reliant on neural networks
Gotham taking with Lela: this move makes no sense!
Me talking with lela: you can move pawn
Lela: you can indeed move pawn
b4: White is winning
13:49 Stockfish realization is hilarious. 😭
Leela again proving Agadmator's theory that b4 is always the strongest move in any position.
I think that moves like a4 b4 g4 h4 are simply way better moves in the mid game that people gave it credit for because after the fight for the middle is done, its good to start pushing on either side and chose your oponent in the corner and beat them down in it.
When 3600 play b4: B r I l l I a n t
When 500 play b4: *slap from coach*
Levy: "And here, Leela Chess Zero, the 3600 ELO CPU engine, plays an absolutely brilliant, devastating move. You can pause and see if you can find it"
Me, a 700 ELO player: "Hm yes I can definitely find it"
Isn't Leela more of a GPU engine?
Imagine they make a 4000 rated engine, this is already insane enough 😂
Top engines are built on algorithms, they get stronger over time. While not specified in this video, and according to the rating in the Chess Computer Championship shown on Chesscom, Stockfish is currently rated 3862, and growing as I speak.
By contrast, Leela is rated 3822 and is still (mildy) outperformed by Dragon, which is rated 3832
@@mikejameson7678 Algorithms by themselves don't improve. I think you meant the Neural Networks that they use.
@@mikejameson7678 and to clarify, those are ratings at very specific conditions. Hardware makes such a massive difference that it could give an edge to an engine just because they happen to hit an optimal sweet spot. I'm pretty sure leela continues to outperform dragon at TCEC
I'd still argue, that 4000 is in the very near future, even if my representation isn't as accurate as mentioned in the comments.
Alpha Zero might be 4000 by now lol
I have not finished the video but a shocking coincidence is that I watched this game TODAY on Agadmators channel
Beautiful game recognised it from the starting position
I think gotham has said that he and agad are close and use a lot of the same content
@@NotjustRian01 He never said that they were very "close"
I haven’t seen Antonio version yet but I’ll bet at 9:45 he didn’t need 10 moves to find b4.
It made the rounds on chess twitter
@Kadita Jupe
Can spammers STOP
In case people are confused about castling, in Chess 960 the king and rook land on the same squares as they would in normal chess regardless of the king and rook starting position. All other rules about castling apply.
It was funny in a way to see king just jumping 2 squares 🤣
@@wenhanzhou5826 yeah there are some really funky castling in chess 960, where castling kingside sees the king jump all the way across the board because it was sitting on b1 to start with and ends on g1. Or where the king starts on g1 and castling just sees the rook jump from h1 to f1.
Oh yes, Chess960! This interests me so much more than 'normal' Chess, the opening memorization honestly sucks IMO. I wish this was played at the world-class level more often.
If it would, then top rated players would really study opening for another 959 chess openings positions, they don't joke about that
Exact opposite for me. Chess 960 is too chaotic and not visually pleasing to me.
Then stop playing normal chess and dont memorize openings.
@@004chestnut8 I think he’s referring to the opening memorization done by world class players, not himself. I agree with him. It’s boring to watch.
@@sharafmakahleh4125 it's just not possible to fully analyze all those positions, even now not every super GM is an expert in every opening
Seeing Stockfish shuffle that Bishop back and forth, like let the guy resign already
I had a game too where i "sacrificed" two pawns and a knight but he only had the queen developed and i like had five pieces out, ended up winning it
Seeing those last bishop moves really made me realize why the resign button exist
Would be really interesting if you could have like a podcast or something with a software engineer to talk about the technical component of engines.
17:20 it would be even more savage if leela walked the d pawn up and promoted it to a rook
I want a video Levy gets crushed by random 1100s
5:01 when you review the James Webb telescope as an empath
Wished Levy had shown some other games of this match up too rather than showing the one Agadmator did just yesterday....
Yeah, just about to comment on this. Hope this valid criticism can be pinned.
@@laizerwoolf he wont pin this now🤣 bcuz this guy is right
I'm surprised this is not pinned yet
@Ashwini Saini "far more superior"? 🥶
This is absolutely fucking insane. Leela absolutely locking two whole pieces while stockfish never saw that coming in the middle game and just allowing Leela to unwrap this masterpiece.
Thanks levy for also making this insanely fun to watch because I've never really liked this mixed version of chess and no other video or shorts or any content I've consumed on this format has entertained and grabbed my attention like this video did. Truly incredible what you're doing for chess.
These computer lines are legendary i mean how the fuck they sees that far, They won't let your pieces move and participate if you done a single mistake or an 0.01 inaccuracy 😬
As a computer programmer, I can tell you this. Computers don't get distracted, they never lose their train of thoughts, (Because they don't have one, not like us anyway,) as a result, they can just keep calculating as long as they don't overheat and shut down.
@@tanishshrivastava2442 yup bro i can see your point thx for the nice reply
@@tanishshrivastava2442 doesnt take a computer programmer to figure that out
just like karpov
@@maalikserebryakov I know. But what can you do about those idiots who beat computers on an easy setting, and then claim it is easy to beat computers in chess? (This happened on discord few months ago. I was needed in that group to clarify the situation.)
"Watch Leela Fillet Stockfish"
I paused and calculated for 3 mins and I did see h4 and then calculated for 10 mins and saw it worked. Of course it is easier when you know something crazy is possible but I'm still proud that I can still calculate stuff after not playing chess actively for 15 years. Thanks Gotham for this vid. Never seen 960 chess with engines. What a dominant performance!
you dont even know how proud i felt after predicting that h4 move
"the engines really like opening up the diagonals quickly"
me who likes opening up the diagonals quickly: i'm something of 3600 myself 😉
"Leela, we're friends right?"
Lmao its so funny
The first 2 ply are book moves that's why the first move by black seems skeptical
the bishop and knight got trapped in jail damnnnnn
I'd imagine Guess the ELO would be really hard with Chess960...
my dumb ass was like "oh it's called chess 960 because it spins your opening knowledge in circles"
One thing I always see in engine chess is just how powerful sacrificing material for an open file near the enemy king can be. It isn't always mate, but it can put an insane amount of pressure on the opponent, especially if they don't have all their pieces developed. I borrow the tactic against the Pirc, Sicilian, French, and even the Caro sometimes. Usually if I don't checkmate black, I at least win my material back with a huge spacial advantage
That is the one thing that consistently scares me as a Caro player, honestly - although at this point I’ve gotten good at developing my pieces in such a way that the power of such an attack is minimized. I’ve also won games where my opponents *tried* to do that to me, but their attacks ended up fizzling and they didn’t get sufficient compensation.
@@Pablo360able That's actually really good advice for playing against it. Sacrificial attacks rely on momentum to win. If the attack moves too slowly, it fizzles out. For example, if you have an open king, you can build a little fortress for it or move it toward your other pieces. Sure, that might not stop the attack for good. But, it will make you a lot harder to kill. And every extra move you get gives you extra time to develop your own attack on the other side of the board. That's why a6 + b5 is so important in positions like the Sicilian Dragon or the Pirc. Without that queenside pressure, I can just massacre your kingside without worrying about my own king.
@@vhsquid Recently, I won a game because my opponent had just sacrificed a bishop for two pawns to open up my king… so over the course of five turns I walked it from one side of the board to the other, pursued by a queen. When my opponent ran out of checks, they immediately resigned.
TCEC is using a "FRC (or Chess 960) book" to insure imbalanced positions and lower draw rates, So the opening moves are not the ones that Stockfish would play without this opening book.
Excuse me, just the first row are shuffled in Chess960??? No sir, the pawns are ALSO shuffled!
And later, some desperate people will say Levy copy Agad lol 😂
players new to chess: *push all pawns*
players intermediate to chess "no pushing pawns is bad"
computers: *push all pawns*
This is a great and very classy win by Leela, but Stockfish is reliably stronger, won the 50 game Chess960 match against Leela with three games to spare (match finished 27 vs 23 in Stockfish's favour). I hope Gotham will cover some of Stockfish's many victories. I appreciate that Stockfish is often less flashy than Leela, because it wins games by outcalculating its opponents and it wins matches by defending losing positions better than its opponents. Nonetheless, Stockfish remains the strongest chess entity known to man. For TCEC watchers like myself its interesting to see where and how the engines' evaluations diverge. For instance, in game 30 of the current series (YT deletes my comment if I put in a link) Stockfish starts a plan on move 8 which it takes till move 17 for Leela to realise it's losing and till move 24 to realise the extent to which Stockfish has beaten it. Leela wasn't able to win the reverse. I'm not sure if that's the best game to show, but an example of how the computers haven't got chess solved either.
Where does AlphaZero figure in this assessment?
@@mukundakrishna3940 By now both SF and Lc0 are both far stronger than AlphaZero. AlphaZero doesn't take part in these tournaments and never has, and the company behind it doesn't allow anybody to test its strength. The Stockfish of today is far, far stronger than the SF that AlphaZero beat. Leela is the closest thing we have to AlphaZero, as it works on the same principles, but is far stronger as far as anyone can tell. As impressive as AlphaZero was, by now it's just a publicity stunt.
@@irontide That Deep mind doesn't allow testing of its strength doesn't mean it gets reduced to a publicity stunt though, right?
If SF has increased in strength, arguably AlphaZero has as well. The better conclusion i feel is to say we don't know, rather than decide SF is the best
@@mukundakrishna3940 We have no reason to think AZ got any stronger, and the only things AZ have been involved with recently have been publicity stunts (like the No Castling championship). In the meantime engines have improved a lot, including Leela becoming mature and Stockfish introducing some neural networking into its analysis. AZ was a revelation, but by now it's old hat. We have every reason to think that both Stockfish and Leela are stronger (probably some of the other engines as well, such as KomodoDragon), because they have learnt the lessons from AlphaZero but AZ has done nothing since.
We can be confident AZ hasn't gotten any stronger because DeepMind haven't had any reason to work on AZ since because it was only ever a stepping stone (and publicity stunt) for them, and they especially have no reason to make AZ stronger but not tell anyone. As impressive as AZ was, it's now a relic of the past. Things move *very* fast in computer chess!
"It's like walking around the streets of New York flashing your.... fancy jewellery"
this is actually an SF bug it hasn't trained the NNUE for these type of positions, great video Levy :)
The format actually forced it to play c5 the first move for both sides was set.
stockfish would crush leela with same type of postion
As the game progressed, I kept picturing Stockfish as the meme where the dog is sitting in the room that is on fire and says, “This is fine.”
Since each color had the same position, white had the advantage. We're talking like Leela is this unbeatable dominant engine, but if Stockfish had the same setup as white, it would have won the same way.
Yes and no. They do play the same setup reversed in this tournament and Stockfish did win with white, although it was in 98 moves, not 47... and not nearly as pretty.
@@ScottSweeney SF is still winning the match nonetheless
@@ScottSweeney a subjective conclusion. The only objective part was that Stockfish won, just as I predicted. I didn't know that. Thanks for the info.
@@Sifo_Dyas You said "would've won the same way". The two game were very very different in execution.
@@ScottSweeney you said Leela plays "pretty." Is that the technical term? 🙄
Lol Nh5 was the funniest move ever together with the fact that it threatens mate
This is my favorite game of all of your coverage. Yeah, I know that you've done a lot of stuff and it is all very good. This game was just really interesting due mostly to the surprises that turn out to be brilliant. We people have a long way to go...
11:29 “Every square is mined, like in minesweeper” he says as I play minesweeper on another device.
levy id love you to do more historical chess games/games that everyone should know about
First time i can see an engine play worse than me even after making 0 mistakes , now the tables have turned lmao
Levy is such a great player that's why he could explain every single move.
Big fan from India
This is probably the best video on youtube. not best chess video only but all time the most amazing video…you gotta love Levy’s energy, sense of humor and chess knowledge and how he explains everything so well to lowe rated players like me! and i encourage everyone who didn’t watch the championship coverage to go see it now i watched many and gotham is simply the best
I love to see a 960 analysis. There's no opening theory that I never remember and all the moves look important. Really good video.
I feel like stockfish does moves that are basically "superhuman", and Leela is pure robot using her ideas.
Edit: Oh no what have I started
yup that makes sense since stockfish is developed with the helps of many GMs which explain the ideas of certain positions and how to evaluate positions and then it just gets one of the best (if not the best) calculation machine added.
whilst Leela is an AI which fine-tunes the given parameters by itself to analyse positions. Just like any other player (except that leela can play more games without getting tired and can better remember them all)
Leela is more human since it is an AI and uses 'concepts' and 'associations'
@@mouwersor AI doesn't mean it's more human lol.
@@burnstick1380 Can you point me to the "many GMs" that helped in the development of SF?
Stockfish uses it's own neural network for evaluation. Also Stockfish is currently winning this FRC tournament with 22 - 19
Locking up those bishop and knight was just too savage, damn ruthless
Agadmator already covered this
12:04 LMAO I luckily saw h4 as the move while eating, half-listening, and being drunk lazily finding moves.
Are the games where lc0 wins just more interesting than the ones it loses? Stockfish also won with the white pieces from this starting position, and at the time of writing, stockfish is up 21-18 in the match.
In a way yes: Stockfish's wins tend to be more tactical ones, and Leela's ones tend to be on the strategical side. Now, from the point of view of puny human players, we can not hope to match the computing power of a computer, so the tactical ones are fun to watch but useless in learning, like watching a bird fly: you'll never learn to fly like that, we just don't have the right equipment. However, a strategical win is completely different: there are profound ideas/themes behind this, and those we can grasp and then use as tools.
when he said "if you danger levels like this then your danger gets leveled" i burst out laughing.. it may not be funny but with seriousness i had this just blew me off
Man, I love how Levy describes the blatant mechanical disrespect of a machine's diss about telling his opponent to respec his mother(board).
At this point Magnus just looks like the big kid at a playground making fun of other kids building sandcastles with a single bucketful of sand, looking down at them while having 3 buckets' of towers compared to their single tower.
Meanwhile Papa Stockfish and Mama Leela are discussing world politics and bitcoin on the park bench probably, while watching the adorable behavior of toddlers in sandpit.
What the fuck
Leela: hold my beer bruh
Stockfish: see u in normal chess buddy
StockFish is winning the match 23.5-19.5 though. The starting positions chosen for this match put black at a huge disadvantage, and it's a matter of whether or not white can convert. So far, all 22 decisive results were white wins
You just keep proving that people who claim you copy agadmator are right
Watching the top engines duke it out like this is my favourite chess content.
Stockfish is already up a lot of point tho, nice game by leela, but stockfish is just too strong atm
Levy: these computers are brilliant, and all they want is control.
I see no problem with this
Why doesn’t anyone show games where Stockfish crushes Leela? It’s clearly the better engine...
There was literally a whole video about stockfish beating Leela.
because views
wow, the position at the end - who would have thought such powerful engines could land themselves in that hole! Incredibly entertaining video, thanks Gotham!
It's interesting how Leela can crush Stockfish so badly and still be losing the match...
pieces activety
pawns structure
king safety
Leela: haha screw you pieces
The funny thing is that even though Leela crushed SF in this game , SF has been crushing Leela throughout the match.(It is leading by 4 points)
That ending with the bishop could honestly wake up the fkin demon in AI stockfish