When will sheger fm talk about the country where they are working, Ethiopia! Always when I heard this " radio" I remembered one of university teachers, lecturing " Ethiopian history 101" , often he gives example about neighbour's country typically Keneya, while he was expected lecturing about the reality of Ethiopia what happened in the past, whether it was bad or good, just as a lesson!
When will sheger fm talk about the country where they are working, Ethiopia! Always when I heard this " radio" I remembered one of university teachers, lecturing " Ethiopian history 101" , often he gives example about neighbour's country typically Keneya, while he was expected lecturing about the reality of Ethiopia what happened in the past, whether it was bad or good, just as a lesson!
ዶክተር አብይ አህመድን (መንግስትን) ለማሳጣት ካልሆነ በስተቀር። ያለ ጥፋቱ የታሰረ አንድም እስረኛ የለም!! እና መንግስትን ማጠልሸት ይቅርባቹ!!
አጥፍቶ ያልታሰረ ግን አለ አስቃባጭ ስንት በሴራ የታሰረ አለ
የታሰረ ብቻ ሳይሆን የተገደለ፣ የተሰደደም ፣የተራበ፣ቤቱን የተነጠቀ እና ሌላ ብዙግፍመድረሱ የአደባባይ ሀቅነዉ የእኔ ደነዝ
Pro max አሸቃባጭ
"ኸረ በህግ" አለ ሰለሞን ጓንጉል 😂😂😂 ወንድሜ እስቲ መጀመሪያ ፕሮግራሙን ሙሉ ለሙሉ ስማው።