"Memoirs" M2U 歌詞 Mar 9th, 2024 English lyrics updated 在顫抖的手上親吻著風 I am kissing the wind with my shaking hands 海浪緩緩地撫摸著妳的臉龐 The ocean waves are slowly carassing your appearance 染成橙色的海浪,靜靜地湧向愚蠢的我,Adios The ocean waves dyed with orange are silently flooding into the foolish me. Adios Can you hear it ? dear Amigo 你聽得到嗎? 親愛的Amigo 夢想比希望更加容易破碎 The dream is a great deal easier to break into pieces than the hope. So funny game 超好笑的遊戲 God be here 、God be there 願神在此,願神在那 一點也不好笑的故事 The story that is not funny at all 那樣輕聲細語的我 The me who am whispering so gentily 伸出手就可以抓到幻想 if reaching out my hands, I can take hold of the fantasy 然而我一直認為這個世界沒有未來 Yet I've been thinking the world has no future 在那個遙遠的水平線上 On the very faraway horizon 只不過是一個遙不可及的懸崖 It is no more than a cliff that is out of my league The bloody moon rolled behind the horizon as the sun raised up her head…ah 太陽升起時,血色的月亮沉入地平線下 來吧,是為了我而滿懷希望的揮手嗎 Come on. Is your hopeful waving for the sake of me? 來吧,為了我而滿懷希望的揮手吧 Come on. Hopefully wave your hands for the sake of me 為了我而滿懷希望的揮手吧 Hopefully wave your hands for the sake of me 染成橙色的海浪 The ocean waves dyed with orange 一直都在靜靜地湧向我 have been silently flooding into me
"Memoirs" M2U 歌詞 Mar 9th, 2024 English lyrics updated
I am kissing the wind with my shaking hands
The ocean waves are slowly carassing your appearance
The ocean waves dyed with orange are silently flooding into the foolish me. Adios
Can you hear it ? dear Amigo
你聽得到嗎? 親愛的Amigo
The dream is a great deal easier to break into pieces than the hope.
So funny game
God be here 、God be there
The story that is not funny at all
The me who am whispering so gentily
if reaching out my hands, I can take hold of the fantasy
Yet I've been thinking the world has no future
On the very faraway horizon
It is no more than a cliff that is out of my league
The bloody moon rolled behind the horizon as the sun raised up her head…ah
Come on. Is your hopeful waving for the sake of me?
Come on. Hopefully wave your hands for the sake of me
Hopefully wave your hands for the sake of me
The ocean waves dyed with orange
have been silently flooding into me
10년이 지나도 디맥 최애곡
thank you for uploading the original video on it's max resolution. this is one of the best songs sung by Miya and composed by M2U.
왔구나 디맥 최애곡...
살면서 처음이자 마지막으로 본인에게 잘했다 생각했던것
바로 이 곡 급식때 5분넘는 풀버전 구해서 백업해놓은일
음질 구려서 좋은거 따로 구하려했는데
이제는 유튭은 당연하고 구글링해도 못찾겠더라..
유튭엔 5분짜리 버전 하나 있네요
게임 발매당시 나온 ost에 4분쯤 되는 원곡은 있는데 당시엔 mp3가 워낙 많이 나돌던때라 그당시 구해놨으면 문제 없죠. 지금도 음원사이트에 ost 있긴 하네요
트랜스에 나올 법한 코드 아르페지오 신스에 뚱땅땅 현악기, 베이스, 보컬, 흔치 않은 드럼패턴까지
기묘한 조합인데 디게 맛있음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
개인적으로 정말 좋아하는 곡...
이름을 알순 없지만 현악기 소리가 정말 매력적이네요
이곡이랑 영상으로 신세 많이 졌었지...
m2u! m2u!
맨 마지막 멜로디가 다르다?
풀버전은 클라이막스에서 전조가 되서 음이 높아지거든요... 숏버전 롱버전 따로 녹음 되었어요
난 왜 곡 제목을 메모리즈로 외우고 있었던거지...
Miya님 곡좀..
플카 1위곡..이면서.. 근본곡.. 이랄까..?
1:28 부터 악기들 밀리고 믹싱 개판 되는데 대체 누가 믹싱한거지...
이거 노래제목 메모리즈 아니였음.. ㅋㅋㅋ