Smart Women, Smart Power: A Conversation with Carly Fiorina

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 เม.ย. 2015
  • Please join us for a discussion with Carly Fiorina, Global Chairman of Opportunity International and former Chairman and CEO of Hewlett Packard.
    The former business executive who was the first woman to lead a Fortune 50 company now leads the nonprofit Opportunity International, focused on microfinance and helping entrepreneurs in the developing world. She also chairs a second nonprofit, Good360, the world's largest product philanthropy organization. She also launched a political career following her corporate career, running for the U.S. Senate from California in 2010 and currently exploring a possible run for president in 2016.
    Nina Easton
    Senior Associate, CSIS;
    Editor and Columnist, Fortune
    Chair, Most Powerful Women International
    A reception will be held from 5:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.
    The series is made possible by the generous support of Citi.

ความคิดเห็น • 353

  • @StereoSpace
    @StereoSpace 9 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I'm totally impressed with this woman. I'm already supporting her campaign. If you'd like to see the country move away from failed and corrupt marxist-leftists policies of Obama/Pelosi/Hillary, then consider supporting her run. We could use someone of this quality, insight, intelligence and integrity as president.

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      StereoSpace Stero Space, Yes I'm supporting her campaign, too. There are too few beacons of hope like CF and too few citizens can say WHY, s abruptly, pecifically, WHY they don't support here. They have vague reasons, like, "I don't like what she did at HP, but when you press them as to WHAT she did at HP, the subject changes abruptly. Run into you on the trail?

    • @kingtut7779
      @kingtut7779 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +StereoSpace me too. i am beside myself for this women. Thank you for supporting her, my freind. God bless you!!

    • @lovestartswithyou8151
      @lovestartswithyou8151 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +StereoSpace What are you impressed about? Her being fired and HP stock going up after she was fired. How about outsourcing, are you proud of that? How about buying 5 corporate jets after laying off thousands of people. What was that all about. Spitting in the faces of the unemployed? How about that million dollar yacht? The worst is selling billions of products to Iran despite sanctions making it illegal. She had excuses that made her sound like hillary, but incompetence is no excuse. I do not want a corporate robot who craps on people, and those people were crapped on because of her incompetence, lack of business sense and imagination. I am tired of this broken moral compass mentality, and we do not need another one of these as POTUS.

    • @kingtut7774
      @kingtut7774 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Lovestartswithyou These are talking points. Number do not lie. She doubled the company when 100s on companies went under after 911. is you are trying to say she is not qualified to be a president, you are doing yourself a disfavor. This women is born to be our president.

    • @lovestartswithyou8151
      @lovestartswithyou8151 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Kingtut777 Is that why HP stock went up after she was fired?

  • @kingtut7779
    @kingtut7779 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have not been this impressed with anyone in the political arena since Ronald Reagan as I am with Mrs. Fiorina. She is presidential, honest, smart, powerful and attractive. I am in awe with this incredible women. She will be one of the greatest leaders in the history of our blessed country, no doubt. listening to her is like listening to an angel. May God bless her and help her become our president. Amen!

  • @cottonclarksa
    @cottonclarksa 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    A very impressive discourse. Very straightforward. I could easily vote for her as President of the United States. She has vision. She has empathy. She has leadership skills. What's more, she is totally relatable. The Federal govt on a zero-based budgeting model would be a beast and a half to do - there would be lots of old habits that would have to be jettisoned (and quickly) ... you know the ones: "But we've ALWAYS done it this way before!" - but I like the idea.

  • @realpicture1311
    @realpicture1311 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The more I hear Carly, the more I like her as a leader. Wow! Everyone that knows what small business is about should stand behind her all the way to home plate!

  • @hollypattersonwriter
    @hollypattersonwriter 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am not 100% percent sure but I did get a prophetic word over a decade ago about a woman president. After hearing this talk and towards the end it really made me so helpful. I will be voting for Carly. She could be the one that God spoke to me about.
    I also don't think she will be the last, get ready for more diverse presidents.
    People right now are really seeking something different.

    • @duredestsenf7199
      @duredestsenf7199 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Jaimie Vanderhouck Did you READ what you just wrote? Read it, Sweetheart! I'm sure you did NOT mean what you wrote. You should watch your GRAMMAR!!!! What you excuse as a "typo" completely changes the meaning of your statement.

    • @duredestsenf7199
      @duredestsenf7199 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Jaimie Vanderhouck Prophetic word? What's that? God appeared to you via headphones? Or just a dream? Why aren't you 100% sure? Could you also be closer to 0% sure? Why are you disclosing the fact that you tend to hallucinate? Your comment leaves little doubt that mental illness is in your life. You fantasize and reside in an alternate universe. To you it's real or you want to "sell it" to an audience. Like Trump was selling the illusion that he ever had any desire to become President. Fiorina may have the desire, but has no chance, because she's not genuine and she makes up stuff. - What exactly is YOUR objective here? Just babbling, or is there a deeper purpose? Just asking (not expecting any honest answers here, it's obvious you're not the type to offer real facts and honest opinions, just confusing goobledeegook.)

    • @hollypattersonwriter
      @hollypattersonwriter 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      duredest senf
      Hey I go by the Bible and what the Holy Spirit tells me. You will never understand it though because you are not a Christian which is a shame. I do not hallucinate because I never have taken any drugs. You can not even began to understand it because you are a natural man or woman. This means your dead spiritually and so you have no idea how to understand this. We are all born with a spirit though and the Holy Spirit can speak to our spirit. If you do not know Jesus Christ though and you are not a baptized believer then you will never know this. The Holy Spirit does attempt to talk to people though showing them signs and such but people just ignore it and rebel. So if your not on God's side your against Him and your on the devils side. If you don't believe in God it doesn't mean anything because you can not personally pretend there is no God. Now we see evil that is incredibly evident all around us, so obviously there is evil now if there is evil then there must be good. This is the dynamic order of things. So go ahead and make fun of me I have heard it all before, I will never back down or deny my beliefs. ever! I' am a very coherent and sane person and I have never went along with anything. I believe this in Spirit and in truth and without that it would not mean much to me.

  • @The15secondsOfame
    @The15secondsOfame 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Glad she's running. Going to make debates interesting.

  • @katierose6559
    @katierose6559 9 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    As a young woman, I really find it refreshing to see a woman running who has some INTEGRITY. I would vote for her 100%.

    • @MMAKidsATX
      @MMAKidsATX 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Kat Rose I am so glad so many of you are taking note of Carly Fiorina. She is great, but not very well known. If you like her, I strongly encourage ALL of you that do to talk about her and spread the word about what you like about her to everyone you know. Help spread the word, she is great, and in my opinion would be a great leader.

    • @willtaylor9916
      @willtaylor9916 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Kat Rose Hillary is much better))

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Will Taylor unfortunately, Hillary has this little thing happening to her right now which shows (at the very least) a colossal lapse in judgement, she is questionably responsible for the death of 4 people. These are not small things and because of the e-mail problems of late, she may be joining Rod Blagoyevich in prison and won't be able to start or complete a term. Yet, you'd still feel comfortable wth her leading the country. On what basis may I ask? She has very few accomplishments in these titles., despite the titles of offices she's held.

    • @willtaylor9916
      @willtaylor9916 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Anne Nowlin Rose Law Firm. Children's Defense Fund. First Lady of Arkansas. First Lady of America. Senator from New York ( a very important state). Secretary of State. Wonderful grandmother and mother. Dutiful wife.
      Hillary's past is full of sacrifice and accomplishment in both her public and personal life. It's time our country appreciated and respected the role of women. Hillary happens to be the most qualified woman in our present time.
      By the way, she's not responsible for Benghazi. Terrorists are.
      She's never broken laws either like Blagojevich did by selling Obama's senate seat so she doesn't belong in jail.

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Will Taylor titles

  • @AnneNowlin
    @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    She is highly criticized for having been fired by the board at HP. This is a very good explanation of that. The video is long, but VERY informative. She would bring a freshness of approach to CF that the US needs, that is so much returning the Constitution.

    • @FactsMattersUSA
      @FactsMattersUSA 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Are you drinking, this woman has you bamboozled. She couldn't hold a stick next to Hillary or Condoleezza. Get a like nut bag.

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Antonio Ric I like Condoleeza Rice and she doesn't have me bamboozled. Not drinking. There's no comparison for CR, so I won't try, but I'm suggesting that people not dismiss CF out of hand because she was fired. I've never heard such a lame excuse for anything in my life. Condolleeza Rice- now she's loaded with accomplishements; but she's not running

    • @FactsMattersUSA
      @FactsMattersUSA 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Stop thinking with a republican mentality. Unless your super wealthy. Wake up. If its too much government in your eyes, leave the country because under the bush administration the U.S. Deficit was a disaster.

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Quite frankly,
      I don’t know what the super wealthy remark has to do with the price of tea in China.
      There are many people from the GOP who don’t make the millions like you think I do or other Republicans do. Libs are fond of asking, “Why?” Well let me let you in on a little secret. What’s right is right. PERIOD.
      I believe in the Republican platform which is to decrease the size and the amount of government and it’s regulation and presence in my life. I believe in the GOP platform.
      I believe if you’re progressive, that means you’re progressing TO something and that SOMETHING is not towards the Constitution.
      I believe that marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman, but not to the exclusion that two men and two women should unite and have rights extended to them in a union. Just get out of my face with this marriage talk.
      I believe in personal choice and personal responsibility for those choices. I believe that there are many social problems and that throwing money on those problems does not solve them or create jobs. I can say that as the wife of a man who has been unemployed for well over 4 years, looking daily. I judge the success or failure of an economic policy by how ‘shovel ready’ the jobs are and GOP members called that one a mile away.
      You may say that I’ve a horse in this race and so therefore have rose-colored glasses. Not. I’ve learned over the past 4 years that GIVING a man a fish does him NO favors, but TEACHING a man to fish does him wonders.
      Who’s is talking about the Bush administration? I’m not. Not defending it, and like every admin, it had it’s ups and downs.

    • @FactsMattersUSA
      @FactsMattersUSA 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I was going to go into this long sermon as to why u shouldn't think like a republican then realized, why bother, you guys are a dying breed. Good luck out there

  • @hollypattersonwriter
    @hollypattersonwriter 9 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Last election republicans were not in unity and would not vote for Romey, which was a huge mistake!
    Please don't be a sitting duck this time! Vote for this women and let us stand behind her! We need to support her and back her 100%
    Now is the time, and if people just want a women to be president then it should not matter if your a democrat or republican. You know you are not for Hilary so just vote for Carly, even if you don't agree with her on some issues, at least you would have a job and isn't that what you want?
    I am looking forward for the dull between her and Hilary!
    These other people running will all fall at the way side.
    Its woman against woman. So what are you going do?
    Don't sit home and complain! Get off your but and go vote when the time comes.
    I know a lot of young people are conservative yet they don't want to vote, please reconsider and vote for Carly!

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jaimie Vanderhouck I agree with Jessica; there are Conservative members of the GOP and then there's CF. The party MUST front the candidate that it's members chose as THEIR candidate at their own peril!

    • @technoidX681
      @technoidX681 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jaimie Vanderhouck
      Yeah, definitely will vote, but not for her unless I have a serious head concussion!

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jaimie Vanderhouck ALL Republicans need to be in lock step behind THEIR candidate. I think that is what happened to MR. THE GOP didn't throw its full weight behind him or we wouldn't be taking orders from this poor example of a leader. A good example of a husband and father, but not a world leader.

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      ***** Curious, why barring a concussion have you made up this early NOT to consider CF. The election is 18 mos away!!

    • @technoidX681
      @technoidX681 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Anne Nowlin so you accept people voting for CF has serious brain injury and not having a bit of sanity?

  • @Amyls64
    @Amyls64 9 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    She is absolutely remarkable!

  • @harry456able
    @harry456able 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What the American public didn't know is that the CEO who replaced Fiorina did not perform or perform worse than expected. However Fiorina's name is on our leading business and leadership textbook we used in our colleges and universities today not only here but abroad. Her business principle and leadership skill was being taught to students.

  • @teec3557
    @teec3557 9 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Great to see these liberal comments about Carly Fiorina. She is a smart strong tough leader. Her tenure at HP needs to be judged in context. It was a bad time for all hi tech companies - just look at all the ones that died. She had the guts and the foresight longterm to buy Compaq. Short term stock prices are not a judge of longterm solvency. Turned out to be a great longterm merger for HP.

    • @toomuch8986
      @toomuch8986 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Tom Cody The Bitch was FIRED from HP!

    • @teec3557
      @teec3557 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Cool - keep up the class act.

    • @toomuch8986
      @toomuch8986 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Tom Cody
      If you don't like Facts you should watch Faux News!

    • @toomuch8986
      @toomuch8986 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Tom Cody
      I see you are making excuses for the ignorant bitch. JUST SAD!

    • @teec3557
      @teec3557 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You really need to clean up your language if you expect to be taken seriously. And your facts are just overwhelming.

  • @TheOptioneerJM
    @TheOptioneerJM 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Impressive woman, strong character with leadership credentials that take her to the stratosphere, proven during the CNN Republican Debate Wednesday .... from a Canadian even! @optioneerJM

  • @LamontCranston
    @LamontCranston 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "Smart, women, Carly, Fiorina" ...never before used in the same conversation.

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Jim Stinnett seems that the boys are a little bit threatened by a successful woman?

  • @michaelhunter1093
    @michaelhunter1093 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    When Carly Fiorina was CEO of HPQ
    1999--2005 the stock price went from $50 to 25 dollars
    She is DEBATABLY the worst CEO in the history of the Fortune 500

    • @whiskeredtuna
      @whiskeredtuna 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      mike hunt What has Obama ran??????????

    • @michaelhunter1093
      @michaelhunter1093 9 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      mike hunt you didn't have to, but I'll forgive that you were duped once; but twice????

    • @909elle
      @909elle 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Baby James Community organizer duh

    • @909elle
      @909elle 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Geo Synchronous not as many as Hillary

  • @jsphotos
    @jsphotos 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Carly Fiorina comes out of sales/marketing background. She is quick on her feet and silver-tongued. All the more reason to watch her machinations and be aware of how astute she is at manipulation of the masses in a way that diverts attention away from her insurmountable weaknesses and retrograde suggestions for policy.

  • @omegafund
    @omegafund 8 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    this lady would crush the creature clinton

  • @vinyl45s4ever
    @vinyl45s4ever 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Republican presidential hopeful (and former Hewlett-Packard CEO) Carly Fiorina says parents should have the option not to vaccinate their children before sending them to public school, explaining vaccines should be a matter of personal and religious freedom.
    This has become the standard Republican line: the freedom not to be vaccinated is superior to the social responsibility to vaccinate in order to prevent the transmission of diseases. (Fiorina’s comments come a year after an unusual polio-like illness was seen in dozens of children in her home state of California.) Taken to its logical conclusion, Fiorina and other Republicans would give people the option of not stopping at red lights if they are personally or religiously opposed to them.

    • @angharad256
      @angharad256 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      vinyl45s4ever You just went through all her speeches and copy/pasted the same comment, didn't you? Actually, it means Republicans are pro-freedom; we don't believe the government should be able to compel you to participate in any medical procedure. Taken to its logical conclusion, doesn't your support of government-compelled medical mandates mean you would support forced sterilization and organ donation?
      Or we could be more reasonable about the whole discussion and include the whole of Fiorina's comments: that you can choose whether or not to vaccinate your child, and school districts can choose whether or not to admit your unvaccinated child. See how choice works?

    • @vinyl45s4ever
      @vinyl45s4ever 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      angharad256 Yes, the above was "lifted", but true, no? Here's something from my own brain: Under a "socialist" President (like Bernie Sanders) the 99% will fare better, while the 1% are forced to share a bit more in the cost of maintaining their community. Raising taxes on the top 1% by 1% would pay for nearly 1 million full time living wage jobs. 1 Millions currently unemployed people earning a living wage and paying taxes would make a big difference to the nation. Keeping that same amount of tax money hidden "off shore" brings the nation nothing, only keeps fat cats fatter. - How is that a bad thing? - Romney got very making a lot of people very poor. Trump ad Fiorina are no different.

    • @duredestsenf7199
      @duredestsenf7199 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +vinyl45s4ever Fiorina demonstrated shameless GREED. She became filthy rich, while many thousands of workers at the bottom were fired. How many millions of bonus dollars does ONE woman need to be content? Many of the jobs could have been saved with a mere concession by BIG BITCH! - Remember the last years of Jay Leno's Tonight Show? He insisted on cutting his own salary from 30 million to 15 million, specifically to save the jobs of dozens of his crew members. Leno showed that there IS A WAY to accept LESS for oneself, in order to help out MANY of the "little people". Of course this concept is automatically decried as SOCIALISM, just to cover up the fact that it is the opposite of GOP sanctioned GREED!

  • @teratokomi8731
    @teratokomi8731 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love being right. Im clearly smarter than professional political analysts. I am a Trump supporter currently, and my wish in the end would be a trump fiorina ticket. I will also say that if trump was not in the race I would vote for fionina. Shes smart, and as a former ceo of a big company, she has to be tough. We need those credentials more than we need a person with political experience to run the country. The more people see this gem the more support she will ultimately gain. Even if trump doesnt get nominated, it would do well for her to ally with trump so she gets his supporters if he falls out of the race.
    On a different note, i will say that I have owned several HP desktop PC's over the years and every one of them were very durable and my current PC is still an HP. I will say though that I dont care for all the bloatware that HP puts on their PC's....

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Tera Tokomi Tara, I've toyed with a vote for TheDonald for some time, but I was aboard the Carly Fiorina ship first as I am impressed with her credentials. We no longer need "the suits" to run this country; they've been making the same promises for years and not getting anything done. There are 4 candidates on the GOP platform-actually any platform- that have tapped into the vein of the diesenfranchise vter and they are Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, Donald Trump and John Kasich. My preference is for Carly Fiorina, yours is for Donald Trump.. I hope one of them prefails: THOUGH I HOPE CARLY FIORINA PREVAILS MORE!!!

  • @vaskoMCL
    @vaskoMCL 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lads and Gents I give you: The lizard lady.

  • @TaggedRed2
    @TaggedRed2 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I like her she is the one!

  • @Lobos222
    @Lobos222 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    If Carly Fiorina is supposed to be smart. Then incompetent has become a compliment. /sarcasm

  • @sirgravesghastly9183
    @sirgravesghastly9183 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Such a fresh change from Sarah Palin.

  • @LoadPast
    @LoadPast 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    hey person reading this, look up "Carly Fiorina demon sheep ad"

  • @909elle
    @909elle 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Carly has it,give her a chance you want regret it

  • @AstridLana
    @AstridLana 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    the best Republican horse in the field is too cool and sensible for her kooky party but I'd like to see her debate Bernie, my hero

  • @valuedpoint455
    @valuedpoint455 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very good.. I do like smart woman

    • @evasmith8701
      @evasmith8701 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      At this rate, you're not going to get any.

  • @toomuch8986
    @toomuch8986 9 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Carly Fiorina was FIRED from HP for ruining the company!

    • @angharad256
      @angharad256 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      DA WA Yeah, I noticed how HP went out of business. Oh, wait...

    • @toomuch8986
      @toomuch8986 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      What's your Point? They still suck!

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      o+DA WA please read the reasons. Being fired from work in Corportate america doesnn't have ANYTHING to do with performance.

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      angharad256 HP and COMPAQ merged

    • @toomuch8986
      @toomuch8986 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Anne Nowlin
      Don't make excuses for the Bitch!

  • @OhCuePie
    @OhCuePie 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    A female candidate was addressing
    a large group and said:
    “Where would MAN be today if it were not for WOMAN?”
    She paused a moment and looked around the room.
    “I repeat, where would MAN be today
    if it were NOT for WOMAN?”
    From the back of the room came a voice,
    “He’d be in the Garden of Eden eating strawberries!!!”

    • @wbfun
      @wbfun 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      bobby cruz welll.... without girls, man would be dead...

  • @bobbeckel5266
    @bobbeckel5266 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Its interesting how all the women seem intent on riding Carly's coat tails.
    In fact, Carly is a rarity.

  • @ghillzballer
    @ghillzballer 9 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Oh no...

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Pierre S. oh no, WHAT?

    • @StereoSpace
      @StereoSpace 9 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Anne Nowlin He just realized that neither Hillary nor Bernie Sanders would last five minutes in the same room with this woman.

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      StereoSpace you can be sure of that!!

  • @technoidX681
    @technoidX681 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Did she lift weights with her lower lip?

  • @Crazzilla
    @Crazzilla 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you legitimately keep up with this woman, and her campaign, simply watch her eyes. Anyone that has ever been in an authoritative role knows when this woman is flat out lying, or not. When anything "pressing" is brought up against her, you will be able to see the whole story in her eyes. When she lies, she blinks 3 or more times per every word she speaks. It's so apparent that it's ridiculous.
    This is not an honest, and for the people candidate.

  • @toomuch8986
    @toomuch8986 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Smart women and Republican?

  • @Leonlove111
    @Leonlove111 6 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @Pacino718
    @Pacino718 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Man, Carly's got GREAT legs. Not good, GREAT.

  • @jamesmadison3580
    @jamesmadison3580 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    COMMIE Fiorina for President Oh HELL NO...
    She moved 30,000 jobs to HP China.
    15,000 High Tech high paying HP jobs from California to Commie China.
    The Chinese military cloned everything HP made then sold the clone PC's to Asian countries for half price.
    Thanks to COMMIE Fiorina the Chinese military could finally afford to build their first Aircraft Carrier. Hey COMMIE Fiorina YOU BUILT THAT!!

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      James Madison HER downsizing of 30,000 jobs pales in comparison to the 450000 jobs outsourced to China by Barack Obama.

    • @jamesmadison3580
      @jamesmadison3580 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Anne Nowlin The outsourcing of jobs started in 2002 when Bush gave companies who fired Americans and moved their jobs to china totaling 13.5 credits and 0% tarrif for their commie products.
      100% of those manufacturing jobs were in states run by the RepugBullCon$$
      In 2009 Obama tried to repeal those tax credits and 0% tarrif
      You voted for the RepugBullCon$$ who blocked repeal of commie tax credits stating...
      "even though those products are made in china, the companies are still american therefor the products are american so 0% tarrif"
      After that an additional 450K jobs were outsourced ALL but 30K of those jobs were in states run by the RepugBullCon$$
      COMMIE Fiorina was FIRED from HP for her incompetence. She was more concrened about pumping the stock price than putting out a quality product.

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      The figures I quoted are from a source that reported the jobs outsourced between 2010-12; that can't be laid at Dubya's feet.

    • @jamesmadison3580
      @jamesmadison3580 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Anne Nowlin The Bush program which sent 13.5 Million American manufacturing jobs to Commie China continued because the repealing of the Bushmfrg tax credits and 0% tarrif for their commie products were blocked by the RepugBullCon$$ Leading to... The 450,000 Jobs outsourced between 2010-12 Its FUNNY how you keep missing that simple FACT

    • @equsnarnd
      @equsnarnd 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      James Madison You progressive puke ass wipes have very selective memories. When it comes to moving jobs overseas you seem to think that regulatory and tax structures imposed by governement have no impact on businesses. You are selectively blind to the Progressive Puke Regulatory State and it's henchmen, the tax man. How idiotic. I said above that Progressive Pukes always leave destruction in their wake and then blame others and here you are attempting to blame others for what the Progressive Pukes in Government have been doing for many decades. The chickens come home to roost and you all hide in the coop, saying, 'What, me? I didn't do it.'
      And being a Progressive Puke plays across party lines. Remember the first Progressive Puke was T Roosevelt.

  • @thursdaysrecords1
    @thursdaysrecords1 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Magic Undie Man was VERY SECRETIVE about his tax history. That point alone lost him millions of supporters. He's dishonest and out of touch. Those are the facts, darling, please accept facts and stop relying on fantasy getting the same wrap as facts.

    • @equsnarnd
      @equsnarnd 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +thursdaysrecords1 You wouldn't know a fact if it booted you up the ass! He delayed releasing his tax records until he was ready instead of when a mad dog, progressive puke, irresponsible, lying, corrupt press wanted him to. And for that you think it is a 'fact' that he's dishonest. Yet I bet you think Hillarious Godham Clinton is as pure as the driven snow and not at all a vacuous, fatuous, lying gas bag. As I said, right up your ass and you wouldn't know it.

  • @ralphmalone8337
    @ralphmalone8337 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Emotionally compromised from birth. Its not her fault.

  • @douglasborgaro6801
    @douglasborgaro6801 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fiorina smart? Ba ha ha!!

  • @ufrang
    @ufrang 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    cette femme essuyer le plancher avec Hillary

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      ufrang she is at the bottom with HRC? Dream on!

    • @ufrang
      @ufrang 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Anne Nowlin No, she will wipe the floor with HRC!

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ufrang agreed!

  • @technoidX681
    @technoidX681 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Oh my god, worse than Palin!!! Why are republicans cursed by God that way?

  • @rickbruner
    @rickbruner 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please God... give this woman an upset over the status quo, wooden Clinton machine. Please.

  • @hArbingeRofDumb
    @hArbingeRofDumb 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Everything she said about Iran was stupid.

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jo Aquim such as.......Specifics??? Libs and specifics....

    • @DaisukeFlamedramon
      @DaisukeFlamedramon 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Anne Nowlin why waste time with specifics, when you can simply call people names such as racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, hater, stupid, and plenty more in a lame attempt to shut someone up who disagrees with you, and cast them in a negative light, without any proof whatsoever. It's easy to be a liberal, you don't have to know anything, you just have to call names, when you look at it that way, who wouldn't want to be a liberal?

    • @hArbingeRofDumb
      @hArbingeRofDumb 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Anne Nowlin Everything, no need for specifics. The bottom line is that Carly, as most Republicans likes to fear monger on Iran, yet would like to make us less safe because the only acceptable deal for her would be one that would shut down every nuclear plant in Iran. Like most Republicans, she would rather listen to Bibi with his drawing of a cartoon-like bomb 90% ready to explode rather than listen to the CIA and Mossad that both agree on the fact that Iran is not building a nuclear weapon. That's trusting a drawing instead of the best intelligence we have.

    • @hArbingeRofDumb
      @hArbingeRofDumb 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      DaisukeFlamedramon Trust me, it's easier to be a conservative and go through life caring solely about yourself with subnormal empathy levels, slowly sipping wine in a brown leather armchair under a painting of Ronald Reagan listening to Glenn Beck rants, year after year, proudly hanging on to a narrow-minded, black and white view of the world, simply burying your head in the sand each time you hear the word "fact" spoken by anyone other than a Fox News host.

    • @DaisukeFlamedramon
      @DaisukeFlamedramon 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jo Aquim I don't know whether or not to laugh or take you seriously, you did make me laugh. You either really believe what you said, or you're making fun of liberals for actually believing all the crap you just said. Painting Republicans as robots, and not human, that they all just listen to Glenn Beck, and only watch Fox News, only the most uneducated liberal would believe this garbage. You're either a complete genius or completely brainwashed by then suggesting Republicans have a narrow minded, black and white view of the world, while giving a narrow minded, black and white view of Republicans, in turn, making fun of liberals for having a very narrow minded, black and white view of things, Thank you!

  • @vrooomie1
    @vrooomie1 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Where might this 'smart woman" be?

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      vrooomie1 meaning WHAT precisely?

    • @vrooomie1
      @vrooomie1 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Anne Nowlin The answer to your question is completely self-evident...unless you're an apologist for this loser.

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      vrooomie1 why do you say that this woman is a loser? If this woman is a loser, I know someone who needs

  • @geoffshred
    @geoffshred 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    A smart woman in the United States? This must be a joke.

  • @technoidX681
    @technoidX681 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Worse than Palin!!

  • @davids7912
    @davids7912 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't like Carly Fiorina rotating disposition in 2015. One minute she's all dress clothes & professional talk and the next minute she's at public speeches dressed like Daisy Duke and making male bashing jokes. And she had her left hand down the back of her jeans. Gross. ha ha I think she is trying to sell out too much to appear to relate to everyone but obviously shows she's having an identity crisis. One minute she's Mature and Professional and the next minute Fiorina is acting all "Down Home Alabama". I can't trust someone that has such a huge rotating disposition. I understand all candidates have flexibility but usually have a central personality, where as Fiorina seems to have multiple personalities that are very different from each other.

    • @AnneNowlin
      @AnneNowlin 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ***** I love the assumptions you make. Just because YOU don't like her disposition is no reason for you to try to color attitudes. "She's obviously having an identity crisis." What's that all about? Say, "I can't trust someone that has such a huge rotating disposition. " and leave it at that.

    • @davids7912
      @davids7912 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ha ha you need to look up the word "assumption" in the dictionary.

  • @uk4725
    @uk4725 ปีที่แล้ว

    Irony, the Idiot woman who drove a company to its split talks about being a smart woman.