Hi there smash bracket I would suggest something considering that you’re one of my favorite versus shows but given the state of your channel I sadly can’t.
Fun fact: Carrick actually hit me up before writing the Ragna vs Sol part of this video, so I forced him to listen to me give a presentation of Blazblue lore. :))))) But in all seriousness, this was something that I wanted to bring up in my video, but I wasn't fully sure about it. However, after doing some fairly recent digging, I feel pretty convinced that Blazblue Alter Memory (the anime adaptation of Blazblue CT and CS) was their main source of research for Ragna's side of things. Not just with the absence of platinum dollars (since the game's version of the poster actually shows the currency), but they also point out the part where Rachel "Magics Ragna a new arm", which is a thing in AM, but in the games, that's not what happens. The azure ITSELF gives Ragna a new arm. Again, I can't say if this was the case back then, but this theory is actually stronger than I gave it credit for. So basically, aside from Captain Falcon and Spyro (and maybe another character I can't think of right away), Ragna is the only combatant to have an alternate continuity/adaptation as the main source that Death Battle covers. And this adaptation in question is the memeable anime adaptation that even Blazblue fans don't like. Because it tries to cram two separate 20 hour story modes into 12 30 minute anime episodes. Which still felt the need to cut even more context from the games for the sake of a beach episode. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
One of these days I may play a fighting game. One of these days. Thanks again for sending in that video, it really brought the whole segment together! Until next time!
Assistant writer, voice of the Red Menace, and #1 Venusaur Apologist here. 😁 It is insane to see just how far you and your reviews have come, dude. Crazy to think approaching a fellow VA/Death Battle fan on a whim for a collab back in 2020 has evolved into a hell of a solid friendship and me being inextricably intertwined in a 2.25-hour Mega-re-review of the same season I first voiced DP on. The effort and hours you put into this whopper absolutely show, from the longer edits to the quicker jokes, from the highest praises to the lowest roasts. Great stuff as always, Bro! - FDS And hey, you're over the biggest hurdle now! It's only downhill for the next few seasons, buddy! - DP
Sometimes, 1 message is all it takes to change someone's life. I can't even begin to think of what this journey would be like without you dude, and I'm so glad we've been able to re-tackle the one that started it all. Here's to many more in the future! And hopefully not the distant future ;)
I'd honestly argue that Season 2 is the season with the most inter-season evolution (kinda hard not to when it's easily the longest one). What I mean is watch He-Man V Lion-o and then watch Pokemon Vs Digimon and it almost feels like 2 completely different shows.
1:50:01 That’s literally her character! I would know, because I can’t get enough of RWBY. And I would know Yang, she’s one of my favorites…for her personality and design…it’s not because of-
I don't think I've ever watched a TH-cam video this long before and managed to stay awake throughout its entirety (I am naturally a pretty sleepy person). This review was extremely well put together and your commitment to it despite how absurdly long this season was is commendable. This season was pretty important to me as a child cause it was the first one where I really started tuning into Death Battle and it's really interesting to see that quite a bit of it holds up well by today's standards, even with its overall inconsistent quality. Thank you for taking me on this little trip down memory lane, and keep up the great work Carrick!
Genuinely one of the nicest compliments I've gotten so far on any of my videos. That's especially relieving to hear when it comes to a video as long as this one, so thank you for being so invested in my opinions!
This is my ranking of every DEATH BATTLE! Season Season 10 S-Tier: Bill VS Discord, Scooby VS Courage, Goku VS Superman (2023), Galactus VS Unicron A-Tier: Ant-Man VS Atom, Darth Vader VS Obito, Frieza VS Megatron, Stitch VS Rocket, Rick VS The Doctor, Guts VS Dimitri B-Tier: Gojo VS Makima, Killua VS Misaka, Cole VS Alex, Martian Manhunter VS Silver Surfer, Chosen Undead VS Dragonborn, Phoenix VS Raven Season 9 S-Tier: SpongeBob VS Aquaman, Magneto VS Tetsuo A-Tier: Black Adam VS Apocalypse, Harley Quinn VS Jinx, Hercules VS Sun Wukong, Sauron VS Lich King, Omni-Man VS Homelander B-Tier: Scarlett Witch VS Zatanna, Tanjiro VS Jonathan Joestar, Thor VS Vegeta, Trunks VS Silver C-Tier: Excalibur VS Raiden, James Bond VS John Wick, Jason Voorhees VS Michael Myers, Boba Fett VS Predator, Gogeta VS Vegito D-Tier: Deku VS Asta Season 8 S-Tier: Saitama VS Popeye, Yoda VS King Mickey, Goku Black VS Reverse-Flash, DIO VS Alucard A-Tier: Link VS Cloud (2021), Heihachi VS Geese, Iron Fist VS Po, Batman VS Iron Man, Madara VS Aizen B-Tier: Steven VS Star, Shadow VS Ryuko C-Tier: Korra VS Storm, Lex Luthor VS Doctor Doom D-Tier: Macho Man VS Kool-Aid Man F-Tier: Blake VS Mikasa, Akuma VS Shao Kahn Season 7 S-Tier: Goro VS Machamp, Obi-Wan VS Kakashi, Beerus VS Galaxia, Hulk VS Broly A-Tier: Miles Morales VS Static, Wally West VS Archie Sonic, Red VS Blue, Cable VS Booster Gold B-Tier: Sabrewulf VS Jon Talbain, Venom VS Crona, Leonardo VS Jason, Winter Soldier VS Red Hood C-Tier: Genos VS War Machine, Danny Phantom VS Jake Long, Black Canary VS Sindel D-Tier: Sanji VS Rock Lee, She-Ra VS Wonder Woman F-Tier: Gray VS Esdeath, Zuko VS Todoroki, Batgirl VS Spider-Gwen, The Seven Battle Royale Season 6 S-Tier: All Might VS Might Guy, Wario VS King Dedede, Mob VS Tatsumaki, Ganondorf VS Dracula A-Tier: Black Widow VS Widowmaker, Deadpool VS The Mask, Ghost Rider VS Lobo, Johnny Cage VS Captain Falcon B-Tier: Ben 10 VS Green Lantern, Weiss VS Mitsuru, Mega Man Battle Royale C-Tier: Dragonzord VS Mechagodzilla, Aquaman VS Namor, Sasuke VS Hiei D-Tier: Captain Marvel VS Shazam F-Tier: Aang VS Edward Season 5 S-Tier: Samurai Jack VS Afro Samurai, Ryu VS Jin A-Tier: Optimus Prime VS Gundam, Ultron VS Sigma B-Tier: Carnage VS Lucy, Roshi VS Jiraiya, Mario VS Sonic (2018), Thanos VS Darkseid C-Tier: Crash VS Spyro, Leon Kennedy VS Frank West, Nightwing VS Daredevil, Raven VS Twilight Sparkle, Sora VS Pit D-Tier: Strange VS Fate, Jotaro VS Kenshiro F-Tier: Black Panther VS Batman Season 4 S-Tier: Balrog VS TJ Combo, Power Rangers VS Voltron, Shredder VS Silver Samurai A-Tier: Naruto VS Ichigo, Scrooge McDuck VS Shovel Knight, Smokey Bear VS McGruff the Crime Dog B-Tier: Natsu VS Ace, Sephiroth VS Vergil C-Tier: Android 18 VS Captain Marvel, Thor VS Wonder Woman D-Tier: Batman Beyond VS Spider-Man 2099, Metal Sonic VS Zero, Sub-Zero VS Glacius F-Tier: Lara Croft VS Nathan Drake, Venom VS Bane, Lucario VS Renamon Season 3 S-Tier: Hulk VS Doomsday, Joker VS Sweet Tooth, Meta VS Carolina A-Tier: Zoro VS Erza, Deadpool VS Pinkie Pie, Dante VS Bayonetta B-Tier: Flash VS Quicksilver, Ratchet & Clank VS Jak & Daxter C-Tier: Ken VS Terry D-Tier: Mewtwo VS Shadow, Tracer VS Scout F-Tier: Cammy VS Sonya, Bowser VS Ganon, Amy VS Ramona Season 2 S-Tier: Hercule Satan VS Dan Hibiki, Chuck Norris VS Segata Sanshiro, Solid Snake VS Sam Fisher, Iron Man VS Lex Luthor, Pokemon Battle Royale, Kirby VS Majin Buu A-Tier: Pokemon VS Digimon, Deadpool VS Deathstroke, Wolverine VS Raiden, He-Man VS Lion-O, Ryu Hayabusa VS Strider Hiryu B-Tier: Mega Man VS Astro Boy, Godzilla VS Gamera, Terminator VS RoboCop, Ryu VS Scorpion, Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2015), Guts VS Nightmare, Shao Kahn VS M. Bison C-Tier: Donkey Kong VS Knuckles, Green Arrow VS Hawkeye, Tigerzord VS Gundam Epyon, Fox McCloud VS Bucky O'Hare, Ivy VS Orchid, Ragna VS Sol Badguy, Batman VS Captain America D-Tier: Gaara VS Toph, Darth Vader VS Doctor Doom, Fulgore VS Sektor, Yang VS Tifa F-Tier: Goku VS Superman 2, Beast VS Goliath, Luigi VS Tails Season 1 S-Tier: Goku VS Superman 1 A-Tier: Batman VS Spider-Man, Eggman VS Wily, Thor VS Raiden B-Tier: Starscream VS Rainbow Dash, Mario VS Sonic (2011), Link VS Cloud (2012), Bomberman VS Dig Dug, Akuma VS Shang Tsung, Pikachu VS Blanka, Goomba VS Koopa, Vegeta VS Shadow C-Tier: Felicia VS Taokaka, Zelda VS Peach, Master Chief VS Doomguy, Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2010) D-Tier: Haggar VS Zangief, Luke Skywalker VS Harry Potter, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Battle Royale, Yoshi VS Riptor, Kratos VS Spawn F-Tier: Zitz VS Leonardo, Chun-Li VS Mai Shiranui, Justin Bieber VS Rebecca Black, Rogue VS Wonder Woman
Chuck VS Segata really is like the anti Black VS Bieber. Both are SUPER dated, but one in a way that's horribly dated and another in a way that's delightful.
I have a hot take with that "Toph can sense Earth even if it isn't connected to the ground." thing. It was bad wording and I don't think they were saying that because Toph could see Gaara mean he stood no chance, but saying that Gaara's only real advantage would've being that Toph couldn't see him but that wasn't even true. Is it still wrong? Yes, completely. But I think they needed better wording to convey their point
Another great season review where the ending really does stick out to me. Cause yeah, this season is highly regarded as one of the best for so many phenomenal episodes. But with every banger like Snake vs Sam, there's a stinker like Yang vs Tifa. As you said, it's mainly due to the extremely high episode count this season had is why people can look past the bad and only remember the good of where Death Battle was kind of at its peak Cause after this we had season 3 where minus two Sprite fight episodes, the only good episodes are the 3D fights (Minus Tracer vs Scout being mid). Season 4 is just pure mediocrity with hints of improvements. Season 5 had a really rough start before finally and slowly but surely picking up momentum to the new peak of Death Battle being season 10. But with all that, I still appreciate season 2 for establishing what the minds behind Death Battle can produce Again, awesome video! Looking forward to your season 3 review!
2:11:24 You are laughing at the fact that there is no one to stop team rocket from ravaging THE WORLD! How did team RAINBOW Rocket come about? Now you realised.
As a Gundam fan, I can tell you that Zechs was out of character in his fight against Tommy. I have never seen him grow this angry against anybody in Gundam Wings, instead he would be more calculative and patient.
Back when Yang vs Tifa came out, I had no strong feelings on the outcome one way or another due to not knowing a thing about RWBY at the time and my knowledge of Final Fantasy mostly coming from Kingdom Hearts. Looking back on it as a fan of both now, yeah, this wasn't the best showcase of two characters who are far more complex beyond "girls with big boobs who hit things really hard".
You know I used to hate mega Man vs Astro boy because the ending left a bad taste in my mouth with how I thought it was Astro stealing Rush but now I don't think I hate it because you recontextualized that scene
I think Fulgore VS Sektor receiving a middle-of-the-road rating is fitting. The episode has the same problem some other early episodes suffer from like Haggar VS Zangief and Pikachu VS Blanka, where the animation is too short. But the analysis was pretty enjoyable, and I prefer the Fighting Game cyborgs more than the other season 2 Killer Instinct with big boobs.
1:46:55 This episode ( as well as Blake vs Mikasa ) are 1 of Y0UR0NLYMATE Favorite Episodes of DEATH BATTLE Also this is just my opinion I think his least favorite ( besides Pikachu vs Blanka ) is Weiss vs Mitsuru I am just saying these things Because he is a big RWBY fan boy & I am honestly surprised nate ( your oc who is not a RWBY fan ) does not make fun of the guy
While Nate can be pretty snarky at times, he would never make fun of someone for an unpopular opinion, especially since it'd be super hypocritical. I mean, have ya seen the guy's thoughts on Rainbow Dash vs Starscream, DK vs Knuckles, and Bomberman vs Dig Dug? Lol
At first, it was just cuz I love that song, as well as the game, but by the end, it ended up fitting the segment way more than I thought it would initially!
As someone who just got into death battle last season hearing that season two has 32 episodes explain why this took long. Take the break that you deserve
I think probably the worst part about Gaara vs Toph to me is that they COULD have given a good explanation as to how Toph won. Just say Toph could crush Gaara with his own Sand Armor at any time, regardless of any speed advantage he could’ve had. Is it accurate? Maybe not, but it’s far better than just quoting a trivia note.
So, are these interactions between Deadpool and Nate take place in the past? Because this feels like they barely tolerate each other than the future seasons. Great work on this either way, just a question.
Correct! This is not only a remake of the older videos, but it's also meant to be framed in such a way that newcomers can jump in and experience the development of Wade and Nate's friendship from the very beginning without having to check out the older, more flawed videos from years ago. I'm very glad you picked up on that, since it means I've done my job well in getting that idea across, so thank you for noticing!
Also, what about doing a video giving your opinion about some of the most obscure matchups that has been suffested for Death Battle? Things like Mazinger Z vs. Getter Robo, Yuma Tsukumo & Astral vs Geo Stelar and Omega-Xis and so forth.
@@RaccoonBroVA As I said, I get that. That is exactly why I added the word "obscure" for my suggestion. But yeah, I know that this is a pipe dream of mine.
not gonna lie i loved tifa vs yang back in the days when i thought rwby was.......not trash cuz i thought seeing yang more battle damaged then like 99% of combatants and it was raw as fuck.
I popped the hell off when I saw Murder Drones footage holy shit Hopefully they eventually decide to bring in characters from web shows that are... y'know... NOT objectively the worst thing ever at some point.
@@metamaster5469 With Hazbin Hotel still being around (yes, I count shows on streaming services web shows)? With Nostalgia Critic and SML still being _very_ fucking annoying? _RWBY_ is the worst thing ever? I believe in that one quote: "That's just like, your opinion, man." But in this case it's that one Funky Kong image: "Nice opinion, too bad it's fucking stupid."
@@TheGarfster Hazbin Hotel's literally not even that bad, you just hate it cause it's the popular thing to do these days, Nostalgia Critic and SML are comedy shows that aren't trying to be anything big and grand [at least not anymore in NC's case], RWBY is an absolute dumpster fire with unlikeable trash tier 'heroes' that run on protagonist centered morality where everything they do is declared right and moral simply on the grounds that they're the ones doing it, the fight scenes haven't been good since Monty died, the story is a cluttered unfocused mess that can't even figure out what it wants to do with its characters, RWBY is pure trash, now kindly fuck off.
Adding on to that last reply, if a Hazbin character gets on the show, I hope they lose like how Vox got shitstomped (off-screen) by SMG4's Mario (thought that was due to him confusing Vox with Mr. Puzzles). Pretty much the same reason I'd only stomach Juri Han being on the show: being the killed-off punching bag.
The amount of work this must have taken is astounding. The effort you put into this definitely shines through
Hi there smash bracket I would suggest something considering that you’re one of my favorite versus shows but given the state of your channel I sadly can’t.
Fun fact: Carrick actually hit me up before writing the Ragna vs Sol part of this video, so I forced him to listen to me give a presentation of Blazblue lore. :)))))
But in all seriousness, this was something that I wanted to bring up in my video, but I wasn't fully sure about it. However, after doing some fairly recent digging, I feel pretty convinced that Blazblue Alter Memory (the anime adaptation of Blazblue CT and CS) was their main source of research for Ragna's side of things. Not just with the absence of platinum dollars (since the game's version of the poster actually shows the currency), but they also point out the part where Rachel "Magics Ragna a new arm", which is a thing in AM, but in the games, that's not what happens. The azure ITSELF gives Ragna a new arm. Again, I can't say if this was the case back then, but this theory is actually stronger than I gave it credit for. So basically, aside from Captain Falcon and Spyro (and maybe another character I can't think of right away), Ragna is the only combatant to have an alternate continuity/adaptation as the main source that Death Battle covers. And this adaptation in question is the memeable anime adaptation that even Blazblue fans don't like. Because it tries to cram two separate 20 hour story modes into 12 30 minute anime episodes. Which still felt the need to cut even more context from the games for the sake of a beach episode. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
One of these days I may play a fighting game. One of these days. Thanks again for sending in that video, it really brought the whole segment together! Until next time!
@@RaccoonBroVAYou’ve never even played smash?
@@KirbyStarAnimation Sigh, I guess sarcasm can't exist without a /j online
@@RaccoonBroVA Man sarcasm is funny when you do it right back.
@@KirbyStarAnimation It appears I've been duped, bamboozled even!
One of the best seasons by far. Especially because it brought Deadpool into this series. I'm glad you're remaking these, it looks better than ever.
Assistant writer, voice of the Red Menace, and #1 Venusaur Apologist here. 😁
It is insane to see just how far you and your reviews have come, dude. Crazy to think approaching a fellow VA/Death Battle fan on a whim for a collab back in 2020 has evolved into a hell of a solid friendship and me being inextricably intertwined in a 2.25-hour Mega-re-review of the same season I first voiced DP on. The effort and hours you put into this whopper absolutely show, from the longer edits to the quicker jokes, from the highest praises to the lowest roasts. Great stuff as always, Bro! - FDS
And hey, you're over the biggest hurdle now! It's only downhill for the next few seasons, buddy! - DP
Sometimes, 1 message is all it takes to change someone's life. I can't even begin to think of what this journey would be like without you dude, and I'm so glad we've been able to re-tackle the one that started it all. Here's to many more in the future! And hopefully not the distant future ;)
Never ask for anything from this man ever again.
I'd honestly argue that Season 2 is the season with the most inter-season evolution (kinda hard not to when it's easily the longest one). What I mean is watch He-Man V Lion-o and then watch Pokemon Vs Digimon and it almost feels like 2 completely different shows.
Given the facial expressions, that's definitely terminalmontage Kirbo before he found Jesus. 10/10 fight between both of my favorite characters.
52:49 😂 nice touch
I was afraid no one would notice!
That’s literally her character! I would know, because I can’t get enough of RWBY. And I would know Yang, she’s one of my favorites…for her personality and design…it’s not because of-
That stinger made me laugh far more than I thought it would!
2:05 A jab at Iger. NICE 🤩
I don't think I've ever watched a TH-cam video this long before and managed to stay awake throughout its entirety (I am naturally a pretty sleepy person). This review was extremely well put together and your commitment to it despite how absurdly long this season was is commendable. This season was pretty important to me as a child cause it was the first one where I really started tuning into Death Battle and it's really interesting to see that quite a bit of it holds up well by today's standards, even with its overall inconsistent quality. Thank you for taking me on this little trip down memory lane, and keep up the great work Carrick!
Genuinely one of the nicest compliments I've gotten so far on any of my videos. That's especially relieving to hear when it comes to a video as long as this one, so thank you for being so invested in my opinions!
Honestly the clip you used for 35 was ingenious and got me laughing my butt off 😂
Rest easy my guy!! You deserve it!! Great video!
Amazing work as always and well worth the wait.
It could be worse, Nate; you could have called him "RaccoonBravo" like TH-cam's search bar does for some reason
Like #140 for the Emperor’s New Groove reference 😎😎😎
Thanks for a fun video Carrick and hug your furbabies all 💙🐱💙
19:47 and a few days after this video, DB might end
Goku vs Superman 2 vs Goku vs Superman 2023 is the death battle equilevant of coughing baby vs nuke
Everytime RaccoonBro releases a feature film you know it’ll be good
Great work once again man, I’m making that image of He-Man in my walls into a stupid inside joke in my friend group
The in your walls running gag has quickly become one of my favorite things to say lately, so this news makes me quite happy!
Still heartbreaking that the ONLY guilty gear episode is the lamest matchup there could be
10:41 THANK YOU!
Alas, maybe someday
Hoooooo boy, this season, I haven't watched yet, but I already know... this is gonna be wild
This is my ranking of every DEATH BATTLE! Season
Season 10
S-Tier: Bill VS Discord, Scooby VS Courage, Goku VS Superman (2023), Galactus VS Unicron
A-Tier: Ant-Man VS Atom, Darth Vader VS Obito, Frieza VS Megatron, Stitch VS Rocket, Rick VS The Doctor, Guts VS Dimitri
B-Tier: Gojo VS Makima, Killua VS Misaka, Cole VS Alex, Martian Manhunter VS Silver Surfer, Chosen Undead VS Dragonborn, Phoenix VS Raven
Season 9
S-Tier: SpongeBob VS Aquaman, Magneto VS Tetsuo
A-Tier: Black Adam VS Apocalypse, Harley Quinn VS Jinx, Hercules VS Sun Wukong, Sauron VS Lich King, Omni-Man VS Homelander
B-Tier: Scarlett Witch VS Zatanna, Tanjiro VS Jonathan Joestar, Thor VS Vegeta, Trunks VS Silver
C-Tier: Excalibur VS Raiden, James Bond VS John Wick, Jason Voorhees VS Michael Myers, Boba Fett VS Predator, Gogeta VS Vegito
D-Tier: Deku VS Asta
Season 8
S-Tier: Saitama VS Popeye, Yoda VS King Mickey, Goku Black VS Reverse-Flash, DIO VS Alucard
A-Tier: Link VS Cloud (2021), Heihachi VS Geese, Iron Fist VS Po, Batman VS Iron Man, Madara VS Aizen
B-Tier: Steven VS Star, Shadow VS Ryuko
C-Tier: Korra VS Storm, Lex Luthor VS Doctor Doom
D-Tier: Macho Man VS Kool-Aid Man
F-Tier: Blake VS Mikasa, Akuma VS Shao Kahn
Season 7
S-Tier: Goro VS Machamp, Obi-Wan VS Kakashi, Beerus VS Galaxia, Hulk VS Broly
A-Tier: Miles Morales VS Static, Wally West VS Archie Sonic, Red VS Blue, Cable VS Booster Gold
B-Tier: Sabrewulf VS Jon Talbain, Venom VS Crona, Leonardo VS Jason, Winter Soldier VS Red Hood
C-Tier: Genos VS War Machine, Danny Phantom VS Jake Long, Black Canary VS Sindel
D-Tier: Sanji VS Rock Lee, She-Ra VS Wonder Woman
F-Tier: Gray VS Esdeath, Zuko VS Todoroki, Batgirl VS Spider-Gwen, The Seven Battle Royale
Season 6
S-Tier: All Might VS Might Guy, Wario VS King Dedede, Mob VS Tatsumaki, Ganondorf VS Dracula
A-Tier: Black Widow VS Widowmaker, Deadpool VS The Mask, Ghost Rider VS Lobo, Johnny Cage VS Captain Falcon
B-Tier: Ben 10 VS Green Lantern, Weiss VS Mitsuru, Mega Man Battle Royale
C-Tier: Dragonzord VS Mechagodzilla, Aquaman VS Namor, Sasuke VS Hiei
D-Tier: Captain Marvel VS Shazam
F-Tier: Aang VS Edward
Season 5
S-Tier: Samurai Jack VS Afro Samurai, Ryu VS Jin
A-Tier: Optimus Prime VS Gundam, Ultron VS Sigma
B-Tier: Carnage VS Lucy, Roshi VS Jiraiya, Mario VS Sonic (2018), Thanos VS Darkseid
C-Tier: Crash VS Spyro, Leon Kennedy VS Frank West, Nightwing VS Daredevil, Raven VS Twilight Sparkle, Sora VS Pit
D-Tier: Strange VS Fate, Jotaro VS Kenshiro
F-Tier: Black Panther VS Batman
Season 4
S-Tier: Balrog VS TJ Combo, Power Rangers VS Voltron, Shredder VS Silver Samurai
A-Tier: Naruto VS Ichigo, Scrooge McDuck VS Shovel Knight, Smokey Bear VS McGruff the Crime Dog
B-Tier: Natsu VS Ace, Sephiroth VS Vergil
C-Tier: Android 18 VS Captain Marvel, Thor VS Wonder Woman
D-Tier: Batman Beyond VS Spider-Man 2099, Metal Sonic VS Zero, Sub-Zero VS Glacius
F-Tier: Lara Croft VS Nathan Drake, Venom VS Bane, Lucario VS Renamon
Season 3
S-Tier: Hulk VS Doomsday, Joker VS Sweet Tooth, Meta VS Carolina
A-Tier: Zoro VS Erza, Deadpool VS Pinkie Pie, Dante VS Bayonetta
B-Tier: Flash VS Quicksilver, Ratchet & Clank VS Jak & Daxter
C-Tier: Ken VS Terry
D-Tier: Mewtwo VS Shadow, Tracer VS Scout
F-Tier: Cammy VS Sonya, Bowser VS Ganon, Amy VS Ramona
Season 2
S-Tier: Hercule Satan VS Dan Hibiki, Chuck Norris VS Segata Sanshiro, Solid Snake VS Sam Fisher, Iron Man VS Lex Luthor, Pokemon Battle Royale, Kirby VS Majin Buu
A-Tier: Pokemon VS Digimon, Deadpool VS Deathstroke, Wolverine VS Raiden, He-Man VS Lion-O, Ryu Hayabusa VS Strider Hiryu
B-Tier: Mega Man VS Astro Boy, Godzilla VS Gamera, Terminator VS RoboCop, Ryu VS Scorpion, Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2015), Guts VS Nightmare, Shao Kahn VS M. Bison
C-Tier: Donkey Kong VS Knuckles, Green Arrow VS Hawkeye, Tigerzord VS Gundam Epyon, Fox McCloud VS Bucky O'Hare, Ivy VS Orchid, Ragna VS Sol Badguy, Batman VS Captain America
D-Tier: Gaara VS Toph, Darth Vader VS Doctor Doom, Fulgore VS Sektor, Yang VS Tifa
F-Tier: Goku VS Superman 2, Beast VS Goliath, Luigi VS Tails
Season 1
S-Tier: Goku VS Superman 1
A-Tier: Batman VS Spider-Man, Eggman VS Wily, Thor VS Raiden
B-Tier: Starscream VS Rainbow Dash, Mario VS Sonic (2011), Link VS Cloud (2012), Bomberman VS Dig Dug, Akuma VS Shang Tsung, Pikachu VS Blanka, Goomba VS Koopa, Vegeta VS Shadow
C-Tier: Felicia VS Taokaka, Zelda VS Peach, Master Chief VS Doomguy, Boba Fett VS Samus Aran (2010)
D-Tier: Haggar VS Zangief, Luke Skywalker VS Harry Potter, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Battle Royale, Yoshi VS Riptor, Kratos VS Spawn
F-Tier: Zitz VS Leonardo, Chun-Li VS Mai Shiranui, Justin Bieber VS Rebecca Black, Rogue VS Wonder Woman
I liked it when they only revealed 1 combatant instead of both. Theorizing is fun
Chuck VS Segata really is like the anti Black VS Bieber. Both are SUPER dated, but one in a way that's horribly dated and another in a way that's delightful.
Pokemon battle Royale has a special place in my heart as my first episode.
I have a hot take with that "Toph can sense Earth even if it isn't connected to the ground." thing. It was bad wording and I don't think they were saying that because Toph could see Gaara mean he stood no chance, but saying that Gaara's only real advantage would've being that Toph couldn't see him but that wasn't even true. Is it still wrong? Yes, completely. But I think they needed better wording to convey their point
Another great season review where the ending really does stick out to me. Cause yeah, this season is highly regarded as one of the best for so many phenomenal episodes. But with every banger like Snake vs Sam, there's a stinker like Yang vs Tifa. As you said, it's mainly due to the extremely high episode count this season had is why people can look past the bad and only remember the good of where Death Battle was kind of at its peak
Cause after this we had season 3 where minus two Sprite fight episodes, the only good episodes are the 3D fights (Minus Tracer vs Scout being mid). Season 4 is just pure mediocrity with hints of improvements. Season 5 had a really rough start before finally and slowly but surely picking up momentum to the new peak of Death Battle being season 10. But with all that, I still appreciate season 2 for establishing what the minds behind Death Battle can produce
Again, awesome video! Looking forward to your season 3 review!
2:11:24 You are laughing at the fact that there is no one to stop team rocket from ravaging THE WORLD! How did team RAINBOW Rocket come about? Now you realised.
2:11:36 Kirby still stays on top baby.
As a Gundam fan, I can tell you that Zechs was out of character in his fight against Tommy. I have never seen him grow this angry against anybody in Gundam Wings, instead he would be more calculative and patient.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh it sure is melting my brain
How do you think I felt after editing all this? Lol
Back when Yang vs Tifa came out, I had no strong feelings on the outcome one way or another due to not knowing a thing about RWBY at the time and my knowledge of Final Fantasy mostly coming from Kingdom Hearts. Looking back on it as a fan of both now, yeah, this wasn't the best showcase of two characters who are far more complex beyond "girls with big boobs who hit things really hard".
You know I used to hate mega Man vs Astro boy because the ending left a bad taste in my mouth with how I thought it was Astro stealing Rush but now I don't think I hate it because you recontextualized that scene
It makes it a lot better for me too when I view it that way!
Goodbye Screwattack... You will be dearly missed.
I think Fulgore VS Sektor receiving a middle-of-the-road rating is fitting. The episode has the same problem some other early episodes suffer from like Haggar VS Zangief and Pikachu VS Blanka, where the animation is too short.
But the analysis was pretty enjoyable, and I prefer the Fighting Game cyborgs more than the other season 2 Killer Instinct with big boobs.
1:46:55 This episode ( as well as Blake vs Mikasa ) are 1 of Y0UR0NLYMATE Favorite Episodes of DEATH BATTLE
Also this is just my opinion
I think his least favorite ( besides Pikachu vs Blanka ) is Weiss vs Mitsuru
I am just saying these things Because he is a big RWBY fan boy & I am honestly surprised nate ( your oc who is not a RWBY fan ) does not make fun of the guy
While Nate can be pretty snarky at times, he would never make fun of someone for an unpopular opinion, especially since it'd be super hypocritical. I mean, have ya seen the guy's thoughts on Rainbow Dash vs Starscream, DK vs Knuckles, and Bomberman vs Dig Dug? Lol
@@RaccoonBroVA fair enough
Half of this season could be described as Torian wanting to get that bag.
It’s been 53 years. Which is about 2 days for Kirby.
27:14 omg I have that Flareon
Flareon is Nate's favorite Eeveelution!
Out of all the edits in this video this is the in that gets me everytime 1:57:19
Screw what makes sense, I wanna see Tai just pull out a bunch of impossible martial arts on a baffled Red lol
At first, it was just cuz I love that song, as well as the game, but by the end, it ended up fitting the segment way more than I thought it would initially!
@@RaccoonBroVA sometimes it do be like that, the best moments in life can come by chance. Amazing review dude!
If someone is an editor and watches this video it’ll be like that pizza tower meme where all the characters are shocked and terrified.
Didn't expect to see Ris Grestar and Kaggy
As someone who just got into death battle last season hearing that season two has 32 episodes explain why this took long. Take the break that you deserve
Anyone got that clip on its own I can't find it anywhere
Check out Scorpion vs Wolf Cast! It should be the most replayed
31:37 I did the same thing when I first watch it so makes sense.
He was completely right about Luigi VS Tails being underwhelming, that was the start of favoritism based fights
Every other season seems like a cakewalk compared to this one when it comes to the amount of work.
I think probably the worst part about Gaara vs Toph to me is that they COULD have given a good explanation as to how Toph won. Just say Toph could crush Gaara with his own Sand Armor at any time, regardless of any speed advantage he could’ve had. Is it accurate? Maybe not, but it’s far better than just quoting a trivia note.
8 years later
still saying Pokemon vs Digimon was the worst fight in the series
and I regret nothing
Oh my... Dan sounds like... He sounds like... Fry from Futurama
44:30 I thought I was the only one but apparently I was wrong.
What’s wrong with Chuck Huber’s Twitter account?
1:14:10 I'm convinced: Jack Black would be amazing as Iron Man.
Would make sense given how often Mick Wingert has voiced Tony.
So, I heard y'all wanted to talk about Digimon.
Can't to see him do season 3
So, are these interactions between Deadpool and Nate take place in the past? Because this feels like they barely tolerate each other than the future seasons. Great work on this either way, just a question.
Correct! This is not only a remake of the older videos, but it's also meant to be framed in such a way that newcomers can jump in and experience the development of Wade and Nate's friendship from the very beginning without having to check out the older, more flawed videos from years ago. I'm very glad you picked up on that, since it means I've done my job well in getting that idea across, so thank you for noticing!
@RaccoonBroVA Sweet! Great job. You definitely deserve a break, bud. I try to pay attention to details.
Also, what about doing a video giving your opinion about some of the most obscure matchups that has been suffested for Death Battle? Things like Mazinger Z vs. Getter Robo, Yuma Tsukumo & Astral vs Geo Stelar and Omega-Xis and so forth.
Probably not a topic that'd gel with my style, but I could myself doing a most wanted matchups in the future!
@@RaccoonBroVA Oh, okay, yeah, I get cha. I just want more people to know about Mazinger vs Getter so Death Battle decides to make an episode on it.
@@toumabyakuya The problem arises when I know nothing about it unfortunately, so I wouldn't be the best person to champion that match at all, lol
@@RaccoonBroVA As I said, I get that. That is exactly why I added the word "obscure" for my suggestion.
But yeah, I know that this is a pipe dream of mine.
Hey at least season 3 has only 14 episodes so it will be a lot quicker !
Here's hoping!
not gonna lie i loved tifa vs yang back in the days when i thought rwby was.......not trash cuz i thought seeing yang more battle damaged then like 99% of combatants and it was raw as fuck.
Oh cool and on the same day I'm watching mlo gen 5
2:07:15 dog timestamp
1:37:46 I agree.
I popped the hell off when I saw Murder Drones footage holy shit
Hopefully they eventually decide to bring in characters from web shows that are... y'know... NOT objectively the worst thing ever at some point.
I’m curius from you what’s objectively the worst thing actually? (Please don’t be skibidi toilet.)
@@falcodd8712 RWBY. I meant RWBY
@@metamaster5469 With Hazbin Hotel still being around (yes, I count shows on streaming services web shows)? With Nostalgia Critic and SML still being _very_ fucking annoying? _RWBY_ is the worst thing ever?
I believe in that one quote: "That's just like, your opinion, man." But in this case it's that one Funky Kong image: "Nice opinion, too bad it's fucking stupid."
@@TheGarfster Hazbin Hotel's literally not even that bad, you just hate it cause it's the popular thing to do these days, Nostalgia Critic and SML are comedy shows that aren't trying to be anything big and grand [at least not anymore in NC's case], RWBY is an absolute dumpster fire with unlikeable trash tier 'heroes' that run on protagonist centered morality where everything they do is declared right and moral simply on the grounds that they're the ones doing it, the fight scenes haven't been good since Monty died, the story is a cluttered unfocused mess that can't even figure out what it wants to do with its characters, RWBY is pure trash, now kindly fuck off.
Adding on to that last reply, if a Hazbin character gets on the show, I hope they lose like how Vox got shitstomped (off-screen) by SMG4's Mario (thought that was due to him confusing Vox with Mr. Puzzles).
Pretty much the same reason I'd only stomach Juri Han being on the show: being the killed-off punching bag.
After a decade, I still think "Gaara VS Toph" is utter garbage. Feel free to disagree. That's perfectly fine.
lets hope now DB is free from rooster theet now the rwby battles would be less bias
1:49:07 Rare RaccoonBro Super L
I shall not stand down!
Wait, are you referring to the song or season 3?
The song@@RaccoonBroVA
Megaman and green arrow should have won