This is going to be an exciting future with this initiative .It may start off as cargo transportation and l believed it will be opening up more excitement when it integrate the system with High Speed Train and then travelling from East to West and vice versa will be more comfortable and cheaper as well as more fun. It will open another avenue and mode of long distant travel! Lets hope and pray this One Belt One Road initiative a success so we can enjoy and experience this excitement in our life time !
President Xi has a very broad outlook, conceptual plan & definition of this One Belt One Road Initiative. I can see the genius in him and the Chinese Gov't. long term plan.
British don't see the value of railroads cuz they have the best ports around the world, thus sea transport is cheaper. Middle Asian countries are mostly land locked, they need a way to import or export goods as well, in this case train will be much cheaper than the other options.
You are naive if you think that China is an altruistic country aiming at helping others. And that the US only go to war without no financial gain for its economy.
The main motivation for China is that after the economic crises of 2008 China is not comfortable keeping its savings in USA treasury bonds which USA can pay back by simply printing Dollars ( QUANTUM EASING) China would rather hedge its risk by lending to 65 countries who are taking loans to build infrastructure in there counties at higher interest rates and also provide Contracts for its companies and use its surplus steel and cement etc.
I personally know people who have used it - its several times more expensive than a container, and you save about 10 days. It doesn't get to the UK at all. Its put on a truck and trucked.Its a total PR exercise.
I dont think none of the guests fully understand the Belt and Road initiative. this strategy is first to create a trade corridor where goods and supply can flow freely 1, at the moment China suffers from excess supply, so they need to export their infrastructural constitutions capacities. so the first phase would be to build up the infrastructure. 2, then as China grows in prosperity and moves up the economic ladder they would outsource lower end and polluting industries to other countries, such as South east asian countries, and central asian countries. 3, dont see this as a thoroughfare connecting CHina and Europe, all the countries along the route will be benefited from being connected to the international economy, this is especially true for the landlocked Stans.
Of course the fist Yiwu-London is purely PR to show the most extend the route can be. Just look at the number alone, it take 40 days to reach Europe by boat and 15 days by train. The number speaks by itself and it was the argument behind the building of the Suez and the Panama canals. There were a lot of doubts and arguments against those projects then but now the benefit is so overwhelmingly obvious. On the top of all, the train will go through a dozen landlocked countries like those Stan's nations. Those Stan's nation are rich with oil and gas and need desperately to open to the world for development that are bogged down due to transportation to other nation. The risks are there as its predecessors like the Trans-Siberian and the Trans-US trains of the past going thru warring areas. I used to work in Turkmenistan for a large construction and how it was difficult and costly to transport steel and cement there. The Silk Road is not to benefit China alone but both ways. When oil price returns to escalate, the benefit of the Silk Road becomes more severe. There are always people who look at half Empty filled glass.
The greatness and the future economic importance of this project may not be grasped at first !!! If you consider the number of countries along this route who , though with great potential, were neglected before in the world arena of business you will understand how essential for the world economy to see and to recognize its potential !!!
Markus Socius Hi. Watch 01:48 min. This, current route is going through Kazakhstan and middle Asian countries..... You talking about trans-siberian route which much norther than this one mate :-)
You can term OBOR Initiative as being akin to COLONIZATION. It will only help create overseas market for Chinese surplus products and firms and promote chinese currency, and all these with little or no benefit to foreign countries, while giving China the chance to meddle in other countries political affairs as the case with the CPEC and help gain economic clout for its insatiable thirst for hegemony by using its cheque-book diplomacy. Chinese goods will flood those regions and spell doom for their local traditional economy. All the borrowing and construction loans at higher interest rates and at Chinese dictated terms to finance these projects will lead to a certain debt-trap that will later be turned into equity and finally into ultimate ownership by Chinese state firms as seen elsewhere. See CPEC, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Africa for example. Moreover, Chinese govt has no consideration for local people’s attachment to their historical homelands, to their cultural traditions (including religion), and to their language and way of life. Just check Mes Aynak. Chinese companies have set their eyes on the Real-estate and minerals-rich resorces of other countries in the mask of OBOR.
China trying to secure it's huge energy supply from Pakistani Gwadar port of Xinjiang because it fears US dominance along the malacca strait, thats why the land based corridor in CPEC. Pure Strategic and military angle to it. That is why China is creating naval bases around India and at Gwadar and that is why China arming Pakistan.
The silkroad will be a success, for the nations of The Shanghai Organisation are building for the future, while The West is holding on to the past with its neocolonial wars in the oil countries. The question is, whether The West is even prepared to start a devastating thermonuclear world war to prevent its inevitable loss of world domination. I am a Dutchman and I observe with sadness it is The West, that is holding back progress in the greater part of the world.
You can term OBOR Initiative as being akin to COLONIZATION. It will only help create overseas market for Chinese surplus products and firms and promote chinese currency, and all these with little or no benefit to foreign countries, while giving China the chance to meddle in other countries political affairs as the case with the CPEC and help gain economic clout for its insatiable thirst for hegemony by using its cheque-book diplomacy. Chinese goods will flood those regions and spell doom for their local traditional economy. All the borrowing and construction loans at higher interest rates and at Chinese dictated terms to finance these projects will lead to a certain debt-trap that will later be turned into equity and finally into ultimate ownership by Chinese state firms as seen elsewhere. See CPEC, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Africa for example. Moreover, Chinese govt has no consideration for local people’s attachment to their historical homelands, to their cultural traditions (including religion), and to their language and way of life. Just check Mes Aynak. Chinese companies have set their eyes on the Real-estate and minerals-rich resorces of other countries in the mask of OBOR.
+Paul +Xeno I normally speaks for US but have no hatred towards Chinese (except some BS'ers) I see many Chinese commenters praising for OBOR and I understand them. But if you look at Chinese society, they have this 'money overrides everything' mentality. Not really a good sign for those countries participating in OBOR. The evidence is plentiful too; just look at within their own country. I am sure you can find out some that are already in tangle with OBOR projects. If you think the West is holding back the progress, I suggest and hope you open your eyes and wait a couple of years before claiming OBOR as a whole will promote International trade, beneficial for **all** participating countries
@@thexeno4756 . So the Central Asian states should remain landlocked with poor connectivity because the west says so? This OBOR is the one last chance for them to connect to Europe and Asia making them the center of all trading like it used to be. That's progress. I suppose you want them to remain poor and backward so you westerners can go oogle at their traditional cultures and take pictures.
the train system will benefit china and chinesse people for sure. thats the main transport for long distance and cheaper in west / mid china to the eas for their people. i wolud like to travel from china to europe by train.
If this was a single gauge high speed train then it would be relevant to CN UK. They are right that it will help the landlocked countries/territories en route.
you would spend days on a train travelling through deserts and war zones (passenger train robberies will once again become a thing) just to avoid paying $1,000 for a 10 hour flight? must be really great at wasting time ..this project is a boondoggle
It is a great thing that the Chinese is working hard in revitalizing the traditional trading routes, the Silk Roads, that have been the corridors of Human Civilization for thousands of years! Trading is the best human exchange in-between nations , comparing with War which the Americans have been embarked on for too long!!!! War is an absolute destructive action benefits nobody and it wastes resources which are otherwise can be used to benefit human beings in general. Imagining if the Americans could put the 30 trillion dollars they wasted in the 30-year wars as trading investment to all the nations, what the world will become today???!!! But in stead, the Americans took the evil route by embracing the wars and made itself an evil empire! Now, the Americans started another war - trading war with the World: Iran, India, China, Europeans .... even its neighbors Canada and Mexico! Building trading routes is a very Smart Strategy for the Chinese to counter the American Trading War. China will win this trading war against the America by one simple factor: the geographic proximity to the population centers on the massive Eurasian Land Mass and the emerging African marketplace! It is a simple math and this strategy will win! The Europeans and the Middle-Easterns should take this as a great opportunity to rejuvenate their economy. Don't be sarcastic bystanders and keep on talking satires, be doers to contribute! Don't let the Chinese work hard alone!
The Belt & Road will benefit landlocked and uneconomical sea ports on route to the west. I suspect it is also a strategic move by having alternate transport means to protect the Chinese export industry in the event there are any military conflicts affecting the South China Sea shipping routes.
The high speed trains are German and Japanese technologies, but due to the century of humiliation brought upon the Chinese by Western countries from 1840 onwards the Chinese were not able to extend the technology to the rest of the world.
For a long time, all these countries along the Silk Road were economically marginalized and then, as people who are poor tend to be more susceptible to radical ideas, these countries then we're called arc of instability... president Xi had proposed to create economic opportunities for these countries, while I candidly hope the Chinese taxpayers' money be treasured in any project,.. I have to agree with philanthropist Hillary LaRouche,.. for a long while, it is so boring to meet with heavyweight western leaders, always talking about some war to fight, some country to bomb,.. Xi offered this refreshing vision for more assistance for cooperating in development based on collective decision making,...
Chinese are ready for the future . I like this new silk road many countries along the route will benefit from it but can also be risky if the trains are attacked by terrorist and goods are stolen could discourage the exporters. I need to learn Chinese fast even if its hard to open up a business in China if especially you a foreigner. glory to the Chinese and I love Asian women they are pretty hihi .
Taiwan is a part of China. But I am still grad that you admit you're a Chinese. And I hope that you can have a chance to experience more in mainland, it is not as repressed as you say or as shown in Taiwan TV shows. Most of the places are energetic. But sure we still have a lot to do to make it better
Chris Yorke Sir, Cost per tonne has to definitely be considered.But equally to be considered are the cost effectiveness and the Customs Formalities since its passing through different countries and continents.A Trade Agreement concerning the same is yet to be seen.
Ancient route embraces with strengths relationships with European union and allies Chinese counterpart. One belt One road it will awakening life of business opportunity.
they intentionally invite some people have certain views to come to service it's own propaganda goal. West media are well organized by CIA to serve their political goal. when they try to black paint a country all west main stream media are speak in one tone. can't you notice that?? LOL
Some of them don't know what they are talking about. The woman from Asia Analytical has an extraordinarily very weak understanding of Central Asia. At one point she says the railway route under discussion 'passes through some of the most dangerous areas of Central Asia.' In fact, the only CA state that it passes through is Kazakstan, easily the wealthiest and most stable in the region. She then rambles on about 'all these borders' in Central Asia and the threat of terrorism. 'Charles' suggests that Chinese rolling stock manufacturers are unsuccessful although he might have offset that remark against the fact that CRRC is the largest such enterprise in the world by sales. But punditry is, as ever, a rather shady business.
the Silk Road route will benefit all the countries westward from China, especially the Central Asian countries, they need steady flow of modern goods to elevate their living standards, gradual growth for the common people is the key. these 3 interviewees try hard to negate it, silly.
when westerners translate the slang from Chinese , it"一带"means related region or area. but " 带" itself has three meanings 1. belt . 2 a belt like land or area. 3.lead, bring up . the original meaning actual is: silk road (one road. 一路) and the region along the silk road ("一带" ). after all the "one belt " is just a bad translation from the word not the meaning! Chinese know its wrong but won't bothered to correct it!
would ship stop at the inland cities? would airplanes land in cities of small sizes??????? railway transportation sounds old and outdated, but railway network still exists because they can reach places where other options are unavailable or expensive....
China is PR’ing the 1800 years it was the largest trading country in the world. It is to remind the world that China accounted for 26% of world trade for 1800 years and is doing it again.
Sad D Too much time and money are wasted, on changing trains twice, using variable gauge rolling stock, would make things much faster and much cheaper. Then there's the potential for desert solar, to Central Asia, oil and gas pipelines to China, as well as high speed rail sections, for passengers and urgent freight. Remember more than half of all US solar energy increase last year, was utility, with it's low installation costs. Installation costs are now more than half, of the price of solar power and desert land, is cheap.
These people seems to pretend that they are very knowledgeable about this topic that there are talking about. Sorry, I just feels that what these people is talking here are mostly BS.
The early days of any commercial enterprise are almost always insanely expensive. As time goes by and the initial investment costs are paid down, economic efficiencies cut in and potential profitability is realized. China is, as always, playing the long game.
The Asian dude kept undermining Silk Road's good intention & fearmongering with political & military threats, why was he so anti-China? This Road first started in 2013 with 80 freights to 2016/7 with 8 lines 1700+ freights. With the increase in demand, obviously people like it. Where is the threat??
Tofu I've got to agree with you there, yes there are some problems, varying rail gauges. Which can be fixed by using variable gauge rolling stock, such as has begun to happen, with high speed rail. There's also great future possibilities, high speed rail sections, freeing up the freight lines. With bulk transport, solar power from the deserts, can flow into Central Asia. Natural Gas and oil pipelines can also be constructed, to take energy to China. There will always be people, who only see the negatives, like the strange guy who thinks India, can't do things like China. In fact, the Himalayas tunnel is a very good idea, India is embarking on several high speed rail projects. Unifying physically, the two greatest populations, in the world, would be great for China and India, a capital flow source for India. A labor source for China, consumers for both, India has been greatly benefiting, from Chinese capital in its solar energy ramp up. I agree it's not a bad thing, nor is the trans Latin America high speed rail project. With Trump, trying to stop the California high speed rail project, North America, will be the only continent without high speed rail. High speed rail, has been very successful in Europe, Asia, is likely to be successful in Latin America, Russia. Without changing trains, rail freight makes a lot of sense, standardizing one of the rail gauges and using variable gauge rolling stock, makes the economic case far more sensible.
Trump... idk what's up his sleeve, but do understand if US doesn't want HSR. With a land mass as big as China but only with 1/4 the population of India, HSR might very well be underused on US's soil. Elon Musk is trying Hyperloop, maybe that's more suitable for US's situation. HSR is much more efficient in countries with high population density, such as Japan & China. Likewise, it'd be efficient in India. But India needs to master the tech, not to rely solely on others to build for them. Once India has the technology, India can build on their own, hence reduce the cost by a landslide. That's how China has done it. They mastered the tech & now they're building their HSR at 1/2 to 1/3 of the cost of a Western counterpart. India's cost of material is even less, so the cost of HSR should be even lower. If the cost is at half of China's, then India can build 4 to 6 times longer length of HSR for the same price. Moreover, when the cost of production is lower, the ticket price would also be lower, hence more affordable HSR to everyday people. Don't think it'd be a problem for Indians to master the tech. For a nation that can launch rockets to mars, HSR shouldn't be too big a problem, it's just a matter of time. India needs time to study, that's all. & I think China knows that well. That's why China starts investing in India. It says China has opened some HSR schools in India. That's a very positive & constructive gesture, teaching how to fish as opposed to just giving out fish. So yes, the two biggest 3rd world countries should team up & help each other.
It will provide employment for Chinese workers who are otherwise unemployed. It will provide export earning for China for exporting steel, cement, glass and other building materials which China cannot export easily. The loan is in Yuan, but the repayments are in USDollar. Thus it is a kind of export -subsidy.
History of the New Silk Road. The Roots of the New Silk Road: Leibniz, Sun Yat Sen, LaRouche and Xi Jinping The linked article is adapted from a speech I gave to a Schiller Institute Conference in Detroit on June 17. I develop the historic connection between the development of the New Silk Road, over the past three hundred years, and the American System -- the Hamiltonian system of our Founding Fathers, the best aspects of America historically. On the strategic side, I want to show that, while the New Silk Road came together under China's initiative, it was always in close collaboration with Russia. This connection between China and Russia is crucial. If we can bring the US into that alliance then we can end the British division of the world into East vs West. The recent moves by President Trump to bring the U.S. into partnership with Russia and China is precisely the reason that the British and their assets in the U.S. are frantically trying to overthrow the U.S. government -- "regime change" against the elected U.S. president. This is in the current issue of EIR. Mike Billington see:
I wonder he has Chinese genes. He appeared to be anti China. As a scholar, he didn’t present data and facts. He only questioned the motives and what better should be done. If it’s that easy, why nobody has taken it up before. As a Chinese and an ethnic minority, I never felt the ethnic tension. There this scholar says we hate each other in China.
hyperloop Russia surely can design and build. I suspect so could China. Standard shipping containers sizing. Passenger containers too. Rail? 100 years too late. Time for the future.
You are trying to force induct the false idea of costs of railway Silky Way. I tell you something very simple: SILKY WAY IS EFFICIENT EVEN WITH CAMELS, SO MUCH MUCH EFFICIENT WITH TRAINS. Plus trains are going much much more NEAR THE FINAL DESTINATION OF PRODUCTS OF COMMERCE, and that is the biggest importance of commerce.
watching this two chinese-like faces talking hasonly reminded me irontically of "haters gonna hate ".......what a shame to have so many chinese dening their mother country in one way or another...
The new Silk Road route is more a political symbol than anything else, and therefor a target for terrorists and activists, but also political sanctions and pressure, as well as criminals if the trains hold valuable cargo. I just cannot see this become a huge economic success either. We're talking about a few trains carrying a few containers. Limited quantities and takes long time. Even an international postal train service would've been better than this which will only benefit very few and already well established people in these poor regions, and basically has zero value to the west who wants to export to the east. Such trains would do a lot better in poorer regions such as connecting African countries together and within Asia itself, such as the China-Thailand route that is due to open in 2020.
It is a beneficial successful silk Road of the future with everybody benefits around the world and also stabilisers the world banking system it's all about energy efficiency and also emergency structure you don't want to end up like the great flood of Akhenaten well known as Moses and first Jesus the saviour under one Sun Ten ray's AllA Allegiance to one All love name of AllA Reading from East to West and West to East End of London China Town
great way to lose millions of troops in the high desert.....there is no military advantage whatsoever.....a cruise missile fired from 1,000 miles away can know out any one of the thousands of bridges on this route and its game over
This is going to be an exciting future with this initiative .It may start off as cargo transportation and l believed it will be opening up more excitement when it integrate the system with High Speed Train and then travelling from East to West and vice versa will be more comfortable and cheaper as well as more fun. It will open another avenue and mode of long distant travel! Lets hope and pray this One Belt One Road initiative a success so we can enjoy and experience this excitement in our life time !
This is great beneficial project in human history!
President Xi has a very broad outlook, conceptual plan & definition of this One Belt One Road Initiative. I can see the genius in him and the Chinese Gov't. long term plan.
British don't see the value of railroads cuz they have the best ports around the world, thus sea transport is cheaper. Middle Asian countries are mostly land locked, they need a way to import or export goods as well, in this case train will be much cheaper than the other options.
China wants to make roads and fast trains but not wars like others.
then leave Tibet
leave tibet
@@nickiseb8910 also inner Mongolia.
why you killed Vietnamese fishermen? Why invaded Vietnam numerous times?
You are naive if you think that China is an altruistic country aiming at helping others. And that the US only go to war without no financial gain for its economy.
The main motivation for China is that after the economic crises of 2008 China is not comfortable keeping its savings in USA treasury bonds which USA can pay back by simply printing Dollars ( QUANTUM EASING) China would rather hedge its risk by lending to 65 countries who are taking loans to build infrastructure in there counties at higher interest rates and also provide Contracts for its companies and use its surplus steel and cement etc.
can't help but to think about the silk road market place
do you have anything to sell to china?
silent traveller anything china needs
I have good selling network. focusing on health products. Where r u? Then I can sort things out.
silent traveller
we are based in Mexico and Canada. do you have line? we are currently producing organic tequila and many other organic products.
George i love tequila, hopefully u find a efficient way to sell them in China!😍
I personally know people who have used it - its several times more expensive than a container, and you save about 10 days. It doesn't get to the UK at all. Its put on a truck and trucked.Its a total PR exercise.
when China talks about a plan it will always be implemented as it planed. its a cultural character which most west country don't have!
I dont think none of the guests fully understand the Belt and Road initiative. this strategy is first to create a trade corridor where goods and supply can flow freely
1, at the moment China suffers from excess supply, so they need to export their infrastructural constitutions capacities. so the first phase would be to build up the infrastructure.
2, then as China grows in prosperity and moves up the economic ladder they would outsource lower end and polluting industries to other countries, such as South east asian countries, and central asian countries.
3, dont see this as a thoroughfare connecting CHina and Europe, all the countries along the route will be benefited from being connected to the international economy, this is especially true for the landlocked Stans.
Of course the fist Yiwu-London is purely PR to show the most extend the route can be. Just look at the number alone, it take 40 days to reach Europe by boat and 15 days by train. The number speaks by itself and it was the argument behind the building of the Suez and the Panama canals. There were a lot of doubts and arguments against those projects then but now the benefit is so overwhelmingly obvious. On the top of all, the train will go through a dozen landlocked countries like those Stan's nations. Those Stan's nation are rich with oil and gas and need desperately to open to the world for development that are bogged down due to transportation to other nation. The risks are there as its predecessors like the Trans-Siberian and the Trans-US trains of the past going thru warring areas. I used to work in Turkmenistan for a large construction and how it was difficult and costly to transport steel and cement there. The Silk Road is not to benefit China alone but both ways. When oil price returns to escalate, the benefit of the Silk Road becomes more severe. There are always people who look at half Empty filled glass.
The greatness and the future economic importance of this project may not be grasped at first !!!
If you consider the number of countries along this route who , though with great potential, were neglected before in the world arena of business you will understand how essential for the world economy to see and to recognize its potential !!!
Markus Socius
Hi. Watch 01:48 min.
This, current route is going through Kazakhstan and middle Asian countries.....
You talking about trans-siberian route which much norther than this one mate :-)
Rafi Adaman
You can term OBOR Initiative as being akin to COLONIZATION.
It will only help create overseas market for Chinese surplus products and firms and promote chinese currency, and all these with little or no benefit to foreign countries, while giving China the chance to meddle in other countries political affairs as the case with the CPEC and help gain economic clout for its insatiable thirst for hegemony by using its cheque-book diplomacy.
Chinese goods will flood those regions and spell doom for their local traditional economy. All the borrowing and construction loans at higher interest rates and at Chinese dictated terms to finance these projects will lead to a certain debt-trap that will later be turned into equity and finally into ultimate ownership by Chinese state firms as seen elsewhere. See CPEC, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Africa for example.
Moreover, Chinese govt has no consideration for local people’s attachment to their historical homelands, to their cultural traditions (including religion), and to their language and way of life. Just check Mes Aynak.
Chinese companies have set their eyes on the Real-estate and minerals-rich resorces of other countries in the mask of OBOR.
USA should bomb this route before is too late...
China trying to secure it's huge energy supply from Pakistani Gwadar port of Xinjiang because it fears US dominance along the malacca strait, thats why the land based corridor in CPEC. Pure Strategic and military angle to it. That is why China is creating naval bases around India and at Gwadar and that is why China arming Pakistan.
The silkroad will be a success, for the nations of The Shanghai Organisation are building for the future, while The West is holding on to the past with its neocolonial wars in the oil countries. The question is, whether The West is even prepared to start a devastating thermonuclear world war to prevent its inevitable loss of world domination.
I am a Dutchman and I observe with sadness it is The West, that is holding back progress in the greater part of the world.
You can term OBOR Initiative as being akin to COLONIZATION.
It will only help create overseas market for Chinese surplus products and firms and promote chinese currency, and all these with little or no benefit to foreign countries, while giving China the chance to meddle in other countries political affairs as the case with the CPEC and help gain economic clout for its insatiable thirst for hegemony by using its cheque-book diplomacy.
Chinese goods will flood those regions and spell doom for their local traditional economy. All the borrowing and construction loans at higher interest rates and at Chinese dictated terms to finance these projects will lead to a certain debt-trap that will later be turned into equity and finally into ultimate ownership by Chinese state firms as seen elsewhere. See CPEC, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Africa for example.
Moreover, Chinese govt has no consideration for local people’s attachment to their historical homelands, to their cultural traditions (including religion), and to their language and way of life. Just check Mes Aynak.
Chinese companies have set their eyes on the Real-estate and minerals-rich resorces of other countries in the mask of OBOR.
+Paul +Xeno I normally speaks for US but have no hatred towards Chinese (except some BS'ers)
I see many Chinese commenters praising for OBOR and I understand them. But if you look at Chinese society, they have this 'money overrides everything' mentality. Not really a good sign for those countries participating in OBOR. The evidence is plentiful too; just look at within their own country. I am sure you can find out some that are already in tangle with OBOR projects.
If you think the West is holding back the progress, I suggest and hope you open your eyes and wait a couple of years before claiming OBOR as a whole will promote International trade, beneficial for **all** participating countries
@@thexeno4756 . So the Central Asian states should remain landlocked with poor connectivity because the west says so? This OBOR is the one last chance for them to connect to Europe and Asia making them the center of all trading like it used to be. That's progress. I suppose you want them to remain poor and backward so you westerners can go oogle at their traditional cultures and take pictures.
the west is not a country
what you are saying is verified and the EVIDENCE on the ground
We have UIC C loading gauge via HS1 to London. Just need to see more use of the Channel Tunnel for general and intermodal freight
great piece. very informative. look some what like what western news and journalism used to look like.
the train system will benefit china and chinesse people for sure. thats the main transport for long distance and cheaper in west / mid china to the eas for their people. i wolud like to travel from china to europe by train.
you can already years.Take the transiberia train to Peking.
Oh..... that Silk Road......Yeah, I knew which Silk Road you were talking about.
I like the dancing lion beside the train.
Big problem: The trains leave China loaded with goods but come back empty.
If this was a single gauge high speed train then it would be relevant to CN UK. They are right that it will help the landlocked countries/territories en route.
you would spend days on a train travelling through deserts and war zones (passenger train robberies will once again become a thing) just to avoid paying $1,000 for a 10 hour flight? must be really great at wasting time ..this project is a boondoggle
I would suspect that a single gauge system is in the works
It is a great thing that the Chinese is working hard in revitalizing the traditional trading routes, the Silk Roads, that have been the corridors of Human Civilization for thousands of years!
Trading is the best human exchange in-between nations , comparing with War which the Americans have been embarked on for too long!!!! War is an absolute destructive action benefits nobody and it wastes resources which are otherwise can be used to benefit human beings in general. Imagining if the Americans could put the 30 trillion dollars they wasted in the 30-year wars as trading investment to all the nations, what the world will become today???!!! But in stead, the Americans took the evil route by embracing the wars and made itself an evil empire!
Now, the Americans started another war - trading war with the World: Iran, India, China, Europeans .... even its neighbors Canada and Mexico!
Building trading routes is a very Smart Strategy for the Chinese to counter the American Trading War. China will win this trading war against the America by one simple factor: the geographic proximity to the population centers on the massive Eurasian Land Mass and the emerging African marketplace! It is a simple math and this strategy will win!
The Europeans and the Middle-Easterns should take this as a great opportunity to rejuvenate their economy. Don't be sarcastic bystanders and keep on talking satires, be doers to contribute! Don't let the Chinese work hard alone!
no doubt it is very good project. if US dont poke his nose this project will be acheived.
The US 7th fleet will have great difficulty even touching this railway.
The Belt & Road will benefit landlocked and uneconomical sea ports on route to the west. I suspect it is also a strategic move by having alternate transport means to protect the Chinese export industry in the event there are any military conflicts affecting the South China Sea shipping routes.
The high speed trains are German and Japanese technologies, but due to the century of humiliation brought upon the Chinese by Western countries from 1840 onwards the Chinese were not able to extend the technology to the rest of the world.
I grasp the potential If countries co operate and share in the benefits .
For a long time, all these countries along the Silk Road were economically marginalized and then, as people who are poor tend to be more susceptible to radical ideas, these countries then we're called arc of instability... president Xi had proposed to create economic opportunities for these countries, while I candidly hope the Chinese taxpayers' money be treasured in any project,..
I have to agree with philanthropist Hillary LaRouche,.. for a long while, it is so boring to meet with heavyweight western leaders, always talking about some war to fight, some country to bomb,.. Xi offered this refreshing vision for more assistance for cooperating in development based on collective decision making,...
silkroad beltroad is there... has it a difference with ancient camels and horses...
Chinese are ready for the future . I like this new silk road many countries along the route will benefit from it but can also be risky if the trains are attacked by terrorist and goods are stolen could discourage the exporters. I need to learn Chinese fast even if its hard to open up a business in China if especially you a foreigner. glory to the Chinese and I love Asian women they are pretty hihi .
enjoy polution
we can do business now.
chinese businesses now go to thailand and cambodia bcuz chinese worker more expensive.
Dato Temi china is a repressed place. Go to Taiwan. Much better. Taiwan is real China.
Taiwan is a part of China. But I am still grad that you admit you're a Chinese. And I hope that you can have a chance to experience more in mainland, it is not as repressed as you say or as shown in Taiwan TV shows. Most of the places are energetic. But sure we still have a lot to do to make it better
What is the cost per tonne-km on the China-Britain haul?
Chris Yorke Sir, Cost per tonne has to definitely be considered.But equally to be considered are the cost effectiveness and the Customs Formalities since its passing through different countries and continents.A Trade Agreement concerning the same is yet to be seen.
Ancient route embraces with strengths relationships with European union and allies Chinese counterpart.
One belt One road it will awakening life of business opportunity.
Its a good start...I am sure will have more connecting tracks to other countries
sorry but we wont replace one bully with another , your countries are cancer nothing we need .
connecting tracks for distribution should be a win for their own local development
"Community of Common Destiny" VS "Desert Storm" & "Mivtza Oferet Yetzuka"
i hope the new train route will boast the global trade EFFECTIVELY
how soon it will take to connect to Guangdong Province
Nice great project
Just wait until the high speed rail opens between Beijing and London .. it’s coming
why are all the commentators are so sceptic?? lack of foresight and lack of understanding.
Lek Lek Tan
They are just jealous.
they intentionally invite some people have certain views to come to service it's own propaganda goal. West media are well organized by CIA to serve their political goal. when they try to black paint a country all west main stream media are speak in one tone. can't you notice that?? LOL
Some of them don't know what they are talking about. The woman from Asia Analytical has an extraordinarily very weak understanding of Central Asia. At one point she says the railway route under discussion 'passes through some of the most dangerous areas of Central Asia.' In fact, the only CA state that it passes through is Kazakstan, easily the wealthiest and most stable in the region. She then rambles on about 'all these borders' in Central Asia and the threat of terrorism. 'Charles' suggests that Chinese rolling stock manufacturers are unsuccessful although he might have offset that remark against the fact that CRRC is the largest such enterprise in the world by sales. But punditry is, as ever, a rather shady business.
@@sy3934 explain your story
it's al jazeera! based in American backed Arab imperialists.
Top grade and expensive Spanish ham now popular in china.
the Silk Road route will benefit all the countries westward from China, especially the Central Asian countries, they need steady flow of modern goods to elevate their living standards, gradual growth for the common people is the key. these 3 interviewees try hard to negate it, silly.
bullshit , this will destroy our local economy through cheap products from china , unemployeed rates will raise.
No Name I bet you voted for Trump, BUILD THE WALL, make Central Asia great again!
it looks like a very good investment
I understand the reference to the (silk) road, but what on Earth is the belt?
when westerners translate the slang from Chinese , it"一带"means related region or area. but " 带" itself has three meanings 1. belt . 2 a belt like land or area. 3.lead, bring up . the original meaning actual is: silk road (one road. 一路) and the region along the silk road ("一带" ). after all the "one belt " is just a bad translation from the word not the meaning! Chinese know its wrong but won't bothered to correct it!
1/2 the price of air freight and 18 days? Umm Terrible. Sea takes x2 as long but likely a 1/10th the price.
As long as Ship-Diesel is cheap.
would ship stop at the inland cities? would airplanes land in cities of small sizes??????? railway transportation sounds old and outdated, but railway network still exists because they can reach places where other options are unavailable or expensive....
China is PR’ing the 1800 years it was the largest trading country in the world. It is to remind the world that China accounted for 26% of world trade for 1800 years and is doing it again.
Oh man. I thought it was the deep web silk road lol.
rather impression this runs to UK the UK is an island this goes to Europe like the eu like duh brexiters
Asia rising to power again
Only two weeks faster than marine transport and HALF AS MUCH AS AIR TRANSPORT!!! RIP.
Sad D Too much time and money are wasted, on changing trains twice, using variable gauge rolling stock, would make things much faster and much cheaper. Then there's the potential for desert solar, to Central Asia, oil and gas pipelines to China, as well as high speed rail sections, for passengers and urgent freight. Remember more than half of all US solar energy increase last year, was utility, with it's low installation costs. Installation costs are now more than half, of the price of solar power and desert land, is cheap.
These people seems to pretend that they are very knowledgeable about this topic that there are talking about. Sorry, I just feels that what these people is talking here are mostly BS.
it's AMAZING how the "experts " never are people who work in the actual "belt and road initiative ".
Why you interviewing these academians, why don't you interview real businessmen who are actually affected by this trade route?
Jia Rong Huang
Because, they are jealous of China and want to down play China's efforts.
very correct ,or people who actually work on the belt and road initiative. why ALWAYS outsiders opinions??
I thought you were talking about different Silk Road.
All the countries along the belt and road... can expect the same treatment the chinese govt gives to the tibetan population..... no better
The early days of any commercial enterprise are almost always insanely expensive. As time goes by and the initial investment costs are paid down, economic efficiencies cut in and potential profitability is realized. China is, as always, playing the long game.
YES Its Our TIME!!! Long Live China & Pakistan
Hope it fails.. 👍🏽
Its Not in Your best interest...
These old people have such an old mindset. The world will have no new future with their thinking.
The Asian dude kept undermining Silk Road's good intention & fearmongering with political & military threats, why was he so anti-China? This Road first started in 2013 with 80 freights to 2016/7 with 8 lines 1700+ freights. With the increase in demand, obviously people like it. Where is the threat??
Tofu I've got to agree with you there, yes there are some problems, varying rail gauges. Which can be fixed by using variable gauge rolling stock, such as has begun to happen, with high speed rail. There's also great future possibilities, high speed rail sections, freeing up the freight lines. With bulk transport, solar power from the deserts, can flow into Central Asia. Natural Gas and oil pipelines can also be constructed, to take energy to China. There will always be people, who only see the negatives, like the strange guy who thinks India, can't do things like China. In fact, the Himalayas tunnel is a very good idea, India is embarking on several high speed rail projects. Unifying physically, the two greatest populations, in the world, would be great for China and India, a capital flow source for India. A labor source for China, consumers for both, India has been greatly benefiting, from Chinese capital in its solar energy ramp up. I agree it's not a bad thing, nor is the trans Latin America high speed rail project.
With Trump, trying to stop the California high speed rail project, North America, will be the only continent without high speed rail. High speed rail, has been very successful in Europe, Asia, is likely to be successful in Latin America, Russia. Without changing trains, rail freight makes a lot of sense, standardizing one of the rail gauges and using variable gauge rolling stock, makes the economic case far more sensible.
Trump... idk what's up his sleeve, but do understand if US doesn't want HSR. With a land mass as big as China but only with 1/4 the population of India, HSR might very well be underused on US's soil. Elon Musk is trying Hyperloop, maybe that's more suitable for US's situation. HSR is much more efficient in countries with high population density, such as Japan & China. Likewise, it'd be efficient in India. But India needs to master the tech, not to rely solely on others to build for them. Once India has the technology, India can build on their own, hence reduce the cost by a landslide. That's how China has done it. They mastered the tech & now they're building their HSR at 1/2 to 1/3 of the cost of a Western counterpart. India's cost of material is even less, so the cost of HSR should be even lower. If the cost is at half of China's, then India can build 4 to 6 times longer length of HSR for the same price. Moreover, when the cost of production is lower, the ticket price would also be lower, hence more affordable HSR to everyday people. Don't think it'd be a problem for Indians to master the tech. For a nation that can launch rockets to mars, HSR shouldn't be too big a problem, it's just a matter of time. India needs time to study, that's all. & I think China knows that well. That's why China starts investing in India. It says China has opened some HSR schools in India. That's a very positive & constructive gesture, teaching how to fish as opposed to just giving out fish. So yes, the two biggest 3rd world countries should team up & help each other.
The man is a known critic of the Chinese government. In fact he was quite positive here. he is normally far more critical of the Chinese government.
It will provide employment for Chinese workers who are otherwise unemployed. It will provide export earning for China for exporting steel, cement, glass and other building materials which China cannot export easily. The loan is in Yuan, but the repayments are in USDollar. Thus it is a kind of export -subsidy.
Great news for the UK.... post brit exit
Hello Mr. Funny Anglo Talker,
Just let Chaina to help world with communications!
and to think 200 years ago UK was already getting silk, porcelain and tea from China
The new Silk Road has just now turned into the new "Sick Road". Anyone interested? Hop in!
silk road belt trade
History of the New Silk Road. The Roots of the New Silk Road:
Leibniz, Sun Yat Sen, LaRouche and Xi Jinping
The linked article is adapted from a speech I gave to a Schiller Institute Conference in Detroit on June 17. I develop the historic connection between the development of the New Silk Road, over the past three hundred years, and the American System -- the Hamiltonian system of our Founding Fathers, the best aspects of America historically. On the strategic side, I want to show that, while the New Silk Road came together under China's initiative, it was always in close collaboration with Russia. This connection between China and Russia is crucial. If we can bring the US into that alliance then we can end the British division of the world into East vs West. The recent moves by President Trump to bring the U.S. into partnership with Russia and China is precisely the reason that the British and their assets in the U.S. are frantically trying to overthrow the U.S. government -- "regime change" against the elected U.S. president.
This is in the current issue of EIR. Mike Billington
How China would be benefitted economicalle or geographically
black three keys....up to black three keys
and then black two keys up to black two keys..and everything is strangley archaic familiar
經閱讀中西歷史從漢朝至未年元朝、由明代朱元章初執政至未清朝溥儀、中國帝國沒有從西安經濟發展政策、由希臘至羅馬帝國至成吉思汗元朝先驅者、時至今天中國要開拓從西北Kashar在新彊西北至西方、是漢朝起開始建築silk road, 從那時間停止到今天中國朋白必須啟動這古道再次復興古代最鼎盛時候唐朝、願每個中國人能了解和有志之人参與這偉大事業、這樣長遠增長東歐、俄羅斯、中東、中細亞等各國及各民族當前生活及經濟困難問題等。
Well that takes care of all the pirates lootin everything off the barges Sending all our prices soaring (inflation)
Stereotypical Chinese speaking guy... and his name is
look ike stiff than steve
Gaga4Parma the copied everything including the names lolol
He's not Chinese. He's a Chinaphobe
I wonder he has Chinese genes. He appeared to be anti China. As a scholar, he didn’t present data and facts. He only questioned the motives and what better should be done. If it’s that easy, why nobody has taken it up before. As a Chinese and an ethnic minority, I never felt the ethnic tension. There this scholar says we hate each other in China.
wow we have no belief on china product's quality
Horoscope? I think you mean lunar calendar.
Russia surely can design and build. I suspect so could China.
Standard shipping containers sizing. Passenger containers too.
Rail? 100 years too late. Time for the future.
The host cut Charles & said will get into the internal China consequence later, but it just turned out to be counter terrorism, said in 1 second!?
I see China offering to build a unified HS raillines for the entire Yiwu-Barcelona-London-Moscow network.
each of the nation that the new road go are desperate not like the china London railway
You are trying to force induct the false idea of costs of railway Silky Way. I tell you something very simple: SILKY WAY IS EFFICIENT EVEN WITH CAMELS, SO MUCH MUCH EFFICIENT WITH TRAINS. Plus trains are going much much more NEAR THE FINAL DESTINATION OF PRODUCTS OF COMMERCE, and that is the biggest importance of commerce.
why cant the chinese gov spend money on its own people' benefit.
That's like asking why doesn't your dad just buy everything you want instead of actually go to work to earn money.
TLCBonaparte brilliant )
watching this two chinese-like faces talking hasonly reminded me irontically of "haters gonna hate ".......what a shame to have so many chinese dening their mother country in one way or another...
While the US is stealing barrels of oil from Libya and Iraq.....roflmao
Britain should be preparing for the influx of people smuggling.
this is the act of new world leader.
The route is going through Balochistan, being a sovereign country, do they support you ?
Abhijeet Joshi How is Balochistan sovereign?
cryptocurrencies and the silk road, the future of world trade
The new Silk Road route is more a political symbol than anything else, and therefor a target for terrorists and activists, but also political sanctions and pressure, as well as criminals if the trains hold valuable cargo. I just cannot see this become a huge economic success either. We're talking about a few trains carrying a few containers. Limited quantities and takes long time. Even an international postal train service would've been better than this which will only benefit very few and already well established people in these poor regions, and basically has zero value to the west who wants to export to the east. Such trains would do a lot better in poorer regions such as connecting African countries together and within Asia itself, such as the China-Thailand route that is due to open in 2020.
Lol 1.4 bn if de go Africa I wouldn't have mind :(
Carrying those knock offs eh?
It is a beneficial successful silk Road of the future with everybody benefits around the world and also stabilisers the world banking system it's all about energy efficiency and also emergency structure you don't want to end up like the great flood of Akhenaten well known as Moses and first Jesus the saviour under one Sun Ten ray's AllA Allegiance to one All love name of AllA Reading from East to West and West to East End of London China Town
Thought this was about the dark web site. Left disappointed.
大铁路路行 十八日铁路 新路只英国中国
trump does not want this to happen.
It could transport Chinese troops faster
great way to lose millions of troops in the high desert.....there is no military advantage whatsoever.....a cruise missile fired from 1,000 miles away can know out any one of the thousands of bridges on this route and its game over
the end of the american empire
thank god
I just don't like CHINA , i don't buy products made in china. Only american made products.