Party Chinese | Celebrating Birthdays in Mandarin Chinese | Linus the Taiwanese

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2024
  • Party Chinese | Celebrating Birthdays in Mandarin Chinese | Linus the Taiwanese
    Happy birthday!
    Well, happy birthday if today just so happens to be the day you made it out of your mom.
    I’m glad you’ve made it another year - it’s a jungle out there, after all.
    Let’s take a moment to celebrate your making one more trip around the sun and learn some practical Chinese sentences while we do it.
    #Mandarin #Chinese #birthday #party #celebration #party
    Find me on italki:
    1. 0:28 祝你生日快樂!/祝你生日快乐!
    Happy Birthday!
    0:39 祝 to wish
    2. 0:50 許願/许愿
    Make a wish.
    0:58 許願 to make a wish
    願望 wish
    1:02 身體 body
    健康 to be healthy
    平安 to be safe
    1:06 賺大錢 to make a lot of money
    1:09 自私 to be selfish
    1:13 不然 to V instead
    默數 to silently count (numbers)
    3. 1:20 眼睛閉起來,驚喜!/眼睛闭起来,惊喜!
    Close your eyes! Surprise!
    1:35 閉 to close (eyes)
    這邊 this way
    1:52 其實 actually
    1:56 慶(祝)生(日) to celebrate one's birthday
    慶祝 to celebrate
    4. 1:59 切蛋糕/切蛋糕
    Cut the cake.
    2:07 壽星 the birthday person
    切 to cut (with a knife)
    蛋糕 cake
    2:19 米血糕 blood cake
    (a Taiwanese snack made from steamed rice and
    coated in animal blood, usually a pig's - which gives
    it its other name, 豬血糕)
    2:21 訂 to place an order
    團 a measure word for something ball-shaped
    sb+以為____ sb thought that ____
    巧克力 chocolate
    口味 flavor
    2:28 趕快 to hurry up
    5. 2:29 壽星怎麼還醒著?/寿星怎么还醒着?
    Why us the birthday person still sober?
    2:45 壽星 the birthday person
    醒 to be sober; to be awake
    2:46 誇張 to be exaggerating
    灌 to get sb drunk
    2:54 很能+V to be able to V exceedingly well
    6. 2:56 女生永遠十八歲/女生永远十八岁
    Girls are all forever eighteen.
    3:14 蠟燭 candle
    3:16 要你管喔!
    While this literally means "it needs you to take care
    of it", this phrase tends to be used ironically. In
    reality, it means " it's none of your business."
    管 to take care of, to manage, to control
    永遠 forever

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