I am going to apply for OAS, may I know whether proof of Canadian citizenship copy must be certified by a third party while submiiting the application? Please advise, thanks.
So CPP max was only be around 700 per month. After raising the 14% contributions, how much will this max go up? If I were not able to get any GIS from the beginning, will this change be beneficial to me?
The data for 2024 has not come out yet. But the 14% increase is going to complete in 2025, so we don't know how much the max will increase by. Based on past date, the benefits would be adjusted by 2% every yr to compensate for inflation. I would assume the income threshold for OAS and GIS will increase as well. In that case, you might have better chance to receive GIS.
你講解得好清楚呀, 多謝分享😊
Thanks, Zoe!
Very good job 🎉❤ Fully support 🎉❤
From Montréal ❤🎉
Very informative, thank you so much!
多謝Zoe提供很有用和很清楚的資料 🙏👍
加拿大男人life expectancy 80.62, 要到75 才加10%, 真係特別照顧
Thank you so much your ideas ❤
其實CPP2真係搵笨. 好似退休後會收多D CPP, 但係GIS相對就係變少. 根本就係政府為左減少GIS既支出.
Very 👍
新移民交税少反而有GIS 、對本地人很不公平
So true.
Zoe 多謝你的資訊。另方面有些CPP問題想請教: 本人是加拿大居民,領有CPP 多年,因年老想回流香港定居,做非稅居民,有問題如下:1)怎樣取消領取現有的CPP? 2)如不能取消,領有的CPP需否報稅?是否每年都要返加拿大找會計師報稅呢?多謝
我在My Account 找不到CPP 的calculator. 請告诉在哪里可找到. Please guide me step by step.
Zoe,可否分享在多倫多有冇同行為-般市民做wealth management
我可以係VANCOUVER 比意見你
@@zoeasyzoelee83 如果我想做退休出計劃,應怎樣聯絡你及可否知道需要費用多少
請問Zoe你會係VANCOUVER 比專業意見我?
可以係VANCOUVER 比意見你, 可以用這條 link: calendly.com/zoelee-1/30min book 個諮詢
I am going to apply for OAS, may I know whether proof of Canadian citizenship copy must be certified by a third party while submiiting the application? Please advise, thanks.
Zoe 你好,有一问题请教,小儿有一自置及自住物业在加拿大。我想买一个小的apartment送给媳妇,避免我百年后所产生的税务问题,但是这物业免费由我夫妻俩人住。请问,这会否对媳妇产生税务负担?
So CPP max was only be around 700 per month. After raising the 14% contributions, how much will this max go up? If I were not able to get any GIS from the beginning, will this change be beneficial to me?
The data for 2024 has not come out yet. But the 14% increase is going to complete in 2025, so we don't know how much the max will increase by. Based on past date, the benefits would be adjusted by 2% every yr to compensate for inflation.
I would assume the income threshold for OAS and GIS will increase as well. In that case, you might have better chance to receive GIS.
@@zoeasyzoelee83I really doubt the income threshold for OAS and GIS will increase. I believe the main purpose of CPP2 is to reduce GIS expenditure.
This Trudeau's robbery is on