"Can You Live That Way?" (1971) J. Krishnamurti at Brockwood Park School

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ย. 2024
  • The last 5 minutes have been fixed on a newer version you can find on TH-cam by searching:
    2.0 "Can You Live That Way?"
    In this forty-five minute film Krishnamurti talks with students at Brockwood Park School about subjects relevant to young people:
    "Why are you capable of being hurt?"
    "Is it possible to live without any image or concept, but to live?"
    When asked why he gave public talks, Krishnamurti replied: "I really don't know. Not out of habit; our of affection perhaps."
    The film is gentle and lyrical, interspersed with activities at Brockwood Park such as yoga, gardening, cooking, mathematics and music."

ความคิดเห็น • 47

  • @blighthernandez6263
    @blighthernandez6263 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    iwould loveee to have been able to study and learn from this man. thanks for youtube iguess.

  • @BrockwoodParkSchool
    @BrockwoodParkSchool  11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you for your comment. K himself did yoga exercises. He was instructed by yoga masters, including Desikachar. In "Beginnings of Learning" K says the following: "Now I'm going to propose that here we should not only have really first class brains, that is to be able to think logically, sanely, dispassionately... But also one must have skill in action. You know Yoga? - that word also means 'skill in action', not just doing a few exercises. How are you going to have that skill in action?'

    • @fernandocarbonel
      @fernandocarbonel 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @roelhart777
    @roelhart777 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    When I first came to Brockwood as a student in the early 70 's , I was in a bit of a shock:
    Are these the people who are touched by the most revolutionary, spiritual teacher of our life time?
    Krishnamurti, who made no concessions with prevailing moral values and social morality.
    And yet, the Krishnamurti movement and community seems dominated, if not monopolized, by the so-called serious bourgeoisie!
    Once, in a discussion, we ventured to ask Krishnamurti: "what is it with all these lah-di-dah people around you?
    Krishnamurti, humoured by the question, raised his eyebrows with a feigned indignance, paused for a moment, nodded with acknowledgment and simply replied:
    "it cannot be helped". It did not seem to bother or corcern him.
    Of course, as students, we were critical enough, but Krishnamurti often said to us: "it is good to be critical, but merely to criticize does not help".
    What will help? In Brockwood there is a certain zeal to keep the place exclusively for serious and dedicated "Krishnamurtians".
    Although in principle one can appreciate such an attitude, this very motivation distorts clear observation and has given rise to some painful misjudgements and an environment that is rather intimidating.
    Plenty of examples about. For example the girl in the video at 37:00 minutes, admitting that she cannot really answer Krishnamurti and the challenge that Brockwood poses,
    clearly made the "wrong" remark. Consequently, on account of her public statement, she received the cold shoulder at Brockwood, and not so long afterwards left Brockwood in frustration and was never heard of again.
    What a pity! Who can answer Krishnamurti, when he asks his most vital and central question: "Can consciousness empty itself of its content" ! Has anyone even understood the question as a real issue of vital importance, so that the question sticks and recurs and persists on a daily basis. Has the beginnings of learning even began? In order to survive and thrive at Brockwood one has to be fairly hard-headed.
    If you are sensitive, you may find it difficult to be exposed and live under the moral scrutiny of so many people. As I said, life in Brockwood can be rather intimidating.
    Perhaps I am subjective and exaggerating and presently the atmosphere in Brockwood has changed for the better.

    • @felz9447
      @felz9447 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Roel J. Harteveld thanks for your insight

    • @roelhart777
      @roelhart777 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      One of the difficulties with the K- Teachings is that one of its primary disciplines: "remaining with what is", is being interpreted as maintaining a certain status quo, a kind of psychological conservatism.. Hence this foothold of the self righteous bourgeoisie within the Krishnamurti community. K himself was well aware of this unfortunate side effect.
      There is no easy remedy for this, but it does not really matter so much, as long as there is an ambiance of cordiality in which one can question and enquire. Once in a discussion it was asked: "Can the transformation of man really take place in a place like Brockwood"? After some deliberation, Krishnamurti replied: Yes, but only when you are able to stand alone"!
      Therefore, let us be what we can to those who stand alone, within or without the Krishnamurti community.

    • @sanekabc
      @sanekabc 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm sorry Roel, but I think few who have studied K would interpret "remaining with what is" to mean maintaining the status quo. His teachings are anything but maintaining the status quo.

    • @roelhart777
      @roelhart777 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well, it really depends how one looks at it. In a sense, the essence of change is no change. No movement away from the facts as they are. It is a very ambiguous affair.
      Perhaps it does not help to use the word status quo which has political and social undertones.
      I meant a more psychological impasse, in which "remaining with what is" has become the way, even though we do not know really what it means.

    • @sanekabc
      @sanekabc 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yes, and that can be misinterpreted. But I think K often clarified it to mean to not run away or push away some emotion like depression or fear or rather to be aware when we are doing that and to also be aware when we are judging and naming what is and he also said that if you really do that or rather, if that is really done then what is, changes. I mean, after all, we don't want to put up with depression or violence but to really get to the root cause which keep them in place and allow them to recur. This is actually a tremendous change.

  • @hristoitchov
    @hristoitchov 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's not them who failed, nor are they teaching or being gurus. It's people who idolize them and follow them, and wait to receive, instead of finding for themselves. It's people's own choice.

  • @JazzyKat2009
    @JazzyKat2009 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very well said.

  • @nijabhaava
    @nijabhaava 12 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @sanekabc
    @sanekabc 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What I have noticed time and again is that he asks people to speak honestly and as soon as they begin to say something he says no not that or something to that effect and then people are afraid to say anything and then he asks why no one is talking.

    • @Regzillaaa
      @Regzillaaa 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      K asks questions, often there are no answers to these, but people feel compelled to answer, they are not listening, because they have never listened a day in their life. People will get hurt if they express their ideas and are met with rejection, K is only concerned with questions, if you try and answer you know what will happen... so just listen.. and in listening there lay all the answers.. go into your listening

    • @Regzillaaa
      @Regzillaaa 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      He goes so so slowly into a question that its hard not to just speak out the answer, perhaps the answer is right, but people go too fast, there must be some level of explanation otherwise a mere statement is like just throwing a bomb at the question and then forgetting about it

    • @Regzillaaa
      @Regzillaaa 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      The aim of the question is to attack it from every angle possible first, not trying to answer it, otherwise the conversation would be 2 minutes long, you can look at a question in many ways, and the answer may or may not come out like that. Im not sure if this helps...

    • @sanekabc
      @sanekabc 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      I know what you mean and I am familiar with deep listening and slow careful exploration, but he asks them to verbally answer sometimes and to be honest as in the video above. And there are other videos where he actually asks why they are so silent, when he actually wants them to verbally answer him directly.

    • @Regzillaaa
      @Regzillaaa 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh yes I see that very clearly, he is not asking questions in a way we are used to, for example when you listen to a normal conversation around us people are just throwing questions and answers back and forth, and there is very little depth, we are so accustomed to answering questions we do it habitually without care, and then if we don't answer its often considered rude. So, we put ourselves in a terrible situation when we talk with someone who has spent most of his life taking care with each word he uses. Can you see that too?

  • @TheUberEpicSports
    @TheUberEpicSports 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    The only option may be to reupload it but you could and a notation saying click here for sound in the last five minutes or something similar.

  • @StonerBridge1
    @StonerBridge1 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    the girl doing the yoga at the start is well fit!

  • @trinitaterion
    @trinitaterion 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    meeh, krishnamurti wasnt a guru, in a way yes. but if you compare him to ppl like osho ,ching hai, etc theres a difference, krishnamurti was a PHILOSOPHER that questions everything. He has no method or shit like that.
    Krishnamurti was the most genuine of those characters , you see him and was just a normal sort of person no paraphernalia around him. question EVERYTHING, even his words!

  • @omaidkhan3802
    @omaidkhan3802 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    please can anyone tell me the name of the poet mentioned in the beginning..its not clear..and also the name of the poem..I love it

  • @zackinator007
    @zackinator007 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    What is it you are doing?

  • @nijabhaava
    @nijabhaava 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    what does this have to do with anything?

  • @iiurt
    @iiurt 11 ปีที่แล้ว

    wht has yoga got to do with Krishnamurti!

  • @sradharetreat
    @sradharetreat 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi, Buddha , the Upanishads, Lao tzu, Christ..... all failed and their teachings seems to be useless as we remain what we are........Brutal!
    So we have to consider what the successful gurus represent!!

  • @lightseekerful
    @lightseekerful 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are saying all these,because there is a wrong ego in you,that is bothered that Krishnamurti and Tolle are well known to people,even if it is for good.Miserably jealous.

  • @mrcozr
    @mrcozr 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    sorry for my language

  • @mrcozr
    @mrcozr 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    screw your love, what can it do?

  • @zackinator007
    @zackinator007 12 ปีที่แล้ว

    sry but what a superficially ignorant way of thinking... you obviously cant begin to comprehend the teachings of some of the wisest minds on this speck of dust we call earth. Most people here tend to think in terms of Black or White, purple or brown but we cant seem to go beyond our limited and conditioned knowledge of what Life needs to be. A life of patience, truth and Love for one another. Perhaps know you may feel to restructure your sentences...

  • @kenmills30
    @kenmills30 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    That's why I could never be in that sort of environment, when there's lovely fit girls about it's either I have to discipline myself with all the control of a monk which K always said was a waste of energy or all my energy focuses on the girls, can't help it, they drive me crazy.