Solar energy is always beneficial because its free.... Once you buy the kit and use lifepo4 batteries you ate good for 10y of safe use... As long as you have enough panels for your energy consumption needs you can not only use the full 100% of the lifepo4 battery over the older sla batteries that you can only use 50% of its power... As long as the battery bank holds enough power the uk gets 4h of use able sun.. so have enough solar panels to feed the need.... Most roofs will have enough space to cover a house needs.... For about £6/7k you can have a 6 or 7k system that's 6 or 70000w of power in a day.... then buying a small diesel or petrol back up gen set you have full off grid power and if needed can use the get set to top up the battery bank...
Good Breakdown. the post is also really good breakdown
Solar energy is always beneficial because its free.... Once you buy the kit and use lifepo4 batteries you ate good for 10y of safe use...
As long as you have enough panels for your energy consumption needs you can not only use the full 100% of the lifepo4 battery over the older sla batteries that you can only use 50% of its power...
As long as the battery bank holds enough power the uk gets 4h of use able sun.. so have enough solar panels to feed the need....
Most roofs will have enough space to cover a house needs....
For about £6/7k you can have a 6 or 7k system that's 6 or 70000w of power in a day.... then buying a small diesel or petrol back up gen set you have full off grid power and if needed can use the get set to top up the battery bank...