Flat-bottomed flasks are not suitable for vacuum You could simply plug the solution into the dcm with cotton wool and put it in the refrigerator for a week. For xray you don't need to grow large crystals - they will be bad.
Thank you for the advice. I already crystallized that complex and published it in 2021. It was the first DMSO coordinated metallocorrole, and it made it to the cover of EurJIC. Regarding the flat bottomed flask, our roti pump does not reach below 0.15 bar, it has never broken any flask. But I use 99% of the time RBF anyway.
Great video love the in lab chemistry!
Flat-bottomed flasks are not suitable for vacuum
You could simply plug the solution into the dcm with cotton wool and put it in the refrigerator for a week. For xray you don't need to grow large crystals - they will be bad.
Thank you for the advice. I already crystallized that complex and published it in 2021. It was the first DMSO coordinated metallocorrole, and it made it to the cover of EurJIC. Regarding the flat bottomed flask, our roti pump does not reach below 0.15 bar, it has never broken any flask. But I use 99% of the time RBF anyway.
Now I am disappointed that "reminiscent of blood" as description of the product in solution didn't make it into the publication...
Next time!