Thank you Master Mato, I love the pace you make in presenting the game, giving me time make guessing. This time I made several correct guessing of the moves. I take you my chess teacher. I just started learning. Bravo my Master.
Yes, I did guess the "killer move". When one hears "killer move", one knows that a sacrifice is not far away. So, which piece could be sacrificed with profit? And how could it be sacrificed? When I play chess, I need a little flag that pops up and reads "Next move = Killer Move".
smothered checkmate is very beautiful because it only uses one badass knight, attacking only one square, and the king cant save himself because of his own pieces.
there are 10^15 chess games as a Mathmatician institute in GB said..But I think the Alekhine era and the early Tal Petrossian Kasparov era Have ended all the beauty in openings -midgames-endgames..who shares me my thoughts?
Thanks to Mato, and of course all chess legends which games Mato brings to us, for once again guessing the move without taking a pause, althgouh I didn't see the whole follow up combination, and perhaps I wouldn't develop my position to gain max points from this move, but defenetelly I saw almost instantly that that was worth sucrifice move to play.
at the age of 30 starting chess, can one be a legend for unlimited time classical chess ? starting means advanced thinkings...he ce can know the moves only
Did you find the killer move ? Yes !! And the follow up .. ? .. No Sometimes it's pretty easy to find the killermove because it has been set up from the GM who is playing. Quite obvious.
He definitely lost a number of games. He lost three games in his World Championship Match with Capablanca in 1927 and he lost his World Champion title to Euwe in 1935 (although he regained it the following year).
Interesting. by move 13 Alekhine had six pieces developed to Tartakower's three. Alekhine then proceeded to sac his pieces. Certainly not one of Tartakower's better games. Alekhine totally owned him.
Kasparov said that chess' future is Alekhine's chess. When he say that I wonder why not Capablanca? Capablanca has the most coherence move with chess engine comparison, isn't the future of chess is not so far with what affected modern chess the most which is the chess engine analysis? And Capablanca best Alekhine many time.
I noticed that too.. I actually checked his moves with stockfish and its quite favorable and nearly perfect.. same goes with carlsen; they slowly try to torture their opponents by their positional maneuvers
Alekhine is the most interesting player to watch. Seemingly in an even game he makes a subtle move and out of nowhere he is in a winning position.
Thank you Master Mato, I love the pace you make in presenting the game, giving me time make guessing. This time I made several correct guessing of the moves. I take you my chess teacher. I just started learning. Bravo my Master.
Nobody either past or present can match Alekhine in complex combinative play! He is without a parallel!
A few dozen games of Alekhine packs more combinations than what an average master would manage in his life time of tournament play!
I did find the crucial Nh6 CH. but I admit I couldn't work out the whole winning combination!
damn alekhine is growing on me, i could find kere's moves but this guy is something else.
Yes Alekhine was a tactical monster.
Tartakower at least gave Alekhine a game. Surviving that long against one of Alekhine's ability says a lot.
Hello MATO,
Thank you for your presentations.
And that is all!
Nd6!! I got it! It was more pleasurable, though it took me 10 minutes. Thanks, Mato!
Yes, I did guess the "killer move".
When one hears "killer move", one knows that a sacrifice is not far away. So, which piece could be sacrificed with profit? And how could it be sacrificed?
When I play chess, I need a little flag that pops up and reads "Next move = Killer Move".
smothered checkmate is very beautiful because it only uses one badass knight, attacking only one square, and the king cant save himself because of his own pieces.
I saw it for the first time,great mate.
Great Game...
one of the Osum game of Alekhine ..
Thanks Mato...:)
I love your videos! Good job!
Mato you are the best! I love your videos man. Please make more of them
Vrlo dobra partija ,odlican komentar, bravo Mato.
there are 10^15 chess games as a Mathmatician institute in GB said..But I think the Alekhine era and the early Tal Petrossian Kasparov era Have ended all the beauty in openings -midgames-endgames..who shares me my thoughts?
fantastic combination, i did not find because is too long attacking line, could not see so far without practice
The most critical position of the game
Thanks to Mato, and of course all chess legends which games Mato brings to us, for once again guessing the move without taking a pause, althgouh I didn't see the whole follow up combination, and perhaps I wouldn't develop my position to gain max points from this move, but defenetelly I saw almost instantly that that was worth sucrifice move to play.
for god sake this man is a magician
at the age of 30 starting chess, can one be a legend for unlimited time classical chess ?
starting means advanced thinkings...he ce can know the moves only
Nice !
You really have to be a cool cucumber to play like that and see all that after willing sacrifices of pieces. Thanks great games.
Mato can you show the new games that played in the Paris tournament and the new tournament please?
would you Mato post videos whereas G.Kasparov Queen Sacrifices matches plz
Hi Mato one of the possible continuation seems like the game of rashid nezhmetdinov against samsanov where the king is trapped by his own rook
1:53 knight takes bishop; but we know what you meant.
Poor opening with Black in the Caro-Kahn, really took too long to develop here.
Narrowc ross * Caro-Kann
best teacher.
Insane double sacrifice. I call it the Greek Gift on steroids.
Knight sacrifice was inspired piece v position strategy
@7:25 better move for black is Nf6 not Rh6
… Nf6
Qg5+ Kh7
60 / 5000
Hasil terjemahan
whaw ... a very beautiful attack construction from alekhine
Mato, could we see a week of the Biggest Upset Losses experienced by history's greatest players?
I made them -you find them
I have found the killer movies
haha come on man! XD
Why not 28. Nd6...Kg7?
Did you find the killer move ?
Yes !!
And the follow up .. ?
.. No
Sometimes it's pretty easy to find the killermove because it has been set up from the GM who is playing. Quite obvious.
Petra Marbun is not killer but killah mov
everyone is gangsta until alekhine starts attacking.
I thought about Be4 - double attack on rook and queen
Alekhine such a fantastic player, was he ever beaten by any one? Mato show a game where Alekhine was defeated (if any ;p)
He did, very recently.
Don't hold your breath.
He was defeated a lot.. Especially in the late 1930s he was one of the best and a world champion but he had his day in the sun like everyone else.
He definitely lost a number of games. He lost three games in his World Championship Match with Capablanca in 1927 and he lost his World Champion title to Euwe in 1935 (although he regained it the following year).
+Paco Gomez Capablanca also had a positive record against him in general.
Hi Mato!
I guessed the killer move!!!!
That was not an easy move to see!
was the winning move smoking crack rocks?
Glorified Truth hysuuh
Interesting. by move 13 Alekhine had six pieces developed to Tartakower's three. Alekhine then proceeded to sac his pieces. Certainly not one of Tartakower's better games. Alekhine totally owned him.
I Find that move it was a awesome game mato
If Black 15 th move Kh8 the game could have prolonged?
Kasparov said that chess' future is Alekhine's chess. When he say that I wonder why not Capablanca? Capablanca has the most coherence move with chess engine comparison, isn't the future of chess is not so far with what affected modern chess the most which is the chess engine analysis? And Capablanca best Alekhine many time.
I noticed that too.. I actually checked his moves with stockfish and its quite favorable and nearly perfect.. same goes with carlsen; they slowly try to torture their opponents by their positional maneuvers
Alekhine had positive score against Capablanca, though both are chess giants.
Congratulate me anyway - I didn’t
for god sake this man is a magician