You are The Man, exactly what I needed. Been rocking Vulture last few weeks and is bullet proof-ish but getting owned by FDL and other larger ships. You and Yamiks have been talking up Chieftain, SOLD and thanks!
I used a variant of this build the other day and absolutely rekt a fully engineered corvette who was ganking ships. I run 2x chaff with pretty much everything the same, except I have 2x super pen and 1 feedback cascade on the rails. i wanted more module damage. i felt like the purpose of the PA's are to drain shields and for utility, and the rails are for the power plant, with situational offence. but tbh, good commanders who i would need FC against are smart with their SCB timing and do it when i pass, so i don't have the chance to hit them. bad pilots do it when they're 2km away and im in reverski. i figured that if i DID need feedback cascade....the pilot is so good that i wouldn't be able to hit them anyway, therefore....more module damage is preferable since they can't avoid it as easily once their shields are down. My PA's are 2x long range on the large and focused on the medium. I was missing too many shots and i found that most players use weapons with effective ranges of
Any tips on being more efficient with landing shots? I just finished building a Krait mk2 with all plasmas for PvE, it absolutely wrecks, IF I hit 🤣 Did a chieftan with all rails, same thing but even harder to use than plasma since I have to charge shots!! Any tips??
Bit late to the chieftain party, but I took one for a spin today after engineering it, and 3 rapid fire cytoscramblers just seem made solely for this thing! After flying a krait mk II for so long, it was refreshing to have such agility. A pair of overcharged large cannons and a corrosive medium multicannon makes module sniping waaaay too easy! One of my new favorite ships!
NOTE: My apologies but I had a typo in the original Coriolis build - as such I quoted the recharge numbers incorrectly - they should be recover and recharge at 1:05!!
Great video and thanks. I’m newer to the game and grinding my engineers, wallet and working on my skill with “dog fighting”. I really like rails and have been having good results with them when practicing on NPCs. Can I ask why you chose long range on the engineering? Lol not sure I could see myself hitting a smaller target moving at 6km? Is there a zoom function I’m noobish and not aware of?
after dying in my ship due to lack of oxygen with over 15 mil in bounties and a 40mil rebuy, i had no idea you could synth oxygen... welp lesson learned
Thank you for the great run down, I'm curious to know how things have changed since this was made. Admittedly I'm just starting a return to the game after being absent for a few years. I suspect it's far from viable for PvP but I'm currently eyeing up the Alliance Crusader as I'm interested in exploring the fighter side of the game and I love the designs of the three Alliance offerings.
For anyone interested, You would only lose 1 m/s boost speed with a 5d fsd drive and 2 m/s boost with a 5a fsd. so If anyone wants to jump with this ship, you can equip a 4a fuel scoop and ship the 4d module reinforcement once u reach the system or buy one if they offer it in your system station has one. This is a cheaper option than shipping the ship if u don’t want to or if you are like me and don’t want to trade out your engineered modules into ur aspx to get there faster as you still have to wait for the chieftain to arrive anyways.
Absolutely valid point - I just tend to be a min/maxer and as I'm never going to jump out of a fight nor jump around with the ship I just go for the easy 2D.
CMDR Exigeous I totally get that and have done it on other PvP ships too. I just know there are some players out there that might want to fly their only fully engineered ship around everywhere bc I have those friends. Lol. I ship my fdl everywhere bc it’s jump range is terrible no matter what I do to it.
You're most welcome, the only change I've made from this is dropping the seeker/packhound rack as that's become completely taboo in PvP. So I'd swap in say another rail or maybe even a turreted OC multicannon with corrosive (just for the experimental).
I'm currently running 2 long range large cannon on mine, and will replace with long range PAs (instead of focus) when I unlock full PA engineering. Final build I'm going to go for is with 2x long range PAs or APAs (because I sometimes need a follow-up shot after missing the first, so increased firing rate helps), medium overcharged corrosive MC, and 3 small efficient rails with super penetrator. Or I might just go 3 incindiary MCs, medium corrosive MC, and keep the large cannons so I can just go 2.5-2.5-1 on pips and just juggle between engines and sys in a fight. We'll have to see.
How bad is the damage reduction from the 3 small rails? I worry the mediums from an FAS will snipe me out long before I can do the same with this build.
I've enjoyed two large advanced PA's (focused). With shock cannons. I have a lot of builds with imp hammers and just wanted to try something different.
Suggest using low draw for the secondary effect on the shield. You'll have a much easier time managing pips, which can actually mean a faster recovery if it means you don't run out of sys.
You're running 2 Hammers on a Chiefain? So you're giving up a large slot to run the terrible Hammer? Sure they are cool to fire but given the huge amount of heat they generate when compared to a standard Hammer they are a horrible choice, especially in place of a large and it's damage. Am confused as I wouldn't call that building it right at all.
@@Exigeous chieften has a large 2 med and 3 small right? Hammers are med. Large has an APA, 2 meds are hammers with super penetrating, and 3 small are rails with 2 bank busters and a super penatrator.
@@Exigeous my bad i was thinking of my crusader. my chieften has 2 APAs, a hammer, and 3 rails. APAs are annoyers, hammer is bank bust, and 3 rails are super penetrating. you were right.
Yeah, there you go - but still I would never suggest someone use a hammer in PvP nor mix difference sized rails due to the different shot delays - personally I think you would be much better served by using another PA on that medium rather than the hammer but if it's working for ya great.
I made something resembling this build independently and, upon learning of the meta, adjusted it to be sort of a compromise between them. Less hull and a bit more shields with the bi-weave bolstered with some Guardian boosters on smaller slots. Weapons are 2 efficient APAs, 2 small cannons with similar shot speed to the plasma and a medium rail paired with small gauss because they have same charge time. I think I'll put in an Imperial Hammer once I've finished queuing for it. Not as effective as the pure meta, but it is my best PVP ship and fun to fly. I need to tinker with it a little more, though.
I can't recommend strongly enough that you ditch those guardian boosters and go with more hull - it just isn't effective as a shield tank and you'd almost never use guardian boosters with a bi-weave. Not only do the ruin the regen time, which is the whole point of a biweave, but if you reboot/repair with guardian boosters you do not get your shields back like you do without them. In short you're getting far less overall protection given how long it will take to get them back vs. what extra you're getting - it's a terrible trade off for the Chieftain, save those boosters for something like a prismatic FDL. As for the hammer you can skip that too - it generates so much more heat than a standard and as you'll only get one it won't fire the same as your three smalls - so it's not a good mix at all. Sadly the hammers are almost worthless for PvP due to that heat, you're always better with a standard railgun (and here the three smalls are perfect fot it). So yeah, get on that tinkering!
Ah, but those shields are so nice in PVE. Enough of MJs that I can usually avoid losing them even if I suddenly become the center of the attention in CZ and fast enough recharge not to wait all day to get them back to a point I feel comfortable going into the fray again. I don't like hull tanks because I don't enjoy seeing my cockpit canopy sailing into the space and I don't like shield tanks because I don't like using cell banks too much. For the hammer, I really started considering that because my current build just doesn't overheat at all. That may be because I'm using sturdy instead of long range for the rails. Also the "chin and forehead" combo isn't the best for grouping for trying to snipe modules anyway. I'm more for amusing combinations than pure, min-maxed efficiency. However, I think I'll put it together in such way that I can easily convert it to the cookie cutter serious build by swapping out as few parts as possible if I feel like seriously going into PVP danger zone. Your video is very useful in determining how I might do that.
I get what you're saying about shields in PvE to which I'd say you're just flying the wrong ship for that - trying to turn a hull tank into a shield build usually means you have an odd hybrid of both which never works as well. I too don't like using hull tanks for bounty hunting for that reason - so for others at least I'd suggest leaving the Chieftain at home for PvE and taking a true shield tank like an FDL. That said if I were going in something like the Chieftain I'd still prefer the faster regen as I can pretty much get all my shields back in between fights at the CZ. If you're running sturdy that's great as it'll give you another 10% thermal drop but I think you'd be *much* better served by running long range on the 3 smalls (as that removes damage drop off) so you can snipe things at up to 6KM - then turn that hammer into another medium PA to deal more overall damage.
It was bit over 15% of extra thermal drop for me according to the stat values and that's with engineering I didn't bother to go all the way with. I think it would be something like 17.5% fully. However, you are right, range is better. The sturdy is a leftover from previous build I had that had serious power and heat issues. For shield regeneration speed, I was already happy it before I had fast charge and now it's even better. I get it all back between small skirmishes and even in bigger fights if I manage to avoid most of the fire. It doesn't really go down unless I wilfully ignore several NPCs shooting at me. That being said, maybe I will tone it down a little because I don't think I even need all that shield for PvE. There will be less components to swap out for serious PVP mode as well. The "chin" medium hardpoint seems to be where the meta PVP build armament is not quite as uniform as everywhere else. Some have the plasma there and some seem to have missiles of some sort. I used to have a cannon (turret fixed forward to match the shot velocity) until I encountered the PVP builds and noticed that they really like to have plenty of rails. So I decided to have an extra rail too but put it on the medium to be different.
Shieldless is nice as you don't have to worry about pips in sys (for the most part) but there are just too many counters - come up against 1 missile boat and you're toast.
And that's a decent counter - until you come up against packhounds or super pen rails where you're fucked. Not saying you're "wrong" but for the vast majority the trade off for no shields isn't worth it.
@Exigeous Does your newer Guardian defenses video mean you have updated your Alliance Chieftain PvP build to replace the module reinforcements with Guardian ones? Looks like there is plenty of power budget for it, but still leaves some choices like D vs E.
I noticed that, too. Checked the Coriolis link before the video and was really surprised to see non-biweave shields. I assume it was just a mistake, because there's no reason why you'd use a C-grade shield that isn't a biweave.
SHIT - sorry about that, that's what I get for finishing the video at like 3 AM. I just posted a comment at the top correcting the error in recharge rate and have fixed the link - thanks so much for noticing and pointing it out. As uh, no, you don't want a class C :D
i prefer drag ammo pack hounds in my medium slot to screw with all the boosting edit: whenever you mod a shield for thermal resistance. take a kinetic and a thermals resistant booster, fill with heavy duty after that
Is this still your preferred build for the Chieftain? Just curious if another year and a half of flying it has changed your perspective on it. (Low chance for an answer, but worth a try.)
Low chance - I try to reply to *every* comment I get! (sometimes I miss replies due to the way the system works). In short yes, I still fly this and love it. I don't run packhounds or seekers on it (not sure if that's in the build but I used to run that) so I just run another PA or Rail on the medium. But yeah, love this build.
@@Exigeous Sorry, badly worded. Just meant that comments on old videos tend, for a multitude of good reasons, to fall between the cracks. My bad. Thank you. It always interesting to see how veterans in a game change their builds and play style over the years. And equally interesting to see when they have found a build they enjoy so much they keep it the same over those years.
Oh no worries at all - I do make a strong effort to make sure that ALL my videos are current, otherwise I'll put a big fat NERFED or UPDATED across the thumbnails.
Large force shell cannons with 2 medium weapons of your choice on top (I suggest seekers or packhounds to counter fighters and small ships mostly) with 2 small plasma slug rails and a medium feedback cascade rail on the bottom. 6 A rated boosters with 2 heavy duty and 4 resistance augmented. 2 heat sinks. 8C Bi-weave, thermal resistance with lo-draw. 7A SCB. 2 5D MRP's and the rest hull. (Fighter Bay is optional) Shielded FSD and life support (A rated) with long range A rated sensors and an armored powerplant. Heavy duty bulkheads. This is my personal build for the T10 that I have had so much fun with. You can use this for 1v1's and it's decent enough for it. Do not use it in wing fights.
Amazing video , thank you a lot. Btw I dont know if you even read this but, If i wanna try this build but with multicannons cause Im not that good atm with PA's what blueprint and effects would you recommend for pvp?
I’m working on putting together this build but I’m concerned about the damage reduction from the small rails. What’s your experience? Does it matter? A penny for your thoughts.
When every PVP I've encountered uses PA's that deal absoloute damage why bother with resistances for hull and shields? I use mil spec armour heavy duty and bi-weaves reinforced with fast charge. Charge slightly faster than off the shelf bi-weaves with around 700mj's.
Well because you won't always come up against PAs and rails - and realize only 60% of their damage is absolute (PAs) so resistances still do matter. Given the reactive isn't all that much more expensive (and if you're doing PvP you should have plenty of credits) you always want those much higher resistances.
They are very powerful but the problem is you'll never have enough ammo to finish a fight that way and in the PvP community synthesis isn't allowed (certainly not in the tournament). As for the music sorry but I love it.
Overcharged is better than double shot since is got major damage buff in 3.0. There’s a build that Hazzmango used which has 4 overcharged frags (drag, corrosive and screening shell) with large Efficient/Overcharged PA’s. Very good for 1v1’s.
CMDR Exigeous and Jazod...Ok good to know. PAs it is then. Though I think I will go with burst lasers vs rails. As far as the music each their own! LOL!
Yeah, the canopy is definitely it's weak spot but really not that much more so than the FAS and while sure, it's a great ship it's hardly the strongest of the medium class.
Setup for PvE but I have 3 small pulse with long range mod and scramble for the experimental on all three. Overcharged autocannons for the other three hardpoints. Incendiary rounds on the two larges and corrosive on the medium. Chews through hull like nothing... Dont know how it would fair in PvP but with A rated thrusters alone this thing is a beast in conflict zones. Havent even modded anything but the weapons.
My favorite build man, super fan . 5 enforcers overcharged 4 autoloader 1 corrosive, plus a hammer in the medium long range cascade. Takes time but is fun to fight with that.
I would say the Challenger is better for tankiness and constant DPS. Full multicannons is a solid build for the Challenger, though I use lasers as that is also a good choice. The Chieftain is better for plasma and rails as it is faster and slightly more manuverable.
@@Exigeous thanks for the answer. The only reason I bought the Challenger was it's on paper performance (and it looks sweet in black) but I'll stick with the Chief. Thanks again o7!!!
@@Jazod looks like I need to get better with Plasma and Rails then!!! Although before that I need to work on my flying/pip management/thruster control (I could go on) haha!!!
Totally off topic, and i'm sure you're tired of seeing my face lol, but you're the only one I can count on to answer...but I have a question regarding missions, I've recently come back from a couple of months break to find out that mission payouts have been screwed. I'm finding the missions I once did now pay drastically less. especially wing missions that want you to deliver almost 6k units for a 1.5mil payout. They used to payout between 20-50mil. Did I miss something while I was taking a break? I know FDev plan on "Fixing" the mission system, aka destroy board hopping, and increase payouts by 10% but will 10% even be enough? Sounds like it will just return to the slightly better payout state it was awhile back compared to now..
No worries, but if you post on any video it shows up in my feed so you can pick a more topical one next time ;-) You can still find those missions, albeit fewer and farther between. Right now the best money making is Sightseeing missions in Robigo (I have a video on it). Wing missions at $50M still exist they are just really hard to find.
so .. is it "actually" legit to full ham on multis with a chieftain at least for pve purposes? o: new to elite and recently grabbed my chieftain, currently running 2 large gimballed multi and all the rest as rails. really enjoyed going dakka-fighter with my eagle an i-eagle so making a 'gunship'ish chieftain would sound kinda funny ...
I'm planning on building a similar crusader laser/multi build, is there any other significant difference between the crusader and the chieftain apart from the fighter bay?
The Crusader is utter rubbish! It has less internal compartments is much slower and has one less hard point. You get a fighter bay, but if you plan for PvP forget the Crusader and go Chieftain. Also worth considering is the Fer-De-Lance. Compared to the Chieftain it has more utility slots, much stronger shields 4 medium and 1 huge hard point. Speed is about the same, though it has less internal compartments and even fully engineered it has less hull points. It also costs more than the Chieftain and the re-buys are obviously also higher.
@@AquaPixMedia I already got a pvp based fdl with packhounds(when I get them), I'm going for crusader because it's better for PvE and multicrew since it's got a fighterbay + my only other pve/bounty hunting ship is the vulture (my krait is AX)
For that purpose you should look into the Krait. Much better and faster than the Crusader and it has a fighter bay too. Decent shields more internal slots and more firepower with a decent jump range. The Krait is currently my most used ship. At the moment I am in the Plaiades hunting Cyclopses and Basilisks solo... a lot of fun with the Krait!
You know I'm gonna sorta disagree with Andy on the Crusader - it's just much harder to fly well. I've been using it more and more and every time I do I think "damn, I sorta like this thing". It definitely has a higher skill ceiling as you really have to fly it FA-Off to make it effective. So if you're a bit new to combat I'd go with the Chieftain for sure.
Just found this video. LOL I had to laugh when you spun the ship around and noticed a 'feature' my Chieftain seems to always have...cracks in the canopy. This is the only ship if ever had lose the canopy in a fight. For that reason it is not a 'best medium' combat ship for xeno in my book.
I personally run Enforcers on the smalls and a multicannon on the medium. But I run APAs on the Larges. My internals also sacrifice some durability for jump range (FSD booster). I guess mine is a high end PvE or a very weak Pvp build. Well. I have fun with it and the multi cannons are just badass to fire.
Yeah, I'd say that'a a PvE build if you're running a booster and giving up that much hull. As for the enforcers they might be my single favorite weapon, I absolutely love them on my Sidewinder.
Go Thargoid Scout hunting with rails. Normal rails will do and you don't have to grind for Guardian Gauss cannons. It will also teach you heat management, so make sure that you bring a heat sink launcher and synth materials. As a bonus you will rank up in combat quickly as each Scout counts as much as an Elite opponent.
As has been said practice makes perfect - do you fly KBM or Stick? They are definitely easier for KBM pilots as I struggle at times with accuracy using my HOTAS.
My favorite way to practice is to take my fdl to a has res and only fight stuff that is small and if your lucky you will have plenty of diamond backs and cobras to practice on
Didn't mention the flying shotgun? Every hardpoint is a frag cannon, overcharged with incendiary except one of the smalls being overcharged corrosive shell. Small ships die in one burst. Medium ships only last two or three. Large can't get you in their sights. Only big weakness I could see is really small speed builds keeping distance on you, and that's only PVP. In pve there's just no competition.
Call me old fashioned all you want but I don’t like the plasma thingies and high tech rail guns etc. Good ol’ bullets and explosives should make any problem go away if you hit them with enough ammunition. I usually slap enforcers and large fixed multi cannons on the top, and a surprise pack hounds on the bottom for that module snipe because I can not be bothered to aim the rails :)
I don't have the time and patience to even unlock most of these engineers, let alone farm the mats to feed them... So my pvp experience is just running or entering solo mode to the populated systems.
Yeah, well if I'm being fair to Liella (just had to use this) his FDL wasn't fully engineered as he was playing around with a new build - in a standard 1v1 it would have gone differently for sure.
Ok I need some info here. I use Bi-weaves on all my medium combat ships. But I always use reinforced with fast charge - then I balance out my resistances with thermal shield boosters. Yet I always see people recommend bi-weaves with thermal resistant fast charge. What am I missing here? I know there’s more than 2 ways to skin a cat, but I’m thinking I’m missing something. O7 commander Cyfus out.
This guy should work for the military The one line.. I don't jump my fighters.. soooo. do you just fly from system to system.. that would take a few years
Late to comment but no, by that he means that he ships them to the system rather than flying. It's what I do, especially when trying to engineer a combat ship.
Yo if you made this vid for new players like me, you would be surprised to find out nobody understood a ting. if you made it for advanced players you also would be surprised to find out THERE ARE BETTER BUILDS OUT THERE
You are The Man, exactly what I needed. Been rocking Vulture last few weeks and is bullet proof-ish but getting owned by FDL and other larger ships. You and Yamiks have been talking up Chieftain, SOLD and thanks!
I used a variant of this build the other day and absolutely rekt a fully engineered corvette who was ganking ships.
I run 2x chaff with pretty much everything the same, except I have 2x super pen and 1 feedback cascade on the rails. i wanted more module damage. i felt like the purpose of the PA's are to drain shields and for utility, and the rails are for the power plant, with situational offence. but tbh, good commanders who i would need FC against are smart with their SCB timing and do it when i pass, so i don't have the chance to hit them. bad pilots do it when they're 2km away and im in reverski. i figured that if i DID need feedback cascade....the pilot is so good that i wouldn't be able to hit them anyway, therefore....more module damage is preferable since they can't avoid it as easily once their shields are down.
My PA's are 2x long range on the large and focused on the medium. I was missing too many shots and i found that most players use weapons with effective ranges of
thinkin about trying this using a hull tank idea. That may solve the heat issues.
Bloody hell sounds like a war story
50%? Hell yeah! Every inch counts!
Any tips on being more efficient with landing shots? I just finished building a Krait mk2 with all plasmas for PvE, it absolutely wrecks, IF I hit 🤣
Did a chieftan with all rails, same thing but even harder to use than plasma since I have to charge shots!! Any tips??
Bit late to the chieftain party, but I took one for a spin today after engineering it, and 3 rapid fire cytoscramblers just seem made solely for this thing! After flying a krait mk II for so long, it was refreshing to have such agility. A pair of overcharged large cannons and a corrosive medium multicannon makes module sniping waaaay too easy! One of my new favorite ships!
NOTE: My apologies but I had a typo in the original Coriolis build - as such I quoted the recharge numbers incorrectly - they should be recover and recharge at 1:05!!
Great video and thanks. I’m newer to the game and grinding my engineers, wallet and working on my skill with “dog fighting”. I really like rails and have been having good results with them when practicing on NPCs. Can I ask why you chose long range on the engineering? Lol not sure I could see myself hitting a smaller target moving at 6km? Is there a zoom function I’m noobish and not aware of?
"Scramble their gimbles" 🤣🤣
I like multicannon version, it can give your opponent a vietnam flashback
Isn't that similar to the FGS meta?
after dying in my ship due to lack of oxygen with over 15 mil in bounties and a 40mil rebuy, i had no idea you could synth oxygen... welp lesson learned
Thank you for the great run down, I'm curious to know how things have changed since this was made. Admittedly I'm just starting a return to the game after being absent for a few years. I suspect it's far from viable for PvP but I'm currently eyeing up the Alliance Crusader as I'm interested in exploring the fighter side of the game and I love the designs of the three Alliance offerings.
For anyone interested, You would only lose 1 m/s boost speed with a 5d fsd drive and 2 m/s boost with a 5a fsd. so If anyone wants to jump with this ship, you can equip a 4a fuel scoop and ship the 4d module reinforcement once u reach the system or buy one if they offer it in your system station has one. This is a cheaper option than shipping the ship if u don’t want to or if you are like me and don’t want to trade out your engineered modules into ur aspx to get there faster as you still have to wait for the chieftain to arrive anyways.
Absolutely valid point - I just tend to be a min/maxer and as I'm never going to jump out of a fight nor jump around with the ship I just go for the easy 2D.
CMDR Exigeous I totally get that and have done it on other PvP ships too. I just know there are some players out there that might want to fly their only fully engineered ship around everywhere bc I have those friends. Lol. I ship my fdl everywhere bc it’s jump range is terrible no matter what I do to it.
That said this is an amazing video, thanks for this and all your tutorials! :)
Personally I'm a fan of the 2 PA, 1 M Rail, 3 Sm Rails version of this. Something about having that extra long-range punch really works for my style.
Just got to this one Ex. VJ does some good Chieften vids but this one is superb for build recommendations. Thanks 🙏
You're most welcome, the only change I've made from this is dropping the seeker/packhound rack as that's become completely taboo in PvP. So I'd swap in say another rail or maybe even a turreted OC multicannon with corrosive (just for the experimental).
I'm currently running 2 long range large cannon on mine, and will replace with long range PAs (instead of focus) when I unlock full PA engineering.
Final build I'm going to go for is with 2x long range PAs or APAs (because I sometimes need a follow-up shot after missing the first, so increased firing rate helps), medium overcharged corrosive MC, and 3 small efficient rails with super penetrator.
Or I might just go 3 incindiary MCs, medium corrosive MC, and keep the large cannons so I can just go 2.5-2.5-1 on pips and just juggle between engines and sys in a fight. We'll have to see.
When I used the Chieftain I like having 2 large PA’s with efficient and a medium Overcharged with thermal conduit, along with 3 rails.
Sure, nothing wrong with that build too - as I said there are many different options you could choose there.
How bad is the damage reduction from the 3 small rails? I worry the mediums from an FAS will snipe me out long before I can do the same with this build.
I've enjoyed two large advanced PA's (focused). With shock cannons. I have a lot of builds with imp hammers and just wanted to try something different.
Thanks this is exactly what I was looking for. I'm going to use it for PvE until I get it engineered for PvP. :)
Suggest using low draw for the secondary effect on the shield. You'll have a much easier time managing pips, which can actually mean a faster recovery if it means you don't run out of sys.
Though fast charge is good to have as well, considering the Chief has an excellent distro.
Up to you but I'd never choose that but that said I stay very on top of my pips via macros, etc. To me that's the "correct" solution.
Yeah, not saying fast charge is bad. Just suggesting an alternative that may allow more wiggle room for evasive boosts and still powering weapons.
Lo draw would actually be better in that situation as it used less of your distro
Got a couple and I love them. One has an APA, 2 hammers, and 3 rails. The other is all phasing pulse. Chieftens can be dirty if you build them right.
You're running 2 Hammers on a Chiefain? So you're giving up a large slot to run the terrible Hammer? Sure they are cool to fire but given the huge amount of heat they generate when compared to a standard Hammer they are a horrible choice, especially in place of a large and it's damage. Am confused as I wouldn't call that building it right at all.
@@Exigeous chieften has a large 2 med and 3 small right? Hammers are med. Large has an APA, 2 meds are hammers with super penetrating, and 3 small are rails with 2 bank busters and a super penatrator.
@@Exigeous all phasing pulse is money against big ships as a support ship. Chip their hull away without them noticing.
@@Exigeous my bad i was thinking of my crusader. my chieften has 2 APAs, a hammer, and 3 rails. APAs are annoyers, hammer is bank bust, and 3 rails are super penetrating. you were right.
Yeah, there you go - but still I would never suggest someone use a hammer in PvP nor mix difference sized rails due to the different shot delays - personally I think you would be much better served by using another PA on that medium rather than the hammer but if it's working for ya great.
Watching that combat I realised I need to stay in solo for a lot longer and get alot more credits behind me haha
I made something resembling this build independently and, upon learning of the meta, adjusted it to be sort of a compromise between them. Less hull and a bit more shields with the bi-weave bolstered with some Guardian boosters on smaller slots. Weapons are 2 efficient APAs, 2 small cannons with similar shot speed to the plasma and a medium rail paired with small gauss because they have same charge time. I think I'll put in an Imperial Hammer once I've finished queuing for it.
Not as effective as the pure meta, but it is my best PVP ship and fun to fly. I need to tinker with it a little more, though.
I can't recommend strongly enough that you ditch those guardian boosters and go with more hull - it just isn't effective as a shield tank and you'd almost never use guardian boosters with a bi-weave. Not only do the ruin the regen time, which is the whole point of a biweave, but if you reboot/repair with guardian boosters you do not get your shields back like you do without them. In short you're getting far less overall protection given how long it will take to get them back vs. what extra you're getting - it's a terrible trade off for the Chieftain, save those boosters for something like a prismatic FDL.
As for the hammer you can skip that too - it generates so much more heat than a standard and as you'll only get one it won't fire the same as your three smalls - so it's not a good mix at all. Sadly the hammers are almost worthless for PvP due to that heat, you're always better with a standard railgun (and here the three smalls are perfect fot it).
So yeah, get on that tinkering!
Ah, but those shields are so nice in PVE. Enough of MJs that I can usually avoid losing them even if I suddenly become the center of the attention in CZ and fast enough recharge not to wait all day to get them back to a point I feel comfortable going into the fray again. I don't like hull tanks because I don't enjoy seeing my cockpit canopy sailing into the space and I don't like shield tanks because I don't like using cell banks too much. For the hammer, I really started considering that because my current build just doesn't overheat at all. That may be because I'm using sturdy instead of long range for the rails. Also the "chin and forehead" combo isn't the best for grouping for trying to snipe modules anyway. I'm more for amusing combinations than pure, min-maxed efficiency.
However, I think I'll put it together in such way that I can easily convert it to the cookie cutter serious build by swapping out as few parts as possible if I feel like seriously going into PVP danger zone. Your video is very useful in determining how I might do that.
I get what you're saying about shields in PvE to which I'd say you're just flying the wrong ship for that - trying to turn a hull tank into a shield build usually means you have an odd hybrid of both which never works as well. I too don't like using hull tanks for bounty hunting for that reason - so for others at least I'd suggest leaving the Chieftain at home for PvE and taking a true shield tank like an FDL. That said if I were going in something like the Chieftain I'd still prefer the faster regen as I can pretty much get all my shields back in between fights at the CZ. If you're running sturdy that's great as it'll give you another 10% thermal drop but I think you'd be *much* better served by running long range on the 3 smalls (as that removes damage drop off) so you can snipe things at up to 6KM - then turn that hammer into another medium PA to deal more overall damage.
It was bit over 15% of extra thermal drop for me according to the stat values and that's with engineering I didn't bother to go all the way with. I think it would be something like 17.5% fully. However, you are right, range is better. The sturdy is a leftover from previous build I had that had serious power and heat issues.
For shield regeneration speed, I was already happy it before I had fast charge and now it's even better. I get it all back between small skirmishes and even in bigger fights if I manage to avoid most of the fire. It doesn't really go down unless I wilfully ignore several NPCs shooting at me. That being said, maybe I will tone it down a little because I don't think I even need all that shield for PvE. There will be less components to swap out for serious PVP mode as well.
The "chin" medium hardpoint seems to be where the meta PVP build armament is not quite as uniform as everywhere else. Some have the plasma there and some seem to have missiles of some sort. I used to have a cannon (turret fixed forward to match the shot velocity) until I encountered the PVP builds and noticed that they really like to have plenty of rails. So I decided to have an extra rail too but put it on the medium to be different.
Great build btw. I m currently building a bi weave chieftain but also run it shieldless as well with 5200 hull.
Shieldless is nice as you don't have to worry about pips in sys (for the most part) but there are just too many counters - come up against 1 missile boat and you're toast.
You are absolutely right and that’s y I run 2 ecms and 1 chaff 1 heatsink or 2 heatsinks when shieldless
And that's a decent counter - until you come up against packhounds or super pen rails where you're fucked. Not saying you're "wrong" but for the vast majority the trade off for no shields isn't worth it.
If there is ever a bubble wide apocalypse this I'm either taking my asp to Colonia or buying this thing and go ham
@Exigeous Does your newer Guardian defenses video mean you have updated your Alliance Chieftain PvP build to replace the module reinforcements with Guardian ones? Looks like there is plenty of power budget for it, but still leaves some choices like D vs E.
You say Bi-Weave, but the Coriolis URL says normal 6C's and, later in the video, shield recovery/recharge times are also for the normal 6C.
I noticed that, too. Checked the Coriolis link before the video and was really surprised to see non-biweave shields. I assume it was just a mistake, because there's no reason why you'd use a C-grade shield that isn't a biweave.
He did mean to put bi-weaves
SHIT - sorry about that, that's what I get for finishing the video at like 3 AM. I just posted a comment at the top correcting the error in recharge rate and have fixed the link - thanks so much for noticing and pointing it out. As uh, no, you don't want a class C :D
How do you get your ship or modules to the engineers for the exp effect with a 2D frame shift drive?
Great videos..Can you do one on the crusader?
Where should I put an interdictor module? Instead one module reinforcement, or one 4 class HRP?
i prefer drag ammo pack hounds in my medium slot to screw with all the boosting
edit: whenever you mod a shield for thermal resistance. take a kinetic and a thermals resistant booster, fill with heavy duty after that
Well realize that's going to change back soon - you still will remove pips from engines with drag munitions.
Could you do a Meta PVP FDL build?
You stole my thoughts lol, but indeed id like to see some gameplay and maybe a build.
Is this still your preferred build for the Chieftain? Just curious if another year and a half of flying it has changed your perspective on it. (Low chance for an answer, but worth a try.)
Low chance - I try to reply to *every* comment I get! (sometimes I miss replies due to the way the system works).
In short yes, I still fly this and love it. I don't run packhounds or seekers on it (not sure if that's in the build but I used to run that) so I just run another PA or Rail on the medium. But yeah, love this build.
@@Exigeous Sorry, badly worded. Just meant that comments on old videos tend, for a multitude of good reasons, to fall between the cracks. My bad.
Thank you. It always interesting to see how veterans in a game change their builds and play style over the years. And equally interesting to see when they have found a build they enjoy so much they keep it the same over those years.
Oh no worries at all - I do make a strong effort to make sure that ALL my videos are current, otherwise I'll put a big fat NERFED or UPDATED across the thumbnails.
Why do you not have trouble with biweave given the prismatic meta? I just hear about hulltanks being weak, what's your opinion/experience with that?
Chieftain luvs 5ever
Now T-10 , please. Since it's a hull tank , I suggest cold stealth build.
Well they are all on the list but as I hate the big ships it'll be toward the end...
Large force shell cannons with 2 medium weapons of your choice on top (I suggest seekers or packhounds to counter fighters and small ships mostly) with 2 small plasma slug rails and a medium feedback cascade rail on the bottom.
6 A rated boosters with 2 heavy duty and 4 resistance augmented. 2 heat sinks.
8C Bi-weave, thermal resistance with lo-draw. 7A SCB. 2 5D MRP's and the rest hull. (Fighter Bay is optional)
Shielded FSD and life support (A rated) with long range A rated sensors and an armored powerplant. Heavy duty bulkheads.
This is my personal build for the T10 that I have had so much fun with. You can use this for 1v1's and it's decent enough for it. Do not use it in wing fights.
Amazing video , thank you a lot. Btw I dont know if you even read this but, If i wanna try this build but with multicannons cause Im not that good atm with PA's what blueprint and effects would you recommend for pvp?
if the shield breaks the recharge would eat up the distro and the chaff wont work.
How do you get to any engagements not already in the system the ship is in with that jump range?
taxi hauler
Love the intro
I'll let CMDR Metsys know, he put it together for me.
I’m working on putting together this build but I’m concerned about the damage reduction from the small rails. What’s your experience? Does it matter? A penny for your thoughts.
Most of your raw damage is going to come from those PAs. The rails are more for the utility of canceling banks and module sniping.
???? no damage reduction go up to 6k with no damage drop off i'm running it now
When every PVP I've encountered uses PA's that deal absoloute damage why bother with resistances for hull and shields? I use mil spec armour heavy duty and bi-weaves reinforced with fast charge. Charge slightly faster than off the shelf bi-weaves with around 700mj's.
Well because you won't always come up against PAs and rails - and realize only 60% of their damage is absolute (PAs) so resistances still do matter. Given the reactive isn't all that much more expensive (and if you're doing PvP you should have plenty of credits) you always want those much higher resistances.
@@Exigeous Thanks for some pointers on missed info!
Roll your size 2 plasma as a Rapid fire if youre gonna use APAs... so their ROF is closer. Just my 2c.
Interesting advice. I've heard that the frag cannon double shot is good too?
Hated the damn music though!
They are very powerful but the problem is you'll never have enough ammo to finish a fight that way and in the PvP community synthesis isn't allowed (certainly not in the tournament). As for the music sorry but I love it.
Overcharged is better than double shot since is got major damage buff in 3.0.
There’s a build that Hazzmango used which has 4 overcharged frags (drag, corrosive and screening shell) with large Efficient/Overcharged PA’s. Very good for 1v1’s.
CMDR Exigeous and Jazod...Ok good to know. PAs it is then. Though I think I will go with burst lasers vs rails. As far as the music each their own! LOL!
CMDR Exigeous I also loved the music don’t worry.
What is the price for this built?
Would have been easier to click the build link in the description and see rather than ask ;-)
@@Exigeous oh im so sorry! I didn't see it! I think clip all the link but that :p
Thank you and great videos you are making!
Oh no sweat, just giving you a hard time. Glad you're enjoying the content!
Because of canopy issues i switch to FAS and it can almost out play any ship
Yeah, the canopy is definitely it's weak spot but really not that much more so than the FAS and while sure, it's a great ship it's hardly the strongest of the medium class.
Great info thanks! But how do earn the money to buy one? Thx
Right now the best money maker is Sightseeing missions in Robigo - check my playlist on earning credits
Setup for PvE but I have 3 small pulse with long range mod and scramble for the experimental on all three. Overcharged autocannons for the other three hardpoints. Incendiary rounds on the two larges and corrosive on the medium. Chews through hull like nothing... Dont know how it would fair in PvP but with A rated thrusters alone this thing is a beast in conflict zones. Havent even modded anything but the weapons.
Are enforcer cannons viable in chieftain pvp?
My favorite build man, super fan . 5 enforcers overcharged 4 autoloader 1 corrosive, plus a hammer in the medium long range cascade. Takes time but is fun to fight with that.
For PVP do you rate the Chieftain over the Challenger??? I prefer how nimble the Chief is but the Challenger has better DPS, armor and shields.
I'd take the Chieftain every single time - while the stats on the Challenger are "better" using it as effectively is a different story.
I would say the Challenger is better for tankiness and constant DPS. Full multicannons is a solid build for the Challenger, though I use lasers as that is also a good choice.
The Chieftain is better for plasma and rails as it is faster and slightly more manuverable.
@@Exigeous thanks for the answer. The only reason I bought the Challenger was it's on paper performance (and it looks sweet in black) but I'll stick with the Chief. Thanks again o7!!!
@@Jazod looks like I need to get better with Plasma and Rails then!!! Although before that I need to work on my flying/pip management/thruster control (I could go on) haha!!!
Totally off topic, and i'm sure you're tired of seeing my face lol, but you're the only one I can count on to answer...but I have a question regarding missions, I've recently come back from a couple of months break to find out that mission payouts have been screwed. I'm finding the missions I once did now pay drastically less. especially wing missions that want you to deliver almost 6k units for a 1.5mil payout. They used to payout between 20-50mil. Did I miss something while I was taking a break? I know FDev plan on "Fixing" the mission system, aka destroy board hopping, and increase payouts by 10% but will 10% even be enough? Sounds like it will just return to the slightly better payout state it was awhile back compared to now..
No worries, but if you post on any video it shows up in my feed so you can pick a more topical one next time ;-)
You can still find those missions, albeit fewer and farther between. Right now the best money making is Sightseeing missions in Robigo (I have a video on it). Wing missions at $50M still exist they are just really hard to find.
so .. is it "actually" legit to full ham on multis with a chieftain at least for pve purposes? o:
new to elite and recently grabbed my chieftain, currently running 2 large gimballed multi and all the rest as rails.
really enjoyed going dakka-fighter with my eagle an i-eagle so making a 'gunship'ish chieftain would sound kinda funny ...
Will this build work for PVE or will it need some change?
Neww account and this video popped up o7
please do FDL
Don't worry, it's up next.
I'm planning on building a similar crusader laser/multi build, is there any other significant difference between the crusader and the chieftain apart from the fighter bay?
The Crusader is utter rubbish! It has less internal compartments is much slower and has one less hard point. You get a fighter bay, but if you plan for PvP forget the Crusader and go Chieftain. Also worth considering is the Fer-De-Lance. Compared to the Chieftain it has more utility slots, much stronger shields 4 medium and 1 huge hard point. Speed is about the same, though it has less internal compartments and even fully engineered it has less hull points. It also costs more than the Chieftain and the re-buys are obviously also higher.
@@AquaPixMedia I already got a pvp based fdl with packhounds(when I get them), I'm going for crusader because it's better for PvE and multicrew since it's got a fighterbay + my only other pve/bounty hunting ship is the vulture (my krait is AX)
For that purpose you should look into the Krait. Much better and faster than the Crusader and it has a fighter bay too. Decent shields more internal slots and more firepower with a decent jump range. The Krait is currently my most used ship. At the moment I am in the Plaiades hunting Cyclopses and Basilisks solo... a lot of fun with the Krait!
You know I'm gonna sorta disagree with Andy on the Crusader - it's just much harder to fly well. I've been using it more and more and every time I do I think "damn, I sorta like this thing". It definitely has a higher skill ceiling as you really have to fly it FA-Off to make it effective. So if you're a bit new to combat I'd go with the Chieftain for sure.
@@AquaPixMedia that's why I added my krait is built for AX and nothing else
Just found this video. LOL I had to laugh when you spun the ship around and noticed a 'feature' my Chieftain seems to always have...cracks in the canopy. This is the only ship if ever had lose the canopy in a fight. For that reason it is not a 'best medium' combat ship for xeno in my book.
I personally run Enforcers on the smalls and a multicannon on the medium. But I run APAs on the Larges. My internals also sacrifice some durability for jump range (FSD booster).
I guess mine is a high end PvE or a very weak Pvp build. Well. I have fun with it and the multi cannons are just badass to fire.
Yeah, I'd say that'a a PvE build if you're running a booster and giving up that much hull. As for the enforcers they might be my single favorite weapon, I absolutely love them on my Sidewinder.
2 super penetrator 1 feedback would make more sense. even I use 3 super penetrators
For the life of me I can’t use rails, any tips?
Go Thargoid Scout hunting with rails. Normal rails will do and you don't have to grind for Guardian Gauss cannons. It will also teach you heat management, so make sure that you bring a heat sink launcher and synth materials. As a bonus you will rank up in combat quickly as each Scout counts as much as an Elite opponent.
Just needs practice. I was a horrendous shot at first but now I can start hitting modules on ships.
As has been said practice makes perfect - do you fly KBM or Stick? They are definitely easier for KBM pilots as I struggle at times with accuracy using my HOTAS.
Start by aiming large ships. Then medium ones. Then small and nimble targets.
My favorite way to practice is to take my fdl to a has res and only fight stuff that is small and if your lucky you will have plenty of diamond backs and cobras to practice on
Didn't mention the flying shotgun? Every hardpoint is a frag cannon, overcharged with incendiary except one of the smalls being overcharged corrosive shell. Small ships die in one burst. Medium ships only last two or three. Large can't get you in their sights.
Only big weakness I could see is really small speed builds keeping distance on you, and that's only PVP. In pve there's just no competition.
Call me old fashioned all you want but I don’t like the plasma thingies and high tech rail guns etc.
Good ol’ bullets and explosives should make any problem go away if you hit them with enough ammunition. I usually slap enforcers and large fixed multi cannons on the top, and a surprise pack hounds on the bottom for that module snipe because I can not be bothered to aim the rails :)
I don't have the time and patience to even unlock most of these engineers, let alone farm the mats to feed them... So my pvp experience is just running or entering solo mode to the populated systems.
ok cool
Well done taking down a TT pilot, seems your skill has improved, also my build is dual PA, 1 medium rail and 3 enforcers
Yeah, well if I'm being fair to Liella (just had to use this) his FDL wasn't fully engineered as he was playing around with a new build - in a standard 1v1 it would have gone differently for sure.
Ok I need some info here. I use Bi-weaves on all my medium combat ships. But I always use reinforced with fast charge - then I balance out my resistances with thermal shield boosters.
Yet I always see people recommend bi-weaves with thermal resistant fast charge.
What am I missing here?
I know there’s more than 2 ways to skin a cat, but I’m thinking I’m missing something.
O7 commander Cyfus out.
Plasma accl will shred this i am afraid
fsd 2d lol. it will be broken at rails
This guy should work for the military
The one line.. I don't jump my fighters.. soooo. do you just fly from system to system.. that would take a few years
Late to comment but no, by that he means that he ships them to the system rather than flying. It's what I do, especially when trying to engineer a combat ship.
Music is way too loud.
Comment is way too quiet
Yo if you made this vid for new players like me, you would be surprised to find out nobody understood a ting. if you made it for advanced players you also would be surprised to find out THERE ARE BETTER BUILDS OUT THERE
do i get anything for being the first view like and comment
Only a salute from me. :) o7
Pride and accomplishment / personal narrative
Braben? Is that you?
Duc that's awesome, "personal narrative" :D
i like eating poop
Everyone likes to, right?
Enjoy your meal...