Miralami It’s all about the brain, you think that something works when it does absolutely nothing and you start feeling better. It’s generally used when talking about medicine. The opposite is the nocebo effect like say when you read the secondary effects of a medicine and start feeling them when in reality it all comes from your mind.
I was really hoping that the crew is going to troll Rhett by giving him a real habanero pepper as well. Watching the prank backfire would be infinitely funnier.
S R You feel better when you take them if you make up your mind cause you want them to work, when they really do nothing. Did you even watch the video?
Can we talk about the fact that Link legit became a fire eating demon and Rhett was just looking like "Wait is this man for real who's getting pranked here?!" at times?
It's amazing how Link fooled his mind to think he wasn't affected by the hotness, he really tried to play it off for the longest, wow, classic placebo effect.
Actually the gummies' sugar and corn syrup would in fact coat your tongue against the burn of hot food temporarily Accidentally used the sugar/sweet remedy in the gag
What they should have done was also give Link the unspicy food so he would think the pill was working, then come the final round give him a real ghost pepper which he would eat in one bite thinking it wouldn't be spicy.
The disappointment and confusion on Rhett’s face when Link said he feels nothing.. and then excitement creeping back in when Link says he feels something on his ear
I actually would have been more interested if the placebo effect would have worked with Rhett in that circumstance, because of the fact that Rhett honestly thought he was eating a bell pepper so if he had eaten a habanero would it have changed anything for him experience wise at all? Would the placebo effect have worked on rhett in that instance?
could it be that pain processes through the brain and because the placebo effect is a psychological effect it tricks the part of the brain that processes pain? just a guess.
Sylos Fantasy a beneficial effect, produced by a placebo drug or treatment, that cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment.
a beneficial effect, produced by a placebo drug or treatment, that cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment.
hold on, i'll explain a beneficial effect, produced by a placebo drug or treatment, that cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment.
L & B NATION it’s the placebo effect as he made his brain tolerable to the pain not thinking the pepper was hot. if they jus tricked him he would’ve felt the burn but he has suggestibility that the pill works making his brain tolerable
If you think a certain object (mostly tablets or the like) should have a certain effect, and your body simulates the effect even if it is not happening.
Alina Hartlaub It's basically when you do something thinking that something will happen because of that, and you think it does because you were expecting it even though it doesn't happen (I'm trash at explaining)
Alina Hartlaub if I give you a glass of water and say it's medicine that will make you feel happy, your body will believe it and you could gain the benefits of it. If I give you the same glass of water and say it's toilet water that will make you sick, you could in tern get sick from it. I'm surprised so many people don't know what the placebo effect is.
This is a great video about the power of suggestion and the placebo effect. Social pressure and conformity are also major players! This is excellent from a psychology perspective!
I was expecting Stevie to say "this is actually a joke for Rhett that is going to eat an habanero thinkng it's an orange bell". That would have been funnier.
The Mythical Crew should've pranked Rhett with an actual Habanero! Since Rhett is pranking Link, he would have to have a straight face while eating the Habanero. Rhett's reaction would be priceless since he was expecting a bell pepper. Also, the whole Mythical crew should've made a separate video explaining the prank on Rhett (just like what Rhett did about Link)
What they should have done was give link non spicy peppers and just said they were spicy to make him think it was waorking and than out of no where hit him with a really spicy one
OptimusPhillip yeah thats true i guess they should've just gave him the fake hot peppers than gave him a reaper or somethin like that just to see how it would work lol
I think it would have been hysterical if the crew switched the habanero pepper with the bell pepper, and Rhett got the Habanero. That would bring this full circle
I think it would've been genius to feed Link all non-spicy stuff and told him it was all ghost-pepper infused stuff, and then at the end give him an actual ghost pepper to eat.
Link : I don’t feel anything
Rhett : wait that’s illegal
3living2meme Lol
Its called placebo
Link overcame his greatest en3my using placebo
Ok boomer
The crew should've done a double prank and switched the habeneros.
Yes and then Rhett would have to pretend it was the normal one😂
Erin Donovan Yes!
True omg that would be hilarious 😂😂 missed opportunity
Erin Donovan that would have been so damn funny
Erin Donovan I would have liked that more
*Link wheezes*
“I’m totally fine, too!”
Lol he wanted it to work so badly.
he was kidding
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice 666 likes bro
Insectliquid Insectliquid Insectliquid he ded
hello fellow theater kid fancy seeing you here
@@treesuhhh Yup. This comment has so many likes based on misunderstanding a joke. Makes you think who's watching.
I’m rewatching this during quarantine and I was NOT prepared for Link’s beard in that intro haha
Same I wasn't ready haha
neither was i
Rhett talks fast when he lies
Lol must be the adrenaline
Yea and he talks alot and very animated
@@bc96905 yeah lol hes doing too much hahah
@@bc96905 I was thinking the same thing, it's like his movement dial is up at 11 hahaha
no he doesnt
The Placebo effect is the coolest thing ever
I see what you did there...
'Coolest' thing?
wth is a placebo effect? never heard that before
Miralami It’s all about the brain, you think that something works when it does absolutely nothing and you start feeling better. It’s generally used when talking about medicine. The opposite is the nocebo effect like say when you read the secondary effects of a medicine and start feeling them when in reality it all comes from your mind.
@@andythierry5402 ohh that makes sense, thanks
@NightHunt pathetic
Link not feeling anything is an example of the placebo effect
Placebos can be very powerful
@@goos6005 it's also kind of a mix of that as well as conformity
*laughs in placebo effect*
10:14 Rhett's face when he realizes that Link is either lying or he's deep in the placebo effect
I was gonna comment this and then I saw your comment and I’m like how did you know
Placebo is almost kinda like lying but thinking ur telling the truth
10:17 “oh now NONONONONONO-“
@@Rex-golf_player810how is placebo effect at all lying haha
@@joshball8674 well in this case, link is not telling the truth whether he knows it or not, he THINKS its working, but its literally vitamin pills lol
I was really hoping that the crew is going to troll Rhett by giving him a real habanero pepper as well. Watching the prank backfire would be infinitely funnier.
RolandsSh OMG i was thinking the exact same thing
Double placebo effect. What could have been...
It would have been great!
RolandsSh I was thinking that too, but instead giving link the bell pepper xD
RolandsSh That would have been awesome 😁
Everyone saying Rhett is being over dramatic but that’s literally how excited he gets about things 😂
Yeah that's just rhett 🤣
That's fine yeah I got to find my pants
@@Quizey-_- have you found your pants?
@@Quizey-_- dude did you find them?
@TheCactus i found them all good
The placebo effect can be used for good and can be also be used for evil
Vitamin pills give a great placebo effect
Oscar Rasmussen Wym?
S R You feel better when you take them if you make up your mind cause you want them to work, when they really do nothing. Did you even watch the video?
Such is life
Just the fact that its called 'anti-cap' makes this 10x better
Can we talk about the fact that Link legit became a fire eating demon and Rhett was just looking like "Wait is this man for real who's getting pranked here?!" at times?
umbaupause LOL hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha hahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahha poor Link
umbaupause lol ikr
placebo pranks
Placebo effect - the closest to magic we ever will get...
Adrenaline- the closest to strength and health (not healing) potions...
Your mom-the closest thing to a land whale we will ever get
Crimson King 😂 i love that!
belief is magic
Kristian Fagerström Mandela effect?
Rhett was really overdoing it, but I agree that his methodology of the strong positive reaction definitely did help with the placebo effect
They are usually pretty over dramatic 😂
OMG! I just randomly watched that video. Everybody in the comments were going on about the dude who only ate 7 tacos.
@@abdulrahmanfayoumi4300 what? no he wasn't. it's placebo.
well they're recording a show, link would think it would be normal for rhett to be over dramatic
You should’ve given him the non-spicy ones to make him think it was working and then give him an actual reaper pepper at the end
thats exactly what i was thinking. give him the non spicy ones the whole way up and the last one should be spicy
Nah that wasn’t the point. The point was to try and make him think that what he was eating didn’t taste spicy even though it did. Placebo effect.
No no Carolina Reapers are over the top.
i think he would be able to taste the bell pepper
It's amazing how Link fooled his mind to think he wasn't affected by the hotness, he really tried to play it off for the longest, wow, classic placebo effect.
Yes the brain is a powerful liar
The power of suggestion :)
Actually the gummies' sugar and corn syrup would in fact coat your tongue against the burn of hot food temporarily
Accidentally used the sugar/sweet remedy in the gag
The placebo effect at its finest right here I love it
I read your comment the same time as he said it 😂😂
@@flashash9995 Liar
@Draco Malfoy rhett and link did not say those words
maybe not placebo but trying to fit in and go with the flow
obsidianorchids It is quite literally the placebo effect.
What they should have done was also give Link the unspicy food so he would think the pill was working, then come the final round give him a real ghost pepper which he would eat in one bite thinking it wouldn't be spicy.
Ooooooh dang
That's overkill and I love it
too harsh for both of them
They did that with the 2nd one im pretty sure
Exactly LOL
It’s funny how Rhett was so overselling it and Link didn’t suspect anything.
I like how the Placebo effect starts working on Link! And Rhett is literally overselling it lol!
Genesis D. I
Imagine if they accidentally gave Link the bell pepper.
Arunvir Shergill it’s a habanero bells are not spicy lol
Oops just saw the video u are right
The end is corona city
Carson Ladurini it’s corona time 😳
imagine if they did that to Rhett for the u l t i m a t e prank
6:58 When you see how much Rhett is overselling it and also see that Link is still buying it...
@Tom Spencer nah that's a bit of vegetable
Placebo effect
He gets excited a bit
The disappointment and confusion on Rhett’s face when Link said he feels nothing.. and then excitement creeping back in when Link says he feels something on his ear
The trippiest thing about this video is Rhett’s hat
when does he have a hat?
@@missundies DW Q's DW u n!
Karolin S 2:35...
this is so random but judging by your pfp you r soo pretty 💛
Molly Gibson bro ur too thirsty bruh
It would’ve been so funny if for the last round the crew actually gave Link the bell pepper and Rhett the habanero.
ChocolateDaPug68 dude that would've been so funny
Yeah, Rhett would have to try and play it cool while crying and sniffling, and Link would be amazed it actually worked.
oh my god that would've ben incredible, and ALSO a bit of a retribution for getting link all spicy.
I actually would have been more interested if the placebo effect would have worked with Rhett in that circumstance, because of the fact that Rhett honestly thought he was eating a bell pepper so if he had eaten a habanero would it have changed anything for him experience wise at all? Would the placebo effect have worked on rhett in that instance?
Should have given link a bell pepper as well to solidify the placebo then step have stepped up to a Carolina reaper
Rhett: "Lactose intolerant like me."
*flashes back to the cheese ice cream sandwich*
Servant of the King you can still eat dairy
@@xhad3zx399 Yeah, good point. Still, it's probably not a good idea to eat a dairy sandwich that must've weighed at least a couple pounds. XD
My CheeeeEEeeeesssseee ice cream sandwich
I'm the 666th like
Now I have the screenshot to prove it
Link: I have it all over my tongue and I don't feel anything
Rhett: 👁👄👁 *wut*
Lol Rhett was overselling it
KaylaZX true lol
It is what he does.
@@alisgray lol true.
especially at 7:56 when Rhett winked lol
thanks for all the likes, dont forget to watch the new youresoloud video
11:31 - *link's death stare to Rhett*
"Are you kidding me??"
The minute Rhett did the secret private talk to the camera I had to like the episode
The way Rhett said "I may aswell of just been eating a bell pepper" so convincingly knowing full well he's just eaten a bell pepper hahahaha
Watching this in quarantine, as is my duty.
Chloe Randolph I’m expecting links beard after quarantine
same, going on a gmm marathon
Yep just thinking about school
Wait quarantine from what? Its 3 y ago
Link hasn't got Rhett back for this.. *still waiting*
ZeidGho likewise :)
he let a poopbag smack his face, i think it's pretty even
Still waiting
Still waiting as well
6/21 checking in, still waiting.
The mind is very powerful
Gazmend Iseni yes
x Rhenum x forgot to switch accounts buddy
@@chrisplante5917 okay, I was so confused lmao
Ummm... ok
As a psych major, this wins so many points for the placebo effect!
I respect the psych major choice. My psych class first semester was so fun!
As someone with a psych degree, I couldn’t agree more.
That and just wanting to play it up for the video
“I might as well have eaten a bell pepper “
Nice one Rhett
I laughed so hard when he said that 😂
Still waiting for Link’s revenge..........still....... WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!
H said he wasn't mad
Are you still waiting ??
I know the placebo effect is part of what caused this result, but I'm still surprised that he wasn't reacting worse to the roasted habanero
007K it was a fake prank
could it be that pain processes through the brain and because the placebo effect is a psychological effect it tricks the part of the brain that processes pain? just a guess.
Foreverapig you literally have nothing to prove that. Why do you say?
007K yup mind over matter
I for one think the habanero was a dud. Happens often enough with ghost peppers.
Link needs redemption. Mythical crew it’s time to prank rhett
how did they all manage to not break out in laughter
They did...
CrunchiBox your mum
You guys need to sell those bottles as a prank item
madjedi22 That would be false advertising and therefore against the law.
Eshanul tru
Jeff Macin It would say it's a prank.....but you could trick your friends it's like a trick candle.
nah then peoples gonna be tryna eat friggin' ghost peppers and sh*t
*This marks the moment Link lost all trust in his friend and crew*
Top 10 Anime Betrayals
Hasn’t it always been that way lmao
Im the 1k liker lol
Love Rhett's panic when Link's didn't feel pain🤣
Me, who hasn't watched gmm in 3-4 years:
Link: *BEARD*
How, how does a 1972 Chevy Nova watch TH-cam?
Nathan Madvig yes
Not the hair ?😂
@@lilbunofficial in style
@Jean Scylla he looks cooool
One of these days Link's just gonna snap.
Did they do pranks on him before? :D Which ones?
FilterHat he did.. watch the bloodnog part of their will it eggnog
Kishinuma Ayumi lol ur right
With the straight jacket aswell.
FilterHat 90
Link: I'm totally fine
Also Link: *hiccups*
Day 45: Im getting deeper and deeper into gmm youtube video spiral, this is by far the best episode Ive seen.
1 comment
300th like
Oh my god, I think I love you almost as much as this post😂😂
I'm in that spiral with ya buddy
777th like
Link was so pissed xD What a placebo effect!
Sylos Fantasy
a beneficial effect, produced by a placebo drug or treatment, that cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment.
ksbk 1986 they weren't asking "What is a placebo effect" they were stating "what a placebo effect" since this video doesn't say the word placebo once.
ksbk 1986 wow you must be an expert at googling
a beneficial effect, produced by a placebo drug or treatment, that cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment.
hold on, i'll explain
a beneficial effect, produced by a placebo drug or treatment, that cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment.
Link: I’m not feeling any pain!
Rhett: you *_what?_*
Link with a beard is the most cursed thing I've seen
The Gaming Charizard stubble looks great on him
yeah I actually think it looks pretty good
Cason Sanders no
@Linda Trefan 🤨
You should see his look now
Once I gave a vitamin to a friend saying it was extasy. Watching him acting high all night was the funniest thing ever
Sh. Osmanov LOL
Once I gave my friend x and told him it was a vitamin
Wasn't that the plot to GO?
Placebo effect: *level 100*
Naya Jade total placibo
Nah more like he was just lied to and he’s gullible, But it’s funny
L & B NATION it’s the placebo effect as he made his brain tolerable to the pain not thinking the pepper was hot. if they jus tricked him he would’ve felt the burn but he has suggestibility that the pill works making his brain tolerable
rhett hammed it up way too much, i mean link didn't notice but he's link he never notices anything lol
blah blag Yeah true Link doesn’t really notice stuff.
blah blag ehh they work in entertainment, maybe he thought Rhett was playing it up for the camera
blah blag +
3 years later, still one of my favorite videos of theirs. 😂
He’s not faking guys it’s the placebo effect
@@jaxonfreeze7882 don't matter
colorbar.s, actually it does. Affect is a verb, while Effect is a noun.
@@jaxonfreeze7882 no one cares
Luis Martinez Apparently you do since you commented on it.
Rhett stutters a lot when he lies XD
Uwahh, the placebo effect is such a fascinating concept.
yeah, the placebo effect is weird XD
that's what he means because link thought they were real so because of the placebo effect they worked
Yeah, so much for people saying "This and that totally works!"
The Placebo/Nocebo effect isn't a concept, it's a real thing.
Masked B1tch U cant think not feeling pain.
Spicyness is basically pain
7:29 I’m totally fine too had me dying
*this, this right here* *_is my favourite GMM episode E. V. E. R._*
11:02 "I might as well just have been eating a Bell pepper" 😂
Lol right, such a big hint
Lionz Playz and he still didn't catch on
Maikel Versantvoort q
Maikel Versantvoort I
now it's time for Link's revenge.😈
Katelyn C I
Honestly this episode was hilarious XD
Katelyn C ya lol
epic face
I was the 1 k like
I was really wishing this was real. I get bad stomach pains with spicy foods.
That’s usually caused by insufficient prep. You can’t eat spicy foods on an empty stomach.
@@ernestryles or theyve eaten too much spicy food and it damaged their stomach
"I thought the logo sucked" 😂😂
Like every other medicine label 😏
1:35 "it got a great logo 😑" 😂😂
You are the biggest loser/hater the logo was awesome
Never trust a guy wearing a fedora
Fedoras are great, hush now 😉😂
Lucy Is this man bothering you? Step aside.
“I’m totally fine too” and “I …this has totally revolutionized my life” always gets me tickled haha.
Can we talk about how good of a sport Link is? I would _not_ be that kind about it.
bulletproof loneliness n
It's because he is a father😂
@@caralorraine5629 probably! That makes sense 😂
@J&N Gaming and More! 😂 me too
You might if you were getting paid
10:11 Rhett's face when Link said he doesn't feel anything 🤣
Priceless hahahaha
Therapist: Rhett in a fedora doesn't exist.
Rhett in a fedora:
Treesap Studios 😂🤣
This 🔥
Fedora Rhett: IT'S ALL A LIE
That's not a fedora
Look at the likes
I just want to know how the pitch meeting went for “hey so we’re gonna just gaslight link the entire episode” 😂
They have a few episodes like this and I love each and every one of them.
10:12 Rhett's unbelieving gaze is priceless
Next season, Link will showcase a brand new pill that makes it so you can't taste liver
William Vouk Or Tomatos
1 Up Productions Wait yeah doesn't Rhett like tomatoes?
William Vouk Rhett would eat tomatos out of the garbage
Jaden Guieb Because Link Hates Tomatos
1 Up Productions then why would link do it
Pranking of a whole new level... is this considered a social experiment?
Definitely the placebo effect is taking place, but mainly it's a prank xD
The prank level just went through the roof
This is literally my favorite video of GMM😂
Dang, the placebo effect is pretty amazing, that would have killed link before.
Fuzzy Images what is the Placebo-Effect??😕😕
If you think a certain object (mostly tablets or the like) should have a certain effect, and your body simulates the effect even if it is not happening.
Alina Hartlaub It's basically when you do something thinking that something will happen because of that, and you think it does because you were expecting it even though it doesn't happen (I'm trash at explaining)
Alina Hartlaub It's basically when you believe something is working but it's really not.
Alina Hartlaub if I give you a glass of water and say it's medicine that will make you feel happy, your body will believe it and you could gain the benefits of it. If I give you the same glass of water and say it's toilet water that will make you sick, you could in tern get sick from it. I'm surprised so many people don't know what the placebo effect is.
This is a great video about the power of suggestion and the placebo effect. Social pressure and conformity are also major players! This is excellent from a psychology perspective!
gangstreG123 t
Lmao, im taking social psychology right now; it really does connects with this.
BabyLove me toooo
Ikr, the brain is a powerful organ
I was expecting Stevie to say "this is actually a joke for Rhett that is going to eat an habanero thinkng it's an orange bell".
That would have been funnier.
Marti Jez That would have been AMAZING
Marti Jez Whoa! A prank within a prank.
Yes I was thinking that too!!!!!
Missed opportunity, Mythical Crew!
Marti Jez me too omg
the placebo effect just keeps proving how powerful our mind is.
Rhett has the best acting ever.
Metz GT not really lol
Not so much actually, he's overplaying it. I don't think he would actually have reacted this way to an actual pill
@Where Mah Koolaid at I wouldn't assume so? Maybe, but with not much context I'd tend to take it seriously
The Mythical Crew should've pranked Rhett with an actual Habanero! Since Rhett is pranking Link, he would have to have a straight face while eating the Habanero. Rhett's reaction would be priceless since he was expecting a bell pepper. Also, the whole Mythical crew should've made a separate video explaining the prank on Rhett (just like what Rhett did about Link)
yeah, that would have been way more funny
Omg, that would have been epic!
Camren of
The Placebo Effect at its finest......
Facts on me
Facts on me True.....
Facts on me true
Facts on me I agree
Seriously just such a classic episode, always find myself coming back
Rhett : I might as well have been eating a bell pepper 😂😂😂
The crew should have double pranked Rhett at the very end
I only speak English sos
What they should have done was give link non spicy peppers and just said they were spicy to make him think it was waorking and than out of no where hit him with a really spicy one
Damn. Good one.
Probably would still work. Placebo effect and all.
OptimusPhillip i dont think placebo would overpower a pepper with over at least 200k+ scoville but maybe it would idk
the G.O.A.T I don't know either, but it did manage to overpower the habanero, and I've heard it's a really powerful effect overall
OptimusPhillip yeah thats true i guess they should've just gave him the fake hot peppers than gave him a reaper or somethin like that just to see how it would work lol
This was the best gmm era by far. The beards, the experience, the creativity, the execution everything
Cliché Queen same lmao
Cliché Queen YES SAME!!!!
Cliché Queen lol twinz
Cliché Queen OMG SAME
Cliché Queen same
They're basically testing the Placebo effect on Link, it's pretty interesting.
JohnBK34 : SO _TRUE!_
I seriously kept thinking that _exact_ same thing!
same thing that i thought
And it kinda worked, crazy
They made Link feel like he was supposed to not feel anything and I think the placebo effect did work, a small bit
Yeah and it worked a lot better than I thought it would!
I think it would have been hysterical if the crew switched the habanero pepper with the bell pepper, and Rhett got the Habanero. That would bring this full circle
BUt wouldn't that be another placebo because he thinks he's getting the bell pepper?
Narges A that’s exactly what he s sayin
And then Rhett secretly knows so switches back the switch back and its a triple craziness and keeps going and going.
12:20 “...and that I can’t trust anyone here!” 😂
Rhett: I think i need to become the spokesman for this product!
Link:*hiccup* i think you are
kidenderman04 ___ I literally read this at he said it... UHHHHHHH... NANI???
He didn't hiccup there :/
Good Gregory I know this is my 7th time watching this vid and every time I’ve seen this comment and it drove me craxu
I think it would've been genius to feed Link all non-spicy stuff and told him it was all ghost-pepper infused stuff, and then at the end give him an actual ghost pepper to eat.
LNxTCB Carolina Reaper*
Lusion ......okay......?
the point is, hes supposed to eat it and it'd be non spicy... not really though
Lusion 5 Carolina reapers
Rhett: Oversells
This episode would have been even better if Stevie pranked Rhett and gave him the habanero and gave Link the bell pepper at the end!
Link: *Gets ran over by car*
Im totally fine...
Ahh the wonders of the placebo affect
roo B probably the vitamans took a Liitttttle bit of the spicyness were he put the pill. He said it doesnt feel as bad where he put the pill.
roo B Effect*
YusufPlayz Gamez It was a placebo, he was just deceiving himself. Of course it didn't do anything.
Oh man this is the most hilarious prank for Link.
oh hi leonard
This was hilarious!! 😹😹 Rhett is so bad at lying he just starts talking so fast. But link is still so oblivious.
when link said that the last one wasn't hot i was like ''whoa whoa whoa hold on a sec are you pranking Rhett?''
“YoU AtE tHe BaNnAs MaN”