To seek truth is ignorant because what are you seeking? The truth of what? No one knows what any of this is they are seeing around them. Reality? Just another word for all of this which can not be figured out. Put some thought into it, it is not hard to break it down...
Enjoyed this interview very much. As an Englishman myself, ex professional house-painter, and ex martial arts idealist, I related to it very much. I'd love to have a beer with Mick,... seems like a solid, straight up no-BS kinda guy!
I love the comment of picking the less worst option. So many people think in self defense they can defend themselves and have a Moral Kombat "Flawless Victory" but in actuality in any confrontation you are 99% likely to get injured minor or major. So you have to have a predetermined mind set of accepting injury over death during an assault then be sure the attacker gets injured or killed in the process of trying to harm you.
Wakanakapisi Hello what? So if he was attacked and fought off the attacker, while coming out of it with no real injuries. He dishonored himself? What kind of thinking is that?
Had to fight a suspect that decided he was going to choke me with my external vest, and take my gun...and was big enough to follow through. Fought for nearly 5 mins to get to my backup gun and stop the fight....but it was the no BS training that I had transitioned to after 35 years of "martial arts" that saved me. I kept myself awake and fighting until I got to my gun...and I won't apologize to ANY of my former teachers for using "gun-fu" instead of keeping with tradition!
In my honest opinion this man is the best in the field.. Self defence self protection, combatives... Call it whatever you want but outside of sport combat mick coup stands above any instructor i have researched, met or trained with over the last 17 years. Hes an absolutely first class instructor..blunt as f##k, very amusing and doesn't suffer fools but if you seriously want to learn mick will seriously improve your chances of surviving a violent encounter.
Lazar R BJJ is taught to nearly every armed forces in the world. If it's seen fit to be used in a battle field than I'd say it's more than qualified to be classed as "street worthy". Fair enough, there won't be any mats, but having a few scratches because you fell on concrete is better than having your head bouncing off of it.
Hmm, I've always considered the 'art' in martial arts to be the way you conduct your life. It's the concept of 'do' in Budo. How does this man stay out of trouble? He's refined his mind and emotions to avoid and resolve conflict I'm sure. I appreciate his perspective and agree, real violence doesn't have an art, i's just primal. But living life is an art, and for some the martial training is the key to unlocking those qualities of respect, dignity and humility. Thanks for sharing. Good stuff.
Agree. I love his perspective in terms of how raw, and pure it is in practical application. But in some ways that’s no better than the person on the other end of the spectrum, with perfect katas and technical knowledge, or perhaps the more ‘art’ aspect. When you lose the human pathos, you lose the human. Very few, elite people could mentally and/or physically handle the extreme combative style of training. I think some of the art needs to be in there to reach ‘hearts and minds’ of more people and, in effect, have your knowledge reach more people. It’s great if you teach the most effective art in the world, but is worth that much if only a small number of people can ever learn it? Because of the human factor, you need both in moderation. That’s playing to the probabilities, as he said.
I wonder if he just hasn't found the right martial artist to appreciate. Maybe for him, watching someone who comes in every day and works hard and has a good disposition and helps his fellows at the gym, would be something he appreciates emotionally. It seems like he's suffered the fate of the expert, unable to shed his expertise, and so unable to enjoy the art of the field the same way a layman does.
The interviewer did a fantastic job on this bit, hats off. I'm not very knowledgeable about martial practises but I respond to sincerity and this guy's whole attitude seems to value honesty and reason in very focal way. A lot of this can apply to any discipline. Really happy to have seen this.
I understand and respect that guy. With honesty he builds honor. So, since respect and honor equal love, that guy is a bloody cupid! Who, I'm sure, stings like a bee.
Mick doesn't realize how much of an "artist" he actually is. What he's going for is simplicity. As much simplicity as possible which, with countless hours of training/effort leads to as much effectiveness as possible. A lot of the best art and innovation comes from making something that's complex more simple in a way that doesn't artificially strip away legitimately complexifying factors and yet makes it far more likely to achieve a certain outcome or come to a certain principle based conclusion as reliably as possible. Hence making the probable "perfect."
Amongst other things I did notice he says he has tried “all these martial arts over the years” something to that effect and now decides it’s all crap? Ok, that’s fine. I agree to an extent...But you have to admit that going through that process has lead to the current mindset. I agree with a lot he says and have also trained in different martial arts, tae Kwon do, wrestling, boxing, combat sports growing up, and recently in the last few years attended Krav Maga classes. i would never ever say that anything I learnt growing up, my early training is “crap” I understand, it’s not as useful on the street, and it can come across outdated etc.... but I have respect for what I was taught, and it has helped in my current training in Krav Maga and in many areas of my life. I think “verbally bashing” the local karate classes for e.g is not the best way to look at this. just because he has come to this ‘revelation’ later in life, should not take anything away from people who have gained, positive life experiences great or small from the martial arts. be like water not coffee...
Totally agree. People shit on TKD all the time. I can box a bit n folks will respect that but somehow think you were deluded into thinking any of TKD skills assist in combat in any way. A friend once said to me 'ok, i always thought spinning stuff was bullshit but now i know', after i spinning heel kicked him off his feet pre a wedding where he was fooling n throwing jabs at me. I wanted to say to him 'why the hell would you think the torque generated, the confusion that technique causes the eye, the reverse angle the heel ends up coming from, the distance covered etc wouldnt be effective in negating your skills??!'
Interestingly, it seems like ego is constantly getting in his way, even with his "revelation." For sure, ego gets in my way all the time when I think I can master it or tame it. For me, it's best to recognize its omnipresence, say hello to it, befriend it, and give it a constructive task, that of helping me live from a bigger place and make the wisest and most compassionate choice in any daily life situation.
It’s all about intent. If your training to maintain and improve your health it’s martial arts. If ur training to hurt people it’s not art form anymore, it has to be a functional. high kicks and trying to punch from the hip will get u badly hurt.
Yes, I trained martial arts for over 30 yrs and it took me this long to get firearms training...knife training...grapple training...and work out as hard as I can...still I need more...i still feel only 70% ready...30% of crap that will go wrong keeps me training.... this guy is awesome.
You really can’t defend yourself from a knife attack or gun. Only way to defend it is if the enemy doesn’t wanna kill you because he could be scared to face jail time. But a real killer wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger or stab you none stop until you die. Trust me, I have seen so so many gore videos m. The reality is the best way to defend these is to NEVER get involved in any situation or RUN!!!
Truth in martial arts, thanks bro, I follow what you're saying. I was in Japan for four years with the Navy ( US) And took Akido on base in Yokusoko Japan. Year's of mat throws and rolls, and control movements etc... and in what you're saying, I follow Bruce Lee as well, to do what works, and throw out all the bull. I throw knives to, so you get my drift.
Acknowledged problem of ego, boom. Acknowledged need for and limitations of testing for both sport and "real life" combat, boom. The only thing I think he missed/doesn't say is that the tools in the store are all found in the various arts. I'd argue that his practical approach is itself an art! Clearly, this guy "gets it" and has a ton to offer. Great find, Funker.
I think his critique is more about what people do with the arts rather than the arts... As you said, there are good tools in every martial art, but the teachers use/sell the tool in a stupid, not effective way.
I taught the same thing, but he doesn't want to associate with art since it has a small responsability in today's generalized world delusion. But yeah I agree that it's the most raw and pure form of art. There should exist a word to descibe 'practical' art,
Naw, man.. this guy is insane... there's absolutely nothing more effective than than making animal noises and performing multiple back flips in the middle of a fight. I mean, hell, that works against multiple swordsmen, easily dodges flying bullets, feet, and fists. When in doubt - go for the back flip and a good waaaaaaaaaah sound.
Just to clarify, I'm not at all upset at what he said. In fact, I'm intrigued. My thing is, werent martial arts designed to win fights, wars, oppressors and the likes? They wouldn't have been invented if they weren't a more efficient way of street brawling. Now there are a few bullshit ones such as the no touch knockout, but pretty much every martial art made has had an impact on history of this world. Slaves in the carribean and south america couldn't fight without capoeira, taekwondo at its wouldn't have been invented if they needed a way for foot soldiers to fight men who were on horseback, bjj for subduing a single attacker, who is more or less a random guy at a bar and etc. They all had their purpose and still hold up today. Especially when you look at how around 90% of people have never trained in any martial art or fight system. If mma is considered the "most realistic" for street combat, them obviously traditional martial arts have merit, correct?
Amen. “ No guarantees, only opportunities “ “ Belts are nothing, skill is something, but intent is everything” “ it is the practitioner that defines the art/ skill” “ everything works once, so we must apply what works most of the times, and not some of the times”. Chinese proverbs. Sincere regards. Tom Framnes.
Martial arts through many years of training has taught me methods to situations where others would not see those methods. That simple. Thats what martial arts does, teaches through repetition methods of dealing with situations. The same as most education currently does! Through repetition. You can say its useless and i sort of agree it is. If you take one art on its own and think thats the solution to all lifes problems. It will not be. However with a collection of arts behind you you begin to understand and appreciate what all the repetition was for. I am confident in my skin because of martial arts. That simple.
A friend was a 15 year fighter in TO. He was an armorer. He trained at work and had a full gym at home. I am 57 and so is he. He is a fighting machine, why? He never stopped, just added the good parts as time went. I really like the gents comment - Make the probable perfect. Cheers.
One of the most interesting and truthful videos I have watched on TH-cam. I went to a seminar earlier this year, arranged by my association. I teach self-defence. One of the ruling body/committee/officials made a statement to the other black belts there, along the lines of: "I don't recognise any black belt unless it was awarded by our grading panel." "Our" grading panel did not award him his dan grades. I nearly left the association on the spot. Arrogant didn't cover it. For one thing, he teaches Ju Jitsu, where I teach self-defence. I also have a similar outlook to Mick in that there is a lot of crap being taught out there based on lies, deceit, half-truths and making money. I try and teach techniques I know will work when someone is attacked outside the dojo. A lot of sport martial artists have the mistaken belief that they can instantly overcome years of developing muscle memory which basically is to prevent them seriously harming an opponent, when fight-or-flight kicks in and they need that ingrained reaction to survive. People who do MMA, BJJ, Aikido, Taekwondo, Judo, Ju Jitsu, etc. are often very skilled at winning trophies and forcing a submission, that's okay. What bothers me is that they think they will automatically reign supreme in the street of a bar where a fight is over in seconds, and there is no ref, no ring, no rules, and no rounds. What you will do under pressure is what you have trained for. Unfortunately a lot of students of most martial arts are told they will also be good in a self-defence situation. All lies. The fundamental principle I teach my students is "Don't be there", which has several interpretations, including the obvious one being don't go to places where you are likely to be attacked.
"Perfection is the enemy of good " is fairly brilliant and reminds me of the old Zen analogy - In the masters mind , the choices are limited . In the beginners mind , the choices are limitless . Great video and thanks .
I have been shopping for a new hammer. Some were shiny, some were colorful, some were down right fancy. I ended up buying an old, used framing hammer from a used tools booth at the flea market. It was still strong and did its job effectively. I didn't need something shiny, new and fancy. All I needed was something that worked every time I had to use it. Thanks for your insight Mike. Respect...
That is so true!!! For the longest time worked in security and I still do. How ever I have a hole new lòok at life. I had grow up in tough areas and had to fight lots. Street fighting was the way I had anything really goes. Then I got into Olympic freestyle wrestling and found discipline and structure from it. I then started to look at life differently understanding size dose not mater muscle also dose not mater. It is the mindset. That matters it helps a little bit size and muscle but the mind set is what makes or brakes you. For the longest time growing up I had the friends that bragged about how many fights they've had how many people they have beat up and so on and so forth. It was cooperative type let's flex type mentality. I lost all them as friends for a reason and I started to go with the if you want to impress me kick my ass ideology. They are the ones that ... anyway I had people pull knives I had one try to stab me. In short all I had was a flashlight and it was 3 on 2 but when the 2 other guys take off and the you are trying to disarm and handcuff the guy with a knife and your partner runs off. Life becomes surreal. It is funny when you see people going to box name training places. You have one person standing at the head of the class and the class is 300 People I would rather go to the smaller class the one that not many people hear about because you can have more focus more guidance to your goals. Everyday I put my uniform on I hope and pray I never have to fight or I pray that I will never have to fight for my life again but I know their are really bad people out in the world and that they don't follow rules. My plans are plan for the worst anything better then that is a good day.
How dare you violate my TH-cam safe space! If I catch that guy in an alley again, I will spinning-round-kick him in the head, followed by judo-chop, and then I will dazzle him with my nunchuck and bow staff skills....BAM!!
This is big mike from Pasadena CA and I completely agree with you 110 percent plus I have dealt with shit for years and my circle of friends can take over with their egos basically most guys have rouin it for me
It's true. There is no art in fighting or even real life violence, street fight. Art belongs in movies, film for example ip man, ong bak, tripple threat, the raid, etc. where all the fights are choreographed the way the director's desired or the script desired.
Tiger Claw I totally disagree with you. Running, weaponry, offensive is not art. It's technique. Art is something people watch or feel to enjoy. Like painting, music, poetry, acting and you know what dipshit, people don't enjoy watching blood or taking a punch to the face, stab people on the neck, unless if you are with those fancy fantasy kungfu hollywood practitioner that's your problem. There is no art in street fight. Only technique, awareness and not to forget how you handle yourself in a high stress situation. Sorry I'm not interested in some stupid flashy moves which belong in film.
Art is well honed technique on display (even modern art). There is an art to any type of fighting including street. You can suck, be good, or be bad but catch lightning in a bottle (a lucky perfect punch).
I really enjoy these kind of videos and Funker Tactical. I am a combat veteran, currently working in the field of corrections, and I also train Kenpo. I want real fighting tips and training. Combat training that teaches real life defense. I like how he said that its like picking out a hammer. Good stuff guys.
Love mr coup and his honesty, I used to teach martial arts too, now I teach physical concepts and ideas, keep up the good work, look forward to meeting and training, (or if he wants good fish and chips can come to the coast)
Concepts and ideas can be changed, many many teachers are still teaching "this is the way to do this technique/block/ punch from this attack only" our students (and hopefully ourselves) have grown, there is no right or wrong, nothing set in stone, change adapt and move on, evolve, in martial arts there is a wonderful place for kata and that part of the 'art' but that's not the street or for the students that use it in there work, stay safe and train smart
I think his answer in #5 is spot on. Really difficult to "prove the results" of a reality-based self-defense system when you don't actually want to fight anyone. It is definitely important to determine if what you are training will actually work when you need it to. I would think that making sure you are sparring in your training is #1. Then, when you actually have achieved some level of proficiency, sparring with people who have trained in other systems and considering expanding your skills with cross-training.
Very true. Great interview. It is the same when people watch a Disney movie and they think they can go to the zoo and give a cuddle to a lion or a bear...
I think there are two different aggressively specific definitions on self-defense learnings and a mind set. 1. To be a Master of Material Arts. 2. To be an efficient warriors.
Bruce Lee was the first mix martial artist and all about shit that actually works. They sparred with full body protection so they could beat each other up.
you train technique and spar in a controlled non-deadly environment with consideration toward that technique and bam, you have more chance of "survival". no spirit animal is gonna unshackle itself and win the day for you if someone's put a knee in your ribs or an elbow through your jaw
Rules maybe, but technique matters in everything. It's the difference between getting that optimal power or having a defence collapse because you didn't do it right. Sure in the heat of the moment it may not be perfect, but that's why you work on it and drill it. If you are sparring in Eskrima (so with weapons) and your techniques bad, you will get hurt.
He makes a lot of really great points. I have had a lot of experience with the guys who want to make you believe that the “3rd option” is possible. Great video!
His a hard core man I feel he was talking everything I was feeling after 35 years of different styles of stand up fighting, my hat is off for you great speech. ....👍👍👍
This is what happens when you focus on fighting and confuse martial arts as a goal to achieve fighting prowess above all else. Martial arts were about using the body to train the mind. Learning how 'not' to fight with self or others. Today's modern combat systems and combat sports have hijacked the term martial arts in the same way that the Nazis hijacked the Buhdist swastika. I started martial arts an angry young man with a chip on my shoulder. I learnt that my attitude would only attract more of the same. Despite their obvious skill, my early teachers never once mentioned the word fighting. Sport tends to fosters ego. Fighting is reptilian and egotistical. It's like a black hole with no answers. Track record shows that martial arts teachers that focus on fighting end up disappointed. Geof Thompson was a classic example of this and here we see it again. The equation goes....expectation over results = self-esteem. Watch your thoughts, they become your words; Watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
You drank too much of the Kool-Aid...All "arts" were the same shit at one time, used for warfare. This "focusing on the lint in your belly-button" bullshit is a modern, western movie rendition of the original training. Even Ueshiba was mixing philosophy and combat when he fucked up jujitsu and created Aikido.
Lupus Venator - No unarmed 'martial arts' system was ever used in warfare. Even in simple riots people pick up anything they can throw or use as a weapon. Your reply is a clear indicator of your aggressive mindset. Like attracts like. Crack on and see where that gets you in civilian life.
Lupus, many were invented for that purpose and many were not. But all asian martial arts are designed to be holistic systems, benefiting your fighting ability, your intellect and your soul. If you only practice the martial aspect, you are not getting the full benefit of the martial art as it was intended to be practiced. And the intellectual and spiritual aspects benefit the martial aspect. If someone is attacking you, you want to be one focused and aware, not losing control. Because that makes it easier to defend yourself. This is one of those things where I find that I'm not going to convince anyone...either you realize there can be intellectual and spiritual aspects to anything and everything you do in life, or you don't.
Ask anyone whose been on a battlefield and you'll get a similar observation. Simple, well rehearsed and deliberately executed tactics are the best way to avoid the reaper.
I couldn't defend myself, and now - it seems, sort of, some of the time - I can. Violence is frightening. Fear is a word that denotes an experience, but if you want to know what the word denotes you'll have to have the experience, and learn to function while having that experience. Follow the criminals - they know the reality. Strength and power matter. Weapons work. Throwing a punch is a stupid thing to do. Punching someone is a good idea. There's all the difference in the world between throwing a punch and punching someone. Women and little kids punch people. Only trained or frightened men *throw* punches. Bare knuckle traveller fighters, thugs and doormen punch people. They feint, they make multiple intentional movements, they move closer, they move the hand with a little more deliberation than a good boxer might, *but they hit the target and transmit force*. The truth is there to see, but it isn't nice, as your man here says.
Perfection is the enemy of done! That's how I've heard it in the business world. Steve Jobs used to say - "Real artists ship", a corollary to exactly what Coup is saying here, but for the business world. Everyone has ideas of perfection. MMA can be seen as a proving ground those ideas in martial arts. The market is the proving ground for your ideas in product development. My first Mick Coup video viewing, I like this guy.
This is why Martial Arts aren't BS. They are art and should be treated as such. When it comes to fighting for your life, grab first heavy object around you and smash attacker with it... or run... running works in most cases.
Amazingly simple and logical concepts that can be applied in almost every field or discipline embraced by humans. Most people will choose the pleasant lie rather than the awkward true. Thank you for your honest clarity.
Ego does not ruin everything. Ego is essential for competition and pushing yourself further. It aids improvement and is a great motivator. Ok so too much ego where you are making mistakes or doing things wrong in an attempt to protect your ego is a bad thing.
I learned this 23 yrs ago when the manager of my school left the managers hand book on his desk. I couldn’t believe what I read. Everything was geared to get as much of your students money as possible as quick as possible. Like this guy says it’s all about these egos and they try to make you a lifetime customer. They want your money for the rest of your life 💰💰💰
narayantx um, have you seen that “Why blocking is useless” video they put out? ...Total bullshit. This channel is about 75% entertainment, 20% education, and %5 utter lies.
Ayyub - Funny that video led me here & much agreed. This guys all talk and the other video showed bad/slow technique & the cover advice is simply wrong..
Always good to hear Mick Coup, all his words are always pure gems ! Such a sharp and brilliant mind, the most brilliant guy in the self defense industy. Moreover his intellectual capacities have permit him to extract all the elements of a fight in order to create an unique combative system, with drills that can't be found elsewhere ! Such a brilliant and creative mind. I wish to express to you all my gratitude for the work that you have accomplished. Your work and your words are always big kick to all the nonsense that is ordinary said in the self defense industry.
The different conventions that have been adopted by a majority of countries such as the Geneva Conventions. I understand you were talking about the one on one aspect of warfare though (be killed or kill).
Anyone who’s in martial arts for the money has completely misunderstood the concept of “martial arts” it’s a vehicle for personal growth, spiritual development and learning, those who are driven by ego will limit their own progression and will only ever scratch the surface. So much fear driven behaviour in the industry, it’s a magnet for it. Many forget to develop the most important tool, the mind. Integrity is worth more than money.
Isn't having good wrestling, bjj, boxing, thai boxing, judo, mma also a means to an end? I get what he doesn't like about combat sports, but you can't deny the skills developed by practicing and competing and pressure testing your skills in such domains... He can dislike art all he wants, but a good MMA guy will still out skill him by a lot even even if he looks gets a tactical advantage in the fight. Practicing combat sports also is like going to the hardware store and getting a hammer...
I think he's down on Black Belt factories for 11 year old kids. It's ok to take the best of a variety of styles and build your own platform. The movies have driven people into the martial arts world where the schools just take advantage of parents who think they are giving their kid everything he needs to defend himself.
yeah he dislike these "My technique is the ultimate weapon against attackers" - YT bs or people who tell people "you wanna fight like a Powerranger - i teach you how" these are the guys he doesn't like the fire methapor is Fire = Defending Situation you can stay there defend youself not and get beaten you can defend as good as your teacher showed you how to do that you can go to one of these bs-teachers and learn to extinguish fire with a fart or diarrhea but don't wonder if it doesn't work out for you
I want to say to Mr Mick Coup, you are so RIGHT about everything you are saying, eventhough that this following you may nat agree with but It is my repectful opinion as Martial Arts Teacher. I do believe that the old way MA and its filosophy has change my young life at the time that I needed guiadance, when I started compiting things start to change because with time there was too much comercialization and competing wasnt fun anymore, I started to see the real Ego in people and some teachers as well, while in the military I saw fighting and it true essence, and it change my way of seeing some aproaches, and I started to work on what works and what not, I devoted 40 years of my life to the prosute of becoming a good fighter, but I must admit that as years go by my body changed injuries never healed properly and the way changed. Now I understand what the way of the warrior means. I dont have a big school only few students I dont train competitive fighters anymore, but every chance I have I will tackle new thinks I dont have the last word on fighting because I feel that this will always keep on evolutionating times change and so will be fighting, I respect people like you that tells it like you see it. Thank you respectfully !! OSS
I agree with all of this. 100%. But, it's looking at the martial arts business, scene, practice, whatever as synonymous with self defense, combatives and unarmed warfare. It's not. A martial artist is someone who would train their skills in the absolute most peaceful environment the same way as they would in the middle of an urban crap zone. A lot of people are only selling and shopping for martial arts as a weapon. The same way you would pick out a gun or a knife. It isn't the same. It isn't the same as sport fighting in ANY arena either. Look, you wanna learn to fight? Go into the nearest biker bar and dump a pint on the biggest guy's head. You'll figure out how to fight real quick. I like everything this man said, but it's looking at martial arts with a one dimensional view. But he's damn right about the ego. For a practice that's supposed to conquer and diminish the ego, there sure is a lot of it out there.
Jake Dunning Perhaps you smelled bullshido? This is Stevan Segal type of talk. Steven is big and punches ok.Likes to talk big game. But that's about it. I see parallels here.
A lot of "dojos" are selling an experience. Some "dojos" just have more substance and content than others. Most adults are not looking to get into a fight, they just want the positive health and mental benefits of "working out" the martial arts way. I am glad he is bold and stands by his principles. It is a statement of pride for what he does.
Wow, listening to this guy is like listening to the late Col. Jeff Cooper, or listening to Clint Smith. Pure, unadulterated truth from someone who has actually "been there, done that". Great video.
Man, I have been in a few fights. Back in the day, before everything was everybody being a kung fu star, I was an angry youth. My wife was warned, back when we just started going out, don't mess with Donnie he gets into fights all the time. After many fights and 22 years in the Marine Corps, you do not fight without being hurt. This gentlemen is right more than I could say. All the bull shito systems and such, what ever... The only thing that matters is coming out on the right end of a fight. that means you live. Period. Much respect to Mick. As a 46 year old myself, I am not concerned about your BS system. I am concerned about being prepared enough to live through a fight I DO NOT WANT TO BE IN TO BEGIN WITH. If you are a youngin (defined as younger than 46 i guess) realize you are not invincible and pain sucks... Now train that way...
My sensei broke off from his old school because they didn't adapt to modern fighting. so he started his own school and I have actually used a lot of what he has taught me in kickboxing and Street fighting
This bloke reminds me of my unarmed combat instructor in the army. Do what works. Do it well. Do it quickly with aggression and go.
That was kinda Bruce's way.
@@BluesManSteele yup people twist his words with their own.
Aggression is very very important and the ability to bring out that aggression and follow through without hesitation.
You never served. Made up nonsense.
"The path that leads to truth is littered with the bodies of the ignorant." - Miyamoto Musashi
Ha! That's fucking brutal.
Musashi is a brutal legend.
Truth embraces reality and it ain't pretty
To seek truth is ignorant because what are you seeking? The truth of what? No one knows what any of this is they are seeing around them. Reality? Just another word for all of this which can not be figured out. Put some thought into it, it is not hard to break it down...
@@gorillafunk725 AKA "Facts don't care about your feelings"
"Ego ruins everything" much yes....
Enjoyed this interview very much. As an Englishman myself, ex professional house-painter, and ex martial arts idealist, I related to it very much.
I'd love to have a beer with Mick,... seems like a solid, straight up no-BS kinda guy!
I took a 4 day combatives class with him and it was realest training I received.
What city was the course in?
I love the comment of picking the less worst option. So many people think in self defense they can defend themselves and have a Moral Kombat "Flawless Victory" but in actuality in any confrontation you are 99% likely to get injured minor or major. So you have to have a predetermined mind set of accepting injury over death during an assault then be sure the attacker gets injured or killed in the process of trying to harm you.
This is the truth
Wakanakapisi Hello what? So if he was attacked and fought off the attacker, while coming out of it with no real injuries.
He dishonored himself? What kind of thinking is that?
I got hurt in every fight I was ever in, even if it was only a jammed finger or wrenched wrist from when I hit 'em...
Had to fight a suspect that decided he was going to choke me with my external vest, and take my gun...and was big enough to follow through. Fought for nearly 5 mins to get to my backup gun and stop the fight....but it was the no BS training that I had transitioned to after 35 years of "martial arts" that saved me. I kept myself awake and fighting until I got to my gun...and I won't apologize to ANY of my former teachers for using "gun-fu" instead of keeping with tradition!
I thought this was going to be crap, but this man speaks so much truth that can be applied to so many things in life
and he looks like the robert deniro cousin
InkwellFoto m
In my honest opinion this man is the best in the field.. Self defence self protection, combatives... Call it whatever you want but outside of sport combat mick coup stands above any instructor i have researched, met or trained with over the last 17 years. Hes an absolutely first class instructor..blunt as f##k, very amusing and doesn't suffer fools but if you seriously want to learn mick will seriously improve your chances of surviving a violent encounter.
He speaks the truth. Some martial arts belong to the movies not the streets
kawsar abay As a fight choreographer for stage, and sometimes the camera, I wholeheartedly agree.
Like that Brazilian jujutsu garbage
Lazar R Oh, you wish😂! Try saying that to that Navy Seal guy who was on Joe Rogan's show and see how far you get out the door
Lazar R BJJ is taught to nearly every armed forces in the world. If it's seen fit to be used in a battle field than I'd say it's more than qualified to be classed as "street worthy". Fair enough, there won't be any mats, but having a few scratches because you fell on concrete is better than having your head bouncing off of it.
Doing BJJ will get you killed.
I don't think the point of 'martial arts' is that fighting itself is an art, but rather that the skills and techniques that go into fighting.
Hmm, I've always considered the 'art' in martial arts to be the way you conduct your life. It's the concept of 'do' in Budo. How does this man stay out of trouble? He's refined his mind and emotions to avoid and resolve conflict I'm sure. I appreciate his perspective and agree, real violence doesn't have an art, i's just primal. But living life is an art, and for some the martial training is the key to unlocking those qualities of respect, dignity and humility. Thanks for sharing. Good stuff.
Agree. I love his perspective in terms of how raw, and pure it is in practical application. But in some ways that’s no better than the person on the other end of the spectrum, with perfect katas and technical knowledge, or perhaps the more ‘art’ aspect. When you lose the human pathos, you lose the human. Very few, elite people could mentally and/or physically handle the extreme combative style of training. I think some of the art needs to be in there to reach ‘hearts and minds’ of more people and, in effect, have your knowledge reach more people. It’s great if you teach the most effective art in the world, but is worth that much if only a small number of people can ever learn it? Because of the human factor, you need both in moderation. That’s playing to the probabilities, as he said.
I wonder if he just hasn't found the right martial artist to appreciate. Maybe for him, watching someone who comes in every day and works hard and has a good disposition and helps his fellows at the gym, would be something he appreciates emotionally.
It seems like he's suffered the fate of the expert, unable to shed his expertise, and so unable to enjoy the art of the field the same way a layman does.
@@googiegress You can't be further from truth.
@@BuddyLee23 Well, that's the thing, this type of knowledge isn't for anyone, never was and never will be.
@@dundee1080 Well, what do you think then?
Watching those two nimrods loading the trolley piling more weight onto the already crushed box on the bottom and slamming down newer boxes. 0:37
Discipline, growth and wisdom is at the heart of every art form.
There in lies the beauty and value.
Lest we forget.
It's crazy that this isn't common sense. Like any weapon of war or tool in the garage. There is a right one for the job.
Michael Pierce right!?
It IS crazy!
I am sure it is common sense. It is just that common sense, isn't that common anymore.
Win94ae nope , common sense is a supper power these days.
I see it more as dinner.
The interviewer did a fantastic job on this bit, hats off. I'm not very knowledgeable about martial practises but I respond to sincerity and this guy's whole attitude seems to value honesty and reason in very focal way. A lot of this can apply to any discipline. Really happy to have seen this.
I understand and respect that guy.
With honesty he builds honor. So,
since respect and honor equal love,
that guy is a bloody cupid!
Who, I'm sure, stings like a bee.
Mick doesn't realize how much of an "artist" he actually is. What he's going for is simplicity. As much simplicity as possible which, with countless hours of training/effort leads to as much effectiveness as possible. A lot of the best art and innovation comes from making something that's complex more simple in a way that doesn't artificially strip away legitimately complexifying factors and yet makes it far more likely to achieve a certain outcome or come to a certain principle based conclusion as reliably as possible. Hence making the probable "perfect."
Amongst other things I did notice he says he has tried “all these martial arts over the years” something to that effect and now decides it’s all crap?
Ok, that’s fine. I agree to an extent...But you have to admit that going through that process has lead to the current mindset.
I agree with a lot he says and have also trained in different martial arts, tae Kwon do, wrestling, boxing, combat sports growing up, and recently in the last few years attended Krav Maga classes.
i would never ever say that anything I learnt growing up, my early training is “crap” I understand, it’s not as useful on the street, and it can come across outdated etc.... but I have respect for what I was taught, and it has helped in my current training in Krav Maga and in many areas of my life.
I think “verbally bashing” the local karate classes for e.g is not the best way to look at this. just because he has come to this ‘revelation’ later in life, should not take anything away from people who have gained, positive life experiences great or small from the martial arts.
be like water not coffee...
Totally agree.
People shit on TKD all the time. I can box a bit n folks will respect that but somehow think you were deluded into thinking any of TKD skills assist in combat in any way.
A friend once said to me 'ok, i always thought spinning stuff was bullshit but now i know', after i spinning heel kicked him off his feet pre a wedding where he was fooling n throwing jabs at me.
I wanted to say to him 'why the hell would you think the torque generated, the confusion that technique causes the eye, the reverse angle the heel ends up coming from, the distance covered etc wouldnt be effective in negating your skills??!'
Interestingly, it seems like ego is constantly getting in his way, even with his "revelation." For sure, ego gets in my way all the time when I think I can master it or tame it. For me, it's best to recognize its omnipresence, say hello to it, befriend it, and give it a constructive task, that of helping me live from a bigger place and make the wisest and most compassionate choice in any daily life situation.
You liste at Krav Maga....
It’s all about intent. If your training to maintain and improve your health it’s martial arts. If ur training to hurt people it’s not art form anymore, it has to be a functional. high kicks and trying to punch from the hip will get u badly hurt.
Hits the nail on the head. Makes me feel better about the way I approach things and how and what I teach.
Yes, I trained martial arts for over 30 yrs and it took me this long to get firearms training...knife training...grapple training...and work out as hard as I can...still I need more...i still feel only 70% ready...30% of crap that will go wrong keeps me training.... this guy is awesome.
You really can’t defend yourself from a knife attack or gun. Only way to defend it is if the enemy doesn’t wanna kill you because he could be scared to face jail time. But a real killer wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger or stab you none stop until you die. Trust me, I have seen so so many gore videos m. The reality is the best way to defend these is to NEVER get involved in any situation or RUN!!!
"Guys got trained for 8 hours in WWII"....and fought against other guys who got trained for 8 hours. And quite a few died in combat.
"make the probable possible"... sage advice for life
Truth in martial arts, thanks bro, I follow what you're saying. I was in Japan for four years with the Navy ( US) And took Akido on base in Yokusoko Japan. Year's of mat throws and rolls, and control movements etc... and in what you're saying, I follow Bruce Lee as well, to do what works, and throw out all the bull. I throw knives to, so you get my drift.
Funker Tactical made my day with this video. Absolutely love this
I've worked security for 7 years. And this guy... I have no words... only respect. Never heard anyone say it better.
Acknowledged problem of ego, boom. Acknowledged need for and limitations of testing for both sport and "real life" combat, boom. The only thing I think he missed/doesn't say is that the tools in the store are all found in the various arts. I'd argue that his practical approach is itself an art! Clearly, this guy "gets it" and has a ton to offer. Great find, Funker.
There will be a part 2 released.
I think his critique is more about what people do with the arts rather than the arts... As you said, there are good tools in every martial art, but the teachers use/sell the tool in a stupid, not effective way.
I taught the same thing, but he doesn't want to associate with art since it has a small responsability in today's generalized world delusion. But yeah I agree that it's the most raw and pure form of art.
There should exist a word to descibe 'practical' art,
Realities, anyone instructing and not telling the brutal truth does those they come into contact with a potential disservice, spot on Mick.
Naw, man.. this guy is insane... there's absolutely nothing more effective than than making animal noises and performing multiple back flips in the middle of a fight. I mean, hell, that works against multiple swordsmen, easily dodges flying bullets, feet, and fists. When in doubt - go for the back flip and a good waaaaaaaaaah sound.
Are you talking about the matrix movies.. dodging bullets and the waaaah sound that is hilarious
No martial art is like that in reality, are you high? :D Not even the less effective ones
Just to clarify, I'm not at all upset at what he said. In fact, I'm intrigued.
My thing is, werent martial arts designed to win fights, wars, oppressors and the likes? They wouldn't have been invented if they weren't a more efficient way of street brawling. Now there are a few bullshit ones such as the no touch knockout, but pretty much every martial art made has had an impact on history of this world. Slaves in the carribean and south america couldn't fight without capoeira, taekwondo at its wouldn't have been invented if they needed a way for foot soldiers to fight men who were on horseback, bjj for subduing a single attacker, who is more or less a random guy at a bar and etc. They all had their purpose and still hold up today. Especially when you look at how around 90% of people have never trained in any martial art or fight system. If mma is considered the "most realistic" for street combat, them obviously traditional martial arts have merit, correct?
Top bloke!! And a breath of Fresh Air....Big Respect!!
“ No guarantees, only opportunities “
“ Belts are nothing, skill is something, but intent is everything”
“ it is the practitioner that defines the art/ skill”
“ everything works once, so we must apply what works most of the times, and not some of the times”.
Chinese proverbs.
Sincere regards.
Tom Framnes.
Martial arts through many years of training has taught me methods to situations where others would not see those methods. That simple. Thats what martial arts does, teaches through repetition methods of dealing with situations. The same as most education currently does! Through repetition.
You can say its useless and i sort of agree it is. If you take one art on its own and think thats the solution to all lifes problems.
It will not be. However with a collection of arts behind you you begin to understand and appreciate what all the repetition was for.
I am confident in my skin because of martial arts. That simple.
A friend was a 15 year fighter in TO. He was an armorer. He trained at work and had a full gym at home. I am 57 and so is he. He is a fighting machine, why? He never stopped, just added the good parts as time went. I really like the gents comment - Make the probable perfect. Cheers.
Mick Coup is awesome, I attended one of his courses in south wales 10 years ago and the lessons still stick with me
Spot on, real fighting is not art it's ugly and brutal and dangerous even Bruce Lee himself hated martial arts and all its nonsense
One of the most interesting and truthful videos I have watched on TH-cam. I went to a seminar earlier this year, arranged by my association. I teach self-defence. One of the ruling body/committee/officials made a statement to the other black belts there, along the lines of:
"I don't recognise any black belt unless it was awarded by our grading panel."
"Our" grading panel did not award him his dan grades.
I nearly left the association on the spot. Arrogant didn't cover it. For one thing, he teaches Ju Jitsu, where I teach self-defence. I also have a similar outlook to Mick in that there is a lot of crap being taught out there based on lies, deceit, half-truths and making money. I try and teach techniques I know will work when someone is attacked outside the dojo. A lot of sport martial artists have the mistaken belief that they can instantly overcome years of developing muscle memory which basically is to prevent them seriously harming an opponent, when fight-or-flight kicks in and they need that ingrained reaction to survive. People who do MMA, BJJ, Aikido, Taekwondo, Judo, Ju Jitsu, etc. are often very skilled at winning trophies and forcing a submission, that's okay. What bothers me is that they think they will automatically reign supreme in the street of a bar where a fight is over in seconds, and there is no ref, no ring, no rules, and no rounds. What you will do under pressure is what you have trained for. Unfortunately a lot of students of most martial arts are told they will also be good in a self-defence situation. All lies.
The fundamental principle I teach my students is "Don't be there", which has several interpretations, including the obvious one being don't go to places where you are likely to be attacked.
Priceless advice. Thank you to all involved in this interview and video production.
"Perfection is the enemy of good " is fairly brilliant and reminds me of the old Zen analogy - In the masters mind , the choices are limited . In the beginners mind , the choices are limitless .
Great video and thanks .
Most of the things he said actually sound like the description of a good professional mindset
Insightful guy and I haven't even seen what he does. But I like his philosophy!
I have been shopping for a new hammer. Some were shiny, some were colorful, some were down right fancy. I ended up buying an old, used framing hammer from a used tools booth at the flea market. It was still strong and did its job effectively. I didn't need something shiny, new and fancy. All I needed was something that worked every time I had to use it. Thanks for your insight Mike. Respect...
That is so true!!!
For the longest time worked in security and I still do. How ever I have a hole new lòok at life. I had grow up in tough areas and had to fight lots. Street fighting was the way I had anything really goes. Then I got into Olympic freestyle wrestling and found discipline and structure from it. I then started to look at life differently understanding size dose not mater muscle also dose not mater. It is the mindset.
That matters it helps a little bit size and muscle but the mind set is what makes or brakes you.
For the longest time growing up I had the friends that bragged about how many fights they've had how many people they have beat up and so on and so forth. It was cooperative type let's flex type mentality.
I lost all them as friends for a reason and I started to go with the if you want to impress me kick my ass ideology. They are the ones that ... anyway I had people pull knives I had one try to stab me. In short all I had was a flashlight and it was 3 on 2 but when the 2 other guys take off and the you are trying to disarm and handcuff the guy with a knife and your partner runs off. Life becomes surreal.
It is funny when you see people going to box name training places. You have one person standing at the head of the class and the class is 300 People I would rather go to the smaller class the one that not many people hear about because you can have more focus more guidance to your goals. Everyday I put my uniform on I hope and pray I never have to fight or I pray that I will never have to fight for my life again but I know their are really bad people out in the world and that they don't follow rules.
My plans are plan for the worst anything better then that is a good day.
Max Volovich well said
You are very wise, Max.
Cheers and stay safe from a fellow security guy!
Merketroid thanks that is your opinion, .
Thanks for sharing your experience Max
Who is willing to do what it takes to come out alive? Love this guy! Belts are for holding up pants.
How dare you violate my TH-cam safe space! If I catch that guy in an alley again, I will spinning-round-kick him in the head, followed by judo-chop, and then I will dazzle him with my nunchuck and bow staff skills....BAM!!
d redman 😂
George Dillman would drop this guy from accross the room with his qi power! LOL!!!
and remain in solitude meditating somwhere in the forests near a waterfall right?
@@sensei9295 nah bro his tongue in the wrong position of the mouth
This is big mike from Pasadena CA and I completely agree with you 110 percent plus I have dealt with shit for years and my circle of friends can take over with their egos basically most guys have rouin it for me
It's true. There is no art in fighting or even real life violence, street fight. Art belongs in movies, film for example ip man, ong bak, tripple threat, the raid, etc. where all the fights are choreographed the way the director's desired or the script desired.
The seeker That I do disigree with you... There's an art in a streetfight, very few people teach it. Offencive fighting, running, using weapons.
Tiger Claw I totally disagree with you. Running, weaponry, offensive is not art. It's technique. Art is something people watch or feel to enjoy. Like painting, music, poetry, acting and you know what dipshit, people don't enjoy watching blood or taking a punch to the face, stab people on the neck, unless if you are with those fancy fantasy kungfu hollywood practitioner that's your problem. There is no art in street fight. Only technique, awareness and not to forget how you handle yourself in a high stress situation. Sorry I'm not interested in some stupid flashy moves which belong in film.
Art is well honed technique on display (even modern art). There is an art to any type of fighting including street. You can suck, be good, or be bad but catch lightning in a bottle (a lucky perfect punch).
I really enjoy these kind of videos and Funker Tactical. I am a combat veteran, currently working in the field of corrections, and I also train Kenpo. I want real fighting tips and training. Combat training that teaches real life defense. I like how he said that its like picking out a hammer. Good stuff guys.
Love mr coup and his honesty, I used to teach martial arts too, now I teach physical concepts and ideas, keep up the good work, look forward to meeting and training, (or if he wants good fish and chips can come to the coast)
So basically you engage in semantics and simply reframe martial arts as 'physical concepts and ideas'
Concepts and ideas can be changed, many many teachers are still teaching "this is the way to do this technique/block/ punch from this attack only" our students (and hopefully ourselves) have grown, there is no right or wrong, nothing set in stone, change adapt and move on, evolve, in martial arts there is a wonderful place for kata and that part of the 'art' but that's not the street or for the students that use it in there work, stay safe and train smart
I think his answer in #5 is spot on. Really difficult to "prove the results" of a reality-based self-defense system when you don't actually want to fight anyone. It is definitely important to determine if what you are training will actually work when you need it to. I would think that making sure you are sparring in your training is #1. Then, when you actually have achieved some level of proficiency, sparring with people who have trained in other systems and considering expanding your skills with cross-training.
C. A. C. Random elements dynamic starts
Very true. Great interview. It is the same when people watch a Disney movie and they think they can go to the zoo and give a cuddle to a lion or a bear...
I think there are two different aggressively specific definitions on self-defense learnings and a mind set.
1. To be a Master of Material Arts.
2. To be an efficient warriors.
That was very eye opening and worth my 11:11.
Bruce Lee was the first mix martial artist and all about shit that actually works. They sparred with full body protection so they could beat each other up.
Like this guy. Rules and technique don’t matter. Survival matters, it is the only option.
JJ McGuire yea technique is never needed , spoken like a true novice who’s never trained a day in his life
Hehe, well said, mate!
Yeah sure if a pro MMA fighter started wailing on you, you would whoop his ass by sperging out and unleashing the animal within!
you train technique and spar in a controlled non-deadly environment with consideration toward that technique and bam, you have more chance of "survival". no spirit animal is gonna unshackle itself and win the day for you if someone's put a knee in your ribs or an elbow through your jaw
Rules maybe, but technique matters in everything. It's the difference between getting that optimal power or having a defence collapse because you didn't do it right. Sure in the heat of the moment it may not be perfect, but that's why you work on it and drill it. If you are sparring in Eskrima (so with weapons) and your techniques bad, you will get hurt.
I'm not a fighter at all so I can't really judge the fighting stuff but I love the way this guy thinks. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
Wow! The man knows how to talk! And think! He would be an interesting philosophy teacher!
He makes a lot of really great points. I have had a lot of experience with the guys who want to make you believe that the “3rd option” is possible. Great video!
That burning building analogy is the social issues in America in a nutshell.
His a hard core man I feel he was talking everything I was feeling after 35 years of different styles of stand up fighting, my hat is off for you great speech. ....👍👍👍
This is what happens when you focus on fighting and confuse martial arts as a goal to achieve fighting prowess above all else. Martial arts were about using the body to train the mind. Learning how 'not' to fight with self or others. Today's modern combat systems and combat sports have hijacked the term martial arts in the same way that the Nazis hijacked the Buhdist swastika. I started martial arts an angry young man with a chip on my shoulder. I learnt that my attitude would only attract more of the same. Despite their obvious skill, my early teachers never once mentioned the word fighting. Sport tends to fosters ego. Fighting is reptilian and egotistical. It's like a black hole with no answers. Track record shows that martial arts teachers that focus on fighting end up disappointed. Geof Thompson was a classic example of this and here we see it again. The equation goes....expectation over results = self-esteem. Watch your thoughts, they become your words; Watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
You drank too much of the Kool-Aid...All "arts" were the same shit at one time, used for warfare. This "focusing on the lint in your belly-button" bullshit is a modern, western movie rendition of the original training. Even Ueshiba was mixing philosophy and combat when he fucked up jujitsu and created Aikido.
Lupus Venator - No unarmed 'martial arts' system was ever used in warfare. Even in simple riots people pick up anything they can throw or use as a weapon. Your reply is a clear indicator of your aggressive mindset. Like attracts like. Crack on and see where that gets you in civilian life.
WOW! You should be the one making the videos. Extremely insightful comments. Thank you
Ian Smith powerful, very powerful
Lupus, many were invented for that purpose and many were not. But all asian martial arts are designed to be holistic systems, benefiting your fighting ability, your intellect and your soul. If you only practice the martial aspect, you are not getting the full benefit of the martial art as it was intended to be practiced.
And the intellectual and spiritual aspects benefit the martial aspect. If someone is attacking you, you want to be one focused and aware, not losing control. Because that makes it easier to defend yourself.
This is one of those things where I find that I'm not going to convince anyone...either you realize there can be intellectual and spiritual aspects to anything and everything you do in life, or you don't.
Ask anyone whose been on a battlefield and you'll get a similar observation. Simple, well rehearsed and deliberately executed tactics are the best way to avoid the reaper.
I couldn't defend myself, and now - it seems, sort of, some of the time - I can. Violence is frightening. Fear is a word that denotes an experience, but if you want to know what the word denotes you'll have to have the experience, and learn to function while having that experience. Follow the criminals - they know the reality. Strength and power matter. Weapons work. Throwing a punch is a stupid thing to do. Punching someone is a good idea. There's all the difference in the world between throwing a punch and punching someone. Women and little kids punch people. Only trained or frightened men *throw* punches. Bare knuckle traveller fighters, thugs and doormen punch people. They feint, they make multiple intentional movements, they move closer, they move the hand with a little more deliberation than a good boxer might, *but they hit the target and transmit force*. The truth is there to see, but it isn't nice, as your man here says.
I've been reading Mick Coup articles for years to me his stuff always rings true, would like to attend a seminar one day
Perfection is the enemy of done!
That's how I've heard it in the business world. Steve Jobs used to say - "Real artists ship", a corollary to exactly what Coup is saying here, but for the business world. Everyone has ideas of perfection. MMA can be seen as a proving ground those ideas in martial arts. The market is the proving ground for your ideas in product development.
My first Mick Coup video viewing, I like this guy.
Zero waste , solid logic . This guy should be a “must “ visit On utube
Micks the best instructor I have had the pressure to meet
Ewan Burke *pleasure*
Haha, you were right the first time!
Ewan Burke yep I concur if you want the truth and reality, Mick is the man!!
"Fighting isn't about art."
So many people need to hear this. Hell, I still need to hear this every so often. Would love to learn from this man.
This is why Martial Arts aren't BS. They are art and should be treated as such. When it comes to fighting for your life, grab first heavy object around you and smash attacker with it... or run... running works in most cases.
Interesting interview. Thanks for sharing.
*Ian Mangham,* funny meeting you here! What's going on, brother? This is like the third time we met on YT videos. Haha.
Amazingly simple and logical concepts that can be applied in almost every field or discipline embraced by humans. Most people will choose the pleasant lie rather than the awkward true. Thank you for your honest clarity.
His views were interesting.
Ego does not ruin everything. Ego is essential for competition and pushing yourself further. It aids improvement and is a great motivator. Ok so too much ego where you are making mistakes or doing things wrong in an attempt to protect your ego is a bad thing.
Respectable man, honest, humble, direct, practical..... basically the opposite of the average modern man.
The most important PSA for anyone wanting to learn how to defend themselves.
GN- Once again, Thanks man!
I learned this 23 yrs ago when the manager of my school left the managers hand book on his desk. I couldn’t believe what I read. Everything was geared to get as much of your students money as possible as quick as possible. Like this guy says it’s all about these egos and they try to make you a lifetime customer. They want your money for the rest of your life 💰💰💰
Funker Tactical always brings the Truth!
narayantx c not always
“Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away”
Yeah i woulndnt fantasize over idols,
Its about survival really, Learn what you can apply, do what u must.
"Guess its great to be inspired by"
narayantx um, have you seen that “Why blocking is useless” video they put out? ...Total bullshit. This channel is about 75% entertainment, 20% education, and %5 utter lies.
Ayyub - Funny that video led me here & much agreed. This guys all talk and the other video showed bad/slow technique & the cover advice is simply wrong..
Mick.. now that is the guy you don't want to fight.
Mick Coup is brilliant and I would love to see more of his stuff.
Congrats for the quality of the questions, that's also why we get those nice answers!
Funny fact: in french "coup" means punch :)
Thanks for that, liked it a lot.
Always good to hear Mick Coup, all his words are always pure gems ! Such a sharp and brilliant mind, the most brilliant guy in the self defense industy. Moreover his intellectual capacities have permit him to extract all the elements of a fight in order to create an unique combative system, with drills that can't be found elsewhere ! Such a brilliant and creative mind. I wish to express to you all my gratitude for the work that you have accomplished. Your work and your words are always big kick to all the nonsense that is ordinary said in the self defense industry.
That's why I follow the classical definition of martial art. (Warfare)
I get your point, but even warfare has rules. At least, today's warfare.
Aumenarys what rules?
The different conventions that have been adopted by a majority of countries such as the Geneva Conventions. I understand you were talking about the one on one aspect of warfare though (be killed or kill).
He's real. It's the cold hard violent truth of fighting. Good interview.
Sounds like some vague psychic reading type bs. and I listened to it twice. nothing useful at all
@Solas O'Dimm life is a verb
Very good interview!
I agree w the "facing a fire" analogy for the most part. This guy's having a midlife crisis it seems though.
Anyone who’s in martial arts for the money has completely misunderstood the concept of “martial arts” it’s a vehicle for personal growth, spiritual development and learning, those who are driven by ego will limit their own progression and will only ever scratch the surface. So much fear driven behaviour in the industry, it’s a magnet for it. Many forget to develop the most important tool, the mind. Integrity is worth more than money.
Isn't having good wrestling, bjj, boxing, thai boxing, judo, mma also a means to an end? I get what he doesn't like about combat sports, but you can't deny the skills developed by practicing and competing and pressure testing your skills in such domains... He can dislike art all he wants, but a good MMA guy will still out skill him by a lot even even if he looks gets a tactical advantage in the fight.
Practicing combat sports also is like going to the hardware store and getting a hammer...
I think he's down on Black Belt factories for 11 year old kids. It's ok to take the best of a variety of styles and build your own platform. The movies have driven people into the martial arts world where the schools just take advantage of parents who think they are giving their kid everything he needs to defend himself.
He agrees with MMA, hes against anime tyrannis saurus prime high kick of doom
yeah he dislike these "My technique is the ultimate weapon against attackers" - YT bs or people who tell people "you wanna fight like a Powerranger - i teach you how" these are the guys he doesn't like
the fire methapor is
Fire = Defending Situation
you can stay there defend youself not and get beaten
you can defend as good as your teacher showed you how to do that
you can go to one of these bs-teachers and learn to extinguish fire with a fart or diarrhea but don't wonder if it doesn't work out for you
This guy has common sense and is a bad ass, he already has a Heads up on the rest. Proud of you brother.
YES!!!! Not enough Mick Coup on the net!!!!
I want to say to Mr Mick Coup, you are so RIGHT about everything you are saying, eventhough that this following you may nat agree with but It is my repectful opinion as Martial Arts Teacher.
I do believe that the old way MA and its filosophy has change my young life at the time that I needed guiadance, when I started compiting things start to change because with time there was too much comercialization and competing wasnt fun anymore, I started to see the real Ego in people and some teachers as well, while in the military I saw fighting and it true essence, and it change my way of seeing some aproaches, and I started to work on what works and what not, I devoted 40 years of my life to the prosute of becoming a good fighter, but I must admit that as years go by my body changed injuries never healed properly and the way changed. Now I understand what the way of the warrior means.
I dont have a big school only few students I dont train competitive fighters anymore, but every chance I have I will tackle new thinks I dont have the last word on fighting because I feel that this will always keep on evolutionating times change and so will be fighting, I respect people like you that tells it like you see it.
Thank you respectfully !! OSS
I agree with all of this. 100%. But, it's looking at the martial arts business, scene, practice, whatever as synonymous with self defense, combatives and unarmed warfare. It's not. A martial artist is someone who would train their skills in the absolute most peaceful environment the same way as they would in the middle of an urban crap zone. A lot of people are only selling and shopping for martial arts as a weapon. The same way you would pick out a gun or a knife. It isn't the same. It isn't the same as sport fighting in ANY arena either. Look, you wanna learn to fight? Go into the nearest biker bar and dump a pint on the biggest guy's head. You'll figure out how to fight real quick. I like everything this man said, but it's looking at martial arts with a one dimensional view. But he's damn right about the ego. For a practice that's supposed to conquer and diminish the ego, there sure is a lot of it out there.
Those guys in the back are smashing the hell out of that bottom box.
So I watched until 4:48 , stopped; then wrote this comment and closed the real reason..
Jake Dunning Perhaps you smelled bullshido? This is Stevan Segal type of talk. Steven is big and punches ok.Likes to talk big game. But that's about it. I see parallels here.
Bilal Haldys No bullshit from Mick, you was hearing his thoughts and views, straight talking fella who know's his shit, and probably 'yours' too.
A lot of "dojos" are selling an experience. Some "dojos" just have more substance and content than others. Most adults are not looking to get into a fight, they just want the positive health and mental benefits of "working out" the martial arts way. I am glad he is bold and stands by his principles. It is a statement of pride for what he does.
Wow, listening to this guy is like listening to the late Col. Jeff Cooper, or listening to Clint Smith. Pure, unadulterated truth from someone who has actually "been there, done that". Great video.
Spot on Mate.
Man, I have been in a few fights. Back in the day, before everything was everybody being a kung fu star, I was an angry youth. My wife was warned, back when we just started going out, don't mess with Donnie he gets into fights all the time.
After many fights and 22 years in the Marine Corps, you do not fight without being hurt.
This gentlemen is right more than I could say. All the bull shito systems and such, what ever... The only thing that matters is coming out on the right end of a fight. that means you live. Period.
Much respect to Mick. As a 46 year old myself, I am not concerned about your BS system. I am concerned about being prepared enough to live through a fight I DO NOT WANT TO BE IN TO BEGIN WITH. If you are a youngin (defined as younger than 46 i guess) realize you are not invincible and pain sucks... Now train that way...
This guy enjoys his coffee
My sensei broke off from his old school because they didn't adapt to modern fighting. so he started his own school and I have actually used a lot of what he has taught me in kickboxing and Street fighting