Last son of Prospero. Love the title already. Thousand Sons by far the most badass legion. And they were betrayed by the Imperium. They were ridiculously powerful and philosophers. They believed in the imperial truth. They wanted to create a more just galaxy
@@paul-antonywhatshisface3954 They never sacrificed innocents and didn’t even know what a “daemon” was thanks to the emperor’s retarded stance on “ignorance is bliss”. The fall of the Thousand Sons in purely on the emperors hands.
I’m also a fan of the Thousand Sons.. but there is no questioning their arrogance and sense of superiority (almost matching that of the Emperors Children). Willingly walking both sides of the line, even when instructed not to. Magnus’s fate probably a bit of a shame, but that was due to an already corrupted Horus’s interjection! Plus he really fucked up before hand. Such a pillar of intellect and Psychic might taken down by his own hubris… it’s a pretty fitting and perfect end.
@@stardestroyer19 I never said killed I said sacrificed, on the altar of ambition no less. They also treated with daemons knowingly. The book morningstar alone is enough to seal their damnation let alone the open admissions in thousands sons.
Magnus and his whole story is one of those confounding ones that when seen in it's totality, sheds light on Emperor as duplicitous at best.. He created Magnus, his legion, knew there would be no chance of them believing in the so called Imperial truth, yet, all he needed to do is to teach Magnus of the dangers of the warp and entities within. Yet, he didn't do good job of this, just like with many Primarchs in one way or another, making Heresy inevitable.. If in universe it is known, that the future is not set in stone and that the most important thing is human will, it is clear if he did less rushed job with raising and teaching them, Magnus would not try to warn the Emperor, of what Emperor already knew was going to happen, nor would there be need for sending Russ and his wolfes to execute him.. Magnus and his legion as loyalists would be great boon to an easier loyalist victory. It is sometimes as if the writers of 40k make choices of telling the story in such a way, with intentions of most important characters, just for the sake of the story being even more grym and dark..
@@s4bc clearly he was arrogant. But the whole Horus Heresy is written in such a way, that you can just see Emperor almost designing it to come to reality.. He could have at least told Magnus about webway project and to never ever try to breach the palace.. Not to mention, Emperor knew it was going to happen at some point, so Magnus did what he did just from the lack of knowledge.. Edit. Ofc.. Only Magnus could think of himself as never doing anything wrong, but so much of Horus Heresy was subtly designed by Emperor.. The way it is written in circles, with very obvious ambiguity is what made me fell out of love with 40k.. Also, this supreme being doesn't understand that humans evolving around galaxy in ways that benefit them most where they are,even if it means mixing with Zenos... For a god.. That is some childish way of thinking.. Nah, let's have humans that spend 100k light years be the same everywhere, so that a single type virus, could wipe them all.. Once I realized this collosal oversight, I really fell out of hype for 40k..
You are quite talented as a narrator/voice actor or w/e!.. Also, you have enough potential to sink a fucking ship brother!! Thank you so much for doing these
Too bad we’ll probably never know whether the shard has made it to the 42 millennium. I wish GW kept with this arc. My head cannon says draigo carries the sgard now.
All hail the blood ravens primarch!
The Emperor Protects!!!
Last son of Prospero. Love the title already. Thousand Sons by far the most badass legion. And they were betrayed by the Imperium. They were ridiculously powerful and philosophers. They believed in the imperial truth. They wanted to create a more just galaxy
They were fools that treated with demons and sacrificed innocents. Thousand sons is clear on this.
@@paul-antonywhatshisface3954 They never sacrificed innocents and didn’t even know what a “daemon” was thanks to the emperor’s retarded stance on “ignorance is bliss”. The fall of the Thousand Sons in purely on the emperors hands.
I’m also a fan of the Thousand Sons.. but there is no questioning their arrogance and sense of superiority (almost matching that of the Emperors Children).
Willingly walking both sides of the line, even when instructed not to.
Magnus’s fate probably a bit of a shame, but that was due to an already corrupted Horus’s interjection!
Plus he really fucked up before hand.
Such a pillar of intellect and Psychic might taken down by his own hubris… it’s a pretty fitting and perfect end.
@@paul-antonywhatshisface3954 Every Legion Killed innocents, let's not pretend like anyone else has a moral High ground, especially not the wolves.
@@stardestroyer19 I never said killed I said sacrificed, on the altar of ambition no less. They also treated with daemons knowingly. The book morningstar alone is enough to seal their damnation let alone the open admissions in thousands sons.
Whichever title you choose to read for us reignites my enthusiasm for the hobby & the rabbit holes of lore. Thanks very much
Magnus and his whole story is one of those confounding ones that when seen in it's totality, sheds light on Emperor as duplicitous at best..
He created Magnus, his legion, knew there would be no chance of them believing in the so called Imperial truth, yet, all he needed to do is to teach Magnus of the dangers of the warp and entities within.
Yet, he didn't do good job of this, just like with many Primarchs in one way or another, making Heresy inevitable.. If in universe it is known, that the future is not set in stone and that the most important thing is human will, it is clear if he did less rushed job with raising and teaching them, Magnus would not try to warn the Emperor, of what Emperor already knew was going to happen, nor would there be need for sending Russ and his wolfes to execute him.. Magnus and his legion as loyalists would be great boon to an easier loyalist victory.
It is sometimes as if the writers of 40k make choices of telling the story in such a way, with intentions of most important characters, just for the sake of the story being even more grym and dark..
Magnus knew of the dangers and was warned repeatedly
@@s4bc clearly he was arrogant. But the whole Horus Heresy is written in such a way, that you can just see Emperor almost designing it to come to reality.. He could have at least told Magnus about webway project and to never ever try to breach the palace.. Not to mention, Emperor knew it was going to happen at some point, so Magnus did what he did just from the lack of knowledge..
Edit. Ofc.. Only Magnus could think of himself as never doing anything wrong, but so much of Horus Heresy was subtly designed by Emperor..
The way it is written in circles, with very obvious ambiguity is what made me fell out of love with 40k..
Also, this supreme being doesn't understand that humans evolving around galaxy in ways that benefit them most where they are,even if it means mixing with Zenos... For a god.. That is some childish way of thinking.. Nah, let's have humans that spend 100k light years be the same everywhere, so that a single type virus, could wipe them all.. Once I realized this collosal oversight, I really fell out of hype for 40k..
The greatest loss. I weep for the thousand sons.
Glad to see channel grow.
You are quite talented as a narrator/voice actor or w/e!.. Also, you have enough potential to sink a fucking ship brother!! Thank you so much for doing these
Amazing stories to go to sleep to my complements on another exhalant Redding
This is good soup.
In the name of the Emperor crush the heretics
Praise be!
Your voice acting has improved so much! Good for you.
Fo the emprah!
So was the War part of your name dropped for any particular reason? Seeing this a lot recently.
Maybe the D&D guys knocked at the door and went(or could) GW on his name lol
I hope its not for the other reason .)
By: Aaron Oster
Don't you mean David Sawyer 😂
For some reason I thought your name was war wyvern lol
What’s up with the name change captain?
Stop mispronouncing my name
Heresy of highest order
Too bad we’ll probably never know whether the shard has made it to the 42 millennium. I wish GW kept with this arc. My head cannon says draigo carries the sgard now.