A: My late grandmother gave me this gold bracelet. It's made of 24-carat pure gold. B: Wow, it's beautiful and hefty too. How much do you think it weighs? A: I would say at least 5 ounces. B: That means if you use the $1500/ounce recycle value of gold, your jewelry has an of $7,500. A: Yeah, it is tempting to sell it and I could really use the money. But to me, the sentimental value is worth a lot more. B: Well, you need to do what is right for you. Although sentimental value, won't make you rich, you will have a loving memory of your grandma in your heart for years to come.
1)intrinsically : 본질적으로(본래의 성질) There's nothing intrinsically bad - 본질적으로 나쁜것은 아니다. 2)Atrer all : 결국은(모든것을 다 고려한/따진 후에도) 3)in and of itself (다른것을 연결해서 생각하지 않고 자체만으로 생각) : 그 자체만으로는 4)A is a better version of B : A가 B에 더 나아진 모습이다. socail networking is a more efficient version of the interent - SNS가 인터넷의 더 효율적인 모습이다. 5)its anonymouse nature : 그것의 익명성 6)It is a cause for concern : 문제가 되는
선생님, 정말 너무 감사합니다.. 제가 진짜 토익학원, 영국문화원, 통번역학원, 외국인 1:1 수업 다 해봤거든요.. 다 좋았지만 그래도 정말 쌤 수업 최고에요...어떻게 가르치고 뭘 가르쳐야 하는지 제대로 파악하셔서 배우는 입장에서도 매번 놀래고 매번 즐겁네요. 친구들 가족들 다 추천중입니다!!
단어도 어렵고, 발음도 꼬이지만, 또 영작까지 해봅니다.😂 There's nothing intrinsically bad about computer games in general. After all, it's a type of play. In fact, I guess computer game, in and of itself, is a better version of my childhood play cultures. However it's a cause for concern in many ways because of its addictive nature and not to mention the commercialization of game culture. 컴퓨터 게임이 본질적으로 나쁜것은 아니죠. 결국 놀이(오락)의 한 종류일 뿐이잖아요. 사실 컴퓨터 게임은 그 자체만으로는 제 어린 시절의 놀이 문화의 나은 버전이라고 생각합니다. 그렇지만 게임문화의 상업화와 더불어 그것의 중독성때문에 여러모로 문제가 되는 일이 많은것은 사실이에요.
There's nothing intrinsically bad about video games in general. After all, it's just a kind of indoor entertainment. In fact, computer games, in and of themselves, are very entertaining. They are, however, a cause for concern in many ways especially for students because young people are likely to get addicted to the games and it can cause mental disorder.
There's nothing bad about playing computer games in and of itself. It's just a way of spending your spare time after all. In fact, some of players end up to be professional gamers. Also Korean game industry has harnessed IT, accelerating the advances in IT as a result. Nervertheless, we would have to admit that it is a cause for concern especially among parents of young children in many ways because of the negative effects on both physical and mental health and not to mention its addictive nature. 간만에 난이도있는 내용으로 영작했더니 힘은 들었지만 뿌듯하네요.^^!
한국말과 비슷하다고 보면 될것 같습니다. From the first phrase, it is not clear if the person actually lived in the U.S. or just visited. when I was in the States 내가 미국에 있었을때 when I lived in the States 내가 미국에 살았을때
감사해요. 선생님. 1.The deal between two companies was intrinsically wrong. 2.It is right that disposable products should be reduced to prevent the environmental pollution. As an example, we have a disposable cup and a tumbler which is the most frequently compared with. Using tumblers, in and of itself, is a convenient, easy, and more efficient way of protecting the environment. However, disposable cups are a serious cause for concern in many ways because of its non-biodegradable materials like all plastic products not to mention flowing out bisphenol A. In conclusion, It is useful when we don't use disposable cups and when we use tumblers for a long time
오늘 표현들 까탈스럽지만 도전해봅니다. There's nothing intrinsically bad about shopping in general. After all, it's just a tool of expressing yourself. In fact, some experts have said that shopping, in and of itself , is a more efficient version of releasing stress at home only. You could satisfy your mind by getting what you want. It is, however, a cause of for concern in many ways because of too much useless stock which leads to garbage and environmental pollution and not to mention overspending 쇼핑이 본질적으로 나쁜것은 아니다. 결국은 자신을 표현하는 수단일 뿐이다. 심지어 어떤 전문가분들은 쇼핑 그 자체가 집에서만 스트레스를 해소하는것 보다 더 나은 모습이라고 하기도 했다. 당신은 원했던 물건을 가짐으로써 마음을 충족시킬수 있을 것이다. 그렇지만 과소비와 더불어 쓰레기와 환경오염으로 이어지는 불필요한 과도한 재고 때문에 여러모로 문제가 된다. 이렇게 썼지만 사실 쇼핑이 취미는 아니에요..ㅋㅋㅋ
There's nothing intrinsically bad about eating. After all, it's just a kind of way to be being as a human. In fact, almost poeple have said that eating, in and of itself, is an enjoyable thing in our lives. It is however, a cause for concern in many ways because of eating junk foods and eating a lot
1. 연습 - 본질적으로 결혼에 대한 관점이 서로 다른 것 같아요 : I think you guys intrinsically have a little different veiwpoint of marriage. - 결국 우리는 헤어지기로 했어요 : After all, We decided to go our separate ways. - 익명게시판을 만들까 말까? : Do I make an anonymous board or not? 2. 개인정리 - intrinsically : 본질적으로 - After all : anyway, eventually - in and of itself : 자체적으로 - efficient : effective - anonymous
어려운 표현도 자주 접하다 보면 쉬워지는 때가 반듯이 올 거라는 믿음을 갖고 열심히 연습해야겠네요. 선생님, 감사히 잘 보겠습니다. There's nothing intrinsically ( essentially) bad about fishing as a hobby. The fishing, in and of itself is a good hobby. After all, it's just a hobby. It is, however, a cause for concern in many ways because he is getting many fishing tackle and spending a lot of money and going fishing every weekend.
I'm not saying Social Media is -fundamentally- *intrinsically* bad, cause it's just a tool for communication after all. -And even- *In fact* , some experts -said- have said SM -itself- *in and of itself* is far more efficient -model- *version* of *the* internet. -But at the same time, it's also true that there lies a lot of troubles(/it causes a lot of troubles), due to the commericialty and its anonymity.- *It is however a cause for concern in many ways, because of its anonymous nature and not to mention the commercialization of (many if not most of the) social networking platforms.*
There's nothing intrinsically bad about going out with someone. (누군가와 사귀다) After all, it's a matter of taking responsibility of your actions. In fact, some experts have said that dating someone. in and of itself, is also a kind of interpersonal relationship. It is, however, a cause for concern in many ways because of some academic issues that can occur as a student and not to mention some time that could interrupt your own time.
There’s nothing intrinsically bad about social media and social networking in general. After all, it’s just a communicating tool. In fact, some experts have said that s n, in and of itself, is a more eff ver of the internet. It is, however, a cause for concern in many ways bc of its anonymous nature and not to mention the commercialization of s n platform.
i dont think there is anything wrong with SNS service intrinsically. it is just a useful way that we communicate with people regardless of where you are, no matter how late it is, as long as you've got wifi with your phone. in fact, some experts in the industry have said that it is, in and of itself a more efficient version of the internet. however, i think we've come to a point where we can't afford to ignore the fact that it is a cause for concern in many ways. bacause of the anonymous nature, not to mention its commercialization.
There is nothing intrinsically bad about drinking alcohol. After all, it is just kind of favorite food(기호식품?). In fact, some doctors have said that drinking a small cup of alcohol every day, in and of itself, can prevent heart disease. It is, however, a cause for concern in many ways because of addictions and not to mention ruining our health if we drink too much alchole every day.
-There's nothing intrinsically bad about social media and social networking in general. - it's just a communicating tool. -in fact, some experts have said that social networking, in and of itself, is a more efficient version of the Internet. -It is, however, a cause for concern in many ways because of its anonymous nature -and not to mention the commercialization of (many if not most of the) social networking platforms.
사실 한국어로도 어렵네요 그래도 해 본다면 While you are sleeping , even though it doesn't seem like consuming any energy, you intrinsically need some energy to be asleep. 잘 때 니 몸에서 어떤 에너지도 소모 되지 않는것처럼 보이지만 본질적으로는 자기 위해선 에너지가 필요해 Courage that borderlines recklessness ,in and of itself , one of virtues of a successful business man . It can , however,be a cause for concern if it ends up causing a big trouble for us 무모에 가까운 용기는 자체만으로는 성공한 사업가의 덕목중 하나지만 그것이 결국 우리에게 큰 곤란함을 만든다면 문제가 될것이다
There's nothing intrinsically bad about mixed school in general. Some people says it is a cause for concern in many ways beacuse students may get attracted towards the opposite sex and could not fully focus on study. However I think co-education school, in and of itself, has more benifits than drawbacks. Student can be taught gender equality and not to mention improvements of personality and understanding each other. After all, Our society consists of both sexes, which means we need to understand and respect each other. (남녀공학이 본질적으로 나쁜 건 아니죠. 어떤 사람들은 남녀공학이 이성문제로 학업성적이 떨어진다고 말해요. 하지만 저는 남녀공학 그 자체만으로는 장점이 단점보다 많다고 생각해요. 서로간의 이해, 올바른 성격 형성과 더불어 성평등에 관해 배울 수 있어요. 결국 우리 사회는 양성으로 이루어졌고 서로 이해와 존중이 필요해요.)
I think the stock investment, in and of itself ,is more efficient version of the money and prpperty too 주식투자는 돈의 효율적인 모습이라는 생각이 들어 부동산도 마찬가지고.. Raising confirmed case is indeed a cause for concern in many ways beacause of economc depression and not to mention unemployment problem. 확진자증가는 실업문제와 더불어 경기침체때문에 여러모로 진짜 문제가되는일이 많다. A:How was about her boyfriend ? B:well.he , in and of himself ,looks like good .but, A:why ? is there any problem? B:you know ,i think he doesn't have enough money to get married. and i was told to quit a job so easily, not be consistently. A:that's a cause for concern. I think she should think this through.심사숙고해야할거같아?? Although it's very difficult to me .. i tried ..😅
I actually think this lesson makes me more intrinsically motivated to learn English. The new variant virus called 'stealth omikron' might be a cause for concern, but I'm sure it wouldn't be a cause for the pandemic.
There's nothing intrinsically bad about playing video game in general. After all it's just a entertainment. In fact, some experts have said that video games, in and of itself, help people to have fun with low costs. It is, however, a cause for cocern in many other ways. Because of it's addictive nature
I’ve been watching your TH-cam channel for over 1 year, I love your videos and I wish I could memorize all things you said… So useful and I love your pronunciation too. Thank you so much 👍❤️😳 The best teacher ever!
늘 감사합니다. 선생님 썸네일 만원권 같으세요.
A: My late grandmother gave me this gold bracelet. It's made of 24-carat pure gold.
B: Wow, it's beautiful and hefty too. How much do you think it weighs?
A: I would say at least 5 ounces.
B: That means if you use the $1500/ounce recycle value of gold, your jewelry has an of $7,500.
A: Yeah, it is tempting to sell it and I could really use the money. But to me, the sentimental value is worth a lot more.
B: Well, you need to do what is right for you. Although sentimental value, won't make you rich, you will have a loving memory of your grandma in your heart for years to come.
1)intrinsically : 본질적으로(본래의 성질)
There's nothing intrinsically bad - 본질적으로 나쁜것은 아니다.
2)Atrer all : 결국은(모든것을 다 고려한/따진 후에도)
3)in and of itself (다른것을 연결해서 생각하지 않고 자체만으로 생각) : 그 자체만으로는
4)A is a better version of B : A가 B에 더 나아진 모습이다.
socail networking is a more efficient version of the interent - SNS가 인터넷의 더 효율적인 모습이다.
5)its anonymouse nature : 그것의 익명성
6)It is a cause for concern : 문제가 되는
와 초콜렛 드시는 모습도 까리합니다...
연습가이드 하드코어 폴더 35개 영상, 하루 하나씩 오늘로서 모두 마쳤어요!👐
잘했어 내 자신..😎
다음 하드코어 올라올 때까지 복습하면서, 다른 영상들 보며 공부하고 있을게요.
빨모쌤 감사합니다.🙆
진짜 역대급 영어관련 유튜버시네요. 다른거 다 떠나서 라이브 아카데미만 매일 공부하면 베스트일 듯... 항상 감사요!!
언제나 선생님의 노고에 감사드립니다.
오늘도 배웁니다
Like a daily exercise
감사합니다.^ ^
ㅋ 선생님 맛있게 드시며 읽어주시니 뭔가 굉장히 현실감 있게 배워갑니당 감사해요🙏🤩😁👍
선생님, 정말 너무 감사합니다.. 제가 진짜 토익학원, 영국문화원, 통번역학원, 외국인 1:1 수업 다 해봤거든요.. 다 좋았지만 그래도 정말 쌤 수업 최고에요...어떻게 가르치고 뭘 가르쳐야 하는지 제대로 파악하셔서 배우는 입장에서도 매번 놀래고 매번 즐겁네요. 친구들 가족들 다 추천중입니다!!
내재적으로, 본질적으로=> intrinsically
본질적으로, 그 자체로는=> in and of itself
정말 오랫동안 떠올리고 싶던 말인데 정말 감사해요👍🏻👍🏻
빨강 모자 선생님.
정말정말 감사합니다.
해석만 알던 표현의 진짜 의미를 알게 되는 거 같아, 글을 읽을 때도 도움을 얻게 되네요 ㅎ 감사합니다 ^^
샘 감사합니다 은행권 과 병원 단어들을 배우고 싶어요.. 언제나 배우고 노력하고 있어서요..
하드 코어 영상 항상 좋아요~ ㅎㅎ발음 꼬일 때 엄청 많은데 너무 많이 도움이 됩니다. 쌤 항상 감사드려요
오늘도 감사드립니다
정말 건강하셔야합니다~🙏👍
선생님 진짜 대박…🔥
정말 좋은 강의 입니다
선생님 최곱니다..!
이탈리아에서 영상보며 공부하고 있습니다 ㅎ
오늘은 먹방도 봤네요 ㅎㅎ 인간적인 모습 입니다 영어공부 열심히할게요 감사해요.
감사합니다 🎉🎉🎉
선댓글 후 감상 입니다!! 앗 감상이 아니라 공부!!🤭 감사합니다 😍😍 어후 신나 🎉
단어도 어렵고, 발음도 꼬이지만, 또 영작까지 해봅니다.😂
There's nothing intrinsically bad about computer games in general. After all, it's a type of play. In fact, I guess computer game, in and of itself, is a better version of my childhood play cultures. However it's a cause for concern in many ways because of its addictive nature and not to mention the commercialization of game culture.
컴퓨터 게임이 본질적으로 나쁜것은 아니죠. 결국 놀이(오락)의 한 종류일 뿐이잖아요. 사실 컴퓨터 게임은 그 자체만으로는 제 어린 시절의 놀이 문화의 나은 버전이라고 생각합니다. 그렇지만 게임문화의 상업화와 더불어 그것의 중독성때문에 여러모로 문제가 되는 일이 많은것은 사실이에요.
thanks again for everything you gave us all! 3:01 10:27
There's nothing intrinsically bad about video games in general. After all, it's just a kind of indoor entertainment. In fact, computer games, in and of themselves, are very entertaining. They are, however, a cause for concern in many ways especially for students because young people are likely to get addicted to the games and it can cause mental disorder.
감사합니다 어렵긴해도 작문해 보는 재미가 있어요 Thank you for your class!!👍👍👍
유용하고 재미있는 수업 고맙습니다~!
오늘도 감사합니다.
정말 넥스트비디오가 기다려진다는~~!!!
amazing lesson. thank you! :)
There's nothing bad about playing computer games in and of itself. It's just a way of spending your spare time after all. In fact, some of players end up to be professional gamers. Also Korean game industry has harnessed IT, accelerating the advances in IT as a result. Nervertheless, we would have to admit that it is a cause for concern especially among parents of young children in many ways because of the negative effects on both physical and mental health and not to mention its addictive nature.
간만에 난이도있는 내용으로 영작했더니 힘은 들었지만 뿌듯하네요.^^!
고마워요 익숙함을 목표로 열심히 따라갑니다
목소리 넘 좋으세요. 💓💜💜🥰💜
오늘도 감사합니다🙏👍👍
뒷부분 눈감고 듣고 있는데 부시럭 소리가 나서 보니ㅋㅋ뭐 맛있는거 드시는거에요~~
진짜 최고에요!!
늘 감사합니다^^ 질문도 있어요: "when I was in the States..."vs"when I used to live in the States"의 차이가 큰가요?
한국말과 비슷하다고 보면 될것 같습니다.
From the first phrase, it is not clear if the person actually lived in the U.S. or just visited.
when I was in the States
내가 미국에 있었을때
when I lived in the States
내가 미국에 살았을때
선생님, eventually 랑 after all 이 저는 완전히 똑같은 말인 줄 알았는데 선생님 설명 들어보니까 뉘앙스 차이가 있네요. 저는 eventually 생각했었구요. 이에 대해 조금 더 설명 해주실 수 있을까요?
어렵네요 ㅠ.ㅠ
Not to mention 저는 -는 말 할 것도 없고 라고 알고있었는데 - 와 더불어 라고 쓰이네요.
선생님 감사합니다 💗
So grate contents 입니다
방금 막 유료회원 가입했어요. 아직 둘러보지 못한게 많은데, 혹시 영상의 본문은 따로 프린트 할수 있는 파일은 없을까요?
감사해요. 선생님.
1.The deal between two companies was intrinsically wrong.
2.It is right that disposable products should be reduced to prevent the environmental pollution. As an example, we have a disposable cup and a tumbler which is the most frequently compared with. Using tumblers, in and of itself, is a convenient, easy, and more efficient way of protecting the environment. However, disposable cups are a serious cause for concern in many ways because of its non-biodegradable materials like all plastic products not to mention flowing out bisphenol A. In conclusion, It is useful when we don't use disposable cups and when we use tumblers for a long time
오늘 표현들 까탈스럽지만 도전해봅니다.
There's nothing intrinsically bad about shopping in general. After all, it's just a tool of expressing yourself.
In fact, some experts have said that shopping, in and of itself , is a more efficient version of releasing stress at home only. You could satisfy your mind by getting what you want.
It is, however, a cause of for concern in many ways because of too much useless stock which leads to garbage and environmental pollution and not to mention overspending
쇼핑이 본질적으로 나쁜것은 아니다. 결국은 자신을 표현하는 수단일 뿐이다.
심지어 어떤 전문가분들은 쇼핑 그 자체가 집에서만 스트레스를 해소하는것 보다 더 나은 모습이라고 하기도 했다. 당신은 원했던 물건을 가짐으로써 마음을 충족시킬수 있을 것이다.
그렇지만 과소비와 더불어 쓰레기와 환경오염으로 이어지는 불필요한 과도한 재고 때문에 여러모로 문제가 된다.
이렇게 썼지만 사실 쇼핑이 취미는 아니에요..ㅋㅋㅋ
There's nothing intrinsically bad about eating. After all, it's just a kind of way to be being as a human.
In fact, almost poeple have said that eating, in and of itself, is an enjoyable thing in our lives. It is however, a cause for concern in many ways because of eating junk foods and eating a lot
1. 연습
- 본질적으로 결혼에 대한 관점이 서로 다른 것 같아요 : I think you guys intrinsically have a little different veiwpoint of marriage.
- 결국 우리는 헤어지기로 했어요 : After all, We decided to go our separate ways.
- 익명게시판을 만들까 말까? : Do I make an anonymous board or not?
2. 개인정리
- intrinsically : 본질적으로
- After all : anyway, eventually
- in and of itself : 자체적으로
- efficient : effective
- anonymous
영어뉴스 듣기 잘하는 방법 좀 알고 싶습니다
어려운 표현도 자주 접하다 보면 쉬워지는 때가 반듯이 올 거라는 믿음을 갖고 열심히 연습해야겠네요. 선생님, 감사히 잘 보겠습니다.
There's nothing intrinsically ( essentially) bad about fishing as a hobby.
The fishing, in and of itself is a good hobby. After all, it's just a hobby. It is, however, a cause for concern in many ways because he is getting many fishing tackle and spending a lot of money and going fishing every weekend.
intrinsically 대신에 inherently 넣어도 아무 문제 없을까요?
I'm not saying Social Media is -fundamentally- *intrinsically* bad, cause it's just a tool for communication after all.
-And even- *In fact* , some experts -said- have said SM -itself- *in and of itself* is far more efficient -model- *version* of *the* internet.
-But at the same time, it's also true that there lies a lot of troubles(/it causes a lot of troubles), due to the commericialty and its anonymity.- *It is however a cause for concern in many ways, because of its anonymous nature and not to mention the commercialization of (many if not most of the) social networking platforms.*
영국서 꽤 오래 살았는데
저의 영어어휘력은 초딩 수준 ㅎㅎ
어릴 때 이민간 거 아닌 이상 쓰고 읽고 안 하면 영어 안 늘더라구여.
eventually 와 after all 늬앙스 차이가 약간 있군요.
익명성을 anonymous feature 나 anonymous phase으로 하면 어색한가요?
There's nothing intrinsically bad about going out with someone. (누군가와 사귀다)
After all, it's a matter of taking responsibility of your actions.
In fact, some experts have said that dating someone. in and of itself, is also a kind of interpersonal relationship.
It is, however, a cause for concern in many ways because of some academic issues that can occur as a student and not to mention some time that could interrupt your own time.
There’s nothing intrinsically bad about social media and social networking in general. After all, it’s just a communicating tool. In fact, some experts have said that s n, in and of itself, is a more eff ver of the internet. It is, however, a cause for concern in many ways bc of its anonymous nature and not to mention the commercialization of s n platform.
질문,, 왜 have said 인가요..?
i dont think there is anything wrong with SNS service intrinsically. it is just a useful way that we communicate with people regardless of where you are, no matter how late it is, as long as you've got wifi with your phone. in fact, some experts in the industry have said that it is, in and of itself a more efficient version of the internet. however, i think we've come to a point where we can't afford to ignore the fact that it is a cause for concern in many ways. bacause of the anonymous nature, not to mention its commercialization.
In terms of evolution, kids, in and of themselves, are better version of parents.
There is nothing intrinsically bad about drinking alcohol. After all, it is just kind of favorite food(기호식품?). In fact, some doctors have said that drinking a small cup of alcohol every day, in and of itself, can prevent heart disease. It is, however, a cause for concern in many ways because of addictions and not to mention ruining our health if we drink too much alchole every day.
-There's nothing intrinsically bad about social media and social networking in general.
- it's just a communicating tool.
-in fact, some experts have said that social networking, in and of itself, is a more efficient version of the Internet.
-It is, however, a cause for concern in many ways because of its anonymous nature
-and not to mention the commercialization of (many if not most of the) social networking platforms.
eventually 마침내, 결국
after all 이것저것 다 따지고 보면 어쨌든, 결국
저 방금 sns 비활성화하고 들어왔는데 깜놀 .ㅋㅋ
사실 한국어로도 어렵네요
그래도 해 본다면
While you are sleeping , even though it doesn't seem like consuming any energy, you intrinsically need some energy to be asleep.
잘 때 니 몸에서 어떤 에너지도 소모 되지 않는것처럼 보이지만 본질적으로는 자기 위해선 에너지가 필요해
Courage that borderlines recklessness ,in and of itself , one of virtues of a successful business man . It can , however,be a cause for concern if it ends up causing a big trouble for us
무모에 가까운 용기는 자체만으로는 성공한 사업가의 덕목중 하나지만 그것이 결국 우리에게 큰 곤란함을 만든다면
문제가 될것이다
There's nothing intrinsically bad about mixed school in general. Some people says it is a cause for concern in many ways beacuse students may get attracted towards the opposite sex and could not fully focus on study. However I think co-education school, in and of itself, has more benifits than drawbacks. Student can be taught gender equality and not to mention improvements of personality and understanding each other. After all, Our society consists of both sexes, which means we need to understand and respect each other.
(남녀공학이 본질적으로 나쁜 건 아니죠. 어떤 사람들은 남녀공학이 이성문제로 학업성적이 떨어진다고 말해요. 하지만 저는 남녀공학 그 자체만으로는 장점이 단점보다 많다고 생각해요. 서로간의 이해, 올바른 성격 형성과 더불어 성평등에 관해 배울 수 있어요. 결국 우리 사회는 양성으로 이루어졌고 서로 이해와 존중이 필요해요.)
I think the stock investment, in and of itself ,is more efficient version of the money and prpperty too
주식투자는 돈의 효율적인 모습이라는 생각이 들어 부동산도 마찬가지고..
Raising confirmed case is indeed a cause for concern in many ways beacause of economc depression and not to mention unemployment problem.
확진자증가는 실업문제와 더불어 경기침체때문에 여러모로 진짜 문제가되는일이 많다.
A:How was about her boyfriend ?
B:well.he , in and of himself ,looks like good .but,
A:why ? is there any problem?
B:you know ,i think he doesn't have enough money to get married.
and i was told to quit a job so easily, not be consistently.
A:that's a cause for concern.
I think she should think this through.심사숙고해야할거같아??
Although it's very difficult to me .. i tried ..😅
I actually think this lesson makes me more intrinsically motivated to learn English.
The new variant virus called 'stealth omikron' might be a cause for concern, but I'm sure it wouldn't be a cause for the pandemic.
-There is nothing intrinsically bad about social media and social networking in general.
There's nothing intrinsically bad about playing video game in general. After all it's just a entertainment. In fact, some experts have said that video games, in and of itself, help people to have fun with low costs. It is, however, a cause for cocern in many other ways.
Because of it's addictive nature
초콜릿 뒷광고도 환영합니다
I’ve been watching your TH-cam channel for over 1 year, I love your videos and I wish I could memorize all things you said… So useful and I love your pronunciation too. Thank you so much 👍❤️😳 The best teacher ever!