This 9th segment describes Radha's pangs of separation as follows, beginning with these lines...Oh !, Krishna, Sri Radharani has emaciated due to the separation from you and the cupid arrows of Manmatha, therefore the precious garland on her large and high raised bosom became a burden to her. Oh! Krishna, due to the pain of separation from you Sri Radharani feels the soft and highly fragrant sandal... This being the case, how appropriate is the choice of raga - Bilahari - normally noted for its merry ring..? In the name of 'tradition' this obvious mismatch between sahityam/bhavam & ragam is perpetuated, mocking the entire exercise of singing/contemplation a mockery! Sad...hope better sense prevails! Radhe Krishna!
Radhekrishna! Adbhutam 🙏🏻🙏🏻
ram ram
Radhe Krishna Radhe Krishna
ram ram
Radhe Krishna 🙏
ram ram
What a namavali. Very nice
A rare one
Absolutely. Well said. ram ram
Very divine rendition
ram ram
ram ram
ஆஷாட பௌர்ணமி அன்று பகவத் தரிசனம் 🌹🌹
ram ram
Bilahari flowing like honey
ram ram
This 9th segment describes Radha's pangs of separation as follows, beginning with these lines...Oh !, Krishna, Sri Radharani has emaciated due to the separation from you and the cupid arrows of Manmatha, therefore the precious garland on her large and high raised bosom became a burden to her. Oh! Krishna, due to the pain of separation from you Sri Radharani feels the soft and highly fragrant sandal... This being the case, how appropriate is the choice of raga - Bilahari - normally noted for its merry ring..? In the name of 'tradition' this obvious mismatch between sahityam/bhavam & ragam is perpetuated, mocking the entire exercise of singing/contemplation a mockery! Sad...hope better sense prevails! Radhe Krishna!
ram ram