Miracle isn't about draw power though. It's named after it's initial decklist, which used both edwin and Questing adventurer, functioning much like a magic deck called miracle gro, that focused on growing one card into massive stats.
Ramses Burgerding yes, compared to Spectral knight Hellfire is pretty good, and compared to Booty Bay its pretty bad. Wait what? Its just casual brain fart from Kripp, no need to make excuses for him.
the reason elven archer is worse than tauren warrior in arena is because tauren warrior is a low cost taunt minion, which is really useful in arena. if your opponent has a big minion in play and you're at low health, you can trade into all his small minions, then play the low cost taunt minion plus whatever else you have, and if he doesn't have a charge minion or a direct damage spell/battlecry in hand, he will be forced to attack your tiny taunt minion with his big minion, rather than get a more favorable trade with one of your strong minions, or potentially do lethal damage. big taunt minions are really good since they can completely counter small minions and give you huge card advantage. i.e. your opponent plays 4 small minions and you play bog creeper. that's a 4-for-1 if your opponent chooses to trade, and often they will choose not to, essentially giving you a free turn plus 6 damage next turn. so taunts are incredible in general, especially big taunts. but small taunts actually can win games in dramatic ways, especially annoy-o-tron and psych-o-tron. small taunts serve a totally different purpose from big taunts. big taunts counter small minions in terms of card advantage, letting you trade one minion for many minions, which is crucial in arena since you often end up in top deck stalemate mode. this is great for countering the aggro/tempo strategy common in arena. on the other hand, small taunt minions do the exact opposite, countering big minions as long as the opponent has no small minions in play or you are able to kill his small minions before they can attack your mini taunt. this doesn't really give you card advantage, but it gives you a huge tempo advantage, especially from a losing position where you're at a card disadvantage. i'm surprised we don't see more small taunts in constructed, actually, since they're the only taunt minions that can be comboed with big minions. so tauren warrior is a small taunt, it can save you or your crucial minions from a big minion for one turn. that alone is enough to choose it in arena over elven archer. the archer is good in the sense that it's instant damage from hand, allowing you to neutralize trades that would normally not go your way (such as their 2/3 into your 2/2). this is a good effect, but it's not as crucial in terms of tempo as the taunt effect. annoy-o-tron is a much better small taunt for this purpose, because it has divine shield, allowing it to counter a big minion for two turns as long as the rest of your minions can kill whatever minions your opponent plays on the turn after you play annoy-o-tron. BUT tauren warrior is a more middle-ground in terms of tech. consider a 1/1 taunt, like the ones created by obsidian destroyer or protect the king. they're great for efficiently stalling a big minion, but they are completely neutered by 3 hero powers and lots of cards. a 1/1 taunt simply doesn't stall a big minion the way we need it to if the opponent is a mage, druid, or rogue, or has a 1-2 dmg effect in hand. the same goes for a divine shield, basically. it's a great effect when your opponent only has big damage effects and minions available. but if your opponent has just one small damage effect (most common example being the paladin hero power) the divine shield is useless, and the psych-o-tron now only stalls the big minion for one turn. by comparison, the tauren warrior guarantees only one turn, but it is way less susceptible to 1 and 2 damage effects. if your opponent chooses to ping it, it enrages and now when their big minion attacks it, the minion takes more damage or dies. so it discourages exactly the techniques which counter the other mini taunts. bloodhoof brave is way better, basically only neutralized by fireball (an even trade, 1-for-1 and 4 mana for 4 mana) of course if you were using the bloodhoof to avoid lethal, fireball will kill your taunt and allow the big minion to hit your hero. but there aren't that many minions in arena with more than 6 atk anyway, so if your opponent has lethal with a single minion it's likely that if they have fireball in hand, you're dead no matter what, even if you play a taunt with a million health since spells bypass taunt. more likely your opponent has lethal with multiple minions anyway, in which case you'd want a bog creeper, not a tauren warrior. but having both in your deck is nice and i'd certainly choose a tauren warrior over an elven archer, unless i had no 1-drops and a bunch of taunts, or if i had a bunch of cards that synergize with elven archer (such as enrage minions like we saw in this video). still, elven archer is way worse in terms of value than other 1 drops, and worse than comparable cards like blood to ichor and even on the hunt, a terrible hunter spell. on the hunt does exactly the same thing, except it spawns a beast (synergizing with other good, common hunter cards) and is a spell (can be buffed by spell damage effects and activates yogg-saron, arcane giant, etc. which you have a chance of drafting)
don't forget about Leroy for extra burst damage and frothing beserker. plus a pre-nerf wars on commander and plenty of activators for his gromash. it was practacly a control warrior and should have gone 10 wins at least
I think he cheated a bit. Shadowflame < Cobra. (Shadowflame is almost impossible to get value from in arena, and Cobra is actually really good, trades with most other 3 drops, and can come to use in the late game aswell) Scarlet crusader > Darkscale healer (Darkscale isn't bad, but not great either, Scarlet crusader is amazing though, almost always trades 2 for 1) Twisting nether > Bane of doom. (Twisting nether can actually be really good, while Bane of doom often is terrible) Voodo doctor > Dalaran mage ( Voodo doctor can often trade with 3/2 drops, otherwise opponent has to waste a turn using their hero ability, Dalaran mage never trades with anything) But this was very fun watching anyway :)
Picking cobra over shadowflame as "the worst card in arena" is flat out horrible, shadowflame was obviously the worst! Here we go.. . First scarlet crusader was not te worst card I call bullshit on picking summoning portal instead of deckhand! Portal was obviously far and away better then deckhand ! More BS on twisting Nether Voidwalker much worse ten nightblade in the overall scheme of thing. obviously Kripp snuck some cheats in his draft! This is of course just 1 lone scrubs opinon, who additionally has not played in about 2-3 months, as always love you kripper, stay strong play long!
Renwoxing13 Makes sense, i also think he didn't pick the worst card in EVERY single pack of 3, but, it worked out. i was like wtf on the first game, cheers!
Shadowflame is actually really good in arena. It allows you to board clear, and having minions on the board isn't exactly a problem in arena. And since the boards are often floded with shit cards, the cobra tends to be pretty weak and die to a 3-2 drop. Darkscale healer and frost elemental are both very strong cards in arena, not so much in constructed, and overall better than scarlet. twisting nether versus bane of doom, i'd say bane wins, a lot of 2 health cards + he had a 3-5 demon. Twisting nether is pretty bad as a board clear in arena, because you have cards on the board and the opposing board is usually flooded with crap so a flamestrike or smth would be better. Voidwalker is pretty decent in arena where nightblade is a 5 cost 4-4, in other words awful. Pretty sure that a guy who does nothing but play arenas all day ( and is very good at it ) knows more about what cards are bad than you do m8.
I disagree with many of his choices as what he believed to be the 'worst' card. The worst card isn't always one that's just a 'bad' card, but also what is bad for the deck you've built so far. Obviously a bad 1 drop is going to be worse than a bad 5 drop if your deck is overloaded with cheap minions and lacking bigger ones, yet he repeatedly picks the 'bad' card that helps his curve whenever possible. Was his deck terrible? Absolutely. Did he pick the worst card each time? Hell no.
Sorry for the noob question, but how did you know what your opponents current arena record was? Is there a way of looking it up, or did someone just message him and ask?
i havent seen that part yet but i am guessing that kripp is also at 1-1 because matchmaking generally puts you against people with same score or similar
Captain here. Half of the cards that you drafted are good or excellent cards,you pick the worst of them, but picking worst of good cards does not make them "bad cards". Then even if the deck was "bellow average", it was far from "terrible", and even then your opponents make so many mistakes that they would lose even to the normal AI. But in the end is a fun run.
Streamsniping is when you intentionally watch someone's stream while you are on the opposing team in their game. There's only a 10-30 second delay (unless they intentionally set a delay, but that ruins real-time audience decisions), so you can easily answer a card draw.
Well done dude. I guess if enough people do the worst card arena mission, eventually somebody will get a draft where all thirty card picks are between 3 good cards, and they end up with a decent deck. Only then can this thing get to twelve.
"this type of arena play, takes a toll on my sanity because it's very difficult to play arena especially against opponents who play terribly; when you just lose to them because your cards just aren't good enough" this pretty much sums up why i quit playing arena.
The flipside where you outskill a better quality deck is quite satisfying though, and if you play optimally you should be able to sneak out a lot of wins like this.
was he actually debating if void walker was worst than 5/4/4 deal 3 to face? Isn't void walker like 60 rating for arena while the other thing is like 30?
This video is actually VERY important because it shows how the game is based a lot on skill more than the quality of the deck. We just saw kripp's absolute crap beat a deck with two brawls, a Leeroy, and a Grom.
+The Wise Guy I'm at 16:00 and all I see is a cat walking on his opponent's keyboard/mouse. So far all I'm seeing is someone trying to win winning against someone who thinks they're editing their book report.
Jon theGreat Not sure how matchmaking is exactly but when you win 3-4 games, things are harder. I assume you meet opponents with equal or similar score, because when I got seven wins I always get tyranosaurus rekt by miracle rogues, handlocks and "HOW THE **** IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE IN ARENA?!"
Deathlord is actually one of the best arena cards :). Won me soooo many games. It's fucking paralyzes the opponents early game allowing you to make a beastly board and just win easely.
I disagree with several picks. I think if you're building a "worst card arena" deck and you're having trouble deciding synergy is EXACTLY what you should look at. Southsea Deckhand versus summoning portal? That's a joke. The only time Southsea has value is on turn 1 MAYBE and if you have a weapon, which Warlocks don't have. You can drop Summon portal on turn 10 and then drop an 8 drop in the same turn.. the 8 drop gets good value because it trades well and then the portal lives and you can summon a fuckload more than following turn. Like.. how is summoning portal the worst there... HOW.
Guys ... relax Also, programing this would be extremely difficult, and probably cause more problems trying to make this work than the better play experience it could potentially solve by being implemented.
Personally I think you totally miss played your first turns in the game vs wizard. I would never drop the Voodo Doctor against a mage on first turn unless to draw out the coin (which your opponent didn't have) and instead keep it to heal up from a trade. And when you had stalled out the 2 drop why didn't you drop coin+dancing swords?
Shrinkmeister = give a minion 2 less atack... his hability will secure some decent trades and the use of Shadow Madness, Cabal Shadow Priest and Shadow Wor Pain
Jack Sparow It's got pretty good stats for a 1 drop, but your opponent will likely play a 3/2 next turn which counters perfectly voidwalker if you don't have followup. Besides, you don't use taunt in the early game unless you're playng the most aggressive zoo deck with the dream hand.
That warrior gave me cancer. Two legendaries (and chose leeroy) ....two epics and many other great chances for amazing cards....and sucks so bad. He drafted 3 bloodsail raiders....with not a single weapon, dafuq. I am lucky to see even one of either legendary or epic, and normally they suck. I love this game and the concept of luck (RNG) in this game, it is just unfortunate my luck blows.
I think this morning's highlight was that guy who tried to mad bomber kripp's minion twice with brew master and he killed his own brew master.. i almost drown while laughing
Alfredo3700 Well... yes but Grinscake Oracle can fuck you if your opponent has murlocs, Captain parrot can help to draw a card (for example, yo have only a Bloodsail raider pirate in your deck and you have a weapon, you play parrot, and play the raider buffed for 4 mana and can hit with the weapon) and also parrot is a beast, which with houndmaster could be "useful" in hunter deck or even with a luck unstable portal. I mean, in general lines, not sure which one is worse. But for sure both are pretty bad in most cases.
Sacrificial Pact: 0 Mana, win any mirror match.
The tittle of this video should've been, "How good is Summoning Portal?"
It annoys me how when Kripp's trying to draft the worst deck he still gets offered way better stuff than I ever do.
Or maybe you just suck.
Ikr, if he actually drafted well he would've got such an insane deck man
Ed Ram he was offered like 8 dread infernal
I learned more from you talking about what's crap than from listening to other players say what's good.
I also watched it live, never laughed so hard at the games he won in, especially that double brawl double legendary Warrior!!
The double Brawl was great! Kripparrian 's reaction was awesome!
Chat was going crazy :D
8:38 When you see that zero mana soulfire.
Miracle isn't about draw power though. It's named after it's initial decklist, which used both edwin and Questing adventurer, functioning much like a magic deck called miracle gro, that focused on growing one card into massive stats.
3:49 Hellfire is a pretty good card
4:00 Hellfire is pretty bad...
i thought that too… wtf lol
compared to the other cards...
Use your brain for a moment.... and to think that 25 people actually upvoted you... wow.
Ramses Burgerding yes, compared to Spectral knight Hellfire is pretty good, and compared to Booty Bay its pretty bad. Wait what? Its just casual brain fart from Kripp, no need to make excuses for him.
Ramses Burgerding no lol. that doesnt even make sense in this case.
This is easily one of my all-time favorite Kripparrian videos. This was so enjoyable, and the concept is great. Thank you, Kripp!
That awkward moment when Kripp ties your best arena run drafting the worst cards
What the fuck? Two brawls, two legendaries, two back to works my god
Did he seriously say that Eleven Archer was worse than Tauren Warrior?
yes, and thats true.
+Execution No
the reason elven archer is worse than tauren warrior in arena is because tauren warrior is a low cost taunt minion, which is really useful in arena. if your opponent has a big minion in play and you're at low health, you can trade into all his small minions, then play the low cost taunt minion plus whatever else you have, and if he doesn't have a charge minion or a direct damage spell/battlecry in hand, he will be forced to attack your tiny taunt minion with his big minion, rather than get a more favorable trade with one of your strong minions, or potentially do lethal damage. big taunt minions are really good since they can completely counter small minions and give you huge card advantage. i.e. your opponent plays 4 small minions and you play bog creeper. that's a 4-for-1 if your opponent chooses to trade, and often they will choose not to, essentially giving you a free turn plus 6 damage next turn. so taunts are incredible in general, especially big taunts. but small taunts actually can win games in dramatic ways, especially annoy-o-tron and psych-o-tron. small taunts serve a totally different purpose from big taunts. big taunts counter small minions in terms of card advantage, letting you trade one minion for many minions, which is crucial in arena since you often end up in top deck stalemate mode. this is great for countering the aggro/tempo strategy common in arena. on the other hand, small taunt minions do the exact opposite, countering big minions as long as the opponent has no small minions in play or you are able to kill his small minions before they can attack your mini taunt. this doesn't really give you card advantage, but it gives you a huge tempo advantage, especially from a losing position where you're at a card disadvantage. i'm surprised we don't see more small taunts in constructed, actually, since they're the only taunt minions that can be comboed with big minions. so tauren warrior is a small taunt, it can save you or your crucial minions from a big minion for one turn. that alone is enough to choose it in arena over elven archer. the archer is good in the sense that it's instant damage from hand, allowing you to neutralize trades that would normally not go your way (such as their 2/3 into your 2/2). this is a good effect, but it's not as crucial in terms of tempo as the taunt effect. annoy-o-tron is a much better small taunt for this purpose, because it has divine shield, allowing it to counter a big minion for two turns as long as the rest of your minions can kill whatever minions your opponent plays on the turn after you play annoy-o-tron. BUT tauren warrior is a more middle-ground in terms of tech. consider a 1/1 taunt, like the ones created by obsidian destroyer or protect the king. they're great for efficiently stalling a big minion, but they are completely neutered by 3 hero powers and lots of cards. a 1/1 taunt simply doesn't stall a big minion the way we need it to if the opponent is a mage, druid, or rogue, or has a 1-2 dmg effect in hand. the same goes for a divine shield, basically. it's a great effect when your opponent only has big damage effects and minions available. but if your opponent has just one small damage effect (most common example being the paladin hero power) the divine shield is useless, and the psych-o-tron now only stalls the big minion for one turn. by comparison, the tauren warrior guarantees only one turn, but it is way less susceptible to 1 and 2 damage effects. if your opponent chooses to ping it, it enrages and now when their big minion attacks it, the minion takes more damage or dies. so it discourages exactly the techniques which counter the other mini taunts. bloodhoof brave is way better, basically only neutralized by fireball (an even trade, 1-for-1 and 4 mana for 4 mana) of course if you were using the bloodhoof to avoid lethal, fireball will kill your taunt and allow the big minion to hit your hero. but there aren't that many minions in arena with more than 6 atk anyway, so if your opponent has lethal with a single minion it's likely that if they have fireball in hand, you're dead no matter what, even if you play a taunt with a million health since spells bypass taunt. more likely your opponent has lethal with multiple minions anyway, in which case you'd want a bog creeper, not a tauren warrior. but having both in your deck is nice and i'd certainly choose a tauren warrior over an elven archer, unless i had no 1-drops and a bunch of taunts, or if i had a bunch of cards that synergize with elven archer (such as enrage minions like we saw in this video). still, elven archer is way worse in terms of value than other 1 drops, and worse than comparable cards like blood to ichor and even on the hunt, a terrible hunter spell. on the hunt does exactly the same thing, except it spawns a beast (synergizing with other good, common hunter cards) and is a spell (can be buffed by spell damage effects and activates yogg-saron, arcane giant, etc. which you have a chance of drafting)
Toxically Masculine Have fun picking your frostwolf grunts
Toxically Masculine WHAT THE FUCK
That Warrior had Grommash + 2 "back to work" + 2 Brawls and he still lost.
don't forget about Leroy for extra burst damage and frothing beserker. plus a pre-nerf wars on commander and plenty of activators for his gromash. it was practacly a control warrior and should have gone 10 wins at least
damn that guy could have had such a good warrior deck
could have had? you mean had
Rémy Bastien that guy could had? that's strange
"twisting nether is easily the worst pick here" HAHAHAHAHAHA. ooooh young kripp. you barely knew this game at all lol
I think he cheated a bit.
Shadowflame < Cobra. (Shadowflame is almost impossible to get value from in arena, and Cobra is actually really good, trades with most other 3 drops, and can come to use in the late game aswell)
Scarlet crusader > Darkscale healer (Darkscale isn't bad, but not great either, Scarlet crusader is amazing though, almost always trades 2 for 1)
Twisting nether > Bane of doom. (Twisting nether can actually be really good, while Bane of doom often is terrible)
Voodo doctor > Dalaran mage ( Voodo doctor can often trade with 3/2 drops, otherwise opponent has to waste a turn using their hero ability, Dalaran mage never trades with anything)
But this was very fun watching anyway :)
Regardless of a few questionable picks, the build was no double brawl hellscream leeroy haha
For me:
Shadowflame = Cobra
Scarlet crusader = Darkscale healer
Twisting nether < Bane of doom
Voodo doctor < Dalaran mage
How is scarlet crusader better than Yeti with 2 heal for everyone? I bet your highest number of wins in arena is like 2 or 3
Dude that deck was horrible lol. Don't hate.
Oh you also mentioned that 2/1 is better than 1/4+spell power. Nevermind you're just bad.
Darkscale healer better than Scarlet crusader??? Void terror vs Deathlord ?? Stormwind knight vs Bluegill ??
Picking cobra over shadowflame as "the worst card in arena" is flat out horrible, shadowflame was obviously the worst! Here we go.. .
First scarlet crusader was not te worst card
I call bullshit on picking summoning portal instead of deckhand! Portal was obviously far and away better then deckhand !
More BS on twisting Nether
Voidwalker much worse ten nightblade in the overall scheme of thing. obviously Kripp snuck some cheats in his draft!
This is of course just 1 lone scrubs opinon, who additionally has not played in about 2-3 months, as always love you kripper, stay strong play long!
i like the way you think :-)
Renwoxing13 Makes sense, i also think he didn't pick the worst card in EVERY single pack of 3, but, it worked out. i was like wtf on the first game, cheers!
Shadowflame is actually really good in arena. It allows you to board clear, and having minions on the board isn't exactly a problem in arena. And since the boards are often floded with shit cards, the cobra tends to be pretty weak and die to a 3-2 drop. Darkscale healer and frost elemental are both very strong cards in arena, not so much in constructed, and overall better than scarlet. twisting nether versus bane of doom, i'd say bane wins, a lot of 2 health cards + he had a 3-5 demon. Twisting nether is pretty bad as a board clear in arena, because you have cards on the board and the opposing board is usually flooded with crap so a flamestrike or smth would be better.
Voidwalker is pretty decent in arena where nightblade is a 5 cost 4-4, in other words awful. Pretty sure that a guy who does nothing but play arenas all day ( and is very good at it ) knows more about what cards are bad than you do m8.
That's a rude comment to be sending, just because you think you can outsmart everyone.
I don't even watch kripp
Renwoxing13 lol mad scrub gonna mad
mad cuz bad
i like how kripp is always like "we've lost, no way i can win" on turn 3-4 of the game. then wins every time.
I disagree with many of his choices as what he believed to be the 'worst' card. The worst card isn't always one that's just a 'bad' card, but also what is bad for the deck you've built so far. Obviously a bad 1 drop is going to be worse than a bad 5 drop if your deck is overloaded with cheap minions and lacking bigger ones, yet he repeatedly picks the 'bad' card that helps his curve whenever possible.
Was his deck terrible? Absolutely. Did he pick the worst card each time? Hell no.
That deck looks pretty much like the best case scenario whenever i try arena..
Isn't worst arena card Rend Blackhand or Majordomo Executus?
The first mage could easily qualify for worst arena play of the month.
And that Warrior... I'm speechless.
wow that deck could've actually been crazy XD
~3-4 infernals, 2 voidcallers, 2 felguards (kinda meh, but still they're demons), 1-2 soulfires dayum
I fucking lost it at the second brawl. Almost spit out my water too.2 fucking Brawls and a Grom in an arena deck, omfg.
and leeroy
Sorry for the noob question, but how did you know what your opponents current arena record was? Is there a way of looking it up, or did someone just message him and ask?
Around 17:30 he says the warrior is 1-1, how does he know?
i havent seen that part yet but i am guessing that kripp is also at 1-1 because matchmaking generally puts you against people with same score or similar
How was portal worse than the 2/1 pirate?
The best part is this could've actually been a great arena deck. All those potential dread infernals, voidcallers and high quality neutrals.
how can you tell your opponents scores in arena?
How so you tell the opponents record?
what's that card back?
was that warrior playing constructed
With the 2 brawls and perhaps the best 2 legendaries for any aggro style warrior deck xD
For some reason the black border around Kripp makes the video feel claustrophobic
how did he get that card back?
Captain here.
Half of the cards that you drafted are good or excellent cards,you pick the worst of them, but picking worst of good cards does not make them "bad cards".
Then even if the deck was "bellow average", it was far from "terrible", and even then your opponents make so many mistakes that they would lose even to the normal AI.
But in the end is a fun run.
Can you make a top 10 worst cards in arena and why
yo kripp wheres the 60 fps at?
This might be the most sacrificial pacts ever to be put in a deck.
What're those card backs, blizzcon related of some sort?
You need buy Blizzcon 2014 ticket (virtual or not) to gain this cardback.
yep blizzcon
Probably my favorite Kripp vid here. :)
That victory was glorious man! well played!
But can you win with the new Warsong?
That draft had so much potential, couldn't help but cringe when he passed all the Dread Infernals. Worst card arena run is the best.
I need to know, how did they fuck up ArcheAge?
I know it wouldn't have been as fun, but did you consider retiring after the first one so that the deck would have 100% win rate?
+MrJordanport you're an idiot.
Omg that mad bomber at 15:15 was so funny xD
Why exactly would you play a Voodoo doctor on an empty board with no value from its battlecry into a Mage's 2-mana turn?...
@15:26 LOL, "punish for his stupidity", that's harsh man...
What does sniping mean, with the voidcaller and stuff?
Streamsniping is when you intentionally watch someone's stream while you are on the opposing team in their game. There's only a 10-30 second delay (unless they intentionally set a delay, but that ruins real-time audience decisions), so you can easily answer a card draw.
NoHomeLike Ah, okay. I didn't realize they meant streamsniping. Thank you for your reply!
Well done dude. I guess if enough people do the worst card arena mission, eventually somebody will get a draft where all thirty card picks are between 3 good cards, and they end up with a decent deck. Only then can this thing get to twelve.
i would love to try the arena around the beginning of hs
"this type of arena play, takes a toll on my sanity because it's very difficult to play arena especially against opponents who play terribly; when you just lose to them because your cards just aren't good enough" this pretty much sums up why i quit playing arena.
The flipside where you outskill a better quality deck is quite satisfying though, and if you play optimally you should be able to sneak out a lot of wins like this.
Kripp, how do you keep getting opponents THIS bad?
Why does he know the stats of him opponent?
u can use sacrafitile pack on the opononts demons but ur oponant has to be a worlok
What is that card back
blizzcon 2014
was he actually debating if void walker was worst than 5/4/4 deal 3 to face? Isn't void walker like 60 rating for arena while the other thing is like 30?
This is 2 years ago dude... completely diffent meta
This video is actually VERY important because it shows how the game is based a lot on skill more than the quality of the deck. We just saw kripp's absolute crap beat a deck with two brawls, a Leeroy, and a Grom.
+The Wise Guy I'm at 16:00 and all I see is a cat walking on his opponent's keyboard/mouse. So far all I'm seeing is someone trying to win winning against someone who thinks they're editing their book report.
+SkoobyDoo I feel about the same about the second game. When your opponent's first move is to put their pants on their head, hearthstone is easy.
Krip: "3-1, oh yeah baby." Immediately goes on losing streak and finishes 3-3. 😂
The grimscale oracle is not STRICTLY worse than a wisp, since it's actually good if you have a murloc.
just so you know any card in the game can be good even magma rager if ur opponent has like 5 hp and cant kill ur guy or heal or play a taunt
How can you know the score that your opponent has so far?
Jon theGreat
I assume that you meet opponents with the same score as you.
Jon theGreat Not sure how matchmaking is exactly but when you win 3-4 games, things are harder. I assume you meet opponents with equal or similar score, because when I got seven wins I always get tyranosaurus rekt by miracle rogues, handlocks and "HOW THE **** IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE IN ARENA?!"
What is that cardback? :O
probably blizzcon
blizzcon real ticket or online ticket
You need more long videos man! Gettin only 5/10 mins of the Kripp a day is worse than detoxing!
The Dennis levels in this video...
Would have been a crazy draft actually, with a lot of dread infernals and voidcallers
Try to pick only left cards in draft. I tried it and it wasn't very succesful. zero wins but it was so damn fun
Deathlord is actually one of the best arena cards :). Won me soooo many games. It's fucking paralyzes the opponents early game allowing you to make a beastly board and just win easely.
You should do another arena like this one, i remember watching it it was coolos.
Man I thought this was hilarious! nice idea, hope to see another in the future.
I disagree with several picks. I think if you're building a "worst card arena" deck and you're having trouble deciding synergy is EXACTLY what you should look at. Southsea Deckhand versus summoning portal? That's a joke. The only time Southsea has value is on turn 1 MAYBE and if you have a weapon, which Warlocks don't have. You can drop Summon portal on turn 10 and then drop an 8 drop in the same turn.. the 8 drop gets good value because it trades well and then the portal lives and you can summon a fuckload more than following turn. Like.. how is summoning portal the worst there... HOW.
Dreadlord67 He clearly said he was only going by single card basis.
I watched this shit LIVE AS IT HAPPENED! It was fucking hilarious! 3-3! THE DREAM!
that warrior deck was really insane.... holy shit.
22:30 - Kripps thanks for subbing? I have never seen that D:
Everyone always mocks him in chat when he does it and he just doesn't give a shit.
I think that the opponents you face depend on the cards you pick
PADDE HIGHFIVE "i am mad 'cos your daddy didn't fuck me today" Thanks for the cringe!
Guys ... relax
Also, programing this would be extremely difficult, and probably cause more problems trying to make this work than the better play experience it could potentially solve by being implemented.
That warrior was a fucking clown, two brawl, a leeroy and a grom and looses to worst card arena.
Why is there a Trophy with the letters "WCA" on. Worst Card Arena Trophy? :D
Two brawls, a garrosh, and a Leeroy? And he LOST? Holy balls
Personally I think you totally miss played your first turns in the game vs wizard. I would never drop the Voodo Doctor against a mage on first turn unless to draw out the coin (which your opponent didn't have) and instead keep it to heal up from a trade. And when you had stalled out the 2 drop why didn't you drop coin+dancing swords?
Shrinkmeister = give a minion 2 less atack... his hability will secure some decent trades and the use of Shadow Madness, Cabal Shadow Priest and Shadow Wor Pain
8:54 ? Twisting nether?!? Dude wtf? :P
Was it me or was the beginning of a curve there?
Voidwalker is bad? It seems almost op to me...
Jack Sparow sometimes you wont even get a demon
Jack Sparow It's got pretty good stats for a 1 drop, but your opponent will likely play a 3/2 next turn which counters perfectly voidwalker if you don't have followup. Besides, you don't use taunt in the early game unless you're playng the most aggressive zoo deck with the dream hand.
Chyo Kun actualy thought he said voidcaller xd
He said it's really good but he's playing bad card arena and be bad to see it
wonder how it feels when the guy getting called terrible checks out this video.
the power of warlock demonstrated
even though his opposition sucked, still.
Kripp actually said Darkscale Healer was better than Frost Elemental and Scarlet Crusade lmao
"Brawl #2!" ahahaha hilarious man! lol
I wanted to see sacrificial pact vs Jaraxxus so bad ...
Warrior deck was godlike.... wow some players are so terrible...
"punished for his stupidity" - LOL!
I did this post tgt and ended up having 2 bolsters and 2 ancient watchers in my deck...couldn't win a game maybe I just suck at playing tho :P
4 years ago I picked worst cards in few runs and they all made it to like 6-7 wins . The days of easy arena lol
"Bloodsail Corsair is kinda like a Shitty Ooze."
Not only is he an ooze, but he is also a shitty one. Poor guy. :D
LOL, this was amazing. Sad I missed it on stream :(
That warrior gave me cancer. Two legendaries (and chose leeroy) ....two epics and many other great chances for amazing cards....and sucks so bad. He drafted 3 bloodsail raiders....with not a single weapon, dafuq. I am lucky to see even one of either legendary or epic, and normally they suck. I love this game and the concept of luck (RNG) in this game, it is just unfortunate my luck blows.
I think this morning's highlight was that guy who tried to mad bomber kripp's minion twice with brew master and he killed his own brew master.. i almost drown while laughing
This was actually pretty informative
Grimscale Oracle is NOT the worst card.
It's definetly Captain's Parrot. 2 mana for a 1/1.
Alfredo3700 Well... yes but Grinscake Oracle can fuck you if your opponent has murlocs, Captain parrot can help to draw a card (for example, yo have only a Bloodsail raider pirate in your deck and you have a weapon, you play parrot, and play the raider buffed for 4 mana and can hit with the weapon) and also parrot is a beast, which with houndmaster could be "useful" in hunter deck or even with a luck unstable portal. I mean, in general lines, not sure which one is worse. But for sure both are pretty bad in most cases.
+MaeseEidos Grimscale can boost your other murlocs and turns bluegill into a cheaper wolf rider if we're talking about improbable situations.
Double bomber was hilarious
That Warrior got 2 brawls and 2 legendaries and still bombs with that fucking deck?! WOW! rofl
Holy Fuck, that "TChalla" guy is so unbelievably bad at a card game. Guy is a full dennis.