Seems it's a scam for them to make more money out of certain situations. Similar situation happened to me only once back many years ago while my daughter attending a private art university located at downtown Chicago , Illinois USA . That Parking just wanted to squeeze me the cost of an extra hour of parking fee . 😎 🇮🇹🇺🇸
Seems it's a scam for them to make more money out of certain situations. Similar situation happened to me only once back many years ago while my daughter attending a private art university located at downtown Chicago , Illinois USA . That Parking just wanted to squeeze me the cost of an extra hour of parking fee . 😎 🇮🇹🇺🇸
有次部機壞左,入唔到我個車牌都要罰我100鎊。我sent email appeal完全唔覆。明搶!
酒店停車場先至激死你。 明明Book 酒店房就有free parking。去到前臺問如果泊底嘅車及drop off D 行李🧳及帶行動不便嘅老人家上房,駛唔駛係佢櫃檯部機入個資。😂個reception 話冇問題👌, 可以泊三十分鐘。
三月後收到信,話我泊咗20分鐘 超時十五分鐘。😂😅😡🤬 第一次appeal 提供酒店收據🧾及 年老傷殘證明(Council blue badge)及 櫃檯職員對話 結果失敗。 原因係酒店營運與泊車營運係獨立公司營運。責任不在他方。
7個月後因工作留宿關係又係去同一間酒店。見到個牌,冇寫十五分鐘rule 同 收費由兩個鐘起跳為由,又有唔忿氣用ChatGPT 寫投訊信俾customer service又appeal過。 結果終於肯半價£60。原因係三月後收到嘅時候閣下已經錯過一個月早交款機會。❤❤😅最後都係唔認罰錯。
以後去到任何商店見到嗰部白色紫色制嘅portal機老蟹都一定入車牌,唔理237 21 。😅😮
點解英國啲停車場唔似香港咁,可以出入閘拍卡畀錢? 咁最方便公道
我覺得無可能一次追11k,明知個car park撲街就吾好park there