One of my all time favourites, so nicely done! All the parts fit together so well. And I can't resist singing along, of course. I got one of those wind instruments not long ago and they are fun. I should use it more on songs! Just for fun, for a laugh, a ha ha ha.
A hahaha! I did actually laugh out loud at your comment, Edwin! :-)) The dwi is a really handy addition, and adds a bit of visual interest to my vids too. I’m sure a man of your musical capabilities could make good use of it. Thanks matey! :-)
This was indeed a favourite of mine back in the day. And a guitar song to impress friends with at parties. The addition of the recorder was great touch and the strings were nicely enhancing. I really enjoyed that and the length seemed short as even though it was full length. Next time I see you I’ll shout you one more frozen orange juice. Thanks big Del!
Lovely!!! Beautiful harmonies. And the addition of your horn was wonderful! Thank you for sharing this poignant song! 🌞
Thanks so much, Charldene! :-)
One of my all time favourites, so nicely done! All the parts fit together so well. And I can't resist singing along, of course.
I got one of those wind instruments not long ago and they are fun. I should use it more on songs! Just for fun, for a laugh, a ha ha ha.
A hahaha! I did actually laugh out loud at your comment, Edwin! :-)) The dwi is a really handy addition, and adds a bit of visual interest to my vids too. I’m sure a man of your musical capabilities could make good use of it. Thanks matey! :-)
BIG👍 Del , sounding really good my friend, I like it 👏👏👏
🎸🎶🎸...... Victor 👍🎶👍👍
Thanks, Victor! :-)
This was indeed a favourite of mine back in the day. And a guitar song to impress friends with at parties. The addition of the recorder was great touch and the strings were nicely enhancing. I really enjoyed that and the length seemed short as even though it was full length. Next time I see you I’ll shout you one more frozen orange juice. Thanks big Del!
Thanks, John! This actually is the slightly shorter version, but still over 5 mins long, which is plenty enough from me! :-)
It's a delightful and very catchy song, beautiful cover again mate.
Cheers, Graham - much appreciated! :-)
Stunning, Del.🤎 this really calms me. Thank you for your beautiful music.
What a lovely comment - thank you so much, Joo! :-)