What I experience by this video is the source our Atman soul mahadeva is independently alive and blissful by its nature.. It does not need fantasies physical objects anything for it to feel elated.. Samadhi is blissful
Thank you Swamiji..this is preparing me for Kumbh Mela...for daily life... to realize WHAT i am and what STATE i'm in...the videos, when watched together, are so beautifully intertwined.Amazing truths
This one statement is powerful enough to get liberated from all Pychological Physiological neurological ups and downs--- ''They are not me'. My thought current is 'Nityanandoham'... Eternal Bliss !
+Jaya G Correct! Beautiful, isn't it? If I may ask - how is it for you to put this into practice? What works, what doesn't, how do you make it work? Thanks!
+Amritashraya Ananda Maybe the constant remembrance of this statement will help us put us into this state. But sometimes, when we are in low mood or somebody close to us has impacted us, we forget and get pulled into the low mood. I feel them remembrance of Swamiji and actively enriching in some form. Even listening to His discourses etc, just lift us up again.
I was internalizing the kundalini current that my fundamental right should be to build the bliss chemistry in me, this made me see that I am spending way too much time on the things that may or may not happen, my fears. I then understood that I need to change this by creating bliss instead of obstacles. Thank you Swamiji, I will work on this now.
+vade enal Awesome! Great click!! Yes, moving your attention from thoughts of fear to experiencing bliss, that IS what will make us experience ourselves as Shiva! What is your experience, how are you able to at a moment of anxiety or fear shift your thoughts and inner space to experience bliss?
recently I heard a replay of one of Swamiji's discourses where He said that authentic listening means listening without any doubt. that was a big revelation for me.
+YTTT Assist Training Videos Thanks for sharing this ! So important for me. Swamiji also said that we should not have perfection mania. That was even more revelation. If doubt is in mind, but not heart, you can let the doubt be aside. It might be there in your system, but it is not you. There is no doubt in Cosmos, it follows the natural law of the universe. There is no doubt in Mahadeva, he is Bole Nath, just a doubtless child. He does as he should. So I used to feel this and that about doubt. Now I don't that seriously. It is just like a play, a child crying in a soap opera. The doubt comes from cruelty to one's own self. It is SDHD. Self-denial, self hatred and self doubt. Because if we don't have SDHD, the perfection mania, then where is doubt? What you are, and what you believe, and what you do are aligned. You will only walk to situations that are yours. How to drop SDHD I think the master key is Swamiji's teaching above, and also the love of the Master. Master in our life is in many ways: he is in our parents, he is in Himself, he is in our day to day. I always remember the Master in many situations and try to think: what would Swamiji do? I am not perfected yet always following that. But slwoly improving from SDHD. Such a violence to our system imposed by society ! My parents did not give me SDHD - only found it in School and friends.
+Ram R i am really impacted by what you've shared here about doubt. it IS the violence we do to ourselves. i see and experience that but never put it in those words before. so thank you for that. and I liked the reminder that cosmos flows with the natural order. if there is doubt just don't give energy to it. that reminds me of what I hear Swamiji say about making these things irrelevant in our lives and focus on how He informs everything we experience. He Me-Me He! Prajna
To say I am mahadeva you next realize that I am the only me. My perspective is unique and therefore is expanding the cosmos by being me. Then to get caught up in any ups and downs, and remembering it is only my perception, I choose to be whatever I want. I can transform an unpleasant situation into a beautiful sculpture the way some artists turn junkyard items into a sculpture. Everything and every situation can be used for expansion
Wow, what a Thought Current or Kundalini Current, that "I am what my Intention To Be. It is my Fundamental Right to build my bliss chemistry, independent of anything external. My Physiological, Psychological, Neurological Ups & Downs are not the Real Me". From now on I am going to cherish, enjoy, entertain, celebrate this beautiful Kundalini Current. There is a new Psychological Revolution in me after watching this Video.......
"You're fundamental right---is bliss chemistry in which you can enter into---just by your intention---will---independent of anything else---independent of anything else."
Thanks Swamiji. What great wisdom! I have already created a Bliss Chemistry in me a few weeks ago. Now I will entertain it every minute. Thanks for reminding me this.
for me my fundamental right is having experiencing the complete adhvadha in my inner space like how Swamiji is and i am ready to sacrifice anything for it..
Swamiji Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda talks about a human's fundamental right. I realized that my fundamental right is to be blissful always no matter what the external circumstances, independent of everything. Thank you Swamiji.
Thank you for making me , my thought current is me ,my wants and what I create is me ,gratitude and love the light in me which you have created in me ...Appan
When I contemplate in me and apply this, i see i am relaxing from time and greed fear, i cognize a different world, the decisions i take are simple and easy.. experiencing soo much love with life and everyone around.. whole world seems to be a sugar pot..
that's nice sharing! when swamiji 's words are internalized with authentic listening we all experience the effortless transformation within us which is our big gift thank-you shiva
+Shiva roopanandha Sri Nithya I agree. Remembering this AND having the powerful energy initiation Swamiji gave us have really stayed with me. When I remember that the bliss chemistry is my fundamental right, I just relax into it. :-) So now to remember more and more. What helps you remember?
+Ma Nithyananda Prajna Ma, I noticed that this is such an awesome key for creating bliss at any time! Just the other day when I was working on this video, there were these multiple little setbacks. And it was just as if it was it was especially for me to practice the conscious bliss chemistry - getting back to I am blissful because I AM Mahadeva every time. It is really BEST source of happiness :D
+Eszter It's very cool.what you are experiencing with these initiations into the kundalini thought currents. it helps me to read your comment to clear what was a struggle for me the last few days with something major happening for me. seeing now how to be ferocious with the old thought patterns that were casuing suffering in me. by combining each kundalini current to work together - attacking the old patterns from all angles together as being who I intend to be and from that space working with the liquid of my life to transform it as I want. thanks for sharing!
"Instead of associating with the pure consciousness as us, why do we associate ourselves with our physiological, psychological and neurological ups and downs? Because they dangle the carrot in front of you - come, let us enjoy a roller coaster ride, lets have a thrilling experience!" Very true - no happy experience lasts, there is an up and down constantly. Anything is sweet for some time, then pain, then sweet... This duality keeps us running, entertained and alive. Hmm... who is playing this game? why do we enjoy playing it?
+Binoy Joseph the individual, personalized self identified with the temporary existence enjoys this game, the one deluded that it is separate from the whole.
+Teresa Allan Binoy, I also found that exact quote to be very very very enlightening! Yes, that is it EXACTLY! There is some promise of excitement, of peak experiences, of intensity. Actually, so many people mistake these emotional peaks for being 'really alive'. To be honest, I had that pattern at some point (teenage years.... oh my to be a teenager without Swamiji's guidance... happy that that's done with ;) ). Regardless of HOW the whole mess-up happened, the mess-up that happened in me was that even intense sadness meant I was really alive! And what a mess-up it is! Whatever you feel as 'this is really being alive', whatever excites you most, Swamiji has explained that THAT is what life will give you more of! It's so important that we experience highest excitement just from the conscious awakening of the bliss chemistry. That way life will shower us with more of that - and the bliss production can just really explode!!!
Wow, reading and writing about this really works miracles, it reminds me again and again about my intention to be powerful in all situations. No wonder Swamiji recommended us to debate (Vaakyartha Sadhas) on this.
How to move from the space of ups and downs to the space of bliss chemistry? Actually, once we have the click that it is possible and we have experienced it for ourselves a few times, the REAL key is remembrance. Once we have got the idea and we are able to shift our space from anywhere to bliss chemistry, all we need is to REMEMBER to do that! Having the right people around you really helps (like the team of you in Australia :) ). Putting up reminders, like sharing it in your FB wall and having these cognitions as little signs up in your room and next to the mirror and on the bathroom door really helps. Or even wearing some jewelry like the NIthyanandoham bracelet can help.... Anything which helps you to remember again and again! Maybe 1 fun thing - can all of us share what helps you most? To remember again and again? What tips and tricks can you share with others for them also to be in the space of continuous remembrance and therefore, also bliss?
In this LSP session, Nithyananda invited everyone to do Vakyartha Sadhas on this video - to cherish, chew, contemplate and imbibe these teachings so that they form our mental set up and prepare us for the initiations into 70 of Mahadeva's spiritual powers during Kumbh Mela May 2016 in Ujjain.
Please let us tell when we apply this kundalini current fundamental rights is my bliss chemistry what we feel, what we cognize, how we get liberated.. something more on this kundalini current.. Pranams to Swamiji for this kundalini current..
+Shiva roopanandha Sri Nithya There was this 1 day, few things happened which seemed to be little setbacks. And I really constantly went back to: bliss chemistry is my choice, nothing outward is responsible for my inner space, the whole ups and downs are not me. For few times I was so happy with that truth and allowed it to work for me. Then I noticed, after those few times the next few times, something in me started resisting. Feeling like nooo this is too much. I can't be blissful ALL the time. Too much bliss, so much excitement continuously, it is too intense. Which was really really funny and weird actually to see happen in me. I guess it means there is a part of me which feels overwhelmed by continuous bliss! Actually, that click really came to me only during the next morning's Brahma Muhurti contemplation - that I had this cognition of bliss overflowing and being blissed out. And I changed that to 'as I am the source of bliss, Sadha Shiva, bliss can never be too much'. But I realise that cognition still has to grow in me. The only reason intense, eternal Bliss is not my every moment experience, is because I am resisting it somewhere (because bliss is our nature). So let's see what further Brahma Muhurti sessions have in store :)
+Amritashraya Ananda I think this happens coz deep down we have cherished the pain and suffering as our fundamental right. We have learnt to enjoy the pain. Obviously thats why its still there. But it has become like an Octopus and takes over many times. So now, we have to consciously remember that Bliss is our fundamental right and relearn to enjoy this bliss without feeling guilty or resisting.
I loved what swamiji said about you may have the joy of the three ups. But since you're not them, you'll not suffer the side effect of the downs! So does this mean we should consciously enjoy the psychological physiological neurological up s at the same time disowning consciously that we are independent of it?
Unconscious falling into patterns! How do we break this? Frequent reminders? Repeat completion practices? For, even today I found it difficult to get myself out of a mess until this reminder bell rang into me hours later
As we do completion more and more, we learn to stay in present moment. When we are totally present without the hangover of the past or worry of future, we become aware in our head even before we react to any situation.
Can you share from each one of your experience of watching this video, is fundamental right only the bliss chemistry applies to all or can't it even be the joy of being in upanishad at His feet always?? Ofcourse that's bliss too! But are we taught only bliss chemistry is the eternal fundamental right for everybody?
+gayathri anand I feel that Swamiji is the external representation of our inner bliss chemistry. Because, If i sit with him, and he laughs, my bliss chemistry fires up.
+Teresa Allan "There is only one context that will awaken the bliss chemistry in a constant, stable and permanent way, and that is: 'I am blissful, because I am Mahadeva'."
+Teresa Allan It is this realization that I am not the ups and downs of my biology but Mahadeva, Sadashiva Himself. I am bliss from the beginning therefore it is my will, my intention to Be Mahadeva, it is the pure intention before I start identifying with the individual thought current and what I believe what my fundamental right is.
"Whatever you think as your fundamental right, you are ready to bargain your life for that. No doubt you will get your fundamental right ultimately. But you will never be fulfilled with that, you will be cheated by that." Is it true? Why so? For eg, we enjoy making money, spending time with family, doing business, enjoy shopping, seeing places, eating new food, romance... Why does Swamiji says it will not fulfill us?
+Binoy Joseph achieving those worldly successes gives temporary satisfaction in the realm of ups and downs which is perishable, which we are not that so, realizing the imperishable which we are as in 'Shivoham!' gives the only real completion is what I think.
+Binoy Joseph Whatever we run after to fulfil ourselves, as a law of nature it will NOT fulfil us. Because life is tooooo compassionate. It wants us to understand that bliss is a chemistry inside us which we can activate by pure choice! If fulfilment would happen after attaining outside pleasures - then we would keep running after those outside pleasures for fulfilment every time! And never find out about the possibility of conscious bliss chemistry! It is not that life is mean and unfair, that we work so hard for this 1 little pleasure (our fundamental right) and then after all that work we don't get it. It is because of utter compassion, that life withholds the fulfilment after achieving some success, so that we don't keep on running behind these small things which will never allow us to realise our greatness...
+Binoy Joseph I feel that it is in cherishing what is imperishable in us and dropping, leaving anything that is perishable, that is we can enjoy the perishable, the short lived joys of receiving the boons of life but without any attachment to them. The Bliss Chemistry builds by our constant remembrance that we are Mahadeva.
Can anyone share what they understand by : 'I am blissful because i am Mahadeva'. What does it mean for you? How are you applying this in your life, and what results are you having from it?
+Sri Devanathananda It means to be blissful whatever happens because we are Mahadeva all the time. Thanks for keeping on reminding us, it takes some practice to break this falling back to the old pattern.
I am Mahadeva bec i am blissful means to me, Am empty powerful simple yet rich with abundance graceful unconditionally loving compassionate devoid of any incompletions I'm always auspicious full of joy nothing touches me! (Yes! This being the natural state, we are at times pulled down by our patterns but swamiji is there to raise us to His consciousness again and again)
How am I applying: each situation when confronted with, a reaction is by default the first response... at that moment reminder to the self: this is psychological down not me.. That brings me to the space of bliss reclaiming my original state
+Cody Snowden Swamiji has a beautiful thing. He just follows the Flow of The Cosmos. That is what I see. I am very limited but it is not that he has a rule of when to eat. He eats when the system calls for eating, not before, not after. He doesn't think about eating or not eating. I think that is the difference. Perfect nirahara is not meaning that you "don't eat" it is that you don't remember food. If food comes in your third eye, you take a meal. If not you don't. In that mood, food will never come unless Cosmos wants you to eat. Like sometimes, Master will offer a small fruit - and it is a gift of the Cosmos for us to eat. It will burn lifetimes of karmas by just eating such a gift because you attach to Master instead of the world.
recently I heard a replay of one of Swamiji's discourses where He said that authentic listening means listening without any doubt. that was a big revelation for me.
recently I heard a replay of one of Swamiji's discourses where He said that authentic listening means listening without any doubt. that was a big revelation for me.
recently I heard a replay of one of Swamiji's discourses where He said that authentic listening means listening without any doubt. that was a big revelation for me.
Thank you. Your inner peace has expanded. Infinite blessings
Be Blissfull cuz u r Mahadeva... swamiji is ah Boss
What I experience by this video is the source our Atman soul mahadeva is independently alive and blissful by its nature.. It does not need fantasies physical objects anything for it to feel elated.. Samadhi is blissful
+kailash sharma Yes, and we are That!
Thank you Swamiji..this is preparing me for Kumbh Mela...for daily life... to realize WHAT i am and what STATE i'm in...the videos, when watched together, are so beautifully intertwined.Amazing truths
This one statement is powerful enough to get liberated from all Pychological Physiological neurological ups and downs--- ''They are not me'. My thought current is 'Nityanandoham'... Eternal Bliss !
i am what i intend to bec i am..Mahadeva..tq soooo much Swamiji
+Jaya G Correct! Beautiful, isn't it? If I may ask - how is it for you to put this into practice? What works, what doesn't, how do you make it work? Thanks!
+Amritashraya Ananda Maybe the constant remembrance of this statement will help us put us into this state. But sometimes, when we are in low mood or somebody close to us has impacted us, we forget and get pulled into the low mood. I feel them remembrance of Swamiji and actively enriching in some form. Even listening to His discourses etc, just lift us up again.
Catch the wave! It is a matter of the right wave, and the thought current of kundalini is the right wave for me.
I was internalizing the kundalini current that my fundamental right should be to build the bliss chemistry in me, this made me see that I am spending way too much time on the things that may or may not happen, my fears. I then understood that I need to change this by creating bliss instead of obstacles. Thank you Swamiji, I will work on this now.
+vade enal Awesome! Great click!! Yes, moving your attention from thoughts of fear to experiencing bliss, that IS what will make us experience ourselves as Shiva! What is your experience, how are you able to at a moment of anxiety or fear shift your thoughts and inner space to experience bliss?
Thank you, Swamiji, yet again, for helping me remember who I am not and who I Am.
The best teaching source is our Guru!
recently I heard a replay of one of Swamiji's discourses where He said that authentic listening means listening without any doubt. that was a big revelation for me.
+YTTT Assist Training Videos Thanks for sharing this ! So important for me. Swamiji also said that we should not have perfection mania. That was even more revelation. If doubt is in mind, but not heart, you can let the doubt be aside. It might be there in your system, but it is not you. There is no doubt in Cosmos, it follows the natural law of the universe. There is no doubt in Mahadeva, he is Bole Nath, just a doubtless child. He does as he should. So I used to feel this and that about doubt. Now I don't that seriously. It is just like a play, a child crying in a soap opera. The doubt comes from cruelty to one's own self. It is SDHD. Self-denial, self hatred and self doubt. Because if we don't have SDHD, the perfection mania, then where is doubt? What you are, and what you believe, and what you do are aligned. You will only walk to situations that are yours. How to drop SDHD I think the master key is Swamiji's teaching above, and also the love of the Master. Master in our life is in many ways: he is in our parents, he is in Himself, he is in our day to day. I always remember the Master in many situations and try to think: what would Swamiji do? I am not perfected yet always following that. But slwoly improving from SDHD. Such a violence to our system imposed by society ! My parents did not give me SDHD - only found it in School and friends.
+Ram R i am really impacted by what you've shared here about doubt. it IS the violence we do to ourselves. i see and experience that but never put it in those words before. so thank you for that. and I liked the reminder that cosmos flows with the natural order. if there is doubt just don't give energy to it. that reminds me of what I hear Swamiji say about making these things irrelevant in our lives and focus on how He informs everything we experience. He Me-Me He! Prajna
+YTTT Assist Training Videos Doubt is the violence we do to ourselves!! +1
I am practicing 💛⭐️💛
you're awesome!!love u guruji...
Such beautiful K. currents he is giving us to keep us in the space of high consciousness for Kumbh Mela.
To say I am mahadeva you next realize that I am the only me. My perspective is unique and therefore is expanding the cosmos by being me. Then to get caught up in any ups and downs, and remembering it is only my perception, I choose to be whatever I want. I can transform an unpleasant situation into a beautiful sculpture the way some artists turn junkyard items into a sculpture. Everything and every situation can be used for expansion
Thank you Swamiji for this.
cherishing this kundalini current
So blessed to experience these currents and apply them in my life. Thank you Swamiji!
Wow! My fundamental right is, 'to build a BLISS chemistry inside, independent of anything external'. What liberation!
With strong intention I can create anything because I am the source.
Wow, what a Thought Current or Kundalini Current, that "I am what my Intention To Be. It is my Fundamental Right to build my bliss chemistry, independent of anything external. My Physiological, Psychological, Neurological Ups & Downs are not the Real Me". From now on I am going to cherish, enjoy, entertain, celebrate this beautiful Kundalini Current. There is a new Psychological Revolution in me after watching this Video.......
"You're fundamental right---is bliss chemistry in which you can enter into---just by your intention---will---independent of anything else---independent of anything else."
I am Supreme consciousness, YOU are supreme consciousness!!!
Thanks Swamiji. What great wisdom! I have already created a Bliss Chemistry in me a few weeks ago. Now I will entertain it every minute. Thanks for reminding me this.
I am what I intend to be, because I am Mahadeva.
Thank you Swamiji
Thank you! Thank you!! My fundamental right is to awaken the bliss chemistry in me.
Thanks swami ji for raising my understanding about my self.
thanks swami ji. in letting me understand my self.
my fundamental right is building bliss chemistry despite anything external.
Be Blissful, because Your Mahadeva, thank you swamiji
I am blissful because I am Mahadeva
Yes! liberating Kundalini current! I am my intention to be!
'I am blissful, because I am Mahadeva'.
Thank you for posting this-
Because i am just my intention to be
"i" am
"i" want to be
And Because "i" is rooted in "mine"
"i" am till "i" want to have
Thank you Beloved Swamiji Sahib.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
This is one of my favorite ones! Look how happy everyone is who is there haha :)
for me my fundamental right is having experiencing the complete adhvadha in my inner space like how Swamiji is and i am ready to sacrifice anything for it..
Swamiji Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda talks about a human's fundamental right. I realized that my fundamental right is to be blissful always no matter what the external circumstances, independent of everything. Thank you Swamiji.
Thank you for making me , my thought current is me ,my wants and what I create is me ,gratitude and love the light in me which you have created in me ...Appan
I AM MY INTENTION TO BE. Awesome revealing of truth by Swamiji. Love His teachings!
Absolutely love this
When I contemplate in me and apply this, i see i am relaxing from time and greed fear, i cognize a different world, the decisions i take are simple and easy.. experiencing soo much love with life and everyone around.. whole world seems to be a sugar pot..
very true Ma
that's nice sharing! when swamiji 's words are internalized with authentic listening we all experience the effortless transformation within us which is our big gift thank-you shiva
I am dropping all my incompletions at Mahadeva (swamiji's) feet.
+Shiva roopanandha Sri Nithya I agree. Remembering this AND having the powerful energy initiation Swamiji gave us have really stayed with me. When I remember that the bliss chemistry is my fundamental right, I just relax into it. :-) So now to remember more and more. What helps you remember?
Authentic listening, I remember the Goldilocks listening exercise from IA day 1 ;)
Beloved Swamiji you explain so beautifully so wonderful.Thank you for those liberating words and everything.
I lost my desire to run after a dream. From now on I am Mahadeva a Bliss.
This technique and truth just breaks through my patterns. What do you notice happens for you when you use this technique?
+Ma Nithyananda Prajna Ma, I noticed that this is such an awesome key for creating bliss at any time! Just the other day when I was working on this video, there were these multiple little setbacks. And it was just as if it was it was especially for me to practice the conscious bliss chemistry - getting back to I am blissful because I AM Mahadeva every time. It is really BEST source of happiness :D
+Eszter It's very cool.what you are experiencing with these initiations into the kundalini thought currents. it helps me to read your comment to clear what was a struggle for me the last few days with something major happening for me. seeing now how to be ferocious with the old thought patterns that were casuing suffering in me. by combining each kundalini current to work together - attacking the old patterns from all angles together as being who I intend to be and from that space working with the liquid of my life to transform it as I want. thanks for sharing!
"Instead of associating with the pure consciousness as us, why do we associate ourselves with our physiological, psychological and neurological ups and downs? Because they dangle the carrot in front of you - come, let us enjoy a roller coaster ride, lets have a thrilling experience!"
Very true - no happy experience lasts, there is an up and down constantly. Anything is sweet for some time, then pain, then sweet... This duality keeps us running, entertained and alive. Hmm... who is playing this game? why do we enjoy playing it?
+Binoy Joseph the individual, personalized self identified with the temporary existence enjoys this game, the one deluded that it is separate from the whole.
+Teresa Allan Binoy, I also found that exact quote to be very very very enlightening! Yes, that is it EXACTLY! There is some promise of excitement, of peak experiences, of intensity. Actually, so many people mistake these emotional peaks for being 'really alive'. To be honest, I had that pattern at some point (teenage years.... oh my to be a teenager without Swamiji's guidance... happy that that's done with ;) ). Regardless of HOW the whole mess-up happened, the mess-up that happened in me was that even intense sadness meant I was really alive! And what a mess-up it is! Whatever you feel as 'this is really being alive', whatever excites you most, Swamiji has explained that THAT is what life will give you more of! It's so important that we experience highest excitement just from the conscious awakening of the bliss chemistry. That way life will shower us with more of that - and the bliss production can just really explode!!!
Wow, reading and writing about this really works miracles, it reminds me again and again about my intention to be powerful in all situations. No wonder Swamiji recommended us to debate (Vaakyartha Sadhas) on this.
+Binoy Joseph Yes! Sharing your enthousiasm!!!
How to move from the space of ups and downs to the space of bliss chemistry? Actually, once we have the click that it is possible and we have experienced it for ourselves a few times, the REAL key is remembrance. Once we have got the idea and we are able to shift our space from anywhere to bliss chemistry, all we need is to REMEMBER to do that! Having the right people around you really helps (like the team of you in Australia :) ). Putting up reminders, like sharing it in your FB wall and having these cognitions as little signs up in your room and next to the mirror and on the bathroom door really helps. Or even wearing some jewelry like the NIthyanandoham bracelet can help.... Anything which helps you to remember again and again! Maybe 1 fun thing - can all of us share what helps you most? To remember again and again? What tips and tricks can you share with others for them also to be in the space of continuous remembrance and therefore, also bliss?
Amritashraya Ananda
In this LSP session, Nithyananda invited everyone to do Vakyartha Sadhas on this video - to cherish, chew, contemplate and imbibe these teachings so that they form our mental set up and prepare us for the initiations into 70 of Mahadeva's spiritual powers during Kumbh Mela May 2016 in Ujjain.
Please let us tell when we apply this kundalini current fundamental rights is my bliss chemistry what we feel, what we cognize, how we get liberated.. something more on this kundalini current.. Pranams to Swamiji for this kundalini current..
+Shiva roopanandha Sri Nithya There was this 1 day, few things happened which seemed to be little setbacks. And I really constantly went back to: bliss chemistry is my choice, nothing outward is responsible for my inner space, the whole ups and downs are not me. For few times I was so happy with that truth and allowed it to work for me. Then I noticed, after those few times the next few times, something in me started resisting. Feeling like nooo this is too much. I can't be blissful ALL the time. Too much bliss, so much excitement continuously, it is too intense. Which was really really funny and weird actually to see happen in me. I guess it means there is a part of me which feels overwhelmed by continuous bliss! Actually, that click really came to me only during the next morning's Brahma Muhurti contemplation - that I had this cognition of bliss overflowing and being blissed out. And I changed that to 'as I am the source of bliss, Sadha Shiva, bliss can never be too much'. But I realise that cognition still has to grow in me. The only reason intense, eternal Bliss is not my every moment experience, is because I am resisting it somewhere (because bliss is our nature). So let's see what further Brahma Muhurti sessions have in store :)
+Amritashraya Ananda I think this happens coz deep down we have cherished the pain and suffering as our fundamental right. We have learnt to enjoy the pain. Obviously thats why its still there. But it has become like an Octopus and takes over many times. So now, we have to consciously remember that Bliss is our fundamental right and relearn to enjoy this bliss without feeling guilty or resisting.
+Amanda Langford nice sharing.. feeling blissful reading ur transformations..
I loved what swamiji said about you may have the joy of the three ups. But since you're not them, you'll not suffer the side effect of the downs! So does this mean we should consciously enjoy the psychological physiological neurological up s at the same time disowning consciously that we are independent of it?
often we are so engrossed and unaware when we are going through a situation. we forget to remind us that we are not these ups and downs.
Kris Vasu very true
Unconscious falling into patterns! How do we break this? Frequent reminders? Repeat completion practices? For, even today I found it difficult to get myself out of a mess until this reminder bell rang into me hours later
As we do completion more and more, we learn to stay in present moment. When we are totally present without the hangover of the past or worry of future, we become aware in our head even before we react to any situation.
Totally agree! How to complete with the reaction patterns? Can you provide multiple ways?
Can you share from each one of your experience of watching this video, is fundamental right only the bliss chemistry applies to all or can't it even be the joy of being in upanishad at His feet always?? Ofcourse that's bliss too! But are we taught only bliss chemistry is the eternal fundamental right for everybody?
+gayathri anand I feel that Swamiji is the external representation of our inner bliss chemistry. Because, If i sit with him, and he laughs, my bliss chemistry fires up.
Haha there can't be a sweeter or sweetest reply than this one!
My intention is "Sat Chit Ananda" as Maha Deva- should this build bliss chimistry-Nithyanandam
all that liberates you is more than a thought current, it is Kundalini Current!
+Teresa Allan "There is only one context that will awaken the bliss chemistry in a constant, stable and permanent way, and that is: 'I am blissful, because I am Mahadeva'."
+Teresa Allan It is this realization that I am not the ups and downs of my biology but Mahadeva, Sadashiva Himself. I am bliss from the beginning therefore it is my will, my intention to Be Mahadeva, it is the pure intention before I start identifying with the individual thought current and what I believe what my fundamental right is.
+Teresa Allan YES!!! liberating thought current (and actually it is much more than that even) is Kundalini Current!
I would like to attend the Kumba Mela. Could you let me know where and when or How much do I need to pay. With Tons of LOVE
"Whatever you think as your fundamental right, you are ready to bargain your life for that. No doubt you will get your fundamental right ultimately. But you will never be fulfilled with that, you will be cheated by that."
Is it true? Why so? For eg, we enjoy making money, spending time with family, doing business, enjoy shopping, seeing places, eating new food, romance... Why does Swamiji says it will not fulfill us?
+Binoy Joseph achieving those worldly successes gives temporary satisfaction in the realm of ups and downs which is perishable, which we are not that so, realizing the imperishable which we are as in 'Shivoham!' gives the only real completion is what I think.
+Binoy Joseph Whatever we run after to fulfil ourselves, as a law of nature it will NOT fulfil us. Because life is tooooo compassionate. It wants us to understand that bliss is a chemistry inside us which we can activate by pure choice! If fulfilment would happen after attaining outside pleasures - then we would keep running after those outside pleasures for fulfilment every time! And never find out about the possibility of conscious bliss chemistry! It is not that life is mean and unfair, that we work so hard for this 1 little pleasure (our fundamental right) and then after all that work we don't get it. It is because of utter compassion, that life withholds the fulfilment after achieving some success, so that we don't keep on running behind these small things which will never allow us to realise our greatness...
Beautifully put Ma Eszter Groll THANK YOU.
What is the meaning of building your inner bliss chemistry?
+Binoy Joseph ifeel one must may be listen more often to the satsang-you will find it out inside--Love Love Nithyanandam
+Binoy Joseph I feel that it is in cherishing what is imperishable in us and dropping, leaving anything that is perishable, that is we can enjoy the perishable, the short lived joys of receiving the boons of life but without any attachment to them. The Bliss Chemistry builds by our constant remembrance that we are Mahadeva.
Can anyone share what they understand by : 'I am blissful because i am Mahadeva'. What does it mean for you? How are you applying this in your life, and what results are you having from it?
+Sri Devanathananda It means to be blissful whatever happens because we are Mahadeva all the time. Thanks for keeping on reminding us, it takes some practice to break this falling back to the old pattern.
I am Mahadeva bec i am blissful means to me, Am empty powerful simple yet rich with abundance graceful unconditionally loving compassionate devoid of any incompletions I'm always auspicious full of joy nothing touches me! (Yes! This being the natural state, we are at times pulled down by our patterns but swamiji is there to raise us to His consciousness again and again)
+Binoy Joseph yes, i feel like it is only the forgetting and remembering that creates the fluctuations. Smaranath Mukthi, rememberance is liberation
+gayathri anand Yes, beautifully described. thank you!
How am I applying: each situation when confronted with, a reaction is by default the first response... at that moment reminder to the self: this is psychological down not me.. That brings me to the space of bliss reclaiming my original state
someone help me, does he eat food?
+Cody Snowden Swamiji has a beautiful thing. He just follows the Flow of The Cosmos. That is what I see. I am very limited but it is not that he has a rule of when to eat. He eats when the system calls for eating, not before, not after. He doesn't think about eating or not eating. I think that is the difference. Perfect nirahara is not meaning that you "don't eat" it is that you don't remember food. If food comes in your third eye, you take a meal. If not you don't. In that mood, food will never come unless Cosmos wants you to eat. Like sometimes, Master will offer a small fruit - and it is a gift of the Cosmos for us to eat. It will burn lifetimes of karmas by just eating such a gift because you attach to Master instead of the world.
+Thanedar Zac OK thanks brother
+Ram R thanks brother
recently I heard a replay of one of Swamiji's discourses where He said that authentic listening means listening without any doubt. that was a big revelation for me.
recently I heard a replay of one of Swamiji's discourses where He said that authentic listening means listening without any doubt. that was a big revelation for me.
+YTTT Assist Training Videos I heard it as... listening without incompletions, doubt is one incompletion
recently I heard a replay of one of Swamiji's discourses where He said that authentic listening means listening without any doubt. that was a big revelation for me.