Hello Those with wings which comes at night it shows that there's an anthill j you should follow them and remove anthill with termites before it damage the house especially buildin cuboards and doors that is wood made property. Use termites removal
Safari 🐜 ants we name them Soldier 🐜 ants in 🇹🇹 Trinidad and 🇹🇹 Tobago They gang up on things and altogether carry things away and They are plentiful You read in the Bible go to the ants and watch how they work Everyone helps when there is something they cannot handle for themselves It's a lesson for humans Maria Good you know how to get rid of them Maria. So with the❤❤❤❤❤BOLD LOVE of God love people It's contagious 💕
Those with wings which comes at night it shows that there's an anthill j you should follow them and remove anthill with termites before it damage the house especially buildin cuboards and doors that is wood made property. Use termites removal
Safari 🐜 ants we name them Soldier 🐜 ants in 🇹🇹 Trinidad and 🇹🇹 Tobago They gang up on things and altogether carry things away and They are plentiful You read in the Bible go to the ants and watch how they work Everyone helps when there is something they cannot handle for themselves It's a lesson for humans Maria Good you know how to get rid of them Maria. So with the❤❤❤❤❤BOLD LOVE of God love people It's contagious 💕