Hello, my RNS510 radio on my 2006 Touran no longer starts; it always stays on the welcome screen with the Volkswagen logo. This happened before, and I resolved it with a reset and a recovery CD created from a file downloaded online. Now, after doing the same procedure, I see a message on the screen saying the software is updated, but the radio keeps restarting in a loop and is unusable. I need a link to download a recovery kit different from the one I already have. Can you help me? Thanks for your assistance.
Salut Catalin! La un VW GOLF 6 (2012) cu RNS510 Continental (2012) - 1T0035680H, HW: H70, SW: 4120 care ar fi ordinea de instalare a versiunilor de fw? Pot pune direct 5238? Ca mai apoi sa pot pune v17 East Europe 2020. P.S. v17 e ultima versiune de harti aparuta? 🙂
Thanks a lot for sharing this video. Do I have to burn firmware to CD or can I also use DVD? Under 5238 file there are zippyshare links. I downloaded them but file name is writen as 6276. Is it 5238 really? Thanks in advance for your answer.
Hi, my device is in boot loop. 1T0 035 680 P with the software 5238 --> 5238 Josi does not work. Which one would you take? 5269 or 5274 ? Would you have a download link for me? Best!
hi ! sorry, but i dont have any images anymore. however, from what i've read, for your model, the latest fw is 5270, so i would go with this one if i were you :)
hi. my rns 510 doesn't show version info even if I hold setup button for a long time. it only shows FM and AM and DAB. I heard that it needs to be activated in VCDS. My question is, is it possible for me to upgrade the firmware to 5238 without activating from VCDS or something like that? Thank you! :)
Hey, i have sw 3970 and maps 7690, can i upgrade to it directly? Seems like quite a big step, also are there any benefits? What would loosing maps mean? Just that i have older maps? I could upgrade them with a cd too right?
hi, sorry for the late answer. yes, you can update sw without losing the maps (i didn't), although i read that some did lose them. and yes, you can upgrade maps later if you want to.
@@Tips4IT thanks and no worries, wasnt that long and you dont have to do this lol. I just wanted to ask if theres any benefit to upgrading software? Some have reported their 510 got bricked, other were faster other were slower afterwards. I already have radio text and basically everything i need. Only thing id appreciate would be Faster startup, esp. Reversing camera would be nice, but i guess the sw cant do miracles?
@@D3nn1s dont know what to say about the camera (i didnt had). i cant pronounce about the startup, didnt see any changes - a thing that came with sw update was video in motion - but i never used it :) if you get the right fw version, there's nothing to worry about. than again, if your rns is running properly, i dont see a reason to update it. i did it cause i had a older version and i couldnt update the maps, so i had to do it
@@Tips4IT ah ok i see. Yeah thats the only thing ill try when i have time. My maps are pretty old and your vid is quite useful. Ill update to eu west v17 as soon as i can :) Thanks btw for those good videos!
Hi my 2014 Passat TDI Premium radio isnt working it just says Fender Premium Audio System on the screen. Do you know whats wrong with it and help me fix it? Is it like do I need an update?
hi, you can try to reset it. it can be done by simultaneously holding down the left and right track change buttons and the I or star button. Keep them held until the screen switches off and then you can release. The unit will display the vw logo and welcome message before the display goes off once again. Wait a few moments before switching on the unit
Hello, I did the update with the file from google drive. Since the updateI can´t start my car or the RNS510. I only have a lot of error notifications from motor, brakes and esp etc. What can I do?
Updated my RNS510 but I have no sound and when I try and store a radio station on one of the presets they just store as 93.4 mhz rather than the radio station I selected. Any suggestions? The update said it was successful.
@@Tips4IT Hi, thanks for the reply. The details from the label are as follows - 1T0 035 680 C - HW: H04 - SW: 2680 - Manufactured: March 2009. Is this what you need?
@@nickking360 if you had 2680 im sure you cant update dirwctly to 5238. you had to have a higher version than 26xx, something with 3xxx. perhaps thats why you are having these issuea
@@nickking360 based on your HW version, it seems that you should update 5274. did some searching - think you can download it from here - drive.google.com/drive/folders/1109hVi49QqD1tb0B9BrJbgNFOc0Ia955?usp=sharing
Hi! Will the update work for the rns510 headunit which sound disappeared after an autoupdate? Will this bring back the sound? Everything else work except the fm and bluetooth sound
Hi, thanks for the useful information... My unit is stuck on startup loop, cant do anything, tried to download the software, it telle me SWL found then gives SWL Error (010306). the car is a japanese imported one. Thanks in advance
Salut Catalin si multumesc pentru rabdarea cu care ne raspunzi tuturor. Am un RNS 510 cu urmatoarele caracteristici: mod. 1T0 035 680 C, HW: H06 , SW: 2720. Pot upgrada firmware-ul direct la versiunea 5238 (sau trebuie sa trec mai intai la o versiune intermediara, tip si succesiv sa instalez ultima versiune de harti (v.17)? Astept un raspuns si iti multumesc anticipat. Si multumesc oricui imi va da un raspuns pertinent la intrebare :-)
Salutare! Stiu ca e un video vechi, dar poate ma poti ajuta: Am o Octavia 2 din 2010 cu rns 510. Cod: 3T0 035 680A H05 2684 Asta apare in vcds. Din navi daca tin apasat pe setup nu imi apare meniul secret. Care ar fi variantele de update? Mersi!
mai era o varianta, tii apasat < > si i, asta o sa restarteze navigatia; cand apare "welcome to vw" tii apasat atunci setup pt cateva secunde - incearca asa
Hello catalin, first of all big tumbs up for u helping everyone 💙. I need some advice/help With My unit 1T0035680C HW: H50 SW: 2840 I read somewhere in the comments that u mentioned first upgrading to 3810 and then to 5270 ? Can I download that or u have some links? My second question is it possible to place the radio on a bench and just put 12v from an power supply on it (in house)😎 Thanks in advance
hi! big thanks! unfortunately i dont have the kits anymore, but im sure they can be found (think i saw something on some dedicated vw golf forum). as for the 2nd question, i think so, as long as it has the propper V and mAh
Salut , am instalat FW 5238 cu am vazut la tine dar dupa instalare nu am nici un fel de sunet in boxe , nici radio nici dupa card nimic . Hartile inca nu le-am instalat ! Ai idee ce poate fi ? Ms
@@Tips4IT H52 este scris in dreptul la HW - Version ! Am sistem de muzica dynaudio . Astazi am instalat FW 5238 Josi dupa Gpszone si am sunet numai pe difuzoarele din spate si in setari am doar stanga - dreapta !
Salut! Revin. S.a terminat procesul pana la 100% și apoi mi.a apărut SOFTWARE LOADING ERROR 010301 SWL error EcuOrder.txt invalid spurce input An error occurred during update and we can not carry on from this position Please remove the CD and insert a new CD to try software loadind again Ce sa fie?
Ceau! Am avut si eu doua incercari esuate in a face un upgrade la RNS-ul meu. Am urmat pasii descrisi din link-ul care l-ai postat, dar nicio sansa. Totusi am observat ca ai folosit un CD Sony, spre deosebire de mine care am folosit de cele ieftine. Asta ar fi solutia?
Andrei Muntea am scris cu cd burner xp. la viteza cea mai mica.. daca ai cum, ia versiunea dp filelist, daca nu, le i carc eu undeva.. si am mai bifat ceva gen "track at once" .. parca
Am sa incerc ambele variante: iau un cd de calitate si-l scriu cu programul ce-ai zis. Cand am incercat sa instalez, imi arata o eroare de genul: SWL CD error...nu prea stiu ce inseamna asta si-am cautat pe net, dar nu m-am lamurit
Salut. Am cam ramas in urma cu versiunile - nu mai detin Passatul :) dar cred ca urmatoarea ar fi 6276 - am citit ceva pe gpszone, poate afli mai multe acolo
Salutare am si eu nevoie de ajutorul vostru am tot rns 510 versiunea 3970 Am pățito rau ca nu mai îmi merg controalele de pe volan de exemplu sa schimb o melodie în fata sau în spate nu mai merg Volumul merge Si mi sa dezactivat si Sign assist Daca ii fac Software nou ce credeți imi va functiona din nou comenzile pe volan mie îmi cere versiunea 5274 am pus obd eleven si am văzut Daca aveti vreun link de unde pot descarca si eu versiunea asta mi-ați fi de mare ajutor si recunoscator Va salut pe toți o zi buna
Am reusit cu varianta FW_5238 dar la active map coverrange , map version,active map supplier nu apare nimic și am făcut Dvd cu imaginea iso și zice eroare la Dvd
@@dumy5035 trebuie scris cu cea mai mica viteza, x1. dvd-ul il faci pe laptop ? s-a intamplat de multe ori sa nu mearga dvd-urile facute pe laptop. ca alternativa, l-am scris la munca pe un PC
Am inteles. Nu, ma refeream daca a trebuit sa recodezi prin VCDS. Citeam ca unii au pierdut controlul tastelor de pe volan de exemplu, sau cine are camera spate nu mai vede. Ti-au functionat in continuare controalele de pe volan?
Salut Catalin! pot afla mai multe despre navigatia mea RNS 510 cu VCDS ul?? ca prin apasarea butonului Setup catve asecunde bune nu mi da decat FM, AM si DAB ... nu am nicio informatie despre ea. fara a scoate navigatia de pe masina te rog
Mane fii atent nu stiu daca o sa raspunzi am vazut ca esti roman si as vrea sa ma ajuti cu ceva...Am un rns 510 setat pe west europe si as vrea sa il dau pe east europe si sa ii fac un update la soft m-ai putea ajuta ?
Antonio Branzai salut.. cu un sfat da, dar nu ma ocup de instalari.. se pot schimba hartile lejer.. stiu ca am citit si chiar am vazut un video. hartile le am dp torrente (filelist)
Salut! Mersi fain de ajutor! Linkul de Google drive m-a scos din c@cat! E prima oara ca am patit sa fac o prostie pe RNS510 si mi s-a resetat softwareul! Nu am stiut ce sa mai fac, am cautat pe pagini rusesti, etc, nimica nu a mers! Doar linkul tau! Mersi de ajutor! Doamne ajuta!
salut, uite pasii care trebuiesc urmati ... paulroberts69.wordpress.com/2015/10/01/upgrading-firmware-and-maps-on-vw-rns-510-satnav/ nu ma ocup de actualizari la alte persoane, dar ajut cum pot :)
Sorin Stanciu salut, te sfatuiesc sa folosesti un card sd. paulroberts69.wordpress.com/2015/10/01/upgrading-firmware-and-maps-on-vw-rns-510-satnav/ ai in link pasii care i-am facut eu... a mers din prima
ce am gasit, asta - www.motor-talk.de/forum/rns-510-welche-firmware-ist-aufgespielt-aktualisieren-t4100033.html dar este in germana :) pare ca ai putea sa faci update la 3980
negar shade scuze ca rasp asa tarziu.. cam greu in perioada asta pt mine... ai in link.ul urmator pasii care i-am facut si eu paulroberts69.wordpress.com/2015/10/01/upgrading-firmware-and-maps-on-vw-rns-510-satnav/
@@Tips4IT Salutare!Eu am instalat versiunea 5238 si nu am play pe nicaieri.Functioneaza ca o versiune demo.Nici pe cd/dvd ,sd sau hardisc nu pleaca cand dau pe play.De pe linku atasat aici iar nu pot face nimic ca nu se descarca ce a pus omul acela acolo,cred ca sunt niste file incomplete. SW: 5238 Update by josi HW: C3-C12 part1 / part2 / part3 (452 MB) nu merge sa le deschid cu nimic.Dupa ce am instalat versiune 5238 imi spune ca s a instalat cu succes dar ceva nu este in regula. Am postat si aici vwforum.ro/topic/40393-rns-510-columbus/page/276/?tab=comments#comment-3020245
Thank you so much I managed to upgrade my RNS 510 HW H70 SW-4120 to SW-5238, using the second link on your description...
Where did you get the software?
Hello.. Can I update with only a SD card? My CD player is broken
Thank you very much bro I managed to upgrade successfully Skoda Octavia Rs (RNS 510/COLUMBUS)
cool. glad it helped :)
Thank you very much. Updated successfully my Touran RNS 510 to 5238.
Welcome 😁
@@Tips4IT I j have a RNs 315 and it is asking for an installation disk v0400 where do I get one?
Thank you so much. You're fixing my RNS510 with that update firmware. Perfect.!!!
Hi! Help please
Is the updated will solve the issue of the screen stuck in vw symbol and i already reset it but no luck ?
Hello, my RNS510 radio on my 2006 Touran no longer starts; it always stays on the welcome screen with the Volkswagen logo. This happened before, and I resolved it with a reset and a recovery CD created from a file downloaded online. Now, after doing the same procedure, I see a message on the screen saying the software is updated, but the radio keeps restarting in a loop and is unusable. I need a link to download a recovery kit different from the one I already have. Can you help me? Thanks for your assistance.
How should i Burn the CD? Please helpdesk me.
hi. smallest writing speed.
here are the instructions - th-cam.com/video/1ajqcTcIfPk/w-d-xo.html&lc=UgwH0UQOrGOZmxTWbE14AaABAg
Hello, can it be done via micro usd card? Or does it have to be on CD?
Hi sir, my radio doesn't read the CD I made from the downloaded file.
Hello, is it possible to downgrade to 5238 from 6276 with H27?
Uhm, can t say for sure, sorry.
Whats your part number?
Salut Catalin! La un VW GOLF 6 (2012) cu RNS510 Continental (2012) - 1T0035680H, HW: H70, SW: 4120 care ar fi ordinea de instalare a versiunilor de fw? Pot pune direct 5238? Ca mai apoi sa pot pune v17 East Europe 2020. P.S. v17 e ultima versiune de harti aparuta? 🙂
salut! din cate imi amintesc, dp 32xx poti instala direct 5238. da, v17 e ultima
hi, could you advice which firmware will be correct for me radio? currently I have 1T0035680C ,hw03,sw2680, hw vehicle 0xc201.Thank you.
Thanks a lot for sharing this video. Do I have to burn firmware to CD or can I also use DVD? Under 5238 file there are zippyshare links. I downloaded them but file name is writen as 6276. Is it 5238 really? Thanks in advance for your answer.
guess you can try with a dvd too, i used a CD. i suggest you download from here: drive.google.com/file/d/1sHpwduaniYoosbBgt3-4BmMy2LfvJpGG/view
@@Tips4IT Thank you so much, I was looking for those files for days.
@@Tips4IT salut la un rcd510 sunt aceiași pași ??
@@Tips4IT Salut! acest firmwware, este un upgrade oficial la RNS 510 ?
VW CC 2013 - 1T0035680H RNS510 update success, used IMGBURN to burn onto DVD-R. Did not work with windows burner
hello do i need unzip the file or burn it as it is?
hello i have HW : H30 sw: 1088 series 3c8035685A i want firmware upgrade pls what link i need ?
Hi, my device is in boot loop. 1T0 035 680 P with the software 5238 --> 5238 Josi does not work. Which one would you take? 5269 or 5274 ? Would you have a download link for me? Best!
hi ! sorry, but i dont have any images anymore. however, from what i've read, for your model, the latest fw is 5270, so i would go with this one if i were you :)
Mine says it has version 3690 and Bluetooth music won't play now what version can I upgrade to? Think that's problem tried bunch of other things
What hw do you have?
hi. my rns 510 doesn't show version info even if I hold setup button for a long time. it only shows FM and AM and DAB. I heard that it needs to be activated in VCDS. My question is, is it possible for me to upgrade the firmware to 5238 without activating from VCDS or something like that? Thank you! :)
Did you fix it bro?? And how ?
Hello, What if update fails? I mean in the middle of the update a power loss or etc.
Say goodbye to the device in the most cases
Does this update works for USA zone RNS510 or its just for europe.
Dont know what to say. I assume if you have the propper fw, it can be used
hi! is the engine on or have you inserted your key and turned it on? Im about to update the firmware too. TIA
works without key too
If your music goes how do you get it back or if you can not watch DVDs after the update how do you get that back again?
think you need a different FW. what HW do you have ?
Will it resolve the problem of restarting ? Mine one is keep restarting that’s why
Multumesc frumos , am reusit sa dau update la software ... in incercare de a rezolva problema cu boot loop. Sa traiesti!!!
Cu placere :)
Thanks for the video, a friend has restart problem on 5K7035200F radio, can you help me on which firmware should I download? Thanks!!
Hi. it depends on what HW he has.
@@Tips4IT will investigate and let you know
@@Tips4IT hey, do you know how to verify the HW version? I can’t start the radio
@@javieralexandersg @Javier Sandoval press and hold setup buton, and than choose version info. you will hw and sw version there
@@Tips4IT my radio doesn’t have setup button, and is in loop restart, it has a menu button though
Salut! Fișierele încărcate pe zippyshare nu mai sunt disponibile ori site-ul a fost închis. Oare le pot găsi într-o altă sursă?
salut! incearca pe aici - gpszone.ro/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=108&start=180
Did u habe a link for 5238 again? I have a Boot error
hi. sorry, i dont
Any clue in which category falls 1T0 035 680 P HW: H08 ??? Original FW is SW: 5218 / MFD 27.12.2012
hi, found that it can support sw 5238
Can you please reshare this 5238 firmware .iso link? I downloaded one from your descrtiption and it was firmware 5218 not 5238
hi! sorry, i dont have it anymore
Hey, i have sw 3970 and maps 7690, can i upgrade to it directly? Seems like quite a big step, also are there any benefits?
What would loosing maps mean? Just that i have older maps? I could upgrade them with a cd too right?
hi, sorry for the late answer. yes, you can update sw without losing the maps (i didn't), although i read that some did lose them. and yes, you can upgrade maps later if you want to.
@@Tips4IT thanks and no worries, wasnt that long and you dont have to do this lol.
I just wanted to ask if theres any benefit to upgrading software? Some have reported their 510 got bricked, other were faster other were slower afterwards.
I already have radio text and basically everything i need. Only thing id appreciate would be
Faster startup, esp. Reversing camera would be nice, but i guess the sw cant do miracles?
@@D3nn1s dont know what to say about the camera (i didnt had). i cant pronounce about the startup, didnt see any changes - a thing that came with sw update was video in motion - but i never used it :)
if you get the right fw version, there's nothing to worry about. than again, if your rns is running properly, i dont see a reason to update it. i did it cause i had a older version and i couldnt update the maps, so i had to do it
@@Tips4IT ah ok i see. Yeah thats the only thing ill try when i have time. My maps are pretty old and your vid is quite useful.
Ill update to eu west v17 as soon as i can :)
Thanks btw for those good videos!
Hi my 2014 Passat TDI Premium radio isnt working it just says Fender Premium Audio System on the screen. Do you know whats wrong with it and help me fix it? Is it like do I need an update?
hi, you can try to reset it. it can be done by simultaneously holding down the left and right track change buttons and the I or star button. Keep them held until the screen switches off and then you can release. The unit will display the vw logo and welcome message before the display goes off once again. Wait a few moments before switching on the unit
Tips 4 IT thank you I’ll try it
Tips 4 IT it didn’t work 🥺
@@RomeoATB than guess you will have to update it.. but you need to find out what HW version you have. you can find that on the back of you RNS
Hello, I did the update with the file from google drive. Since the updateI can´t start my car or the RNS510. I only have a lot of error notifications from motor, brakes and esp etc. What can I do?
hi. did it installed ok? did you check if 5238 is the right FW for you ?
@@Tips4IT Installation was ok. I checked the part nnumber from my RNS. Its the 1T0 035 680 B. original SW 1120.
@@martinschott9929 your HW is a bit newer, therefore you need sw 5274
@@Tips4IT Do you know where I can get this?
Updated my RNS510 but I have no sound and when I try and store a radio station on one of the presets they just store as 93.4 mhz rather than the radio station I selected. Any suggestions? The update said it was successful.
not sure... what HW version you have?
@@Tips4IT Hi, thanks for the reply. The details from the label are as follows - 1T0 035 680 C - HW: H04 - SW: 2680 - Manufactured: March 2009. Is this what you need?
@@nickking360 if you had 2680 im sure you cant update dirwctly to 5238. you had to have a higher version than 26xx, something with 3xxx. perhaps thats why you are having these issuea
@@Tips4IT I had updated it in the past but I'm not sure to which version, SW 2680 was on the label so I guess that was stock firmware.
@@nickking360 based on your HW version, it seems that you should update 5274. did some searching - think you can download it from here - drive.google.com/drive/folders/1109hVi49QqD1tb0B9BrJbgNFOc0Ia955?usp=sharing
Hi! Will the update work for the rns510 headunit which sound disappeared after an autoupdate? Will this bring back the sound? Everything else work except the fm and bluetooth sound
hi. you can try. just make sure its what you need
@@Tips4IT which link should i download?
what hw version do you have?
@@Tips4IT i dont know which softwate version it is now. But the headunit model is rns510 without dab, with navi and back camera
@@iamkzonjames im not talking about the SW version, you need to check the HW version.
which is the latest version right now????
hi. sorry, but i've lost track of them - dont have the b7 anymore. but it depends on what HW you have.
6276 is the lattest one but only compatibile with rns 2014 devices
Si as vrea sa imi spui cum pun mai multe fisiere pe un cd-r ca nu ma pricep
Hi, thanks for the useful information... My unit is stuck on startup loop, cant do anything, tried to download the software, it telle me SWL found then gives SWL Error (010306). the car is a japanese imported one. Thanks in advance
cant tell exactly... at what speed did you burned the dvd ?
@@Tips4IT The lowest speed, I think $x
@@acksonmunthali593 sorry for the late reply. are you sure that 5238 was the right fw for you ?
@@Tips4IT Yes it is, but after some Google search I have discovered that my unit is a Japanese part number *** 681 B and can only work with FW 2960
fisierul cand il pun pe dvd trebuie format iso?
salut. da, iso.
adica, nu o copiezi direct, montezi iso-ul intr-un soft de scriere si urmezi pasii necesari
Salut,funcționează și pe rns510 1T0035680A Hw-vers H04,SW-vers 1000? Mulțumesc anticipat!
salut. da, pt 1T0035680A 5238 este ultima versiune disponibila.
Thank you, I'll give this a try on my RNS 510 1T0 035 680 C.
does it worked for you mate?
Salut Catalin si multumesc pentru rabdarea cu care ne raspunzi tuturor.
Am un RNS 510 cu urmatoarele caracteristici: mod. 1T0 035 680 C, HW: H06 , SW: 2720.
Pot upgrada firmware-ul direct la versiunea 5238 (sau trebuie sa trec mai intai la o versiune intermediara, tip si succesiv sa instalez ultima versiune de harti (v.17)?
Astept un raspuns si iti multumesc anticipat.
Si multumesc oricui imi va da un raspuns pertinent la intrebare :-)
salut. iti trebuie o versiune intermediara. cauta pr ultimile comentarii ca a zis cineva ca a pus 3xxx.
ar trebui sa pui 3810 si apoi 5270
@@Tips4IT Ok, multumesc mult pentru sfat. Si dupa ce fac upgrade-ul la 5270 trecand prin 3810 crezi ca voi putea instala hartile v.17?
cred ca-i suficient doar 3810. cel putin asa era la v16
@@Tips4IT Dar m-ai sfatuit sa pun 5270 dupa 3810, aduce ceva imbunatiri sustantiale in plus, sau e mai stabila decat 5270?
1T0 035 680 C (1T0035680C)
Hi dear kindly advise which firmware will be suitable
Hi mate. 5274 :)
@@Tips4IT can you share the download link please 🙏 😊
Sorry, i dont have it :(
Salutare! Stiu ca e un video vechi, dar poate ma poti ajuta:
Am o Octavia 2 din 2010 cu rns 510.
Cod: 3T0 035 680A
H05 2684
Asta apare in vcds. Din navi daca tin apasat pe setup nu imi apare meniul secret.
Care ar fi variantele de update? Mersi!
salut! pai nu din navi sa apesi pe setup - ci pe buton fizic setup
@@Tips4IT De pe butonul fizic nu apare. E prea veche versiunea 2684. Nu are functia de version info din setup. Doar FM/AM apare.
@@lucideresuchiar daca tii mai mult apasat dp ce apare am/fm, nu se intampla nimic ?
mai era o varianta, tii apasat < > si i, asta o sa restarteze navigatia; cand apare "welcome to vw" tii apasat atunci setup pt cateva secunde - incearca asa
Sunt anumite beneficii pentru care are merita să fac update?
Salutare. Se deblocheza video in motion
Salut, am încercat sa fac update de la 4022 dar pe la 50% mi-a dat eroare, ce e de făcut?
As mai incerca cu un dvd eu. Ai scris la viteza mica?
@@Tips4IT da la viteza de 2x, ziceți sa scriu oe un dvd?
Hello catalin, first of all big tumbs up for u helping everyone 💙.
I need some advice/help With My unit 1T0035680C HW: H50 SW: 2840
I read somewhere in the comments that u mentioned first upgrading to
3810 and then to 5270 ? Can I download that or u have some links?
My second question is it possible to place the radio on a bench and just put 12v from an power supply on it (in house)😎
Thanks in advance
hi! big thanks! unfortunately i dont have the kits anymore, but im sure they can be found (think i saw something on some dedicated vw golf forum). as for the 2nd question, i think so, as long as it has the propper V and mAh
Is this only for the European (Non-US) Market?
Thomas R. Smith yes. it for europe
What happens if you try to update a US model?
Hello, i can update my rns 510 fw 1100 3C0 035 689c?
Salut , am instalat FW 5238 cu am vazut la tine dar dupa instalare nu am nici un fel de sunet in boxe , nici radio nici dupa card nimic . Hartile inca nu le-am instalat !
Ai idee ce poate fi ? Ms
salut, posibil 5238 sa nu fie ceea ce trebuie pt tine. stii ce HW ai?
@@Tips4IT H52 este scris in dreptul la HW - Version ! Am sistem de muzica dynaudio .
Astazi am instalat FW 5238 Josi dupa Gpszone si am sunet numai pe difuzoarele din spate si in setari am doar stanga - dreapta !
Hi mate mine it loop all the time i instal the firmware 5238 but show me firmware swl error 10306
hi, either the FW wasnt writen ok on the cd, or its not compatible with the RNS hw. what's the hw version ?
Salut! Am 1T0035680D, hw: h74, Sw-3810, pot trece la 5238 sau trebuie versiune intermediara?
salut. din ce an e? mi se pare ciudat acest 1R0035680D
@@Tips4IT scuze, 1T0035680D
la modelul acesta, ultima versiune este 5274. din cate imi amitesc, parca tot ce e peste 38xx merge facut direct.
@@Tips4IT ai un link de unde o pot descarca? ca am gasit pe internet cu dimesiuni diferite la fisier...
@@Dragutzul17 incearca pe gpszone, eu de acolo luam ce aveam nevoi
hello dear i downloaded the 5238 links part 1,2,3 and the files can't be opened
the archive is either in unknown format or damaged
any help ?
Hi. Check in description, there is a link to google drive download. That one works
@@Tips4IT i got that too
last question would work for 3c0 035 681 A and B??
@@Tips4IT ?
@@mohamedaos6330 dont know what to say. what HW version do you have ?
@@Tips4IT 681 B hw h13 sw 2960
Japanese stock
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Pentru RNS 315 exista un update de firmware?
Salut Cătălin! Cum pun pe CD software-ul? Cu ce program?
Salut. eu am folosit CDBurnerXP
Salut! Revin. S.a terminat procesul pana la 100% și apoi mi.a apărut
SWL error EcuOrder.txt invalid spurce input
An error occurred during update and we can not carry on from this position
Please remove the CD and insert a new CD to try software loadind again
Ce sa fie?
@@albertalberto9713 ce versiune de HW ai si ce FW ai avut inainte de update ?
Acum am instalat 5238. Inainte nustiu ce aveam ca nu am reușit sa vad. Țineam apăsat pe setup lung și nu apărea decât AM și FM.
Dar menționez ca am mai încercat odată și a doua oara a fost cu succes!
Am avut si eu doua incercari esuate in a face un upgrade la RNS-ul meu. Am urmat pasii descrisi din link-ul care l-ai postat, dar nicio sansa.
Totusi am observat ca ai folosit un CD Sony, spre deosebire de mine care am folosit de cele ieftine.
Asta ar fi solutia?
Andrei Muntea am scris cu cd burner xp. la viteza cea mai mica.. daca ai cum, ia versiunea dp filelist, daca nu, le i carc eu undeva.. si am mai bifat ceva gen "track at once" .. parca
Am sa incerc ambele variante: iau un cd de calitate si-l scriu cu programul ce-ai zis.
Cand am incercat sa instalez, imi arata o eroare de genul: SWL CD error...nu prea stiu ce inseamna asta si-am cautat pe net, dar nu m-am lamurit
Andrei Muntea pe verbatim am scris
Mi s-o parut a fi un Sony, oricum ideea-i ca o sa incerc cu un CD de marca.
Multumesc pt sfat!
Imi puteti da sau recomanda un update pentru HW: H26, SW:6270
Salut. Am cam ramas in urma cu versiunile - nu mai detin Passatul :) dar cred ca urmatoarea ar fi 6276 - am citit ceva pe gpszone, poate afli mai multe acolo
Ma poti ajuta cu un link pentru a descaraca soft-ul ?
salut. e in descriere, spre sfarsit
both links do not work. any new links? thanks!
sure it does, drive.google.com/file/d/1sHpwduaniYoosbBgt3-4BmMy2LfvJpGG/view
This one does thank you so much. But I just found my version is 5374 does that mean mine is newer? Thank you!!
@@abdullahallu5170 kinda, or you have a different HW
Ok. Thank you so much for everything!!
@@abdullahallu5170 welcome!
Salut, dar pentru cei care nu au butonul setup pe "gps" cum pornesc instalarea updateului?
salut, ce rns ?
@@Tips4IT nu ma pricep asa de bine de unde sa aflu, imi dai o adresa de mail ca sa iti trimit o poza?
fa o poza. cauta ma pe fb si trimiti
@@Tips4IT ok, cum te numești pe fb?
kan ik mijn rns 510 sw 3970 hiermee updaten ? auto is van 2011
im not really sure, i think you have to do another update and then version 5238
Do you know how. ?
salut , cand faci updateul nu trebuie sa bagi cheia in contact nu?
salut. nu trebuie contact
@@Mustaciosul am inteles , ms
am facut anul trecut update la harti cu motorul pornit , si am 'omorat' alternatorul la masina .
hello mate. can i update in passat cc 2011.03 with v5238? if yes, can u you pass me download link?
hi there. yes you can. link is in the description/comments also. get the one from google drive
@@Tips4IT thanks mateh
Salutare am si eu nevoie de ajutorul vostru am tot rns 510 versiunea 3970
Am pățito rau ca nu mai îmi merg controalele de pe volan de exemplu sa schimb o melodie în fata sau în spate nu mai merg
Volumul merge
Si mi sa dezactivat si Sign assist
Daca ii fac Software nou ce credeți imi va functiona din nou comenzile pe volan mie îmi cere versiunea 5274 am pus obd eleven si am văzut
Daca aveti vreun link de unde pot descarca si eu versiunea asta mi-ați fi de mare ajutor si recunoscator
Va salut pe toți o zi buna
salut. ce HW ai ?
vreun link mai recent cu harti mai ai?
Salut, depinde ce model hw ai la rns
Hi are you sure it works with 5238?
yes, mine did. check what HW you have
am bagat cd-ul cu firmware si mi-a dat eroare,ai idee de ce? am ars imaginea cu imageburn la viteza de 2.4. swl error mi-a aparut
eu am folosit CdBurnerXP
la ce viteza?
eu nu pot afla ce versiune am la el,am tinut apasat pe setup dar nu-mi apare.
cea mai mica..
trebuie sa intre in setup. sigur ai 510?
nu mergea sa fac update din cauza ca e vesiunea 6276 nicidecum5238 , am luat 5238 si functioneaza.
Furyan Alex adica aveai versiune mai noua?
Versiunea care am downloadato de aici nu e 5238,e6276 și e prea noua pe al meu
Salut pt modelu de rns 1T0035680A ce firmware sa bag mulțumesc
salut, 5238
Tips 4 IT ai și un link te rog
@@dumy5035 era in descriere :) drive.google.com/file/d/1sHpwduaniYoosbBgt3-4BmMy2LfvJpGG/view
Am reusit cu varianta FW_5238 dar la active map coverrange , map version,active map supplier nu apare nimic și am făcut Dvd cu imaginea iso și zice eroare la Dvd
@@dumy5035 trebuie scris cu cea mai mica viteza, x1. dvd-ul il faci pe laptop ? s-a intamplat de multe ori sa nu mearga dvd-urile facute pe laptop. ca alternativa, l-am scris la munca pe un PC
salut,in acest iso e activat si video motion si e facut si update la harti ?multumesc anticipat
la aceasta versiune da, se activeaza si Video motion.. hartile nu se afla in acel iso.
Pentru hărți ai un alt link? Mulțumesc pentru răspuns.
le-am descarcat dp torrent
Mașina trebuie pornita când fac acest update? Ma gândesc sa nu se oprească în timpul update-ului
Furyan Alex pus contact doar
Salut îmi dai un link ca cel din descrie nu merge 5238
salut. ai la sfarsit, 2 link uri. cel pe google drive merge sigur
@@Tips4IT salut am reușit sa instalez 5238 tot in regula dar cum fac cu hărțile ??
@@dumy5035 Salut. vezi ca mai am un video unde sunt si hartile puse. sau te referi la altceva ?
@@Tips4IT am încercat si zice ca eroare Dvd
@@dumy5035 depinde si de dvd. ai scris cu cea mai mica viteza ? eventual poti incerca cu un card SD. si te folosesti de maps tool v2 (parca)
Salut. Dupa instalare a trebuit sa recodezi unitatea? Ti-au raspuns comenzile de pe volan si afisajul?
Ai folosit o marca anume de CD?
Cain te referi daca a cerut cod? nu. am folosit ce am avut in casa, sony. doar sa scrii la viteza mica, cat mai mica
Am inteles. Nu, ma refeream daca a trebuit sa recodezi prin VCDS. Citeam ca unii au pierdut controlul tastelor de pe volan de exemplu, sau cine are camera spate nu mai vede. Ti-au functionat in continuare controalele de pe volan?
Cain da, au functionat in continuare fara probleme
Super. Ai un video si despre update de harti?
Inca o intrebare. Stii cumva ce firmware aveai inainte de update?
This FW and maps dont work at all tried several times but nothing hapend.
depends on the RNS.
You should have mentioned this before not after people try it.
@@kafanaco it's something i found out later
Salut Catalin! pot afla mai multe despre navigatia mea RNS 510 cu VCDS ul?? ca prin apasarea butonului Setup catve asecunde bune nu mi da decat FM, AM si DAB ... nu am nicio informatie despre ea. fara a scoate navigatia de pe masina te rog
Salutare! am umblat foarte putin cu VCDS, dar sunt sigur ca poti afla si despre navigatie info
Mane fii atent nu stiu daca o sa raspunzi am vazut ca esti roman si as vrea sa ma ajuti cu ceva...Am un rns 510 setat pe west europe si as vrea sa il dau pe east europe si sa ii fac un update la soft m-ai putea ajuta ?
Antonio Branzai salut.. cu un sfat da, dar nu ma ocup de instalari.. se pot schimba hartile lejer.. stiu ca am citit si chiar am vazut un video. hartile le am dp torrente (filelist)
Catalin M poti sa mi le trimeti cumva si cum sa pun pe dvd si pe ce tip de dvd ?
uite aici pasii care i-am facut si eu.. nu mai am hartile. o sa incerc sa vad daca mai pot face rost de ele
Acum am alta problema...
Cand incerc sa il deschid imi apare sa introduc SWL-CD si nu mai porneste ma poti ajuta ?
hartile le-am gasi
Support 3C0 035 680 C HW:11 SW:2660 Continental ???
can you reform ? i don't understand
Salut! Mersi fain de ajutor! Linkul de Google drive m-a scos din c@cat! E prima oara ca am patit sa fac o prostie pe RNS510 si mi s-a resetat softwareul! Nu am stiut ce sa mai fac, am cautat pe pagini rusesti, etc, nimica nu a mers! Doar linkul tau! Mersi de ajutor! Doamne ajuta!
cu placere!
Looking for the Passwords for files 2 + 3. Eagger only works for file 1. Does anybody know?
gibts schon ein neues pass:
eagger funktioniert nur bei part 1
la ce ajuta acest update?
Adrian Adrian video in motion si am facut update la harti..
I need version for europa
I need USA and Canada version
salut!ma poti ajuta si pe mine sa fac update la firmware?
salut, uite pasii care trebuiesc urmati ...
nu ma ocup de actualizari la alte persoane, dar ajut cum pot :)
is this also a navigation update?
7mill in tbis video, only the fw is updated... i did a navigation update after
I don't know which download link to click on when visiting the links you posted.
Hey Tips4IT thx for the Video, but can u Tell me what the password for the zip files are ?
Asurademon hi.. dont remember having a password.. wich zip?
Would you happen to have a link to Firmware: RNS510 HW: H23 / SW: 5374 (3C0 035 684L) US VERSION?
Hi Rose,
No, sorry
Salut. Am descărcat fișierele. poți sa mi spui Cum ar trebui sa fac cd pentru al citi mașina
Sorin Stanciu salut, te sfatuiesc sa folosesti un card sd. paulroberts69.wordpress.com/2015/10/01/upgrading-firmware-and-maps-on-vw-rns-510-satnav/
ai in link pasii care i-am facut eu... a mers din prima
Salut harta v17 8555 este cea mai recenta
salut, de acord cu tine, dar nu mai am passat ul :)
Salut pt modelu 1T0035680 BX. HW:H03. SW:1200 mulțumesc rns 510
hm.. asa vechi ai sw ? nu stiu ce sa zic, si nici ceva concret nu gasesc :(
ce am gasit, asta - www.motor-talk.de/forum/rns-510-welche-firmware-ist-aufgespielt-aktualisieren-t4100033.html
dar este in germana :) pare ca ai putea sa faci update la 3980
@@Tips4IT dar o sa am surprinze sa nu meargă de loc
Sau sa încerc cu 5238
@@dumy5035 si cu 5238 poti sa-l strici, daca nu e ce trebuie. decat sa "sapi" mai mult pe net
any idea for the password - file 2 and 3?
thanks a lot.
pass: welcome pass: eagger
SW 2960
salut poti sa-mi dai si mie un ID de mess wathsup, skype sa vb , vreau sa-mi fac si eu update si mi-ai fi de folos ms
negar shade scuze ca rasp asa tarziu.. cam greu in perioada asta pt mine... ai in link.ul urmator pasii care i-am facut si eu
@@Tips4IT Salutare!Eu am instalat versiunea 5238 si nu am play pe nicaieri.Functioneaza ca o versiune demo.Nici pe cd/dvd ,sd sau hardisc nu pleaca cand dau pe play.De pe linku atasat aici iar nu pot face nimic ca nu se descarca ce a pus omul acela acolo,cred ca sunt niste file incomplete.
SW: 5238 Update by josi
HW: C3-C12
part1 / part2 / part3 (452 MB) nu merge sa le deschid cu nimic.Dupa ce am instalat versiune 5238 imi spune ca s a instalat cu succes dar ceva nu este in regula.
Am postat si aici vwforum.ro/topic/40393-rns-510-columbus/page/276/?tab=comments#comment-3020245
Te pass is: eagger
Εγώ rns ήθελα να ακούσω
fisierul .Rar are parola
pass: eagger
dont work this password
perhaps they changed it. i will look again and re-upload the soft
new maps update