@@muhammadzaki4840 are you trying to infer that my view on forgiveness is hypocritical? its just as easy to forgive and give it over to God as it is to seek revenge, but it comes at great cost.
@@chiranjiv1361 forgiveness is not a giving pass for the wrong done. its not changing our feelings for someone that has wronged us. its not even going to make the guilt go away or the pain subside. forgiveness is a letting go of hate its a letting go of our rage. its giving place to heal and to grow. its a new beginning. God made man in His image and only by forgiveness do we Begin a new life. im not saying it easy but im saying its a way of letting the healing start and the stagnation drain from the wound. most important, our Father in heaven, our creator commands us too do so for our good.
The message in the video is very powerful. Forgiveness is a process. Deep wounds like this take time to heal. Too often are we victims of superficial forgiveness and we never experience true forgiveness. This video shows the young man expressing how he truly felt so that the Father knows that it really was a big deal. But I believe all of what he said is the best way to forgive someone.
loves is bad love all drama and violent love is madness man can't trust his child without being child molester human was designed to do evil sex is ugly things and horror things life is beautiful pregnant woman walk this earth
I was abused as a child and forgiving has been really hard for me especially when the parent that abused me still treats me like mud. As the song says.. the true prisoner that forgiveness frees is you. I am still working on it but its really really hard.
That powerful yet its only when we experience the love and forgiveness of Jesus in our life that we can truly forgive,thank you for posting.That's why God tell us to spend sometimes at the cross everyday and to meditate on what Jesus went through on that cross for us personally then when people hurt us we will be able to bear it because we too have sin and hurt Jesus everyday without thinking....The book of Hebrew say that we crucify Jesus afresh every time we sin
very touching...yes, it takes time to heal our wounds and I agree with the message of the video that we can only recover if we have learned TO FORGIVE...
this is amazing. There is so much I can learn from God about forgiving others. I need to learn to let go of my past...forgive all those who wronged me...even if it was myself and family members..It's hard. but I believe I'm slowly getting there.
I needed this thanks for the video. Its so hard to control my anger that my father has sowed into me and continues to do till this day. God Bless you! I cried because I am living the same life in a different way and my dad is not even as evil enough to kill my mother (yet). I hope he will wake up one day from the devil and change his ways but until then I will do my best to forgive him for the pain he has caused me my entire life and continues to do so due to his pride, greed and wrath. All praises go to God! If it wasn't for his guidance I would continue to live in wrath...
Simply indescribable! I have never been on this side of betrayal, but it has definitely moved me. Thank you for your creativity in releasing this warm and unforgettable message.
before you forgive someone you really have to forgive yourself first. and it's not easy to do at all. I have been there, it was pain and a lot of pain.
Yeah, that's the hardest thing. When you yourself know you done something wrong, hurt another being.. How do you forgive yourself.. Then, I guess, it matters whether or not the harm was done intentional or from an unconscious act. Through understanding the hurt you caused and owning it I guess. I don't know if there can really be forgiveness of self, only through learning what you done was wrong and then never doing the same thing again and making all effort to heal the other in some way can you balance it out in the long run. I think when you know you hurt someone else, you just have to carry that weight and find ways to do enough good so that the scales can balance out... I have forgiven people for what they done to me. Way easier than forgiving yourself. I don't know if forgiving yourself is even really possible or right?.. We all make mistakes though. Some grave and some less grave. The majority of us do damage in some form or another. This is life right now. We're growing up in a world that is completely nuts. Maybe understanding that we are human beings made up of both light and shadow.. Yeah, I lean more towards understanding ourselves and understanding that none are perfect and we all during our lifetime will do some damage, knowing or unknowing..
One good thing though: if you have the capacity to know you done something wrong and feel guilt, it means you have a conscience which means you can't be all that bad.. There is also light and love within you that lets you know what you done was wrong..
Oh and one last thing that comes to mind, which can be a positive, is: when you know you yourself have done some negative actions, it will make you less judgmental towards others. "He who is without sin, cast the first stone.." I'm not a religious person but this is true for the vast majority I feel. It is easy to be judgmental of others as long as we do not know our own darkness..
A video makes me cry...... People ask me, "By hypnotherapy, could you help me to delete traumatic memory, memory of people they hate and events they make me sleepless? " I think we can not delete any memory but ask if I really want to get out of the psycho-prison. If yes, probably forgiveness is the most powerful way - forgiving others means free ourselves. Forgive is not to accept the behavior but the people, forgiveness cannot change the past but open the door of freedom ...... a life long learning: Forgiveness is an attitude and a state of mind. Almost everyday we can use FORGIVENESS to clean our dark Shadow, to be freer ourselves.
I have watched this video over 10 times, and every time I cry. It reminds me, if you want to get revenge on someone and hit 'em hard, talk to them and tell them everything they have done to you, then at the end, say "*Name* I forgive you.*
I didnt know how it would be when I forgave my dad. Today I can say it's been 2 years since I'm free from the pain. I have forgiven him even though he's still a selfish person. I have recognized that only God can change him but I still love him. I will be getting him something for his birthday coming up. Lots of prayers his way.
Very nice...yet so unnoticed :(. I also i would say from my experience that when you forgive although it wont change the past but it does change your heart.
that is so emotionally so profound that God forgives sinners. Yes, sinners like ourselves, and like murderers and people who hate Christians who come to repentance. And that they see that the Lord Jesus Christ died voluntarily on the cross for all of us. Yea, that all our guilt that we have committed against the Most High God and the others, that He has taken our guilt upon Himself and forgives our guilt.
This is powerful! Thanks for sharing. Why would anyone dislike a video with a positive message? Perhaps the people who dislike this video obviously have decided that their are people in their lives they won't forgive.
I understand your point. I was alluding to the fact that much of the things we must carry out such as forgiveness, repenting, acts of kindness, etc. must be done behind closed doors and are often unseen. There is no sappy music there is no tears. It's just you and the choice you have to make. Those two things only.
Lately I've realized that since I was 13 I've been a very hateful person. It's just been building up, and the reason it's been like this I know now is because forgiveness has not been a part of my life. I've never got in a habit of saying I'm sorry, nor have I ever really asked for forgiveness, or given anyone it in a serious manner. I just cried the most I have in years because of what I just watched. I know now how powerful two or three words can really be, and how much they can change a life.
Love one another, be kind to each other, pray for those who wrong you, wish well for those who prey upon you, do not hold hate in your heart. Forgive and love one another just as God through Christ forgave you. For the time will come when weeping, mourning, and sadness will be no more, for the former things will pass away and new things will he declare. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
How many of us need to forgive...I know I do....The people in the deepest pain are the ones who hurt all Man Women kind.....very Powerful...I have claimed my spiritual journey...People of all races can identify !
same with you bro....it was very hard for me to move on. remembering her brought so much pain in me. but when i learned how to forgive her and accept the fact that she dont belong to me, i was free from all the pain and hate. all you need is time, and keep your mind busy on other things rather than thinking on her.
you can forgive!! with God all things are possible. think of it like this. each person you don't forgive is roped to you. Picture it like this. it can turn into a school bus full of people you carry around each day on your back. It will start to wear you down. Go to the word of God (Holy Bible) look up forgiveness. Everything you need to know about life is this book.
Even if you still can't forgive them, it's okay. It takes lots of time and self-searching to be able to forgive those who have hurt you. It might even be the hardest thing you'll ever do, but it will be worth it in the end.
My mom died of cancer in May it will be a year. My dad rejected me after she died and married another woman a little over 3 months after my mom's death that I barely knew. He has not spoken to me in 8 months. I have forgiven him. I am doing everything that I can to heal from the rejection. I can't stop crying while watching this.
My mother betrayed me time and time again she let people harass and hurt me for six months she let people who tried to murder me walk free she stole from me and destroyed my property out of fear and when the police were called I had to take the fall for her mistake because she had to talk her way out of serving time in jail she took my freedom she took my dignity she took away my ability to love my family as a whole she broke my heart she got me sent to a mental hospital twice because of her I'm forced to take pills I don't even need she broke my trust in family I still don't know how I can forgive her when she continues to take my freedom away
Derek Dumas I don't know if you have a relationship with Jesus, but that is the only reason that after my dad rejected me and came by my house. I couldn't even answer the door. My husband didn't understand, but I tried to get a hold of some pills to take my life. Jesus has done a miracle in me and now I want to help others that have felt the terrible pain of rejection. Only Jesus really understands when nobody else does. He can save! He can heal!
I know I joined the church and am getting a priesthood today but still I am reminded of the event everyday as though it just happened I can't stand the sight of my mother because all I see is a coward and a fraud a traitor to me through and through for me it feels as impossible to forgive her as it is impossible for the devil himself to gain redemption I have tried to forgive her but she still hurts me
Derek Dumas The minister that has helped me the most is the one that gave me permission to not speak to my dad for a year if that is what I need to completely heal. It has been hard for my family and me, but it has been the best thing that I could have done. My sister has tried to hold everyone together and now she is going to tell my dad and his wife that she just needs time away from them. I told her that I think that is best and that I would support her.
oops my mistake, it was an assumed that you were not a believer. But it's still nice to know someone still has a heart to forgive those who have done wrong.
No worries, it's easy to misunderstand what people write in comments. :) And I agree - if Christ forgave us, even after the need to die on the cross for us, then we can forgive anyone for anything, and we must. Martin Luther once said "Forgiveness is Christ's command."
Call nobody on earth your Father....because you have but 1 Father and that's your Father in heaven. Call ur earthly dad or mom. Our Father loves us and as it says in as much as we forgive others of their sins. Our heavenly Father forgives us of our sins !!! Beautiful isn't it!! Thank Jesus for tearing the Vail giving us perfect sonship back to the Father he is our Yes&Amen ❤❤❤
I am with you, even though your not a believer in Christ, however that is not my area to judge. What is more powerful, revenge or forgiveness? To me, forgiveness is always the best blow to make to an enemy and it turns him into a friend. Those who hate, continue to hate. Hate comes from fear. Forgiveness comes from love. For those that are watching this, do you have fear for the world or do you have love for it?
"He who hates an evil, merely creates another one". It's not the evil itself that is the problem but the qualities of hatred upon which you concentrate. What you focus upon becomes your reality. If you expand your sense of hate, then you are drawn in this life toward those qualities, because they are those upon which you concentrate. By contrast, if you expand your sense of love, then you are drawn in this life toward those qualities, because they are those upon which you c...oncentrate. Hatred is a destroyer. Love is a creator. Hate is restrictive. It narrows down your perception. It is a dark glass that shadows all of your experience. Love is freeing. It widens up your perception. It is a light lthat brightens all of your experience.
My parents are fighting and my mother refuses to openly forgive my father. Because of this, dad is living in fear that mom will never forgive him for his verbal abuse and anger issues. For 16 years, my parents have been fighting and going at it. Sure, there are some days when they are all lovey dovey, but it has never been 3 months without talking. Mom says that once she tells dad that he is forgiven and they go back to they ways they were, a week later, dad would do the same thing over again. Because of this, I am struggling to get a job and get a work permit signed by them, because they are always claiming that "Everything will be fine" and I fear that I would have to rely on a heavy burden of student loans when I go to college 1 year from now. Family and friends support me by saying how it is not my fault, but I think to myself that if it is not my fault, then how come I am being effected by these negativites? Once I move out of here, I never want to see my parents again until they get together, just like how my brother and cousins did with their parents. I guess my point I'm trying to make is: How do I fix their relationship? What can I learn from all this chaos?
I know what revenge is, it's connected to justice, but there is also mercy, giving others a second chance. Are you saying that those who are forgiven, should not recieve mercy?
"Woe to you, pharisees and teachers of the law; you hypocrites!" "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain" "It is what comes out of a man that makes him unclean". No. I'm not Catholic. And eye for an eye wasn't a command from God to man. It was God telling us that He will take an eye for an eye. That's why Jesus said "Turn the other cheek" to His disciples - eye for an eye wasn't giving humans leave to kill others, it was stating God's justice.
Is this a video you produced? We are working on a video to help incarcerated people stay out of prison once they get out. Would love to use this video. Let me know how we can contact you.
boys home at 9 abused abandoned then i went into marine corp and they loved the way i was but those skills do not make u a good father alot of change over the past 6 years
This is good for the younger man in terms of forgiving the trauma of losing his mother, but if he is trying to forgive on his mother's behalf then I think that is a gross overstep in his forgiveness. You cannot forgive someone for pain they have not inflicted on you. For the older man to be truly forgiven would need to be with his God, his wife, and, yes, his family.
Err, this is a film with actors??? Do the commenters know that? In reality the best thing this young man could do would be to get as far away as possible from this person - father or not. There's more than a strong possibility of this type of father being a psychopath. Therefore there is no place for forgiveness because the psychopath has no empathy so cannot feel sorry.
I'm glad to know you understand what I mean, but where did I say that I don't believe in Christ? :o I've been saved by His blood, I'm just not from the Catholic denomination. :P
Hatred is the absence of Love. In the presence of Love hatred is extinguished. At the same time I think its ok to be angry, so long as we work through the reasons why and then bring it to a positive conclusion (one which I think must, at the very least, include something about forgiveness) and then move on. And we will be stronger for it. Else remaining angry with the faults of another, is to revenge their faults upon ourself.
How about beating the living shit out of a serious abuser and THEN forgiving them :) Wouldn't letting someone basically off the hook and forgiving them give a green light to keep doing it to the same person or someone else ? Forgive a serial rapist or murderer & let them back into the community & many of them keep offending . What if your rapist gets out of jail & then rapes you again , gives you A.I.D.S & then kills your entire family ? So your going to forgive them a 2nd time ? I see a flaw in forgiveness . The principle that heals is to stop self poisonous hateful thoughts from replaying in your head & burning you slowly from the inside . Surely there are other methods to find peace . I think forgiveness helps some people & has worth but there is more too it .
who said he needed to executed? Would Christ do it if the man was begging to be forgiven and was shown what he has done? What happened in the parable of the 10000 talents? The debtor forgave the debted but the debted didn't forgive those who were in debt to him, so the original debtor threw the debted into prison until he paid. I would let that man have a second chance.
Hate is like a drug, it satisfies the flesh. Forgiveness is healing for the soul.
Easy for you to say that
@@muhammadzaki4840 are you trying to infer that my view on forgiveness is hypocritical? its just as easy to forgive and give it over to God as it is to seek revenge, but it comes at great cost.
@@joshuavarner8554 Idea is great, but fact to the matter is that everyone dosent have ability to let it go away so easily
@@chiranjiv1361 forgiveness is not a giving pass for the wrong done. its not changing our feelings for someone that has wronged us. its not even going to make the guilt go away or the pain subside. forgiveness is a letting go of hate its a letting go of our rage. its giving place to heal and to grow. its a new beginning. God made man in His image and only by forgiveness do we Begin a new life. im not saying it easy but im saying its a way of letting the healing start and the stagnation drain from the wound. most important, our Father in heaven, our creator commands us too do so for our good.
@@joshuavarner8554 I agree with you!
Love is the most powerful force in this existence
Then why does hate dominate the Earth?
The Bible says that God is love
@@EnderWarden Guilty from seeing ourselves separated from God. But that's an illusion. We are still in heaven dreaming about our departure.
@@reinaldoeliasdesouzajunior2688 I see.
I find this video so humbling and sobering. We run about our daily lives consumed with greed and pride. All the time forgetting to love one another
This is why forgiveness is so important. It free's the victim of hate.
All I can say is, Yahweh is Merciful and this is BEAUTIFUL!
The message in the video is very powerful. Forgiveness is a process. Deep wounds like this take time to heal. Too often are we victims of superficial forgiveness and we never experience true forgiveness. This video shows the young man expressing how he truly felt so that the Father knows that it really was a big deal. But I believe all of what he said is the best way to forgive someone.
Love is a stronger weapon than hatred
loves is bad love all drama and violent love is madness man can't trust his child without being child molester human was designed to do evil sex is ugly things and horror things life is beautiful pregnant woman walk this earth
@@ryankuhnsjackal9348 I hope you're doing better.
I was abused as a child and forgiving has been really hard for me especially when the parent that abused me still treats me like mud. As the song says.. the true prisoner that forgiveness frees is you. I am still working on it but its really really hard.
That powerful yet its only when we experience the love and forgiveness of Jesus in our life that we can truly forgive,thank you for posting.That's why God tell us to spend sometimes at the cross everyday and to meditate on what Jesus went through on that cross for us personally then when people hurt us we will be able to bear it because we too have sin and hurt Jesus everyday without thinking....The book of Hebrew say that we crucify Jesus afresh every time we sin
Marie Savannah Amen
Two people healed with one act of forgiveness. Yes, the boy heals too with this act. Thank you for sharing this!
yes indeed, forgiveness is primarily for the forgiver.
very touching...yes, it takes time to heal our wounds and I agree with the message of the video that we can only recover if we have learned TO FORGIVE...
Only by the power of Jesus Christ can we truly learn how to forgive
Minus I Amen!
I learned that I have to forgive to be healed ... and God also forgive us if we forgive the people around us
this is amazing. There is so much I can learn from God about forgiving others. I need to learn to let go of my past...forgive all those who wronged me...even if it was myself and family members..It's hard. but I believe I'm slowly getting there.
I needed this thanks for the video. Its so hard to control my anger that my father has sowed into me and continues to do till this day. God Bless you! I cried because I am living the same life in a different way and my dad is not even as evil enough to kill my mother (yet). I hope he will wake up one day from the devil and change his ways but until then I will do my best to forgive him for the pain he has caused me my entire life and continues to do so due to his pride, greed and wrath. All praises go to God! If it wasn't for his guidance I would continue to live in wrath...
Simply indescribable! I have never been on this side of betrayal, but it has definitely moved me. Thank you for your creativity in releasing this warm and unforgettable message.
before you forgive someone you really have to forgive yourself first. and it's not easy to do at all. I have been there, it was pain and a lot of pain.
self-forgiveness is much harder than forgiving others
That's so right... Because you don't even wanna move on when you are not forgive yourself yet.
Yeah, that's the hardest thing. When you yourself know you done something wrong, hurt another being.. How do you forgive yourself.. Then, I guess, it matters whether or not the harm was done intentional or from an unconscious act. Through understanding the hurt you caused and owning it I guess. I don't know if there can really be forgiveness of self, only through learning what you done was wrong and then never doing the same thing again and making all effort to heal the other in some way can you balance it out in the long run. I think when you know you hurt someone else, you just have to carry that weight and find ways to do enough good so that the scales can balance out...
I have forgiven people for what they done to me. Way easier than forgiving yourself. I don't know if forgiving yourself is even really possible or right?.. We all make mistakes though. Some grave and some less grave. The majority of us do damage in some form or another. This is life right now. We're growing up in a world that is completely nuts. Maybe understanding that we are human beings made up of both light and shadow.. Yeah, I lean more towards understanding ourselves and understanding that none are perfect and we all during our lifetime will do some damage, knowing or unknowing..
One good thing though: if you have the capacity to know you done something wrong and feel guilt, it means you have a conscience which means you can't be all that bad.. There is also light and love within you that lets you know what you done was wrong..
Oh and one last thing that comes to mind, which can be a positive, is: when you know you yourself have done some negative actions, it will make you less judgmental towards others. "He who is without sin, cast the first stone.." I'm not a religious person but this is true for the vast majority I feel. It is easy to be judgmental of others as long as we do not know our own darkness..
Luke 6:37 "Forgive, and you will be forgiven"
Thank you for this video. It is AWESOME! I will display it on my Sunday Morning Gospel Show this morning. My message is on Forgiveness.
Wow love it forgiveness is a healing of soul
Forgiveness is really powerful.
Thank you Jesus for the power of tour love.
I am showing this video to my students tomorrow. Thank you for posting this amazing video. Press on, Mr. T.
Thank you Jesus. Yeshua Hamaschiach! This is so powerful! I'm sending this everywhere!!!
A video makes me cry......
People ask me, "By hypnotherapy, could you help me to delete traumatic memory, memory of people they hate and events they make me sleepless? "
I think we can not delete any memory but ask if I really want to get out of the psycho-prison. If yes, probably forgiveness is the most powerful way - forgiving others means free ourselves.
Forgive is not to accept the behavior but the people, forgiveness cannot change the past but open the door of freedom ...... a life long learning: Forgiveness is an attitude and a state of mind.
Almost everyday we can use FORGIVENESS to clean our dark Shadow, to be freer ourselves.
Can you please explain me about hypnotheraphy?
I have watched this video over 10 times, and every time I cry.
It reminds me, if you want to get revenge on someone and hit 'em hard, talk to them and tell them everything they have done to you, then at the end, say "*Name* I forgive you.*
I didnt know how it would be when I forgave my dad. Today I can say it's been 2 years since I'm free from the pain. I have forgiven him even though he's still a selfish person. I have recognized that only God can change him but I still love him. I will be getting him something for his birthday coming up. Lots of prayers his way.
Smileyyy21 wat did he do to u
Also can I have his birthday I know astrology and I want to lokk at his birth chart
You NEVER fight hatred with more hatred!
Very nice...yet so unnoticed :(. I also i would say from my experience that when you forgive although it wont change the past but it does change your heart.
Forgive yourself for the mistakes you made. Learn your lessons from them and let go.
Very powerful video.
REALLY powerful/
Thank you, for sharing.
that is so emotionally so profound that God forgives sinners. Yes, sinners like ourselves, and like murderers and people who hate Christians who come to repentance. And that they see that the Lord Jesus Christ died voluntarily on the cross for all of us. Yea, that all our guilt that we have committed against the Most High God and the others, that He has taken our guilt upon Himself and forgives our guilt.
what is this water coming out of my eyes........ GREAT VIDEO!!
This is powerful! Thanks for sharing.
Why would anyone dislike a video with a positive message? Perhaps the people who dislike this video obviously have decided that their are people in their lives they won't forgive.
Satan disliked the video
I understand your point. I was alluding to the fact that much of the things we must carry out such as forgiveness, repenting, acts of kindness, etc. must be done behind closed doors and are often unseen. There is no sappy music there is no tears. It's just you and the choice you have to make. Those two things only.
Lately I've realized that since I was 13 I've been a very hateful person. It's just been building up, and the reason it's been like this I know now is because forgiveness has not been a part of my life. I've never got in a habit of saying I'm sorry, nor have I ever really asked for forgiveness, or given anyone it in a serious manner. I just cried the most I have in years because of what I just watched. I know now how powerful two or three words can really be, and how much they can change a life.
i can follow this because there are a few people I need to forgive
Love one another, be kind to each other, pray for those who wrong you, wish well for those who prey upon you, do not hold hate in your heart.
Forgive and love one another just as God through Christ forgave you. For the time will come when weeping, mourning, and sadness will be no more, for the former things will pass away and new things will he declare. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
This video touches deeply my heart. Thanks for sharing this kind of content with all of us!
Beautiful truth!!! God bless.
How many of us need to forgive...I know I do....The people in the deepest pain are the ones who hurt all Man Women kind.....very Powerful...I have claimed my spiritual journey...People of all races can identify !
All things through Christ are possible
i was used, lied too, and was all a lie...i still think about it to this day, my ex, it still hurts, i don't know how to forgive..
Just forgive, and move on. All will be well.
same with you bro....it was very hard for me to move on. remembering her brought so much pain in me. but when i learned how to forgive her and accept the fact that she dont belong to me, i was free from all the pain and hate. all you need is time, and keep your mind busy on other things rather than thinking on her.
Don't listen to him if you can forgive then do it don't let hate consume your life
you can forgive!! with God all things are possible. think of it like this. each person you don't forgive is roped to you. Picture it like this. it can turn into a school bus full of people you carry around each day on your back. It will start to wear you down. Go to the word of God (Holy Bible) look up forgiveness. Everything you need to know about life is this book.
Even if you still can't forgive them, it's okay. It takes lots of time and self-searching to be able to forgive those who have hurt you. It might even be the hardest thing you'll ever do, but it will be worth it in the end.
Powerful video!
this made me cry
1 John 1:9- If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
the sins you forgive are forgiven
the sins you retain they are retained
My mom died of cancer in May it will be a year. My dad rejected me after she died and married another woman a little over 3 months after my mom's death that I barely knew. He has not spoken to me in 8 months. I have forgiven him. I am doing everything that I can to heal from the rejection. I can't stop crying while watching this.
My mother betrayed me time and time again she let people harass and hurt me for six months she let people who tried to murder me walk free she stole from me and destroyed my property out of fear and when the police were called I had to take the fall for her mistake because she had to talk her way out of serving time in jail she took my freedom she took my dignity she took away my ability to love my family as a whole she broke my heart she got me sent to a mental hospital twice because of her I'm forced to take pills I don't even need she broke my trust in family I still don't know how I can forgive her when she continues to take my freedom away
Derek Dumas I don't know if you have a relationship with Jesus, but that is the only reason that after my dad rejected me and came by my house. I couldn't even answer the door. My husband didn't understand, but I tried to get a hold of some pills to take my life. Jesus has done a miracle in me and now I want to help others that have felt the terrible pain of rejection. Only Jesus really understands when nobody else does. He can save! He can heal!
I know I joined the church and am getting a priesthood today but still I am reminded of the event everyday as though it just happened I can't stand the sight of my mother because all I see is a coward and a fraud a traitor to me through and through for me it feels as impossible to forgive her as it is impossible for the devil himself to gain redemption I have tried to forgive her but she still hurts me
Derek Dumas The minister that has helped me the most is the one that gave me permission to not speak to my dad for a year if that is what I need to completely heal. It has been hard for my family and me, but it has been the best thing that I could have done. My sister has tried to hold everyone together and now she is going to tell my dad and his wife that she just needs time away from them. I told her that I think that is best and that I would support her.
I can't do the same I got nowhere else to go
oops my mistake, it was an assumed that you were not a believer.
But it's still nice to know someone still has a heart to forgive those who have done wrong.
wow, this touched me to tears.
may the FORGIVENESS always be with you, even if it hurts.... Peace...
Love is god, god is love ❤️
in school my teacher showed us this and a lot of us cried because we have loved ones
No worries, it's easy to misunderstand what people write in comments. :)
And I agree - if Christ forgave us, even after the need to die on the cross for us, then we can forgive anyone for anything, and we must. Martin Luther once said "Forgiveness is Christ's command."
Jesus was asked "how many times should i forgive my enemies? 7 times? Jesus replied not 7 but 77 times"
Call nobody on earth your Father....because you have but 1 Father and that's your Father in heaven. Call ur earthly dad or mom. Our Father loves us and as it says in as much as we forgive others of their sins. Our heavenly Father forgives us of our sins !!! Beautiful isn't it!! Thank Jesus for tearing the Vail giving us perfect sonship back to the Father he is our Yes&Amen ❤❤❤
I cried. Because it was so touching, I cried.
that was deep...thank you
thats so sad im crying
I am with you, even though your not a believer in Christ, however that is not my area to judge.
What is more powerful, revenge or forgiveness?
To me, forgiveness is always the best blow to make to an enemy and it turns him into a friend.
Those who hate, continue to hate. Hate comes from fear. Forgiveness comes from love.
For those that are watching this, do you have fear for the world or do you have love for it?
"He who hates an evil, merely creates another one". It's not the evil itself that is the problem but the qualities of hatred upon which you concentrate. What you focus upon becomes your reality. If you expand your sense of hate, then you are drawn in this life toward those qualities, because they are those upon which you concentrate. By contrast, if you expand your sense of love, then you are drawn in this life toward those qualities, because they are those upon which you c...oncentrate. Hatred is a destroyer.
Love is a creator. Hate is restrictive. It narrows down your perception. It is a dark glass that shadows all of your experience.
Love is freeing. It widens up your perception. It is a light lthat brightens all of your experience.
This guy should play dante from dmc
My parents are fighting and my mother refuses to openly forgive my father. Because of this, dad is living in fear that mom will never forgive him for his verbal abuse and anger issues. For 16 years, my parents have been fighting and going at it. Sure, there are some days when they are all lovey dovey, but it has never been 3 months without talking. Mom says that once she tells dad that he is forgiven and they go back to they ways they were, a week later, dad would do the same thing over again. Because of this, I am struggling to get a job and get a work permit signed by them, because they are always claiming that "Everything will be fine" and I fear that I would have to rely on a heavy burden of student loans when I go to college 1 year from now. Family and friends support me by saying how it is not my fault, but I think to myself that if it is not my fault, then how come I am being effected by these negativites? Once I move out of here, I never want to see my parents again until they get together, just like how my brother and cousins did with their parents. I guess my point I'm trying to make is: How do I fix their relationship? What can I learn from all this chaos?
I am two seconds in and I already likes the video
i want to forgive but i cant. There is apart me that sees it as a weakness.
What is the background music title?
thanx for video....
Colossians 3:13
you speak the truth
Mary is NOT forgotten
Hello thank u very much for the vid
Name for the background song ? :)
Hate is in the world but god always forgives us
Right now I'm battling to forgive my mom
Does anyone know where this video can be purchased?
Sorry lord for all the sin i do recently...
wow...thats all i can say...wow
Hi can I use this for my presentation? thank you
when you have a parent as a broken human beings.
What's this movie's title ??
cant share. the video is not available
Is this a movie?!plz if any one knows
I know what revenge is, it's connected to justice, but there is also mercy, giving others a second chance. Are you saying that those who are forgiven, should not recieve mercy?
I slightly cried.
try hard to forgive,even happen again n again
"Woe to you, pharisees and teachers of the law; you hypocrites!" "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain" "It is what comes out of a man that makes him unclean".
No. I'm not Catholic. And eye for an eye wasn't a command from God to man. It was God telling us that He will take an eye for an eye. That's why Jesus said "Turn the other cheek" to His disciples - eye for an eye wasn't giving humans leave to kill others, it was stating God's justice.
Is this a video you produced? We are working on a video to help incarcerated people stay out of prison once they get out. Would love to use this video. Let me know how we can contact you.
The Power of Forgiveness aka The Power of Neglect
Good but why so slow moving? I liked it better on 1.5 speed. Touching ending and moving quote at the end.
boys home at 9 abused abandoned then i went into marine corp and they loved the way i was but those skills do not make u a good father alot of change over the past 6 years
Thank u
This is good for the younger man in terms of forgiving the trauma of losing his mother, but if he is trying to forgive on his mother's behalf then I think that is a gross overstep in his forgiveness. You cannot forgive someone for pain they have not inflicted on you. For the older man to be truly forgiven would need to be with his God, his wife, and, yes, his family.
Err, this is a film with actors??? Do the commenters know that?
In reality the best thing this young man could do would be to get
as far away as possible from this person - father or not. There's more than a strong possibility of this type of father being a psychopath. Therefore there is no place for forgiveness because the psychopath has no empathy so cannot feel sorry.
I'm glad to know you understand what I mean, but where did I say that I don't believe in Christ? :o I've been saved by His blood, I'm just not from the Catholic denomination. :P
thats sad story
I wish this has mandarin subtitle
i'm crying
Hatred is the absence of Love. In the presence of Love hatred is extinguished. At the same time I think its ok to be angry, so long as we work through the reasons why and then bring it to a positive conclusion (one which I think must, at the very least, include something about forgiveness) and then move on. And we will be stronger for it. Else remaining angry with the faults of another, is to revenge their faults upon ourself.
Who's in prison? The Father or Son?
Sinong galing sa module ng Philosophy? HAHAHHA
How about beating the living shit out of a serious abuser and THEN forgiving them :)
Wouldn't letting someone basically off the hook and forgiving them give a green light to keep doing it to the same person or someone else ?
Forgive a serial rapist or murderer & let them back into the community & many of them keep offending . What if your rapist gets out of jail & then rapes you again , gives you A.I.D.S & then kills your entire family ? So your going to forgive them a 2nd time ?
I see a flaw in forgiveness .
The principle that heals is to stop self poisonous hateful thoughts from replaying in your head & burning you slowly from the inside .
Surely there are other methods to find peace .
I think forgiveness helps some people & has worth but there is more too it .
who said he needed to executed? Would Christ do it if the man was begging to be forgiven and was shown what he has done? What happened in the parable of the 10000 talents? The debtor forgave the debted but the debted didn't forgive those who were in debt to him, so the original debtor threw the debted into prison until he paid.
I would let that man have a second chance.
or when Jesus was asked lord how many time should i forgive my nabor 7 times?
not 7 but 77 times