Subtitles: 7:00 Your Buddha chanting needs to bring a bit of momentum, which is progress. The more you practice, the more confident you will be. Of course, your goal must be clear and methods must be correct. Then you know how to maneuver. When you get benefit, you will be more confident. Practice, this stuff, when you get benefit and see the change on your body, you will be more confident. That is not only a theory, but you see how it changes your life. Then you will naturally gain more confidence.
Your Buddha chanting needs to bring a bit of momentum, which is progress. The more you practice, the more confident you will be. Of course, your goal must be clear and methods must be correct. Then you know how to maneuver. When you get benefit, you will be more confident. Practice, this stuff, when you get benefit and see the change on your body, you will be more confident. That is not only a theory, but you see how it changes your life. Then you will naturally gain more confidence.
So, our practices need to also have a goal? If so. My goal is to teach people of the nienfo