As Muslim it’s wrong to harm someone a non Muslim or Muslim who hasn’t done anything wrong, especially using the religion then you become oppressive and become like a gang
Many people of African descent in the Western hemisphere (USA, Caribbean..etc) are direct biological descendants of the Mandinka people (Indigenous west African Muslims who ruled and built the Mali Empire), one of its most famous leaders, Mansa Musa, was a devout Muslim, and believed to be one of the richest men in history. It's cities (such as Timbuktu) had universities well before Europe. So it's natural that many would want to connect to their noble history, when they have been denied that knowledge and information, and had it taken away from them.
Ive been watching your videos for a long time and i know your smart and logical person. As you said, the same things(maybe less) happened with Christians, but i as a muslim know for a fact that that doesnt represent your religion. Same for islam. We teach strong brotherhood between not only ourselves but other faiths aswell, and also would never defend some1 (even our own brother) if he was in the wrong. Prison gang mentality doesnt mix with islam. I would say that since islam teaches brotherhood and unity maybe people in prison take it to the extreme, but thats not right. Love and btw i love your content👍
Try Benadryl tablets Bobby in regards to your hayfever. They work for me. They may work for you also. I also had to start wearing sunglasses daily when outside I noticed this also helps with watery eyes.
My uncle done that bro. I reverted to Islam over 20 years ago, and naturally I showed my family. None of them took any notice, until my uncle got banged up in Glasgow. Because of his attitude, he immediately made a hella lot of inmates who were bad. So he 'reverted' and used Islam to get put in protected solitary and get given extra dietary benefits. As soon as he got out, all of that 'Islam' he was claiming was instantly out of the window. But yeah, I agree with you, using Islam in prison for personal benefits and commuting further acts of organised violence is bang out of order! Loving your work bro, I'm making du'aa for your further success 🤲🏻
O you who believe, be persistently standing firm for Allah as witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just, for that is nearer to righteousness. Fear Allah, for verily, Allah is aware of what you do. Surat Al-Ma’idah 5:8 ❤ Bobby keep smashing it 👊🏼 Verily, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Verily, Allah is ever hearing and seeing. Surat An-Nisa 4:58 In Islam, even the highest official, the Caliph, is subject to the same rules of justice as everyone else. There is a famous incident in which Ali Ibn Abu Talib lost a court case to a Christian because he lacked evidence, even though Ali was the Caliph at the time. Sha’bi reported: Ali ibn Abu Talib found a Christian man with his armor. He decided to take up the matter legally, so he brought the dispute to the judge, Shuraih. Ali said, “This is my armor and I have not sold it nor given it away.” Shuraih said to the Christian, “What do you say about what the leader of the believers has said?” The Christian replied, “It is my armor, but I do not consider the leader of the believers to be a liar.” Shuraih turned to Ali and said, “O leader of the believers, do you have proof?” Ali laughed and said, “Shuraih is correct. I do not have proof.” So Shuraih ruled in favor of the Christian. The Christian took the armor and began to walk away but then he returned. The Christian said: أَمَّا أَنَا فَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ هَذِهِ أَحْكَامُ الْأَنْبِيَاءِ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ قَدَّمَنِي إِلَى قَاضِيهِ وَقَاضِيهِ يَقْضِي عَلَيْهِ ! أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ الدِّرْعُ وَاللَّهِ دِرْعُكَ يَا أَمِيرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ اتَّبَعْتُ الْجَيْشَ وَأَنْتَ مُنْطَلِقٌ إِلَى صِفِّينَ فَخَرَجَتْ مِنْ بَعِيرِكَ الْأَوْرَقِ As for me, I testify that this is the judgment of the Prophets. The leader of the believers himself takes me to his judge and the judge rules against him! I testify that there is no God except Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. By Allah, the armor is yours, O leader of the believers. I followed the army when you were on your way to the Battle of Siffin and the armor fell from your equipment. Ali said: أَمَا إِذْ أَسْلَمْتَ فَهِيَ لَكَ If you have accepted Islam, then the armor is for you.
While truth can be painful, we do not mean to offend; our hope is that you will find the truth and live with God in heaven forever. It is of great importance to identify the spirit who squeezed Muhammad at the cave of Hira near Mecca. Was the spirit really angel Gabriel? The answer is absolutely No! A. Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would have calmed Muhammad and relieved his fear. But the spirit left him in extreme distress. The angel Gabriel appeared to many people before his alleged visit to Muhammad and each time the first thing he did was to allay that person's fear. i. When Gabriel appeared to Daniel, he was afraid but Gabriel touched him. Gabriel did not squeeze him or cause him pain, Gabriel only touched him (Daniel 8:16-18). ii. The angel Gabriel also appeared to Zachariah father of John the Baptist who is called Yahya in the Qur'an he identified himself and said to Zachariah : Do not be afraid, Zacharia ...... I am angel Gabriel that stand in the presence of God (Luke 1:13-19) iii. Gabriel appeared to Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus. Mary was scared but Gabriel said to her: Do not be afraid, Mary (Luke 1:30) B. Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would not have contradicted his former revelations. Six hundred (600) years before the birth of Muhammad, the real angel Gabriel said to Mary that she would bear a child who will be the Son of God: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God (Luke 1:35). But the spirit which appeared to Muhammad told him Jesus was not the son of God:... The Christians call Christ the son of Allah .... Allah's curse be on them (Sura 9:30). If the spirit that appeared to Muhammad were angel Gabriel, it would not have said Jesus was not the son of God. C. Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would not have given a false scientific revelation to Muhammad. The spirit said to Muhammad: "Read: in the name of thy Lord who createth - createth man from a clot! (Sura 96:11-5) These words are scientifically wrong- Prof- Haanein Muhammad Makhloof, on page 508 of his Dictionary of the meanings of words of the Quran says that the Arabic word alaq translated into English as "clot" means frozen blood. The Bible declares that man was created from clay not from frozen blood. Even the Qur'an admits that man was made from clay: I am about to created man from clay. When I have fashioned him and breathed into him of my spirit .... (Sura 38:71-72). Dr. William Campbell in his book The Quran and the Bible, says on page 185: "As every reader who has studied human reproduction will realize, there is no state as a 'clot' during formation of a foetus, so this is a very major scientific problem." Would angel Gabriel make such a scientific error? D. Had the spirit been Gabriel. He would have taught Muhammad to read and write. The Qur'an declares that Allah taught Jesus how to write: "'And Allah will teach him the book and wisdom, the Torah and the gospel" (Sura 3:48). The famous Qur'an Commentator ibn Kathir in his exposition of the Qur'an (vol.1 p.344) says: 'The book mentioned here means write. We would expect that Mohammed, who calls himself the seal of the prophets, would be taught to read and write. The spirit said in his revelation to Muhammad Read: and thy lord the most Bounteous, who teaches by the pen, teacheth man that which he know not (Sura 96:3-4). The question is if God teaches man that which he know not by the pen, why did he not teach Muhammad (the 'senior prophet) how to read and write instead of leaving him illiterate all his life? E. We learn from Islamic tradition that on several occasions when Muhammad saw the spirit, he would be so frightened he would run home to his wife and ask her to cover him with clothes: "I was called again and raised my head, and there on the Throne in the open atmosphere he, i.e. Gabriel (peace be upon him) was sitting. I began to tremble on account of fear. I came to Khadija and said: Wrap me up. They wrapped me up and threw water on me..." (Sahih Muslim book 1 ch.74 no.307 p.100. Narrated by Jabir) At other times, Muhammad experienced some strange physical symptoms. From Hadith Mishkat, we learn that, sometimes he would shrive and swoon, roar like a camel and white foamy saliva would come from his mouth (Hadith Mishkat iv p.359). Sometimes when he receive revelation(s) there was the sound like the buzzing of bees near his face (source: Umar Ibnu'l Khattab), while at other times, he felt a tremendous headache. Muhammad once said: "At times it comes to me like the ringing of a bell and that is most severe for me... and at time an Angel in the form of a human being comes to me... (Sahih Muslim vol.4 book 28 no.5765-5767 p.1248) However, it is unclear why Mohammed later said, "...The bell is the musical instrument of Satan." Sahih Muslim vol.3 book 22 no.5279, also Abu Dawud vol.2 no.2548 -2550 According Ahmad b. Hanbal, "He became distressed, foaming at the mouth and closing his eyes. At times he snorted like a young camel (Ahmad b. Hanbal I, 34, 464, vi.163). This gave rise to the allegation in certain quarters Muhammad was epileptic. Holy Prophet Muhammad according to 'Amr Ibn Sharhabil, mentioned to his wife, Khadija, that he feared he was possessed by demons and wondered whether others consider him possessed [i.e. evil spirits] (source: pfanoter 1910:345). These statements about the physical symptoms exhibited by Muhammad when he saw the spirit were not made by strangers, non Muslims or people who did not know him. These statements were made by Aisha, Muhammad's favourite wife, relatives and his close followers who strongly believed that he was the seal of the prophets. All these people happened to be very committed Muslims who knew the alleged prophet well! Yet when the same angel Gabriel visited Daniel, Zachariah and even Mary, none of them had convulsions with foam coming from their mouths. Neither did they hear the sounds of bells ringing nor the buzzing of bees near their faces. They did not roar like a camel or swoon, etc. Over time Muhammad started having some doubts about the revelations he received from the spirit. Allah (God) directed Muhammad to check the truth from the Bible: If thou wert in doubt as to what we have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the book from before thee (Sura Yunus 10:94). The 'book' mentioned in this verse is the Holy Bible. If Muhammad were a learned man, he would have known what the Bible says concerning Satan: And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14). Mohammed was not only deceived then, but the hadiths record that later he was under and evil spell too. (Bukhari vol.4 book 53 chapter 34 and vol.4 no.400 p.267)
Our prophet peace be upon him said “ Be there for your brother opressed and if hes oppressing” The companions asked how when hes oppressing then he replied “ Tell him hes in the wrong” sahih bukhari and muslim and musnad ahmad
What do they do with woman beaters in jail aka guys who beat their women up for domestic violence and that are they liked in jail or not cos some people when I was in jail were there for domestic violence and they were getting suspended sentences and that can you shed some light on that please maybe do a video about it
Broski as i said in your other segment with regards to this jail rule. Its not an islamic teaching to side with wrong regardless who it is. Its actually the complete opposite. In the quran its says something like the following. Allah swt is pleased with those who stand against their mother, father, brother, child for the sake of righteousness!! Allhumdulilah, its even used as an expression of rightenousness/justice in the harvard faculty of law. I didnt give the best translation so please anyone who wants to see its true form and beauty refer to the harvard school of law. May Allah swt guide us all.
Yasin Haque First recall should only be 14 day fixed term unless he has new charges which relate to the index offence that he was convicted of. I’ve had 2 recalls this year for breaching terms of my license, first was 14 days, second was 28 days. He should be free soon.
So many brothers turn muslims but keep living the same life. Islam has become a trend for street man to follow. None of them know the true Islam anyway, they just did it because they got boys that say walahi and kasme in every sentence.
While truth can be painful, we do not mean to offend; our hope is that you will find the truth and live with God in heaven forever. It is of great importance to identify the spirit who squeezed Muhammad at the cave of Hira near Mecca. Was the spirit really angel Gabriel? The answer is absolutely No! A. Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would have calmed Muhammad and relieved his fear. But the spirit left him in extreme distress. The angel Gabriel appeared to many people before his alleged visit to Muhammad and each time the first thing he did was to allay that person's fear. i. When Gabriel appeared to Daniel, he was afraid but Gabriel touched him. Gabriel did not squeeze him or cause him pain, Gabriel only touched him (Daniel 8:16-18). ii. The angel Gabriel also appeared to Zachariah father of John the Baptist who is called Yahya in the Qur'an he identified himself and said to Zachariah : Do not be afraid, Zacharia ...... I am angel Gabriel that stand in the presence of God (Luke 1:13-19) iii. Gabriel appeared to Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus. Mary was scared but Gabriel said to her: Do not be afraid, Mary (Luke 1:30) B. Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would not have contradicted his former revelations. Six hundred (600) years before the birth of Muhammad, the real angel Gabriel said to Mary that she would bear a child who will be the Son of God: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God (Luke 1:35). But the spirit which appeared to Muhammad told him Jesus was not the son of God:... The Christians call Christ the son of Allah .... Allah's curse be on them (Sura 9:30). If the spirit that appeared to Muhammad were angel Gabriel, it would not have said Jesus was not the son of God. C. Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would not have given a false scientific revelation to Muhammad. The spirit said to Muhammad: "Read: in the name of thy Lord who createth - createth man from a clot! (Sura 96:11-5) These words are scientifically wrong- Prof- Haanein Muhammad Makhloof, on page 508 of his Dictionary of the meanings of words of the Quran says that the Arabic word alaq translated into English as "clot" means frozen blood. The Bible declares that man was created from clay not from frozen blood. Even the Qur'an admits that man was made from clay: I am about to created man from clay. When I have fashioned him and breathed into him of my spirit .... (Sura 38:71-72). Dr. William Campbell in his book The Quran and the Bible, says on page 185: "As every reader who has studied human reproduction will realize, there is no state as a 'clot' during formation of a foetus, so this is a very major scientific problem." Would angel Gabriel make such a scientific error? D. Had the spirit been Gabriel. He would have taught Muhammad to read and write. The Qur'an declares that Allah taught Jesus how to write: "'And Allah will teach him the book and wisdom, the Torah and the gospel" (Sura 3:48). The famous Qur'an Commentator ibn Kathir in his exposition of the Qur'an (vol.1 p.344) says: 'The book mentioned here means write. We would expect that Mohammed, who calls himself the seal of the prophets, would be taught to read and write. The spirit said in his revelation to Muhammad Read: and thy lord the most Bounteous, who teaches by the pen, teacheth man that which he know not (Sura 96:3-4). The question is if God teaches man that which he know not by the pen, why did he not teach Muhammad (the 'senior prophet) how to read and write instead of leaving him illiterate all his life? E. We learn from Islamic tradition that on several occasions when Muhammad saw the spirit, he would be so frightened he would run home to his wife and ask her to cover him with clothes: "I was called again and raised my head, and there on the Throne in the open atmosphere he, i.e. Gabriel (peace be upon him) was sitting. I began to tremble on account of fear. I came to Khadija and said: Wrap me up. They wrapped me up and threw water on me..." (Sahih Muslim book 1 ch.74 no.307 p.100. Narrated by Jabir) At other times, Muhammad experienced some strange physical symptoms. From Hadith Mishkat, we learn that, sometimes he would shrive and swoon, roar like a camel and white foamy saliva would come from his mouth (Hadith Mishkat iv p.359). Sometimes when he receive revelation(s) there was the sound like the buzzing of bees near his face (source: Umar Ibnu'l Khattab), while at other times, he felt a tremendous headache. Muhammad once said: "At times it comes to me like the ringing of a bell and that is most severe for me... and at time an Angel in the form of a human being comes to me... (Sahih Muslim vol.4 book 28 no.5765-5767 p.1248) However, it is unclear why Mohammed later said, "...The bell is the musical instrument of Satan." Sahih Muslim vol.3 book 22 no.5279, also Abu Dawud vol.2 no.2548 -2550 According Ahmad b. Hanbal, "He became distressed, foaming at the mouth and closing his eyes. At times he snorted like a young camel (Ahmad b. Hanbal I, 34, 464, vi.163). This gave rise to the allegation in certain quarters Muhammad was epileptic. Holy Prophet Muhammad according to 'Amr Ibn Sharhabil, mentioned to his wife, Khadija, that he feared he was possessed by demons and wondered whether others consider him possessed [i.e. evil spirits] (source: pfanoter 1910:345). These statements about the physical symptoms exhibited by Muhammad when he saw the spirit were not made by strangers, non Muslims or people who did not know him. These statements were made by Aisha, Muhammad's favourite wife, relatives and his close followers who strongly believed that he was the seal of the prophets. All these people happened to be very committed Muslims who knew the alleged prophet well! Yet when the same angel Gabriel visited Daniel, Zachariah and even Mary, none of them had convulsions with foam coming from their mouths. Neither did they hear the sounds of bells ringing nor the buzzing of bees near their faces. They did not roar like a camel or swoon, etc. Over time Muhammad started having some doubts about the revelations he received from the spirit. Allah (God) directed Muhammad to check the truth from the Bible: If thou wert in doubt as to what we have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the book from before thee (Sura Yunus 10:94). The 'book' mentioned in this verse is the Holy Bible. If Muhammad were a learned man, he would have known what the Bible says concerning Satan: And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14). Mohammed was not only deceived then, but the hadiths record that later he was under and evil spell too. (Bukhari vol.4 book 53 chapter 34 and vol.4 no.400 p.267)
There are a lot of black muslims who are muslim by birth specially african brothers...they may not practice it hence end up in prison. The reason there is a "brotherhood" is in islam there is no nationalism, every muslim regardless of colour, caste etcetera is a muslim brother and sister i.e the protests for palestine, kashmir, uighurs etcetera they have one thing uniting them their faith, any mistreatment oppression toward any muslim in any corner of the world every muslim feels the pain. Yes people exploit and pick and choose what parts to act upon but that is done with everything... I rather be a "brother" if will give me an advantage.
Why would you give a man who shot a woman in the face whilst holding a baby at a CHRISTENING and then stabbed a young woman in the throat 8 times a week or so later because she laughed at him a platform? Internet’s a mad place still. Relax
I agree that people shouldn’t be protecting bad people just because they are the same religion. Islam certainly doesn’t demand this. However, this is no different to people who defend others who happen to be from their postcode/gang. It’s no different at all.
Islam is the most accepting religion any race can be apart with christians a white Christian might not respect a black Christian even though same religion. Same with Judaism and other religions
senor gammon I know of black people in Bengali families. Black people are also as prejudice against other races as well don’t act like they’re not. IMO whites people are the most “tolerant/accepting”.
Everybody says that about thiers but really tho they are all as bad and as good as each other. I've had the good bad and ugly off all sides including mine thats how it really is.
Islam literally means peace so people shouldn't join the religion just so their friends will back their beef, they should join because they genuinely love Islam and they will actually follow the rules and serve their lord.
That’s not Islam or Muslim in jail it’s called bandwagon tactics and gang affiliations if they were following religion they wouldn’t be where they are real Muslims don’t cause trouble
Lambeth, Croydon ect where i personally think it started off, it was all just a fashion thing, no one turned to Islam to better themselves, if you're from South you'd remmeber around that time 2004-5-6 ect the gang SMS (south Muslim soldiers). Went round causing agg, and they got touched, they wasn't untouchable. Was for the weak minded, fashion statement that's all it was
You cannot use islam to do wrong because islaam is a religion of Justice regardless of who it may be , so obviously these Muslims are not following the religion. but then a lot of us do not seek knowledge or implementation of it unfortunately .
When Jesus died, his closest followers continued to claim that he was God. A large proportion of them in fact died peacefully in support of this claim, showing how convinced they were of this. Additionally secular historians at the time recorded the fact that Jesus claimed to be God. These are historical facts which cannot be debated. Muhammad claimed contrary things centuries afterwards - his aims were clear - to unit the people in that region. Not saying that he was a bad guy, but in my views, he's claims are false. That being said, love to all my Muslims brothers - we all worship one God. If you disagree with me, please feel free to reply to this comment (historical/rationale arguments only)
not contrary, how do you know what you read is the truth, the bible has been changed many times and was changed easily, an example would’ve been king henry starting his own sect of christianity just so he could divorce, people may have claimed he was son of god because of the miracles he performed which we muslims believe he performed aswell, but if he was son of god how come everyone else isn’t considered grand grand grand sons and daughters of god, and why isn’t adam considered son of god
@@AM-lr2xc big up you for responding. The Catholic bible has barely been changed (its been translated from the original langugage of Hebrew of the Old Testament and Greek of the New Testament), and the originals are still available. Re. the Son of the God, i've now amended my original post - by Son of God, Christians mean God - apoologies for the confusion. Jesus clearly claimed he was God (evidenced by records of secular historians and the fact that his disciples died because of their statements that Jesus claimed to be God) - Jesus was either God, a liar (I don't belive this) or insance (I don't believe this) - there is no room for him to be a good but sane man who is not God. Anyway big you up and pls pray for me
Christianity and Islam inc Judaism have good and bad among them. Truth be told those that use these faith systems to harm others in GOD's name is not right with GOD and will face the consequences in the long run.
religions are all the same. cult following. best route is to be spiritual like you said bro. also praying 5 times a day won't do you any good if you don't understand the arabic meaning of whats being said to touch ur heart
Maher Zain I’m just going of the media what I’m repeatedly seeing, if I called you uneducated about satanism would you be offended no because that’s not your religion so why should you know every little detail about it, also what other religion kills in their gods name?
dandzrega Jesus is supposed to be a prophet and the son of god not god himself. They believe that Mohammed was also a prophet but he came after Jesus so his word should be followed
As Muslim it’s wrong to harm someone a non Muslim or Muslim who hasn’t done anything wrong, especially using the religion then you become oppressive and become like a gang
Exactly. I completely agree with all his points tbh
Well said
💯 true
@if you replied you gay I ain't gay
@if you replied you gay so did u, o shit so did i
Massive respect, you can tell how much knowledge he actually has just by the fact he used the word “revert” and not convert
I realize it's kinda off topic but do anybody know a good website to stream new series online?
@Idris Arlo Flixportal :)
@Matteo Brayden thank you, I signed up and it seems to work :) I appreciate it !!
@Idris Arlo glad I could help =)
So happy he's got ads now
Yh man he best be getting paid for this content
True but like, as much as I support revenue for creators, fuckin hate ads 😂😂😂😝
Many people of African descent in the Western hemisphere (USA, Caribbean..etc) are direct biological descendants of the Mandinka people (Indigenous west African Muslims who ruled and built the Mali Empire), one of its most famous leaders, Mansa Musa, was a devout Muslim, and believed to be one of the richest men in history. It's cities (such as Timbuktu) had universities well before Europe. So it's natural that many would want to connect to their noble history, when they have been denied that knowledge and information, and had it taken away from them.
Very well said
They didn't have universities before europe thats total poppycock. Oxford University is the oldest in the world
CitrusMenace that’s not true mate first university in the world 🌍 you will find it in Fes Morocco 🇲🇦 facts.
@@CitrusMenace Nonsense. The University of Sankore was founded well before Oxford.
@@AlphaMaverick1111 I'm talking about a proper institution of higher education not some witch doctor in an oversized mud hut teaching alchemy
Ive been watching your videos for a long time and i know your smart and logical person. As you said, the same things(maybe less) happened with Christians, but i as a muslim know for a fact that that doesnt represent your religion. Same for islam. We teach strong brotherhood between not only ourselves but other faiths aswell, and also would never defend some1 (even our own brother) if he was in the wrong. Prison gang mentality doesnt mix with islam. I would say that since islam teaches brotherhood and unity maybe people in prison take it to the extreme, but thats not right. Love and btw i love your content👍
Try Benadryl tablets Bobby in regards to your hayfever. They work for me. They may work for you also. I also had to start wearing sunglasses daily when outside I noticed this also helps with watery eyes.
My uncle done that bro. I reverted to Islam over 20 years ago, and naturally I showed my family. None of them took any notice, until my uncle got banged up in Glasgow. Because of his attitude, he immediately made a hella lot of inmates who were bad. So he 'reverted' and used Islam to get put in protected solitary and get given extra dietary benefits. As soon as he got out, all of that 'Islam' he was claiming was instantly out of the window. But yeah, I agree with you, using Islam in prison for personal benefits and commuting further acts of organised violence is bang out of order!
Loving your work bro, I'm making du'aa for your further success 🤲🏻
O you who believe, be persistently standing firm for Allah as witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just, for that is nearer to righteousness. Fear Allah, for verily, Allah is aware of what you do.
Surat Al-Ma’idah 5:8
❤ Bobby keep smashing it 👊🏼
Verily, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which Allah instructs you. Verily, Allah is ever hearing and seeing.
Surat An-Nisa 4:58
In Islam, even the highest official, the Caliph, is subject to the same rules of justice as everyone else. There is a famous incident in which Ali Ibn Abu Talib lost a court case to a Christian because he lacked evidence, even though Ali was the Caliph at the time.
Sha’bi reported: Ali ibn Abu Talib found a Christian man with his armor. He decided to take up the matter legally, so he brought the dispute to the judge, Shuraih. Ali said, “This is my armor and I have not sold it nor given it away.” Shuraih said to the Christian, “What do you say about what the leader of the believers has said?” The Christian replied, “It is my armor, but I do not consider the leader of the believers to be a liar.” Shuraih turned to Ali and said, “O leader of the believers, do you have proof?” Ali laughed and said, “Shuraih is correct. I do not have proof.” So Shuraih ruled in favor of the Christian. The Christian took the armor and began to walk away but then he returned. The Christian said:
أَمَّا أَنَا فَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ هَذِهِ أَحْكَامُ الْأَنْبِيَاءِ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ قَدَّمَنِي إِلَى قَاضِيهِ وَقَاضِيهِ يَقْضِي عَلَيْهِ ! أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ الدِّرْعُ وَاللَّهِ دِرْعُكَ يَا أَمِيرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ اتَّبَعْتُ الْجَيْشَ وَأَنْتَ مُنْطَلِقٌ إِلَى صِفِّينَ فَخَرَجَتْ مِنْ بَعِيرِكَ الْأَوْرَقِ
As for me, I testify that this is the judgment of the Prophets. The leader of the believers himself takes me to his judge and the judge rules against him! I testify that there is no God except Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. By Allah, the armor is yours, O leader of the believers. I followed the army when you were on your way to the Battle of Siffin and the armor fell from your equipment.
Ali said:
أَمَا إِذْ أَسْلَمْتَ فَهِيَ لَكَ
If you have accepted Islam, then the armor is for you.
Mashallah brother may allah tala kp u blessd n protection big msg subanallah
While truth can be painful, we do not mean to offend; our hope is that you will find the truth and live with God in heaven forever.
It is of great importance to identify the spirit who squeezed Muhammad at the cave of Hira near Mecca. Was the spirit really angel Gabriel? The answer is absolutely No!
A. Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would have calmed Muhammad and relieved his fear. But the spirit left him in extreme distress. The angel Gabriel appeared to many people before his alleged visit to Muhammad and each time the first thing he did was to allay that person's fear.
i. When Gabriel appeared to Daniel, he was afraid but Gabriel touched him. Gabriel did not squeeze him or cause him pain, Gabriel only touched him (Daniel 8:16-18).
ii. The angel Gabriel also appeared to Zachariah father of John the Baptist who is called Yahya in the Qur'an he identified himself and said to Zachariah : Do not be afraid, Zacharia ...... I am angel Gabriel that stand in the presence of God (Luke 1:13-19)
iii. Gabriel appeared to Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus. Mary was scared but Gabriel said to her: Do not be afraid, Mary (Luke 1:30)
B. Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would not have contradicted his former revelations. Six hundred (600) years before the birth of Muhammad, the real angel Gabriel said to Mary that she would bear a child who will be the Son of God: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God (Luke 1:35).
But the spirit which appeared to Muhammad told him Jesus was not the son of God:... The Christians call Christ the son of Allah .... Allah's curse be on them (Sura 9:30). If the spirit that appeared to Muhammad were angel Gabriel, it would not have said Jesus was not the son of God.
C. Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would not have given a false scientific revelation to Muhammad. The spirit said to Muhammad: "Read: in the name of thy Lord who createth - createth man from a clot! (Sura 96:11-5) These words are scientifically wrong- Prof- Haanein Muhammad Makhloof, on page 508 of his Dictionary of the meanings of words of the Quran says that the Arabic word alaq translated into English as "clot" means frozen blood. The Bible declares that man was created from clay not from frozen blood. Even the Qur'an admits that man was made from clay: I am about to created man from clay. When I have fashioned him and breathed into him of my spirit .... (Sura 38:71-72).
Dr. William Campbell in his book The Quran and the Bible, says on page 185:
"As every reader who has studied human reproduction will realize, there is no state as a 'clot' during formation of a foetus, so this is a very major scientific problem." Would angel Gabriel make such a scientific error?
D. Had the spirit been Gabriel. He would have taught Muhammad to read and write. The Qur'an declares that Allah taught Jesus how to write: "'And Allah will teach him the book and wisdom, the Torah and the gospel" (Sura 3:48).
The famous Qur'an Commentator ibn Kathir in his exposition of the Qur'an (vol.1 p.344) says:
'The book mentioned here means write. We would expect that Mohammed, who calls himself the seal of the prophets, would be taught to read and write.
The spirit said in his revelation to Muhammad Read: and thy lord the most Bounteous, who teaches by the pen, teacheth man that which he know not (Sura 96:3-4). The question is if God teaches man that which he know not by the pen, why did he not teach Muhammad (the 'senior prophet) how to read and write instead of leaving him illiterate all his life?
E. We learn from Islamic tradition that on several occasions when Muhammad saw the spirit, he would be so frightened he would run home to his wife and ask her to cover him with clothes: "I was called again and raised my head, and there on the Throne in the open atmosphere he, i.e. Gabriel (peace be upon him) was sitting. I began to tremble on account of fear. I came to Khadija and said: Wrap me up. They wrapped me up and threw water on me..." (Sahih Muslim book 1 ch.74 no.307 p.100. Narrated by Jabir) At other times, Muhammad experienced some strange physical symptoms. From Hadith Mishkat, we learn that, sometimes he would shrive and swoon, roar like a camel and white foamy saliva would come from his mouth (Hadith Mishkat iv p.359). Sometimes when he receive revelation(s) there was the sound like the buzzing of bees near his face (source: Umar Ibnu'l Khattab), while at other times, he felt a tremendous headache.
Muhammad once said: "At times it comes to me like the ringing of a bell and that is most severe for me... and at time an Angel in the form of a human being comes to me... (Sahih Muslim vol.4 book 28 no.5765-5767 p.1248)
However, it is unclear why Mohammed later said, "...The bell is the musical instrument of Satan." Sahih Muslim vol.3 book 22 no.5279, also Abu Dawud vol.2 no.2548 -2550
According Ahmad b. Hanbal, "He became distressed, foaming at the mouth and closing his eyes. At times he snorted like a young camel (Ahmad b. Hanbal I, 34, 464, vi.163). This gave rise to the allegation in certain quarters Muhammad was epileptic.
Holy Prophet Muhammad according to 'Amr Ibn Sharhabil, mentioned to his wife, Khadija, that he feared he was possessed by demons and wondered whether others consider him possessed [i.e. evil spirits] (source: pfanoter 1910:345). These statements about the physical symptoms exhibited by Muhammad when he saw the spirit were not made by strangers, non Muslims or people who did not know him. These statements were made by Aisha, Muhammad's favourite wife, relatives and his close followers who strongly believed that he was the seal of the prophets. All these people happened to be very committed Muslims who knew the alleged prophet well!
Yet when the same angel Gabriel visited Daniel, Zachariah and even Mary, none of them had convulsions with foam coming from their mouths. Neither did they hear the sounds of bells ringing nor the buzzing of bees near their faces. They did not roar like a camel or swoon, etc.
Over time Muhammad started having some doubts about the revelations he received from the spirit. Allah (God) directed Muhammad to check the truth from the Bible: If thou wert in doubt as to what we have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the book from before thee (Sura Yunus 10:94).
The 'book' mentioned in this verse is the Holy Bible. If Muhammad were a learned man, he would have known what the Bible says concerning Satan: And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14). Mohammed was not only deceived then, but the hadiths record that later he was under and evil spell too. (Bukhari vol.4 book 53 chapter 34 and vol.4 no.400 p.267)
Our prophet peace be upon him said “ Be there for your brother opressed and if hes oppressing” The companions asked how when hes oppressing then he replied “ Tell him hes in the wrong”
sahih bukhari and muslim and musnad ahmad
Subhana Allah
Im not 100% sure but I think Cadet spoke about this in his behind bars or something
Exactly what I was thinking he goes “turned Muslim for hype when I was 15”
@Kushinga Levels it still is
He died a ak, may he rest in peace.
@@tiran1690 so if you dont take shahada you wont go heaven?
Big up all my muslims💪
Real .muslims
Not fakes 1s
@@thunderjoy7250 of course
What do they do with woman beaters in jail aka guys who beat their women up for domestic violence and that are they liked in jail or not cos some people when I was in jail were there for domestic violence and they were getting suspended sentences and that can you shed some light on that please maybe do a video about it
Oh so it like life insurance of free 😂😂
No more being stopped by the undies...feds
Not in London Thank God,
bless brother good work....
Broski as i said in your other segment with regards to this jail rule. Its not an islamic teaching to side with wrong regardless who it is. Its actually the complete opposite. In the quran its says something like the following. Allah swt is pleased with those who stand against their mother, father, brother, child for the sake of righteousness!! Allhumdulilah, its even used as an expression of rightenousness/justice in the harvard faculty of law. I didnt give the best translation so please anyone who wants to see its true form and beauty refer to the harvard school of law. May Allah swt guide us all.
When you enter the darkness you see the light🤷♂️ that's why so many ppl stay converting to islam in prison.
Maher Zain
@@jojokoko1569 yh
Some people in jail are lonely, easily lead and very vulnerable etc. So Muslims prey on these types of people
@@tommydshelby5311 why use terms like prey? Clear what ur opinions are💀
Tommy D Shelby yes the cult of islam preys on the weak and vulnerable as you say you smart guy
Akh*s got on smash
Very funny
Hay fever is killing me off this year
Great content brother
Great content bruvva, bang on
Free digga 💥💥💥
Yasin Haque First recall should only be 14 day fixed term unless he has new charges which relate to the index offence that he was convicted of. I’ve had 2 recalls this year for breaching terms of my license, first was 14 days, second was 28 days. He should be free soon.
So many brothers turn muslims but keep living the same life. Islam has become a trend for street man to follow. None of them know the true Islam anyway, they just did it because they got boys that say walahi and kasme in every sentence.
While truth can be painful, we do not mean to offend; our hope is that you will find the truth and live with God in heaven forever.
It is of great importance to identify the spirit who squeezed Muhammad at the cave of Hira near Mecca. Was the spirit really angel Gabriel? The answer is absolutely No!
A. Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would have calmed Muhammad and relieved his fear. But the spirit left him in extreme distress. The angel Gabriel appeared to many people before his alleged visit to Muhammad and each time the first thing he did was to allay that person's fear.
i. When Gabriel appeared to Daniel, he was afraid but Gabriel touched him. Gabriel did not squeeze him or cause him pain, Gabriel only touched him (Daniel 8:16-18).
ii. The angel Gabriel also appeared to Zachariah father of John the Baptist who is called Yahya in the Qur'an he identified himself and said to Zachariah : Do not be afraid, Zacharia ...... I am angel Gabriel that stand in the presence of God (Luke 1:13-19)
iii. Gabriel appeared to Mary, mother of our Lord Jesus. Mary was scared but Gabriel said to her: Do not be afraid, Mary (Luke 1:30)
B. Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would not have contradicted his former revelations. Six hundred (600) years before the birth of Muhammad, the real angel Gabriel said to Mary that she would bear a child who will be the Son of God: The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God (Luke 1:35).
But the spirit which appeared to Muhammad told him Jesus was not the son of God:... The Christians call Christ the son of Allah .... Allah's curse be on them (Sura 9:30). If the spirit that appeared to Muhammad were angel Gabriel, it would not have said Jesus was not the son of God.
C. Had the spirit been Gabriel, he would not have given a false scientific revelation to Muhammad. The spirit said to Muhammad: "Read: in the name of thy Lord who createth - createth man from a clot! (Sura 96:11-5) These words are scientifically wrong- Prof- Haanein Muhammad Makhloof, on page 508 of his Dictionary of the meanings of words of the Quran says that the Arabic word alaq translated into English as "clot" means frozen blood. The Bible declares that man was created from clay not from frozen blood. Even the Qur'an admits that man was made from clay: I am about to created man from clay. When I have fashioned him and breathed into him of my spirit .... (Sura 38:71-72).
Dr. William Campbell in his book The Quran and the Bible, says on page 185:
"As every reader who has studied human reproduction will realize, there is no state as a 'clot' during formation of a foetus, so this is a very major scientific problem." Would angel Gabriel make such a scientific error?
D. Had the spirit been Gabriel. He would have taught Muhammad to read and write. The Qur'an declares that Allah taught Jesus how to write: "'And Allah will teach him the book and wisdom, the Torah and the gospel" (Sura 3:48).
The famous Qur'an Commentator ibn Kathir in his exposition of the Qur'an (vol.1 p.344) says:
'The book mentioned here means write. We would expect that Mohammed, who calls himself the seal of the prophets, would be taught to read and write.
The spirit said in his revelation to Muhammad Read: and thy lord the most Bounteous, who teaches by the pen, teacheth man that which he know not (Sura 96:3-4). The question is if God teaches man that which he know not by the pen, why did he not teach Muhammad (the 'senior prophet) how to read and write instead of leaving him illiterate all his life?
E. We learn from Islamic tradition that on several occasions when Muhammad saw the spirit, he would be so frightened he would run home to his wife and ask her to cover him with clothes: "I was called again and raised my head, and there on the Throne in the open atmosphere he, i.e. Gabriel (peace be upon him) was sitting. I began to tremble on account of fear. I came to Khadija and said: Wrap me up. They wrapped me up and threw water on me..." (Sahih Muslim book 1 ch.74 no.307 p.100. Narrated by Jabir) At other times, Muhammad experienced some strange physical symptoms. From Hadith Mishkat, we learn that, sometimes he would shrive and swoon, roar like a camel and white foamy saliva would come from his mouth (Hadith Mishkat iv p.359). Sometimes when he receive revelation(s) there was the sound like the buzzing of bees near his face (source: Umar Ibnu'l Khattab), while at other times, he felt a tremendous headache.
Muhammad once said: "At times it comes to me like the ringing of a bell and that is most severe for me... and at time an Angel in the form of a human being comes to me... (Sahih Muslim vol.4 book 28 no.5765-5767 p.1248)
However, it is unclear why Mohammed later said, "...The bell is the musical instrument of Satan." Sahih Muslim vol.3 book 22 no.5279, also Abu Dawud vol.2 no.2548 -2550
According Ahmad b. Hanbal, "He became distressed, foaming at the mouth and closing his eyes. At times he snorted like a young camel (Ahmad b. Hanbal I, 34, 464, vi.163). This gave rise to the allegation in certain quarters Muhammad was epileptic.
Holy Prophet Muhammad according to 'Amr Ibn Sharhabil, mentioned to his wife, Khadija, that he feared he was possessed by demons and wondered whether others consider him possessed [i.e. evil spirits] (source: pfanoter 1910:345). These statements about the physical symptoms exhibited by Muhammad when he saw the spirit were not made by strangers, non Muslims or people who did not know him. These statements were made by Aisha, Muhammad's favourite wife, relatives and his close followers who strongly believed that he was the seal of the prophets. All these people happened to be very committed Muslims who knew the alleged prophet well!
Yet when the same angel Gabriel visited Daniel, Zachariah and even Mary, none of them had convulsions with foam coming from their mouths. Neither did they hear the sounds of bells ringing nor the buzzing of bees near their faces. They did not roar like a camel or swoon, etc.
Over time Muhammad started having some doubts about the revelations he received from the spirit. Allah (God) directed Muhammad to check the truth from the Bible: If thou wert in doubt as to what we have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the book from before thee (Sura Yunus 10:94).
The 'book' mentioned in this verse is the Holy Bible. If Muhammad were a learned man, he would have known what the Bible says concerning Satan: And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14). Mohammed was not only deceived then, but the hadiths record that later he was under and evil spell too. (Bukhari vol.4 book 53 chapter 34 and vol.4 no.400 p.267)
True still
Can you speak bout Nationalities in jail
There are a lot of black muslims who are muslim by birth specially african brothers...they may not practice it hence end up in prison. The reason there is a "brotherhood" is in islam there is no nationalism, every muslim regardless of colour, caste etcetera is a muslim brother and sister i.e the protests for palestine, kashmir, uighurs etcetera they have one thing uniting them their faith, any mistreatment oppression toward any muslim in any corner of the world every muslim feels the pain. Yes people exploit and pick and choose what parts to act upon but that is done with everything... I rather be a "brother" if will give me an advantage.
Such good content and info man, had to share ur channel to my guys on the roads. Keep inspiring brother.
Remember that you cannot let another man represent any religion. Men make mistakes. Only God is perfect
god is perfect but religion is not. that is why there is soo many sect of it.
Bless bigman Ego, Im very happy you made a video like this. Your¨re a great man: from muslim in Norway bigup
I also noticed in prison, Islam brings people of different racial backgrounds together.
Is it jelly from hackney the punch guy if it is big him up he blessed me in feltham with his phone when I was at lowest point
The br talking pure sense
You were very observant especially in Rye Hill (Farley wing) we know what happened, tell the true story bobby 👮♀️
Bobby u respect all monotheistic religions tho right bro?
monotheistic ?? why not just all, i dont think he has less respect for ppl that think there is more than one god lol
Big up the abdools!
Snap HELL MARSH exactly how u tell it I saw it with my own eyes notjust b m only otherbjail as well
Bro interview or do a video about faceless from peckham. His story is mad
Why would you give a man who shot a woman in the face whilst holding a baby at a CHRISTENING and then stabbed a young woman in the throat 8 times a week or so later because she laughed at him a platform? Internet’s a mad place still. Relax
Kellogg’s rah wtf sick man
I agree that people shouldn’t be protecting bad people just because they are the same religion. Islam certainly doesn’t demand this. However, this is no different to people who defend others who happen to be from their postcode/gang. It’s no different at all.
what about hindus and sikhs?
Islam is the most accepting religion any race can be apart with christians a white Christian might not respect a black Christian even though same religion. Same with Judaism and other religions
false claim about Christians but ok
Don’t see any black people in Asian British families. See lots of black people in White Christian British families.
It's a shame Pakistani Muslims don't respect Northern English under age girls
senor gammon I know of black people in Bengali families. Black people are also as prejudice against other races as well don’t act like they’re not. IMO whites people are the most “tolerant/accepting”.
Everybody says that about thiers but really tho they are all as bad and as good as each other. I've had the good bad and ugly off all sides including mine thats how it really is.
Definitely a protection thing more time need local honey for your hayfever!
My PERSONAL opinion is that islam is a cool religion but not a religion for black men
Yh it started in Brixton and stockwell
First view love your videos brother
Kevin hart after a trip to ends ...
Islam literally means peace so people shouldn't join the religion just so their friends will back their beef, they should join because they genuinely love Islam and they will actually follow the rules and serve their lord.
word and i'm Catholic
Forex guy Loves Jesus it means submission submit to alllah
@@trapb8759 ☝️☝️
Rah Jeff Mayweather moved to England
Out of intrest how do you pretend to be muslim
Join in on the prayers and follow the laws
@Joe Public but I don't know arabic
Im muslim and I don't know arabic I just know how to read quran
That’s not Islam or Muslim in jail it’s called bandwagon tactics and gang affiliations if they were following religion they wouldn’t be where they are real Muslims don’t cause trouble
What’s his insta?
Lambeth, Croydon ect where i personally think it started off, it was all just a fashion thing, no one turned to Islam to better themselves, if you're from South you'd remmeber around that time 2004-5-6 ect the gang SMS (south Muslim soldiers). Went round causing agg, and they got touched, they wasn't untouchable. Was for the weak minded, fashion statement that's all it was
you can't expect good natured muslim or christian in prison. lool
You cannot use islam to do wrong because islaam is a religion of Justice regardless of who it may be , so obviously these Muslims are not following the religion. but then a lot of us do not seek knowledge or implementation of it unfortunately .
So you can’t touch no one even if their wrong 😂 I don’t rate that that’s satanic.
its nothing to do with the religion its the poeple unfortunately
Mandem are untouchable
When Jesus died, his closest followers continued to claim that he was God. A large proportion of them in fact died peacefully in support of this claim, showing how convinced they were of this. Additionally secular historians at the time recorded the fact that Jesus claimed to be God. These are historical facts which cannot be debated. Muhammad claimed contrary things centuries afterwards - his aims were clear - to unit the people in that region. Not saying that he was a bad guy, but in my views, he's claims are false. That being said, love to all my Muslims brothers - we all worship one God. If you disagree with me, please feel free to reply to this comment (historical/rationale arguments only)
not contrary, how do you know what you read is the truth, the bible has been changed many times and was changed easily, an example would’ve been king henry starting his own sect of christianity just so he could divorce, people may have claimed he was son of god because of the miracles he performed which we muslims believe he performed aswell, but if he was son of god how come everyone else isn’t considered grand grand grand sons and daughters of god, and why isn’t adam considered son of god
@@AM-lr2xc big up you for responding. The Catholic bible has barely been changed (its been translated from the original langugage of Hebrew of the Old Testament and Greek of the New Testament), and the originals are still available. Re. the Son of the God, i've now amended my original post - by Son of God, Christians mean God - apoologies for the confusion. Jesus clearly claimed he was God (evidenced by records of secular historians and the fact that his disciples died because of their statements that Jesus claimed to be God) - Jesus was either God, a liar (I don't belive this) or insance (I don't believe this) - there is no room for him to be a good but sane man who is not God. Anyway big you up and pls pray for me
I disagree on what you said about our prophet muhammeds aims
@@maherzain434 - agree to disagree - apologies if my initial language was offensive - I have edited
AM muslims always says the Bible changed but do muslims have the real bible?
Christianity and Islam inc Judaism have good and bad among them. Truth be told those that use these faith systems to harm others in GOD's name is not right with GOD and will face the consequences in the long run.
Brother i suggest u study islam and find out why many people are turning muslim
Hope not to offend you but i see sickness in your eyes and face look after yourself bro be cautious what fuel you put in your body ❤️
Hay fever g
Hay fever but Also got in at 6am but thanks for the concern.
Bruh you got corona
religions are all the same. cult following. best route is to be spiritual like you said bro. also praying 5 times a day won't do you any good if you don't understand the arabic meaning of whats being said to touch ur heart
Look up al wala wal bara
Big my ppl . Islam
Jesus is lord
There good and bad in every country and every religion...
He may of turned Muslim to get woman the hypocrite
Your videos are like crack
How can you believe in Islam when it’s such a barbaric religion which also oppressed woman
You're uneducated
Maher Zain I’m just going of the media what I’m repeatedly seeing, if I called you uneducated about satanism would you be offended no because that’s not your religion so why should you know every little detail about it, also what other religion kills in their gods name?
because people think that and once they're exposed to the religion and they see it's the opposite of that. they find it appealing
Ab Har another issue I have with Islam is that it claims to believe in Jesus but not believe that Jesus is god? This is blasphemy
dandzrega Jesus is supposed to be a prophet and the son of god not god himself. They believe that Mohammed was also a prophet but he came after Jesus so his word should be followed