If I have for example 20 m long plate girder with transverse stiffeners every 2 m and two changes in web thickness - could I use PLATE-BUCKLING to calculate it's web for buckling? If so, how to do it? - it's the same as in the other software, so I must divide my plate girder into ten 2 meter long plates and analyze them separately with according stresses?
I don't get it. 1. Why are you searching for total plate buckling eigenvalue if there is >100% for the single panel already? 2. Now after that, you model single panel again which was over 100% before.. 3. As you mention, if we have rfem/rstab model then we can import stresses, but then we can only check the "total plate" and not the "single plate", right? - what then? - we have to find stresses manually and fill them in module - sounds like a lot of work with hundreds of combinations to find the worst one. I would appreciate the answers. PS. It would be great if tutorials will be more of why we do something this way and not only how we can do something in software.
Hi, davidg939! The overload is only an overload of the single plate and not of the whole panel. So there is a local failure and not a global failure and is therefore irrelevant. You always have to look for a buckling mode that will lead to the global failure of the plate. In this specific case the stability is still given.
If I have for example 20 m long plate girder with transverse stiffeners every 2 m and two changes in web thickness - could I use PLATE-BUCKLING to calculate it's web for buckling? If so, how to do it? - it's the same as in the other software, so I must divide my plate girder into ten 2 meter long plates and analyze them separately with according stresses?
Hi, Cinematic!
If you need assistance, please contact our customer support by e-mail at info@dlubal.com and send us your model. Then we can check it.
I don't get it.
1. Why are you searching for total plate buckling eigenvalue if there is >100% for the single panel already?
2. Now after that, you model single panel again which was over 100% before..
3. As you mention, if we have rfem/rstab model then we can import stresses, but then we can only check the "total plate" and not the "single plate", right? - what then? - we have to find stresses manually and fill them in module - sounds like a lot of work with hundreds of combinations to find the worst one.
I would appreciate the answers.
PS. It would be great if tutorials will be more of why we do something this way and not only how we can do something in software.
Hi, davidg939!
Can you please tell us the associated timestamps from the webinar?
It's all from 4:00-14:40
1. 8:57
2. 10:49
3. 7:31 mention about import from rfem/rstab
Hi, davidg939!
The overload is only an overload of the single plate and not of the whole panel. So there is a local failure and not a global failure and is therefore irrelevant. You always have to look for a buckling mode that will lead to the global failure of the plate. In this specific case the stability is still given.
@@DlubalEN Thank you! What about 3rd question?
Hi, davidg939!
You can set multiple load cases and the program then will find the worst case but of course, you need to enter multiple cases.