I rather don't even 'touch' the subject althou i'm confronted with expressions and information that suggest denial. I'm unable to comprehence the idea of plain anti-semitism out of thin air. There is a systematic distribution of such information using the vehicle of 'conspiracy theories' and mixing contemporarly events with anti-semitism.
Thank you for this work.
What about the Balfour agreement (IHR)? and what about zionism? It is evidence of the english favoring zionism
21 Anti-Jews have placed their fingers on the dislike button, and showed the world their ability to deny reality.
I rather don't even 'touch' the subject althou i'm confronted with expressions and information that suggest denial. I'm unable to comprehence the idea of plain anti-semitism out of thin air. There is a systematic distribution of such information using the vehicle of 'conspiracy theories' and mixing contemporarly events with anti-semitism.
thats an important video.
Thank you.