0:00 - **clap clap** THOUGHTS REVIEW 4:29 - ehhhhhhh.... ehhhhhhhhhh 6:27 - gotta go FAST -sanic 7:52 - git gud Datto 8:44 - ENDLESS VEIL SURE DOESN’T 12:01 - **gasp** 13:08 - OVERALL 16:01 - pls 16:07 - pictures of naked women Like so people can see. Thank you daddy Datto for the content
Definitely worth considering the differences between PC and console on this one. Played 20 matches of Rumble today, and didnt see a single Acrius. Had a tonne of fun as well. Quite a few sidearms, but you can counter with SMG's fairly well.
Power ammo is ridiculously abundant now. Basically we are now back in D1 causal heaven. That’s what happens when bungie listens to low-skill causals and salty, egotistical streamers who can’t win a primary duel and are not willing (or able) to work with their teammates
LiftedSlayer I sometimes find it hard to work with my teammates if they won’t listen or are being stubborn and dying to the same trick over and over. Sometimes, my teammates are quite smart and I appreciate the flow I have with them.
This patch was ok but it was disappointing they didn't make tie mobility to sprint speed. Maybe I misinterpreted it but I thought the whole point of the go fast update was to make things like sprint faster. I also would like to see things like shoulder charge and icarus dash allow you to transfer that momentum into your glide/jump. This feels really good in Destiny 1 because you aren't forced to slow down after a move like shoulder charge and it makes movement feel smoother. Time to kill like you said doesn't feel as bad after the new patch but I would still like it to be reduced so that primaries have a chance to compete against heavy. Even before the increase in heavy ammo everywhere, the top primaries still felt too weak against a shotgun, sword or rockets. They could solve this by returning to the original loadout system and letting us have back some one hit kill weapons like shotguns or snipers. I just don't see a place for Snipers in the Heavy spot. I don't think they'll ever be able to compete with a cluster bomb rocket, and honestly I don't think I ever want to have to choose between them. I really believe that lowering the time to kill, reverting power ammo changes, and returning to the original Primary/Special/Heavy loadout system would do wonders for this game. Reducing ttk would also reduce the incentive to stick together and teamshot because you can take on an entire team if you hit all your shots. Of course there's many more issues but if they'd stop ignoring the big ones, we'd start making some real progress! Some extra thoughts: I think the new 2 primaries system is ok, definitely not bad, but i think the new system is one of the reasons pvp and some pve scenarios are not interesting or fun. The original weapon system allowed for a lot of variety in how you would approach an encounter or situation. Specials like snipers/shotguns/fusions also helped the balance of power throughout a loadout. With special weapons that could one hit kill, it meant heavy weapons were not your only option and if someone else had heavy, you could still challenge them and have a great shot at winning if you are a skilled player. Special weapons also allowed for insane power plays, like wiping an entire team. Having 2 primaries and one heavy really offsets the balance of power, with all the power coming from the heavy slot. So when you go up against someone with Acrius, well you can either run or die. There is no challenging because primaries kill too slow and guess what? You're stuck with two of them. Again, the current system isn't bad, but it just doesn't allow for those moments of excitement like you said, it becomes a race for heavy and that's all that matters.
I agree. However I think having a combination of the two weapons systems would be awesome. Kinetic(white), energy(green), special(blue), and heavy(purple) - matches the loot tiers as well. Kinetic and energy slots would be unchanged. Special would be snipes, shotties, and fusions. Heavy would be greatly improved grenade launchers, rockets, linear fusions (that hit more like Sleeper Simulant), and the return of heavy machine guns. You could spawn in with a little special (1 or 2 shots) and special crates could spawn in twice as much as heavy and heavy crates spawn (in pvp only) could be reduced closer to how they were originally but keep the change of picking up dropped bricks. Other than that, just need ranked competitive, sprint speed increase, an average ttk closer to what vigilance wing is currently, a reworked and vastly improved mods system, exciting and grindable loot, and about a dozen more things and then, and only then, will Destiny 2 begin to heal.
I personally think they should put snipers, shotties and fusion rifles in both kinetic and energy but with low ammo reserves. i miss running double snipes like nlb and any other sniper. Put linear fusion in the power slot but hit like sleeper and bring back heavy machine guns. like why did they get removed? i think with those changes playing pvp and pve will be much more interesting. i think they're current state of power and balance feels more suited to those slots other than the legend of acrius and merciless . granted i thnk if this was the case people would gravitated towards a shotgun more than a sniper since theyre a bit more strong and can still still one hit kill much more easily. however the option to use a sniper more frequently would still be better than never using it at all.
I'm glad you've sort of eased off of the only Destiny content, it shows a lot more passion and fun with making videos like these with all the little jokes in it.
On one hand I might not agree with a bunch of opinions about the update. On the other hand I will always appreciate you thoughts Datto. :) Edit. Actually, I feel the same as Datto. Love the cake analogy.
"Power weapons are weak and only rockets feel strong" "Shh no bungie's gonna nerf rockets too" _Bungie buffs literally everything_ "WTF bungie now power weapons are too powerful" Bungie - "We shoulda just nerfed the rockets"
I’m not sure if you will be reading this but I would like to say I have seen you come a long way as a creator since vault of glass I’m not sure if it’s just the “been around for a while and I’m getting it now” or if your personality really is just shining through now a-days. it’s really awesome to see that even if destiny isn’t the most fun thing to make videos on, you still are letting the Watto of datto watto come out!
Unfortunately this update isn't really what is needed Most of the changes are meaningless. Going fast is cool and all but what's the point when you have nothing to grind for?
that's exactly what I was thinking. Yeah everything is faster and weapons are stronger, but is there still any reason to pick my controller back up and finish side quests for any special weapons or gear? Don't really think so
Perhaps the nightfall specific loot that Datto mentioned he still hasn't gotten despite grinding the nightfall 9 times? That's a GRIND for NEW LOOT. You might not want the gear but in an update where they weren't focused on adding loot, they did just that and made it hard to get. You look rather silly making that comment immediately after watching this particular video.
FunK Vids The loot is not even that special and if by obtaining it we have gotten back to the old do X strike X times until you got lucky then developers haven't learned anything. Meaningless grind until you get one object is not good for the game nor offers that good replayability everyone craves for
The TTK issue has morphed into a power ammo issue; having more ammo for powers can speed up gameplay and more enjoyable, but with weak primaries you can’t counter power that has faster movement speed, thus making acrius rush and colony spam the new dominant strat.
LiftedSlayer said the on who only plays 4stacked an has average 9 kills per game in quickplay lmao. destinytracker.com/d2/profile/psn/Liftedslayer You talk pretty big for a noob with 2 times flawless. You re in every comment section trying to insult me but you fail so hard 😂 try getting 40 times flawless and stop playing trials for 3 months and dont talk big if your simply shit in every aspect of the game. Thanks.
Julio Perez Then use Nova Bomb in D2. You're welcome...I guess. I don't know if that glorified Vortex Grenade twice a game made you feel better or worse...
In d1 they had finally gotten power ammo to a good place. 1 spawn per game per team at the same time. I don't know why they felt the need to change it.
Haven't taken a single look at D2 since November. Now thanks to Datto (making a video and it actually showing up in my sub box) I'm looking into getting it on pc and actually trying to enjoy it again.
Haven't watched the video yet, but please just roast Bungie for not changing sprint speed in any way or the fact that 0 Mobility and 10 Mobility offer the exact same speed. edit: was not disappointed
IIRC they explained before that they want to keep sprint speed more or less constant across the board because that determines how long they have to load in content / find instances as you move between nodes in the world. For example, remember with Arcon's Forge it was best to walk slowly up to the entry to give the system time to find an instance with other players. Faster movement (sprint or sparrow) means either getting halted by the loading screen more often and/or not meeting other players in public spaces just because they didn't have time to find a suitable instance.
I love how Warlock and Titan got some big boosts to their jumps but Hunters the "mobility class" did not. Hunters are useless like the shadestep.. 15 sec cooldown for what? To reload the gun?
imHrvaT nah, Nightstalker can allow for a dodge that restores smoke grenade when near an enemy. With Gemini Jester, its amazing to go Invis, get ur smoke back, throw it, and disrupt your enemy's radar. But thats just how i use it
mobility =/= speed, hunter arent made to be the most fast class, they are made to be the more mobile, btw you can reduce this cooldown now with mods, and not only to reload a gun, but to avoid shots/reload your melee/stop tracking from nades/running away. sahdestep is everything but useless, i think in pvp the most useless class ability is rift, because it cna only be used in some situations, most of the time if a plyer see you in a rift he is going to leave you alone in your rift (or one shot you with legend of power ammo). and if you try to put a rift during your 1v1....well rip btw use stompes, and you'll have a fast jump with the hunter.
I use the dodge roll that refills the melee charge. I like it because it can take you out of an engagement and into cover, or evade a boss strength death bomb. 15 sec for a get out of death free card seems like agood deal to me
Wale Wanmark but they should be the fastest class. Titans and warlocks can have over 10 resilience / recovery and be waaay faster. Mobility have no Impact in the gameplay itself and thats because its useless. Correct me if im wrong, but all these effects "avoid shots/ stop tracking from nades" (basically d1 shadestep) are only available in the Vanishing Step so its only in the Nightstalker class not in the other classes. And my biggest problem is, it took 15 sec.. it should be min 5 sec (in d1 3sec). And you say you can reduce this cooldown, what is the best possibly cooldown? PS: Sry for my english :D
Datto, why do you think they don't just put shotguns and snipers back in the special weapon (secondary) slot like it was in Destiny rather than the heavy slot? To me, I feel that this would solve most "power" and balance issues with d2
Do you not remember the plague of shotguns and snipers, particularly shotguns, in D1 PVP? I remember shotguns were an issue as that is all most would use in D1 PVP. Pretty sure that is one of the reasons they were put in power for D2. Bungie tried to reduce the access to one shot weapons, which people were always complaining about in D1 PVP. Now, people complain that they don't have that, so they've now increased the power ammo spawn. With all this back and forth, flip flop responses from the community, I'm not surprised Bungie has been misstepping on things.
The entire game would have to be rebalanced. There is no system that wouldnt be thrown off by such a drastic move and for PvP there would be no reason to run anything but the OHKO option in that slot and we would be back to shotgun sniper spam.
I just recently got a Heart of Time. This thing is a MONSTER. The high rate of fire with dragonfly makes this thing simply spectacular. I loved this update for being a good step in the right direction.
7 runs of the same NF strike is not the grind I am looking for(and still no NF specific loot). In D1, at least you didnt have to run the same old strike over and over and over cause there were specific loot in every Heroic strike, so if you didnt get the loot at the end of a strike, you moved on to another strike. The Nightfall loot really didnt even look that great, and the worst part is the same old boring perks. You would think Bungie wouldve learned after the Osiris Forged weapons, the weapons looked super cool, but because the perks are mostly boring on every one of those weapons, people did not use them!
Look again. The sniper has Opening Shot (increased range and accuracy on the opening shot of an attack...it's a sniper so every shot activates the perk). That means insane aim assist. If you combine that with a range-boosting Masterwork version, you can aim at someone's chest and get a headshot in PVP, it's insane XD
I dont mind the grind, please ready my comment again before replying. I stated running the same strike over and over isnt the kind of grind I am looking for. I never said I mind grinding. I have 3 characters all maxed out in D1 w/about 400 raid completions, and also have 3 maxed out characters in D2, so I do not mind grinding.
Easy way to solve heavy ammo (I do like the change) is to put a cool down timer on heavy ammo when you pick it up which includes bricks from fallen enemies or a fresh pick up.
This video was worth watching alone for the Dawnblade Suicide Run, Thumbs Up! (6:41-6:56) Literally laughed out loud. Datto's dry wit and sardonic humor is the best... though I could be biased since I have the same type of humorous nature. Seriously though thanks for the information. Haven't played Destiny 2 in a while, but still try to keep informed for when I return when the DLC drops in May.
I took a gander at the comments section and didn't see one, so figured I'd offer an explanation as to the rationale behind mobility not affecting sprint speed. For the record, this is conjecture, not fact. But, as someone who's been designing maps for Halo for years, it makes a lot of sense to me. Allowing a high degree of variability in maximum movement speed (i.e. sprint speed) is, frankly, dangerous. This speed is the primary factor in how long it takes players to traverse the map, reach key locations, etc. like you mentioned in the video. Allowing this speed to be too variable, then, would have a huge impact on game pacing and it would influence that pacing in a very random, unpredictable way. When designing a map, the scale needs to be based around a fairly predictable range of maximum movement speed. Obviously some variability can be afforded, but doing this through a handful of relatively low-impact perks and/or inherent class differences is a much less risky way to do this. You mention your concerns with spawning in Rumble in the video. Allowing for this kind of variability would put a huge amount of stress on, and introduce a significant amount of additional randomization that the spawn system would have to attempt to account for. If players could move significantly faster than they can now, we would start to see spawning on the existing map lineup really start to fall apart. The second side of the equation is that the base movement speed (i.e. non-sprint speed) plays a much larger role in combat. This is the speed players move at while engaging other players in combat and that combat loop is obviously at the core of an FPS like D2. Allowing players to strafe just a little bit faster has a much larger impact on that core combat loop than I believe a lot of people realize. This is why there is a relatively small delta between base speed and maximum speed in a game like Halo 5. In short, I think that limiting max speed to a relatively narrow, predictable range while allowing players to better customize their base speed makes a lot of sense. At a surface level, I can definitely understand why it feels weird that the Mobility stat only affects base speed, though. Anyway, just food for thought. Loved the video and loved your analysis as usual.
I suppose the point of sprint is to make move the fastest in certain situations and the same speed for everyone. It’s not the default movement. Walking or actually running (what you in fact do when you tilt the stick all the way forward) is how you are suppose to move around in most cases. That fact that most people are sprinting all the time is a different matter.
12:58 “The movement speeds increases are nice but depending on what kind of player you are, they are subtle, and some people might not notice some of the finer adjustments.” Exactly how I feel. PVP still the same to me, PVE, just a little different.
Hey Datto, I only just got around to listen to this - I really enjoyed the dry humor. To answer the question you posed - you can (and I'd love to see it) test if 4v4 is the reason D2 feels teamshotty -> play 4v4 in D1 customs. The increased movement, tighter radar, more potent weapons, primary/special system and better maps (Rusted Lands
All my friends are saying ‘we’re waiting for Datto to do the latest Damage Comparison’ and I agree with them. We need to see ‘Numbers’ hehe! It’s been a while Datto, welcome back.
I think an interesting change to strike loot would be to 'Monster Hunter'-rise it. Make it so, when we kill a boss, we get either materials or a whole weapon/armour piece, and have unique skins (perks that are specific for the strike?), just so you can have more variety in your builds, with more diverse armour.
Here is what they should do. - Have Hunters be able to run along and hang on walls(Titanfall style) - Have Warlocks be able to actually levitate without any need for exotics or special skills. Just hold the button and be able to move freely in any direction. - Have Titans just be rockets, being able to move across distances or upwards at incredibly fast speeds, but have a slower sprint speed.
@datto i have a guess/theory or whatever you would call it about the sprint speed question. i point to an encounter in the raid where in dogs if you croutch and walk as supposed to walking fast toward the blossum you won't or will have a better chance to NOT trigger the dogs to see you and your fireteam. perhaps there is an underlying mechanic that if base sprint speed were increased across the board it would possible create a bug where the dogs would get triggered automatically no matter if croutched, sprinting, walking or whatever. just a thought.
Datto great video you legend. And I have 1 gripe to pick, your awesome at pvp :). I tried my Titan after the update didn’t know to much of a difference and I hope they don’t nerf heaps of there changes. Like arc strider and dawnblade. Thanks for all your videos datto your the best and with destiny I enjoy it in and off here and there. Thanks mate.
Overall I found this patch to be a step in the right direction, I think this patch combined with what’s coming in the May patch could lead to a fun summer of playing Destiny 2. I’m feeling optimistic about the state of the game and where it’s headed! Always love to hear Dattos thoughts.
ill hop back on when warmind dlc drops. might as well since i got the season pass with the white pro. ima have a good chunk to do since i skipped the entirety of osiris
Datto’s humor is underrated
ShadicReign very true
kind of like toast without butter
ShadicReign I super agree
It encompasses my soul
The PewDiePie meme was hot af Dad
Upload plz
This man knows
Lost from the start at “Thoughts review”. But Datto, caN YOU DO THIS?!?????!??
William Tillett he almost could, hence the opening lean back of the chair
William Tillett same
Bruh for a moment i thought i was watching pewdiepie
I dont understand, do all reviewers secretly watch pewdiepie? I have seen a number of people on youtube do the same
I bet people would rather buy this chair instead of Pewdiepie's chair FOR "JUST" $369
"Blowing all your ammo on a couple of dudes."
Can't say I've had that experience.
BlackStarKamehama Must be nice to have that experience for some people lol
y u lyin
You're saying Destiny has bullet sponge enemies? LIES!
@@chosenundead3174 No.... Just .. just no. It sounds like gay sex and he blew his load on the orgy he was having 😂
@@FarikoWishless stop projecting
0:00 - **clap clap** THOUGHTS REVIEW
4:29 - ehhhhhhh.... ehhhhhhhhhh
6:27 - gotta go FAST -sanic
7:52 - git gud Datto
12:01 - **gasp**
13:08 - OVERALL
16:01 - pls
16:07 - pictures of naked women
Like so people can see. Thank you daddy Datto for the content
Michael H. Thanks for improving my life by 82%
George Gardner I skipped class specifically to improve your life
Fake news on 16:07
Fatmen Olympics alternative fact
Don't forget 24:02
Legend of Power Weapon
Definitely worth considering the differences between PC and console on this one. Played 20 matches of Rumble today, and didnt see a single Acrius. Had a tonne of fun as well. Quite a few sidearms, but you can counter with SMG's fairly well.
Yeah i played around 10-15 matches today on xbox amd never died to the legend, maybe its just a pc thing?
Power ammo is ridiculously abundant now. Basically we are now back in D1 causal heaven. That’s what happens when bungie listens to low-skill causals and salty, egotistical streamers who can’t win a primary duel and are not willing (or able) to work with their teammates
LiftedSlayer I sometimes find it hard to work with my teammates if they won’t listen or are being stubborn and dying to the same trick over and over. Sometimes, my teammates are quite smart and I appreciate the flow I have with them.
AlexandHer Romero exactly dude. A lot of the time it’s people being stubborn and not listening to call outs...
Bonus meme where?
This best comment relating to that pewdiepie reference XD
But Datto, what about chocolate cheesecake?
The only person whose thoughts matter
Your own thoughts should matter more than a TH-camr's.
Was just going to type something like that. I feel sorry for Nameer.
I love the way you edited this and your style of commentary. Bravo!
Yay! A Datto's thoughts video after a long time. Hoping for more good stuff to come to the game.
12:00 had me rolling. Great breakdown Datto - finally now looking forward to getting back into Destiny this spring
This patch was ok but it was disappointing they didn't make tie mobility to sprint speed. Maybe I misinterpreted it but I thought the whole point of the go fast update was to make things like sprint faster. I also would like to see things like shoulder charge and icarus dash allow you to transfer that momentum into your glide/jump. This feels really good in Destiny 1 because you aren't forced to slow down after a move like shoulder charge and it makes movement feel smoother.
Time to kill like you said doesn't feel as bad after the new patch but I would still like it to be reduced so that primaries have a chance to compete against heavy. Even before the increase in heavy ammo everywhere, the top primaries still felt too weak against a shotgun, sword or rockets. They could solve this by returning to the original loadout system and letting us have back some one hit kill weapons like shotguns or snipers. I just don't see a place for Snipers in the Heavy spot. I don't think they'll ever be able to compete with a cluster bomb rocket, and honestly I don't think I ever want to have to choose between them.
I really believe that lowering the time to kill, reverting power ammo changes, and returning to the original Primary/Special/Heavy loadout system would do wonders for this game. Reducing ttk would also reduce the incentive to stick together and teamshot because you can take on an entire team if you hit all your shots. Of course there's many more issues but if they'd stop ignoring the big ones, we'd start making some real progress!
Some extra thoughts: I think the new 2 primaries system is ok, definitely not bad, but i think the new system is one of the reasons pvp and some pve scenarios are not interesting or fun. The original weapon system allowed for a lot of variety in how you would approach an encounter or situation. Specials like snipers/shotguns/fusions also helped the balance of power throughout a loadout. With special weapons that could one hit kill, it meant heavy weapons were not your only option and if someone else had heavy, you could still challenge them and have a great shot at winning if you are a skilled player. Special weapons also allowed for insane power plays, like wiping an entire team. Having 2 primaries and one heavy really offsets the balance of power, with all the power coming from the heavy slot. So when you go up against someone with Acrius, well you can either run or die. There is no challenging because primaries kill too slow and guess what? You're stuck with two of them. Again, the current system isn't bad, but it just doesn't allow for those moments of excitement like you said, it becomes a race for heavy and that's all that matters.
Totally agree dude
They can't go back to the old system, and I think this one is pretty alright
I agree. However I think having a combination of the two weapons systems would be awesome. Kinetic(white), energy(green), special(blue), and heavy(purple) - matches the loot tiers as well. Kinetic and energy slots would be unchanged. Special would be snipes, shotties, and fusions. Heavy would be greatly improved grenade launchers, rockets, linear fusions (that hit more like Sleeper Simulant), and the return of heavy machine guns.
You could spawn in with a little special (1 or 2 shots) and special crates could spawn in twice as much as heavy and heavy crates spawn (in pvp only) could be reduced closer to how they were originally but keep the change of picking up dropped bricks.
Other than that, just need ranked competitive, sprint speed increase, an average ttk closer to what vigilance wing is currently, a reworked and vastly improved mods system, exciting and grindable loot, and about a dozen more things and then, and only then, will Destiny 2 begin to heal.
It would be complicated but it’s doable
I personally think they should put snipers, shotties and fusion rifles in both kinetic and energy but with low ammo reserves. i miss running double snipes like nlb and any other sniper. Put linear fusion in the power slot but hit like sleeper and bring back heavy machine guns. like why did they get removed? i think with those changes playing pvp and pve will be much more interesting. i think they're current state of power and balance feels more suited to those slots other than the legend of acrius and merciless . granted i thnk if this was the case people would gravitated towards a shotgun more than a sniper since theyre a bit more strong and can still still one hit kill much more easily. however the option to use a sniper more frequently would still be better than never using it at all.
This was probably one of the best Datto vids I've seen in a while. Great work!
Thank the lord
Plus Datto with those snipes
datto is the lord
I'm glad you've sort of eased off of the only Destiny content, it shows a lot more passion and fun with making videos like these with all the little jokes in it.
You are hilarious keep it up, love the reviews!!
I was going to watch one video before bed and it's now one in the morning. Thanks +Datto
On one hand I might not agree with a bunch of opinions about the update. On the other hand I will always appreciate you thoughts Datto. :)
Edit. Actually, I feel the same as Datto. Love the cake analogy.
11:17 Nice snipe man! Glad to be in the vid
I was waiting for this vid
Your kill clip sound effects are AWESOME!!!!!! Sweet to see you are having fun with SMGs!!!!
The legend of POWER AMMO
I was pressing refresh on your channel all day waiting for this video 🖒
"Power weapons are weak and only rockets feel strong"
"Shh no bungie's gonna nerf rockets too"
_Bungie buffs literally everything_
"WTF bungie now power weapons are too powerful"
Bungie - "We shoulda just nerfed the rockets"
I’m not sure if you will be reading this but I would like to say I have seen you come a long way as a creator since vault of glass I’m not sure if it’s just the “been around for a while and I’m getting it now” or if your personality really is just shining through now a-days. it’s really awesome to see that even if destiny isn’t the most fun thing to make videos on, you still are letting the Watto of datto watto come out!
Unfortunately this update isn't
really what is needed
of the changes are
Going fast is cool and
all but what's the point when
you have nothing to grind for?
that's exactly what I was thinking. Yeah everything is faster and weapons are stronger, but is there still any reason to pick my controller back up and finish side quests for any special weapons or gear? Don't really think so
No u flamm
Perhaps the nightfall specific loot that Datto mentioned he still hasn't gotten despite grinding the nightfall 9 times? That's a GRIND for NEW LOOT. You might not want the gear but in an update where they weren't focused on adding loot, they did just that and made it hard to get. You look rather silly making that comment immediately after watching this particular video.
You know this wasn't focused on loot right?
FunK Vids The loot is not even that special and if by obtaining it we have gotten back to the old do X strike X times until you got lucky then developers haven't learned anything. Meaningless grind until you get one object is not good for the game nor offers that good replayability everyone craves for
Loved the personaity and fun you are showing in ypur videos. Thank you for your hard work and education not to mention the awesome comedy.
Turns out the only thing that truly went fast is the interest in this update.
5:44 "it makes the staff so much [...] smoother and faster"
- Datto does euphemisms
The TTK issue has morphed into a power ammo issue; having more ammo for powers can speed up gameplay and more enjoyable, but with weak primaries you can’t counter power that has faster movement speed, thus making acrius rush and colony spam the new dominant strat.
Pete XN dude i could easily out run colony before
That opening put such a huge smile on my face
Lachegga Yeahhh
Where? I didn't see it. Time stamp?
Who cares?
P.S are you happy now that you don’t have to use a primary weapon in PvP anymore? Are you going to stop whining on every D2 video now? Lol
LiftedSlayer said the one who wines about his 1.3k/d getting worse lmao. Ur just trash and profit of d2 low ttk.
LiftedSlayer said the on who only plays 4stacked an has average 9 kills per game in quickplay lmao.
You talk pretty big for a noob with 2 times flawless.
You re in every comment section trying to insult me but you fail so hard 😂 try getting 40 times flawless and stop playing trials for 3 months and dont talk big if your simply shit in every aspect of the game. Thanks.
This is actually the first time I waited over a day for a video
Wait now arcstriders are "annoying" man we hunters can't get a break.
Angelic Demon FoH is still possibly the worst super I’ve ever encountered
Julio Perez "Possibly"? nah, it is lol.
Julio Perez Then use Nova Bomb in D2. You're welcome...I guess. I don't know if that glorified Vortex Grenade twice a game made you feel better or worse...
Angelic Demon WARLOCK MASTER RACE boyyyyy
First nightstalkers and now arcstriders our hunters are getting abused all the time next it will be golden gun
That no scope jumping sniper finish at 10:39 is really all I wanted to call out.
I've ran the Prestige Nightfall at least 20 times now, no Sniper. Friend of mine ran it 4 times with me, 2 Snipers. Kill meh.
well done! and good luck grinding for it,it is actually pretty good for a fucking change!
Sasquatch I got mine on my first normal nightfall
Sasquatch I got it first time its a pretty good sniper
Wait so even if you have done the nightfall on all of your characters you still have a chance to get the drop?
The Number1Candyman yeah, you can do normal or Prestige as many times as you want for it. Better the score you get, better drop chance.
thanks Datto ... *very* helpful concise summary of your first thoughts about "Go Fast Update, aka D2 1.1.4".
Love the beginning 😂😂
Great video. Loved the commentary. Always spot on. Good observations.
In d1 they had finally gotten power ammo to a good place. 1 spawn per game per team at the same time. I don't know why they felt the need to change it.
And I hated that it even spawned once a game. Needless to say, I don't play D2 anymore.
JonathanB117 i enjoy the change
Garrett Howard to each their own, if I wanted copious amounts of heavy I stick to mayhem.
I like how you sound less depressed when there is something to talk about. Good video man.
So you are clapping like Calus now!
Datto is absolutely underrated for his personality and humor, awesome vid as usual... See you and Triple tonight on the podcast...
Came to drop Datto a like, Left cause D2 is still depressing...
Haven't taken a single look at D2 since November. Now thanks to Datto (making a video and it actually showing up in my sub box) I'm looking into getting it on pc and actually trying to enjoy it again.
Haven't watched the video yet, but please just roast Bungie for not changing sprint speed in any way or the fact that 0 Mobility and 10 Mobility offer the exact same speed.
edit: was not disappointed
Perplex Donut they said they won’t change sprint speed because it effects the loading of the game
Austin Ayers I never said I agree with it, I was just pointing out what Bungie said
How about the increase of speed for every class, but the class that is suppose to be the fastest (hunter). This has now made them the slowest lol
Perplex Donut 0 mobility and 10 mobility do have a difference
Walk speed
Load speed ( yes higher mobility = faster load speed )
Faster strafe speed
IIRC they explained before that they want to keep sprint speed more or less constant across the board because that determines how long they have to load in content / find instances as you move between nodes in the world. For example, remember with Arcon's Forge it was best to walk slowly up to the entry to give the system time to find an instance with other players. Faster movement (sprint or sparrow) means either getting halted by the loading screen more often and/or not meeting other players in public spaces just because they didn't have time to find a suitable instance.
I love how Warlock and Titan got some big boosts to their jumps but Hunters the "mobility class" did not. Hunters are useless like the shadestep.. 15 sec cooldown for what? To reload the gun?
imHrvaT nah, Nightstalker can allow for a dodge that restores smoke grenade when near an enemy. With Gemini Jester, its amazing to go Invis, get ur smoke back, throw it, and disrupt your enemy's radar. But thats just how i use it
BerryFruit Official no
mobility =/= speed, hunter arent made to be the most fast class, they are made to be the more mobile, btw you can reduce this cooldown now with mods, and not only to reload a gun, but to avoid shots/reload your melee/stop tracking from nades/running away. sahdestep is everything but useless, i think in pvp the most useless class ability is rift, because it cna only be used in some situations, most of the time if a plyer see you in a rift he is going to leave you alone in your rift (or one shot you with legend of power ammo). and if you try to put a rift during your 1v1....well rip
btw use stompes, and you'll have a fast jump with the hunter.
I use the dodge roll that refills the melee charge. I like it because it can take you out of an engagement and into cover, or evade a boss strength death bomb. 15 sec for a get out of death free card seems like agood deal to me
Wale Wanmark but they should be the fastest class. Titans and warlocks can have over 10 resilience / recovery and be waaay faster. Mobility have no Impact in the gameplay itself and thats because its useless. Correct me if im wrong, but all these effects "avoid shots/ stop tracking from nades" (basically d1 shadestep) are only available in the Vanishing Step so its only in the Nightstalker class not in the other classes. And my biggest problem is, it took 15 sec.. it should be min 5 sec (in d1 3sec). And you say you can reduce this cooldown, what is the best possibly cooldown? PS: Sry for my english :D
I love the humor you put into your videos
I think that pvp is way more fun especially rumble
Yup....i think so too!! I'm actually playing the game again. Bungie has a long way to go to bring back their customers.... See what happens
Looking good, almost there. Probably pick it up when it gets a "TTK" style update.
Datto, why do you think they don't just put shotguns and snipers back in the special weapon (secondary) slot like it was in Destiny rather than the heavy slot? To me, I feel that this would solve most "power" and balance issues with d2
Do you not remember the plague of shotguns and snipers, particularly shotguns, in D1 PVP? I remember shotguns were an issue as that is all most would use in D1 PVP. Pretty sure that is one of the reasons they were put in power for D2. Bungie tried to reduce the access to one shot weapons, which people were always complaining about in D1 PVP. Now, people complain that they don't have that, so they've now increased the power ammo spawn.
With all this back and forth, flip flop responses from the community, I'm not surprised Bungie has been misstepping on things.
The entire game would have to be rebalanced. There is no system that wouldnt be thrown off by such a drastic move and for PvP there would be no reason to run anything but the OHKO option in that slot and we would be back to shotgun sniper spam.
Shotguns and Snipers in PvP D1 were the only way to play effectively. Mostly shotguns. It became one of the worst PvP experiences long term.
And Snipers were considered the only thing you should ever use against bosses in D1, as well.
Imagine Acrius in the special slot.
This is why.
I just recently got a Heart of Time. This thing is a MONSTER. The high rate of fire with dragonfly makes this thing simply spectacular. I loved this update for being a good step in the right direction.
The Nightfall loot is garbage straight garbage
I wasn't expecting anything but I was at least expecting to have them all weapons instead of ghosts and ships.
sendo427 g
I know your gonna hate this but Bungie said the armor and some items got delayed till May
Forcer well I didn't read that part I guess.
This is true but damn did they make the one weapon they released lame :(
Dread weight even the handcannon is bad?
That Dawnblade skating was legendary I was dying about how fast he was moving
no stop Datto you have to stop my children and wife are scared
Been waiting for this video, great job👍🏻
they made PVP and PVE damage separate...
Literally the only youtuber I'll watch for a D2 update review.
Meme Review *clap* *clap* LOL
I loved this video. You have a great sense of humor
LooooooL imagine when he sat down if he went REEEEEEEEEEEEER
I have no idea what the start of the video was but I loled.
7 runs of the same NF strike is not the grind I am looking for(and still no NF specific loot). In D1, at least you didnt have to run the same old strike over and over and over cause there were specific loot in every Heroic strike, so if you didnt get the loot at the end of a strike, you moved on to another strike. The Nightfall loot really didnt even look that great, and the worst part is the same old boring perks. You would think Bungie wouldve learned after the Osiris Forged weapons, the weapons looked super cool, but because the perks are mostly boring on every one of those weapons, people did not use them!
Look again. The sniper has Opening Shot (increased range and accuracy on the opening shot of an attack...it's a sniper so every shot activates the perk). That means insane aim assist. If you combine that with a range-boosting Masterwork version, you can aim at someone's chest and get a headshot in PVP, it's insane XD
Destiny is a game about grinding. If you don’t want to grind then don’t play destiny
I dont mind the grind, please ready my comment again before replying. I stated running the same strike over and over isnt the kind of grind I am looking for. I never said I mind grinding. I have 3 characters all maxed out in D1 w/about 400 raid completions, and also have 3 maxed out characters in D2, so I do not mind grinding.
Couldn't find the info. anywhere but do you always get a chance at the nf loot, even if re-running it? Or do you get one shot per character, per week?
Evil Giggles Snapshot is better
I think this is a step in the right direction and I’m looking forward for the next updates
Datto has his fridge right next to his station, I need that.
The only map I thought worked with 8 player rumble was distant shore
that intro definitely deserves a THUMBS UP
Easy way to solve heavy ammo (I do like the change) is to put a cool down timer on heavy ammo when you pick it up which includes bricks from fallen enemies or a fresh pick up.
Give us special allthe time like the golden days of d1
Just like to point out that there was a 1 min ad and it didn't had a skip option.
This video was worth watching alone for the Dawnblade Suicide Run, Thumbs Up! (6:41-6:56) Literally laughed out loud.
Datto's dry wit and sardonic humor is the best... though I could be biased since I have the same type of humorous nature.
Seriously though thanks for the information. Haven't played Destiny 2 in a while, but still try to keep informed for when I return when the DLC drops in May.
Its nice to see Datto having fun with D2
Amazing review. Such amuse!
I took a gander at the comments section and didn't see one, so figured I'd offer an explanation as to the rationale behind mobility not affecting sprint speed. For the record, this is conjecture, not fact. But, as someone who's been designing maps for Halo for years, it makes a lot of sense to me.
Allowing a high degree of variability in maximum movement speed (i.e. sprint speed) is, frankly, dangerous. This speed is the primary factor in how long it takes players to traverse the map, reach key locations, etc. like you mentioned in the video. Allowing this speed to be too variable, then, would have a huge impact on game pacing and it would influence that pacing in a very random, unpredictable way. When designing a map, the scale needs to be based around a fairly predictable range of maximum movement speed. Obviously some variability can be afforded, but doing this through a handful of relatively low-impact perks and/or inherent class differences is a much less risky way to do this. You mention your concerns with spawning in Rumble in the video. Allowing for this kind of variability would put a huge amount of stress on, and introduce a significant amount of additional randomization that the spawn system would have to attempt to account for. If players could move significantly faster than they can now, we would start to see spawning on the existing map lineup really start to fall apart.
The second side of the equation is that the base movement speed (i.e. non-sprint speed) plays a much larger role in combat. This is the speed players move at while engaging other players in combat and that combat loop is obviously at the core of an FPS like D2. Allowing players to strafe just a little bit faster has a much larger impact on that core combat loop than I believe a lot of people realize. This is why there is a relatively small delta between base speed and maximum speed in a game like Halo 5.
In short, I think that limiting max speed to a relatively narrow, predictable range while allowing players to better customize their base speed makes a lot of sense. At a surface level, I can definitely understand why it feels weird that the Mobility stat only affects base speed, though.
Anyway, just food for thought. Loved the video and loved your analysis as usual.
nice review, as always. I could not stop laughing after 6:50 though
Antiope-D, the Inaugural Address, and the Tarantula was my loadout pre-patch; I have ascended now
Thanks for the update.
I suppose the point of sprint is to make move the fastest in certain situations and the same speed for everyone. It’s not the default movement. Walking or actually running (what you in fact do when you tilt the stick all the way forward) is how you are suppose to move around in most cases. That fact that most people are sprinting all the time is a different matter.
Legend of Acrius that the PvP side PvE is the Linear fusion rifle
12:58 “The movement speeds increases are nice but depending on what kind of player you are, they are subtle, and some people might not notice some of the finer adjustments.”
Exactly how I feel. PVP still the same to me, PVE, just a little different.
Hey Datto, I only just got around to listen to this - I really enjoyed the dry humor. To answer the question you posed - you can (and I'd love to see it) test if 4v4 is the reason D2 feels teamshotty -> play 4v4 in D1 customs. The increased movement, tighter radar, more potent weapons, primary/special system and better maps (Rusted Lands
Great work man, thank you!
All my friends are saying ‘we’re waiting for Datto to do the latest Damage Comparison’ and I agree with them. We need to see ‘Numbers’ hehe! It’s been a while Datto, welcome back.
I really enjoy your content even though I don't play destiny 2 at the time
Also love your humor
Great vid, nice to see u again
I think an interesting change to strike loot would be to 'Monster Hunter'-rise it. Make it so, when we kill a boss, we get either materials or a whole weapon/armour piece, and have unique skins (perks that are specific for the strike?), just so you can have more variety in your builds, with more diverse armour.
Here is what they should do.
- Have Hunters be able to run along and hang on walls(Titanfall style)
- Have Warlocks be able to actually levitate without any need for exotics or special skills. Just hold the button and be able to move freely in any direction.
- Have Titans just be rockets, being able to move across distances or upwards at incredibly fast speeds, but have a slower sprint speed.
@datto i have a guess/theory or whatever you would call it about the sprint speed question. i point to an encounter in the raid where in dogs if you croutch and walk as supposed to walking fast toward the blossum you won't or will have a better chance to NOT trigger the dogs to see you and your fireteam. perhaps there is an underlying mechanic that if base sprint speed were increased across the board it would possible create a bug where the dogs would get triggered automatically no matter if croutched, sprinting, walking or whatever. just a thought.
Datto great video you legend. And I have 1 gripe to pick, your awesome at pvp :). I tried my Titan after the update didn’t know to much of a difference and I hope they don’t nerf heaps of there changes. Like arc strider and dawnblade. Thanks for all your videos datto your the best and with destiny I enjoy it in and off here and there. Thanks mate.
I’m loving the raid pulse rifle right now.
Overall I found this patch to be a step in the right direction, I think this patch combined with what’s coming in the May patch could lead to a fun summer of playing Destiny 2. I’m feeling optimistic about the state of the game and where it’s headed! Always love to hear Dattos thoughts.
Is anyone else sad that they didn't get to see if datto got his legend of power ammo back at 13:08
Loved the funny video. It was super refreshing for some reason, lol.
ill hop back on when warmind dlc drops. might as well since i got the season pass with the white pro. ima have a good chunk to do since i skipped the entirety of osiris
It literally made my life when I saw the PewDiePie meme at the beginning😂😂 Good work Datto!!
Love that opening squadfam.
Datto! More content! I need you! The others are nowhere near as entertaining as you! MOAR!
Remember in halo when they didn't show you where the power weapons were and finding it was just part of the map? That was pretty neat.