Alex Gaeckle AznAfroMan513 Not that it really matters, but we had 2 snares, 2 quads, and 1 bass go to Coats, and have a snare from 13 and 14 there this year. Props to them for keeping up with what they love, regardless of where it is :D
Benjy Braude Cheers dude, I never meant to evoke any negative connotations. Also yeah, I was pleasantly surprised when I heard Terry got contracted with Coats. I thought he aged out already lol bonus year or just young? Anyways, it's cool seeing you march X!
These guys are getting better every year and I mean it. Some serious thunders were made by these guys this year.
videos never do the performance justice, it always sounds better in person lol
Not bad sound quality. Different from 2013.
just realized there wasn't a single vet on the snareline this year
Yeah because two snares and two tenors went Bluecoats that season.
lol your point? Well obviously the snare vets all either aged out, didn't march, or went to other no shit. I was just musing
Alex Gaeckle AznAfroMan513 Not that it really matters, but we had 2 snares, 2 quads, and 1 bass go to Coats, and have a snare from 13 and 14 there this year. Props to them for keeping up with what they love, regardless of where it is :D
Benjy Braude Cheers dude, I never meant to evoke any negative connotations. Also yeah, I was pleasantly surprised when I heard Terry got contracted with Coats. I thought he aged out already lol bonus year or just young? Anyways, it's cool seeing you march X!
I was suppose to march last snare for Coats this season but was giving an alt contract to help them during the summer at Akron.
Little did Aaron know, he'd be center snare of the Bluecoats during their first winning season...
ayy Eric
They need to groove more ;)