Don't pay attention to the time and whatever numbers. By paying attention to these things and whatever more things, techniques create in all probability aligned with your time and numbers. Don't pay attention to the time unless you have an appointment for example and numbers are important if you need them 💕🙏
Long live his holiness Dalia Lama 🙏🙏🙏gen jamyang la karten chi very good job thank you soooo much 🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍
That's now exactly what I meant 🙏
Meditation reduces in all probability these alignments 🙏
Don't pay attention to the time and whatever numbers. By paying attention to these things and whatever more things, techniques create in all probability aligned with your time and numbers. Don't pay attention to the time unless you have an appointment for example and numbers are important if you need them 💕🙏
Knowing good, otherwise meditation.
So now meditation 🙏
I know 3:33 o'clock 🙏