Thank you for this story. In the midst of the most unbearable tragedy playing out in Palestine this felt ever so slightly healing. I will take this pain and turn it into actions of peace, small and big. I will practice not othering people in any forms or contexts and I will acknowledge and speak to the humanity and courage in everyone. May even our smallest acts have a great impact on this hurting world.
Blessings to you Dear Johanna! Thank you for sharing this with me & the world. I was 1st introduced to the teachings of Shambala by students of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Like the Dalai Lama I have faith that world peace is still possible. There are many sacrifices along the way. So long as I ride on a wind horse of meditation I gain the inner strength in the becoming of a Bodhisattva Warrior. OM MANE PADME HUM!
6:22 Compassion for the abused and for yourself if you are abused is priority. Enabling abuse is not compassion. It is being the problem. Narcissistic people rise in to power. Manipulation and lies are ruining our sense making capabilities. Only radical honesty can help us to turn things around. Only knowing who are willing to be honest can you work with and trust. Without trustworthy people, it is just the same situation as we are here today. We are here because of manipulation and lies, to gain advantage and serve self-interest. That self-intrest of "leaders" ruining our communities and countries. If you want to "save the world", you have to be honest and have to be aware who are on the path of honesty. We can't lie , we can't elect manipulating leaders and expect that we have a chance to turn things around.
You don't "swim" with people who drown you. A mother don't trust people who supporting those who separate families. A "spiritual person" doesn't choose his friends by looking at their bank account and their "beautiful, plastic surgeried faces". A person who is healing from narcissistic abuse is not friend with enabling flying monkeys. A compassionate person doesn't vote to criminalize others sleeping. They don't "solve" problems by wishing problems to disappear in the sunset. They don't giggle when others suffer. They don't put you on the street. They don't silence you. You choose your friends and I choose to say no to these and you. You don't *trust* people who demand compliance. You just don't trust untrustworthy people. Go and swim with those you worship. Your numby-es and nimby-es. I am not your "object". You abused me. Please, get it: you are not my swimming body.
In 1986 we had mass demonstrations at the uranium mining facility on native land outside LasVegas with 4000 peaceful arrests and at the bomb production plant, Rocky Flats New Mexico, we blocked workers access to multiple entrances.
Choegyal Rinpoché: -Llegará una época en la que toda la vida sobre la Tierra estará en peligro. En esa época habrán aparecido grandes potencias; potencias bárbaras. Aunque dilapidan su riqueza en preparativos para aniquilarse entre sí, tienen mucho en común: armas de muerte y destrucción inconcebibles, y tecnologías que arrasarán el mundo. Y es precisamente entonces, cuando todo el futuro de todos los seres penderá del más frágil de los hilos, cuando surgirá el reino de Shambhala. »No podemos ir allí, no es un lugar. Existe en el corazón y la mente de los guerreros de Shambhala. En realidad, no podemos saber a simple vista quién es un guerrero o una guerrera de Shambhala porque no llevan uniformes ni insignias ni ondean banderas. No tienen barricadas a las que subir para amenazar al enemigo o tras las cuales descansar y reagruparse. Ni siquiera tienen tierra natal, pues deben moverse por siempre jamás por el terreno de las potencias bárbaras. »Este es el momento en el que los guerreros de Shambhala necesitarán una gran valentía; valentía moral y valentía física, porque van a ir al mismísimo corazón del poder bárbaro para desmantelar sus armas. Armas en todos los sentidos de la palabra: las bombas y armamentos, fabricadas y desplegadas, y los pasillos del poder donde se toman las decisiones, para desmantelar las armas. »Los guerreros de Shambhala saben que estas armas pueden desmantelarse porque son manomaya, están hechas con la mente. Están hechas por la mente humana y la mente humana puede desmantelarlas. Porque los desastres que nos amenazan y se despliegan no son causados por una fuerza extraterrestre o alguna deidad satánica o ni siquiera por un destino inamovible. Surgen de nuestras relaciones y nuestras prioridades y nuestros hábitos. Están hechos por la mente humana y la mente humana puede deshacerlos. Así pues, ha llegado el momento -dijo- de que los guerreros de Shambhala se entrenen.» -¿Cómo se entrenan? -dije yo. -Se entrenan en el uso de dos armas. -¿Cuáles son? -pregunté. Y entonces sostuvo las manos como los lamas sostienen los objetos rituales en las grandes danzas de los lamas y dijo: -Una es la compasión y la otra, el conocimiento profundo de la interdependencia radical de todos los fenómenos. Y necesitamos ambas, una sola no basta. Necesitamos la compasión porque nos proporciona el combustible, la fuerza motriz que nos hace salir e ir a donde tenemos que estar para hacer lo que tenemos que hacer. Cuando no tenemos miedo del sufrimiento de nuestro mundo nada puede detenernos. Pero eso por sí solo es demasiado caliente, puede quemarnos. Así que necesitamos la otra, necesitamos esa sabiduría, ese conocimiento profundo de la pertenencia mutua de todo lo que está entretejido en el entramado de la vida. Y cuando tenemos eso, vemos, sabemos que no se trata de una guerra entre buenos y malos, pues la línea que separa el bien y el mal recorre el paisaje de todos los corazones humanos. Y estamos tan entretejidos en el entramado de la vida que hasta el más pequeño de los actos realizados con una intención clara tiene repercusiones en todo ese entramado en formas que apenas vemos. »Pero eso -dijo- es un poco frío por sí solo, y por eso necesitamos el calor de la compasión. Y si miras a los monjes tibetanos recitando, verás muchas veces que en sus puyas [rituales] mueven las manos haciendo mudras; están representando la danza de la interacción entre karuna y prajna, entre la compasión y la sabiduría.»
Ok, so there has been a lot of synchronicity lately that lead me here, but I have to tell you, I don't think I am one of these warriors. I am a nobody. I don't have anything to offer. It would be like putting in the waterboy during a football game. I think the universe made a mistake giving me the heads up about this, but you guys do right...
Narcissism. It is a spectrum. Everybody has a certain amount. Some are healthy because it protects you, it protects you against those who attacks you too. It is to be human, and an individual. The right to be you. To know you have a value as an individual. It seems "cringy", same as ego and they are closely related. I know. I feel the cringe too. I have been too low on the "spectrum of self protection" all my life and I paid for it. All in all, it didn't worth it. It has more suffering than positive outcome. Not just for me. If you understand that to have a world with all differently unique people, you have to have ego. If you understand that you can protect yourself and you can protect others too in the same time, but you have to protect the boundaries between you, the "cringe" softens. In enabling relationships one person takes over someone else's "self regulation". One person can't regulate himself and because of his selfishness, only looking at his own intrest. Without having mutual respect, unhealthy give and take with exploitation and without having a shared support of the whole. It is one sided and unhealthy for the whole. Once you have a boundary, it falls on the other person to start to learn to regulate him or herself. Even if it is challenging for them, it is the only way to start developing in themselves, not to put it on other people's shoulders. It is better for the community too. If all the hardship falls on those who have more compassion and all those who refuses to behave civil and not to use others: the people with compassion "break", the people with compassion carry more than their share, it stunts them, only those grow who are selfish and they waste of their gains on unworthy, fleshy, "image signal-y" things. (Fleshy cars, houses, yachts, private airplanes, being an "influencer" and traveling all year long - without creating a stable home and getting to a point of being bored of it....) Narcissism is a spectrum and the best way to protect yourself to go too far is to recognize when you are taking too much from others or not giving back enough to the community when you actually can. I always will promote help for those in need. I have been always a "helper". Not everyone is coming from a supportive environment. Some people have more hardship than others. Sometimes people fall on hard times. In a healthy community, supporting each other was always necessary. Especially in old times when there was nothing more than your community to rely on. In less develop countries it is still there. The nice people are so damn nice, they do it from their heart, they feel with you, they hit hard times before and they know how much they needed their good neighbors. In less developed countries the bad ones are worse too. Because the law is less developed to protect the vulnerable, the country protects power, influence and corruption. It is hard to find a balance sometimes to know where the health boundary is but it is the only way to thrive as a diverse community with a future that worth looking forward too. But to hold the opposites in your hand and feel the pain of the pull is hard. Hold on! You are stronger than you think. You are smarter than you know. If you have the right compassion. For others and yourself too.
Fine words, well meant, totally irrelevant to anything I have witnessed in my life. There are more people enslaved now than there were when it was legal, 150 to 200 species go extinct everyday, climate change is displacing hundreds of thousands of people every day, humanity slaughters hundreds of billions of animals each year, I just read about an 8 year old girl who was gang-raped by 25 or 30 men in Africa, and all the monks she talks about waving their hands in the air did not save a single one of those lives. I am 70 years old and I will be glad to leave this beautiful but god-forsaken rock and I hope never to return because of the race of rapacious monsters who are destroying all the life here--including themselves. I don't know if there is a "god" of some sort, I don't know if there is a web of life, but after 7 decades of drowning in the human cesspool on this planet I have to admit that I've never seen any evidence of either one.
@@junglie That's sort of the point I was making: Until we die no one knows what happens. I get tired of people claiming to know and getting on You Tube or up in a pulpit and announcing what happens like they have a hot line to Heaven when in fact they don't know anymore than any of the rest of us. I suspect that some people are comforted by these proclamations because they are afraid and will cling anything that seems to offer reassurance. It is a sad truth that most people would rather believe a comforting lie than an unpleasant truth. The rarely discussed problem with ALL religions is the hiddeness of god. It appears that if there is a god then they have gone to great lengths to hide their existence from us. If a god wanted people to know that they exist then they certainly have the power to make themselves known, but in all of human history there is not a single documentable instance of proof of any god. Again, this shows that people prefer a comfortable lie to an unpleasant truth.
Surely proof of God is in your experience of Him? This is not His world, if you don't like it here ask Him to get you out, ask for His help, no need for religion or spirituality of any kind. He knows your heart, let Him lead you home, and know that heaven is where you go when you die, and God has no concept of death ❤
@@Love2all-tz3fh Where do you get the authority to speak for God? Can you demonstrate that this is not His world? How do you know that Heaven is where you go when you die? Got proof? God has NO CONCEPT of death? Hello? Got something to back up that wild statement?
Dont worry he is about to come , some call him mesiah some call him saviour , he will come and jesus will come. We need a teacher he is the only one Al Mahdi
Do you think if your practice doesn't include "karma", if you think prioritizing the ones who use, abuse and would rather destroy others is something that is new? That is why we are here. Because of no consequences, because of the abandonment of those who are vulnerable. Do you think it is insight? Not to see what one hungry ghost is capable doing? Do you even call it Buddhism? Buddhism without karma, without compassion for the vulnerable, only having any consideration to the ones who are in your "tribe/cult"? Having the one main requirement for membership: support those who can't stop themselves from hurting others. Yes, you can go listen to it again and twist it to your liking. Some use all that many are depending on. There will be no survival if we can't change. Nobody is anybody's doormat to be used. That is not Buddhism.
I wonder how much you perked up because of the flower language... I can totally see how your mind went high and back to its usual habit to think how much better you are than the rest. That is why we need science to understand. Not flower language interpretation, imagining between lines.
Thank you for this story. In the midst of the most unbearable tragedy playing out in Palestine this felt ever so slightly healing. I will take this pain and turn it into actions of peace, small and big. I will practice not othering people in any forms or contexts and I will acknowledge and speak to the humanity and courage in everyone. May even our smallest acts have a great impact on this hurting world.
I love you, Johanna and friends! Thank you for reminding us of this prophecy. May all Shambala Warriors arise to help all sentient beings! ❤🙏🙏🙏
What a marvelous offering. Thank you, Joanna Macy and those who have presented this recording.
Blessings to you Dear Johanna! Thank you for sharing this with me & the world. I was 1st introduced to the teachings of Shambala by students of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Like the Dalai Lama I have faith that world peace is still possible. There are many sacrifices along the way. So long as I ride on a wind horse of meditation I gain the inner strength in the becoming of a Bodhisattva Warrior. OM MANE PADME HUM!
6:22 Compassion for the abused and for yourself if you are abused is priority. Enabling abuse is not compassion. It is being the problem. Narcissistic people rise in to power. Manipulation and lies are ruining our sense making capabilities. Only radical honesty can help us to turn things around. Only knowing who are willing to be honest can you work with and trust. Without trustworthy people, it is just the same situation as we are here today. We are here because of manipulation and lies, to gain advantage and serve self-interest. That self-intrest of "leaders" ruining our communities and countries. If you want to "save the world", you have to be honest and have to be aware who are on the path of honesty. We can't lie , we can't elect manipulating leaders and expect that we have a chance to turn things around.
You don't "swim" with people who drown you. A mother don't trust people who supporting those who separate families. A "spiritual person" doesn't choose his friends by looking at their bank account and their "beautiful, plastic surgeried faces". A person who is healing from narcissistic abuse is not friend with enabling flying monkeys. A compassionate person doesn't vote to criminalize others sleeping. They don't "solve" problems by wishing problems to disappear in the sunset. They don't giggle when others suffer. They don't put you on the street. They don't silence you. You choose your friends and I choose to say no to these and you.
You don't *trust* people who demand compliance. You just don't trust untrustworthy people.
Go and swim with those you worship. Your numby-es and nimby-es. I am not your "object". You abused me. Please, get it: you are not my swimming body.
Thank you ❤!
모습이 젊은 중년이 시네요 현재는 90이시라고 합니다 붓다에 대한 공감을 만나고 싶어 찾아서 요기까지 들어 왔어요👍
Thanks again dI do hear these since many years and always it brings me ta deep stat of hart and soul knows ,!,❤️
In 1986 we had mass demonstrations at the uranium mining facility on native land outside LasVegas with 4000 peaceful arrests and at the bomb production plant, Rocky Flats New Mexico, we blocked workers access to multiple entrances.
Thank you! Deeply touched. Feels very meaningful
This resonates with something deep inside me. Thank you.
I encountered sharula in 2000 from shambhalla and she told me of things to come
This is a message for sabateurs.
Choegyal Rinpoché:
-Llegará una época en la que toda la vida sobre la Tierra estará en peligro. En esa época habrán aparecido grandes potencias; potencias bárbaras. Aunque dilapidan su riqueza en preparativos para aniquilarse entre sí, tienen mucho en común: armas de muerte y destrucción inconcebibles, y tecnologías que arrasarán el mundo. Y es precisamente entonces, cuando todo el futuro de todos los seres penderá del más frágil de los hilos, cuando surgirá el reino de Shambhala.
»No podemos ir allí, no es un lugar. Existe en el corazón y la mente de los guerreros de Shambhala. En realidad, no podemos saber a simple vista quién es un guerrero o una guerrera de Shambhala porque no llevan uniformes ni insignias ni ondean banderas. No tienen barricadas a las que subir para amenazar al enemigo o tras las cuales descansar y reagruparse. Ni siquiera tienen tierra natal, pues deben moverse por siempre jamás por el terreno de las potencias bárbaras.
»Este es el momento en el que los guerreros de Shambhala necesitarán una gran valentía; valentía moral y valentía física, porque van a ir al mismísimo corazón del poder bárbaro para desmantelar sus armas. Armas en todos los sentidos de la palabra: las bombas y armamentos, fabricadas y desplegadas, y los pasillos del poder donde se toman las decisiones, para desmantelar las armas.
»Los guerreros de Shambhala saben que estas armas pueden desmantelarse porque son manomaya, están hechas con la mente. Están hechas por la mente humana y la mente humana puede desmantelarlas. Porque los desastres que nos amenazan y se despliegan no son causados por una fuerza extraterrestre o alguna deidad satánica o ni siquiera por un destino inamovible. Surgen de nuestras relaciones y nuestras prioridades y nuestros hábitos. Están hechos por la mente humana y la mente humana puede deshacerlos. Así pues, ha llegado el momento -dijo- de que los guerreros de Shambhala se entrenen.»
-¿Cómo se entrenan? -dije yo.
-Se entrenan en el uso de dos armas.
-¿Cuáles son? -pregunté. Y entonces sostuvo las manos como los lamas sostienen los objetos rituales en las grandes danzas de los lamas y dijo:
-Una es la compasión y la otra, el conocimiento profundo de la interdependencia radical de todos los fenómenos. Y necesitamos ambas, una sola no basta. Necesitamos la compasión porque nos proporciona el combustible, la fuerza motriz que nos hace salir e ir a donde tenemos que estar para hacer lo que tenemos que hacer. Cuando no tenemos miedo del sufrimiento de nuestro mundo nada puede detenernos. Pero eso por sí solo es demasiado caliente, puede quemarnos. Así que necesitamos la otra, necesitamos esa sabiduría, ese conocimiento profundo de la pertenencia mutua de todo lo que está entretejido en el entramado de la vida. Y cuando tenemos eso, vemos, sabemos que no se trata de una guerra entre buenos y malos, pues la línea que separa el bien y el mal recorre el paisaje de todos los corazones humanos. Y estamos tan entretejidos en el entramado de la vida que hasta el más pequeño de los actos realizados con una intención clara tiene repercusiones en todo ese entramado en formas que apenas vemos.
»Pero eso -dijo- es un poco frío por sí solo, y por eso necesitamos el calor de la compasión. Y si miras a los monjes tibetanos recitando, verás muchas veces que en sus puyas [rituales] mueven las manos haciendo mudras; están representando la danza de la interacción entre karuna y prajna, entre la compasión y la sabiduría.»
Thank you kindly 😊
Are you happy for me to reference + credit you & what you've shared in my book and direct them to your video?
01st Oct 2024 11:11 PM Thailand Local Time
Ok, so there has been a lot of synchronicity lately that lead me here, but I have to tell you, I don't think I am one of these warriors. I am a nobody. I don't have anything to offer. It would be like putting in the waterboy during a football game. I think the universe made a mistake giving me the heads up about this, but you guys do right...
Narcissism. It is a spectrum. Everybody has a certain amount. Some are healthy because it protects you, it protects you against those who attacks you too. It is to be human, and an individual. The right to be you. To know you have a value as an individual.
It seems "cringy", same as ego and they are closely related. I know. I feel the cringe too. I have been too low on the "spectrum of self protection" all my life and I paid for it. All in all, it didn't worth it. It has more suffering than positive outcome. Not just for me.
If you understand that to have a world with all differently unique people, you have to have ego. If you understand that you can protect yourself and you can protect others too in the same time, but you have to protect the boundaries between you, the "cringe" softens.
In enabling relationships one person takes over someone else's "self regulation". One person can't regulate himself and because of his selfishness, only looking at his own intrest. Without having mutual respect, unhealthy give and take with exploitation and without having a shared support of the whole. It is one sided and unhealthy for the whole. Once you have a boundary, it falls on the other person to start to learn to regulate him or herself. Even if it is challenging for them, it is the only way to start developing in themselves, not to put it on other people's shoulders. It is better for the community too. If all the hardship falls on those who have more compassion and all those who refuses to behave civil and not to use others: the people with compassion "break", the people with compassion carry more than their share, it stunts them, only those grow who are selfish and they waste of their gains on unworthy, fleshy, "image signal-y" things. (Fleshy cars, houses, yachts, private airplanes, being an "influencer" and traveling all year long - without creating a stable home and getting to a point of being bored of it....)
Narcissism is a spectrum and the best way to protect yourself to go too far is to recognize when you are taking too much from others or not giving back enough to the community when you actually can.
I always will promote help for those in need. I have been always a "helper". Not everyone is coming from a supportive environment. Some people have more hardship than others. Sometimes people fall on hard times. In a healthy community, supporting each other was always necessary. Especially in old times when there was nothing more than your community to rely on. In less develop countries it is still there. The nice people are so damn nice, they do it from their heart, they feel with you, they hit hard times before and they know how much they needed their good neighbors. In less developed countries the bad ones are worse too. Because the law is less developed to protect the vulnerable, the country protects power, influence and corruption.
It is hard to find a balance sometimes to know where the health boundary is but it is the only way to thrive as a diverse community with a future that worth looking forward too.
But to hold the opposites in your hand and feel the pain of the pull is hard. Hold on! You are stronger than you think. You are smarter than you know. If you have the right compassion. For others and yourself too.
Yo, this comment deserves 100 likes. I started with mine. Good effort.
money is the weapon
Fine words, well meant, totally irrelevant to anything I have witnessed in my life. There are more people enslaved now than there were when it was legal, 150 to 200 species go extinct everyday, climate change is displacing hundreds of thousands of people every day, humanity slaughters hundreds of billions of animals each year, I just read about an 8 year old girl who was gang-raped by 25 or 30 men in Africa, and all the monks she talks about waving their hands in the air did not save a single one of those lives. I am 70 years old and I will be glad to leave this beautiful but god-forsaken rock and I hope never to return because of the race of rapacious monsters who are destroying all the life here--including themselves. I don't know if there is a "god" of some sort, I don't know if there is a web of life, but after 7 decades of drowning in the human cesspool on this planet I have to admit that I've never seen any evidence of either one.
You will find out when you enter the light at last.
That's sort of the point I was making: Until we die no one knows what happens. I get tired of people claiming to know and getting on You Tube or up in a pulpit and announcing what happens like they have a hot line to Heaven when in fact they don't know anymore than any of the rest of us. I suspect that some people are comforted by these proclamations because they are afraid and will cling anything that seems to offer reassurance. It is a sad truth that most people would rather believe a comforting lie than an unpleasant truth.
The rarely discussed problem with ALL religions is the hiddeness of god. It appears that if there is a god then they have gone to great lengths to hide their existence from us. If a god wanted people to know that they exist then they certainly have the power to make themselves known, but in all of human history there is not a single documentable instance of proof of any god. Again, this shows that people prefer a comfortable lie to an unpleasant truth.
Surely proof of God is in your experience of Him? This is not His world, if you don't like it here ask Him to get you out, ask for His help, no need for religion or spirituality of any kind. He knows your heart, let Him lead you home, and know that heaven is where you go when you die, and God has no concept of death ❤
@@Love2all-tz3fh its not a "he" or a "she".
Where do you get the authority to speak for God? Can you demonstrate that this is not His world? How do you know that Heaven is where you go when you die? Got proof? God has NO CONCEPT of death? Hello? Got something to back up that wild statement?
Dont worry he is about to come , some call him mesiah some call him saviour , he will come and jesus will come. We need a teacher he is the only one Al Mahdi
Conspiracy spirituality will soon pass its use-by-date.
The greatest shambhala warrior is Christ Jesus
Do you think if your practice doesn't include "karma", if you think prioritizing the ones who use, abuse and would rather destroy others is something that is new? That is why we are here. Because of no consequences, because of the abandonment of those who are vulnerable. Do you think it is insight? Not to see what one hungry ghost is capable doing? Do you even call it Buddhism? Buddhism without karma, without compassion for the vulnerable, only having any consideration to the ones who are in your "tribe/cult"? Having the one main requirement for membership: support those who can't stop themselves from hurting others.
Yes, you can go listen to it again and twist it to your liking. Some use all that many are depending on. There will be no survival if we can't change. Nobody is anybody's doormat to be used. That is not Buddhism.
You can destroy me, but it will not change the outcome. You can't trick Karma. You will have what you deserve.
I wonder how much you perked up because of the flower language... I can totally see how your mind went high and back to its usual habit to think how much better you are than the rest. That is why we need science to understand. Not flower language interpretation, imagining between lines.
Do you think narcissists and sadists are shambhala warriors? Do you think YOU are when you protect them and not their targets?
I am Maitreya Ashtar or Bella boge-nielsen on fb